[gnome-autoar/wip/oholy/extractor-raw-format-fix: 2/4] extractor: Fix extraction of raw format archives

commit b46a189982945d7154a12be59533f6385833a9cb
Author: Ondrej Holy <oholy redhat com>
Date:   Tue Nov 30 13:39:55 2021 +0100

    extractor: Fix extraction of raw format archives
    An extraction of raw format archives leads to crashes currently.
    This is because the generic "data" string is returned from libarchive
    instead of the real pathname, which is not expected currently. Let's
    handle this case properly and fallback to the source basename.
    Fixes: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-autoar/-/issues/38

 gnome-autoar/autoar-extractor.c | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnome-autoar/autoar-extractor.c b/gnome-autoar/autoar-extractor.c
index eb3edda..bb60901 100644
--- a/gnome-autoar/autoar-extractor.c
+++ b/gnome-autoar/autoar-extractor.c
@@ -964,6 +964,7 @@ autoar_extractor_check_file_conflict (AutoarExtractor *self,
   /* Check also parents for conflict to be sure it is directory. */
   parent = g_file_get_parent (file);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (parent, NULL);
   return autoar_extractor_check_file_conflict (self, parent, AE_IFDIR);
@@ -1664,11 +1665,15 @@ autoar_extractor_step_scan_toplevel (AutoarExtractor *self)
     self->use_raw_format = TRUE;
+    g_debug ("autoar_extractor_step_scan_toplevel: using raw format");
   while ((r = archive_read_next_header (a, &entry)) == ARCHIVE_OK) {
     const char *pathname;
     g_autofree char *utf8_pathname = NULL;
+    const char *symlink_pathname;
+    const char *hardlink_pathname;
     if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (self->cancellable)) {
       archive_read_free (a);
@@ -1683,28 +1688,26 @@ autoar_extractor_step_scan_toplevel (AutoarExtractor *self)
-    if (self->use_raw_format) {
-      pathname = autoar_common_get_basename_remove_extension (g_file_peek_path (self->source_file));
-      g_debug ("autoar_extractor_step_scan_toplevel: %d: raw pathname = %s",
-               self->total_files, pathname);
-    } else {
-      const char *symlink_pathname;
-      const char *hardlink_pathname;
-      pathname = archive_entry_pathname (entry);
-      utf8_pathname = autoar_common_get_utf8_pathname (pathname);
-      symlink_pathname = archive_entry_symlink (entry);
-      hardlink_pathname = archive_entry_hardlink (entry);
-      g_debug ("autoar_extractor_step_scan_toplevel: %d: pathname = %s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
-               self->total_files, pathname,
-               utf8_pathname ? " utf8 pathname = " : "",
-               utf8_pathname ? utf8_pathname : "",
-               symlink_pathname ? " symlink = " : "",
-               symlink_pathname ? symlink_pathname : "",
-               hardlink_pathname ? " hardlink = " : "",
-               hardlink_pathname ? hardlink_pathname : "");
-    }
+    pathname = archive_entry_pathname (entry);
+    utf8_pathname = autoar_common_get_utf8_pathname (pathname);
+    symlink_pathname = archive_entry_symlink (entry);
+    hardlink_pathname = archive_entry_hardlink (entry);
+    /* The raw format usually doesn't propagate file name and the generic "data"
+     * string is returned instead. Let's use source basename in that case.
+     */
+    if (self->use_raw_format && g_str_equal (pathname, "data"))
+      pathname = autoar_common_get_basename_remove_extension (self->source_basename);
+    g_debug ("autoar_extractor_step_scan_toplevel: %d: pathname = %s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
+             self->total_files, pathname,
+             utf8_pathname ? " utf8 pathname = " : "",
+             utf8_pathname ? utf8_pathname : "",
+             symlink_pathname ? " symlink = " : "",
+             symlink_pathname ? symlink_pathname : "",
+             hardlink_pathname ? " hardlink = " : "",
+             hardlink_pathname ? hardlink_pathname : "");
     self->files_list =
       g_list_prepend (self->files_list,
                       autoar_extractor_do_sanitize_pathname (self,
@@ -1889,6 +1892,12 @@ autoar_extractor_step_extract (AutoarExtractor *self) {
     pathname = archive_entry_pathname (entry);
     hardlink = archive_entry_hardlink (entry);
+    /* The raw format usually doesn't propagate file name and the generic "data"
+     * string is returned instead. Let's use source basename in that case.
+     */
+    if (self->use_raw_format && g_str_equal (pathname, "data"))
+      pathname = autoar_common_get_basename_remove_extension (self->source_basename);
     extracted_filename =
       autoar_extractor_do_sanitize_pathname (self, pathname);

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