[librsvg] Created tag 2.51.1

The signed tag '2.51.1' was created.

Tagger: Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org>
Date: 1618256550 -0500

    Tag for version 2.51.1

Changes since the last tag '2.51.0':

Abraham Toriz (1):
      add missing ; and confirm successful compilation on windows

Bilal Elmoussaoui (1):
      initial port to gtk-rs 0.9

Dunja Lalic (3):
      (#628): Add source based coverage
      Run coverage with no fail fast
      (#705): Fix coverage job

Federico Mena Quintero (203):
      Merge branch 'drop-i18n' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'move-compare_surfaces-to-tests' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'cairo-surface-features-built-conditionally' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'update-minimum-rust-version' into 'master'
      configure.ac - we don't use glib-mkenums anymore
      Merge branch 'remove-mkenums' into 'master'
      Refactor set_style_attribute()
      Remove the style_attr String from ElementInner; fetch it from the Attributes
      Remove redundant check for an empty "style" attribute
      Merge branch 'dont-duplicate-style' into 'master'
      PathOrUrl: reject empty strings for filenames
      Slightly improve the docs for PathOrUrl
      Merge branch 'fix-new-clippy-warnings' into 'master'
      New RELEASING.md with a release checklist
      Comment on the extra block in to_computed_values so it doesn't get removed by accident.
      Merge branch 'to_computed_values-stack-overflow' into 'master'
      Box a big variant in CascadedValues to use less stack space
      Merge branch 'shrink-cascaded-values' into 'master'
      Remove superfluous semicolon
      IRI: Box the Resource(NodeId) variant to shrink the IRI enum
      PaintServer: Box the NodeId in the Iri variant
      Dasharray: turn the Array variant into a boxed slice
      cargo fmt
      Merge branch 'shrink-computed-values' into 'master'
      Make function private
      Replace with_saved_cr by a SavedCr that gets restored on Drop
      Just pass the node name to FilterValueList.is_applicable instead of the whole node
      Just pass the node name to DrawingCtx.run_filter, not the whole node
      Just pass the node name to DrawingCtx.run_filters, not the whole node
      Use the node_name for the mask log messages as well
      Clarify variable name
      Use values alias to be consistent with other parameters
      DrawingCtx.set_paint_source - new function, extracted from set_source_paint_server
      DrawingCtx.get_paint_server_surface - use set_paint_source
      DrawingCtx.get_paint_source_surface - rename from get_paint_server_surface; compute the paint source in 
its caller
      Resolve colors early from the current_color and opacity
      Inline set_source_paint_server into its callers and remove it
      Move resolve_color to paint_server.rs
      Resolve solid colors / opacity / current_color as early as PaintServer.resolve
      Remove temporary variable
      Remove current_color argument from stroke() and fill()
      Make resolve_color private
      Add tests for resolve_color
      Resolve a gradient's stop_color and stop_opacity when the initial gradient is built
      Don't cache resolved gradients anymore
      Resolve a gradient's final opacity directly in PaintServer.resolve()
      Don't cache resolved patterns
      Store a pattern's intended opacity in the ResolvedPattern / UserSpacePattern
      FilterContext.background_image does not need to be public
      FilterContext: compute the StrokePaint / FillPaint inputs only once
      Merge branch 'paint-source-refactor' into 'master'
      Split the render method for filter primitives into its own FilterRender trait
      Document::load_from_bytes - Moved from css.rs, as a general utility for tests
      feMerge - extract the list of inputs to merge before doing the merging
      Use _node for the unused arguments in filter render functions
      feComponentTransfer: clone the table_values instead of keeping a reference to them
      Remove unnecessary lifetime
      feComponentTransfer - extract the functions to use before doing the remapping
      feComponentTranster - Avoid temporary values while getting the feFuncX functions
      feComponentTransfer - Add tests for extracting the four functions.
      Remove unnecessary lifetime
      fe*Lighting - Separate steps for extracting the light source from nodes, and transforming it
      fe*Lighting - Add tests for extracting the light source
      Merge branch 'filter-parameters' into 'master'
      rsvg-convert: set the SVG surface to be in pixel (user) units
      Cargo update - update vulnerable smallvec and generic-array
      Remove unnecessary type parameters in Primitive::new and PrimitiveWithInput::new
      filters - rename "in_" inputs to "in1"
      filters - replace Option<Input> with an Input::Unspecified variant
      Replace PrimitiveWithInput with some extra methods in Primitive
      Pass the color_interpolation_filters directly to FilterContext.get_input()
      Remove unused method FilterEffect::is_affected_by_color_interpolation_filters
      Remove unneeded &mut
      Merge branch 'simplify-filter-inputs' into 'master'
      LightSource doesn't need to be public
      Remove obsolete comment; there is no Lighting trait anymore
      New enum PrimitiveParams, with the resolved parameters for each filter primitive
      New trait method FilterEffect::resolve() -> Result<PrimitiveParams, ...>
      Resolve filter primitives, then use static dispatch to render them
      feBlend - resolve and render separately
      feColorMatrix - resolve and render separately
      feComponentTransfer - resolve and render separately
      feComposite - resolve and render separately
      feConvolveMatrix - resolve and render separately
      feDisplacementMap - resolve and render separately
      feFlood - resolve and render separately
      feGaussianBlur - resolve and render separately
      feImage - resolve and render separately
      fe*Lighting - resolve and render separately
      feMerge - resolve and render separately
      feMorphology - resolve and render separately
      feOffset - resolve and render separately
      feTile - resolve and render separately
      feTurbulence - resolve and render separately
      Make render_primitive() pretty again
      Appease clippy by removing clone() for Copy types
      Merge branch 'resolve-and-render-filters' into 'master'
      filters::render() - Resolve the StrokePaint/FillPaint here, not deep inside FilterContext::get_input
      Rename function
      filters: resolve() now returns the resolved Primitive as well
      New method to resolve Primitive early
      Derive Default for Primitive
      feBlend: shorten code by implementing Default and Clone for its parameters
      feColorMatrix: shorten code by implementing Default and Clone for its parameters
      feComponentTransfer: shorten code by implementing Default and Clone for its parameters
      feComposite: shorten code by implementing Default and Clone for its parameters
      feConvolveMatrix: shorten code by implementing Default and Clone for its parameters
      feDisplacementMap: shorten code by implementing Default and Clone for its parameters
      feFlood: shorten code by implementing Default for it
      feGaussianBlur: shorten code by implementing Default and Clone for its parameters
      feImage: shorten code by implementing Default and Clone for its parameters
      feMorphology: shorten code by implementing Default and Clone for its parameters
      feOffset: shorten code by implementing Default and Clone for its parameters
      feTile: shorten code by implementing Default and Clone for its parameters
      feTurbulence: shorten code by implementing Default and Clone for its parameters
      fe*Lighting: shorten code by implementing Default and Clone for its parameters
      Merge branch 'shorten-primitives' into 'master'
      Clarify docs for acquire_data and acquire_stream
      Use data_url::mime::Mime instead of a String in BinaryData.mime_type
      Extract function to munge a MIME type for gdk-pixbuf
      (#699) - Add tests for MIME type conversions for gdk-pixbuf
      Merge branch '699-mime-type-parameters' into 'master'
      Move the test for #347 to Rust
      Merge branch 'remove-pangoft2-dependency' into 'master'
      Add a "cargo update" step to RELEASING.md
      Note about cargo-audit in RELEASING.md
      RELEASING.md - section that explains the Rust dependencies
      RELEASING.md - Note about the Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV)
      Merge branch 'update-releasing' into 'master'
      c_api: function to convert bool gerrors
      c_api: turn into_bool_gerror into a trait so we can do result.into_gerror()
      Missed a few conversions
      Don't return an empty result in check_cairo_context
      c_api: check the cairo status by hand in preparation for the cairo-rs update
      Update gtk-rs dependencies
      Convert the gflags to glib-rs's new macros
      Convert RSVG_ERROR_FAILED to the new genum proc-macro
      Remove unnecessary mutable references, per clippy
      DrawingCtx.set_color never fails; don't return Result
      DrawingCtx::set_gradient can't fail, so don't return a Result
      cargo fmt
      Merge branch 'update-gtk-rs'
      Merge branch 'clippy-warnings' into 'master'
      (#261): Parse the complete enable-background property
      parse_one_presentation_attribute() never fails; don't return a Result
      Merge branch 'clippy-paint-server' into 'master'
      rsvg-convert - upcast all streams to InputStream / OutputStream
      (#676): rsvg-convert - use gio's stdin/stdout streams for win32.
      Merge branch 'win32-streams' into 'master'
      (#703): Ignore elements in an error state inside the <switch> element
      Merge branch 'switch-children-in-error' into 'master'
      Declare externs for g_win32_*_stream_new() manually
      Merge branch 'win32-streams-declarations' into 'master'
      Merge branch '628' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'coverage' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'run-cmdline-tests' into 'master'
      Start updating ARCHITECTURE.md
      Start documentation on the parsing architecture
      Finish the parsing section, more or less
      Start updating the rendering section
      Remove some obsolete docs; finish up ARCHITECTURE.md for now
      Tweaks to the history section
      Move the toplevel of the internals documentation to ARCHITECTURE.md
      Move the toplevel public API docs to lib.rs
      Merge branch 'update-docs' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'coverage' into 'master'
      FilterContext: validate the transforms at creation time
      ResolvedPrimitive: now we can assume that the ctx's transform is valid
      ResolvedPrimitive - length values are now in user space coordinates
      (#695): feImage cascading mode should be the same as for the "use" element
      FilterContext: remove get_computed_values_from_node_being_filtered()
      Filter: rename a couple of fields
      Normalize the Filter element into a ResolvedFilter as early as possible
      Remove unused arguments
      ResolvedPrimitive.get_bounds() doesn't need to return a Result anymore
      Don't make filter primitives responsible for shipping around the FilterResult's name
      Primitives now take a BoundsBuilder in their render(), not a ResolvedPrimitive
      BoundsBuilder - return a new Bounds value instead of (clipped, unclipped)
      Merge.render() - make its arguments uniform with the rest of the primitives
      Remove superfluous clone
      Merge branch 'resolved-primitive' into 'master'
      Create the StrokePaint / FillPaint outside of the filters code
      Fix which computed values are used to resolve lengths in the filter element and primitives
      Do not constrain units for x/y/width/height in filters based on objectBoundingBox
      Primitive.resolve does not need to return a Result anymore
      Merge branch 'filter-computed-values' into 'master'
      rsvg-convert: fix missing imports for win32
      cargo fmt
      Allow "NonTSPseudoClass" for clippy - this is what the selectors crate uses
      Allow FontSize::XXSmall and the other "XX" variants for clippy
      Rename DifferentUriSchemes variant per clippy
      Rename IRI -> Iri per clippy
      Allow capitalized acronyms for the libxml2 binding
      Allow names like CairoARGB
      Remove unknown_clippy_lints
      Remove superfluous ? operators, per clippy
      Use vec! instead of a single vec.push
      Merge branch 'win32-compilation' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
      Bump version to 2.51.1
      cargo update
      Update NEWS
      Merge branch 'prepare-release' into 'master'

John Ledbetter (2):
      Use the primitive_units from the FilterContext; no need to get them from a parent node
      Remove the `parent` argument from Primitive::get_bounds

Madds (1):
      (#698): Put limit on feMorphology radii to prevent thread hang

Paolo Borelli (1):
      filters: use enum_default macro for Input

Sebastian Dröge (1):
      Drop temporary values earlier in SpecifiedValues::to_computed_values()

Sven Neumann (17):
      Drop i18n support from the pixbuf loader
      Drop i18n suppport from the build system
      Move 'librsvg::surface_utils::compare_surfaces' to the tests
      Conditionally use cairo backend surface types
      Bump minimum Rust version to 1.48
      No need to use Result if PathOrUrl::new() always succeeds
      Suppress new clippy warnings about suspicious operation groupings
      Change methods in trait PixelOps to take self by reference
      Add test for PathOrUrl("")
      Remove pangoft2 depdency from C test code
      Remove checks for pangoft2 and fontconfig from configure.ac
      Express system dependencies using the system_deps crate
      Merge branch 'system_deps' into 'master'
      Also remove tests/build.rs from Makefile.am
      Merge branch 'system_deps-fixup-distcheck' into 'master'
      Fix or suppress clippy warnings
      Include cmdline tests in the 'Unit test' step

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