[gnome-commander] Rewrite of many methods for transering files and folders via GIO

commit a0a6b876ef1907a62409f08b1902ce7827d71513
Author: Uwe Scholz <u scholz83 gmx de>
Date:   Fri Aug 27 20:10:48 2021 +0200

    Rewrite of many methods for transering files and folders via GIO
    There is still a lot to do

 src/cap.cc                                   |   14 +-
 src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-make-copy-dialog.cc    |    8 +-
 src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-copy-dialog.cc |   13 +-
 src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-xfer-dialog.cc |   11 +-
 src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-xfer-dialog.h  |    1 +
 src/gnome-cmd-file-list.cc                   |  120 ++-
 src/gnome-cmd-file-list.h                    |   15 +-
 src/gnome-cmd-file.cc                        |    8 +-
 src/gnome-cmd-xfer.cc                        | 1244 +++++++++++++++++++++++---
 src/gnome-cmd-xfer.h                         |  112 ++-
 10 files changed, 1318 insertions(+), 228 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/cap.cc b/src/cap.cc
index eb8def1d..10b252fe 100644
--- a/src/cap.cc
+++ b/src/cap.cc
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
  * @file cap.cc
  * @copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman\n
  * @copyright (C) 2007-2012 Piotr Eljasiak\n
@@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ inline void update_refs (GnomeCmdFileList *fl, GList *files)
 inline void cut_and_paste (GnomeCmdDir *to)
-    gnome_cmd_xfer_start (_files,
+    gnome_cmd_move_start (_files,
                           gnome_cmd_dir_ref (to),
-                          GNOME_VFS_XFER_REMOVESOURCE,
-                          GNOME_VFS_XFER_OVERWRITE_MODE_QUERY,
+                          G_FILE_COPY_NONE,
+                          true,
                           GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (on_xfer_done), _files);
     _files = NULL;
     _fl = NULL;
@@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ inline void cut_and_paste (GnomeCmdDir *to)
 inline void copy_and_paste (GnomeCmdDir *to)
-    gnome_cmd_xfer_start (_files,
+    gnome_cmd_copy_start (_files,
                           gnome_cmd_dir_ref (to),
-                          GNOME_VFS_XFER_RECURSIVE,
-                          GNOME_VFS_XFER_OVERWRITE_MODE_QUERY,
+                          G_FILE_COPY_NONE,
+                          true,
                           GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (on_xfer_done), _files);
     _files = NULL;
     _fl = NULL;
diff --git a/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-make-copy-dialog.cc b/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-make-copy-dialog.cc
index f0e9e1b9..a4039860 100644
--- a/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-make-copy-dialog.cc
+++ b/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-make-copy-dialog.cc
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
  * @file gnome-cmd-make-copy-dialog.cc
  * @copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman\n
  * @copyright (C) 2007-2012 Piotr Eljasiak\n
@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ inline void copy_file (GnomeCmdFile *f, GnomeCmdDir *dir, const gchar *filename)
     GList *src_files = g_list_append (NULL, f);
-    gnome_cmd_xfer_start (src_files,
+    gnome_cmd_copy_start (src_files,
                           g_strdup (filename),
-                          GNOME_VFS_XFER_RECURSIVE,
-                          GNOME_VFS_XFER_OVERWRITE_MODE_QUERY,
+                          G_FILE_COPY_NONE,
+                          true,
diff --git a/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-copy-dialog.cc b/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-copy-dialog.cc
index 5a9b6a0a..0a394364 100644
--- a/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-copy-dialog.cc
+++ b/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-copy-dialog.cc
@@ -51,8 +51,13 @@ static void on_ok (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)
     PrepareCopyData *data = (PrepareCopyData *) user_data;
     GnomeCmdPrepareXferDialog *dlg = data->dialog;
+    guint gFileCopyFlags = 0;
     if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (data->silent)))
+    {
         dlg->xferOverwriteMode = GNOME_VFS_XFER_OVERWRITE_MODE_REPLACE;
+        gFileCopyFlags |= G_FILE_COPY_OVERWRITE;
+    }
         if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (data->query)))
             dlg->xferOverwriteMode = GNOME_VFS_XFER_OVERWRITE_MODE_QUERY;
@@ -62,9 +67,15 @@ static void on_ok (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)
     guint xferOptions = GNOME_VFS_XFER_RECURSIVE;
     if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (data->follow_links)))
+    {
         xferOptions |= GNOME_VFS_XFER_FOLLOW_LINKS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        gFileCopyFlags |= G_FILE_COPY_NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS;
+    }
     dlg->xferOptions = (GnomeVFSXferOptions) xferOptions;
+    dlg->gFileCopyFlags = (GFileCopyFlags) gFileCopyFlags;
diff --git a/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-xfer-dialog.cc b/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-xfer-dialog.cc
index ba55517a..01bfc0ca 100644
--- a/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-xfer-dialog.cc
+++ b/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-xfer-dialog.cc
@@ -225,13 +225,20 @@ static void on_ok (GtkButton *button, GnomeCmdPrepareXferDialog *dialog)
     gnome_cmd_dir_ref (dest_dir);
-    gnome_cmd_xfer_start (dialog->src_files,
+    gnome_cmd_copy_start (dialog->src_files,
-                          dialog->xferOptions,
+                          dialog->gFileCopyFlags,
                           NULL, NULL);
+//    gnome_cmd_move_start (dialog->src_files,
+//                          dest_dir,
+//                          dialog->src_fs->file_list(),
+//                          dest_fn,
+//                          dialog->gFileCopyFlags,
+//                          dialog->xferOverwriteMode,
+//                          NULL, NULL);
     g_free (dest_path);
diff --git a/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-xfer-dialog.h b/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-xfer-dialog.h
index 5a34d0c6..b5887d3f 100644
--- a/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-xfer-dialog.h
+++ b/src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-prepare-xfer-dialog.h
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ struct GnomeCmdPrepareXferDialog
     GtkWidget *ok_button;
     GtkWidget *cancel_button;
+    GFileCopyFlags gFileCopyFlags;
     GnomeVFSXferOptions xferOptions;
     GnomeVFSXferOverwriteMode xferOverwriteMode;
diff --git a/src/gnome-cmd-file-list.cc b/src/gnome-cmd-file-list.cc
index 50bb7348..d6ed0e1e 100644
--- a/src/gnome-cmd-file-list.cc
+++ b/src/gnome-cmd-file-list.cc
@@ -185,7 +185,9 @@ struct GnomeCmdFileList::Private
     static gchar *translate_menu(const gchar *path, gpointer);
-    static void on_dnd_popup_menu(GnomeCmdFileList *fl, GnomeVFSXferOptions xferOptions, GtkWidget *widget);
+    static void on_dnd_popup_menu_copy(GnomeCmdFileList *fl, GFileCopyFlags gFileCopyFlags, GtkWidget 
+    static void on_dnd_popup_menu_move(GnomeCmdFileList *fl, GFileCopyFlags gFileCopyFlags, GtkWidget 
+    static void on_dnd_popup_menu_link(GnomeCmdFileList *fl, GFileCopyFlags gFileCopyFlags, GtkWidget 
@@ -221,11 +223,11 @@ GnomeCmdFileList::Private::Private(GnomeCmdFileList *fl)
         gtk_clist_set_column_resizeable (*fl, i, TRUE);
     static GtkItemFactoryEntry items[] = {
-                                            {(gchar*) N_("/_Copy here"), (gchar*) "<control>", 
(GtkItemFactoryCallback) on_dnd_popup_menu, GNOME_VFS_XFER_RECURSIVE, (gchar*) "<StockItem>", GTK_STOCK_COPY},
-                                            {(gchar*) N_("/_Move here"), (gchar*) "<shift>", 
(GtkItemFactoryCallback) on_dnd_popup_menu, GNOME_VFS_XFER_REMOVESOURCE, (gchar*) "<StockItem>", 
-                                            {(gchar*) N_("/_Link here"), (gchar*) "<control><shift>", 
(GtkItemFactoryCallback) on_dnd_popup_menu,GNOME_VFS_XFER_LINK_ITEMS, (gchar*) "<StockItem>", 
+                                            {(gchar*) N_("/_Copy here"), (gchar*) "<control>", 
(GtkItemFactoryCallback) on_dnd_popup_menu_copy, G_FILE_COPY_NONE, (gchar*) "<StockItem>", GTK_STOCK_COPY},
+                                            {(gchar*) N_("/_Move here"), (gchar*) "<shift>", 
(GtkItemFactoryCallback) on_dnd_popup_menu_move, G_FILE_COPY_NONE, (gchar*) "<StockItem>", GTK_STOCK_COPY},
+                                            {(gchar*) N_("/_Link here"), (gchar*) "<control><shift>", 
(GtkItemFactoryCallback) on_dnd_popup_menu_link,G_FILE_COPY_NONE, (gchar*) "<StockItem>", GTK_STOCK_CONVERT},
                                             {(gchar*) "/", nullptr, nullptr, 0, (gchar*) "<Separator>"},
-                                            {(gchar*) N_("/C_ancel"), (gchar*) "Esc", 
(GtkItemFactoryCallback) on_dnd_popup_menu, 0, (gchar*) "<StockItem>", GTK_STOCK_CANCEL}
+                                            {(gchar*) N_("/C_ancel"), (gchar*) "Esc", nullptr, 1, (gchar*) 
"<StockItem>", GTK_STOCK_CANCEL}
     ifac = gtk_item_factory_new (GTK_TYPE_MENU, (const gchar*) "<main>", nullptr);
@@ -246,19 +248,40 @@ gchar *GnomeCmdFileList::Private::translate_menu(const gchar *path, gpointer unu
-void GnomeCmdFileList::Private::on_dnd_popup_menu(GnomeCmdFileList *fl, GnomeVFSXferOptions xferOptions, 
GtkWidget *widget)
+void GnomeCmdFileList::Private::on_dnd_popup_menu_copy(GnomeCmdFileList *fl, GFileCopyFlags gFileCopyFlags, 
GtkWidget *widget)
+    g_return_if_fail (GNOME_CMD_IS_FILE_LIST (fl));
+    auto data = (gpointer *) gtk_item_factory_popup_data_from_widget (widget);
+    auto gFileGlist = (GList *) data[0];
+    auto to = static_cast<GnomeCmdDir*> (data[1]);
+    data[0] = nullptr;
+    fl->drop_files(GnomeCmdFileList::DndMode::COPY, gFileCopyFlags, gFileGlist, to);
+void GnomeCmdFileList::Private::on_dnd_popup_menu_move(GnomeCmdFileList *fl, GFileCopyFlags gFileCopyFlags, 
GtkWidget *widget)
     g_return_if_fail (GNOME_CMD_IS_FILE_LIST (fl));
     gpointer *data = (gpointer *) gtk_item_factory_popup_data_from_widget (widget);
-    GList *uri_list = (GList *) data[0];
+    GList *gFileGlist = (GList *) data[0];
     auto to = static_cast<GnomeCmdDir*> (data[1]);
-    if (xferOptions)
-    {
-        data[0] = nullptr;
-        fl->drop_files(xferOptions,uri_list,to);
-    }
+    data[0] = nullptr;
+    fl->drop_files(GnomeCmdFileList::DndMode::MOVE, gFileCopyFlags, gFileGlist, to);
+void GnomeCmdFileList::Private::on_dnd_popup_menu_link(GnomeCmdFileList *fl, GFileCopyFlags gFileCopyFlags, 
GtkWidget *widget)
+    g_return_if_fail (GNOME_CMD_IS_FILE_LIST (fl));
+    gpointer *data = (gpointer *) gtk_item_factory_popup_data_from_widget (widget);
+    GList *gFileGlist = (GList *) data[0];
+    auto to = static_cast<GnomeCmdDir*> (data[1]);
+    data[0] = nullptr;
+    fl->drop_files(GnomeCmdFileList::DndMode::LINK, gFileCopyFlags, gFileGlist, to);
@@ -1252,7 +1275,7 @@ static void on_tmp_download_response (GtkWidget *w, gint id, TmpDlData *dldata)
         GnomeCmdPlainPath path(path_str);
         auto destGFile = gnome_cmd_con_create_gfile (get_home_con (), &path);
-        gnome_cmd_xfer_tmp_download (sourceGFile,
+        gnome_cmd_tmp_download (sourceGFile,
                                      GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (do_mime_exec_single),
@@ -2212,6 +2235,8 @@ void GnomeCmdFileList::toggle_and_step()
 void GnomeCmdFileList::focus_file(const gchar *file_to_focus, gboolean scroll_to_file)
+    g_return_if_fail(file_to_focus != nullptr);
     for (auto i = get_visible_files(); i; i = i->next)
         auto f = static_cast<GnomeCmdFile*> (i->data);
@@ -2223,7 +2248,7 @@ void GnomeCmdFileList::focus_file(const gchar *file_to_focus, gboolean scroll_to
         auto basename = g_file_get_basename(f->gFile);
-        if (strcmp (basename, file_to_focus) == 0)
+        if (basename && strcmp (basename, file_to_focus) == 0)
             priv->cur_file = row;
@@ -3087,8 +3112,8 @@ static void free_dnd_popup_data (gpointer *data)
     if (data)
-        GList *uri_list = (GList *) data[0];
-        unref_uri_list (uri_list);
+        GList *gFileGlist = (GList *) data[0];
+        unref_gfile_list (gFileGlist);
     g_free (data);
@@ -3124,7 +3149,7 @@ static void drag_data_received (GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint
         gpointer *arr = g_new (gpointer, 2);
-        arr[0] = uri_list;
+        arr[0] = gFileGlist;
         arr[1] = to;
         gtk_item_factory_popup_with_data (fl->priv->ifac, arr, (GDestroyNotify) free_dnd_popup_data, x, y, 
0, time);
@@ -3132,8 +3157,6 @@ static void drag_data_received (GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint
-    GnomeVFSXferOptions xferOptions;
     // find out what operation to perform
 #if defined (__GNUC__)
 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
@@ -3142,15 +3165,15 @@ static void drag_data_received (GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint
     switch (context->action)
         case GDK_ACTION_MOVE:
-            xferOptions = GNOME_VFS_XFER_REMOVESOURCE;
+            fl->drop_files(GnomeCmdFileList::DndMode::MOVE, G_FILE_COPY_NONE, gFileGlist, to);
         case GDK_ACTION_COPY:
-            xferOptions = GNOME_VFS_XFER_RECURSIVE;
+            fl->drop_files(GnomeCmdFileList::DndMode::COPY, G_FILE_COPY_NONE, gFileGlist, to);
         case GDK_ACTION_LINK:
-            xferOptions = GNOME_VFS_XFER_LINK_ITEMS;
+            fl->drop_files(GnomeCmdFileList::DndMode::LINK, G_FILE_COPY_NONE, gFileGlist, to);
@@ -3160,8 +3183,6 @@ static void drag_data_received (GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint
 #if defined (__GNUC__)
 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
-    fl->drop_files(xferOptions,uri_list,to);
@@ -3242,19 +3263,46 @@ void GnomeCmdFileList::init_dnd()
     g_signal_connect (this, "drag-data-received", G_CALLBACK (drag_data_received), this);
-void GnomeCmdFileList::drop_files(GnomeVFSXferOptions xferOptions, GList *uri_list, GnomeCmdDir *dir)
+void GnomeCmdFileList::drop_files(DndMode dndMode, GFileCopyFlags gFileCopyFlags, GList *gFileGlist, 
GnomeCmdDir *dir)
     g_return_if_fail (GNOME_CMD_IS_DIR (dir));
-    // start the xfer
-    gnome_cmd_xfer_gfiles_start (uri_list,
-                               gnome_cmd_dir_ref (dir),
-                               nullptr,
-                               nullptr,
-                               g_list_length (uri_list) == 1 ? gnome_vfs_unescape_string 
(gnome_vfs_uri_extract_short_name ((GnomeVFSURI *) uri_list->data), 0) : nullptr,
-                               xferOptions,
-                               GNOME_VFS_XFER_OVERWRITE_MODE_QUERY,
-                               GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (unref_uri_list),
-                               uri_list);
+    switch (dndMode)
+    {
+        case COPY:
+            gnome_cmd_copy_gfiles_start (gFileGlist,
+                                         gnome_cmd_dir_ref (dir),
+                                         nullptr,
+                                         nullptr,
+                                         g_list_length (gFileGlist) == 1 ? g_file_get_basename ((GFile *) 
gFileGlist->data) : nullptr,
+                                         gFileCopyFlags,
+                                         true,
+                                         nullptr,
+                                         nullptr);
+            break;
+        case MOVE:
+            gnome_cmd_move_gfiles_start (gFileGlist,
+                                         gnome_cmd_dir_ref (dir),
+                                         nullptr,
+                                         nullptr,
+                                         g_list_length (gFileGlist) == 1 ? g_file_get_basename ((GFile *) 
gFileGlist->data) : nullptr,
+                                         gFileCopyFlags,
+                                         true,
+                                         nullptr,
+                                         nullptr);
+            break;
+        case LINK:
+            gnome_cmd_link_gfiles_start (gFileGlist,
+                                         gnome_cmd_dir_ref (dir),
+                                         nullptr,
+                                         nullptr,
+                                         g_list_length (gFileGlist) == 1 ? g_file_get_basename ((GFile *) 
gFileGlist->data) : nullptr,
+                                         gFileCopyFlags,
+                                         true,
+                                         nullptr,
+                                         nullptr);
+            break;
+        default:
+            return;
+    }
diff --git a/src/gnome-cmd-file-list.h b/src/gnome-cmd-file-list.h
index 1d9b38a5..a521bac3 100644
--- a/src/gnome-cmd-file-list.h
+++ b/src/gnome-cmd-file-list.h
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ struct GnomeCmdFileList
      * Returns a list with all files shown in the file list. The list is
      * the same as that in the file list it self so make a copy and ref
      * the files if needed
-     */    
+     */
     GList *get_visible_files();
@@ -160,13 +160,13 @@ struct GnomeCmdFileList
      * list is however not refed before returning
     GList *get_selected_files();
      * Returns a collection of all selected files.
      * A marked file is a file that has been selected with ins etc. The file that is currently focused is 
not marked.
     GnomeCmd::Collection<GnomeCmdFile *> &get_marked_files();
      * Returns the currently focused file if any. The returned file is
      * not reffed. The ".." file is returned if focused
@@ -215,8 +215,15 @@ struct GnomeCmdFileList
     gboolean key_pressed(GdkEventKey *event);
+    enum DndMode
+    {
+        COPY,
+        MOVE,
+        LINK
+    };
     void init_dnd();
-    void drop_files(GnomeVFSXferOptions xferOptions, GList *uri_list, GnomeCmdDir *dir);
+    void drop_files(DndMode dndMode, GFileCopyFlags gFileCopyFlags, GList *uri_list, GnomeCmdDir *dir);
diff --git a/src/gnome-cmd-file.cc b/src/gnome-cmd-file.cc
index 99a8e874..edf84457 100644
--- a/src/gnome-cmd-file.cc
+++ b/src/gnome-cmd-file.cc
@@ -443,6 +443,9 @@ gchar *GnomeCmdFile::get_path()
     auto filename = g_file_info_get_name (this->gFileInfo);
+    if (!filename)
+        return nullptr;
     if (strcmp (filename, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S) == 0)
         return g_strdup(filename);
@@ -593,8 +596,9 @@ GFile *GnomeCmdFile::get_gfile(const gchar *name)
             g_assert ("Non directory file without owning directory");
     auto filename = g_file_get_basename(gFile);
-    return gnome_cmd_dir_get_child_gfile (::get_parent_dir (this), name ? name : filename);
+    auto childGFile = gnome_cmd_dir_get_child_gfile (::get_parent_dir (this), name ? name : filename);
+    return childGFile;
@@ -882,7 +886,7 @@ void gnome_cmd_file_view (GnomeCmdFile *f, gint internal_viewer)
     g_printerr ("Copying to: %s\n", path_str);
     g_free (path_str);
-    gnome_cmd_xfer_tmp_download (srcGFile,
+    gnome_cmd_tmp_download (srcGFile,
                                  GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (on_file_downloaded_for_view),
diff --git a/src/gnome-cmd-xfer.cc b/src/gnome-cmd-xfer.cc
index eb7cc00d..02f255a3 100644
--- a/src/gnome-cmd-xfer.cc
+++ b/src/gnome-cmd-xfer.cc
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include "gnome-cmd-includes.h"
+#include "gnome-cmd-con-list.h"
+#include "gnome-cmd-plain-path.h"
 #include "gnome-cmd-xfer.h"
 #include "gnome-cmd-file-selector.h"
 #include "gnome-cmd-file-list.h"
@@ -30,17 +32,10 @@
 #include "gnome-cmd-main-win.h"
 #include "gnome-cmd-data.h"
 #include "utils.h"
+#include "src/dialogs/gnome-cmd-delete-dialog.h"
 using namespace std;
 inline void free_xfer_data (XferData *xferData)
     //  free the list with target uris
@@ -73,49 +68,30 @@ create_xfer_data (GFileCopyFlags copyFlags, GList *srcGFileList, GList *destGFil
     xferData->copyFlags = copyFlags;
     xferData->srcGFileList = srcGFileList;
     xferData->destGFileList = destGFileList;
-    xferData->to_dir = to_dir;
+    xferData->destGnomeCmdDir = to_dir;
     xferData->src_fl = src_fl;
     xferData->src_files = src_files;
     xferData->win = nullptr;
     xferData->cur_file_name = nullptr;
-    xferData->cur_file = -1;
-    xferData->prev_file = -1;
-    xferData->files_total = 0;
-    xferData->prev_totalprog = (gfloat) 0.00;
+    xferData->curFileNumber = 0;
+    xferData->filesTotal = 0;
     xferData->first_time = TRUE;
     xferData->on_completed_func = on_completed_func;
     xferData->on_completed_data = on_completed_data;
     xferData->done = FALSE;
     xferData->aborted = FALSE;
     xferData->problem = FALSE;
-    xferData->problem_action = -1;
-    xferData->problem_file_name = nullptr;
+    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
     xferData->thread = nullptr;
     xferData->error = nullptr;
-    //ToDo: Fix this to complete migration from gnome-vfs to gvfs
-    // If this is a move-operation, determine totals
-    // The async_xfer_callback-results for file and byte totals are not reliable
-    //if (xferOptions == GNOME_VFS_XFER_REMOVESOURCE) {
-    //    GList *uris;
-    //    xferData->bytes_total = 0;
-    //    xferData->files_total = 0;
-    //    for (uris = xferData->srcGFileList; uris != nullptr; uris = uris->next) {
-    //        GnomeVFSURI *uri;
-    //        uri = (GnomeVFSURI*)uris->xferData;
-    //        xferData->bytes_total += calc_tree_size(uri,&(xferData->files_total));
-    //        g_object_unref(gFile);
-    //    }
-    //}
     return xferData;
-inline gchar *file_details(const gchar *text_uri)
+inline gchar *get_file_details_string(GFile *gFile)
-    auto gFileTmp = g_file_new_for_uri(text_uri);
-    auto gFileInfoTmp = g_file_query_info(gFileTmp,
+    auto gFileInfoTmp = g_file_query_info(gFile,
                             G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NONE, nullptr, nullptr);
     gchar *size = create_nice_size_str (g_file_info_get_attribute_uint64(gFileInfoTmp, 
@@ -133,22 +109,370 @@ inline gchar *file_details(const gchar *text_uri)
-static gint async_xfer_callback (GnomeVFSAsyncHandle *handle, GnomeVFSXferProgressInfo *info, XferData *data)
+static void run_simple_error_dialog(const char *msg, XferData *xferData)
+    gdk_threads_enter ();
+    gint guiResponse = run_simple_dialog (
+        *main_win, TRUE, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, msg, _("Transfer problem"),
+        -1, _("Abort"), _("Retry"), _("Skip"), NULL);
+    gdk_threads_leave ();
+    switch (guiResponse)
+    {
+        case 0:
+            xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_ABORT;
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY;
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP;
+            break;
+        default:
+            xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY;
+            break;
+    }
+static void update_transfer_gui_error_copy (XferData *xferData)
+    gint guiResponse = -1;
+    gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf (_("Error while transferring “%s”\n\n%s"),
+                                    g_file_peek_path(xferData->problemSrcGFile),
+                                    xferData->error->message);
+    if(!g_error_matches(xferData->error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_EXISTS))
+    {
+        run_simple_error_dialog(msg, xferData);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (xferData->currentFileType == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY)
+        {
+            gdk_threads_enter ();
+            g_list_length(xferData->srcGFileList) > 1
+            ? guiResponse = run_simple_dialog (
+                *main_win, TRUE, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, msg, _("Copy problem"),
+                -1, _("Abort"), _("Retry"), _("Copy into"), _("Rename"), _("Rename all"), _("Skip"), _("Skip 
all"), NULL)
+            : guiResponse = run_simple_dialog (
+                *main_win, TRUE, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, msg, _("Copy problem"),
+                -1, _("Abort"), _("Retry"), _("Copy into"), _("Rename"), NULL);
+            gdk_threads_leave ();
+            switch (guiResponse)
+            {
+                case 0:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_ABORT;
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY;
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_COPY_INTO;
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RENAME;
+                    break;
+                case 4:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RENAME_ALL;
+                    break;
+                case 5:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP;
+                    break;
+                case 6:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP_ALL;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY;
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (xferData->currentFileType == G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR)
+        {
+            auto problemSrcBasename = get_gfile_attribute_string(xferData->problemSrcGFile,
+                                                        G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME);
+            auto problemDestBasename = get_gfile_attribute_string(xferData->problemDestGFile,
+                                                        G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME);
+            auto sourceDetails = get_file_details_string (xferData->problemSrcGFile);
+            auto targetDetails = get_file_details_string (xferData->problemDestGFile);
+            g_free(msg);
+            msg = g_strdup_printf (_("Overwrite file:\n\n<b>%s</b>\n<span color='dimgray' 
size='smaller'>%s</span>\n\nWith:\n\n<b>%s</b>\n<span color='dimgray' size='smaller'>%s</span>"),
+                    problemDestBasename,
+                    targetDetails,
+                    problemSrcBasename,
+                    sourceDetails);
+            g_free (problemSrcBasename);
+            g_free (problemDestBasename);
+            g_free (sourceDetails);
+            g_free (targetDetails);
+            gdk_threads_enter ();
+            xferData->filesTotal > 1
+            ? guiResponse = run_simple_dialog (
+                *main_win, TRUE, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, msg, _("Copy problem"),
+                -1, _("Abort"), _("Retry"), _("Replace"), _("Rename"), _("Skip"), _("Replace all"), 
_("Rename all"), _("Skip all"), NULL)
+            : guiResponse = run_simple_dialog (
+                *main_win, TRUE, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, msg, _("Copy problem"),
+                -1, _("Abort"), _("Retry"), _("Replace"), _("Rename"), NULL);
+            gdk_threads_leave ();
+            switch (guiResponse)
+            {
+                case 0:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_ABORT;
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY;
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_REPLACE;
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RENAME;
+                    break;
+                case 4:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP;
+                    break;
+                case 5:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_REPLACE_ALL;
+                    break;
+                case 6:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RENAME_ALL;
+                    break;
+                case 7:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP_ALL;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY;
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    g_free (msg);
+static void update_transfer_gui_error_move (XferData *xferData)
+    gint guiResponse = -1;
+    gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf (_("Error while transferring “%s”\n\n%s"),
+                                    g_file_peek_path(xferData->problemSrcGFile),
+                                    xferData->error->message);
+    if(!g_error_matches(xferData->error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_EXISTS))
+    {
+        run_simple_error_dialog(msg, xferData);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (xferData->currentFileType == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY)
+        {
+            gdk_threads_enter ();
+            g_list_length(xferData->srcGFileList) > 1
+            ? guiResponse = run_simple_dialog (
+                *main_win, TRUE, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, msg, _("Move problem"),
+                -1, _("Abort"), _("Retry"), _("Copy into"), _("Rename"), _("Rename all"), _("Skip"), _("Skip 
all"), NULL)
+            : guiResponse = run_simple_dialog (
+                *main_win, TRUE, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, msg, _("Move problem"),
+                -1, _("Abort"), _("Retry"), _("Copy into"), _("Rename"), NULL);
+            gdk_threads_leave ();
+            switch (guiResponse)
+            {
+                case 0:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_ABORT;
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY;
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_COPY_INTO;
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RENAME;
+                    break;
+                case 4:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RENAME_ALL;
+                    break;
+                case 5:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP;
+                    break;
+                case 6:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP_ALL;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY;
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (xferData->currentFileType == G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR)
+        {
+            auto problemSrcBasename = get_gfile_attribute_string(xferData->problemSrcGFile,
+                                                        G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME);
+            auto problemDestBasename = get_gfile_attribute_string(xferData->problemDestGFile,
+                                                        G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME);
+            auto sourceDetails = get_file_details_string (xferData->problemSrcGFile);
+            auto targetDetails = get_file_details_string (xferData->problemDestGFile);
+            g_free(msg);
+            msg = g_strdup_printf (_("Overwrite file:\n\n<b>%s</b>\n<span color='dimgray' 
size='smaller'>%s</span>\n\nWith:\n\n<b>%s</b>\n<span color='dimgray' size='smaller'>%s</span>"),
+                    problemDestBasename,
+                    targetDetails,
+                    problemSrcBasename,
+                    sourceDetails);
+            g_free (problemSrcBasename);
+            g_free (problemDestBasename);
+            g_free (sourceDetails);
+            g_free (targetDetails);
+            gdk_threads_enter ();
+            xferData->filesTotal > 1
+            ? guiResponse = run_simple_dialog (
+                *main_win, TRUE, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, msg, _("Copy problem"),
+                -1, _("Abort"), _("Retry"), _("Replace"), _("Rename"), _("Skip"), _("Replace all"), 
_("Rename all"), _("Skip all"), NULL)
+            : guiResponse = run_simple_dialog (
+                *main_win, TRUE, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, msg, _("Copy problem"),
+                -1, _("Abort"), _("Retry"), _("Replace"), _("Rename"), NULL);
+            gdk_threads_leave ();
+            switch (guiResponse)
+            {
+                case 0:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_ABORT;
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY;
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_REPLACE;
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RENAME;
+                    break;
+                case 4:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP;
+                    break;
+                case 5:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_REPLACE_ALL;
+                    break;
+                case 6:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RENAME_ALL;
+                    break;
+                case 7:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP_ALL;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY;
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    g_free (msg);
+static gboolean update_transfer_gui (XferData *xferData)
+    g_mutex_lock (&xferData->mutex);
+    if (xferData->problem && xferData->error)
+    {
+        switch (xferData->transferType)
+        {
+            case COPY:
+                update_transfer_gui_error_copy(xferData);
+                break;
+            case MOVE:
+                update_transfer_gui_error_move(xferData);
+                break;
+            case LINK:
+                break;
+        }
+        xferData->problem = FALSE;
+    }
+    if (xferData->win && xferData->win->cancel_pressed)
+    {
+        xferData->aborted = TRUE;
+        if (xferData->on_completed_func)
+            xferData->on_completed_func (xferData->on_completed_data, nullptr);
+        gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (xferData->win));
+        free_xfer_data (xferData);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    if (xferData->done)
+    {
+        //  Only update the files if needed
+        if (xferData->destGnomeCmdDir)
+        {
+            gnome_cmd_dir_relist_files (xferData->destGnomeCmdDir, FALSE);
+            main_win->focus_file_lists();
+            gnome_cmd_dir_unref (xferData->destGnomeCmdDir);
+            xferData->destGnomeCmdDir = nullptr;
+        }
+        if (xferData->win)
+        {
+            gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (xferData->win));
+            xferData->win = nullptr;
+        }
+        // ToDo: If more than one file should be transferred and one file could not be
+        // transferred successsfully, we have to check for this error here
+        if (xferData->problem_action == COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET
+            && xferData->on_completed_func)
+        {
+            xferData->on_completed_func (xferData->on_completed_data, nullptr);
+        }
+        free_xfer_data (xferData);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    if (xferData->bytesTotalTransferred == 0)
+        gnome_cmd_xfer_progress_win_set_action (xferData->win, _("copying…"));
+    if (xferData->curFileNumber)
+    {
+        gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf (_("[file %ld of %ld] “%s”"), xferData->curFileNumber,
+                                        xferData->filesTotal, xferData->curSrcFileName);
+        gnome_cmd_xfer_progress_win_set_msg (xferData->win, msg);
+        g_free (msg);
+    }
+    if (xferData->bytesTotal > 0)
+    {
+        gfloat totalProgress =
+            (gfloat)((gdouble)(xferData->bytesTotalTransferred + xferData->bytesCopiedFile)
+                / (gdouble)xferData->bytesTotal);
+        if ((totalProgress >= 0.0 && totalProgress <= 1.0) || xferData->first_time)
+        {
+            xferData->first_time = FALSE;
+            gnome_cmd_xfer_progress_win_set_total_progress (xferData->win, xferData->bytesCopiedFile,
+                                                            xferData->fileSize,
+                                                            xferData->bytesTotalTransferred + 
+                                                            xferData->bytesTotal);
+            while (gtk_events_pending ())
+                gtk_main_iteration_do (FALSE);
+        }
+    }
+    g_mutex_unlock (&xferData->mutex);
+    return TRUE;
-static gboolean update_xfer_gui (XferData *xferData)
+static gboolean update_tmp_download_gui (XferData *xferData)
     g_mutex_lock (&xferData->mutex);
     if (xferData->problem && xferData->error)
         gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf (_("Error while transferring “%s”\n\n%s"),
-                                        xferData->problem_file_name,
+                                        g_file_peek_path(xferData->problemSrcGFile),
-        xferData->problem_action = run_simple_dialog (
-            *main_win, TRUE, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, msg, _("Transfer problem"),
-            -1, _("Abort"), _("Retry"), _("Skip"), NULL);
+        run_simple_error_dialog(msg, xferData);
         g_free (msg);
@@ -170,12 +494,12 @@ static gboolean update_xfer_gui (XferData *xferData)
     if (xferData->done)
         //  Only update the files if needed
-        if (xferData->to_dir)
+        if (xferData->destGnomeCmdDir)
-            gnome_cmd_dir_relist_files (xferData->to_dir, FALSE);
+            gnome_cmd_dir_relist_files (xferData->destGnomeCmdDir, FALSE);
-            gnome_cmd_dir_unref (xferData->to_dir);
-            xferData->to_dir = nullptr;
+            gnome_cmd_dir_unref (xferData->destGnomeCmdDir);
+            xferData->destGnomeCmdDir = nullptr;
         if (xferData->win)
@@ -184,9 +508,7 @@ static gboolean update_xfer_gui (XferData *xferData)
             xferData->win = nullptr;
-        // ToDo: If more than one file should be transfered and one file could not be
-        // transfered successsfully, we have to check for this error here
-        if (xferData->problem_action == XFER_ERROR_ACTION_DEFAULT
+        if (xferData->problem_action == COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET
             && xferData->on_completed_func)
             xferData->on_completed_func (xferData->on_completed_data, nullptr);
@@ -197,43 +519,6 @@ static gboolean update_xfer_gui (XferData *xferData)
         return FALSE;
-//    if (xferData->cur_phase == GNOME_VFS_XFER_PHASE_COPYING)
-//    {
-//        if (xferData->prev_phase != GNOME_VFS_XFER_PHASE_COPYING)
-//        {
-       gnome_cmd_xfer_progress_win_set_action (xferData->win, _("copying…"));
-//            xferData->prev_file = -1;
-//        }
-//        if (xferData->prev_file != xferData->cur_file)
-//        {
-//            gchar *t = str_uri_basename (xferData->cur_file_name);
-//            gchar *fn = get_utf8 (t);
-//            gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf (_("[file %ld of %ld] “%s”"), xferData->cur_file, 
xferData->files_total, fn);
-//            gnome_cmd_xfer_progress_win_set_msg (xferData->win, msg);
-//            xferData->prev_file = xferData->cur_file;
-//            g_free (msg);
-//            g_free (fn);
-//            g_free (t);
-//        }
-//        if (xferData->bytes_total > 0)
-//        {
-//            gfloat total_prog = (gfloat)((gdouble)xferData->total_bytes_copied / 
-//            gfloat total_diff = total_prog - xferData->prev_totalprog;
-//            if ((total_diff > (gfloat)0.01 && total_prog >= 0.0 && total_prog <= 1.0) || 
-//            {
-//                xferData->first_time = FALSE;
-//                gnome_cmd_xfer_progress_win_set_total_progress (xferData->win, xferData->bytes_copied, 
xferData->file_size, xferData->total_bytes_copied, xferData->bytes_total);
-//                while (gtk_events_pending ())
-//                    gtk_main_iteration_do (FALSE);
-//            }
-//        }
-//    }
     g_mutex_unlock (&xferData->mutex);
     return TRUE;
@@ -254,7 +539,7 @@ inline gboolean gfile_is_parent_to_dir_or_equal (GFile *gFile, GnomeCmdDir *dir)
-inline gchar *remove_basename (gchar *in)
+inline gchar *remove_basename (const gchar *in)
     gchar *out = g_strdup (in);
@@ -269,56 +554,291 @@ inline gchar *remove_basename (gchar *in)
-inline gboolean file_is_already_in_dir (GnomeVFSURI *uri, GnomeCmdDir *dir)
+inline gboolean file_is_already_in_dir (GFile *gFile, GnomeCmdDir *dir)
-    gchar *tmp = gnome_vfs_uri_to_string (uri, GNOME_VFS_URI_HIDE_PASSWORD);
-    gchar *uri_str = remove_basename (tmp);
+    gchar *uri_str = remove_basename (g_file_get_uri(gFile));
+    if (!uri_str)
+        return false;
     gchar *dir_uri_str = GNOME_CMD_FILE (dir)->get_uri_str();
     gboolean ret = (strcmp (uri_str, dir_uri_str) == 0);
     g_free (uri_str);
     g_free (dir_uri_str);
-    g_free (tmp);
     return ret;
+static void
+set_files_total(XferData *xferData)
+    for(auto gFileSrcListItem = xferData->srcGFileList; gFileSrcListItem; gFileSrcListItem = 
+    {
+        guint64 diskUsage = 0;
+        guint64 numFiles = 0;
+        auto gFile = (GFile *) gFileSrcListItem->data;
+        g_return_if_fail(G_IS_FILE(gFile));
+        g_file_measure_disk_usage (gFile,
+           G_FILE_MEASURE_NONE,
+           nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+           &diskUsage,
+           nullptr,
+           &numFiles,
+           nullptr);
+        xferData->bytesTotal = diskUsage;
+        xferData->filesTotal += numFiles;
+    }
-gnome_cmd_xfer_gfiles_start (GList *srcGFileGList,
-                           GnomeCmdDir *to_dir,
-                           GnomeCmdFileList *src_fl,
-                           GList *src_files,
-                           gchar *dest_fn,
-                           GnomeVFSXferOptions xferOptions,
-                           GnomeVFSXferOverwriteMode xferOverwriteMode,
-                           GtkSignalFunc on_completed_func,
-                           gpointer on_completed_data)
+gnome_cmd_copy_gfiles_start (GList *srcGFileGList,
+                             GnomeCmdDir *destGnomeCmdDir,
+                             GnomeCmdFileList *srcGnomeCmdFileList,
+                             GList *srcFilesGList,
+                             gchar *destFileName,
+                             GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
+                             gboolean skipAsk,
+                             GtkSignalFunc on_completed_func,
+                             gpointer on_completed_data)
-    g_return_if_fail (src_uri_list != nullptr);
-    g_return_if_fail (GNOME_CMD_IS_DIR (to_dir));
+    g_return_if_fail (srcGFileGList != nullptr);
+    g_return_if_fail (GNOME_CMD_IS_DIR (destGnomeCmdDir));
-    GnomeVFSURI *src_uri, *dest_uri;
+    GFile *srcGFile, *destGFile;
     // Sanity check
-    for (GList *i = src_uri_list; i; i = i->next)
+    for (GList *i = srcGFileGList; i; i = i->next)
-        src_uri = (GnomeVFSURI *) i->data;
-        if (uri_is_parent_to_dir_or_equal (src_uri, to_dir))
+        srcGFile = (GFile *) i->data;
+        if (gfile_is_parent_to_dir_or_equal (srcGFile, destGnomeCmdDir))
             gnome_cmd_show_message (*main_win, _("Copying a directory into itself is a bad idea."), _("The 
whole operation was cancelled."));
-        if (file_is_already_in_dir (src_uri, to_dir))
-            if (dest_fn && strcmp (dest_fn, gnome_vfs_uri_extract_short_name (src_uri)) == 0)
+        if (file_is_already_in_dir (srcGFile, destGnomeCmdDir))
+        {
+            auto srcFilename = g_file_get_basename(srcGFile);
+            if (destFileName && strcmp (destFileName, srcFilename) == 0)
+                g_free(srcFilename);
                 DEBUG ('x', "Copying a file to the same directory as it's already in, is not permitted\n");
+            g_free(srcFilename);
+        }
+    }
+    XferData *xferData = create_xfer_data (copyFlags, srcGFileGList, nullptr,
+                            destGnomeCmdDir, srcGnomeCmdFileList, srcFilesGList,
+                            (GFunc) on_completed_func, on_completed_data);
+    xferData->transferType = COPY;
+    if (g_list_length (srcGFileGList) == 1 && destFileName != nullptr)
+    {
+        destGFile = gnome_cmd_dir_get_child_gfile (destGnomeCmdDir, destFileName);
+        xferData->destGFileList = g_list_append (xferData->destGFileList, destGFile);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (auto srcGFileGListItem = srcGFileGList; srcGFileGListItem; srcGFileGListItem = 
+        {
+            srcGFile = (GFile *) srcGFileGListItem->data;
+            auto basename = g_file_get_basename(srcGFile);
+            destGFile = gnome_cmd_dir_get_child_gfile (destGnomeCmdDir, basename);
+            g_free (basename);
+            xferData->destGFileList = g_list_append (xferData->destGFileList, destGFile);
+        }
+    }
+    g_free (destFileName);
+    set_files_total(xferData);
+    xferData->win = GNOME_CMD_XFER_PROGRESS_WIN (gnome_cmd_xfer_progress_win_new (xferData->filesTotal));
+    gtk_widget_ref (GTK_WIDGET (xferData->win));
+    gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (xferData->win), _("preparing…"));
+    gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (xferData->win));
+    g_mutex_init(&xferData->mutex);
+    //  start the transfer
+    xferData->thread = g_thread_new (NULL, (GThreadFunc) gnome_cmd_transfer_gfiles, xferData);
+    g_timeout_add (gnome_cmd_data.gui_update_rate, (GSourceFunc) update_transfer_gui, xferData);
+    g_mutex_clear(&xferData->mutex);
+gnome_cmd_move_gfiles_start (GList *srcGFileGList,
+                             GnomeCmdDir *destGnomeCmdDir,
+                             GnomeCmdFileList *srcGnomeCmdFileList,
+                             GList *srcGnomeCmdFileGList,
+                             gchar *destFileName,
+                             GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
+                             gboolean skipAsk,
+                             GtkSignalFunc on_completed_func,
+                             gpointer on_completed_data)
+    g_return_if_fail (srcGFileGList != nullptr);
+    g_return_if_fail (GNOME_CMD_IS_DIR (destGnomeCmdDir));
+    GFile *srcGFile, *destGFile;
+    // Sanity check
+    for (GList *i = srcGFileGList; i; i = i->next)
+    {
+        srcGFile = (GFile *) i->data;
+        if (gfile_is_parent_to_dir_or_equal (srcGFile, destGnomeCmdDir))
+        {
+            gnome_cmd_show_message (*main_win, _("Moving a directory into itself is a bad idea."), _("The 
whole operation was cancelled."));
+            return;
+        }
+        if (file_is_already_in_dir (srcGFile, destGnomeCmdDir))
+        {
+            auto srcFilename = g_file_get_basename(srcGFile);
+            if (destFileName && strcmp (destFileName, srcFilename) == 0)
+            {
+                g_free(srcFilename);
+                DEBUG ('x', "Moving a file to the same directory as it's already in, is not permitted\n");
+                return;
+            }
+            g_free(srcFilename);
+        }
+    }
+    XferData *xferData = create_xfer_data (copyFlags, srcGFileGList, nullptr,
+                            destGnomeCmdDir, srcGnomeCmdFileList, srcGnomeCmdFileGList,
+                            (GFunc) on_completed_func, on_completed_data);
+    xferData->transferType = MOVE;
+    if (g_list_length (srcGFileGList) == 1 && destFileName != nullptr)
+    {
+        destGFile = gnome_cmd_dir_get_child_gfile (destGnomeCmdDir, destFileName);
+        xferData->destGFileList = g_list_append (xferData->destGFileList, destGFile);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (auto srcGFileGListItem = srcGFileGList; srcGFileGListItem; srcGFileGListItem = 
+        {
+            srcGFile = (GFile *) srcGFileGListItem->data;
+            auto basename = g_file_get_basename(srcGFile);
+            destGFile = gnome_cmd_dir_get_child_gfile (destGnomeCmdDir, basename);
+            g_free (basename);
+            xferData->destGFileList = g_list_append (xferData->destGFileList, destGFile);
+        }
+    }
+    g_free (destFileName);
+    set_files_total(xferData);
+    xferData->win = GNOME_CMD_XFER_PROGRESS_WIN (gnome_cmd_xfer_progress_win_new (xferData->filesTotal));
+    gtk_widget_ref (GTK_WIDGET (xferData->win));
+    gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (xferData->win), _("preparing…"));
+    gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (xferData->win));
+    g_mutex_init(&xferData->mutex);
+    //  start the transfer
+    xferData->thread = g_thread_new (NULL, (GThreadFunc) gnome_cmd_transfer_gfiles, xferData);
+    g_timeout_add (gnome_cmd_data.gui_update_rate, (GSourceFunc) update_transfer_gui, xferData);
+    g_mutex_clear(&xferData->mutex);
+gnome_cmd_link_gfiles_start (GList *srcGFileGList,
+                             GnomeCmdDir *destGnomeCmdDir,
+                             GnomeCmdFileList *srcGnomeCmdFileList,
+                             GList *srcGnomeCmdFileGList,
+                             gchar *destFileName,
+                             GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
+                             gboolean skipAsk,
+                             GtkSignalFunc on_completed_func,
+                             gpointer on_completed_data)
+    g_return_if_fail (srcGFileGList != nullptr);
+    g_return_if_fail (GNOME_CMD_IS_DIR (destGnomeCmdDir));
+    GFile *srcGFile, *destGFile;
+    // Sanity check
+    for (GList *i = srcGFileGList; i; i = i->next)
+    {
+        srcGFile = (GFile *) i->data;
+        if (gfile_is_parent_to_dir_or_equal (srcGFile, destGnomeCmdDir))
+        {
+            gnome_cmd_show_message (*main_win, _("Moving a directory into itself is a bad idea."), _("The 
whole operation was cancelled."));
+            return;
+        }
+        if (file_is_already_in_dir (srcGFile, destGnomeCmdDir))
+        {
+            auto srcFilename = g_file_get_basename(srcGFile);
+            if (destFileName && strcmp (destFileName, srcFilename) == 0)
+            {
+                g_free(srcFilename);
+                DEBUG ('x', "Moving a file to the same directory as it's already in, is not permitted\n");
+                return;
+            }
+            g_free(srcFilename);
+        }
+    XferData *xferData = create_xfer_data (copyFlags, srcGFileGList, nullptr,
+                            destGnomeCmdDir, srcGnomeCmdFileList, srcGnomeCmdFileGList,
+                            (GFunc) on_completed_func, on_completed_data);
+    xferData->transferType = LINK;
+    if (g_list_length (srcGFileGList) == 1 && destFileName != nullptr)
+    {
+        destGFile = gnome_cmd_dir_get_child_gfile (destGnomeCmdDir, destFileName);
+        xferData->destGFileList = g_list_append (xferData->destGFileList, destGFile);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (auto srcGFileGListItem = srcGFileGList; srcGFileGListItem; srcGFileGListItem = 
+        {
+            srcGFile = (GFile *) srcGFileGListItem->data;
+            auto basename = g_file_get_basename(srcGFile);
+            destGFile = gnome_cmd_dir_get_child_gfile (destGnomeCmdDir, basename);
+            g_free (basename);
+            xferData->destGFileList = g_list_append (xferData->destGFileList, destGFile);
+        }
+    }
+    g_free (destFileName);
+    set_files_total(xferData);
+    //xferData->win = GNOME_CMD_XFER_PROGRESS_WIN (gnome_cmd_xfer_progress_win_new (xferData->filesTotal));
+    //gtk_widget_ref (GTK_WIDGET (xferData->win));
+    //gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (xferData->win), _("preparing…"));
+    //gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (xferData->win));
+    //g_mutex_init(&xferData->mutex);
+    //  start the transfer
+    gnome_cmd_transfer_gfiles(xferData);
+    //xferData->thread = g_thread_new (NULL, (GThreadFunc) gnome_cmd_transfer_gfiles, xferData);
+    //g_timeout_add (gnome_cmd_data.gui_update_rate, (GSourceFunc) update_transfer_gui, xferData);
+    //g_mutex_clear(&xferData->mutex);
-gnome_cmd_xfer_tmp_download (GFile *srcGFile,
+gnome_cmd_tmp_download (GFile *srcGFile,
                              GFile *destGFile,
                              GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
                              GtkSignalFunc on_completed_func,
@@ -333,23 +853,23 @@ gnome_cmd_xfer_tmp_download (GFile *srcGFile,
     auto xferData = create_xfer_data (copyFlags, srcGFileList, destGFileList,
                              nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
                              (GFunc) on_completed_func, on_completed_data);
+    xferData->transferType = COPY;
-    // ToDo: This must be extracted in an own method
     xferData->win = GNOME_CMD_XFER_PROGRESS_WIN (gnome_cmd_xfer_progress_win_new (g_list_length 
     gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (xferData->win), _("downloading to /tmp"));
-    g_object_ref(xferData->win);
+    gtk_widget_ref (GTK_WIDGET (xferData->win));
     gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (xferData->win));
-    xferData->thread = g_thread_new (NULL, (GThreadFunc) gnome_cmd_xfer_tmp_download_multiple, xferData);
-    g_timeout_add (gnome_cmd_data.gui_update_rate, (GSourceFunc) update_xfer_gui, xferData);
+    xferData->thread = g_thread_new (NULL, (GThreadFunc) gnome_cmd_transfer_gfiles, xferData);
+    g_timeout_add (gnome_cmd_data.gui_update_rate, (GSourceFunc) update_tmp_download_gui, xferData);
-gnome_cmd_xfer_tmp_download_multiple (XferData *xferData)
+gnome_cmd_transfer_gfiles (XferData *xferData)
     g_return_if_fail (xferData->srcGFileList != nullptr);
     g_return_if_fail (xferData->destGFileList != nullptr);
@@ -357,35 +877,71 @@ gnome_cmd_xfer_tmp_download_multiple (XferData *xferData)
     if (g_list_length(xferData->srcGFileList) != g_list_length(xferData->destGFileList))
+    GError *error = nullptr;
     auto gFileDestListItem = xferData->destGFileList;
-    for (auto gFileSrcListItem = xferData->srcGFileList; gFileSrcListItem; gFileSrcListItem = 
+    for (auto gFileSrcListItem = xferData->srcGFileList; gFileSrcListItem; gFileSrcListItem = 
+                                                                           gFileDestListItem = 
         auto srcGFile = (GFile *) gFileSrcListItem->data;
         auto destGFile = (GFile *) gFileDestListItem->data;
-        gnome_cmd_xfer_tmp_download(srcGFile, destGFile, xferData->copyFlags, xferData);
-        if (xferData->problem_action == XFER_ERROR_ACTION_ABORT)
-            break;
-        gFileDestListItem = xferData->destGFileList->next;
+         switch (xferData->transferType)
+        {
+            case COPY:
+                gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcGFile, destGFile, xferData->copyFlags, xferData);
+                break;
+            case MOVE:
+                gnome_cmd_move_gfile_recursive(srcGFile, destGFile, xferData->copyFlags, xferData);
+                break;
+            case LINK:
+                auto symlinkSrcPath = g_file_get_path(srcGFile);
+                g_file_make_symbolic_link (destGFile,
+                                   symlinkSrcPath,
+                                   nullptr,
+                                   &error);
+                g_free(symlinkSrcPath);
+                if (error)
+                {
+                    gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf (_("Error while creating symlink “%s”\n\n%s"),
+                                                    g_file_peek_path(destGFile),
+                                                    error->message);
+                    run_simple_dialog (
+                        *main_win, TRUE, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, msg, _("Symlink creation problem"),
+                        -1, _("Ignore"), NULL);
+                    g_free(msg);
+                    g_error_free(error);
+                    error = nullptr;
+                }
+                break;
+        }
+    main_win->focus_file_lists();
     xferData->done = TRUE;
 static void
-update_copied_xfer_data (goffset current_num_bytes,
-                 goffset total_num_bytes,
+update_transferred_data (goffset currentNumBytes,
+                 goffset totalNumBytes,
                  gpointer xferDataPointer)
     auto xferData = (XferData *) xferDataPointer;
-    xferData->total_bytes_copied = current_num_bytes;
-    xferData->bytes_total = total_num_bytes;
+    xferData->bytesCopiedFile = currentNumBytes;
+    xferData->fileSize = totalNumBytes;
+ * This function forces the thread for copying files and folders to wait until
+ * the user clicked something on the popup gui which makes problem_action becomes != -1.
+ */
 static void xfer_progress_update (XferData *xferData)
     g_mutex_lock (&xferData->mutex);
@@ -398,7 +954,8 @@ static void xfer_progress_update (XferData *xferData)
         while (xferData->problem_action == -1)
             g_thread_yield ();
         g_mutex_lock (&xferData->mutex);
-        xferData->problem_file_name = nullptr;
+        g_object_unref(xferData->problemSrcGFile);
+        g_object_unref(xferData->problemDestGFile);
         g_clear_error (&(xferData->error));
@@ -406,46 +963,415 @@ static void xfer_progress_update (XferData *xferData)
-gnome_cmd_xfer_tmp_download (GFile *srcGFile,
-                             GFile *destGFile,
-                             GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
-                             gpointer xferDataPointer)
+static void
+do_the_copy(GFile *srcGFile, GFile *destGFile, GFileCopyFlags copyFlags, gpointer xferDataPointer)
-    GError *tmpError = nullptr;
+    g_return_if_fail(xferDataPointer != nullptr);
+    g_return_if_fail(srcGFile != nullptr);
+    g_return_if_fail(destGFile != nullptr);
-    g_return_if_fail(G_IS_FILE(srcGFile));
-    g_return_if_fail(G_IS_FILE(destGFile));
+    GError *tmpError = nullptr;
     auto xferData = (XferData *) xferDataPointer;
-    // Start the transfer
-    if (!g_file_copy (srcGFile, destGFile, copyFlags, nullptr, update_copied_xfer_data, xferDataPointer, 
+    g_free(xferData->curSrcFileName);
+    xferData->curSrcFileName = get_gfile_attribute_string(srcGFile, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME);
+    if(!g_file_copy(srcGFile, destGFile, copyFlags, nullptr, update_transferred_data, xferDataPointer, 
-        g_warning("g_file_copy: File could not be copied: %s\n", tmpError->message);
         g_propagate_error(&(xferData->error), tmpError);
-        xferData->problem_file_name = g_file_peek_path(srcGFile);
+        xferData->problemSrcGFile = g_file_dup(srcGFile);
+        xferData->problemDestGFile = g_file_dup(destGFile);
-        // Set back to default value because transfering the file might work only after the first try
-        xferData->problem_action = XFER_ERROR_ACTION_DEFAULT;
+        xferData->curFileNumber++;
+        xferData->bytesTotalTransferred += xferData->fileSize;
+        if (xferData->problem_action == COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY)
+            xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
+    }
+static GFile*
+get_new_dest_gfile(GFile *srcGFile, GFile *destGFile, const char *copyString, guint increment)
+    auto destGFileParent = g_file_get_parent(destGFile);
+    auto srcBasename = g_file_get_basename(srcGFile);
+    auto newDestGFilePath = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s (%s %d)",
+                                            g_file_peek_path(destGFileParent),
+                                            G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S,
+                                            srcBasename,
+                                            copyString,
+                                            increment);
+    auto newDestGFile = g_file_new_for_path(newDestGFilePath);
+    g_free(newDestGFilePath);
+    g_free(srcBasename);
+    g_object_unref(destGFileParent);
+    return newDestGFile;
+static void
+set_new_nonexisting_dest_gfile(GFile *srcGFile, GFile **destGFile, XferData *xferData)
+    // Translators: Translate 'Copy' as a noun here
+    auto copyString = C_("Filename suffix", "Copy");
+    guint increment = 1;
+    auto newDestGFile = get_new_dest_gfile(srcGFile, *destGFile, copyString, increment);
+    while (g_file_query_exists(newDestGFile, nullptr))
+    {
+        g_object_unref(newDestGFile);
+        increment++;
+        newDestGFile = get_new_dest_gfile(srcGFile, *destGFile, copyString, increment);
+    }
+    // If destGFile is an item of the user-provided list of items
+    // to be transferred, we have to update this list-item also
+    auto oldDestItem = g_list_find(xferData->destGFileList, *destGFile);
+    if (oldDestItem)
+    {
+        oldDestItem->data = newDestGFile;
+    }
+    g_object_unref(*destGFile);
+    *destGFile = newDestGFile;
+ * This function moves directories and files from srcGFile to destGFile.
+ * ...
+ */
+gnome_cmd_move_gfile_recursive (GFile *srcGFile,
+                                GFile *destGFile,
+                                GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
+                                gpointer xferDataPointer)
+    auto xferData = (XferData *) xferDataPointer;
+    if (xferData->error)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    g_return_val_if_fail(G_IS_FILE(srcGFile), false);
+    g_return_val_if_fail(G_IS_FILE(destGFile), false);
+    GError *tmpError = nullptr;
+    g_free(xferData->curSrcFileName);
+    xferData->curSrcFileName = get_gfile_attribute_string(srcGFile, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME);
+    if(!g_file_move(srcGFile, destGFile, copyFlags, nullptr, update_transferred_data, xferDataPointer, 
+    {
+        if(g_file_query_file_type(srcGFile, G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NONE, nullptr) == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY
+           && g_error_matches(tmpError, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_WOULD_RECURSE))
+        {
+            g_message("Folder could not be copied natively, trying a copy-delete...");
+            g_error_free(tmpError);
+            tmpError = nullptr;
+            if (gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcGFile, destGFile, xferData->copyFlags, xferData))
+            {
+                auto gFileInfo = g_file_query_info(srcGFile, "*", G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NONE, nullptr, 
+                if (!gFileInfo || tmpError)
+                {
+                    g_propagate_error(&(xferData->error), tmpError);
+                    xferData->problemSrcGFile = g_file_dup(srcGFile);
+                    xferData->problemDestGFile = g_file_dup(destGFile);
+                    xfer_progress_update(xferData);
+                    g_object_unref (gFileInfo);
+                    //ToDo: Decide what to do here!
+                    return false;
+                }
+                auto srcGFileParent = g_file_get_parent(srcGFile);
+                if (!srcGFileParent)
+                {
+                    g_object_unref(gFileInfo);
+                    return false;
+                }
+                auto gFileParentPath = g_file_get_path(srcGFileParent);
+                auto gnomeCmdDirParent = gnome_cmd_dir_new (get_home_con(), new 
+                auto gnomeCmdDir = gnome_cmd_dir_new_from_gfileinfo(gFileInfo, gnomeCmdDirParent);
+                auto deleteData = g_new0 (DeleteData, 1);
+                deleteData->gnomeCmdFiles = g_list_append(nullptr, gnomeCmdDir);
+                do_delete (deleteData, false); // false -> do not show progress window
+                g_free(gFileParentPath);
+                g_object_unref(srcGFileParent);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            g_propagate_error(&(xferData->error), tmpError);
+            xferData->problemSrcGFile = g_file_dup(srcGFile);
+            xferData->problemDestGFile = g_file_dup(destGFile);
+            xfer_progress_update(xferData);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        xferData->curFileNumber++;
+        xferData->bytesTotalTransferred += xferData->fileSize;
+        if (xferData->problem_action == COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY)
+            xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
-    if(xferData->problem_action == XFER_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY)
+    return true;
+ * This function recursively copies directories and files from srcGFile to destGFile.
+ * As the function can call itself multiple times, some logic is build into it to handle the
+ * case when the destination is already existing and the user decides up on that.
+ *
+ * The function does return when it copied a regular file or when something went wrong
+ * unexpectedly. It calls itself if a directory should be copied or if a rename should happen
+ * as the original destination exists already.
+ */
+gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive (GFile *srcGFile,
+                                GFile *destGFile,
+                                GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
+                                gpointer xferDataPointer)
+    auto xferData = (XferData *) xferDataPointer;
+    if (xferData->error)
-        xferData->problem_action = XFER_ERROR_ACTION_DEFAULT;
-        gnome_cmd_xfer_tmp_download(srcGFile, destGFile, copyFlags, xferData);
+        return false;
+    g_return_val_if_fail(G_IS_FILE(srcGFile), false);
+    g_return_val_if_fail(G_IS_FILE(destGFile), false);
+    GError *tmpError = nullptr;
+    switch (g_file_query_file_type(srcGFile, G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NONE, nullptr))
+    {
+        case G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY:
+        {
+            xferData->currentFileType = G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY;
+            switch (xferData->problem_action)
+            {
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET:
+                    // Try to create the dest directory
+                    if (!g_file_make_directory (destGFile, nullptr, &tmpError))
+                    {
+                        g_warning("g_file_make_directory error: %s\n", tmpError->message);
+                        g_propagate_error(&(xferData->error), tmpError);
+                        xferData->problemSrcGFile = g_file_dup(srcGFile);
+                        xferData->problemDestGFile = g_file_dup(destGFile);
+                        xfer_progress_update(xferData);
+                        return gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcGFile, destGFile, copyFlags, xferData);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RENAME:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
+                    set_new_nonexisting_dest_gfile(srcGFile, &destGFile, xferData);
+                    if (!g_file_make_directory (destGFile, nullptr, &tmpError))
+                    {
+                        g_warning("g_file_make_directory error: %s\n", tmpError->message);
+                        g_propagate_error(&(xferData->error), tmpError);
+                        xferData->problemSrcGFile = g_file_dup(srcGFile);
+                        xferData->problemDestGFile = g_file_dup(destGFile);
+                        xfer_progress_update(xferData);
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_COPY_INTO:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
+                    break;
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RENAME_ALL:
+                    set_new_nonexisting_dest_gfile(srcGFile, &destGFile, xferData);
+                    if (!g_file_make_directory (destGFile, nullptr, &tmpError))
+                    {
+                        g_warning("g_file_make_directory error: %s\n", tmpError->message);
+                        g_propagate_error(&(xferData->error), tmpError);
+                        xferData->problemSrcGFile = g_file_dup(srcGFile);
+                        xferData->problemDestGFile = g_file_dup(destGFile);
+                        xfer_progress_update(xferData);
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
+                    return true;
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP_ALL:
+                    return true;
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
+                    return gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcGFile, destGFile, copyFlags, xferData);
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_ABORT:
+                    return false;
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_REPLACE:     // This is not handled for directories when copying
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_REPLACE_ALL: // This is not handled for directories when copying
+                default:
+                    return false;
+            }
+            auto enumerator = g_file_enumerate_children(srcGFile, "*", G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NONE, NULL, 
+            if (tmpError)
+            {
+                g_warning("g_file_enumerate_children error: %s\n", tmpError->message);
+                g_propagate_error(&(xferData->error), tmpError);
+                xferData->problemSrcGFile = g_file_dup(srcGFile);
+                xferData->problemDestGFile = g_file_dup(destGFile);
+                xfer_progress_update(xferData);
+                return false;
+            }
+            // Loop through the items of the directory.
+            // Probably this can be extracted into an own function.
+            auto gFileInfoChildFile = g_file_enumerator_next_file(enumerator, nullptr, &tmpError);
+            while(gFileInfoChildFile != nullptr && !tmpError)
+            {
+                if(g_file_info_get_file_type(gFileInfoChildFile) == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY)
+                {
+                    auto dirNameChildGFile = g_file_info_get_name(gFileInfoChildFile);
+                    auto sourceChildGFile = g_file_get_child(g_file_enumerator_get_container(enumerator), 
+                    auto targetPath = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s", g_file_peek_path(destGFile), 
G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, dirNameChildGFile);
+                    auto targetGFile = g_file_new_for_path(targetPath);
+                    gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(sourceChildGFile, targetGFile, copyFlags, xferData);
+                    g_object_unref(sourceChildGFile);
+                    g_object_unref(targetGFile);
+                    g_free(targetPath);
+                }
+                else if(g_file_info_get_file_type(gFileInfoChildFile) == G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR)
+                {
+                    xferData->currentFileType = G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR;
+                    auto fileNameChildGFile = g_file_info_get_name(gFileInfoChildFile);
+                    auto srcChildGFile = g_file_get_child(g_file_enumerator_get_container(enumerator), 
+                    auto targetPath = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s", g_file_peek_path(destGFile), 
G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, fileNameChildGFile);
+                    auto targetGFile = g_file_new_for_path(targetPath);
+                    do_the_copy(srcChildGFile, targetGFile, copyFlags, xferDataPointer);
+                    switch (xferData->problem_action)
+                    {
+                        case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY:
+                            xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
+                            return gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcChildGFile, targetGFile, copyFlags, 
+                        case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_REPLACE:
+                            xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
+                            gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcChildGFile, targetGFile, 
+                            break;
+                        case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RENAME:
+                            xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
+                            set_new_nonexisting_dest_gfile(srcChildGFile, &targetGFile, xferData);
+                            gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcChildGFile, targetGFile, copyFlags, xferData);
+                            break;
+                        case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP:
+                            xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
+                            break;
+                        case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_REPLACE_ALL:
+                            gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcChildGFile, targetGFile, 
+                            break;
+                        case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP_ALL:
+                            g_object_unref(srcChildGFile);
+                            g_object_unref(targetGFile);
+                            g_free(targetPath);
+                            g_object_unref(gFileInfoChildFile);
+                            g_file_enumerator_close (enumerator, nullptr, nullptr);
+                            return true;
+                        case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RENAME_ALL:
+                            set_new_nonexisting_dest_gfile(srcChildGFile, &targetGFile, xferData);
+                            gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcChildGFile, targetGFile, 
+                            break;
+                        case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_ABORT:
+                        case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_COPY_INTO:
+                            g_object_unref(srcChildGFile);
+                            g_object_unref(targetGFile);
+                            g_free(targetPath);
+                            g_object_unref(gFileInfoChildFile);
+                            g_file_enumerator_close (enumerator, nullptr, nullptr);
+                            return false;
+                        case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET:
+                        default:
+                            break;
+                    }
+                    g_object_unref(srcChildGFile);
+                    g_object_unref(targetGFile);
+                    g_free(targetPath);
+                }
+                g_object_unref(gFileInfoChildFile);
+                gFileInfoChildFile = g_file_enumerator_next_file(enumerator, NULL, &tmpError);
+            }
+            if (tmpError)
+            {
+                printf("g_file_enumerator_next_file: %s\n", tmpError->message);
+                g_propagate_error(&(xferData->error), tmpError);
+                xfer_progress_update(xferData);
+            }
+            g_file_enumerator_close (enumerator, nullptr, nullptr);
+            break;
+        }
+        case G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR:
+        {
+            xferData->currentFileType = G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR;
+            do_the_copy(srcGFile, destGFile, copyFlags, xferDataPointer);
+            switch (xferData->problem_action)
+            {
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
+                    return gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcGFile, destGFile, copyFlags, xferData);
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_REPLACE:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
+                    gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcGFile, destGFile, G_FILE_COPY_OVERWRITE, xferData);
+                    break;
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RENAME:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
+                    set_new_nonexisting_dest_gfile(srcGFile, &destGFile, xferData);
+                    gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcGFile, destGFile, copyFlags, xferData);
+                    break;
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP:
+                    xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
+                    break;
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_REPLACE_ALL:
+                    gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcGFile, destGFile, G_FILE_COPY_OVERWRITE, xferData);
+                    break;
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_SKIP_ALL:
+                    return true;
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RENAME_ALL:
+                    set_new_nonexisting_dest_gfile(srcGFile, &destGFile, xferData);
+                    gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcGFile, destGFile, copyFlags, xferData);
+                    break;
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_COPY_INTO: // This is not handled for files when copying
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_ABORT:
+                    return false;
+                case COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET:
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        case G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE:
+        case G_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+        case G_FILE_TYPE_SHORTCUT:
+        case G_FILE_TYPE_SPECIAL:
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    if(xferData->problem_action == COPY_ERROR_ACTION_RETRY)
+    {
+        xferData->problem_action = COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET;
+        gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive(srcGFile, destGFile, copyFlags, xferData);
+    }
+    return true;
-gnome_cmd_xfer_start (GList *srcGnomeCmdFileGList,
+gnome_cmd_copy_start (GList *srcGnomeCmdFileGList,
                       GnomeCmdDir *toGnomeCmdDir,
                       GnomeCmdFileList *srcGnomeCmdFileList,
                       gchar *destFileName,
-                      GnomeVFSXferOptions xferOptions,
-                      GnomeVFSXferOverwriteMode xferOverwriteMode,
+                      GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
+                      gboolean skipAsk,
                       GtkSignalFunc on_completed_func,
                       gpointer on_completed_data)
@@ -454,13 +1380,39 @@ gnome_cmd_xfer_start (GList *srcGnomeCmdFileGList,
     GList *srcGFileList = gnome_cmd_file_list_to_gfile_list (srcGnomeCmdFileGList);
-    gnome_cmd_xfer_gfiles_start (srcGFileList,
+    gnome_cmd_copy_gfiles_start (srcGFileList,
-                               xferOptions,
-                               xferOverwriteMode,
+                               copyFlags,
+                               skipAsk,
+gnome_cmd_move_start (GList *srcGnomeCmdFileGList,
+                      GnomeCmdDir *toGnomeCmdDir,
+                      GnomeCmdFileList *srcGnomeCmdFileList,
+                      gchar *destFileName,
+                      GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
+                      gboolean skipAsk,
+                      GtkSignalFunc on_completed_func,
+                      gpointer on_completed_data)
+    g_return_if_fail (srcGnomeCmdFileGList != nullptr);
+    g_return_if_fail (GNOME_CMD_IS_DIR (toGnomeCmdDir));
+    GList *srcGFileList = gnome_cmd_file_list_to_gfile_list (srcGnomeCmdFileGList);
+    gnome_cmd_move_gfiles_start (srcGFileList,
+                                 toGnomeCmdDir,
+                                 srcGnomeCmdFileList,
+                                 srcGnomeCmdFileGList,
+                                 destFileName,
+                                 copyFlags,
+                                 skipAsk,
+                                 on_completed_func,
+                                 on_completed_data);
diff --git a/src/gnome-cmd-xfer.h b/src/gnome-cmd-xfer.h
index 5e60fa45..355048e7 100644
--- a/src/gnome-cmd-xfer.h
+++ b/src/gnome-cmd-xfer.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
  * @file gnome-cmd-xfer.h
  * @copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marcus Bjurman\n
  * @copyright (C) 2007-2012 Piotr Eljasiak\n
@@ -25,33 +25,54 @@
 #include "gnome-cmd-file-list.h"
 #include "gnome-cmd-xfer-progress-win.h"
+    COPY_ERROR_ACTION_NO_ACTION_YET = -1, // No error yet, so no action to take
+    COPY,
+    MOVE,
+    LINK
 struct XferData
     GFileCopyFlags copyFlags;
     GnomeVFSXferOptions xferOptions;
     GnomeVFSAsyncHandle *handle;
+    TRANSFER_TYPE transferType{COPY};
     // Source and target GFile's. The first srcGFile should be transfered to the first destGFile and so on...
     GList *srcGFileList;
     GList *destGFileList;
-    GnomeCmdDir *to_dir;
+    GnomeCmdDir *destGnomeCmdDir;
     GnomeCmdFileList *src_fl;
     GList *src_files;
     // Used for showing the progress
     GnomeCmdXferProgressWin *win;
-    gulong cur_file;
-    gulong prev_file;
-    gulong files_total;
-    gfloat prev_totalprog;
+    gulong curFileNumber;
+    gchar *curSrcFileName;
+    gulong filesTotal;
     gboolean first_time;
     gchar *cur_file_name;
-    GnomeVFSFileSize file_size;
-    GnomeVFSFileSize bytes_copied;
-    GnomeVFSFileSize bytes_total;
-    GnomeVFSFileSize total_bytes_copied;
+    guint64 fileSize;
+    guint64 bytesCopiedFile;
+    guint64 bytesTotal;
+    guint64 bytesTotalTransferred{0};
     GFunc on_completed_func;
     gpointer on_completed_data;
@@ -60,47 +81,86 @@ struct XferData
     gboolean aborted;
     gboolean problem{FALSE};                 // signals to the main thread that the work thread is waiting 
for an answer on what to do
-    gint problem_action{-1};                 // where the answer is delivered
-    const gchar *problem_file_name{nullptr}; // the filename of the file that can't be deleted
+    COPY_ERROR_ACTION problem_action;        // action to take when an error occurs
+    GFile *problemSrcGFile;
+    GFile *problemDestGFile;
     GThread *thread{nullptr};                // the work thread
     GMutex mutex{nullptr};                   // used to sync the main and worker thread
     GError *error{nullptr};                  // the cause that the file cant be deleted
+    GType currentFileType;                   // the file type of the file which is currently copied
-gnome_cmd_xfer_start (GList *src_files,
+gnome_cmd_copy_start (GList *src_files,
                       GnomeCmdDir *to,
                       GnomeCmdFileList *src_fl,
                       gchar *dest_fn,
-                      GnomeVFSXferOptions xferOptions,
-                      GnomeVFSXferOverwriteMode xferOverwriteMode,
+                      GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
+                      gboolean skipAsk,
                       GtkSignalFunc on_completed_func,
                       gpointer on_completed_data);
+gnome_cmd_move_start (GList *src_files,
+                      GnomeCmdDir *to,
+                      GnomeCmdFileList *src_fl,
+                      gchar *dest_fn,
+                      GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
+                      gboolean skipAsk,
+                      GtkSignalFunc on_completed_func,
+                      gpointer on_completed_data);
+gnome_cmd_copy_gfiles_start (GList *src_uri_list,
+                           GnomeCmdDir *to,
+                           GnomeCmdFileList *src_fl,
+                           GList *src_files,
+                           gchar *dest_fn,
+                           GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
+                           gboolean skipAsk,
+                           GtkSignalFunc on_completed_func,
+                           gpointer on_completed_data);
+gnome_cmd_move_gfiles_start (GList *src_uri_list,
+                           GnomeCmdDir *to,
+                           GnomeCmdFileList *src_fl,
+                           GList *src_files,
+                           gchar *dest_fn,
+                           GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
+                           gboolean skipAsk,
+                           GtkSignalFunc on_completed_func,
+                           gpointer on_completed_data);
-gnome_cmd_xfer_gfiles_start (GList *src_uri_list,
+gnome_cmd_link_gfiles_start (GList *src_uri_list,
                            GnomeCmdDir *to,
                            GnomeCmdFileList *src_fl,
                            GList *src_files,
                            gchar *dest_fn,
-                           GnomeVFSXferOptions xferOptions,
-                           GnomeVFSXferOverwriteMode xferOverwriteMode,
+                           GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
+                           gboolean skipAsk,
                            GtkSignalFunc on_completed_func,
                            gpointer on_completed_data);
-gnome_cmd_xfer_tmp_download (GFile *srcGFile,
+gnome_cmd_tmp_download (GFile *srcGFile,
                              GFile *destGFile,
                              GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
                              GtkSignalFunc on_completed_func,
                              gpointer on_completed_data);
-gnome_cmd_xfer_tmp_download_multiple (XferData *xferData);
-gnome_cmd_xfer_tmp_download (GFile *srcGFile,
-                               GFile *destGFile,
-                               GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
-                               gpointer on_completed_data);
+gnome_cmd_transfer_gfiles (XferData *xferData);
+gnome_cmd_copy_gfile_recursive (GFile *srcGFile,
+                                GFile *destGFile,
+                                GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
+                                gpointer on_completed_data);
+gnome_cmd_move_gfile_recursive (GFile *srcGFile,
+                                GFile *destGFile,
+                                GFileCopyFlags copyFlags,
+                                gpointer on_completed_data);

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