[nautilus] (14 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/antoniof/flow-box-preparation

The branch 'wip/antoniof/flow-box-preparation' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  a0881c8... Revert "nautilus-file.c: Add transparent padding to thumbna
  28c84ad... view-icon-item-ui: Bottom-align icons and thumbnails

Commits added to the branch:

  0521330... view-icon-item-ui: Draw shadow only if thumbnail available
  fcd2061... Revert "nautilus-file.c: Add transparent padding to thumbna
  3da0695... view-icon-item-ui: Bottom-align icons and thumbnails
  306e419... view-icon-controller: Implement .compare_files()
  38f088b... view-icon-controller: Implement .select_first()
  bac5115... view-icon-controller: Implement .can_zoom_{in,out}()
  cf2808c... view-icon-controller: Implement .invert_selection()
  dd37af3... view-icon-controller: Implement .get_first_visible_file()
  4a87b3e... view-icon-controller: Implement .scroll_to_file()
  7c36a0f... view-icon-controller: Fix selection when scrolled
  ebba0c1... view-icon-controller: Fix item reveal offset
  100571e... view-icon-controller: Don't set selection when not needed
  5fca97c... view-icon-controller: Open new tab with middle click
  95b315f... view-icon-controller: Implement single-click mode

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