[gnome-software: 12/15] gs-app-context-bar: Factor out hardware support code

commit 687ebc8b3ebeb5161b8be6955836a40a926d7bf6
Author: Philip Withnall <pwithnall endlessos org>
Date:   Fri Jul 16 13:26:26 2021 +0100

    gs-app-context-bar: Factor out hardware support code
    Factor out the hardware support code which has moved into the
    `GsHardwareSupportContextDialog` to be shared between the dialogue and
    the context tile.
    Signed-off-by: Philip Withnall <pwithnall endlessos org>

 src/gs-app-context-bar.c | 184 ++++++++++-------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gs-app-context-bar.c b/src/gs-app-context-bar.c
index 5a6f6d61a..22207a599 100644
--- a/src/gs-app-context-bar.c
+++ b/src/gs-app-context-bar.c
@@ -368,7 +368,6 @@ update_hardware_support_tile (GsAppContextBar *self)
        AsRelationKind control_relations[AS_CONTROL_KIND_LAST] = { AS_RELATION_KIND_UNKNOWN, };
        GdkDisplay *display;
        GdkMonitor *monitor = NULL;
-       GdkRectangle current_screen_size;
        gboolean any_control_relations_set;
        const gchar *icon_name = NULL, *title = NULL, *description = NULL, *css_class = NULL;
        gboolean has_touchscreen = FALSE, has_keyboard = FALSE, has_mouse = FALSE;
@@ -380,33 +379,13 @@ update_hardware_support_tile (GsAppContextBar *self)
        /* Extract the %AS_RELATION_ITEM_KIND_CONTROL relations and summarise
         * them. */
-       any_control_relations_set = FALSE;
-       for (gsize i = 0; relations != NULL && i < relations->len; i++) {
-               AsRelation *relation = AS_RELATION (g_ptr_array_index (relations, i));
-               AsRelationKind kind = as_relation_get_kind (relation);
-               if (as_relation_get_item_kind (relation) == AS_RELATION_ITEM_KIND_CONTROL) {
-                       AsControlKind control_kind = as_relation_get_value_control_kind (relation);
-                       control_relations[control_kind] = MAX (control_relations[control_kind], kind);
-                       if (kind == AS_RELATION_KIND_REQUIRES ||
-                           kind == AS_RELATION_KIND_RECOMMENDS)
-                               any_control_relations_set = TRUE;
-               }
-       }
        display = gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (self));
-       /* Work out what input devices are available. */
-       if (display != NULL) {
-               GdkSeat *seat = gdk_display_get_default_seat (display);
-               GdkSeatCapabilities seat_capabilities = gdk_seat_get_capabilities (seat);
-               has_touchscreen = (seat_capabilities & GDK_SEAT_CAPABILITY_TOUCH);
-               has_keyboard = (seat_capabilities & GDK_SEAT_CAPABILITY_KEYBOARD);
-               has_mouse = (seat_capabilities & GDK_SEAT_CAPABILITY_POINTER);
-       }
+       gs_hardware_support_context_dialog_get_control_support (display, relations,
+                                                               &any_control_relations_set,
+                                                               control_relations,
+                                                               &has_touchscreen,
+                                                               &has_keyboard,
+                                                               &has_mouse);
        /* Warn about screen size mismatches. Compare against the largest
         * monitor associated with this widget’s #GdkDisplay, defaulting to
@@ -414,129 +393,38 @@ update_hardware_support_tile (GsAppContextBar *self)
         * See 
         * for the semantics of the display length relations.*/
-       if (display != NULL) {
-               int n_monitors = gdk_display_get_n_monitors (display);
-               int monitor_max_dimension;
-               monitor = NULL;
-               monitor_max_dimension = 0;
-               for (int i = 0; i < n_monitors; i++) {
-                       GdkMonitor *monitor2 = gdk_display_get_monitor (display, i);
-                       GdkRectangle monitor_geometry;
-                       int monitor2_max_dimension;
-                       if (monitor2 == NULL)
-                               continue;
-                       gdk_monitor_get_geometry (monitor2, &monitor_geometry);
-                       monitor2_max_dimension = MAX (monitor_geometry.width, monitor_geometry.height);
-                       if (monitor2_max_dimension > monitor_max_dimension ||
-                           (gdk_monitor_is_primary (monitor2) &&
-                            monitor2_max_dimension == monitor_max_dimension)) {
-                               monitor = monitor2;
-                               monitor_max_dimension = monitor2_max_dimension;
-                               continue;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
+       if (display != NULL)
+               monitor = gs_hardware_support_context_dialog_get_largest_monitor (display);
        if (monitor != NULL) {
-               gdk_monitor_get_geometry (monitor, &current_screen_size);
-               for (gsize i = 0; relations != NULL && i < relations->len; i++) {
-                       AsRelation *relation = AS_RELATION (g_ptr_array_index (relations, i));
-                       guint comparand1;
-                       Range comparand2;
-                       gboolean match = TRUE;
-                       /* All lengths here are in logical/application pixels,
-                        * not device pixels. */
-                       if (as_relation_get_item_kind (relation) == AS_RELATION_ITEM_KIND_DISPLAY_LENGTH &&
-                           as_relation_get_kind (relation) == AS_RELATION_KIND_REQUIRES) {
-                               AsRelationCompare comparator = as_relation_get_compare (relation);
-                               /* From 
-                               Range display_lengths[] = {
-                                       [AS_DISPLAY_LENGTH_KIND_XSMALL] = { 0, 360 },
-                                       [AS_DISPLAY_LENGTH_KIND_SMALL] = { 360, 768 },
-                                       [AS_DISPLAY_LENGTH_KIND_MEDIUM] = { 768, 1024 },
-                                       [AS_DISPLAY_LENGTH_KIND_LARGE] = { 1024, 3840 },
-                                       [AS_DISPLAY_LENGTH_KIND_XLARGE] = { 3840, G_MAXUINT },
-                               };
-                               switch (as_relation_get_display_side_kind (relation)) {
-                               case AS_DISPLAY_SIDE_KIND_SHORTEST:
-                                       comparand1 = MIN (current_screen_size.width, 
-                                       comparand2.min = comparand2.max = as_relation_get_value_px (relation);
-                                       break;
-                               case AS_DISPLAY_SIDE_KIND_LONGEST:
-                                       comparand1 = MAX (current_screen_size.width, 
-                                       comparand2.min = comparand2.max = as_relation_get_value_px (relation);
-                                       break;
-                               case AS_DISPLAY_SIDE_KIND_UNKNOWN:
-                               case AS_DISPLAY_SIDE_KIND_LAST:
-                               default:
-                                       comparand1 = MAX (current_screen_size.width, 
-                                       comparand2.min = 
display_lengths[as_relation_get_value_display_length_kind (relation)].min;
-                                       comparand2.max = 
display_lengths[as_relation_get_value_display_length_kind (relation)].max;
-                                       break;
-                               }
-                               switch (comparator) {
-                               case AS_RELATION_COMPARE_EQ:
-                                       match = (comparand1 >= comparand2.min &&
-                                                comparand1 <= comparand2.max);
-                                       break;
-                               case AS_RELATION_COMPARE_NE:
-                                       match = (comparand1 < comparand2.min ||
-                                                comparand1 > comparand2.max);
-                                       break;
-                               case AS_RELATION_COMPARE_LT:
-                                       match = (comparand1 < comparand2.min);
-                                       break;
-                               case AS_RELATION_COMPARE_GT:
-                                       match = (comparand1 > comparand2.max);
-                                       break;
-                               case AS_RELATION_COMPARE_LE:
-                                       match = (comparand1 <= comparand2.max);
-                                       break;
-                               case AS_RELATION_COMPARE_GE:
-                                       match = (comparand1 >= comparand2.min);
-                                       break;
-                               case AS_RELATION_COMPARE_UNKNOWN:
-                               case AS_RELATION_COMPARE_LAST:
-                               default:
-                                       g_assert_not_reached ();
-                               }
-                               /* If the current screen size is not supported,
-                                * try and summarise the restrictions into a
-                                * single context tile. */
-                               if (!match) {
-                                       if ((comparator == AS_RELATION_COMPARE_LE ||
-                                            comparator == AS_RELATION_COMPARE_LT) &&
-                                            comparand1 >= 
display_lengths[AS_DISPLAY_LENGTH_KIND_MEDIUM].min) {
-                                               icon_name = "phone-symbolic";
-                                               title = _("Mobile Only");
-                                               description = _("Only works on a small screen");
-                                               css_class = "red";
-                                       } else if ((comparator == AS_RELATION_COMPARE_GE ||
-                                                   comparator == AS_RELATION_COMPARE_GT) &&
-                                                  comparand1 <= 
display_lengths[AS_DISPLAY_LENGTH_KIND_MEDIUM].min) {
-                                               icon_name = "desktop-symbolic";
-                                               title = _("Desktop Only");
-                                               description = _("Only works on a large screen");
-                                               css_class = "red";
-                                       } else {
-                                               icon_name = "desktop-symbolic";
-                                               title = _("Screen Size Mismatch");
-                                               description = _("Requires a specific screen size");
-                                               css_class = "red";
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
+               AsRelationKind desktop_relation_kind, mobile_relation_kind, current_relation_kind;
+               gboolean desktop_match, mobile_match, current_match;
+               gs_hardware_support_context_dialog_get_display_support (monitor, relations,
+                                                                       NULL,
+                                                                       &desktop_match, 
+                                                                       &mobile_match, &mobile_relation_kind,
+                                                                       &current_match, 
+               /* If the current screen size is not supported, try and
+                * summarise the restrictions into a single context tile. */
+               if (!current_match &&
+                   !mobile_match && mobile_relation_kind == AS_RELATION_KIND_REQUIRES) {
+                       icon_name = "phone-symbolic";
+                       title = _("Mobile Only");
+                       description = _("Only works on a small screen");
+                       css_class = "red";
+               } else if (!current_match &&
+                          !desktop_match && desktop_relation_kind == AS_RELATION_KIND_REQUIRES) {
+                       icon_name = "desktop-symbolic";
+                       title = _("Desktop Only");
+                       description = _("Only works on a large screen");
+                       css_class = "red";
+               } else if (!current_match && current_relation_kind == AS_RELATION_KIND_REQUIRES) {
+                       icon_name = "desktop-symbolic";
+                       title = _("Screen Size Mismatch");
+                       description = _("Doesn’t support your current screen size");
+                       css_class = "red";

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