[mutter] (104 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/carlosg/input-thread

The branch 'wip/carlosg/input-thread' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  8f2a6d9... wayland: Simplify wl_touch.frame handling
  961109f... backends: Use slot from cancel events
  3f10a02... wayland: Use Clutter event to handle touch cancel
  80b5eb6... backends: Drop the filter for libinput events
  1232ec9... backends: Drop extra layer of touch info handling
  e14b3b6... clutter: Sanitize ClutterInputDevice header
  eba344b... backends: Fold device mapping check into backend
  7a066c7... backends: Move device mapping check into backend
  7abcdb3... backends: Move absolute/relative device mapping to native b
  07e94ac... backends/native: Use libinput seat slot API
  b8908f1... backend/native: Move barrier manager to MetaSeatNative
  d81eaa9... backends/native: Make seat constrain pointer to monitors ou
  3f3358f... backends/native: Move relative motion filter to MetaSeatNat
  4dcf7ef... clutter: Specify stage on clutter_input_device_update() fun
  8ee5266... clutter: Work out stage from actor on which to emit crossin
  d959894... clutter: Do not depend on device stage on ClutterInputMetho
  d5797a3... backends/native: Drop all uses of clutter_input_device_get_
  9038b20... backends/x11: Drop all users of clutter_input_device_get_st
  50dd7d8... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_get_[pointer_]stage()
  5640f25... backends/native: Drop users of clutter_input_device_set_sta
  1c8ee76... backends/x11: Drop users of clutter_input_device_set_stage(
  1553ec6... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_stage()
  176fd40... clutter/main: Drop dead code branches
  28e3f3b... clutter: Pass timestamp to clutter_input_device_set_actor()
  99e6ed4... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_time()
  4d6fc9a... clutter: Drop unused field in ClutterInputDevice struct
  fc3774a... clutter: Add ClutterSeat::query_state() vmethod
  d9ad435... backends/x11: Implement ClutterSeat::query_state() vmethod
  4c21579... backends/native: Implement ClutterSeat::query_state() vmeth
  30c934a... clutter: Use ClutterSeat underneath coords/modifiers input 
  7a60ab0... backends/native: Move away from ClutterInputDevice coords
  802924f... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_state()
  ab949e9... clutter: Pass base event to clutter_input_device_update()
  67c4de6... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_update_from_event()
  35a29ed... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_coords()
  3efe693... clutter: Simplify backend-independent touch accounting
  2909c75... backends: Drop GDK device querying code from MetaCursorTrac
  a7d3d12... backends: Delegate pointer confinements to an impl object
  9b2c87a... backends: Remove x/y arguments from MetaCursorTracker::curs
  d87fc46... backends: Add argument for best scale on MetaCursorSprite::
  1a82bd7... wayland: Replace cursor renderer usage with cursor tracker
  3f649c9... backends: Add meta_backend_get_cursor_renderer_for_device()
  5760d8a... wayland: Look up cursor renderer for device on MetaWaylandP
  4ee8995... backends: Manage tablet cursors in backend
  1f2229d... backends: Use graphene_point_t on meta_cursor_tracker_get_p
  e4b70e7... backends: Move away from meta_cursor_renderer_get_position(
  b9b3e5f... backends: Add ::device property to MetaCursorRenderer
  8baffa7... wayland: Move away from meta_cursor_renderer_get_position()
  1f821a0... backends: Drop meta_cursor_renderer_get_position()
  cbc425a... core: Centralize cursor renderer and tracker updates
  1166883... backends: Make MetaHwCursorInhibitor less about sprites
  0ab7d80... backends: Move HW cursor inhibitors to MetaBackend
  cfd5d14... backends: Split kms cursor renderer from MetaCursorRenderer
  35daa47... backends: Split pad action mapping to a separate object
  ff08eaa... backends: Move away from clutter_input_device_set_enabled()
  e230060... clutter: Drop ClutterInputDevice::enabled and setter/getter
  dc7c131... backends: Add simple object to delegate logical monitor lay
  34a212f... backends: Use MetaViewportInfo to keep MetaSeatNative infor
  ff3dcb7... backends: Use also a native cursor renderer for tablets
  257f636... backends: Add method to get extents from viewport info
  b77ea05... backends/native: Use viewport info to find out stage extent
  9c3d838... backends/native: Drop early processing of ClutterEvents
  6df7f33... backends: Assign stage to events in MetaBackend
  da12fd4... backends/native: Drop meta_seat_native_[gs]et_stage()
  44ea7a7... backends: Simplify MetaInputSettings vfunc
  c0eb644... backends: Move all output management to MetaInputMapper
  27739a8... backends: Make MetaInputMapper take over MetaInputSettings 
  a00e70e... backends: Move keyboard a11y into backends
  11fabd9... clutter: Make ClutterSeat::handle_device_event vfunc more g
  fbe7b07... backends/native: Spin MetaSeatImpl off MetaSeatNative
  3c664a7... backends/native: Forward keyboard a11y changes via the Meta
  76ce634... backends/native: Proxy touch-mode via MetaSeatImpl
  6a84bbc... backends/native: Proxy bell notifications from within the M
  f15dce2... backends/native: Proxy modifier state changes via MetaSeatI
  b2f2197... backends: Simplify function arguments
  650edeb... backends: Make device tracking at MetaInputSettings ad-hoc 
  4643976... backends: Do not use clutter_seat_list_devices() in MetaInp
  95f8c7b... backends/native: Do not dispatch libinput during MetaSeatIm
  89f77d2... backends/native: Move MetaInputSettings ownership to MetaSe
  dd9c20a... backends: Avoid usage of ClutterBackend/ClutterSeat in Meta
  07a2278... clutter: Drop clutter_event_peek()
  cd960d5... clutter: Switch to GAsyncQueue for ClutterMainContext event
  72334b3... backends/native: Protect MetaBarrierManagerNative
  63af7be... backends/native: Surround device state queries/updates with
  e133b2f... backends/native: Seal MetaKeymapNative xkb usage
  c31981c... backends/native: Shuffle xkb_keymap creation
  682e7f5... backends/native: Make some MetaSeatImpl API "async"
  a36546a... backends/native: Make MetaVirtualInputDevice vmethods "asyn
  6583782... backends/native: Add input thread inside MetaSeatImpl
  d204c65... clutter: Do not use stack-allocated ClutterEvents
  cb18f8b... backends: Do not use stack-allocated ClutterEvents
  7cf8b4e... clutter: Do not special case allocated events
  5f4f533... core: Do not update last device on CLUTTER_DEVICE_ADDED/REM
  18e488f... backends: Ensure to clear the last updated device on device

Commits added to the branch:

  97f10a0... barriers: Fix leak in meta_barrier_destroy (*)
  1e78d90... barriers: Free backend implementation at dispose time (*)
  82fffac... wayland: Add versions to primary selection protocols (*)
  9b9b912... backends: force enable modifiers on tagged devices (*)
  8ae641a... cogl tests: Show the actual output from tests if VERBOSE is (*)
  544b92d... Update Hebrew translation (*)
  533882a... wayland: Fix refcount error (*)
  3a27302... backends/x11: Set stage on logical keyboard device (*)
  67cc60c... clutter: Align all screen transformations to 1/256th of a s (*)
  df228e8... screen-cast/area-src: Clear framebuffer before painting sta (*)
  6664044... clutter: Do not use stack-allocated ClutterEvents (*)
  16139ef... backends: Do not use stack-allocated ClutterEvents (*)
  86fa8af... core: Do not update last device on CLUTTER_DEVICE_ADDED/REM (*)
  089be8b... backends: Ensure to clear the last updated device on device (*)
  5d87b1b... wayland: Simplify wl_touch.frame handling
  c59726f... backends: Use slot from cancel events
  a1d472d... wayland: Use Clutter event to handle touch cancel
  ea35cc9... backends: Drop the filter for libinput events
  ccc2dda... backends: Drop extra layer of touch info handling
  0db5a37... clutter: Sanitize ClutterInputDevice header
  f211b63... backends: Fold device mapping check into backend
  8b52aeb... backends: Move device mapping check into backend
  b1c450e... backends: Move absolute/relative device mapping to native b
  bebdcf8... backends/native: Use libinput seat slot API
  11885fa... backend/native: Move barrier manager to MetaSeatNative
  5df87f2... backends/native: Make seat constrain pointer to monitors ou
  ad94657... backends/native: Move relative motion filter to MetaSeatNat
  30ed224... clutter: Specify stage on clutter_input_device_update() fun
  10a934a... clutter: Work out stage from actor on which to emit crossin
  a834985... clutter: Do not depend on device stage on ClutterInputMetho
  0ae1b75... backends/native: Drop all uses of clutter_input_device_get_
  5016225... backends/x11: Drop all users of clutter_input_device_get_st
  ac8fb4c... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_get_[pointer_]stage()
  2ccbd7c... backends/native: Drop users of clutter_input_device_set_sta
  81f8177... backends/x11: Drop users of clutter_input_device_set_stage(
  0a4eed3... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_stage()
  d4fa764... clutter/main: Drop dead code branches
  6148a81... clutter: Pass timestamp to clutter_input_device_set_actor()
  d27d767... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_time()
  02b1448... clutter: Drop unused field in ClutterInputDevice struct
  9cff01f... clutter: Add ClutterSeat::query_state() vmethod
  2dc2853... backends/x11: Implement ClutterSeat::query_state() vmethod
  e3483c1... backends/native: Implement ClutterSeat::query_state() vmeth
  bd80aa4... clutter: Use ClutterSeat underneath coords/modifiers input 
  7f12685... backends/native: Move away from ClutterInputDevice coords
  1818e32... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_state()
  af66b8a... clutter: Pass base event to clutter_input_device_update()
  6ec9bde... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_update_from_event()
  c2916b3... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_coords()
  12aa3b9... clutter: Simplify backend-independent touch accounting
  e914043... backends: Drop GDK device querying code from MetaCursorTrac
  3f0ceba... backends: Delegate pointer confinements to an impl object
  27833e4... backends: Remove x/y arguments from MetaCursorTracker::curs
  05dce2e... backends: Add argument for best scale on MetaCursorSprite::
  94ec43c... wayland: Replace cursor renderer usage with cursor tracker
  4deea89... backends: Add meta_backend_get_cursor_renderer_for_device()
  94478fc... wayland: Look up cursor renderer for device on MetaWaylandP
  9746bc8... backends: Manage tablet cursors in backend
  dd78af0... backends: Use graphene_point_t on meta_cursor_tracker_get_p
  245042b... backends: Move away from meta_cursor_renderer_get_position(
  e929a91... backends: Add ::device property to MetaCursorRenderer
  c8da6c8... wayland: Move away from meta_cursor_renderer_get_position()
  21b1ba7... backends: Drop meta_cursor_renderer_get_position()
  e657162... core: Centralize cursor renderer and tracker updates
  59215bf... backends: Make MetaHwCursorInhibitor less about sprites
  85fa8a9... backends: Move HW cursor inhibitors to MetaBackend
  cc54b71... backends: Split kms cursor renderer from MetaCursorRenderer
  1b689b0... backends: Split pad action mapping to a separate object
  c559d08... backends: Move away from clutter_input_device_set_enabled()
  a4561e6... clutter: Drop ClutterInputDevice::enabled and setter/getter
  1bf39be... backends: Add simple object to delegate logical monitor lay
  6b73a9c... backends: Use MetaViewportInfo to keep MetaSeatNative infor
  9c429a2... backends: Use also a native cursor renderer for tablets
  0588f7d... backends: Add method to get extents from viewport info
  d9f4365... backends/native: Use viewport info to find out stage extent
  2fbae31... backends/native: Drop early processing of ClutterEvents
  1e47aec... backends: Assign stage to events in MetaBackend
  39f8853... backends/native: Drop meta_seat_native_[gs]et_stage()
  9a2d12a... backends: Simplify MetaInputSettings vfunc
  dd31b30... backends: Move all output management to MetaInputMapper
  97c8b4f... backends: Make MetaInputMapper take over MetaInputSettings 
  111959c... backends: Move keyboard a11y into backends
  9e26981... clutter: Make ClutterSeat::handle_device_event vfunc more g
  7e28708... backends/native: Spin MetaSeatImpl off MetaSeatNative
  b1de388... backends/native: Forward keyboard a11y changes via the Meta
  235e6e6... backends/native: Proxy touch-mode via MetaSeatImpl
  d8667d6... backends/native: Proxy bell notifications from within the M
  739cf53... backends/native: Proxy modifier state changes via MetaSeatI
  476ac4f... backends: Simplify function arguments
  2687abe... backends: Make device tracking at MetaInputSettings ad-hoc 
  0eac66e... backends: Do not use clutter_seat_list_devices() in MetaInp
  d1c784f... backends/native: Do not dispatch libinput during MetaSeatIm
  8e58755... backends/native: Move MetaInputSettings ownership to MetaSe
  42068b9... backends: Avoid usage of ClutterBackend/ClutterSeat in Meta
  784b451... clutter: Drop clutter_event_peek()
  98c2b3f... clutter: Switch to GAsyncQueue for ClutterMainContext event
  a26ccb8... backends/native: Protect MetaBarrierManagerNative
  38d7228... backends/native: Surround device state queries/updates with
  fac1ec7... backends/native: Seal MetaKeymapNative xkb usage
  cc6483b... backends/native: Shuffle xkb_keymap creation
  fd186f9... backends/native: Make some MetaSeatImpl API "async"
  01b8e09... backends/native: Make MetaVirtualInputDevice vmethods "asyn
  7ad40fe... clutter: Do not special case allocated events
  ff0bed9... backends/native: Add input thread inside MetaSeatImpl

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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