[quadrapassel] Add Basque translation
- From: Translations User D-L <translations src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [quadrapassel] Add Basque translation
- Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2021 09:54:15 +0000 (UTC)
commit c43a430dc40efc90b55e85e10387393583ffb47b
Author: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <asiersarasua ni eus>
Date: Mon Apr 5 09:54:11 2021 +0000
Add Basque translation
help/LINGUAS | 1 +
help/eu/eu.po | 661 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 662 insertions(+)
diff --git a/help/LINGUAS b/help/LINGUAS
index bcd6778..2714d4a 100644
--- a/help/LINGUAS
+++ b/help/LINGUAS
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ da
diff --git a/help/eu/eu.po b/help/eu/eu.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c8fd2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/eu/eu.po
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+# Basque translation for quadrapassel.
+# Copyright (C) 2021 quadrapassel's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the quadrapassel package.
+# Asier Sarasua Garmendia <asiersarasua ni eus>, 2021.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: quadrapassel master\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-04-01 20:18+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-04-05 20:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <asiersarasua ni eus>\n"
+"Language-Team: Basque <librezale librezale eus>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: eu\n"
+#. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
+msgctxt "_"
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "translator-credits"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+#: C/bug-filing.page:11 C/develop.page:12 C/documentation.page:10
+#: C/playgame.page:15 C/preferences.page:15 C/score.page:15 C/translate.page:10
+msgid "Tiffany Antopolski"
+msgstr "Tiffany Antopolski"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/years
+#: C/bug-filing.page:13 C/develop.page:14 C/documentation.page:12
+#: C/index.page:14 C/playgame.page:12 C/preferences.page:12 C/score.page:12
+#: C/translate.page:12
+msgid "2012"
+msgstr "2012"
+#. (itstool) path: credit/name
+#: C/bug-filing.page:16 C/develop.page:17 C/documentation.page:15
+#: C/index.page:12 C/playgame.page:10 C/preferences.page:10 C/score.page:10
+#: C/translate.page:15
+msgid "Elena Petrevska"
+msgstr "Elena Petrevska"
+#. (itstool) path: license/p
+#: C/bug-filing.page:20 C/develop.page:21 C/documentation.page:19
+#: C/index.page:17 C/preferences.page:19 C/score.page:19
+msgid "Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0"
+msgstr "Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/bug-filing.page:22
+msgid "Found a problem? Feel free to file a bug."
+msgstr "Arazoren bat aurkitu duzu? Hala bada, bete akatsen jakinarazpen bat."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/bug-filing.page:25
+msgid "Report a Problem"
+msgstr "Jakinarazi akats bat"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/bug-filing.page:26
+msgid ""
+"If you notice a problem you can file a <em>bug report</em>. To file a bug, "
+"go to <link href=\"https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/quadrapassel/issues/\"/>."
+msgstr ""
+"Arazoren bat ikusten baduzu, bete ezazu <em>akatsaren jakinarazpena</em>. "
+"Akatsa jakinarazteko, joan <link href=\"https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/";
+"quadrapassel/issues/\"/> gunera."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/bug-filing.page:29
+msgid ""
+"This is a bug tracking system where users and developers can file details "
+"about bugs, crashes and request enhancements."
+msgstr ""
+"Akatsei segimendua egiteko sistema bat da, erabiltzaileek eta garatzaileek "
+"akatsei eta kraskadurei buruzko xehetasunak eman ditzaten edo hobekuntza "
+"eskatu ditzaten balio duena."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/bug-filing.page:32
+msgid ""
+"To participate you need an account which will give you the ability to gain "
+"access, file bugs, and make comments. Also, you need to register so you can "
+"receive updates by e-mail about the status of your bug. If you don't already "
+"have an account, just click on the <gui>Sign in / Register</gui> link to "
+"create one."
+msgstr ""
+"Parte hartzeko, kontu bat sortu beharko duzu. Horrela, akatsak bete, "
+"iruzkinak egin eta zure akatsak duen egoerari buruzko eguneratzeak posta "
+"bidez eskuratu ahal izango dituzu. Oraindik konturik ez baduzu, egin klik "
+"<gui>Hasi saioa</gui> estekan kontu bat sortzeko."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/bug-filing.page:36
+msgid ""
+"Once you have an account, log in, and click on <gui>New issue</gui>. Before "
+"reporting a bug, please read the <link href=\"https://wiki.gnome.org/";
+"Community/GettingInTouch/Bugzilla/Guidelines\">bug writing guidelines</"
+"link>, and please <link href=\"https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/quadrapassel/";
+"issues\">browse</link> for the bug to see if it already exists."
+msgstr ""
+"Kontu bat sortu ondoren, hasi saioa eta egin klik <gui>Auzi berria</gui> "
+"aukeran. Akats bat jakinarazi baino lehen, irakurri <link href=\"https://";
+"wiki.gnome.org/Community/GettingInTouch/Bugzilla/Guidelines\">akatsak "
+"idazteko gidalerroak</link> eta <link href=\"https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/";
+"quadrapassel/issues\">arakatu</link> lehendik dadudenak, jakiteko ea zure "
+"akatsa jadanik badagoen ala ez."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/bug-filing.page:41
+msgid ""
+"If you are requesting a new feature, choose <gui>1. Feature</gui> in the "
+"<gui>Labels</gui> menu. Fill in the Title and Description sections and click "
+"<gui>Submit Issue</gui>."
+msgstr ""
+"Eginbide berria eskatu baduzu, aukeratu <gui>Etiketak</gui> menuko <gui>1. "
+"eginbidea</gui>. Bete izenburua eta deskribapena eta egin klik <gui>Bidali "
+"auzia</gui> aukeran."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/bug-filing.page:45
+msgid ""
+"Your report will be given an ID number, and its status will be updated as it "
+"is being dealt with."
+msgstr ""
+"Zure txostenari ID zenbaki bat emango zaio eta bere egoera eguneratu egingo "
+"da aldaketaren bat dagoenean."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/bug-filing.page:50 C/develop.page:30 C/documentation.page:30
+#: C/translate.page:43
+msgid "<link xref=\"get-involved\"><_:media-1/>Get Involved</link>"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"get-involved\"><_:media-1/>Hartu parte</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/bug-filing.page:51 C/develop.page:31 C/documentation.page:31
+#: C/playgame.page:48 C/preferences.page:71 C/score.page:38 C/translate.page:44
+msgid "<link xref=\"index\"><_:media-1/>HOME</link>"
+msgstr "<link xref=\"index\"><_:media-1/>ORRI NAGUSIA</link>"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/develop.page:23
+msgid "Have a plan for developing the game? We are always open to new ideas."
+msgstr ""
+"Ba al daukazu ideiarik jokoa garatzeko? Irekita gaude beti ideia berriak "
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/develop.page:26
+msgid "Help develop"
+msgstr "Lagundu garatzen"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/develop.page:27
+msgid ""
+"If you would like to <link href=\"https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Games/";
+"Contributing\">help develop <app>GNOME Games</app></link>, you can get in "
+"touch with the developers using <link href=\"https://cbe005.chat.mibbit.com/?";
+"url=irc%3A%2F%2Firc.gnome.org%2Fgnome-games\">irc</link>, or via our <link "
+"href=\"https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/games-list\";>mailing list</"
+msgstr ""
+"<link href=\"https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Games/Contributing\";><app>GNOME "
+"Jokoak</app> garapetzen lagundu</link> nahi baduzu, <link href=\"https://";
+"link> edo <link href=\"https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/games-list";
+"\">posta-zerrenda</link> erabili dezakezu."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/documentation.page:21
+msgid "Contribute to the documentation."
+msgstr "Lagundu dokumentazioan"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/documentation.page:24
+msgid "Help write documentation"
+msgstr "Lagundu dokumentazioa idazten"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/documentation.page:25
+msgid ""
+"To contribute to the Documentation Project, feel free to get in touch with "
+"us using <link href=\"https://cbe003.chat.mibbit.com/?url=irc%3A%2F%2Firc.";
+"gnome.org%2Fdocs\">irc</link>, or via our <link href=\"https://mail.gnome.";
+"org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-doc-list\">mailing list</link>."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/documentation.page:27
+msgid ""
+"Our <link href=\"https://wiki.gnome.org/DocumentationProject/Contributing";
+"\">wiki</link> page contains useful information."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: info/title
+#: C/index.page:7
+msgctxt "link"
+msgid "Quadrapassel"
+msgstr "Quadrapassel"
+#. (itstool) path: info/title
+#: C/index.page:8
+msgctxt "text"
+msgid "Quadrapassel"
+msgstr "Quadrapassel"
+#. (itstool) path: media/span
+#: C/index.page:20
+msgid "Quadrapassel logo"
+msgstr "Quadrapassel logoa"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/index.page:20
+msgid "<_:media-1/> Quadrapassel"
+msgstr "<_:media-1/> Quadrapassel"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/index.page:22
+msgid ""
+"In Quadrapassel, the GNOME version of Tetris, your goal is to create as many "
+"complete horizontal lines as possible. The lines are made from seven "
+"different shapes. The shapes fall randomly from the top center of the "
+"screen. Your task is to rotate and move the shapes across the screen to make "
+"complete lines. By making complete horizontal lines, you score points and "
+"move up levels. As you progress, the speed of the falling blocks increases."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/index.page:25
+msgid "Game Play"
+msgstr "Jokaldia"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/index.page:28
+msgid "Get Involved"
+msgstr "Hartu parte"
+#. (itstool) path: p/link
+#: C/legal.xml:3
+msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License"
+msgstr "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported lizentzia"
+#. (itstool) path: license/p
+#: C/legal.xml:3
+msgid "This work is licensed under a <_:link-1/>."
+msgstr "Lan honen lizentzia <_:link-1/> da."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/license.page:8
+msgid "Legal information."
+msgstr "Legezko informazioa."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/license.page:11
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Lizentzia"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/license.page:12
+msgid ""
+"This work is distributed under a CreativeCommons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 "
+"Unported license."
+msgstr ""
+"Lan hau Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported lizentzia pean "
+"banatzen da."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/license.page:20
+msgid "You are free:"
+msgstr "Libre zara:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/license.page:25
+msgid "<em>To share</em>"
+msgstr "<em>Partekatzeko</em>"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/license.page:26
+msgid "To copy, distribute and transmit the work."
+msgstr "Lana kopiatu, banatu eta transmititzeko."
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/license.page:29
+msgid "<em>To remix</em>"
+msgstr "<em>Aldatzeko</em>"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/license.page:30
+msgid "To adapt the work."
+msgstr "Lana moldatzeko."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/license.page:33
+msgid "Under the following conditions:"
+msgstr "Honako baldintzen pean:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/license.page:38
+msgid "<em>Attribution</em>"
+msgstr "<em>Aitortu</em>"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/license.page:39
+msgid ""
+"You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or "
+"licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use "
+"of the work)."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/title
+#: C/license.page:46
+msgid "<em>Share Alike</em>"
+msgstr "<em>Partekatu berdin</em>"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/license.page:47
+msgid ""
+"If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the "
+"resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatible license."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/license.page:53
+msgid ""
+"For the full text of the license, see the <link href=\"http://";
+"creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode\">CreativeCommons website</"
+"link>, or read the full <link href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-";
+"sa/3.0/\">Commons Deed</link>."
+msgstr ""
+"Lizentziaren testu osoa ikusteko, begiratu <link href=\"http://";
+"creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode\">CreativeCommons webgunea</"
+"link> edo irakurri <link href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-";
+"sa/3.0/\">Commons Deed</link> osoa."
+#. (itstool) path: license/p
+#: C/playgame.page:19
+msgid "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0"
+msgstr "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/playgame.page:21
+msgid "Rules and keyboard navigation."
+msgstr "Arauak eta teklatu bidezko nabigazioa."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/playgame.page:24 C/playgame.page:27
+msgid "How To Play"
+msgstr "Nola jokatu"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/playgame.page:30
+msgid ""
+"The <key>â†</key> and <key>→</key> keys move the blocks across the screen."
+msgstr ""
+"<key>â†</key> eta <key>→</key> teklek blokeak lekuz aldatzen dituzte "
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/playgame.page:31
+msgid ""
+"The <key>↑</key> key rotates the block. The rotation (which is "
+"counterclockwise by default) can be changed in the <link xref=\"preferences"
+msgstr ""
+"<key>↑</key> teklak blokea biratzen du. Biraketa (modu lehenetsian "
+"erlojuaren noranzkoaren aurka dena) <link xref=\"preferences\">Hobespenak</"
+"link> atalean aldatu daiteke."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/playgame.page:32
+msgid ""
+"The <key>SPACEBAR</key> and <key>↓</key> key increase the speed of the drop. "
+"The <key>SPACEBAR</key> causes a hard-drop (instant move to the bottom). The "
+"<key>↓</key> key causes a soft-drop (temporary increase in speed while the "
+"key is held down)."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/playgame.page:33
+msgid ""
+"The <key>Enter</key> will restart the game quickly once it is game over."
+msgstr ""
+"<key>Enter</key> teklak jokoa berrabiaraziko du aurreko jokoa amaitu ondoren."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/playgame.page:38
+msgid "Rules"
+msgstr "Arauak"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/playgame.page:40
+msgid "There are a couple of rules that you should keep in mind:"
+msgstr "Badago kontuan hartu beharreko arau pare bat:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/playgame.page:42
+msgid ""
+"You can pause, end, start a new game, get help or quit the program at any "
+msgstr ""
+"Edozein momentutan jokoa pausarazi edo joko berria abiarazi, laguntza "
+"kontsultatu edo programatik irten zaitezke."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/playgame.page:43
+msgid "You can pause the game as many times as you want."
+msgstr "Jokoa nahi adina bider pausarazi daiteke."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/preferences.page:21
+msgid "Preferences for the game and the theme."
+msgstr "Jokoaren hobespenak eta gaia."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/preferences.page:25
+msgid "Game Preferences"
+msgstr "Jokoaren hobespenak"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/preferences.page:27
+msgid ""
+"To change the game preferences, press the menu button in the top-right "
+"corner of the window and select <gui style=\"menuitem\">Preferences</gui>."
+msgstr ""
+"Jokoaren hobespenak aldatzeko, sakatu goiko eskuineko izkinan dagoen menu-"
+"botoia eta hautatu <gui style=\"menuitem\">Hobespenak</gui>."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/preferences.page:29
+msgid ""
+"The three tabs available are <gui>Game</gui>, <gui>Controls</gui> and "
+msgstr ""
+"Hiru fitxa daude<: <gui>Jokoa</gui>, <gui>Kontrolak</gui> eta <gui>Gaia</"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/preferences.page:32
+msgid "Game"
+msgstr "Jokoa"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/preferences.page:33
+msgid ""
+"Under the <gui>Game</gui> tab, you can change the way in which the game "
+msgstr "<gui>Jokoa</gui> fitxan jokoa nola hasiko den aldatu daiteke:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/preferences.page:35
+msgid ""
+"<gui>Number of pre-filled rows</gui> indicates how many rows with blocks "
+"there will be when the game starts."
+msgstr ""
+"<gui>Aurrez betetako errenkaden kopurua</gui> aukerak adierazten du zenbat "
+"errenkada egongo diren blokez beteta jokoa hasten denean."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/preferences.page:36
+msgid ""
+"<gui>Density of blocks in a pre-filled row</gui> indicates how many blocks "
+"there will be in a pre-filled row when the game starts."
+msgstr ""
+"<gui>Bloke-dentsitatea aurrez betetako errenkada batean</gui> aukerak "
+"adierazten du zenbat bloke egongo diren aurrez betetako errenkada batean "
+"jokoa hasten denean."
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/preferences.page:37
+msgid "<gui>Starting level</gui> controls the speed with which you will start."
+msgstr ""
+"<gui>hasierako maila</gui> atalak hasieran jokoak izango duen abiadura "
+"kontrolatzen du."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/preferences.page:39
+msgid "These options can vary from 0 to 15, 0 to 10, and 1 to 20 respectively."
+msgstr ""
+"Aukera horiek 0 eta 15 artekoak, 0 eta 10 artekoak eta 1 eta 20 artekoak "
+"izan daitezke, hurrenez hurren."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/preferences.page:41
+msgid "Other available options are:"
+msgstr "Beste aukera batzuk:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/preferences.page:43
+msgid "<gui>Enable sounds</gui>"
+msgstr "<gui>Gaitu soinuak</gui>"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/preferences.page:44
+msgid "<gui>Choose difficult blocks</gui>"
+msgstr "<gui>Aukeratu blokeen zailtasuna</gui>"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/preferences.page:45
+msgid "<gui>Preview next block</gui>"
+msgstr "<gui>Aurreikusi hurrengo blokea</gui>"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/preferences.page:46
+msgid "<gui>Rotate blocks counterclockwise</gui>"
+msgstr "<gui>Biratu blokeak erloju-orratzen aurkako noranzkoan</gui>"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/preferences.page:47
+msgid "<gui>Show where the block will land</gui>"
+msgstr "<gui>Erakutsi blokea nora helduko den</gui>"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/preferences.page:52
+msgid "Controls"
+msgstr "Kontrolak"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/preferences.page:53
+msgid ""
+"By double-clicking on the given controls, thus selecting the new one, you "
+"can change the control keys."
+msgstr ""
+"Emandako kontroletan klik bikoitza egiten bada, eta horrela berria hautatzen "
+"bada, kontrol-teklak aldatu daitezke."
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/preferences.page:57
+msgid "Theme"
+msgstr "Gaia"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/preferences.page:58
+msgid "To change the theme, choose a different one from the drop-down menu."
+msgstr "Gaia aldatzeko, hautatu beste gai bat goitibeherako menuan."
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/preferences.page:59
+msgid "Four different themes are available for the blocks' contours:"
+msgstr "Lau gai daude erabilgarria blokeen ingeradak margotzeko:"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/preferences.page:63
+msgid "Plain"
+msgstr "Soila"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/preferences.page:64
+msgid "Tango Flat"
+msgstr "Tango laua"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/preferences.page:65
+msgid "Tango Shaded"
+msgstr "Tango itzaleztatua"
+#. (itstool) path: item/p
+#: C/preferences.page:66
+msgid "Clean"
+msgstr "Garbia"
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/score.page:21
+msgid "High Scores."
+msgstr "Puntuaziorik onenak."
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/score.page:24
+msgid "Score"
+msgstr "Puntuazioa"
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/score.page:27
+msgid "Score More"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/score.page:28
+msgid ""
+"If you start from level 1, the only way to go to the next level is by "
+"completing more lines, that is, scoring more points. In order for you to "
+"have a better score, try to adapt the screen, the keyboard, and the level "
+"(the speed) that fits you the most!"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/score.page:29
+msgid ""
+"You can make many changes to the keyboard controls, the contour of the "
+"blocks, the number and density of lines with which you start, and the speed "
+"of drop. You can change your settings in the <link xref=\"preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: section/title
+#: C/score.page:33
+msgid "High Scores"
+msgstr "Puntuaziorik onenak"
+#. (itstool) path: section/p
+#: C/score.page:34
+msgid ""
+"Press the menu button in the top-right corner of the window and select <gui "
+"style=\"menuitem\">Scores</gui> to find the records from the highest to the "
+"lowest score."
+msgstr ""
+"Sakatu leihoaren goiko eskuineko izkinan dagoen menu-botoia eta hautatu <gui "
+"style=\"menuitem\">Puntuazioak</gui> errekorrak aurkitzeko, puntuaziorik "
+"altuenetik baxuenera ordenatuta."
+#. (itstool) path: info/desc
+#: C/translate.page:18
+msgid "Do you know a world language?"
+msgstr "Ba al dakizu ingelesa ez den beste hizkuntzarik?"
+#. (itstool) path: page/title
+#: C/translate.page:21
+msgid "Help translate"
+msgstr "Lagundu itzultzen"
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/translate.page:23
+msgid ""
+"The <app>GNOME games</app> user interface and documentation is being "
+"translated by a world-wide volunteer community."
+msgstr ""
+"<app>GNOME Jokoak</app> aplikazioaren erabiltzaile-interfazea eta "
+"dokumentazioa boluntarioen komunitate batek itzultzen du."
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/translate.page:27
+msgid ""
+"There are <link href=\"https://l10n.gnome.org/module/quadrapassel/\";>many "
+"languages</link> for which translations are still needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/translate.page:31
+msgid ""
+"To start translating you will need to <link href=\"https://l10n.gnome.org";
+"\">create an account</link> and join the <link href=\"https://l10n.gnome.org/";
+"teams/\">translation team</link> for your language. This will give you the "
+"ability to upload new translations."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/translate.page:35
+msgid ""
+"You can chat with GNOME translators using <link href=\"https://cbe003.chat.";
+"mibbit.com/?url=irc%3A%2F%2Firc.gnome.org%2Fi18n\">irc</link>. People on the "
+"channel are located worldwide, so you may not get an immediate response as a "
+"result of timezone differences."
+msgstr ""
+#. (itstool) path: page/p
+#: C/translate.page:39
+msgid ""
+"Alternatively, you can contact the Internationalization Team using their "
+"<link href=\"https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-i18n\";>mailing "
+msgstr ""
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