[gtk/docs-gtk-org] Add GModule API

commit 5bd66748744c9b8718eff2afe1783901d8d709e3
Author: Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi gnome org>
Date:   Tue Aug 24 12:02:55 2021 +0100

    Add GModule API
    In the gtk-doc API reference GModule is part of GLib, but for
    introspection purposes, GModule has its own namespace, which means it
    requires its own documentation module.

 .gitlab-ci.yml               |   1 +
 glib/gmodule/GModule-2.0.gir | 539 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 glib/gmodule/gmodule.toml.in |  44 ++++
 glib/gmodule/meson.build     |  23 ++
 glib/gmodule/modules.md      |  92 ++++++++
 glib/gmodule/urlmap.js       |   7 +
 meson.build                  |   1 +
 7 files changed, 707 insertions(+)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 106fc86650..b45a71c5ad 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ reference:
     - meson setup  _build
     - meson compile -C _build
     - mv _build/glib/glib/glib/ docs/glib/
+    - mv _build/glib/gmodule/gmodule/ docs/gmodule/
     - mv _build/glib/gobject/gobject/ docs/gobject/
     - mv _build/glib/gio/gio/ docs/gio/
     - mv _build/gtk3/gdk/gdk3/ docs/gdk3/
diff --git a/glib/gmodule/GModule-2.0.gir b/glib/gmodule/GModule-2.0.gir
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4843158f1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glib/gmodule/GModule-2.0.gir
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This file was automatically generated from C sources - DO NOT EDIT!
+To affect the contents of this file, edit the original C definitions,
+and/or use gtk-doc annotations.  -->
+<repository version="1.2"
+            xmlns="http://www.gtk.org/introspection/core/1.0";
+            xmlns:c="http://www.gtk.org/introspection/c/1.0";
+            xmlns:glib="http://www.gtk.org/introspection/glib/1.0";>
+  <include name="GLib" version="2.0"/>
+  <package name="gmodule-2.0"/>
+  <c:include name="gmodule.h"/>
+  <namespace name="GModule"
+             version="2.0"
+             shared-library="libgmodule-2.0.so.0"
+             c:identifier-prefixes="G"
+             c:symbol-prefixes="g">
+    <record name="Module" c:type="GModule" disguised="1">
+      <doc xml:space="preserve"
+           filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+           line="5">The #GModule struct is an opaque data structure to represent a
+[dynamically-loaded module][glib-Dynamic-Loading-of-Modules].
+It should only be accessed via the following functions.</doc>
+      <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                       line="65"/>
+      <method name="close" c:identifier="g_module_close">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+             line="185">Closes a module.</doc>
+        <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                         line="105"/>
+        <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
+          <doc xml:space="preserve"
+               filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+               line="191">%TRUE on success</doc>
+          <type name="gboolean" c:type="gboolean"/>
+        </return-value>
+        <parameters>
+          <instance-parameter name="module" transfer-ownership="none">
+            <doc xml:space="preserve"
+                 filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+                 line="187">a #GModule to close</doc>
+            <type name="Module" c:type="GModule*"/>
+          </instance-parameter>
+        </parameters>
+      </method>
+      <method name="make_resident" c:identifier="g_module_make_resident">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+             line="204">Ensures that a module will never be unloaded.
+Any future g_module_close() calls on the module will be ignored.</doc>
+        <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                         line="109"/>
+        <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
+          <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
+        </return-value>
+        <parameters>
+          <instance-parameter name="module" transfer-ownership="none">
+            <doc xml:space="preserve"
+                 filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+                 line="206">a #GModule to make permanently resident</doc>
+            <type name="Module" c:type="GModule*"/>
+          </instance-parameter>
+        </parameters>
+      </method>
+      <method name="name" c:identifier="g_module_name">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+             line="213">Returns the filename that the module was opened with.
+If @module refers to the application itself, "main" is returned.</doc>
+        <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                         line="123"/>
+        <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
+          <doc xml:space="preserve"
+               filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+               line="221">the filename of the module</doc>
+          <type name="utf8" c:type="const gchar*"/>
+        </return-value>
+        <parameters>
+          <instance-parameter name="module" transfer-ownership="none">
+            <doc xml:space="preserve"
+                 filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+                 line="215">a #GModule</doc>
+            <type name="Module" c:type="GModule*"/>
+          </instance-parameter>
+        </parameters>
+      </method>
+      <method name="symbol" c:identifier="g_module_symbol">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+             line="273">Gets a symbol pointer from a module, such as one exported
+by #G_MODULE_EXPORT. Note that a valid symbol can be %NULL.</doc>
+        <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                         line="117"/>
+        <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
+          <doc xml:space="preserve"
+               filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+               line="282">%TRUE on success</doc>
+          <type name="gboolean" c:type="gboolean"/>
+        </return-value>
+        <parameters>
+          <instance-parameter name="module" transfer-ownership="none">
+            <doc xml:space="preserve"
+                 filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+                 line="275">a #GModule</doc>
+            <type name="Module" c:type="GModule*"/>
+          </instance-parameter>
+          <parameter name="symbol_name" transfer-ownership="none">
+            <doc xml:space="preserve"
+                 filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+                 line="276">the name of the symbol to find</doc>
+            <type name="utf8" c:type="const gchar*"/>
+          </parameter>
+          <parameter name="symbol"
+                     direction="out"
+                     caller-allocates="0"
+                     transfer-ownership="full"
+                     nullable="1">
+            <doc xml:space="preserve"
+                 filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+                 line="277">returns the pointer to the symbol value</doc>
+            <type name="gpointer" c:type="gpointer*"/>
+          </parameter>
+        </parameters>
+      </method>
+      <function name="build_path" c:identifier="g_module_build_path">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+             line="159">A portable way to build the filename of a module. The platform-specific
+prefix and suffix are added to the filename, if needed, and the result
+is added to the directory, using the correct separator character.
+The directory should specify the directory where the module can be found.
+It can be %NULL or an empty string to indicate that the module is in a
+standard platform-specific directory, though this is not recommended
+since the wrong module may be found.
+For example, calling g_module_build_path() on a Linux system with a
+@directory of `/lib` and a @module_name of "mylibrary" will return
+`/lib/libmylibrary.so`. On a Windows system, using `\Windows` as the
+directory it will return `\Windows\mylibrary.dll`.</doc>
+        <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                         line="137"/>
+        <return-value transfer-ownership="full">
+          <doc xml:space="preserve"
+               filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+               line="180">the complete path of the module, including the standard library
+    prefix and suffix. This should be freed when no longer needed</doc>
+          <type name="utf8" c:type="gchar*"/>
+        </return-value>
+        <parameters>
+          <parameter name="directory"
+                     transfer-ownership="none"
+                     nullable="1"
+                     allow-none="1">
+            <doc xml:space="preserve"
+                 filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+                 line="161">the directory where the module is. This can be
+    %NULL or the empty string to indicate that the standard platform-specific
+    directories will be used, though that is not recommended</doc>
+            <type name="utf8" c:type="const gchar*"/>
+          </parameter>
+          <parameter name="module_name" transfer-ownership="none">
+            <doc xml:space="preserve"
+                 filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+                 line="164">the name of the module</doc>
+            <type name="utf8" c:type="const gchar*"/>
+          </parameter>
+        </parameters>
+      </function>
+      <function name="error" c:identifier="g_module_error">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+             line="195">Gets a string describing the last module error.</doc>
+        <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                         line="113"/>
+        <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
+          <doc xml:space="preserve"
+               filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+               line="200">a string describing the last module error</doc>
+          <type name="utf8" c:type="const gchar*"/>
+        </return-value>
+      </function>
+      <function name="error_quark" c:identifier="g_module_error_quark">
+        <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
+          <type name="GLib.Quark" c:type="GQuark"/>
+        </return-value>
+      </function>
+      <function name="open" c:identifier="g_module_open" introspectable="0">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+             line="225">A thin wrapper function around g_module_open_full()</doc>
+        <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                         line="95"/>
+        <return-value>
+          <doc xml:space="preserve"
+               filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+               line="234">a #GModule on success, or %NULL on failure</doc>
+          <type name="Module" c:type="GModule*"/>
+        </return-value>
+        <parameters>
+          <parameter name="file_name"
+                     transfer-ownership="none"
+                     nullable="1"
+                     allow-none="1">
+            <doc xml:space="preserve"
+                 filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+                 line="227">the name of the file containing the module, or %NULL
+    to obtain a #GModule representing the main program itself</doc>
+            <type name="utf8" c:type="const gchar*"/>
+          </parameter>
+          <parameter name="flags" transfer-ownership="none">
+            <doc xml:space="preserve"
+                 filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+                 line="229">the flags used for opening the module. This can be the
+    logical OR of any of the #GModuleFlags.</doc>
+            <type name="ModuleFlags" c:type="GModuleFlags"/>
+          </parameter>
+        </parameters>
+      </function>
+      <function name="open_full"
+                c:identifier="g_module_open_full"
+                version="2.70"
+                introspectable="0"
+                throws="1">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+             line="238">Opens a module. If the module has already been opened,
+its reference count is incremented.
+First of all g_module_open_full() tries to open @file_name as a module.
+If that fails and @file_name has the ".la"-suffix (and is a libtool
+archive) it tries to open the corresponding module. If that fails
+and it doesn't have the proper module suffix for the platform
+(#G_MODULE_SUFFIX), this suffix will be appended and the corresponding
+module will be opened. If that fails and @file_name doesn't have the
+".la"-suffix, this suffix is appended and g_module_open_full() tries to open
+the corresponding module. If eventually that fails as well, %NULL is
+        <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                         line="99"/>
+        <return-value>
+          <doc xml:space="preserve"
+               filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+               line="259">a #GModule on success, or %NULL on failure</doc>
+          <type name="Module" c:type="GModule*"/>
+        </return-value>
+        <parameters>
+          <parameter name="file_name"
+                     transfer-ownership="none"
+                     nullable="1"
+                     allow-none="1">
+            <doc xml:space="preserve"
+                 filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+                 line="240">the name of the file containing the module, or %NULL
+    to obtain a #GModule representing the main program itself</doc>
+            <type name="utf8" c:type="const gchar*"/>
+          </parameter>
+          <parameter name="flags" transfer-ownership="none">
+            <doc xml:space="preserve"
+                 filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+                 line="242">the flags used for opening the module. This can be the
+    logical OR of any of the #GModuleFlags</doc>
+            <type name="ModuleFlags" c:type="GModuleFlags"/>
+          </parameter>
+        </parameters>
+      </function>
+      <function name="supported" c:identifier="g_module_supported">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+             line="264">Checks if modules are supported on the current platform.</doc>
+        <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                         line="91"/>
+        <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
+          <doc xml:space="preserve"
+               filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+               line="269">%TRUE if modules are supported</doc>
+          <type name="gboolean" c:type="gboolean"/>
+        </return-value>
+      </function>
+    </record>
+    <callback name="ModuleCheckInit" c:type="GModuleCheckInit">
+      <doc xml:space="preserve"
+           filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+           line="14">Specifies the type of the module initialization function.
+If a module contains a function named g_module_check_init() it is called
+automatically when the module is loaded. It is passed the #GModule structure
+and should return %NULL on success or a string describing the initialization
+      <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                       line="66"/>
+      <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+             line="24">%NULL on success, or a string describing the initialization error</doc>
+        <type name="utf8" c:type="const gchar*"/>
+      </return-value>
+      <parameters>
+        <parameter name="module" transfer-ownership="none">
+          <doc xml:space="preserve"
+               filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+               line="16">the #GModule corresponding to the module which has just been loaded</doc>
+          <type name="Module" c:type="GModule*"/>
+        </parameter>
+      </parameters>
+    </callback>
+    <enumeration name="ModuleError"
+                 version="2.70"
+                 c:type="GModuleError"
+                 glib:error-domain="g-module-error-quark">
+      <doc xml:space="preserve"
+           filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+           line="73">Errors returned by g_module_open_full().</doc>
+      <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                       line="86"/>
+      <member name="failed" value="0" c:identifier="G_MODULE_ERROR_FAILED">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+             line="75">there was an error loading or opening a module file</doc>
+      </member>
+      <member name="check_failed"
+              value="1"
+              c:identifier="G_MODULE_ERROR_CHECK_FAILED">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+             line="76">a module returned an error from its `g_module_check_init()` function</doc>
+      </member>
+    </enumeration>
+    <bitfield name="ModuleFlags" c:type="GModuleFlags">
+      <doc xml:space="preserve"
+           filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+           line="44">Flags passed to g_module_open().
+Note that these flags are not supported on all platforms.</doc>
+      <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                       line="63"/>
+      <member name="lazy" value="1" c:identifier="G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+             line="46">specifies that symbols are only resolved when
+    needed. The default action is to bind all symbols when the module
+    is loaded.</doc>
+      </member>
+      <member name="local" value="2" c:identifier="G_MODULE_BIND_LOCAL">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+             line="49">specifies that symbols in the module should
+    not be added to the global name space. The default action on most
+    platforms is to place symbols in the module in the global name space,
+    which may cause conflicts with existing symbols.</doc>
+      </member>
+      <member name="mask" value="3" c:identifier="G_MODULE_BIND_MASK">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+             line="53">mask for all flags.</doc>
+      </member>
+    </bitfield>
+    <callback name="ModuleUnload" c:type="GModuleUnload">
+      <doc xml:space="preserve"
+           filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+           line="28">Specifies the type of the module function called when it is unloaded.
+If a module contains a function named g_module_unload() it is called
+automatically when the module is unloaded.
+It is passed the #GModule structure.</doc>
+      <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                       line="67"/>
+      <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
+        <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
+      </return-value>
+      <parameters>
+        <parameter name="module" transfer-ownership="none">
+          <doc xml:space="preserve"
+               filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+               line="30">the #GModule about to be unloaded</doc>
+          <type name="Module" c:type="GModule*"/>
+        </parameter>
+      </parameters>
+    </callback>
+    <function name="module_build_path"
+              c:identifier="g_module_build_path"
+              moved-to="Module.build_path">
+      <doc xml:space="preserve"
+           filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+           line="159">A portable way to build the filename of a module. The platform-specific
+prefix and suffix are added to the filename, if needed, and the result
+is added to the directory, using the correct separator character.
+The directory should specify the directory where the module can be found.
+It can be %NULL or an empty string to indicate that the module is in a
+standard platform-specific directory, though this is not recommended
+since the wrong module may be found.
+For example, calling g_module_build_path() on a Linux system with a
+@directory of `/lib` and a @module_name of "mylibrary" will return
+`/lib/libmylibrary.so`. On a Windows system, using `\Windows` as the
+directory it will return `\Windows\mylibrary.dll`.</doc>
+      <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                       line="137"/>
+      <return-value transfer-ownership="full">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+             line="180">the complete path of the module, including the standard library
+    prefix and suffix. This should be freed when no longer needed</doc>
+        <type name="utf8" c:type="gchar*"/>
+      </return-value>
+      <parameters>
+        <parameter name="directory"
+                   transfer-ownership="none"
+                   nullable="1"
+                   allow-none="1">
+          <doc xml:space="preserve"
+               filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+               line="161">the directory where the module is. This can be
+    %NULL or the empty string to indicate that the standard platform-specific
+    directories will be used, though that is not recommended</doc>
+          <type name="utf8" c:type="const gchar*"/>
+        </parameter>
+        <parameter name="module_name" transfer-ownership="none">
+          <doc xml:space="preserve"
+               filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+               line="164">the name of the module</doc>
+          <type name="utf8" c:type="const gchar*"/>
+        </parameter>
+      </parameters>
+    </function>
+    <function name="module_error"
+              c:identifier="g_module_error"
+              moved-to="Module.error">
+      <doc xml:space="preserve"
+           filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+           line="195">Gets a string describing the last module error.</doc>
+      <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                       line="113"/>
+      <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+             line="200">a string describing the last module error</doc>
+        <type name="utf8" c:type="const gchar*"/>
+      </return-value>
+    </function>
+    <function name="module_error_quark"
+              c:identifier="g_module_error_quark"
+              moved-to="Module.error_quark">
+      <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
+        <type name="GLib.Quark" c:type="GQuark"/>
+      </return-value>
+    </function>
+    <function name="module_supported"
+              c:identifier="g_module_supported"
+              moved-to="Module.supported">
+      <doc xml:space="preserve"
+           filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+           line="264">Checks if modules are supported on the current platform.</doc>
+      <source-position filename="install/include/glib-2.0/gmodule.h"
+                       line="91"/>
+      <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
+        <doc xml:space="preserve"
+             filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+             line="269">%TRUE if modules are supported</doc>
+        <type name="gboolean" c:type="gboolean"/>
+      </return-value>
+    </function>
+    <docsection name="modules">
+      <doc xml:space="preserve"
+           filename="source/gobject-introspection/gir/gmodule-2.0.c"
+           line="79">These functions provide a portable way to dynamically load object files
+(commonly known as 'plug-ins'). The current implementation supports all
+systems that provide an implementation of dlopen() (e.g. Linux/Sun), as
+well as Windows platforms via DLLs.
+A program which wants to use these functions must be linked to the
+libraries output by the command `pkg-config --libs gmodule-2.0`.
+To use them you must first determine whether dynamic loading
+is supported on the platform by calling g_module_supported().
+If it is, you can open a module with g_module_open(),
+find the module's symbols (e.g. function names) with g_module_symbol(),
+and later close the module with g_module_close().
+g_module_name() will return the file name of a currently opened module.
+If any of the above functions fail, the error status can be found with
+The #GModule implementation features reference counting for opened modules,
+and supports hook functions within a module which are called when the
+module is loaded and unloaded (see #GModuleCheckInit and #GModuleUnload).
+If your module introduces static data to common subsystems in the running
+program, e.g. through calling
+`g_quark_from_static_string ("my-module-stuff")`,
+it must ensure that it is never unloaded, by calling g_module_make_resident().
+Example: Calling a function defined in a GModule
+|[&lt;!-- language="C" --&gt;
+// the function signature for 'say_hello'
+typedef void (* SayHelloFunc) (const char *message);
+just_say_hello (const char *filename, GError **error)
+  SayHelloFunc  say_hello;
+  GModule      *module;
+  module = g_module_open (filename, G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY);
+  if (!module)
+    {
+      g_set_error (error, FOO_ERROR, FOO_ERROR_BLAH,
+                   "%s", g_module_error ());
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  if (!g_module_symbol (module, "say_hello", (gpointer *)&amp;say_hello))
+    {
+      g_set_error (error, SAY_ERROR, SAY_ERROR_OPEN,
+                   "%s: %s", filename, g_module_error ());
+      if (!g_module_close (module))
+        g_warning ("%s: %s", filename, g_module_error ());
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  if (say_hello == NULL)
+    {
+      g_set_error (error, SAY_ERROR, SAY_ERROR_OPEN,
+                   "symbol say_hello is NULL");
+      if (!g_module_close (module))
+        g_warning ("%s: %s", filename, g_module_error ());
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  // call our function in the module
+  say_hello ("Hello world!");
+  if (!g_module_close (module))
+    g_warning ("%s: %s", filename, g_module_error ());
+  return TRUE;
+ }
+    </docsection>
+  </namespace>
diff --git a/glib/gmodule/gmodule.toml.in b/glib/gmodule/gmodule.toml.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e310ba895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glib/gmodule/gmodule.toml.in
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+name = "GModule"
+version = "2.68"
+browse_url = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/";
+repository_url = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib.git";
+website_url = "https://www.gtk.org";
+authors = "GTK Development Team"
+license = "GPL-2.1-or-later"
+description = "Portable API for dynamically loading modules"
+dependencies = [ "GLib-2.0", "GObject-2.0", "Gio-2.0" ]
+devhelp = true
+search_index = true
+  [dependencies."GLib-2.0"]
+  name = "GLib"
+  description = "The base utility library"
+  docs_url = "https://docs.gtk.org/glib/";
+  [dependencies."GObject-2.0"]
+  name = "GObject"
+  description = "The base type system library"
+  docs_url = "https://docs.gtk.org/gobject/";
+  [dependencies."Gio-2.0"]
+  name = "GIO"
+  description = "GObject Interfaces and Objects, Networking, IPC, and I/O"
+  docs_url = "https://docs.gtk.org/gio/";
+name = "basic"
+show_index_summary = true
+show_class_hierarchy = true
+base_url = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/-/blob/master/";
+urlmap_file = "urlmap.js"
+# The same order will be used when generating the index
+content_files = [
+  "modules.md",
+content_images = [
diff --git a/glib/gmodule/meson.build b/glib/gmodule/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52730d54c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glib/gmodule/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+expand_content_files = [
+  'modules.md',
+gmodule_gir = meson.current_source_dir() / 'GModule-2.0.gir'
+gmodule_toml = configure_file(input: 'gmodule.toml.in', output: 'gmodule.toml', configuration: toml_conf)
+  input: [ gmodule_toml, gmodule_gir ],
+  output: 'gmodule',
+  command: [
+    gidocgen,
+    'generate',
+    '--quiet',
+    '--config=@INPUT0@',
+    '--output-dir=@OUTPUT@',
+    '--no-namespace-dir',
+    '--content-dir=@0@'.format(meson.current_source_dir()),
+    '@INPUT1@',
+  ],
+  build_by_default: true,
+  depend_files: expand_content_files,
diff --git a/glib/gmodule/modules.md b/glib/gmodule/modules.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f0eeeb4a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glib/gmodule/modules.md
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+Title: Dynamic Loading of Modules
+## Dynamic Loading of Modules
+These functions provide a portable way to dynamically load object files
+(commonly known as 'plug-ins'). The current implementation supports all
+systems that provide an implementation of `dlopen()` (e.g. Linux/Sun), as
+well as Windows platforms via DLLs.
+A program which wants to use these functions must be linked to the libraries
+output by the command:
+    pkg-config --libs gmodule-2.0
+To use them you must first determine whether dynamic loading is supported on
+the platform by calling [`func@GModule.Module.supported`]. If it is, you can
+open a module with [`func GModule Module open`], find the module's symbols
+(e.g. function names) with [`method@GModule.Module.symbol`], and later close
+the module with [`method@GModule.Module.close`].
+[`method GModule Module name`] will return the file name of a currently
+opened module.
+If any of the above functions fail, the error status can be found with
+The `GModule` implementation features reference counting for opened modules,
+and supports hook functions within a module which are called when the module
+is loaded and unloaded (see [callback@GModule.ModuleCheckInit] and
+If your module introduces static data to common subsystems in the running
+program, e.g. through calling API like:
+static GQuark my_module_quark =
+  g_quark_from_static_string ("my-module-stuff");
+it must ensure that it is never unloaded, by calling
+### Calling a function defined in a GModule
+// the function signature for 'say_hello'
+typedef void (* SayHelloFunc) (const char *message);
+just_say_hello (const char *filename, GError **error)
+  SayHelloFunc say_hello;
+  GModule *module;
+  module = g_module_open (filename, G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY);
+  if (module == NULL)
+    {
+      g_set_error (error, FOO_ERROR, FOO_ERROR_BLAH,
+                   "%s", g_module_error ());
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  if (!g_module_symbol (module, "say_hello", (gpointer *)&say_hello))
+    {
+      g_set_error (error, SAY_ERROR, SAY_ERROR_OPEN,
+                   "%s: %s", filename, g_module_error ());
+      if (!g_module_close (module))
+        g_warning ("%s: %s", filename, g_module_error ());
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  if (say_hello == NULL)
+    {
+      g_set_error (error, SAY_ERROR, SAY_ERROR_OPEN,
+                   "symbol say_hello is NULL");
+      if (!g_module_close (module))
+        g_warning ("%s: %s", filename, g_module_error ());
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  // call our function in the module
+  say_hello ("Hello world!");
+  if (!g_module_close (module))
+    g_warning ("%s: %s", filename, g_module_error ());
+  return TRUE;
+ }
diff --git a/glib/gmodule/urlmap.js b/glib/gmodule/urlmap.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..443294788d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glib/gmodule/urlmap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+var baseUrls = [
+    [ 'GLib', 'https://docs.gtk.org/glib/' ],
+    [ 'GModule', 'https://docs.gtk.org/gmodule/' ],
+    [ 'GObject', 'https://docs.gtk.org/gobject/' ],
+    [ 'Gio', 'https://docs.gtk.org/gio/' ],
+    [ 'Gtk', 'https://docs.gtk.org/gtk4/' ],
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index 8b2580c930..ebb6f520f6 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ toml_conf.set('VERSION', meson.project_version())
 gidocgen = find_program('gi-docgen', required: true)

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