[gnome-software] (34 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/aday/spacing

The branch 'wip/aday/spacing' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  6aff698... overview & updates pages: Increase vertical spacing

Commits added to the branch:

  02e5059... gs-context-dialog-row: Allow textual lozenge content (*)
  b38d1f7... gs-folders: Add Connections to Utilities (*)
  a85480a... gs-details-page: Drop extra padding below addons section (*)
  a51542b... gs-safety-context-dialog: Clarify some strings (*)
  0cca075... gs-details-page: Remove unused ID (*)
  0b55c94... gs-details-page: Ensure the reviews box is hidden if empty (*)
  4f796f1... gs-details-page: Hide reviews clamp if reviews box is hidde (*)
  ea66429... gs-folders: Drop unused code (*)
  e5369b7... Merge branch 'wip/aday/connections' into 'main' (*)
  b813c47... gs-app-row: Use list-button style for buttons (*)
  539bd33... gs-app-row: Fix capitalisation of a button label (*)
  9f1cfb9... Merge branch '1390-button-style' into 'main' (*)
  f539d2d... Update Ukrainian translation (*)
  ae7fa43... repos-dialog: Correctly set section descriptions (*)
  122887e... Merge branch 'other-repos' into 'main' (*)
  eef238e... gs-context-dialog-row: Allow row components to be added to  (*)
  0c57328... gs-storage-context-dialog: Add a new dialog for storage inf (*)
  c7ad087... gs-app-context-bar: Connect the storage context dialogue (*)
  f6c45a3... Merge branch '1353-storage-dialogue' into 'main' (*)
  25dd5ed... Merge branch '1368-addons-padding' into 'main' (*)
  21fccf1... Merge branch '1373-wording-changes' into 'main' (*)
  146b42b... data: Update the upgrade-bg.png (*)
  dde0312... gtk-style.css: Tweak upgrade-banner CSS (*)
  d9f956d... gs-plugin-fedora-pkgdb-collections: Fallback to upgrade-bg. (*)
  fbb3200... gs-plugin-fedora-pkgdb-collections: Change background image (*)
  2328155... gs-plugin-fedora-pkgdb-collections: Remove text shadow from (*)
  a1cdfbf... gs-plugin-fedora-pkgdb-collections: Get upgrade banner back (*)
  22a5d0c... Merge branch '1225-do-not-allow-distro-upgrades-if-release- (*)
  ae87215... Merge branch '1376-reviews-heading' into 'main' (*)
  ec14933... gs-overview-page: Ensure content is top-aligned if there’s  (*)
  9a5729d... Merge branch 'drop-folders' into 'main' (*)
  c8b40dd... Update Ukrainian translation (*)
  c6e7a44... Merge branch '1346-explore-alignment' into 'main' (*)
  47d95ab... overview & updates pages: Increase vertical spacing

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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