[gimp] build: do not build GLib for Windows anymore.

commit 63122482dbf46a69034b87e8544e656b7874d56b
Author: Jehan <jehan girinstud io>
Date:   Sun Aug 22 17:02:36 2021 +0200

    build: do not build GLib for Windows anymore.
    We were building it to add the patch glib!2020, but it has now been
    backported in MSYS2 package:
    This was about the most infamous bug #913 for very slow file dialogs on
    Windows when some drives are disconnected, or with slow/non-accessible
    network drives or even fake floppy drives created in the Bios.
    Similarly we also wanted glib!2205 and glib!2210 for bug #6780 about
    GIMP crashing unexpectedly when images are opened in other (apparently
    unrelated applications). I had not updated our build scripts yet, but
    anyway, it got backport to the MSYS2 package first, then even to GLib
    2.68.4 which has been recently released (and bumped in MSYS2 as well).
    See: https://github.com/msys2/MINGW-packages/issues/9283
    So let's rely again on MSYS2 package!

 build/windows/gitlab-ci/build-deps-msys2.sh |  32 ----
 build/windows/patches/glib-mr2020.patch     | 270 ----------------------------
 2 files changed, 302 deletions(-)
diff --git a/build/windows/gitlab-ci/build-deps-msys2.sh b/build/windows/gitlab-ci/build-deps-msys2.sh
index e5b4c63830..1581cd4473 100644
--- a/build/windows/gitlab-ci/build-deps-msys2.sh
+++ b/build/windows/gitlab-ci/build-deps-msys2.sh
@@ -71,38 +71,6 @@ make
 make install
 cd ../..
-## GLib (patched from MSYS2) ##
-git clone --branch 2.68.0 --depth=${GIT_DEPTH} https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib.git _glib
-cd _glib/
-git apply 0001-Update-g_fopen-g_open-and-g_creat-to-open-with-FILE_.patch
-git apply 0001-win32-Make-the-static-build-work-with-MinGW-when-pos.patch
-patch -p1 < 0001-disable-some-tests-when-static.patch
-git apply 0002-disable_glib_compile_schemas_warning.patch
-# Only this patch is different from MSYS2 build.
-git apply ../build/windows/patches/glib-mr2020.patch
-mkdir _build
-cd _build
-meson -Dprefix="${GIMP_PREFIX}" -Dlibelf=disabled --buildtype=release \
-      --wrap-mode=nodownload --auto-features=enabled \
-      -Ddefault_library=shared -Dforce_posix_threads=true -Dgtk_doc=false ..
-ninja install
-cd ../..
-# glib-networking is needed. No need to rebuild it, since we build the
-# same version of glib with the same options, and just some additional
-# patches, so we assume MSYS2-built packages should be fine.
-mkdir -p ${GIMP_PREFIX}/lib/gio/modules/
-cp -fr ${MSYS_PREFIX}/lib/gio/modules/*.dll ${GIMP_PREFIX}/lib/gio/modules/
-# TODO: what about /mingw64/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/glib-networking.mo ?
 ## GTK (patched from MSYS2) ##
 pacman --noconfirm -S --needed \

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