[gimp] Add separate CODING_STYLE file

commit 1373bec64a1cb9b3ecf1cab383d55e3b228b8de7
Author: Stanislav Grinkov <43956-stanislavgrinkov users noreply gitlab gnome org>
Date:   Wed May 26 08:49:54 2021 +0600

    Add separate CODING_STYLE file

 CODING_STYLE.md | 594 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 HACKING         |  44 +----
 2 files changed, 596 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CODING_STYLE.md b/CODING_STYLE.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8cc609c84
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+# GIMP Coding Style
+This document describes the preferred coding style for the GIMP source code.
+It was strongly inspired by GNU's CODING_STYLE and developed from there.
+Coding style is a matter of consistency, readability, and maintenance; coding
+style is also completely arbitrary and a matter of taste. This document will
+use examples at the very least to provide authoritative and consistent answers
+to common questions regarding the coding style and will also try to identify the
+allowed exceptions.
+## Table of contents
+- [General rules](#general-rules)
+- [Dealing with the old code](#dealing-with-the-old-code)
+- [Indentation](#indentation)
+- [Braces](#braces)
+- [Whitespace](#whitespace)
+- [If-else code styling](#if-else-code-styling)
+- [Conditions](#conditions)
+- [Switch statement](#switch-statement)
+- [Functions](#functions)
+- [Macros](#macros)
+- [Includes](#includes)
+- [Structures](#structures)
+- [Memory management](#memory-management)
+- [API Documentation](#api-documentation)
+- [Public API](#public-api)
+- (__Sections below__)
+- [Private API](#private-api)
+- [Headers](#headers)
+- [](#)
+- [](#)
+- [](#)
+## General rules
+We recommend enabling the default git pre-commit hook that detects trailing
+whitespace and non-ASCII filenames for you and helps you to avoid corrupting
+GIMP's tree with it.
+In the terminal, navigate into your GIMP source code folder. Then do that as
+follows (one command at a time):
+  cp -v .git/hooks/pre-commit.sample .git/hooks/pre-commit
+  chmod a+x .git/hooks/pre-commit
+If any command above fails, visit your `.git/hooks/` folder and check for the
+existence of `pre-commit.sample` or `pre-commit` files.
+You might also find the `git-stripspace` utility helpful, which acts as a filter
+to remove trailing whitespace as well as initial, final, and duplicate blank
+## Dealing with the old code
+__The new GIMP code should adhere to the style explained below.__ The existing
+GIMP code largely follows these conventions, but there are some differences like
+extra or missing whitespace, tabs instead of space, wrong formatting, etc.
+__Our policy is to update the style of a code block or function if and only if
+you happen to touch that code.__
+Please don't waste your time and reviewers' time with merge requests or patches
+with _only_ code style fixes unless you have push rights to the GIMP's
+### Line width
+The recommended line width for source files is _80 characters_ whenever possible.
+Longer lines are usually an indication that you either need a function or a
+pre-processor macro.
+The point is to have clear code to read and not overly long lines. Don't break
+code into ugly and choppy parts to blindly follow this rule.
+Function definitions in the function forward declaration block don't have to
+obey the 80 characters limit. The only general rule for headers is to align the
+function definitions vertically in three columns.
+See more information in [Headers sections](#Headers)
+## Indentation
+Each new level is indented 2 or more spaces than the previous level:
+  if (condition)
+    single_statement ();
+Use only __space characters__ to achieve this. Code indented with tabs will not
+be accepted into the GIMP codebase.
+Even if two spaces for each indentation level allow deeper nesting, GIMP favors
+self-documenting function names that can be quite long. For this reason, you
+should avoid deeply nested code.
+### Tab characters
+Use `\t` instead of literal tab inside the source code strings.
+## Braces
+Using blocks to group code is discouraged and must not be used in newly
+written code.
+int   retval    = 0;
+gbool condition = retval >= 0;
+statement_1 ();
+statement_2 ();
+  /* discouraged in newly written code */
+  {
+    int      var1 = 42;
+    gboolean res  = FALSE;
+    res = statement_3 (var1);
+    retval = res ? -1 : 1;
+  }
+## Whitespace
+Except for one single newline at the end of the file, other empty lines (at the
+beginning and the end) of a file are not allowed.
+Always put a space before an opening parenthesis but never after:
+  /* valid */
+  if (condition)
+    do_my_things ();
+  /* valid */
+  switch (condition)
+    {
+    }
+  /* invalid */
+  if(condition)
+    do_my_things();
+  /* invalid */
+  if ( condition )
+    do_my_things ( );
+Do not eliminate whitespace and newlines just because something would
+fit on 80 characters:
+  /* invalid */
+  if (condition) foo (); else bar ();
+## If-else code styling
+Don't use curly braces for single statement blocks:
+  /* valid */
+  if (condition)
+    single_statement ();
+  else
+    another_single_statement (arg1);
+In the case of multiple statements, put curly braces on another indentation level:
+  /* valid */
+  if (condition)
+    {
+      statement_1 ();
+      statement_2 ();
+      statement_3 ();
+    }
+  /* invalid */
+  if (condition) {
+    statement_1 ();
+    statement_2 ();
+  }
+  /* invalid */
+  if (condition)
+  {
+    statement_1 ();
+    statement_2 ();
+  }
+The "no block for single statements" rule has only three exceptions:
+  ① _Both sides of the if-else statement_ must have curly braces when
+     either side of this if-else statement has braces or when
+     the single statement covers multiple lines, and it's followed
+     by else or else if (e.g., for functions with many arguments).
+  /* valid */
+  if (condition)
+    {
+      a_single_statement_with_many_arguments (some_lengthy_argument,
+                                              another_lengthy_argument,
+                                              and_another_one,
+                                              plus_one);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      another_single_statement (arg1, arg2);
+    }
+  ②  if the condition is composed of many lines:
+  /* valid */
+  if (condition1                 ||
+      (condition2 && condition3) ||
+      condition4                 ||
+      (condition5 && (condition6 || condition7)))
+    {
+      a_single_statement ();
+    }
+  ③  In the case of nested if's, the block should be placed on the outermost if:
+  /* valid */
+  if (condition)
+    {
+      if (another_condition)
+        single_statement ();
+      else
+        another_single_statement ();
+    }
+  /* invalid */
+  if (condition)
+    if (another_condition)
+      single_statement ();
+    else if (yet_another_condition)
+      another_single_statement ();
+## Conditions
+Do not check boolean values for equality:
+  /* valid */
+  if (another_condition)
+    do_bar ();
+  /* invalid */
+  if (condition == TRUE)
+    do_foo ();
+Even if C handles NULL equality like a boolean, be explicit:
+  /* valid */
+  if (some_pointer == NULL)
+    do_blah ();
+  /* invalid */
+  if (some_other_pointer)
+    do_blurp ();
+When conditions split over multiple lines, the logical operators should always
+go at the end of the line. Align the same level boolean operators to show
+explicitly which are on the same level and which are not:
+  /* valid */
+  if (condition1  &&
+      condition2  &&
+      (condition3 || (condition4 && condition5)))
+    {
+      do_blah ();
+    }
+  /* invalid */
+  if (condition1
+      || condition2
+      || condition3)
+    {
+      do_foo ();
+    }
+## Switch statement
+A `switch()` should open a block on a new indentation level, and each case
+should start on the same indentation level as the curly braces, with the
+case block on a new indentation level:
+  /* valid */
+  switch (condition)
+    {
+    case FOO:
+      do_foo ();
+      break;
+    case BAR:
+      do_bar ();
+      break;
+    }
+  /* invalid */
+  switch (condition) {
+    case FOO: do_foo (); break;
+    case BAR: do_bar (); break;
+  }
+  /* invalid */
+  switch (condition)
+    {
+    case FOO: do_foo ();
+      break;
+    case BAR: do_bar ();
+      break;
+    }
+  /* invalid */
+  switch (condition)
+    {
+      case FOO:
+      do_foo ();
+      break;
+      case BAR:
+      do_bar ();
+      break;
+    }
+It is preferable, though not mandatory, to separate the various cases with
+a newline:
+  switch (condition)
+    {
+    case FOO:
+      do_foo ();
+      break;
+    case BAR:
+      do_bar ();
+      break;
+    default:
+      do_default ();
+      break;
+    }
+If a case block needs to declare new variables, the same rules as the inner
+blocks (see above) apply; place the break statement outside of the inner block:
+  switch (condition)
+    {
+    case FOO:
+      {
+        int foo;
+        foo = do_foo ();
+      }
+      break;
+    ...
+    }
+Do not add `default:` case if your `switch ()` is supposed to handle _all cases_.
+## Variables declaration and definition
+Place each variable on a new line. The variable name must be right-aligned,
+taking into account pointers:
+  /* valid */
+  int         first  = 42;
+  gboolean    second = TRUE;
+  GimpObject *third  = NULL;
+Blocks of variable declaration/initialization should align the variable names,
+allowing quick skimming of the variable list.
+## Functions
+Function header has the return type on one line; the name starting in the first
+column of the following line. Prototype each parameter and place each on a
+new line.
+In function names, each word must be lowercase and separated by an underscore.
+In the function definition, place the return value on a separate line from the
+function name:
+my_function (void)
+The parameters list must be broken into a new line for each parameter, with the
+parameter names right-aligned, taking into account pointers:
+my_function (some_type_t     some_param,
+             another_type_t *a_pointer_param,
+             final_type_t    final_param)
+While curly braces for function definitions should rest on a new line they
+should not add an indentation level:
+/* valid */
+static void
+my_function (int parameter)
+  do_my_things ();
+The alignment also holds when invoking a function:
+  align_function_arguments (first_argument,
+                            second_argument,
+                            third_argument);
+If your function name is very long, it's always better to extract arguments into
+separate variables to improve readability:
+  /* valid */
+  first_a  = argument_the_first;
+  second_a = argument_the_second;
+  a_very_long_function_name_with_long_arguments (first_a, second_a);
+Keep the function name and the arguments on the same line. Otherwise, it will
+hurt readability.
+  /* invalid */
+  a_very_long_function_name_with_long_arguments
+    (argument_the_first, argument_the_second);
+## Macros
+Try to avoid private macros unless strictly necessary. Remember to `#undef`
+them at the end of a block or a series of functions needing them.
+Use inline functions instead of private macro definitions.
+Do not use public macros unless they evaluate to a constant.
+## Includes
+GIMP source files should never include the global `gimp.h` header, but instead
+include the individual headers that are needed.
+Includes must be in the following order:
+ 0. `config.h` first;
+ 0. System and third-party headers;
+ 0. GIMP library headers (libgimp* headers);
+ 0. GIMP core/app headers that it needs including its own;
+Sort the includes within the blocks.
+/* valid */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <gegl.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include "libgimpbase/gimpbase.h"
+#include "libgimpcolor/gimpcolor.h"
+#include "core/gimp.h"
+#include "core/gimpcontainer.h"
+#include "gimpcolorpanel.h"
+#include "gimpcontainerentry.h"
+## Structures
+When declaring a structure type use newlines to separate logical sections:
+  /* preferred for new code*/
+  typedef struct
+  {
+    gint  n_pages;
+    gint *pages;
+    gbool read_only;
+  } Pages;
+## Memory management
+To dynamically allocate data on the heap, use `g_new()`. To allocate memory for
+multiple small data structures, `g_slice_new()`.
+When possible, all public structure types should be returned fully initialized,
+either explicitly for each member or by using g_new0() or g_slice_new0().
+As a general programming rule, it is better to allocate and free data on the
+same level. It is much easier to review code because you know that when you
+allocate something there, then you also free it there.
+GeglBuffer *buffer;
+void       *p;
+*buffer = gegl_buffer_new (some, args);
+*p      = g_new (something, n);
+/* do stuff */
+g_object_unref (buffer);
+g_free (p);
+When a transfer of ownership is unavoidable make it clear in the function
+## API Documentation
+All public APIs must have proper gtk-doc comments. For functions, these should
+be placed in the source file directly above.
+These annotations are also relevant for [GObject 
Introspection](https://gi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/annotations/giannotations.html) to generate bindings for 
other languages.
+/* valid */
+ * gimp_object_set_name:
+ * @object: a #GimpObject
+ * @name: the @object's new name (transfer none)
+ *
+ * Sets the @object's name. Takes care of freeing the old name and
+ * emitting the ::name_changed signal if the old and new name differ.
+ **/
+gimp_object_set_name (GimpObject  *object,
+                      const gchar *name)
+  ...
+Doc comments for macros, function types, class structs, etc., should be placed
+next to the definitions, typically in headers.
+## Public API
+Avoid exporting variables as public API since this is cumbersome on some
+platforms. It is always preferable to add getters and setters instead.
+List all public functions alphabetically in the corresponding `.def` file.
+ - `app/gimpcore.def`
+ - `libgimp/gimp.def`
+ - `libgimpbase/gimpbase.def`
+ - etc
diff --git a/HACKING b/HACKING
index 6a76d7e5f0..01f7bcf9bf 100644
@@ -131,48 +131,8 @@ Hackordnung
 We encourage you to follow the GIMP coding style throughout the GIMP
 project.  For the core components (application and libs) this coding
-style is enforced.  The GIMP coding style is defined as follows:
-    * There's a single space between the function name and the opening
-      paren.
-    * Function names are lowercase, words separated by underscores.
-    * Macros and enums are all uppercase, words separated by
-      underscores.
-    * Types are all words capitalized, no separators between words.
-    * All functions in header files need to be prototyped.
-    * Indentation rules are GNU coding style, in particular:
-        - 2 characters indentation level
-        - Do not use tabs (of course your editor can accept the TAB key
-          as a command, typically to indent the current line properly
-          or to add spaces at the cursor until the next multiple of 8
-          columns, but it should not put TAB characters in the file).
-        - When editing files that still have TABs in them, make sure your
-          editor interprets the TABs correctly, that is, has tab stops
-          at 8 column intervals.
-        - Opening braces are on a new line and indented one level.
-        - Function header have the return type on one line, the name
-          starting in the first column of the following line. All
-          parameters are prototyped and there's a new line for each.
-    * Align relevant listing:
-        - In declaration and definition of functions, each parameter
-          should be on a new line and aligned with the first one.
-        - In function calls, if the call is too long and spans on
-          several lines, you should align the parameters with the first
-          one.
-        - Blocks of variable declaration/initialization should align the
-          variable names, allowing quick skimming of the variable list.
-        - Function names in blocks of function declarations should be
-          aligned.
-    * Avoid trailing whitespaces. Any editor should have a function to
-      warn of trailing spaces/tabs. By default, git colorization also
-      warns about trailing whitespaces.
+style is enforced. See separate CODING_STYLE.md for a detailed description
+of the source code style.
 The source tree contains local config files which can be used to set the
 right coding style in common editors: `.dir-locals.el` for Emacs,

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