[chronojump] Capture tab jumps/runs simple cairo graph ok with an specific class

commit c565bd72566ec3f35f63f07330c6239d86290065
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Tue Aug 24 10:35:34 2021 +0200

    Capture tab jumps/runs simple cairo graph ok with an specific class

 src/gui/app1/jump.cs    |   6 +-
 src/gui/app1/run.cs     |   6 +-
 src/gui/cairo/bars.cs   |   1 +
 src/gui/eventExecute.cs | 222 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 4 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gui/app1/jump.cs b/src/gui/app1/jump.cs
index 5bf79828c..ef2813598 100644
--- a/src/gui/app1/jump.cs
+++ b/src/gui/app1/jump.cs
@@ -337,7 +337,11 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                                Constants.JumpTable, typeTemp, preferences.heightPreferred);
                //if(eventGraph.personMAXAtSQLAllSessions > 0 || eventGraph.jumpsAtSQL.Count > 0)
-                       PrepareJumpSimpleGraph(eventGraph, false); //don't animate
+               //      PrepareJumpSimpleGraph(eventGraph, false); //don't animate
+               cairoPaintBarsPre = new CairoPaintBarsPre (
+                               event_execute_drawingarea_cairo, preferences.fontType.ToString(), 
current_mode, "title jumps");
+               cairoPaintBarsPre.StoreEventGraphJumps (eventGraph);
+               PrepareJumpSimpleGraph(cairoPaintBarsPre.eventGraphJumpsStored, false);
        private void updateGraphJumpsReactive ()
diff --git a/src/gui/app1/run.cs b/src/gui/app1/run.cs
index 21510d7dc..88787efdf 100644
--- a/src/gui/app1/run.cs
+++ b/src/gui/app1/run.cs
@@ -205,7 +205,11 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                                Constants.RunTable, typeTemp);
                //if(eventGraph.personMAXAtSQLAllSessions > 0 || eventGraph.runsAtSQL.Count > 0)
-                       PrepareRunSimpleGraph(eventGraph, false); //don't animate
+               //      PrepareRunSimpleGraph(eventGraph, false); //don't animate
+               cairoPaintBarsPre = new CairoPaintBarsPre (
+                               event_execute_drawingarea_cairo, preferences.fontType.ToString(), 
current_mode, "title runs");
+               cairoPaintBarsPre.StoreEventGraphRuns (eventGraph);
+               PrepareRunSimpleGraph(cairoPaintBarsPre.eventGraphRunsStored, false);
        private void updateGraphRunsInterval ()
diff --git a/src/gui/cairo/bars.cs b/src/gui/cairo/bars.cs
index c84c00dd9..2d68ed70d 100644
--- a/src/gui/cairo/bars.cs
+++ b/src/gui/cairo/bars.cs
@@ -355,6 +355,7 @@ public class CairoBarsJustTesting : CairoBars
                this.area = area;
                LogB.Information("constructor without points, area is null:" + (area == null).ToString());
+               LogB.Information("constructor without points, area.GdkWindow is null:" + (area.GdkWindow == 
                initGraph(font, 1); //.8 to have title at right
diff --git a/src/gui/eventExecute.cs b/src/gui/eventExecute.cs
index eed0be2bd..a563fc31a 100644
--- a/src/gui/eventExecute.cs
+++ b/src/gui/eventExecute.cs
@@ -181,9 +181,10 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
        //Cairo stuff (migrating to GTK3)
        //TODO: make all inherit from a generic: PrepareEventGraphContacts
-       PrepareEventGraphJumpSimple eventGraphJumpsCairoStored;
-       PrepareEventGraphRunSimple eventGraphRunsCairoStored;
-       string cairoTitleStored;
+       //PrepareEventGraphJumpSimple eventGraphJumpsCairoStored;
+       //PrepareEventGraphRunSimple eventGraphRunsCairoStored;
+       //string cairoTitleStored;
+       CairoPaintBarsPre cairoPaintBarsPre;
        private void event_execute_initializeVariables (
@@ -544,6 +545,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                                area.Width, area.Height);
+               //Note this does SQL calls at graph resize, eg. on_extra_window_jumps_test_changed: 
                        //LogB.Information("caring for resize screen and correctly update 
@@ -573,20 +575,19 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
        public void on_event_execute_drawingarea_cairo_expose_event(object o, ExposeEventArgs args)
-               if(current_mode == Constants.Modes.JUMPSSIMPLE)
-               {
-                       if(eventGraphJumpsCairoStored == null)
-                               return;
+               //right now only for jumps/runs simple
+               if(current_mode != Constants.Modes.JUMPSSIMPLE && current_mode != Constants.Modes.RUNSSIMPLE)
+                       return;
-                       PrepareJumpSimpleGraph(eventGraphJumpsCairoStored, false);
-               }
-               else if(current_mode == Constants.Modes.RUNSSIMPLE)
-               {
-                       if(eventGraphRunsCairoStored == null)
-                               return;
+               //if object not defined or not defined fo this mode, return
+               if(cairoPaintBarsPre == null || ! cairoPaintBarsPre.ModeMatches (current_mode))
+                       return;
-                       PrepareRunSimpleGraph(eventGraphRunsCairoStored, false);
-               }
+               //cairoPaintBarsPre.Prepare();
+               if(current_mode == Constants.Modes.JUMPSSIMPLE)
+                       PrepareJumpSimpleGraph(cairoPaintBarsPre.eventGraphJumpsStored, false);
+               else if (current_mode == Constants.Modes.RUNSSIMPLE)
+                       PrepareRunSimpleGraph(cairoPaintBarsPre.eventGraphRunsStored, false);
@@ -725,9 +726,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                // B) Paint cairo graph
-               eventGraphJumpsCairoStored = eventGraph;
-               cairoTitleStored = "jump title graph";
-               paintJumpSimpleCairoTest();
+               cairoPaintBarsPre.Paint();
        private void on_button_person_max_all_sessions_info_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) 
@@ -911,9 +910,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                // B) Paint cairo graph
-               eventGraphRunsCairoStored = eventGraph;
-               cairoTitleStored = "run title graph";
-               paintRunSimpleCairoTest();
+               cairoPaintBarsPre.Paint();
        // run interval
@@ -1129,40 +1126,6 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
-       private void paintJumpSimpleCairoTest()
-       {
-               if(eventGraphJumpsCairoStored == null ||
-                               event_execute_drawingarea_cairo == null ||
-                               event_execute_drawingarea_cairo.GdkWindow == null) //at start program, this 
can fail
-                       return;
-               if(eventGraphJumpsCairoStored.jumpsAtSQL.Count == 0)
-               {
-                       try {
-                               new CairoBarsJustTesting (event_execute_drawingarea_cairo, 
-                       } catch {
-                               LogB.Information("saved crash at with paintJumpSimpleCairoTest at astart");
-                       }
-                       return;
-               }
-               List<PointF> point_l = new List<PointF>();
-               List<string> names_l = new List<string>();
-               int countToDraw = eventGraphJumpsCairoStored.jumpsAtSQL.Count;
-               foreach(Jump jump in eventGraphJumpsCairoStored.jumpsAtSQL)
-               {
-                       point_l.Add(new PointF(countToDraw --, Util.GetHeightInCentimeters(jump.Tv)));
-                       names_l.Add(jump.Type);
-               }
-               CairoBarsJustTesting cbjt = new CairoBarsJustTesting (point_l, names_l, 
event_execute_drawingarea_cairo, cairoTitleStored);
-               cbjt.Do(preferences.fontType.ToString());
-               return;
-               // test ends ----
-       }
        private void paintJumpSimple (Gtk.DrawingArea drawingarea, PrepareEventGraphJumpSimple eventGraph, 
                        double maxValue, double minValue, int topMargin, int bottomMargin, bool animate, bool 
@@ -1757,40 +1720,6 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                event_execute_pixmap.DrawLayout (pen_black, marginLeft + marginOut + 2 * marginIn + boxSize, 
2 * (marginOut + marginIn) + lHeight1, layout);
-       private void paintRunSimpleCairoTest()
-       {
-               if(eventGraphRunsCairoStored == null ||
-                               event_execute_drawingarea_cairo == null ||
-                               event_execute_drawingarea_cairo.GdkWindow == null) //at start program, this 
can fail
-                       return;
-               if(eventGraphRunsCairoStored.runsAtSQL.Count == 0)
-               {
-                       try {
-                               new CairoBarsJustTesting (event_execute_drawingarea_cairo, 
-                       } catch {
-                               LogB.Information("saved crash at with paintRunSimpleCairoTest at astart");
-                       }
-                       return;
-               }
-               List<PointF> point_l = new List<PointF>();
-               List<string> names_l = new List<string>();
-               int countToDraw = eventGraphRunsCairoStored.runsAtSQL.Count;
-               foreach(Run run in eventGraphRunsCairoStored.runsAtSQL)
-               {
-                       point_l.Add(new PointF(countToDraw --, run.Distance/run.Time));
-                       names_l.Add(run.Type);
-               }
-               CairoBarsJustTesting cbjt = new CairoBarsJustTesting (point_l, names_l, 
event_execute_drawingarea_cairo, cairoTitleStored);
-               cbjt.Do(preferences.fontType.ToString());
-               return;
-               // test ends ----
-       }
        private void paintRunSimple (Gtk.DrawingArea drawingarea, PrepareEventGraphRunSimple eventGraph,
                        double maxValue, double minValue, int topMargin, int bottomMargin, bool animate, bool 
                        RunPhaseTimeList runPTL)
@@ -3210,3 +3139,118 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
+//to prepare data before calling cairo method
+//TODO: do this with inheritance (being top class abstract)
+public class CairoPaintBarsPre
+       private DrawingArea darea;
+       private string fontStr;
+       private Constants.Modes mode;
+       private string title;
+       //TODO: tnis should be private, move prepare to this class
+       public PrepareEventGraphJumpSimple eventGraphJumpsStored;
+       public PrepareEventGraphRunSimple eventGraphRunsStored;
+       public CairoPaintBarsPre (DrawingArea darea, string fontStr, Constants.Modes mode, string title)
+       {
+               this.darea = darea;
+               this.fontStr = fontStr;
+               this.mode = mode;
+               this.title = title;
+       }
+       public bool ModeMatches (Constants.Modes mode)
+       {
+               return (this.mode == mode);
+       }
+       public void StoreEventGraphJumps (PrepareEventGraphJumpSimple eventGraph)
+       {
+               this.eventGraphJumpsStored = eventGraph;
+       }
+       public void StoreEventGraphRuns (PrepareEventGraphRunSimple eventGraph)
+       {
+               this.eventGraphRunsStored = eventGraph;
+       }
+       /*
+       public void Prepare ()
+       {
+               if(mode == Constants.Modes.JUMPSSIMPLE)
+                       PrepareJumpSimpleGraph(eventGraphJumpsStored, false);
+               else if(current_mode == Constants.Modes.RUNSSIMPLE)
+                       PrepareRunSimpleGraph(eventGraphRunsStored, false);
+       }
+       */
+       public void Paint ()
+       {
+               if(darea == null || darea.GdkWindow == null) //at start program, this can fail
+                       return;
+               if(mode == Constants.Modes.JUMPSSIMPLE)
+                       paintJumpSimple ();
+               else if(mode == Constants.Modes.RUNSSIMPLE)
+                       paintRunSimple ();
+       }
+       public void paintJumpSimple ()
+       {
+               if(eventGraphJumpsStored == null)
+                       return;
+               if(eventGraphJumpsStored.jumpsAtSQL.Count == 0)
+               {
+                       try {
+                               new CairoBarsJustTesting (darea, fontStr);
+                       } catch {
+                               LogB.Information("saved crash at with paintJumpSimpleCairoTest at start");
+                       }
+                       return;
+               }
+               List<PointF> point_l = new List<PointF>();
+               List<string> names_l = new List<string>();
+               int countToDraw = eventGraphJumpsStored.jumpsAtSQL.Count;
+               foreach(Jump jump in eventGraphJumpsStored.jumpsAtSQL)
+               {
+                       point_l.Add(new PointF(countToDraw --, Util.GetHeightInCentimeters(jump.Tv)));
+                       names_l.Add(jump.Type);
+               }
+               CairoBarsJustTesting cbjt = new CairoBarsJustTesting (point_l, names_l, darea, title);
+               cbjt.Do(fontStr);
+       }
+       public void paintRunSimple ()
+       {
+               if(eventGraphRunsStored == null)
+                       return;
+               if(eventGraphRunsStored.runsAtSQL.Count == 0)
+               {
+                       try {
+                               new CairoBarsJustTesting (darea, fontStr);
+                       } catch {
+                               LogB.Information("saved crash at with paintRunSimpleCairoTest at start");
+                       }
+                       return;
+               }
+               List<PointF> point_l = new List<PointF>();
+               List<string> names_l = new List<string>();
+               int countToDraw = eventGraphRunsStored.runsAtSQL.Count;
+               foreach(Run run in eventGraphRunsStored.runsAtSQL)
+               {
+                       point_l.Add(new PointF(countToDraw --, run.Distance/run.Time));
+                       names_l.Add(run.Type);
+               }
+               CairoBarsJustTesting cbjt = new CairoBarsJustTesting (point_l, names_l, darea, title);
+               cbjt.Do(fontStr);
+       }

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