[gtk/wip/jimmac/cut-finger] assets: adjust gesture graphic

commit 7c8ce83f018f87c350fdba37a75601b6754590af
Author: Jakub Steiner <jimmac gmail com>
Date:   Sat Sep 12 10:12:28 2020 +0200

    assets: adjust gesture graphic
    - quick, somebody on the internet is offended!
    Fixes https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/issues/3074

 gtk/gesture/gesture-pinch-symbolic.svg   | 22 +++++++++++-----------
 gtk/gesture/gesture-stretch-symbolic.svg | 30 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
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27.578317 18.647747 23.701182 15 19 15 C 14.04721 15 10 19.0472 10 24 C 10 25.418791 10.341256 26.758764 
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46.784003 21 45 22.866788 45 25.185547 L 45 36 L 44 36 L 44 12.185547 C 44 9.8667876 42.215997 8 40 8 z M 19 
18 C 21.608824 18 23.804048 19.639507 24.636719 21.949219 L 20.414062 20.291016 A 4.0004 4.0004 0 0 0 
18.851562 19.994141 A 4.0004 4.0004 0 0 0 17.492188
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13 20.66852 15.66853 18 19 18 z M 24.996094 30.683594 L 27 31.470703 L 27 40.185547 L 27 42.535156 L 
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5 33.619692 7.66853 30.951172 11 30.951172 z "
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v -12.628906 -11 C 62,26.866788 60.215997,25 58,25 c -2.215997,0 -4,1.866788 -4,4.185547 V 36 H 53 V 
23.185547 C 53,20.866788 51.215997,19 49,19 c -2.215997,0 -4,1.866788 -4,4.185547 V 36 H 44 V 20.185547 C 
44,17.866788 42.215997,16 40,16 Z m -21,2 c 2.608824,0 4.804048,1.639507 5.636719,3.949219 l 
-4.222657,-1.658203 c -0.495714,-0.202539 -1.027046,-0.303492 -1.5625,-0.296875 -4.422659,0.05488 
-5.498941,6.186285 -1.359374,7.74414 l 4.173828,1.638672 C 20.863524,29.772856 19.960933,30 19,30
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2.349609 L 22.605469,44.484375 19.25,40.533203 C 19.730663,39.433901 20,38.223149 20,36.951172 c 0,-1.419158 
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-       d="M 25 8 C 20.047207 8 16 12.0472 16 17 C 16 21.849398 19.882333 25.820253 24.693359 25.984375 L 27 
30.894531 L 27 41.185547 L 27 43.494141 L 20.464844 44.285156 L 19.414062 43.158203 C 19.786753 42.17281 20 
41.112337 20 40 C 20 35.0472 15.952793 31 11 31 C 6.0472067 31 2 35.0472 2 40 C 2 44.9528 6.0472067 49 11 49 
C 11.857115 49 12.684113 48.870665 13.470703 48.644531 L 22 58 L 31 58 L 35 58 L 58 58 C 60.215997 58 62 
56.133212 62 53.814453 L 62 41.185547 L 62 32.185547 C 62 29.866788 60.215997 28 58 28 C 55.784003 28 54 
29.866788 54 32.185547 L 54 37 L 53 37 L 53 26.185547 C 53 23.866788 51.215997 22 49 22 C 46.784003 22 45 
23.866788 45 26.185547 L 45 37 L 44 37 L 44 13.185547 C 44 10.866788 42.215997 9 40 9 C 37.784003 9 36 
10.866788 36 13.185547 L 36 37 L 35 37 L 35 30.185547 C 35 30.18084 34.998062 30.176578 34.998047 30.171875 A 
4.0004 4.0004 0 0 0 34.621094 28.300781 L 31.974609 22.667969 C 33.238019 21.117771 34 19.145357 34 17 C 34 
12.0472 29.952793 8 25 8 z M 25 11 
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A 4.1028752 3.9987371 0 0 0 25 13.001953 A 4.1028752 3.9987371 0 0 0 24.826172 13.007812 A 4.0004 4.0004 0 0 
0 20.896484 16.998047 A 4.1028752 3.9987371 0 0 1 20.896484 17 A 4.1028752 3.9987371 0 0 0 20.898438 
17.027344 A 4.0004 4.0004 0 0 0 21.298828 18.755859 L 23.15625 22.710938 C 20.73678 21.938685 19 19.686937 19 
17 C 19 13.6686 21.668529 11 25 11 z M 11 34 C 14.331471 34 17 36.6686 17 40 C 17 40.182439 16.988332 
40.36093 16.972656 40.539062 L 13.964844 37.3125 C 13.238574 36.5117 12.219112 36.038953 11.138672 36.001953 
C 7.5520017 35.879253 5.6304813 40.176278 8.1132812 42.767578 L 11.056641 45.998047 C 11.037592 45.998222 
11.019093 46 11 46 C 7.6685289 46 5 43.3315 5 40 C 5 36.6686 7.6685289 34 11 34 z "
+       d="m 25,8 c -4.952793,0 -9,4.0472 -9,9 0,4.849398 3.882333,8.820253 8.693359,8.984375 L 27,30.894531 
v 10.291016 2.308594 l -6.535156,0.791015 -1.050782,-1.126953 C 19.786753,42.17281 20,41.112337 20,40 c 
0,-4.9528 -4.047207,-9 -9,-9 -4.9527933,0 -9,4.0472 -9,9 0,4.9528 4.0472067,9 9,9 0.857115,0 
1.684113,-0.129335 2.470703,-0.355469 L 22,58 h 9 4 23 c 2.215997,0 4,-1.866788 4,-4.185547 v -12.628906 -9 C 
62,29.866788 60.215997,28 58,28 c -2.215997,0 -4,1.866788 -4,4.185547 V 37 H 53 V 23.301664 c 0,-2.318759 
-1.784003,-4.185547 -4,-4.185547 -2.215997,0 -4,1.866788 -4,4.185547 V 37 H 44 V 19.185547 C 44,16.866788 
42.215997,15 40,15 c -2.215997,0 -4,1.866788 -4,4.185547 V 37 h -1 v -6.814453 c 0,-0.0047 -0.0019,-0.009 
-0.002,-0.01367 0.02716,-0.644977 -0.102172,-1.286946 -0.376953,-1.871094 L 31.974609,22.667969 C 
33.238019,21.117771 34,19.145357 34,17 34,12.0472 29.952793,8 25,8 Z m 0,3 c 3.331471,0 6,2.6686 6,6 
0,0.882507 -0.192071,1.714615 -0.529297,2.466797 L 29.060547,16.4
 62891 C 28.784734,14.482317 27.050784,13.004414 25,13.001953 c -0.05798,7.56e-4 -0.115934,0.0027 
-0.173828,0.0059 -2.177747,0.03849 -3.924494,1.812154 -3.929688,3.990235 V 17 c 6.19e-4,0.0091 0.0013,0.01823 
0.002,0.02734 0.0024,0.598878 0.139225,1.189577 0.40039,1.728515 l 1.857422,3.955079 C 20.73678,21.938685 
19,19.686937 19,17 c 0,-3.3314 2.668529,-6 6,-6 z M 11,34 c 3.331471,0 6,2.6686 6,6 0,0.182439 
-0.01167,0.36093 -0.02734,0.539062 L 13.964844,37.3125 c -0.72627,-0.8008 -1.745732,-1.273547 
-2.826172,-1.310547 -3.5866703,-0.1227 -5.5081907,4.174325 -3.0253908,6.765625 l 2.9433598,3.230469 C 
11.037592,45.998222 11.019093,46 11,46 7.6685289,46 5,43.3315 5,40 5,36.6686 7.6685289,34 11,34 Z"
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