[tracker/wip/carlosg/hotdoc: 2/40] docs: Generate reference manual with gi-docgen
- From: Carlos Garnacho <carlosg src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [tracker/wip/carlosg/hotdoc: 2/40] docs: Generate reference manual with gi-docgen
- Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2021 14:51:34 +0000 (UTC)
commit 65d3f5550c2cda3c874eb438cd842c1a2f5a6ee6
Author: Daniele Nicolodi <daniele grinta net>
Date: Wed May 12 22:59:20 2021 +0200
docs: Generate reference manual with gi-docgen
docs/meson.build | 8 +-
docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/meson.build | 92 ++-----
.../libtracker-sparql/tracker-sparql.toml.in | 35 +++
docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/tutorial.md | 297 +++++++++++++++++++++
docs/reference/meson.build | 24 +-
meson.build | 8 +
6 files changed, 371 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/meson.build b/docs/meson.build
index e43b12a8b..ead14c401 100644
--- a/docs/meson.build
+++ b/docs/meson.build
@@ -1,7 +1 @@
-if get_option('man')
- subdir('manpages')
-if get_option('docs')
- subdir('tools')
- subdir('reference')
diff --git a/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/meson.build b/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/meson.build
index cc9c793a9..e30f0fad1 100644
--- a/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/meson.build
+++ b/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/meson.build
@@ -1,67 +1,33 @@
-version_xml = configure_file(input: 'version.xml.in',
- output: 'version.xml',
- configuration: conf)
-generated = custom_target('base-ontology-doc-generated',
- output: 'gen-doc.stamp',
- command: [ttl2xml,
- '-d', join_paths(source_root, 'src/ontologies/'),
- '-o', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), 'xml/'),
- '-e', meson.current_source_dir()],
- depends: ttl2xml,
- depend_files: base_ontology,
- build_by_default: true,
-example_files = [
- 'examples/ontologies/defining-cardinality-1.rq', 'examples/ontologies/defining-cardinality-2.txt',
- 'examples/ontologies/defining-cardinality-3.rq', 'examples/ontologies/defining-classes-1.txt',
- 'examples/ontologies/defining-classes-2.txt', 'examples/ontologies/defining-classes-3.rq',
- 'examples/ontologies/defining-fts-indexes-1.txt', 'examples/ontologies/defining-fts-indexes-2.rq',
- 'examples/ontologies/defining-indexes-1.txt', 'examples/ontologies/defining-namespaces-1.txt',
- 'examples/ontologies/defining-properties-1.txt', 'examples/ontologies/defining-properties-2.txt',
- 'examples/ontologies/defining-properties-3.txt', 'examples/ontologies/defining-properties-4.rq',
- 'examples/ontologies/defining-uniqueness-1.txt', 'examples/ontologies/defining-uniqueness-2.rq',
- 'examples/ontologies/example.description', 'examples/ontologies/predefined-elements-1.txt',
- 'examples/ontologies/predefined-elements-2.rq',
- 'examples/readonly-example.c', 'examples/writeonly-example.c',
- 'examples/writeonly-with-blank-nodes-example.c',
+content = [
+ 'tutorial.md',
-image_files = [
- 'images/triple-graph-1.png',
- 'images/triple-graph-2.png',
- 'images/triple-graph-3.png',
-private_headers = [
- 'tracker-notifier-private.h',
- 'tracker-private.h',
- 'tracker-serializer.h',
- 'tracker-serializer-json.h',
- 'tracker-serializer-xml.h',
- 'direct',
- 'bus',
- 'remote',
+# The TOML gi-docgen configuration wants a list of quoted file names.
+_quoted = []
+foreach c : content
+ _quoted += '"@0@"'.format(c)
- src_dir: sparqlinc,
- main_xml: 'libtracker-sparql-docs.xml',
- scan_args: ['--ignore-headers=' + ' '.join(private_headers)],
- content_files: [
- 'overview.xml',
- 'examples.xml',
- 'ontologies.xml',
- 'migrating-1to2.xml',
- 'sparql-and-tracker.xml',
- 'sparql-functions.xml',
- example_files ],
- html_assets: image_files,
- gobject_typesfile: 'libtracker-sparql.types',
- dependencies: tracker_sparql_dep,
- fixxref_args: fixxref_args,
- module_version: tracker_api_major,
- install: true)
+gidocgen_conf = configuration_data()
+gidocgen_conf.set('version', meson.project_version())
+gidocgen_conf.set('content', ','.join(_quoted))
+gidocgen_toml = configure_file(input: 'tracker-sparql.toml.in', output: 'tracker-sparql.toml',
configuration: gidocgen_conf)
+ 'docgen',
+ input: [ gidocgen_toml, tracker_sparql_gir[0] ],
+ output: 'docs',
+ command: [
+ gidocgen,
+ 'generate',
+ '--quiet',
+ #'--add-include-path=@0@'.format(meson.current_build_dir() / '../../../gtk'),
+ '--config=@INPUT0@',
+ '--output-dir=@OUTPUT@',
+ #'--no-namespace-dir',
+ '--content-dir=@0@'.format(meson.current_source_dir()),
+ '@INPUT1@',
+ ],
+ depends: tracker_sparql_gir[0],
+ depend_files: [ content ],
+ build_by_default: true)
diff --git a/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/tracker-sparql.toml.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01b9c3ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/tracker-sparql.toml.in
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+version = "@version@"
+browse_url = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tracker/"
+repository_url = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tracker.git"
+website_url = "https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/tracker/"
+authors = "Tracker Development Team"
+# logo_url =
+license = "GPL-2.1-or-later"
+description = "Tracker"
+dependencies = [ "GObject-2.0", ]
+devhelp = true
+search_index = true
+ [dependencies."GObject-2.0"]
+ name = "GObject"
+ description = "The base type system library"
+ docs_url = "https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/stable"
+name = "basic"
+show_index_summary = true
+show_class_hierarchy = true
+base_url = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tracker/-/blob/master/"
+content_files = [
+ @content@
+content_images = [
+ "images/triple-graph-1.png",
+ "images/triple-graph-2.png",
+# urlmap_file = "urlmap.js"
diff --git a/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/tutorial.md b/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/tutorial.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0005dd3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/tutorial.md
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+Title: SPARQL Tutorial
+# SPARQL Tutorial
+This tutorial aims to introduce you to RDF and SPARQL from the ground
+up. All examples come from the Nepomuk ontology, and even though
+the tutorial aims to be generic enough, it mentions things
+specific to Tracker, those are clearly spelled out.
+## RDF Triples
+RDF data define a graph, composed by vertices and edges. This graph is
+directed, because edges point from one vertex to another, and it is
+labeled, as those edges have a name. The unit of data in RDF is a
+triple of the form:
+ subject predicate object
+Or expressed visually:
+Subject and object are 2 graph vertices and the predicate is the edge,
+the accumulation of those triples form the full graph. For example,
+the following triples:
+<a> a nfo:FileDataObject .
+<a> a nmm:MusicPiece .
+<a> nie:title "Images" .
+<a> nmm:musicAlbum <b> .
+<a> nmm:albumArtist <c> .
+<a> nmm:albumArtist <d> .
+<a> nmm:performer <e> .
+<b> a nmm:MusicAlbum .
+<b> nie:title "Go Off!" .
+<c> a nmm:Artist .
+<c> nmm:artistName "Jason Becker" .
+<d> a nmm:Artist .
+<d> nmm:artistName "Marty Friedman" .
+<e> a nmm:Artist .
+<e> nmm:artistName "Cacophony" .
+Would visually generate the following graph:
+The dot after each triple is not (just) there for legibility, but is
+part of the syntax. The RDF triples in full length are quite
+repetitive and cumbersome to write, luckily they can be shortened by
+providing multiple objects (with `,` separator) or multiple
+predicate/object pairs (with `;` separator), the previous RDF could be
+transformed into:
+<a> a nfo:FileDataObject, nmm:MusicPiece .
+<a> nie:title "Images" .
+<a> nmm:musicAlbum <b> .
+<a> nmm:albumArtist <c> , <d> .
+<a> nmm:performer <e> .
+<b> a nmm:MusicAlbum .
+<b> nie:title "Go Off!" .
+<c> a nmm:Artist .
+<c> nmm:artistName "Jason Becker" .
+<d> a nmm:Artist .
+<d> nmm:artistName "Marty Friedman" .
+<e> a nmm:Artist .
+<e> nmm:artistName "Cacophony" .
+And further into:
+<a> a nfo:FileDataObject, nmm:MusicPiece ;
+ nie:title "Images" ;
+ nmm:musicAlbum <b> ;
+ nmm:albumArtist <c>, <d> ;
+ nmm:performer <e> .
+<b> a nmm:MusicAlbum ;
+ nie:title "Go Off!" .
+<c> a nmm:Artist ;
+ nmm:artistName "Jason Becker" .
+<d> a nmm:Artist ;
+ nmm:artistName "Marty Friedman" .
+<e> a nmm:Artist ;
+ nmm:artistName "Cacophony" .
+SPARQL defines a query language for RDF data. How does a query
+language for graphs work? Naturally by providing a graph to be
+matched, it is conveniently called the "graph pattern".
+To begin simple, the simplest query would consist of a triple with all
+3 elements defined, e.g.:
+ASK { <a> nie:title "Images" }
+Which would result in `true`, as the triple does exist. The ASK query
+syntax is actually the simplest form of graph testing, resulting in a
+single boolean row/column containing whether the provided graph exists
+in the store or not. It also works for more complex graphs, for
+ASK { <a> nie:title "Images" ;
+ nmm:albumArtist <c> ;
+ nmm:musicAlbum <b> .
+ <b> nie:title "Go Off!" .
+ <c> nmm:artistName "Jason Becker" }
+But of course the deal of a query language is being able to obtain the
+stored data. The `SELECT` query syntax is used for that, and variables
+are denoted with a `?` prefix, variables act as "placeholders" where
+any data will match and be available to the resultset or within the
+query as that variable name. The following query would be the opposite
+to the first `ASK` query:
+SELECT * { ?subject ?predicate ?object }
+What does this query do? it provides a triple with 3 variables, that
+every known triple in the database will match. The `*` is a shortcut
+for all queried variables, the query could also be expressed as:
+SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object { ?subject ?predicate ?object }
+However, querying for all known data is most often hardly useful, this
+got unwieldly soon! Luckily, that is not necessarily the case, the
+variables may be used anywhere in the triple definition, with other
+triple elements consisting of literals you want to match for, e.g.:
+<!-- <example> -->
+<!-- <title> -->
+<!-- Give me the title of resource <systemitem><a></systemitem> (Result: "Images"). -->
+<!-- </title> -->
+<!-- <programlisting language="SPARQL"> -->
+<!-- SELECT ?songName { <a> nie:title ?songName } -->
+<!-- </programlisting> -->
+<!-- </example> -->
+<!-- <example> -->
+<!-- <title> -->
+<!-- What is this text to <b>? (Result: the nie:title) -->
+<!-- </title> -->
+<!-- <programlisting language="SPARQL"> -->
+<!-- SELECT ?predicate { <b> ?predicate "Go Off!" } -->
+<!-- </programlisting> -->
+<!-- </example> -->
+<!-- <example> -->
+<!-- <title> -->
+<!-- What is the resource URI of this fine musician? (Result: <systemitem><d></systemitem>) -->
+<!-- </title> -->
+<!-- <programlisting language="SPARQL"> -->
+<!-- SELECT ?subject { ?subject nmm:artistName "Marty Friedman" } -->
+<!-- </programlisting> -->
+<!-- </example> -->
+<!-- <example> -->
+<!-- <title> -->
+<!-- Give me all resources that are a music piece (Result: <systemitem><a></systemitem>) -->
+<!-- </title> -->
+<!-- <programlisting language="SPARQL"> -->
+<!-- SELECT ?song { ?song a nmm:MusicPiece } -->
+<!-- </programlisting> -->
+<!-- </example> -->
+<!-- </para> -->
+<!-- <para> -->
+<!-- And also combinations of them, for example: -->
+<!-- <example> -->
+<!-- <title> -->
+<!-- Give me all predicate/object pairs for resource <systemitem><a></systemitem> -->
+<!-- </title> -->
+<!-- <programlisting language="SPARQL"> -->
+<!-- SELECT ?pred ?obj { <a> ?pred ?obj } -->
+<!-- </programlisting> -->
+<!-- </example> -->
+<!-- <example> -->
+<!-- <title> -->
+<!-- <quote>The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything</quote> -->
+<!-- </title> -->
+<!-- <programlisting language="SPARQL"> -->
+<!-- SELECT ?subj ?pred { ?subj ?pred 42 } -->
+<!-- </programlisting> -->
+<!-- </example> -->
+<!-- <example> -->
+<!-- <title> -->
+<!-- Give me all resources that have a title, and their title. -->
+<!-- </title> -->
+<!-- <programlisting language="SPARQL"> -->
+<!-- SELECT ?subj ?obj { ?subj nie:title ?obj } -->
+<!-- </programlisting> -->
+<!-- </example> -->
+<!-- And of course, the graph pattern can hold more complex triple -->
+<!-- definitions, that will be matched as a whole across the stored -->
+<!-- data. for example: -->
+<!-- <example> -->
+<!-- <title> -->
+<!-- Give me all songs from this fine album -->
+<!-- </title> -->
+<!-- <programlisting language="SPARQL"> -->
+<!-- SELECT ?song { ?album nie:title "Go Off!" . -->
+<!-- ?song nmm:musicAlbum ?album } -->
+<!-- </programlisting> -->
+<!-- </example> -->
+<!-- <example> -->
+<!-- <title> -->
+<!-- Give me all song resources, their title, and their album title -->
+<!-- </title> -->
+<!-- <programlisting language="SPARQL"> -->
+<!-- SELECT ?song ?songTitle ?albumTitle { ?song a nmm:MusicPiece ; -->
+<!-- nmm:musicAlbum ?album ; -->
+<!-- nie:title ?songTitle . -->
+<!-- ?album nie:title ?albumTitle } -->
+<!-- </programlisting> -->
+<!-- </example> -->
+<!-- </para> -->
+<!-- <para> -->
+<!-- Stop a bit to think on the graph pattern expressed in the last query: -->
+<!-- <graphic fileref="triple-graph-3.png" format="PNG"></graphic> -->
+<!-- This pattern on one hand consists of specified data (eg. ?song must be -->
+<!-- a <systemitem>nmm:MusicPiece</systemitem>, it must have a -->
+<!-- <systemitem>nmm:musicAlbum</systemitem> and a -->
+<!-- <systemitem>nie:title</systemitem>, ?album must have a -->
+<!-- <systemitem>nie:title</systemitem>), which must all apply for a match -->
+<!-- to happen. -->
+On the other hand, the graph pattern contains a number of variables,
+some only used internally in the graph pattern, as a temporary
+variable of sorts (?album, in order to express the relation between
+?song and its album title), while other variables are requested in the
+result set.
+ <!-- FIXME: Keep writing! -->
+ <!--
+ <chapter id="tracker-tutorial-ontologies">
+ <title>Ontologies</title>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="tracker-tutorial-inserting-data">
+ <title>Inserting data</title>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="tracker-tutorial-updates-deletes">
+ <title>Updates and deletes</title>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="tracker-tutorial-named-nodes">
+ <title>Named nodes</title>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="tracker-tutorial-blank-nodes">
+ <title>Blank nodes</title>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="tracker-tutorial-property-paths">
+ <title>Property paths</title>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="tracker-tutorial-optional">
+ <title>Optional data</title>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="tracker-tutorial-filtering">
+ <title>Filtering data</title>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="tracker-tutorial-binding">
+g <title>Binding expressions to variables</title>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="tracker-tutorial-aggregates">
+ <title>Aggregates</title>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="tracker-tutorial-graphs">
+ <title>Graphs</title>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="tracker-tutorial-services">
+ <title>Services</title>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="tracker-tutorial-import-export">
+ <title>Importing and exporting data</title>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="tracker-tutorial-graph-management">
+ <title>Graph Management</title>
+ </chapter>
+ -->
diff --git a/docs/reference/meson.build b/docs/reference/meson.build
index d44f61d20..ff133c815 100644
--- a/docs/reference/meson.build
+++ b/docs/reference/meson.build
@@ -1,24 +1,2 @@
-glib_prefix = dependency('glib-2.0').get_pkgconfig_variable('prefix')
-glib_docpath = join_paths(glib_prefix, 'share', 'gtk-doc', 'html')
-docpath = join_paths(datadir, 'gtk-doc')
-fixxref_args = [
- '--html-dir=@0@'.format(docpath),
- '--extra-dir=@0@'.format(join_paths(glib_docpath, 'glib')),
- '--extra-dir=@0@'.format(join_paths(glib_docpath, 'gobject')),
- '--extra-dir=@0@'.format(join_paths(glib_docpath, 'gio')),
- '--extra-dir=@0@'.format(join_paths(docpath, 'libtracker-sparql')),
-icon_images = files(
- 'images/icon-deprecated.svg',
- 'images/icon-fulltextindexed.svg',
- 'images/icon-multivalue.svg',
- 'images/icon-notify.svg',
- 'images/icon-superproperty.svg',
+# subdir('ontology')
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index 1dfd1142e..1d5dc69cb 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -71,6 +71,14 @@ if not libsoup2.found() and not libsoup3.found()
error('At least one of libsoup2 or libsoup3 is required')
+gidocgen = dependency('gi-docgen', version: '>= 2021.1', fallback: ['gi-docgen', 'dummy_dep'])
+gidocgen = find_program('gi-docgen')
+if get_option('soup2')
+ libsoup = dependency('libsoup-2.4', version: '> 2.40', required: true)
+ libsoup = dependency('libsoup-3.0', version: '>= 2.99.2', required: true)
if get_option('man')
asciidoc = find_program('asciidoc')
xsltproc = find_program('xsltproc')
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