[gimp] Port histogram-export plugin to python 3

commit 12b4d9b097f98219381b2b2b9b9e5eaa66233852
Author: Elad Shahar <dawn ever gmail com>
Date:   Thu Dec 26 20:10:44 2019 +0200

    Port histogram-export plugin to python 3

 plug-ins/pygimp/plug-ins/histogram-export.py | 114 ---------
 plug-ins/python/Makefile.am                  |   7 +-
 plug-ins/python/histogram-export.py          | 365 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 plug-ins/python/meson.build                  |   3 +-
 4 files changed, 370 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plug-ins/python/Makefile.am b/plug-ins/python/Makefile.am
index aad44977e1..1a690465e7 100644
--- a/plug-ins/python/Makefile.am
+++ b/plug-ins/python/Makefile.am
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ foggify_SCRIPTS = foggify.py
 gradients_save_as_cssdir = $(gimpplugindir)/plug-ins/gradients-save-as-css
 gradients_save_as_css_SCRIPTS = gradients-save-as-css.py
+histogram_exportdir = $(gimpplugindir)/plug-ins/histogram-export
+histogram_export_SCRIPTS = histogram-export.py
 palette_offsetdir = $(gimpplugindir)/plug-ins/palette-offset
 palette_offset_SCRIPTS = palette-offset.py
@@ -33,9 +36,6 @@ python_eval_SCRIPTS = python-eval.py
 spyro_plusdir = $(gimpplugindir)/plug-ins/spyro-plus
 spyro_plus_SCRIPTS = spyro-plus.py
-# TODO: to be ported:
-##     histogram-export.py
 benchmark_foreground_extractdir = $(gimpplugindir)/plug-ins/benchmark-foreground-extract
 benchmark_foreground_extract_SCRIPTS = benchmark-foreground-extract.py
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
        file-openraster.py              \
        foggify.py                      \
        gradients-save-as-css.py        \
+       histogram-export.py             \
        palette-offset.py               \
        palette-sort.py         \
        palette-to-gradient.py          \
diff --git a/plug-ins/python/histogram-export.py b/plug-ins/python/histogram-export.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87cc45db4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plug-ins/python/histogram-export.py
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+#coding: utf-8
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+Exports the image histogram to a text file,
+so that it can be used by other programs
+and loaded into spreadsheets.
+The resulting file is a CSV file (Comma Separated
+Values), which can be imported
+directly in most spreadsheet programs.
+The first two columns are the bucket boundaries,
+followed by the selected columns. The histogram
+refers to the selected image area, and
+can use either Sample Average data or data
+from the current drawable only.;
+The output is in "weighted pixels" - meaning
+all fully transparent pixels are not counted.
+Check the gimp-histogram call
+import csv
+import math
+import sys
+import gi
+gi.require_version('Gimp', '3.0')
+from gi.repository import Gimp
+from gi.repository import GObject
+from gi.repository import GLib
+from gi.repository import Gio
+gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
+from gi.repository import Gtk
+import gettext
+_ = gettext.gettext
+def N_(message): return message
+class StringEnum:
+    """
+    Helper class for when you want to use strings as keys of an enum. The values would be
+    user facing strings that might undergo translation.
+    The constructor accepts an even amount of arguments. Each pair of arguments
+    is a key/value pair.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        self.keys = []
+        self.values = []
+        for i in range(len(args)//2):
+            self.keys.append(args[i*2])
+            self.values.append(args[i*2+1])
+    def get_tree_model(self):
+        """ Get a tree model that can be used in GTK widgets. """
+        tree_model = Gtk.ListStore(GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING)
+        for i in range(len(self.keys)):
+            tree_model.append([self.keys[i], self.values[i]])
+        return tree_model
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        """ Implements access to the key. For example, if you provided a key "red", then you could access it 
+            referring to
+               my_enum.red
+            It may seem silly as "my_enum.red" is longer to write then just "red",
+            but this provides verification that the key is indeed inside enum. """
+        key = name.replace("_", " ")
+        if key in self.keys:
+            return key
+        raise AttributeError("No such key string " + key)
+output_format_enum = StringEnum(
+    "pixel count", _("Pixel count"),
+    "normalized", _("Normalized"),
+    "percent", _("Percent")
+def histogram_export(procedure, img, drw, gio_file,
+                     bucket_size, sample_average, output_format,
+                     progress_bar):
+    if sample_average:
+        new_img = img.duplicate()
+        drw = new_img.merge_visible_layers(Gimp.MergeType.CLIP_TO_IMAGE)
+    channels_txt = ["Value"]
+    channels_gimp = [Gimp.HistogramChannel.VALUE]
+    if drw.is_rgb():
+        channels_txt += ["Red", "Green", "Blue", "Luminance"]
+        channels_gimp += [Gimp.HistogramChannel.RED, Gimp.HistogramChannel.GREEN, Gimp.HistogramChannel.BLUE,
+                          Gimp.HistogramChannel.LUMINANCE]
+    if drw.has_alpha():
+        channels_txt += ["Alpha"]
+        channels_gimp += [Gimp.HistogramChannel.ALPHA]
+    try:
+        with open(gio_file.get_path(), "wt") as hfile:
+            writer = csv.writer(hfile)
+            # Write headers:
+            writer.writerow(["Range start"] + channels_txt)
+            max_index = 1.0/bucket_size if bucket_size > 0 else 1
+            i = 0
+            progress_bar_int_percent = 0
+            while True:
+                start_range = i * bucket_size
+                i += 1
+                if start_range >= 1.0:
+                    break
+                row = [start_range]
+                for channel in channels_gimp:
+                    args = Gimp.ValueArray.new(4)
+                    args.insert(0, GObject.Value(Gimp.Drawable, drw))
+                    args.insert(1, GObject.Value(Gimp.HistogramChannel, channel))
+                    args.insert(2, GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_DOUBLE, float(start_range)))
+                    args.insert(3, GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_DOUBLE, float(min(start_range + bucket_size, 
+                    result = Gimp.get_pdb().run_procedure('gimp-drawable-histogram', args)
+                    if output_format == output_format_enum.pixel_count:
+                        count = int(result.index(5))
+                    else:
+                        pixels = result.index(4)
+                        count = (result.index(5) / pixels) if pixels else 0
+                        if output_format == output_format_enum.percent:
+                            count = "%.2f%%" % (count * 100)
+                    row.append(str(count))
+                writer.writerow(row)
+                # Update progress bar
+                if progress_bar:
+                    fraction = i / max_index
+                    # Only update the progress bar if it changed at least 1% .
+                    new_percent = math.floor(fraction * 100)
+                    if new_percent != progress_bar_int_percent:
+                        progress_bar_int_percent = new_percent
+                        progress_bar.set_fraction(fraction)
+                        # Make sure the progress bar gets drawn on screen.
+                        while Gtk.events_pending():
+                            Gtk.main_iteration()
+    except IsADirectoryError:
+        return procedure.new_return_values(Gimp.PDBStatusType.EXECUTION_ERROR,
+                                           GLib.Error(_("File is either a directory or file name is 
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        return procedure.new_return_values(Gimp.PDBStatusType.EXECUTION_ERROR,
+                                           GLib.Error(_("Directory not found.")))
+    except PermissionError:
+        return procedure.new_return_values(Gimp.PDBStatusType.EXECUTION_ERROR,
+                                           GLib.Error("You do not have permissions to write that file."))
+    if sample_average:
+        new_img.delete()
+    return procedure.new_return_values(Gimp.PDBStatusType.SUCCESS, GLib.Error())
+def run(procedure, run_mode, image, layer, args, data):
+    gio_file = args.index(0)
+    bucket_size = args.index(1)
+    sample_average = args.index(2)
+    output_format = args.index(3)
+    progress_bar = None
+    config = None
+    if run_mode == Gimp.RunMode.INTERACTIVE:
+        config = procedure.create_config()
+        # Set properties from arguments. These properties will be changed by the UI.
+        #config.set_property("file", gio_file)
+        #config.set_property("bucket_size", bucket_size)
+        #config.set_property("sample_average", sample_average)
+        #config.set_property("output_format", output_format)
+        config.begin_run(image, run_mode, args)
+        Gimp.ui_init("histogram-export.py")
+        use_header_bar = Gtk.Settings.get_default().get_property("gtk-dialogs-use-header")
+        dialog = Gimp.Dialog(use_header_bar=use_header_bar,
+                             title=_("Histogram Export..."))
+        dialog.add_button("_Cancel", Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL)
+        dialog.add_button("_OK", Gtk.ResponseType.OK)
+        vbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
+                       homogeneous=False, spacing=10)
+        dialog.get_content_area().add(vbox)
+        vbox.show()
+        # Create grid to set all the properties inside.
+        grid = Gtk.Grid()
+        grid.set_column_homogeneous(False)
+        grid.set_border_width(10)
+        grid.set_column_spacing(10)
+        grid.set_row_spacing(10)
+        vbox.add(grid)
+        grid.show()
+        # UI for the file parameter
+        def choose_file(widget):
+            if file_chooser_dialog.run() == Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
+                if file_chooser_dialog.get_file() is not None:
+                    config.set_property("file", file_chooser_dialog.get_file())
+                    file_entry.set_text(file_chooser_dialog.get_file().get_path())
+            file_chooser_dialog.hide()
+        file_chooser_button = Gtk.Button.new_with_mnemonic(label=_("_File..."))
+        grid.attach(file_chooser_button, 0, 0, 1, 1)
+        file_chooser_button.show()
+        file_chooser_button.connect("clicked", choose_file)
+        file_entry = Gtk.Entry.new()
+        grid.attach(file_entry, 1, 0, 1, 1)
+        file_entry.set_width_chars(40)
+        file_entry.set_placeholder_text(_("Choose export file..."))
+        if gio_file is not None:
+            file_entry.set_text(gio_file.get_path())
+        file_entry.show()
+        file_chooser_dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog(use_header_bar=use_header_bar,
+                                                    title=_("Histogram Export file..."),
+                                                    action=Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE)
+        file_chooser_dialog.add_button("_Cancel", Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL)
+        file_chooser_dialog.add_button("_OK", Gtk.ResponseType.OK)
+        # Bucket size parameter
+        label = Gtk.Label.new_with_mnemonic(_("_Bucket Size"))
+        grid.attach(label, 0, 1, 1, 1)
+        label.show()
+        spin = Gimp.prop_spin_button_new(config, "bucket_size", step_increment=0.001, page_increment=0.1, 
+        grid.attach(spin, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+        spin.show()
+        # Sample average parameter
+        spin = Gimp.prop_check_button_new(config, "sample_average", _("Sample _Average"))
+        spin.set_tooltip_text(_("If checked, the histogram is generated from merging all visible layers."
+                                " Otherwise, the histogram is only for the current layer."))
+        grid.attach(spin, 1, 2, 1, 1)
+        spin.show()
+        # Output format parameter
+        label = Gtk.Label.new_with_mnemonic(_("_Output Format"))
+        grid.attach(label, 0, 3, 1, 1)
+        label.show()
+        combo = Gimp.prop_string_combo_box_new(config, "output_format", output_format_enum.get_tree_model(), 
0, 1)
+        grid.attach(combo, 1, 3, 1, 1)
+        combo.show()
+        progress_bar = Gtk.ProgressBar()
+        vbox.add(progress_bar)
+        progress_bar.show()
+        dialog.show()
+        if dialog.run() != Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
+            return procedure.new_return_values(Gimp.PDBStatusType.CANCEL,
+                                               GLib.Error())
+        # Extract values from UI
+        gio_file = Gio.file_new_for_path(file_entry.get_text())  # config.get_property("file")
+        bucket_size = config.get_property("bucket_size")
+        sample_average = config.get_property("sample_average")
+        output_format = config.get_property("output_format")
+    if gio_file is None:
+        error = 'No file given'
+        return procedure.new_return_values(Gimp.PDBStatusType.CALLING_ERROR,
+                                           GLib.Error(error))
+    result = histogram_export(procedure, image, layer, gio_file,
+                              bucket_size, sample_average, output_format, progress_bar)
+    # If the execution was successful, save parameters so they will be restored next time we show dialog.
+    if result.index(0) == Gimp.PDBStatusType.SUCCESS and config is not None:
+        config.end_run(Gimp.PDBStatusType.SUCCESS)
+    return result
+class HistogramExport(Gimp.PlugIn):
+    ## Parameters ##
+    __gproperties__ = {
+        # "filename": (str,
+        #              # TODO: I wanted this property to be a path (and not just str) , so I could use
+        #              # prop_file_chooser_button_new to open a file dialog. However, it fails without an 
error message.
+        #              # Gimp.ConfigPath,
+        #              _("Histogram _File"),
+        #              _("Histogram _File"),
+        #              "histogram_export.csv",
+        #              # Gimp.ConfigPathType.FILE,
+        #              GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE),
+        "file": (Gio.File,
+                 _("Histogram _File"),
+                 "Histogram export file",
+                 GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE),
+        "bucket_size":  (float,
+                         _("_Bucket Size"),
+                         "Bucket Size",
+                         0.001, 1.0, 0.01,
+                         GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE),
+        "sample_average": (bool,
+                           _("Sample _Average"),
+                           "Sample Average",
+                           False,
+                           GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE),
+        "output_format": (str,
+                          _("Output format"),
+                          "Output format: 'pixel count', 'normalized', 'percent'",
+                          "pixel count",
+                          GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE),
+    }
+    ## GimpPlugIn virtual methods ##
+    def do_query_procedures(self):
+        self.set_translation_domain("gimp30-python",
+                                    Gio.file_new_for_path(Gimp.locale_directory()))
+        return ['histogram-export']
+    def do_create_procedure(self, name):
+        procedure = None
+        if name == 'histogram-export':
+            procedure = Gimp.ImageProcedure.new(self, name,
+                                                Gimp.PDBProcType.PLUGIN,
+                                                run, None)
+            procedure.set_image_types("*")
+            procedure.set_documentation (
+                N_("Exports the image histogram to a text file (CSV)"),
+                globals()["__doc__"],  # This includes the docstring, on the top of the file
+                name)
+            procedure.set_menu_label(N_("_Export histogram..."))
+            procedure.set_attribution("João S. O. Bueno",
+                                      "(c) GPL V3.0 or later",
+                                      "2014")
+            procedure.add_menu_path("<Image>/Colors/Info/")
+            procedure.add_argument_from_property(self, "file")
+            procedure.add_argument_from_property(self, "bucket_size")
+            procedure.add_argument_from_property(self, "sample_average")
+            procedure.add_argument_from_property(self, "output_format")
+        return procedure
+Gimp.main(HistogramExport.__gtype__, sys.argv)
diff --git a/plug-ins/python/meson.build b/plug-ins/python/meson.build
index 67dd3669fb..9074f09397 100644
--- a/plug-ins/python/meson.build
+++ b/plug-ins/python/meson.build
@@ -7,14 +7,13 @@ plugins = [
   { 'name': 'file-openraster' },
   { 'name': 'foggify' },
   { 'name': 'gradients-save-as-css' },
+  { 'name': 'histogram-export' },
   { 'name': 'palette-offset' },
   { 'name': 'palette-sort' },
   { 'name': 'palette-to-gradient' },
   { 'name': 'py-slice' },
   { 'name': 'python-eval' },
   { 'name': 'spyro-plus' },
-  # { 'name': 'histogram-export' },
 if not stable

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