[gnome-software: 4/15] gs-context-dialog-row: Add new context dialog row widget

commit dbc09123a6f2bce7eee3d75bfd8e81973ebd1463
Author: Philip Withnall <pwithnall endlessos org>
Date:   Thu Jul 15 16:28:16 2021 +0100

    gs-context-dialog-row: Add new context dialog row widget
    This will be used in upcoming commits to provide a consistent
    representation of items the user should consider in dialogues which
    provide more context about an app.
    Includes significant work by Adrien Plazas.
    Signed-off-by: Philip Withnall <pwithnall endlessos org>
    Helps: #1111

 src/gnome-software.gresource.xml |   1 +
 src/gs-context-dialog-row.c      | 328 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/gs-context-dialog-row.h      |  55 +++++++
 src/gs-context-dialog-row.ui     |  83 ++++++++++
 src/gtk-style-hc.css             |  12 +-
 src/gtk-style.css                |  29 ++--
 src/meson.build                  |  10 +-
 7 files changed, 501 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gnome-software.gresource.xml b/src/gnome-software.gresource.xml
index 63c0fd001..28d165450 100644
--- a/src/gnome-software.gresource.xml
+++ b/src/gnome-software.gresource.xml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
   <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">gs-basic-auth-dialog.ui</file>
   <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">gs-category-page.ui</file>
   <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">gs-category-tile.ui</file>
+  <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">gs-context-dialog-row.ui</file>
   <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">gs-details-page.ui</file>
   <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">gs-extras-page.ui</file>
   <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">gs-feature-tile.ui</file>
diff --git a/src/gs-context-dialog-row.c b/src/gs-context-dialog-row.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab12754db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gs-context-dialog-row.c
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-
+ * vi:set noexpandtab tabstop=8 shiftwidth=8:
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Endless OS Foundation LLC
+ *
+ * Author: Philip Withnall <pwithnall endlessos org>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ */
+ * SECTION:gs-context-dialog-row
+ * @short_description: A list box row for context dialogs
+ *
+ * #GsContextDialogRow is a #GtkListBox row designed to be used in context
+ * dialogs such as #GsHardwareSupportContextDialog. Each row indicates how well
+ * the app supports a certain feature, attribute or permission. Each row
+ * contains an image in a lozenge, a title, a description, and has an
+ * ‘importance’ which is primarily indicated through the colour of the image.
+ *
+ * Since: 41
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include "gs-context-dialog-row.h"
+#include "gs-enums.h"
+struct _GsContextDialogRow
+       GtkListBoxRow                    parent_instance;
+       GsContextDialogRowImportance     importance;
+       GtkWidget                       *lozenge;  /* (unowned) */
+       GtkImage                        *lozenge_content;  /* (unowned) */
+       GtkLabel                        *title;  /* (unowned) */
+       GtkLabel                        *description;  /* (unowned) */
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (GsContextDialogRow, gs_context_dialog_row, GTK_TYPE_LIST_BOX_ROW)
+typedef enum {
+       PROP_ICON_NAME = 1,
+       PROP_TITLE,
+} GsContextDialogRowProperty;
+static GParamSpec *obj_props[PROP_DESCRIPTION + 1] = { NULL, };
+/* These match the CSS classes from gtk-style.css. */
+static const gchar *
+css_class_for_importance (GsContextDialogRowImportance importance)
+       switch (importance) {
+               return "grey";
+               return "green";
+               return "yellow";
+               return "red";
+       default:
+               g_assert_not_reached ();
+       }
+static void
+gs_context_dialog_row_init (GsContextDialogRow *self)
+       gtk_widget_set_has_window (GTK_WIDGET (self), FALSE);
+       gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (self));
+static void
+gs_context_dialog_row_get_property (GObject    *object,
+                                    guint       prop_id,
+                                    GValue     *value,
+                                    GParamSpec *pspec)
+       GsContextDialogRow *self = GS_CONTEXT_DIALOG_ROW (object);
+       switch ((GsContextDialogRowProperty) prop_id) {
+       case PROP_ICON_NAME:
+               g_value_set_string (value, gs_context_dialog_row_get_icon_name (self));
+               break;
+       case PROP_IMPORTANCE:
+               g_value_set_enum (value, gs_context_dialog_row_get_importance (self));
+               break;
+       case PROP_TITLE:
+               g_value_set_string (value, gs_context_dialog_row_get_title (self));
+               break;
+       case PROP_DESCRIPTION:
+               g_value_set_string (value, gs_context_dialog_row_get_description (self));
+               break;
+       default:
+               G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+               break;
+       }
+static void
+gs_context_dialog_row_set_property (GObject      *object,
+                                    guint         prop_id,
+                                    const GValue *value,
+                                    GParamSpec   *pspec)
+       GsContextDialogRow *self = GS_CONTEXT_DIALOG_ROW (object);
+       switch ((GsContextDialogRowProperty) prop_id) {
+       case PROP_ICON_NAME:
+               gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (self->lozenge_content, g_value_get_string (value), 
+               break;
+       case PROP_IMPORTANCE: {
+               GtkStyleContext *context;
+               const gchar *css_class;
+               self->importance = g_value_get_enum (value);
+               css_class = css_class_for_importance (self->importance);
+               context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (self->lozenge);
+               gtk_style_context_remove_class (context, "green");
+               gtk_style_context_remove_class (context, "yellow");
+               gtk_style_context_remove_class (context, "red");
+               gtk_style_context_remove_class (context, "grey");
+               gtk_style_context_add_class (context, css_class);
+               break;
+       }
+       case PROP_TITLE:
+               gtk_label_set_text (self->title, g_value_get_string (value));
+               break;
+       case PROP_DESCRIPTION:
+               gtk_label_set_text (self->description, g_value_get_string (value));
+               break;
+       default:
+               G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+               break;
+       }
+static void
+gs_context_dialog_row_class_init (GsContextDialogRowClass *klass)
+       GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+       GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass);
+       object_class->get_property = gs_context_dialog_row_get_property;
+       object_class->set_property = gs_context_dialog_row_set_property;
+       /**
+        * GsContextDialogRow:icon-name: (not nullable)
+        *
+        * Name of the icon to display in the row.
+        *
+        * This may not be %NULL.
+        *
+        * Since: 41
+        */
+       obj_props[PROP_ICON_NAME] =
+               g_param_spec_string ("icon-name", NULL, NULL,
+                                    NULL,
+                                    G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS);
+       /**
+        * GsContextDialogRow:importance:
+        *
+        * Importance of the information in the row to the user’s decision
+        * making about an app. This is primarily represented as the row’s
+        * colour.
+        *
+        * Since: 41
+        */
+       obj_props[PROP_IMPORTANCE] =
+               g_param_spec_enum ("importance", NULL, NULL,
+                                  GS_TYPE_CONTEXT_DIALOG_ROW_IMPORTANCE, 
+                                  G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS);
+       /**
+        * GsContextDialogRow:title: (not nullable)
+        *
+        * The human readable and translated title of the row.
+        *
+        * This may not be %NULL.
+        *
+        * Since: 41
+        */
+       obj_props[PROP_TITLE] =
+               g_param_spec_string ("title", NULL, NULL,
+                                    NULL,
+                                    G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS);
+       /**
+        * GsContextDialogRow:description: (not nullable)
+        *
+        * The human readable and translated description of the row.
+        *
+        * This may not be %NULL.
+        *
+        * Since: 41
+        */
+       obj_props[PROP_DESCRIPTION] =
+               g_param_spec_string ("description", NULL, NULL,
+                                    NULL,
+                                    G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS);
+       g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, G_N_ELEMENTS (obj_props), obj_props);
+       /* This uses the same CSS name as a standard #GtkListBoxRow in order to
+        * get the default styling from GTK. */
+       gtk_widget_class_set_css_name (widget_class, "row");
+       gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, 
+       gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, GsContextDialogRow, lozenge);
+       gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, GsContextDialogRow, lozenge_content);
+       gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, GsContextDialogRow, title);
+       gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (widget_class, GsContextDialogRow, description);
+ * gs_context_dialog_row_new:
+ * @icon_name: (not nullable): name of the icon for the row
+ * @importance: importance of the information in the row
+ * @title: (not nullable): title for the row
+ * @description: (not nullable): description for the row
+ *
+ * Create a new #GsContextDialogRow.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full): a new #GsContextDialogRow
+ * Since: 41
+ */
+GtkListBoxRow *
+gs_context_dialog_row_new (const gchar                  *icon_name,
+                           GsContextDialogRowImportance  importance,
+                           const gchar                  *title,
+                           const gchar                  *description)
+       g_return_val_if_fail (icon_name != NULL, NULL);
+       g_return_val_if_fail (title != NULL, NULL);
+       g_return_val_if_fail (description != NULL, NULL);
+       return g_object_new (GS_TYPE_CONTEXT_DIALOG_ROW,
+                            "icon-name", icon_name,
+                            "importance", importance,
+                            "title", title,
+                            "description", description,
+                            NULL);
+ * gs_context_dialog_row_get_icon_name:
+ * @self: a #GsContextDialogRow
+ *
+ * Get the value of #GsContextDialogRow:icon-name.
+ *
+ * Returns: the name of the icon used in the row
+ * Since: 41
+ */
+const gchar *
+gs_context_dialog_row_get_icon_name (GsContextDialogRow *self)
+       const gchar *icon_name = NULL;
+       g_return_val_if_fail (GS_IS_CONTEXT_DIALOG_ROW (self), NULL);
+       gtk_image_get_icon_name (self->lozenge_content, &icon_name, NULL);
+       return icon_name;
+ * gs_context_dialog_row_get_importance:
+ * @self: a #GsContextDialogRow
+ *
+ * Get the value of #GsContextDialogRow:importance.
+ *
+ * Returns: the importance of the information in the row
+ * Since: 41
+ */
+gs_context_dialog_row_get_importance (GsContextDialogRow *self)
+       return self->importance;
+ * gs_context_dialog_row_get_title:
+ * @self: a #GsContextDialogRow
+ *
+ * Get the value of #GsContextDialogRow:title.
+ *
+ * Returns: (not nullable): title for the row
+ * Since: 41
+ */
+const gchar *
+gs_context_dialog_row_get_title (GsContextDialogRow *self)
+       g_return_val_if_fail (GS_IS_CONTEXT_DIALOG_ROW (self), NULL);
+       return gtk_label_get_text (self->title);
+ * gs_context_dialog_row_get_description:
+ * @self: a #GsContextDialogRow
+ *
+ * Get the value of #GsContextDialogRow:description.
+ *
+ * Returns: (not nullable): description for the row
+ * Since: 41
+ */
+const gchar *
+gs_context_dialog_row_get_description (GsContextDialogRow *self)
+       g_return_val_if_fail (GS_IS_CONTEXT_DIALOG_ROW (self), NULL);
+       return gtk_label_get_text (self->description);
diff --git a/src/gs-context-dialog-row.h b/src/gs-context-dialog-row.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77a1514c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gs-context-dialog-row.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-
+ * vi:set noexpandtab tabstop=8 shiftwidth=8:
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Endless OS Foundation LLC
+ *
+ * Author: Philip Withnall <pwithnall endlessos org>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+ * GsContextDialogRowImportance:
+ * @GS_CONTEXT_DIALOG_ROW_IMPORTANCE_NEUTRAL: neutral or unknown importance
+ *
+ * The importance of the information in a #GsContextDialogRow. The values
+ * increase from less important to more important.
+ *
+ * Since: 41
+ */
+typedef enum
+       /* The code in this file relies on the fact that these enum values
+        * numerically increase as they get more important. */
+} GsContextDialogRowImportance;
+#define GS_TYPE_CONTEXT_DIALOG_ROW (gs_context_dialog_row_get_type ())
+G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GsContextDialogRow, gs_context_dialog_row, GS, CONTEXT_DIALOG_ROW, GtkListBoxRow)
+GtkListBoxRow  *gs_context_dialog_row_new      (const gchar                    *icon_name,
+                                                GsContextDialogRowImportance    importance,
+                                                const gchar                    *title,
+                                                const gchar                    *description);
+const gchar                    *gs_context_dialog_row_get_icon_name    (GsContextDialogRow     *self);
+GsContextDialogRowImportance    gs_context_dialog_row_get_importance   (GsContextDialogRow     *self);
+const gchar                    *gs_context_dialog_row_get_title        (GsContextDialogRow     *self);
+const gchar                    *gs_context_dialog_row_get_description  (GsContextDialogRow     *self);
diff --git a/src/gs-context-dialog-row.ui b/src/gs-context-dialog-row.ui
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe7962655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gs-context-dialog-row.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  <requires lib="gtk+" version="3.10"/>
+  <template class="GsContextDialogRow" parent="GtkListBoxRow">
+    <property name="visible">True</property>
+    <property name="activatable">False</property>
+    <property name="can-focus">False</property>
+    <child>
+      <object class="GtkBox">
+        <property name="margin">18</property>
+        <property name="orientation">horizontal</property>
+        <property name="spacing">18</property>
+        <property name="visible">True</property>
+        <child>
+          <object class="GtkBox" id="lozenge">
+            <property name="halign">center</property>
+            <property name="valign">start</property>
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <style>
+              <class name="context-tile-lozenge"/>
+              <class name="grey"/>
+            </style>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkImage" id="lozenge_content">
+                <property name="halign">center</property>
+                <!-- this is a placeholder: the icon is actually set in code -->
+                <property name="icon-name">safety-symbolic</property>
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <accessibility>
+                  <relation target="title" type="labelled-by"/>
+                  <relation target="description" type="details"/>
+                </accessibility>
+              </object>
+              <packing>
+                <property name="expand">True</property>
+              </packing>
+            </child>
+          </object>
+          <packing>
+            <property name="fill">False</property>
+          </packing>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+          <object class="GtkBox">
+            <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+            <property name="spacing">8</property>
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkLabel" id="title">
+                <!-- this is a placeholder: the text is actually set in code -->
+                <property name="label">Download Size</property>
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="xalign">0</property>
+                <accessibility>
+                  <relation target="lozenge_content" type="label-for"/>
+                </accessibility>
+                <style>
+                  <class name="context-tile-title"/>
+                </style>
+              </object>
+            </child>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkLabel" id="description">
+                <!-- this is a placeholder: the text is actually set in code -->
+                <property name="label">Needs 150 MB of additional system downloads</property>
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="wrap">True</property>
+                <property name="xalign">0</property>
+                <accessibility>
+                  <relation target="lozenge_content" type="details-for"/>
+                </accessibility>
+                <style>
+                  <class name="context-tile-description"/>
+                </style>
+              </object>
+            </child>
+          </object>
+        </child>
+      </object>
+    </child>
+  </template>
diff --git a/src/gtk-style-hc.css b/src/gtk-style-hc.css
index 6327bdaf0..73977fc12 100644
--- a/src/gtk-style-hc.css
+++ b/src/gtk-style-hc.css
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ app-context-bar .context-tile {
        border-right: 1px solid #877b6e;
-app-context-bar .grey { background-color: #deddda; color: @theme_fg_color }
-app-context-bar .green, app-context-bar .details-rating-0 { background-color: #b6f2c4; color: 
@theme_fg_color }
-app-context-bar .red, app-context-bar .details-rating-18 { background-color: #fbd3cf; color: @theme_fg_color 
-app-context-bar .details-rating-15 { background-color: #ffd7a5; color: @theme_fg_color }
-app-context-bar .yellow, app-context-bar .details-rating-12 { background-color: #f7eb9f; color: 
@theme_fg_color }
-app-context-bar .details-rating-5 { background-color: #d1e4fb; color: @theme_fg_color }
+.context-tile-lozenge.grey { background-color: #deddda; color: @theme_fg_color }
+.context-tile-lozenge.green, .context-tile-lozenge.details-rating-0 { background-color: #b6f2c4; color: 
@theme_fg_color }
+.context-tile-lozenge.red, .context-tile-lozenge.details-rating-18 { background-color: #fbd3cf; color: 
@theme_fg_color }
+.context-tile-lozenge.details-rating-15 { background-color: #ffd7a5; color: @theme_fg_color }
+.context-tile-lozenge.yellow, .context-tile-lozenge.details-rating-12 { background-color: #f7eb9f; color: 
@theme_fg_color }
+.context-tile-lozenge.details-rating-5 { background-color: #d1e4fb; color: @theme_fg_color }
diff --git a/src/gtk-style.css b/src/gtk-style.css
index b073f05ff..1c2b88039 100644
--- a/src/gtk-style.css
+++ b/src/gtk-style.css
@@ -623,14 +623,22 @@ app-context-bar .context-tile {
 app-context-bar .context-tile:last-child { border-right: none }
-app-context-bar .context-tile-lozenge {
+.context-tile-lozenge {
        font-size: 18px;
        font-weight: bold;
        border-radius: 99999px;
-       padding: 9px 12px;
+       padding: 9px 11px;
        min-width: 18px;
+       min-height: 22px;
-app-context-bar .context-tile-lozenge.wide-image image {
+.context-tile-lozenge.large {
+       font-size: 24px;
+       padding: 15px 18px;
+       min-height: 30px;
+.context-tile-lozenge.wide-image image {
        /* GtkImage always renders image square, so if we want an image which
         * is wide, but still the same height as all the others, we have to
         * use this hack to make it zero-height and vertically centred. The
@@ -639,12 +647,13 @@ app-context-bar .context-tile-lozenge.wide-image image {
        margin-top: -999px;
        margin-bottom: -999px
-app-context-bar .context-tile-title { font-weight: bold }
+.context-tile-title { font-weight: bold }
 app-context-bar .context-tile-description { font-size: smaller }
-app-context-bar .grey { background-color: #deddda; color: #5e5c64 }
-app-context-bar .green, app-context-bar .details-rating-0 { background-color: #b6f2c4; color: #208255 }
-app-context-bar .red, app-context-bar .details-rating-18 { background-color: #fbd3cf; color: #ab3342 }
-app-context-bar .details-rating-15 { background-color: #ffd7a5; color: #c75400 }
-app-context-bar .yellow, app-context-bar .details-rating-12 { background-color: #f7eb9f; color: #9c7107 }
-app-context-bar .details-rating-5 { background-color: #d1e4fb; color: #294d7a }
+.context-tile-lozenge.grey { background-color: #deddda; color: #5e5c64 }
+.context-tile-lozenge.green, .context-tile-lozenge.details-rating-0 { background-color: #b6f2c4; color: 
#208255 }
+.context-tile-lozenge.red, .context-tile-lozenge.details-rating-18 { background-color: #fbd3cf; color: 
#ab3342 }
+.context-tile-lozenge.details-rating-15 { background-color: #ffd7a5; color: #c75400 }
+.context-tile-lozenge.yellow, .context-tile-lozenge.details-rating-12 { background-color: #f7eb9f; color: 
#9c7107 }
+.context-tile-lozenge.details-rating-5 { background-color: #d1e4fb; color: #294d7a }
diff --git a/src/meson.build b/src/meson.build
index 950bff434..ee9056356 100644
--- a/src/meson.build
+++ b/src/meson.build
@@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ gdbus_src = gnome.gdbus_codegen(
   namespace : 'Gs'
+enums = gnome.mkenums_simple('gs-enums',
+  sources : [
+    'gs-context-dialog-row.h',
+  ],
+  install_header : false,
 gnome_software_sources = [
@@ -27,6 +34,7 @@ gnome_software_sources = [
+  'gs-context-dialog-row.c',
@@ -125,7 +133,7 @@ executable(
-  sources : gnome_software_sources,
+  sources : gnome_software_sources + enums,
   include_directories : [

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