[evince] (12 commits) ...build: Use symbol visibility to hide symbols in the nautilus module

Summary of changes:

  16c94dd... libdocument: Add missing headers to evince-document.h (*)
  db2425a... libdocument: Use symbol visibility for exported symbols (*)
  802ef2e... libdocument: Don't install private headers (*)
  d9134ec... libdocument: Sort evince-document.h includes (*)
  97a8f67... libview: EvAnnotationWindow is private to libview (*)
  024d912... libview: EvPageCache is private to libview (*)
  565be9b... libview: EvPixbufCache is private to libview (*)
  40f495f... libview: ev-view-cursor.h private to libview (*)
  8ac25ff... libview: Use symbol visibility for exported symbols (*)
  7fe031f... backends: Use symbol visibility for exported symbols (*)
  b300579... build: Use symbol visibility to hide symbols in private lib (*)
  b80ad51... build: Use symbol visibility to hide symbols in the nautilu (*)

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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