[chronojump/FS-LCD-Menu] Removed personWin addPhoto old unused LibCesarplayer methods

commit a2dbd8d83df4d8fa06f492978a1a62542a13fafc
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Fri Nov 26 17:37:46 2021 +0100

    Removed personWin addPhoto old unused LibCesarplayer methods

 src/gui/person/addModify.cs | 54 +--------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 53 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gui/person/addModify.cs b/src/gui/person/addModify.cs
index 01972a00a..7448b4e8a 100644
--- a/src/gui/person/addModify.cs
+++ b/src/gui/person/addModify.cs
@@ -428,59 +428,7 @@ public class PersonAddModifyWindow
-       }
-       //libCesarplayer method, jpeg
-       private void on_snapshot_done(Pixbuf pixbuf)
-       {
-               deleteOldPhotosIfAny(currentPerson.UniqueID);
-               string fileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Constants.PhotoTemp +
-                               Util.GetMultimediaExtension(Constants.MultimediaItems.PHOTO));
-               pixbuf.Save(fileName,"jpeg");
-               //on windows there are problem using the fileNames that are not on temp
-               if(!adding)
-                       File.Copy(fileName, Util.GetPhotoFileName(false, currentPerson.UniqueID), true); 
-               button_zoom.Sensitive = true;
-       }
-       //libCesarplayer method, jpeg
-       private void on_snapshot_mini_done(Pixbuf pixbuf)
-       {
-               deleteOldPhotosIfAny(currentPerson.UniqueID);
-               string tempSmallFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Constants.PhotoSmallTemp +
-                               Util.GetMultimediaExtension(Constants.MultimediaItems.PHOTO));
-               pixbuf.Save(tempSmallFileName,"jpeg");
-               //on windows there are problem using the fileNames that are not on temp
-               if(!adding)
-                       File.Copy(tempSmallFileName, Util.GetPhotoFileName(true, currentPerson.UniqueID), 
true); //overwrite
-               /*
-               capturer.Close();
-               capturer.Dispose();
-               */
-               capturerWindow.Hide();
-               person_win.Show();
-               string tempFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Constants.PhotoSmallTemp +
-                       Util.GetMultimediaExtension(Constants.MultimediaItems.PHOTO));
-               if(!adding) {
-                       //on windows there are problem using the fileNames that are not on temp
-                       string fileName = Util.GetPhotoFileName(true, currentPerson.UniqueID);
-                       File.Copy(fileName, tempFileName, true);
-               }
-               if(File.Exists(tempFileName)) {
-                       Pixbuf pixbuf2 = new Pixbuf (tempFileName); //from a file
-                       image_photo_mini.Pixbuf = pixbuf2;
-               }
+               button_delete_photo_file.Sensitive = true;
        void on_entries_required_changed (object o, EventArgs args)

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