[gnome-remote-desktop] rdp-fuse-clipboard: Handle all file lists via clipDataIds

commit 0f78db93ff149381db2b275d54e47351d4431197
Author: Pascal Nowack <Pascal Nowack gmx de>
Date:   Sat Feb 27 18:50:03 2021 +0100

    rdp-fuse-clipboard: Handle all file lists via clipDataIds
    Currently, the whole file list of a uri-list is located under the FUSE
    root directory.
    This has the disadvantage that the FUSE implementation is only able to
    handle one uri-list at the same time.
    For clipboard data locking, it needs however be able to handle multiple
    uri-lists at the same time.
    To achieve this goal, the FUSE implementation needs to be restructured:
    Instead of having the whole selection under the root directory, add
    another layer: The ClipDataEntry layer.
    This layer will basically contain all directories for clipDataIds, i.e.
    the structure will now look like this: FUSE_ROOT/clipDataId/selection.
    When clipboard data locking is not used, the FUSE implementation will
    still use the same pattern:
    The selection for a uri-list without clipDataId will have its own
    This makes the whole implementation easier, as the code paths for
    locking usage and no-locking usage are with this approach similar.
    For this new handling, add new API methods for the selection handling:
    - clip_data_id_new()
    - clip_data_id_free()
    - dismiss_all_no_cdi_requests()
    - clear_no_cdi_selection()
    - lazily_clear_all_cdi_selections()
    - set_cdi_selection()
    - set_no_cdi_selection()
    A cdi selection is a selection with clipDataId, while a no-cdi
    selection is a selection without clipDataId.
    The clipboard behaviour for selections without clipDataId will not
    In the next commit, however, clipboard-rdp will be ported to the new
    clear_selection() then becomes clear_no_cdi_selection(),
    dismiss_all_requests() becomes dismiss_all_no_cdi_requests() and
    set_selection() becomes set_no_cdi_selection().
    For selections with a clipDataId, g-r-d will only emit a lock, when the
    client advertised file content and an application on the server side
    requests the uri-list.
    In that case, clipboard-rdp asks the FUSE clipboard for a new
    clipDataId. If the FormatDataRequest fails, this clipDataId will then
    be freed using clip_data_id_free().
    Since gnome-remote-desktop caches FormatData (and therefore the
    uri-list too), it will only emit the lock request per uri-list once.
    If the uri-list is retrieved successfully, clipboard-rdp will then use
    that id to set the selection using set_cdi_selection().
    The clipDataId and the associated ClipDataEntry will live as long as
    the clipboard selection doesn't change.
    Upon receiving a new FormatList (from either peers), g-r-d will,
    however, not directly clear the selection.
    Instead, for selections with clipDataId, a timeout is set.
    The reason for this is that g-r-d does not know if nautilus finished
    its file copy operations or whether it aborted them.
    When a file operations happens, i.e. a read() request happens or g-r-d
    receives a FileContentsResponse, the timeout might be reset.
    The source function to drop a ClipDataEntry (and its selection) runs
    on the main thread (same as setting and clearing a (no-cdi) selection).
    The read() requests and the FileContentsReponses, however, run on the
    FUSE thread and the cliprdr thread.
    To avoid race conditions, the timeout reset must happen on the main
    thread, since glib does not provide a way to (easily) reset a timeout.
    The GSource for the timeout needs to be destroyed and then recreated.
    Do this with a persistent GSource: Instead of directly resetting the
    timeout directly, queue the clipDataId to a HashTable and set the
    timeout_reset_source to ready.
    The timeout_reset_source runs on the main thread too and looks up the
    ClipDataEntry of the clipDataId and resets the timeout, if the entry
    still exists.
    To avoid high cpu usage on the main thread, while a copy operation
    happens, don't always queue a reset for the timeout.
    Instead, save the time, when the (re)set of the timeout happens and
    only queue a timeout, if a certain time (10 seconds) passed since the
    last (re)set.
    This creates an effective timeout for a ClipDataEntry of 50-60 seconds,
    since the reset timeout is 60 seconds.
    When a new FormatList is received (from either peer),
    lazily_clear_all_cdi_selections() is called.
    This method applies the initial timeout to all selections, that do not
    have a timeout set yet.
    While the new API is implemented in this commit, the old API, that
    clipboard-rdp uses, is still usable.
    Both APIs should however not be used at the same time.
    While for server-to-client transfer mstsc only works with clipboard
    data locking, when the (shared-)clipboard owner doesn't change, the
    same applies to client-to-server transfer:
    When, during a client-to-server transfer, the clipboard owner changes,
    mstsc will answer the FileContentsRequests with the CB_RESPONSE_FAIL
    flag, which effectively aborts the transfer (same behaviour as when not
    using clipboard data locking with mstsc).
    gnome-remote-desktop cannot prevent this behaviour.
    mstsc has the same behaviour, when connecting to MS Windows RDS.
    With FreeRDP based clients, this can be avoided in the future, as soon
    as one (FreeRDP-) client implements clipboard data locking.

 src/grd-rdp-fuse-clipboard.c | 834 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 src/grd-rdp-fuse-clipboard.h |  30 ++
 2 files changed, 818 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/grd-rdp-fuse-clipboard.c b/src/grd-rdp-fuse-clipboard.c
index 9449704..254f6e7 100644
--- a/src/grd-rdp-fuse-clipboard.c
+++ b/src/grd-rdp-fuse-clipboard.c
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
 #include "grd-clipboard-rdp.h"
+#define CLIP_DATA_ENTRY_DROP_TIMEOUT_MS (60 * 1000)
 #define WIN32_FILETIME_TO_UNIX_EPOCH UINT64_C (11644473600)
 typedef enum _FuseLowlevelOperationType
@@ -38,7 +40,25 @@ typedef enum _FuseLowlevelOperationType
 } FuseLowlevelOperationType;
+typedef struct _FuseFileStealContext
+  gboolean all_files;
+  gboolean has_clip_data_id;
+  uint32_t clip_data_id;
+  GList *fuse_files;
+} FuseFileStealContext;
+typedef struct _ClearRdpFuseRequestContext
+  GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard;
+  gboolean all_files;
+  gboolean has_clip_data_id;
+  uint32_t clip_data_id;
+} ClearRdpFuseRequestContext;
 typedef struct _FuseFile FuseFile;
+typedef struct _ClipDataEntry ClipDataEntry;
 struct _FuseFile
@@ -58,6 +78,30 @@ struct _FuseFile
   gboolean has_last_write_time;
   uint64_t last_write_time_unix;
+  gboolean has_clip_data_id;
+  uint32_t clip_data_id;
+  ClipDataEntry *entry;
+struct _ClipDataEntry
+  FuseFile *clip_data_dir;
+  gboolean has_clip_data_id;
+  uint32_t clip_data_id;
+  GrdClipboardRdp *clipboard_rdp;
+  gboolean had_file_contents_request;
+  struct
+  {
+    GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard;
+    unsigned int drop_id;
+    int64_t drop_id_timeout_set_us;
+  } drop_context;
 typedef struct _RdpFuseFileContentsRequest
@@ -79,23 +123,79 @@ struct _GrdRdpFuseClipboard
   GThread *fuse_thread;
   struct fuse_session *fuse_handle;
+  GSource *timeout_reset_source;
+  GHashTable *timeouts_to_reset;
   GMutex filesystem_mutex;
   GMutex selection_mutex;
   GHashTable *inode_table;
+  GHashTable *clip_data_table;
   GHashTable *request_table;
+  FuseFile *root_dir;
+  ClipDataEntry *no_cdi_entry;
+  fuse_ino_t next_ino;
+  uint32_t next_clip_data_id;
   uint32_t next_stream_id;
 G_DEFINE_TYPE (GrdRdpFuseClipboard, grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
 static gboolean
-clear_rdp_fuse_request (gpointer key,
-                        gpointer value,
-                        gpointer user_data)
+should_remove_fuse_file (FuseFile *fuse_file,
+                         gboolean  all_files,
+                         gboolean  has_clip_data_id,
+                         uint32_t  clip_data_id)
+  if (all_files)
+    return TRUE;
+  if (fuse_file->ino == FUSE_ROOT_ID)
+    return FALSE;
+  if (!fuse_file->has_clip_data_id && !has_clip_data_id)
+    return TRUE;
+  if (fuse_file->has_clip_data_id && has_clip_data_id &&
+      fuse_file->clip_data_id == clip_data_id)
+    return TRUE;
+  return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+collect_fuse_file_to_steal (gpointer key,
+                            gpointer value,
+                            gpointer user_data)
+  FuseFile *fuse_file = value;
+  FuseFileStealContext *steal_context = user_data;
+  if (!should_remove_fuse_file (fuse_file,
+                                steal_context->all_files,
+                                steal_context->has_clip_data_id,
+                                steal_context->clip_data_id))
+    return FALSE;
+  steal_context->fuse_files = g_list_prepend (steal_context->fuse_files,
+                                              fuse_file);
+  return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+maybe_clear_rdp_fuse_request (gpointer key,
+                              gpointer value,
+                              gpointer user_data)
-  GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard = user_data;
   RdpFuseFileContentsRequest *rdp_fuse_request = value;
+  ClearRdpFuseRequestContext *clear_context = user_data;
+  GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard = clear_context->rdp_fuse_clipboard;
+  if (!should_remove_fuse_file (rdp_fuse_request->fuse_file,
+                                clear_context->all_files,
+                                clear_context->has_clip_data_id,
+                                clear_context->clip_data_id))
+    return FALSE;
   if (rdp_fuse_clipboard->fuse_handle)
     fuse_reply_err (rdp_fuse_request->fuse_req, EIO);
@@ -105,12 +205,15 @@ clear_rdp_fuse_request (gpointer key,
-grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_dismiss_all_requests (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
+grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_dismiss_all_no_cdi_requests (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
+  ClearRdpFuseRequestContext clear_context = {0};
+  clear_context.rdp_fuse_clipboard = rdp_fuse_clipboard;
   g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
   g_hash_table_foreach_remove (rdp_fuse_clipboard->request_table,
-                               clear_rdp_fuse_request,
-                               rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+                               maybe_clear_rdp_fuse_request, &clear_context);
   g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
@@ -148,36 +251,42 @@ fuse_file_free (gpointer data)
   g_free (fuse_file);
-static FuseFile *
-fuse_file_new_root (void)
-  FuseFile *root_dir;
-  root_dir = g_malloc0 (sizeof (FuseFile));
-  root_dir->filename_with_root = strdup ("/");
-  root_dir->filename = root_dir->filename_with_root;
-  root_dir->ino = 1;
-  root_dir->is_directory = TRUE;
-  root_dir->is_readonly = TRUE;
-  return root_dir;
 static void
-clear_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
+clear_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+                 gboolean             all_selections,
+                 ClipDataEntry       *entry)
-  FuseFile *root_dir;
-  GList *fuse_files;
+  FuseFileStealContext steal_context = {0};
+  ClearRdpFuseRequestContext clear_context = {0};
+  FuseFile *clip_data_dir = NULL;
   g_assert (!g_mutex_trylock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex));
   g_assert (!g_mutex_trylock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex));
-  g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Clearing selection");
+  if (entry)
+    {
+      FuseFile *root_dir = rdp_fuse_clipboard->root_dir;
+      clip_data_dir = g_steal_pointer (&entry->clip_data_dir);
+      root_dir->children = g_list_remove (root_dir->children, clip_data_dir);
+      steal_context.has_clip_data_id = clear_context.has_clip_data_id =
+        entry->has_clip_data_id;
+      steal_context.clip_data_id = clear_context.clip_data_id =
+        entry->clip_data_id;
+    }
+  steal_context.all_files = clear_context.all_files = all_selections;
+  clear_context.rdp_fuse_clipboard = rdp_fuse_clipboard;
+  if (entry && entry->has_clip_data_id)
+    g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Clearing selection for clipDataId %u", entry->clip_data_id);
+  else
+    g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Clearing selection%s", all_selections ? "s" : "");
   g_hash_table_foreach_remove (rdp_fuse_clipboard->request_table,
-                               clear_rdp_fuse_request, rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+                               maybe_clear_rdp_fuse_request, &clear_context);
-  fuse_files = g_hash_table_get_values (rdp_fuse_clipboard->inode_table);
-  g_hash_table_steal_all (rdp_fuse_clipboard->inode_table);
+  g_hash_table_foreach_steal (rdp_fuse_clipboard->inode_table,
+                              collect_fuse_file_to_steal, &steal_context);
   g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
@@ -189,29 +298,276 @@ clear_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
    * So, to avoid a deadlock here, unlock the mutex and reply all incoming
    * operations with -ENOENT until the invalidation process is complete.
-  g_list_foreach (fuse_files, invalidate_inode, rdp_fuse_clipboard);
-  g_list_free_full (fuse_files, fuse_file_free);
+  g_list_foreach (steal_context.fuse_files, invalidate_inode, rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+  if (clip_data_dir)
+    {
+      fuse_lowlevel_notify_delete (rdp_fuse_clipboard->fuse_handle,
+                                   rdp_fuse_clipboard->root_dir->ino,
+                                   clip_data_dir->ino, clip_data_dir->filename,
+                                   strlen (clip_data_dir->filename));
+    }
+  g_list_free_full (steal_context.fuse_files, fuse_file_free);
   g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
-  root_dir = fuse_file_new_root ();
-  g_hash_table_insert (rdp_fuse_clipboard->inode_table,
-                       GUINT_TO_POINTER (root_dir->ino), root_dir);
+  if (entry && entry->has_clip_data_id)
+    g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Selection cleared for clipDataId %u", entry->clip_data_id);
+  else
+    g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Selection%s cleared", all_selections ? "s" : "");
-  g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Selection cleared");
+static void
+clear_all_selections (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  clear_selection (rdp_fuse_clipboard, TRUE, NULL);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+static void
+clear_entry_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+                       ClipDataEntry       *entry)
+  clear_selection (rdp_fuse_clipboard, FALSE, entry);
+grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_clip_data_id_new (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
+  GrdClipboardRdp *clipboard_rdp = rdp_fuse_clipboard->clipboard_rdp;
+  ClipDataEntry *entry = NULL;
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  if (G_UNLIKELY (g_hash_table_size (rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table) >= UINT32_MAX))
+    {
+      GHashTableIter iter;
+      ClipDataEntry *iter_value;
+      g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] All clipDataIds still used. Removing the oldest one");
+      g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table);
+      while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &iter_value))
+        {
+          g_assert (iter_value->drop_context.drop_id);
+          if (!entry || entry->drop_context.drop_id_timeout_set_us >
+                        iter_value->drop_context.drop_id_timeout_set_us)
+            entry = iter_value;
+        }
+      g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Force clearing selection with clipDataId %u",
+               entry->clip_data_id);
+      clear_entry_selection (rdp_fuse_clipboard, entry);
+      g_hash_table_remove (rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table,
+                           GUINT_TO_POINTER (entry->clip_data_id));
+    }
+  entry = g_malloc0 (sizeof (ClipDataEntry));
+  entry->clipboard_rdp = clipboard_rdp;
+  entry->has_clip_data_id = TRUE;
+  entry->clip_data_id = rdp_fuse_clipboard->next_clip_data_id;
+  while (g_hash_table_contains (rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table,
+                                GUINT_TO_POINTER (entry->clip_data_id)))
+    ++entry->clip_data_id;
+  rdp_fuse_clipboard->next_clip_data_id = entry->clip_data_id + 1;
+  g_hash_table_insert (rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table,
+                       GUINT_TO_POINTER (entry->clip_data_id), entry);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+  grd_clipboard_rdp_lock_remote_clipboard_data (clipboard_rdp, entry->clip_data_id);
+  return entry->clip_data_id;
-grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_clear_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
+grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_clip_data_id_free (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+                                          uint32_t             clip_data_id)
+  ClipDataEntry *entry;
   g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
   g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  if (!g_hash_table_lookup_extended (rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table,
+                                     GUINT_TO_POINTER (clip_data_id),
+                                     NULL, (gpointer *) &entry))
+    {
+      g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+      g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+      return;
+    }
+  clear_entry_selection (rdp_fuse_clipboard, entry);
+  g_hash_table_remove (rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table,
+                       GUINT_TO_POINTER (clip_data_id));
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_clear_no_cdi_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  if (rdp_fuse_clipboard->no_cdi_entry)
+    clear_entry_selection (rdp_fuse_clipboard, rdp_fuse_clipboard->no_cdi_entry);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+static gboolean
+drop_clip_data_entry (gpointer user_data)
+  ClipDataEntry *entry = user_data;
+  GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard = entry->drop_context.rdp_fuse_clipboard;
+  g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Dropping ClipDataEntry with clipDataId %u",
+           entry->clip_data_id);
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  clear_entry_selection (rdp_fuse_clipboard, entry);
+  entry->drop_context.drop_id = 0;
+  g_hash_table_remove (rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table,
+                       GUINT_TO_POINTER (entry->clip_data_id));
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+  return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;
+static void
+collect_instant_droppable_clip_data_entry (gpointer key,
+                                           gpointer value,
+                                           gpointer user_data)
+  ClipDataEntry *entry = value;
+  GList **droppable_clip_data_entries = user_data;
+  if (!entry->had_file_contents_request)
+    {
+      *droppable_clip_data_entries = g_list_prepend (*droppable_clip_data_entries,
+                                                     entry);
+    }
+static void
+clear_instant_droppable_clip_data_entry (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
+  GList *droppable_clip_data_entries = NULL;
+  GList *l;
+  g_assert (!g_mutex_trylock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex));
+  g_assert (!g_mutex_trylock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex));
+  g_hash_table_foreach (rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table,
+                        collect_instant_droppable_clip_data_entry,
+                        &droppable_clip_data_entries);
+  for (l = droppable_clip_data_entries; l; l = l->next)
+    {
+      ClipDataEntry *entry = l->data;
+      g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Instantly clearing selection for clipDataId %u",
+               entry->clip_data_id);
+      clear_entry_selection (rdp_fuse_clipboard, entry);
+      g_hash_table_remove (rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table,
+                           GUINT_TO_POINTER (entry->clip_data_id));
+    }
-  clear_selection (rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+  g_list_free (droppable_clip_data_entries);
+static void
+maybe_set_clip_data_entry_timeout (gpointer key,
+                                   gpointer value,
+                                   gpointer user_data)
+  ClipDataEntry *entry = value;
+  if (entry->drop_context.drop_id)
+    return;
+  g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Setting timeout for selection with clipDataId %u",
+           entry->clip_data_id);
+  entry->drop_context.rdp_fuse_clipboard = user_data;
+  entry->drop_context.drop_id = g_timeout_add (CLIP_DATA_ENTRY_DROP_TIMEOUT_MS,
+                                               drop_clip_data_entry, entry);
+  entry->drop_context.drop_id_timeout_set_us = g_get_monotonic_time ();
+grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_lazily_clear_all_cdi_selections (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
+  g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Lazily clearing all selections with clipDataId");
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  clear_instant_droppable_clip_data_entry (rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+  g_hash_table_foreach (rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table,
+                        maybe_set_clip_data_entry_timeout,
+                        rdp_fuse_clipboard);
   g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
   g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+static fuse_ino_t
+get_next_free_inode (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
+  fuse_ino_t ino = rdp_fuse_clipboard->next_ino;
+  while (ino == 0 || ino == FUSE_ROOT_ID ||
+         g_hash_table_contains (rdp_fuse_clipboard->inode_table,
+                                GUINT_TO_POINTER (ino)))
+    ++ino;
+  rdp_fuse_clipboard->next_ino = ino + 1;
+  return ino;
+static FuseFile *
+clip_data_dir_new (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+                   gboolean             has_clip_data_id,
+                   uint32_t             clip_data_id)
+  FuseFile *root_dir = rdp_fuse_clipboard->root_dir;
+  FuseFile *clip_data_dir;
+  clip_data_dir = g_malloc0 (sizeof (FuseFile));
+  clip_data_dir->parent = rdp_fuse_clipboard->root_dir;
+  clip_data_dir->filename_with_root =
+    has_clip_data_id ? g_strdup_printf ("/%u", clip_data_id)
+                     : g_strdup_printf ("/%lu", GRD_RDP_FUSE_CLIPBOARD_NO_CLIP_DATA_ID);
+  clip_data_dir->filename =
+    strrchr (clip_data_dir->filename_with_root, '/') + 1;
+  clip_data_dir->ino = get_next_free_inode (rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+  clip_data_dir->is_directory = TRUE;
+  clip_data_dir->is_readonly = TRUE;
+  clip_data_dir->has_clip_data_id = has_clip_data_id;
+  clip_data_dir->clip_data_id = clip_data_id;
+  root_dir->children = g_list_append (root_dir->children, clip_data_dir);
+  clip_data_dir->parent = root_dir;
+  g_hash_table_insert (rdp_fuse_clipboard->inode_table,
+                       GUINT_TO_POINTER (clip_data_dir->ino), clip_data_dir);
+  return clip_data_dir;
 static gboolean
 is_fuse_file_parent (gpointer key,
                      gpointer value,
@@ -242,6 +598,264 @@ get_parent_directory (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
   return parent;
+static gboolean
+set_selection_for_clip_data_entry (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+#ifdef HAVE_FREERDP_2_3
+                                   FILEDESCRIPTORW     *files,
+                                   FILEDESCRIPTOR      *files,
+#endif /* HAVE_FREERDP_2_3 */
+                                   uint32_t             n_files,
+                                   ClipDataEntry       *entry)
+  FuseFile *clip_data_dir = entry->clip_data_dir;
+  uint32_t clip_data_id = clip_data_dir->clip_data_id;
+  uint32_t i;
+  if (entry->has_clip_data_id)
+    g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Setting selection for clipDataId %u", clip_data_id);
+  else
+    g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Setting selection");
+  for (i = 0; i < n_files; ++i)
+    {
+#ifdef HAVE_FREERDP_2_3
+      FILEDESCRIPTOR *file;
+#endif /* HAVE_FREERDP_2_3 */
+      FuseFile *fuse_file, *parent;
+      char *filename = NULL;
+      uint32_t j;
+      file = &files[i];
+      fuse_file = g_malloc0 (sizeof (FuseFile));
+      if (!(file->dwFlags & FD_ATTRIBUTES))
+        g_warning ("[RDP.CLIPRDR] Client did not set the FD_ATTRIBUTES flag");
+      if (ConvertFromUnicode (CP_UTF8, 0, file->cFileName, -1, &filename,
+                              0, NULL, NULL) <= 0)
+        {
+          g_warning ("[RDP.CLIPRDR] Failed to convert filename. Aborting "
+                     "SelectionTransfer");
+          clear_entry_selection (rdp_fuse_clipboard, entry);
+          g_free (fuse_file);
+          return FALSE;
+        }
+      for (j = 0; filename[j]; ++j)
+        {
+          if (filename[j] == '\\')
+            filename[j] = '/';
+        }
+      fuse_file->filename_with_root =
+        g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", clip_data_dir->filename_with_root, filename);
+      fuse_file->filename = strrchr (fuse_file->filename_with_root, '/') + 1;
+      g_free (filename);
+      parent = get_parent_directory (rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+                                     fuse_file->filename_with_root);
+      parent->children = g_list_append (parent->children, fuse_file);
+      fuse_file->parent = parent;
+      fuse_file->list_idx = i;
+      fuse_file->ino = get_next_free_inode (rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+      fuse_file->has_clip_data_id = entry->has_clip_data_id;
+      fuse_file->clip_data_id = clip_data_id;
+      fuse_file->entry = entry;
+      if (file->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
+        fuse_file->is_directory = TRUE;
+      if (file->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)
+        fuse_file->is_readonly = TRUE;
+      if (file->dwFlags & FD_FILESIZE)
+        {
+          fuse_file->size = ((uint64_t) file->nFileSizeHigh << 32) +
+                            file->nFileSizeLow;
+          fuse_file->has_size = TRUE;
+        }
+#ifdef HAVE_FREERDP_2_3
+      if (file->dwFlags & FD_WRITETIME)
+      if (file->dwFlags & FD_WRITESTIME)
+#endif /* HAVE_FREERDP_2_3 */
+        {
+          uint64_t filetime;
+          filetime = file->ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime;
+          filetime <<= 32;
+          filetime += file->ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime;
+          fuse_file->last_write_time_unix = filetime / (10 * G_USEC_PER_SEC) -
+                                            WIN32_FILETIME_TO_UNIX_EPOCH;
+          fuse_file->has_last_write_time = TRUE;
+        }
+      g_hash_table_insert (rdp_fuse_clipboard->inode_table,
+                           GUINT_TO_POINTER (fuse_file->ino), fuse_file);
+    }
+  if (entry->has_clip_data_id)
+    g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Selection set for clipDataId %u", clip_data_id);
+  else
+    g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Selection set");
+  return TRUE;
+grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_set_cdi_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+#ifdef HAVE_FREERDP_2_3
+                                          FILEDESCRIPTORW     *files,
+                                          FILEDESCRIPTOR      *files,
+#endif /* HAVE_FREERDP_2_3 */
+                                          uint32_t             n_files,
+                                          uint32_t             clip_data_id)
+  ClipDataEntry *entry;
+  gboolean result;
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  if (!g_hash_table_lookup_extended (rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table,
+                                     GUINT_TO_POINTER (clip_data_id),
+                                     NULL, (gpointer *) &entry))
+    {
+      g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+      g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  entry->clip_data_dir = clip_data_dir_new (rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+                                            TRUE, clip_data_id);
+  result = set_selection_for_clip_data_entry (rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+                                              files, n_files, entry);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+  return result;
+grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_set_no_cdi_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+#ifdef HAVE_FREERDP_2_3
+                                             FILEDESCRIPTORW     *files,
+                                             FILEDESCRIPTOR      *files,
+#endif /* HAVE_FREERDP_2_3 */
+                                             uint32_t             n_files)
+  gboolean result;
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  if (!rdp_fuse_clipboard->no_cdi_entry)
+    rdp_fuse_clipboard->no_cdi_entry = g_malloc0 (sizeof (ClipDataEntry));
+  if (rdp_fuse_clipboard->no_cdi_entry->clip_data_dir)
+    clear_entry_selection (rdp_fuse_clipboard, rdp_fuse_clipboard->no_cdi_entry);
+  rdp_fuse_clipboard->no_cdi_entry->clip_data_dir =
+    clip_data_dir_new (rdp_fuse_clipboard, FALSE, 0);
+  result = set_selection_for_clip_data_entry (rdp_fuse_clipboard, files, n_files,
+                                              rdp_fuse_clipboard->no_cdi_entry);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+  return result;
+static gboolean
+clear_rdp_fuse_request (gpointer key,
+                        gpointer value,
+                        gpointer user_data)
+  GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard = user_data;
+  RdpFuseFileContentsRequest *rdp_fuse_request = value;
+  if (rdp_fuse_clipboard->fuse_handle)
+    fuse_reply_err (rdp_fuse_request->fuse_req, EIO);
+  g_free (rdp_fuse_request);
+  return TRUE;
+grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_dismiss_all_requests (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  g_hash_table_foreach_remove (rdp_fuse_clipboard->request_table,
+                               clear_rdp_fuse_request,
+                               rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+static FuseFile *
+fuse_file_new_root (void)
+  FuseFile *root_dir;
+  root_dir = g_malloc0 (sizeof (FuseFile));
+  root_dir->filename_with_root = strdup ("/");
+  root_dir->filename = root_dir->filename_with_root;
+  root_dir->ino = FUSE_ROOT_ID;
+  root_dir->is_directory = TRUE;
+  root_dir->is_readonly = TRUE;
+  return root_dir;
+static void
+clear_selection_ex (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
+  GList *fuse_files;
+  g_assert (!g_mutex_trylock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex));
+  g_assert (!g_mutex_trylock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex));
+  g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Clearing selection");
+  g_hash_table_foreach_remove (rdp_fuse_clipboard->request_table,
+                               clear_rdp_fuse_request, rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+  fuse_files = g_hash_table_get_values (rdp_fuse_clipboard->inode_table);
+  g_hash_table_steal_all (rdp_fuse_clipboard->inode_table);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  /**
+   * fuse_lowlevel_notify_inval_inode() is a blocking operation. If we receive
+   * a FUSE request (e.g. read()), then FUSE would block in read() since
+   * filesystem_mutex would still be locked, if we wouldn't unlock it here.
+   * fuse_lowlevel_notify_inval_inode() will block, since it waits on the FUSE
+   * operation to finish.
+   * So, to avoid a deadlock here, unlock the mutex and reply all incoming
+   * operations with -ENOENT until the invalidation process is complete.
+   */
+  g_list_foreach (fuse_files, invalidate_inode, rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+  g_list_free_full (fuse_files, fuse_file_free);
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  rdp_fuse_clipboard->root_dir = fuse_file_new_root ();
+  g_hash_table_insert (rdp_fuse_clipboard->inode_table,
+                       GUINT_TO_POINTER (rdp_fuse_clipboard->root_dir->ino),
+                       rdp_fuse_clipboard->root_dir);
+  g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Selection cleared");
+grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_clear_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  clear_selection_ex (rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
 #ifdef HAVE_FREERDP_2_3
 grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_set_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
@@ -258,7 +872,7 @@ grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_set_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
   g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
   g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
-  clear_selection (rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+  clear_selection_ex (rdp_fuse_clipboard);
   g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Setting selection");
   for (i = 0; i < n_files; ++i)
@@ -283,7 +897,7 @@ grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_set_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
           g_warning ("[RDP.CLIPRDR] Failed to convert filename. Aborting "
-          clear_selection (rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+          clear_selection_ex (rdp_fuse_clipboard);
           g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
           g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
@@ -372,6 +986,31 @@ write_file_attributes (FuseFile    *fuse_file,
                                     : time (NULL));
+static void
+maybe_queue_clip_data_entry_timeout_reset (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+                                           ClipDataEntry       *entry)
+  int64_t drop_id_timeout_set_us;
+  int64_t now_us;
+  if (!entry)
+    return;
+  if (!entry->drop_context.drop_id)
+    return;
+  drop_id_timeout_set_us = entry->drop_context.drop_id_timeout_set_us;
+  now_us = g_get_monotonic_time ();
+  if (now_us - drop_id_timeout_set_us < CLIP_DATA_ENTRY_DROP_TIMEOUT_DELTA_US)
+    return;
+  g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Queueing a timeout reset for selection with "
+           "clipDataId %u", entry->clip_data_id);
+  g_hash_table_add (rdp_fuse_clipboard->timeouts_to_reset,
+                    GUINT_TO_POINTER (entry->clip_data_id));
+  g_source_set_ready_time (rdp_fuse_clipboard->timeout_reset_source, 0);
 grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_submit_file_contents_response (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
                                                       uint32_t             stream_id,
@@ -402,6 +1041,9 @@ grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_submit_file_contents_response (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_f
+  maybe_queue_clip_data_entry_timeout_reset (rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+                                             rdp_fuse_request->fuse_file->entry);
   if (rdp_fuse_request->operation_type == FUSE_LL_OPERATION_LOOKUP ||
       rdp_fuse_request->operation_type == FUSE_LL_OPERATION_GETATTR)
@@ -453,6 +1095,11 @@ rdp_fuse_file_contents_request_new (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
   RdpFuseFileContentsRequest *rdp_fuse_request;
   uint32_t stream_id = rdp_fuse_clipboard->next_stream_id;
+  if (fuse_file->entry)
+    fuse_file->entry->had_file_contents_request = TRUE;
+  maybe_queue_clip_data_entry_timeout_reset (rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+                                             fuse_file->entry);
   rdp_fuse_request = g_malloc0 (sizeof (RdpFuseFileContentsRequest));
   rdp_fuse_request->fuse_file = fuse_file;
   rdp_fuse_request->fuse_req = fuse_req;
@@ -490,7 +1137,8 @@ request_file_size_async (GrdRdpFuseClipboard       *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
   grd_clipboard_rdp_request_remote_file_size_async (clipboard_rdp,
-                                                    FALSE, 0);
+                                                    fuse_file->has_clip_data_id,
+                                                    fuse_file->clip_data_id);
 static void
@@ -519,7 +1167,8 @@ request_file_range_async (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
                                                      offset, requested_size,
-                                                     FALSE, 0);
+                                                     fuse_file->has_clip_data_id,
+                                                     fuse_file->clip_data_id);
 static FuseFile *
@@ -801,7 +1450,7 @@ fuse_ll_readdir (fuse_req_t             fuse_req,
       else if (i == 1)
           write_file_attributes (fuse_file->parent, &attr);
-          attr.st_ino = fuse_file->parent ? attr.st_ino : 1;
+          attr.st_ino = fuse_file->parent ? attr.st_ino : FUSE_ROOT_ID;
           attr.st_mode = fuse_file->parent ? attr.st_mode : 0555;
           filename = "..";
@@ -900,8 +1549,6 @@ grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_new (GrdClipboardRdp *clipboard_rdp,
   if (!rdp_fuse_clipboard->fuse_thread)
     g_error ("[FUSE Clipboard] Failed to create FUSE thread");
-  grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_clear_selection (rdp_fuse_clipboard);
   return rdp_fuse_clipboard;
@@ -910,8 +1557,14 @@ grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_dispose (GObject *object)
   GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard = GRD_RDP_FUSE_CLIPBOARD (object);
+  if (rdp_fuse_clipboard->timeout_reset_source)
+    g_source_destroy (rdp_fuse_clipboard->timeout_reset_source);
+  g_clear_pointer (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->timeout_reset_source, g_source_unref);
   if (rdp_fuse_clipboard->fuse_handle)
+      clear_all_selections (rdp_fuse_clipboard);
       g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Stopping FUSE thread");
       fuse_session_exit (rdp_fuse_clipboard->fuse_handle);
       grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_dismiss_all_requests (rdp_fuse_clipboard);
@@ -930,20 +1583,109 @@ grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_dispose (GObject *object)
                                    clear_rdp_fuse_request, rdp_fuse_clipboard);
       g_clear_pointer (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->request_table, g_hash_table_unref);
+  g_clear_pointer (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->no_cdi_entry, g_free);
+  g_clear_pointer (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table, g_hash_table_destroy);
   g_clear_pointer (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->inode_table, g_hash_table_destroy);
+  g_clear_pointer (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->timeouts_to_reset, g_hash_table_destroy);
   G_OBJECT_CLASS (grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+static void
+clip_data_entry_free (gpointer data)
+  ClipDataEntry *entry = data;
+  grd_clipboard_rdp_unlock_remote_clipboard_data (entry->clipboard_rdp,
+                                                  entry->clip_data_id);
+  g_clear_handle_id (&entry->drop_context.drop_id, g_source_remove);
+  g_free (entry);
+static gboolean
+maybe_reset_clip_data_entry_timeout (gpointer key,
+                                     gpointer value,
+                                     gpointer user_data)
+  GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard = user_data;
+  uint32_t clip_data_id = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (key);
+  ClipDataEntry *entry;
+  if (!g_hash_table_lookup_extended (rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table,
+                                     GUINT_TO_POINTER (clip_data_id),
+                                     NULL, (gpointer *) &entry))
+    return TRUE;
+  if (!entry->drop_context.drop_id)
+    return TRUE;
+  g_debug ("[FUSE Clipboard] Resetting timeout for selection with clipDataId %u",
+           clip_data_id);
+  g_clear_handle_id (&entry->drop_context.drop_id, g_source_remove);
+  entry->drop_context.drop_id = g_timeout_add (CLIP_DATA_ENTRY_DROP_TIMEOUT_MS,
+                                               drop_clip_data_entry, entry);
+  entry->drop_context.drop_id_timeout_set_us = g_get_monotonic_time ();
+  return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+reset_clip_data_entry_timeouts (gpointer user_data)
+  GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard = user_data;
+  g_mutex_lock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+  g_hash_table_foreach_remove (rdp_fuse_clipboard->timeouts_to_reset,
+                               maybe_reset_clip_data_entry_timeout,
+                               rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+  g_mutex_unlock (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
+static gboolean
+timeout_reset_source_dispatch (GSource     *source,
+                               GSourceFunc  callback,
+                               gpointer     user_data)
+  g_source_set_ready_time (source, -1);
+  return callback (user_data);
+static GSourceFuncs timeout_reset_source_funcs =
+  .dispatch = timeout_reset_source_dispatch,
 static void
 grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_init (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard)
-  rdp_fuse_clipboard->inode_table = g_hash_table_new_full (NULL, NULL, NULL,
-                                                           fuse_file_free);
+  GSource *timeout_reset_source;
+  rdp_fuse_clipboard->timeouts_to_reset = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL);
+  rdp_fuse_clipboard->inode_table = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL);
+  rdp_fuse_clipboard->clip_data_table = g_hash_table_new_full (NULL, NULL, NULL,
+                                                               clip_data_entry_free);
   rdp_fuse_clipboard->request_table = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL);
+  rdp_fuse_clipboard->root_dir = fuse_file_new_root ();
+  g_hash_table_insert (rdp_fuse_clipboard->inode_table,
+                       GUINT_TO_POINTER (rdp_fuse_clipboard->root_dir->ino),
+                       rdp_fuse_clipboard->root_dir);
   g_mutex_init (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->filesystem_mutex);
   g_mutex_init (&rdp_fuse_clipboard->selection_mutex);
+  timeout_reset_source = g_source_new (&timeout_reset_source_funcs,
+                                       sizeof (GSource));
+  g_source_set_callback (timeout_reset_source, reset_clip_data_entry_timeouts,
+                         rdp_fuse_clipboard, NULL);
+  g_source_set_ready_time (timeout_reset_source, -1);
+  g_source_attach (timeout_reset_source, g_main_context_get_thread_default ());
+  rdp_fuse_clipboard->timeout_reset_source = timeout_reset_source;
 static void
diff --git a/src/grd-rdp-fuse-clipboard.h b/src/grd-rdp-fuse-clipboard.h
index 8cc5e78..75bdd25 100644
--- a/src/grd-rdp-fuse-clipboard.h
+++ b/src/grd-rdp-fuse-clipboard.h
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 #include "grd-types.h"
 #define GRD_TYPE_RDP_FUSE_CLIPBOARD (grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_get_type ())
 G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GrdRdpFuseClipboard, grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard,
                       GRD, RDP_FUSE_CLIPBOARD, GObject);
@@ -32,6 +34,34 @@ G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GrdRdpFuseClipboard, grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard,
 GrdRdpFuseClipboard *grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_new (GrdClipboardRdp *clipboard_rdp,
                                                  const char      *mount_path);
+uint32_t grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_clip_data_id_new (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+void grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_clip_data_id_free (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+                                               uint32_t             clip_data_id);
+void grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_dismiss_all_no_cdi_requests (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+void grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_clear_no_cdi_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+void grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_lazily_clear_all_cdi_selections (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard);
+gboolean grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_set_cdi_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+#ifdef HAVE_FREERDP_2_3
+                                                   FILEDESCRIPTORW     *files,
+                                                   FILEDESCRIPTOR      *files,
+#endif /* HAVE_FREERDP_2_3 */
+                                                   uint32_t             n_files,
+                                                   uint32_t             clip_data_id);
+gboolean grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_set_no_cdi_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard,
+#ifdef HAVE_FREERDP_2_3
+                                                      FILEDESCRIPTORW     *files,
+                                                      FILEDESCRIPTOR      *files,
+#endif /* HAVE_FREERDP_2_3 */
+                                                      uint32_t             n_files);
 void grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_dismiss_all_requests (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard);
 void grd_rdp_fuse_clipboard_clear_selection (GrdRdpFuseClipboard *rdp_fuse_clipboard);

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