[gtk/docs-gtk-org] glib: Add Threads description

commit a54b7a4ee6725bafbd90667c657e9fb8edf5defe
Author: Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi gnome org>
Date:   Tue Aug 10 23:20:55 2021 +0100

    glib: Add Threads description

 glib/glib/glib.toml.in |  1 +
 glib/glib/meson.build  |  1 +
 glib/glib/threads.md   | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 89 insertions(+)
diff --git a/glib/glib/glib.toml.in b/glib/glib/glib.toml.in
index 9bce852068..05170f8e40 100644
--- a/glib/glib/glib.toml.in
+++ b/glib/glib/glib.toml.in
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ content_files = [
+  "threads.md",
 content_images = [
diff --git a/glib/glib/meson.build b/glib/glib/meson.build
index bb1211c514..28b4d40e53 100644
--- a/glib/glib/meson.build
+++ b/glib/glib/meson.build
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ expand_content_files = [
+  'threads.md',
 glib_gir = meson.current_source_dir() / 'GLib-2.0.gir'
diff --git a/glib/glib/threads.md b/glib/glib/threads.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48ffd54ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glib/glib/threads.md
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Title: Threads
+# Threads
+Threads act almost like processes, but unlike processes all threads of one
+process share the same memory. This is good, as it provides easy
+communication between the involved threads via this shared memory, and it is
+bad, because strange things (so called "Heisenbugs") might happen if the
+program is not carefully designed. In particular, due to the concurrent
+nature of threads, no assumptions on the order of execution of code running
+in different threads can be made, unless order is explicitly forced by the
+programmer through synchronization primitives.
+The aim of the thread-related functions in GLib is to provide a portable
+means for writing multi-threaded software. There are primitives for mutexes
+to protect the access to portions of memory (`GMutex`, `GRecMutex` and
+`GRWLock`).  There is a facility to use individual bits for locks
+(`g_bit_lock()`). There are primitives for condition variables to allow
+synchronization of threads (`GCond`). There are primitives for
+thread-private data - data that every thread has a private instance of
+(`GPrivate`). There are facilities for one-time initialization (`GOnce`,
+`g_once_init_enter()`). Finally, there are primitives to create and manage
+threads (`GThread`).
+The GLib threading system used to be initialized with `g_thread_init()`.
+This is no longer necessary. Since version 2.32, the GLib threading system
+is automatically initialized at the start of your program, and all
+thread-creation functions and synchronization primitives are available right
+Note that it is not safe to assume that your program has no threads even if
+you don't call `g_thread_new()` yourself. GLib and GIO can and will create
+threads for their own purposes in some cases, such as when using
+`g_unix_signal_source_new()` or when using GDBus.
+Originally, UNIX did not have threads, and therefore some traditional UNIX
+APIs are problematic in threaded programs. Some notable examples are
+- C library functions that return data in statically allocated buffers, such
+  as `strtok()` or `strerror()`. For many of these, there are thread-safe
+  variants with a `_r` suffix, or you can look at corresponding GLib APIs
+  (`like g_strsplit()` or `g_strerror()`).
+- The functions `setenv()` and `unsetenv()` manipulate the process
+  environment in a not thread-safe way, and may interfere with `getenv()`
+  calls in other threads. Note that `getenv()` calls may be hidden behind
+  other APIs. For example, GNU `gettext()` calls `getenv()` under the
+  covers. In general, it is best to treat the environment as readonly. If
+  you absolutely have to modify the environment, do it early in `main()`,
+  when no other threads are around yet.
+- The `setlocale()` function changes the locale for the entire process,
+  affecting all threads. Temporary changes to the locale are often made to
+  change the behavior of string scanning or formatting functions like
+  `scanf()` or `printf()`. GLib offers a number of string APIs (like
+  `g_ascii_formatd()` or `g_ascii_strtod()`) that can often be used as an
+  alternative. Or you can use the `uselocale()` function to change the
+  locale only for the current thread.
+- The `fork()` function only takes the calling thread into the child's copy
+  of the process image. If other threads were executing in critical sections
+  they could have left mutexes locked which could easily cause deadlocks in
+  the new child. For this reason, you should call `exit()` or `exec()` as
+  soon as possible in the child and only make signal-safe library calls
+  before that.
+- The `daemon()` function uses `fork()` in a way contrary to what is
+  described above. It should not be used with GLib programs.
+GLib itself is internally completely thread-safe (all global data is
+automatically locked), but individual data structure instances are not
+automatically locked for performance reasons. For example, you must
+coordinate accesses to the same `GHashTable` from multiple threads. The two
+notable exceptions from this rule are `GMainLoop` and `GAsyncQueue`, which are
+thread-safe and need no further application-level locking to be accessed
+from multiple threads. Most refcounting functions such as `g_object_ref()` are
+also thread-safe.
+A common use for GThreads is to move a long-running blocking operation out
+of the main thread and into a worker thread. For GLib functions, such as
+single GIO operations, this is not necessary, and complicates the code.
+Instead, the `…_async()` version of the function should be used from the main
+thread, eliminating the need for locking and synchronisation between
+multiple threads. If an operation does need to be moved to a worker thread,
+consider using `g_task_run_in_thread()`, or a `GThreadPool`. `GThreadPool` is
+often a better choice than `GThread`, as it handles thread reuse and task
+queueing; `GTask` uses this internally.
+However, if multiple blocking operations need to be performed in sequence,
+and it is not possible to use `GTask` for them, moving them to a worker thread
+can clarify the code.

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