[balsa/oauth2-support] libnetclient testing

commit 80073cceea47eadf42ef7f7a4f41ccd2b649b498
Author: Albrecht Dreß <albrecht dress arcor de>
Date:   Wed Sep 9 19:47:45 2020 +0200

    libnetclient testing
    update/improve unit tests for libnetclient
    Signed-off-by: Albrecht Dreß <albrecht dress arcor de>

 libnetclient/README                       |   16 +-
 libnetclient/test/Makefile.am             |    2 +-
 libnetclient/test/inetsim-1.2.6-POP3.diff |   45 -
 libnetclient/test/inetsim-1.3.2.diff      |   35 +
 libnetclient/test/inetsim-1.conf          |   47 +
 libnetclient/test/inetsim-2.conf          |   32 +
 libnetclient/test/inetsim.conf            | 1933 -----------------------------
 libnetclient/test/start-test-env.sh.in    |   15 +-
 libnetclient/test/tests.c                 |  354 +++---
 libnetclient/test/valgrind.supp           |    8 +
 10 files changed, 338 insertions(+), 2149 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libnetclient/README b/libnetclient/README
index 45100e3f2..bc1fb732d 100644
--- a/libnetclient/README
+++ b/libnetclient/README
@@ -76,9 +76,14 @@ are required for running them:
 Note that most of these requirements are typically available pre-packaged
 for your favorite distribution.
-Unfortunately, INetSim 1.2.6 and 1.2.7 have two little bugs in POP3 handling
-and do not offer pipelining.  The file test/inetsim-1.2.6-POP3.diff contains
-a patch which fixes these issues.
+Unfortunately, INetSim 1.3.2 has two bugs in POP3 handling and does not
+offer pipelining.  The file test/inetsim-1.3.2.diff contains a patch which
+fixes these issues.
+Some gnutls-serv versions will replace received CRLF line endings by just
+LF, breaking several tests.  A fixed version is available from the GnuTLS
+gitlab repository only (see https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/-/issues/1073
+and https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/-/merge_requests/1314).
 For running the tests, open two terminal windows, and cd to the test folder
 of this package.
@@ -87,8 +92,9 @@ In the first terminal, call
-which will launch several dummy servers required for testing.  Note that
-INetSim requires root permissions and is thus called via sudo.
+which will launch several dummy servers and two INetSim instances required
+for testing.  Note that INetSim requires root permissions and is thus
+called via sudo.
 Then, in the second terminal, call
diff --git a/libnetclient/test/Makefile.am b/libnetclient/test/Makefile.am
index ab3187012..fc92145d5 100644
--- a/libnetclient/test/Makefile.am
+++ b/libnetclient/test/Makefile.am
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ TESTFLAGS = -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -g -Wno-error
 LCOVFLGS       = --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1
 GENHTMLFLGS    = --function-coverage --branch-coverage --num-spaces 4
 VALGRFLAGS  = --tool=memcheck --log-file=$@.vg --suppressions=valgrind.supp --leak-check=full 
--track-fds=yes \
-                         --child-silent-after-fork=yes
+                         --child-silent-after-fork=yes --num-callers=50
 CLEANFILES = *.gcda *.gcno *.covi *.vg tests
diff --git a/libnetclient/test/inetsim-1.3.2.diff b/libnetclient/test/inetsim-1.3.2.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f3a2a466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libnetclient/test/inetsim-1.3.2.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+--- INetSim/POP3.pm.orig       2020-05-19 16:18:26.000000000 +0200
++++ INetSim/POP3.pm    2020-08-31 19:56:17.288527951 +0200
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
+                    "SASL"           => 2,  # RFC 2449, 1734, 5034, 2195 ... 
+                    "RESP-CODES"     => 1,  # RFC 2449
+                    "LOGIN-DELAY"    => 2,  # RFC 2449
+-                   "PIPELINING"     => 0,  # RFC 2449
++                   "PIPELINING"     => 1,  # RFC 2449
+                    "EXPIRE"         => 2,  # RFC 2449
+                    "UIDL"           => 1,  # RFC 1939, 2449
+                    "IMPLEMENTATION" => 2,  # RFC 2449
+@@ -295,6 +295,10 @@
+             $line =~ s/[\r\n\s\t]+\z//g;
+             alarm($self->{timeout});
+             $self->slog_("recv: $line");
++          ### flush input buffer if pipelining is disabled
++          if (!defined $POP3_CAPA{PIPELINING}) {
++              ### FIXME - flush any pending input here
++          }
+             ### Auth via USER/PASS
+             if ($line =~ /\AUSER(|([\s]+)(.*))\z/i && defined $POP3_CAPA{USER}) {
+                 $self->USER($3);
+@@ -1035,9 +1039,11 @@
+     my ($flag, $hash, $uid, $size, $header, $body) = $self->read_mail($args);
+     if (defined $flag && $flag) {
+         $self->send_("+OK", "Message follows ($size octets)");
++      # quote termination octet (RFC 1939, Sect. 3)
++      $body =~ s/\r\n\./\r\n../g;
+         print $client "$header\r\n$body";
+         $self->slog_("send: <(MESSAGE)>");
+-        print $client "\r\n.\r\n";
++        print $client ".\r\n";
+         $self->slog_("send: .");
+         $status{retrieved}++;
+     }
diff --git a/libnetclient/test/inetsim-1.conf b/libnetclient/test/inetsim-1.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e4b6dcab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libnetclient/test/inetsim-1.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+start_service                  smtp
+start_service                  smtps
+start_service                  pop3
+start_service                  pop3s
+smtp_bind_port                 60025
+smtp_helo_required             yes
+smtp_service_extension         VRFY
+smtp_service_extension         EXPN
+smtp_service_extension         HELP
+smtp_service_extension         8BITMIME
+smtp_service_extension         SIZE 102400000
+smtp_service_extension         ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
+smtp_service_extension         AUTH PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 CRAM-SHA1
+smtp_service_extension         DSN
+smtp_service_extension         ETRN
+smtp_service_extension         STARTTLS
+smtp_auth_required             yes
+smtps_bind_port                        60465
+smtps_helo_required            yes
+smtps_service_extension                VRFY
+smtps_service_extension                EXPN
+smtps_service_extension                HELP
+smtps_service_extension                8BITMIME
+smtps_service_extension                SIZE 102400000
+smtps_service_extension                ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
+smtps_service_extension                AUTH LOGIN GSSAPI
+smtps_service_extension                ETRN
+smtps_auth_required            yes
+pop3_bind_port                 60110
+pop3_capability                        TOP
+pop3_capability                        USER
+pop3_capability                        SASL PLAIN LOGIN ANONYMOUS CRAM-MD5 CRAM-SHA1
+pop3_capability                        UIDL
+pop3_capability                        IMPLEMENTATION "INetSim POP3 server"
+pop3_capability                        STLS
+pop3s_bind_port                        60995
+pop3s_enable_apop              yes
+pop3s_capability               TOP
+pop3s_capability               USER
+pop3s_capability               SASL PLAIN LOGIN GSSAPI ANONYMOUS
+pop3s_capability               UIDL
+pop3s_capability               IMPLEMENTATION "INetSim POP3s server"
+pop3s_capability               PIPELINING
diff --git a/libnetclient/test/inetsim-2.conf b/libnetclient/test/inetsim-2.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..903617e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libnetclient/test/inetsim-2.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+start_service                  smtp
+start_service                  pop3
+start_service                  pop3s
+smtp_bind_port                 61025
+smtp_helo_required             yes
+smtp_service_extension         VRFY
+smtp_service_extension         EXPN
+smtp_service_extension         HELP
+smtp_service_extension         8BITMIME
+smtp_service_extension         SIZE 102400000
+smtp_service_extension         ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
+smtp_service_extension         AUTH PLAIN
+smtp_service_extension         DSN
+smtp_service_extension         ETRN
+smtp_auth_required             no
+pop3_bind_port                 61110
+pop3_enable_apop               no
+pop3_capability                        TOP
+pop3_capability                        USER
+pop3_capability                        SASL LOGIN
+pop3_capability                        UIDL
+pop3_capability                        IMPLEMENTATION "INetSim POP3 server"
+pop3s_bind_port                        61995
+pop3s_enable_apop              no
+pop3s_capability               TOP
+pop3s_capability               USER
+pop3s_capability               UIDL
+pop3s_capability               IMPLEMENTATION "INetSim POP3s server"
+pop3s_capability               PIPELINING
diff --git a/libnetclient/test/start-test-env.sh.in b/libnetclient/test/start-test-env.sh.in
index 37e992117..7940530dd 100644
--- a/libnetclient/test/start-test-env.sh.in
+++ b/libnetclient/test/start-test-env.sh.in
@@ -7,17 +7,22 @@ echo "echo server @ port 65000 as e_echo..."
 @SCREEN@ -d -m -S e_echo @abs_srcdir@/echoserver.py
 echo "GnuTLS server w/o client checking @ port 65001 as s_server1..."
 @SCREEN@ -d -m -S s_server1 \
-       @GTLSSRV@ -a --x509keyfile=cert_u.pem --x509certfile=cert_u.pem --echo -p 65001
+       @GTLSSRV@ --disable-client-cert \
+       --x509keyfile=cert_u.pem --x509certfile=cert_u.pem --priority="NORMAL:-VERS-TLS1.3" --echo --crlf -p 
 echo "GnuTLS server w/ client checking @ port 65002 as s_server2..."
 @SCREEN@ -d -m -S s_server2 \
-       @GTLSSRV@ -r --verify-client-cert --x509keyfile=cert_u.pem --x509certfile=cert_u.pem \
-       --x509cafile=ca_cert.pem --echo -p 65002
+       @GTLSSRV@ --require-client-cert --verify-client-cert --x509keyfile=cert_u.pem \
+       --x509certfile=cert_u.pem --x509cafile=ca_cert.pem --priority="NORMAL:-VERS-TLS1.3" --echo --crlf -p 
 @SCREEN@ -ls
 echo "inetsim (as root)..."
 @SUDO@ -s -- <<EOF
-rm -f debug.log main.log service.log report.*.txt
-@INETSIM@ --config inetsim.conf --report-dir . --log-dir .
+rm -rf inetsim-1 inetsim-2
+mkdir inetsim-1 inetsim-2
+@INETSIM@ --config inetsim-1.conf --pidfile=inetsim-1/pid --report-dir inetsim-1 --log-dir inetsim-1 &
+sleep 5
+@INETSIM@ --config inetsim-2.conf --pidfile=inetsim-2/pid --report-dir inetsim-2 --log-dir inetsim-2
+sleep 5
 chmod 666 debug.log main.log service.log report.*.txt
diff --git a/libnetclient/test/tests.c b/libnetclient/test/tests.c
index ef05e4d2a..6a86f120a 100644
--- a/libnetclient/test/tests.c
+++ b/libnetclient/test/tests.c
@@ -384,14 +384,14 @@ msg_data_cb(gchar *buffer, gsize count, gpointer user_data, GError **error)
 static gchar **
-get_auth(NetClient *client, gboolean need_pwd, gpointer user_data)
+get_auth(NetClient *client, NetClientAuthMode auth_mode, gpointer user_data)
        gchar ** result;
-       g_message("%s(%p, %d, %p)", __func__, client, need_pwd, user_data);
+       g_message("%s(%p, %d, %p)", __func__, client, auth_mode, user_data);
        result = g_new0(gchar *, 3U);
        result[0] = g_strdup("john.doe");
-       if (need_pwd && (user_data != NULL)) {
+       if ((auth_mode != NET_CLIENT_AUTH_KERBEROS) && (user_data != NULL)) {
                result[1] = g_strdup("@ C0mplex P@sswd");
        return result;
@@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ test_smtp(void)
        msg_data_t msg_buf;
        NetClientSmtp *smtp;
        NetClientSmtpMessage *msg;
+       NetClientProbeResult probe_res;
        GError *error = NULL;
        gboolean op_res;
        gchar *read_res;
@@ -425,17 +426,28 @@ test_smtp(void)
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_msg_set_dsn_opts(NULL, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE, "set dsn opts, no 
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_msg_set_dsn_opts(msg, NULL, FALSE) == TRUE, "set dsn opts ok");
+       // server probing
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_probe(NULL, 5, &probe_res, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "probe w/o server");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_probe("www.google.com", 5, NULL, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "probe w/o 
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_probe("i.do.not.exist", 5, &probe_res, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "probe 
w/ dns lookup failed");
+       sput_fail_unless((net_client_smtp_probe("www.google.com", 5, &probe_res, NULL, &error) == FALSE) &&
+               (error->code == NET_CLIENT_PROBE_FAILED), "probe w/ no SMTP service");
+       g_clear_error(&error);
+       sput_fail_unless((net_client_smtp_probe("smtp.gmail.com:25", 5, &probe_res, G_CALLBACK(check_cert), 
NULL) == TRUE) &&
+               (probe_res.port == 587) && (probe_res.crypt_mode == NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS) &&
+               (probe_res.auth_mode == (NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS | NET_CLIENT_AUTH_OAUTH2)), "probe 
smtp.gmail.com ok");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_probe("mail.posteo.de", 5, &probe_res, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "probe 
mail.posteo.de ok");
        // smtp stuff - test various failures
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_new(NULL, 0, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE) == NULL, "new, missing host");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 0, 0) == NULL, "new, bad crypt mode");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 0, 42) == NULL, "new, bad crypt mode");
-       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 65024, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
"localhost; port 65024");
+       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 60024, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
"localhost; port 60024");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "no server");
-       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 65025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
+       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 60025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
        op_res = net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, &read_res, NULL);
        sput_fail_unless((op_res == TRUE) && (strcmp(read_res, "mail.inetsim.org INetSim Mail Service 
ready.") == 0),
                "connect: success");
@@ -460,31 +472,44 @@ test_smtp(void)
-       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 65025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS)) != NULL,
-               "localhost:65025, starttls");
+       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 60025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS)) != NULL,
+               "localhost:60025, starttls");
        op_res = net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, &error);
        sput_fail_unless((op_res == FALSE) && (error != NULL), "connect: fails (untrusted cert)");
-       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 65025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_allow_auth(smtp, FALSE, 0U) == TRUE, "force no auth mech available");
+       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 60025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_set_auth_mode(smtp, 0U) == FALSE, "set auth mode w/o mech");
        g_signal_connect(smtp, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), smtp);
        op_res = net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, &error);
-       sput_fail_unless((op_res == FALSE) && (error->code == NET_CLIENT_ERROR_SMTP_NO_AUTH), "connect: 
+       sput_fail_unless((op_res == FALSE) && (error != NULL) && (error->code == 
NET_CLIENT_ERROR_SMTP_NO_AUTH), "connect: failed");
+       g_clear_error(&error);
+       g_object_unref(smtp);
+       // no auth data
+       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 60025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_set_auth_mode(smtp, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS) == TRUE, "auth meth 
+       op_res = net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, &error);
+       sput_fail_unless((op_res == FALSE) && (error != NULL) && (error->code == 
+               "connect: auth data required");
-       // no password: anonymous
-       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 65025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
+       // no password
+       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 60025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_set_auth_mode(smtp, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS) == TRUE, "auth meth 
        g_signal_connect(smtp, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), NULL);
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "connect: password required");
+       op_res = net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, &error);
+       sput_fail_unless((op_res == FALSE) && (error != NULL) && (error->code == 
+               "connect: password required");
+       g_clear_error(&error);
-       // unencrypted, PLAIN auth
-       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 65025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_allow_auth(NULL, FALSE, NET_CLIENT_SMTP_AUTH_PLAIN) == FALSE, "set 
auth meths, no client");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_allow_auth(smtp, FALSE, NET_CLIENT_SMTP_AUTH_PLAIN) == TRUE, "force 
auth meth PLAIN");
+       // unencrypted, CRAM-SHA1 auth, error in send msg callback
+       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 60025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_set_auth_mode(NULL, 0U) == FALSE, "set auth meths, no client");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_set_auth_mode(smtp, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS) == TRUE, "auth meth 
        g_signal_connect(smtp, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), smtp);
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "connect: success");
        msg_buf.sim_error = TRUE;
@@ -492,33 +517,43 @@ test_smtp(void)
        msg_buf.sim_error = FALSE;
-       // unencrypted, PLAIN auth
-       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 65025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_allow_auth(NULL, FALSE, NET_CLIENT_SMTP_AUTH_PLAIN) == FALSE, "set 
auth meths, no client");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_allow_auth(smtp, FALSE, NET_CLIENT_SMTP_AUTH_PLAIN) == TRUE, "force 
auth meth PLAIN");
+       // STARTTLS required, not supported by server
+       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 61025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS)) != NULL,
+               "localhost:61025, starttls");
+       op_res = net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, &error);
+       sput_fail_unless((op_res == FALSE) && (error != NULL) && (error->code == 
+               "connect: fails (no STARTTLS)");
+       g_clear_error(&error);
+       g_object_unref(smtp);
+       // STARTTLS optional, not supported by server, PLAIN auth
+       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 61025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS_OPT)) != 
NULL, "localhost:61025");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_set_auth_mode(smtp, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS) == TRUE, "auth meth 
        g_signal_connect(smtp, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), smtp);
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "connect: success");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_send_msg(smtp, msg, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "send msg: success");
-       // STARTTLS required, LOGIN auth
+       // SMTPS, LOGIN auth
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_msg_add_recipient(msg, "other1 there com", 
                "add recipient ok (dsn)");
-       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 65025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS)) != NULL,
-               "localhost:65025, starttls");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_allow_auth(smtp, TRUE, NET_CLIENT_SMTP_AUTH_LOGIN) == TRUE, "force 
auth meth LOGIN");
+       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 60465, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_ENCRYPTED)) != NULL,
+               "localhost:60465, smtps");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_set_auth_mode(smtp, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS) == TRUE, "auth meth 
        g_signal_connect(smtp, "cert-check", G_CALLBACK(check_cert), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(smtp, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), smtp);
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "connect: success");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_send_msg(smtp, msg, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "send msg: success");
-       // STARTTLS optional, CRAM-MD5 auth
+       // STARTTLS optional, more DSN options
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_msg_add_recipient(msg, "other2 there com", 
                "add recipient ok (dsn)");
-       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 65025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS_OPT)) != 
-               "localhost:65025, starttls");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_allow_auth(smtp, TRUE, NET_CLIENT_SMTP_AUTH_CRAM_MD5) == TRUE, 
"force auth meth CRAM-MD5");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_msg_add_recipient(msg, "other3 there com",
TRUE, "add recipient ok (dsn)");
+       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 60025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS_OPT)) != 
+               "localhost:60025, starttls");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_set_auth_mode(smtp, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS) == TRUE, "auth meth 
        g_signal_connect(smtp, "cert-check", G_CALLBACK(check_cert), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(smtp, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), smtp);
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "connect: success");
@@ -526,40 +561,26 @@ test_smtp(void)
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_send_msg(smtp, msg, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "send msg: success");
-       // STARTTLS, CRAM-SHA1 auth
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_msg_add_recipient(msg, "other3 there com", 
-               "add recipient ok (dsn)");
-       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 65025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS)) != NULL, 
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_allow_auth(smtp, TRUE, NET_CLIENT_SMTP_AUTH_CRAM_SHA1) == TRUE, 
"force auth meth CRAM-SHA1");
-       g_signal_connect(smtp, "cert-check", G_CALLBACK(check_cert), NULL);
-       g_signal_connect(smtp, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), smtp);
+       // plain, no auth, DSN w/o envid
+       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 61025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
"localhost:61025, plain");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_set_auth_mode(smtp, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_NONE_ANON) == TRUE, "anonymous");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "connect: success");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_msg_set_dsn_opts(msg, NULL, TRUE) == TRUE, "dsn: no envid, message");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_msg_set_dsn_opts(msg, NULL, TRUE) == TRUE, "dsn: no envid, full");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_send_msg(smtp, msg, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "send msg: success");
-       // STARTTLS, auto select auth
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_msg_add_recipient(msg, "other4 there com",
TRUE, "add recipient ok (dsn)");
-       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 65025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS)) != NULL, 
-       g_signal_connect(smtp, "cert-check", G_CALLBACK(check_cert), NULL);
+       // STARTTLS, GSSAPI auth
+       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 60025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_set_auth_mode(smtp, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_KERBEROS) == TRUE, "auth meth 
        g_signal_connect(smtp, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), smtp);
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "connect: success");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_msg_set_dsn_opts(msg, "20170113212711 19833 here com", TRUE) == TRUE,
-               "dsn: envid, message");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_send_msg(smtp, msg, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "send msg: success");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "connect: failed");
-       // SSL, auto select auth
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_msg_add_recipient(msg, "other4 there com",
TRUE, "add recipient ok (dsn)");
-       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 65465, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_ENCRYPTED)) != 
NULL, "localhost:65465, ssl");
-       g_signal_connect(smtp, "cert-check", G_CALLBACK(check_cert), NULL);
+       // STARTTLS, OAuth2 auth
+       sput_fail_unless((smtp = net_client_smtp_new("localhost", 60025, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE)) != NULL, 
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_set_auth_mode(smtp, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_OAUTH2) == TRUE, "auth meth 
        g_signal_connect(smtp, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), smtp);
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "connect: success");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_msg_set_dsn_opts(msg, "20170113212711 19833 here com", TRUE) == TRUE,
-               "dsn: envid, message");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_send_msg(smtp, msg, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "send msg: success");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_smtp_connect(smtp, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "connect: failed");
@@ -581,6 +602,8 @@ msg_cb(const gchar *buffer, gssize count, gsize lines, const NetClientPopMessage
 static void
+       gchar msgbuf[256];
+       NetClientProbeResult probe_res;
        NetClientPop *pop;
        GError *error = NULL;
        gboolean op_res;
@@ -589,11 +612,23 @@ test_pop3(void)
        gsize mbox_size;
        GList *msg_list;
+       // server probing
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_probe(NULL, 5, &probe_res, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "probe w/o server");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_probe("www.google.com", 5, NULL, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "probe w/o 
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_probe("i.do.not.exist", 5, &probe_res, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "probe 
w/ dns lookup failed");
+       sput_fail_unless((net_client_pop_probe("www.google.com", 5, &probe_res, G_CALLBACK(check_cert), 
&error) == FALSE) &&
+               (error->code == NET_CLIENT_PROBE_FAILED), "probe w/ no POP3 service");
+       g_clear_error(&error);
+       sput_fail_unless((net_client_pop_probe("pop.gmail.com:110", 5, &probe_res, G_CALLBACK(check_cert), 
NULL) == TRUE) &&
+               (probe_res.port == 995) && (probe_res.crypt_mode == NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_ENCRYPTED) &&
+               (probe_res.auth_mode == (NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS | NET_CLIENT_AUTH_OAUTH2)), "probe 
pop.gmail.com ok");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_probe("mail.posteo.de", 5, &probe_res, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "probe 
mail.posteo.de ok");
        // some error cases
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_new(NULL, 0, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE, TRUE) == NULL, "new, missing 
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_new("localhost", 0, 0, TRUE) == NULL, "new, bad crypt mode");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_new("localhost", 0, 42, TRUE) == NULL, "new, bad crypt mode");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_allow_auth(NULL, TRUE, 0U) == FALSE, "allow auth, no client");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(NULL, 0, FALSE) == FALSE, "allow auth, no client");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(NULL, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "connect, no client");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_stat(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "stat, no client");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_list(NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL) == FALSE, "list, no client");
@@ -602,188 +637,169 @@ test_pop3(void)
        net_client_pop_msg_info_free(NULL);             // just for checking
        // some basic stuff
-       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 65109, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE, TRUE)) != NULL, 
"localhost; port 65109");
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 60109, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE, TRUE)) != NULL, 
"localhost; port 60109");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "no server");
-       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 64110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE, TRUE)) != NULL, 
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 60110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE, TRUE)) != NULL, 
        op_res = net_client_pop_connect(pop, &read_res, NULL);
        sput_fail_unless((op_res == TRUE) && (strncmp(read_res, "INetSim POP3 Server ready <", 27U) == 0),
                "connect: success");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_is_encrypted(NET_CLIENT(pop)) == FALSE, "not encrypted");
        op_res = net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, &error);
        sput_fail_unless((op_res == FALSE) && (error->code == NET_CLIENT_ERROR_CONNECTED), "cannot 
-       // not allowed if unauthenticated
-       op_res = net_client_pop_stat(pop, NULL, NULL, &error);
-       sput_fail_unless((op_res == FALSE) && (error->code == NET_CLIENT_ERROR_POP_SERVER_ERR), "STAT not 
allowed w/o AUTH");
-       g_clear_error(&error);
+       // bad list target
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_list(pop, NULL, TRUE, NULL) == FALSE, "list w/ empty target list");
-       op_res = net_client_pop_list(pop, &msg_list, TRUE, &error);
-       sput_fail_unless((op_res == FALSE) && (error->code == NET_CLIENT_ERROR_POP_SERVER_ERR), "LIST not 
allowed w/o AUTH");
-       g_clear_error(&error);
-       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 64110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE, TRUE)) != NULL, 
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 60110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE, TRUE)) != NULL, 
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(pop, 0U, FALSE) == FALSE, "no AUTH mechanism");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(pop, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS, FALSE) == TRUE, "set 
user/pass auth");
        g_signal_connect(pop, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), NULL);
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "connect: password required");
-       // unencrypted, force USER auth
-       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 64110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE, TRUE)) != NULL, 
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_allow_auth(pop, FALSE, 0U), "no AUTH mechanism");
-       g_signal_connect(pop, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), pop);
-       op_res = net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, &error);
-       sput_fail_unless((op_res == FALSE) && (error->code == NET_CLIENT_ERROR_POP_NO_AUTH), "no suitable 
AUTH mechanism");
-       g_clear_error(&error);
-       g_object_unref(pop);
        // STARTTLS
-       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 64110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS, TRUE)) != 
-               "localhost:64110, starttls");
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 60110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS, TRUE)) != 
+               "localhost:60110, starttls");
        op_res = net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, &error);
        sput_fail_unless((op_res == FALSE) && (error != NULL), "connect: fails (untrusted cert)");
-       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 64110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS_OPT, TRUE)) 
!= NULL,
-               "localhost:64110, starttls (opt)");
+       // STARTTLS optional
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 61110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS_OPT, TRUE)) 
!= NULL,
+               "localhost:60110, starttls (opt)");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(pop, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS, FALSE) == TRUE, "set 
user/pass auth");
+       g_signal_connect(pop, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), pop);
        op_res = net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, &error);
        sput_fail_unless((op_res == TRUE) && (error == NULL), "connect: ok, but...");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_is_encrypted(NET_CLIENT(pop)) == FALSE, "...not encrypted");
-       // STARTTLS required, USER/PASS auth
-       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 64110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS, FALSE)) != 
-               "localhost:64110, starttls, no pipelining");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_allow_auth(pop, TRUE, NET_CLIENT_POP_AUTH_USER_PASS) == TRUE, "force 
auth meth USER/PASS");
+       // STARTTLS required, Kerberos auth
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 60110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS, TRUE)) != 
NULL, "localhost:60110");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(pop, 0U, FALSE) == FALSE, "no AUTH mechanism");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(pop, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_KERBEROS, FALSE) == TRUE, 
"Kerberos auth");
+       g_signal_connect(pop, "cert-check", G_CALLBACK(check_cert), NULL);
+       g_signal_connect(pop, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), pop);
+       op_res = net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, &error);
+       sput_fail_unless((op_res == FALSE) && (error->code == NET_CLIENT_ERROR_POP_NO_AUTH), "no suitable 
AUTH mechanism");
+       g_clear_error(&error);
+       g_object_unref(pop);
+       // STARTTLS required, user/pass auth
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 60110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS, FALSE)) != 
+               "localhost:60110, starttls, no pipelining");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(pop, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS, FALSE) == TRUE, "auth 
meth user/pass");
        g_signal_connect(pop, "cert-check", G_CALLBACK(check_cert), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(pop, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), pop);
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "connect: success");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_stat(pop, &msg_count, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "STAT: success");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_list(pop, &msg_list, FALSE, NULL) == TRUE, "LIST: success");
-       g_message("message count: %u", g_list_length(msg_list));
+       op_res = net_client_pop_stat(pop, &msg_count, NULL, NULL);
+       snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), "STAT: success (%lu messages)", msg_count);
+       sput_fail_unless(op_res == TRUE, msgbuf);
+       op_res = net_client_pop_stat(pop, NULL, &mbox_size, NULL);
+       snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), "STAT: success (mbox size %lu)", mbox_size);
+       sput_fail_unless(op_res == TRUE, msgbuf);
+       op_res = net_client_pop_list(pop, &msg_list, FALSE, NULL);
+       snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), "LIST: success (%u messages)", g_list_length(msg_list));
+       sput_fail_unless(op_res == TRUE, msgbuf);
        if (msg_list != NULL) {
                sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_retr(pop, NULL, msg_cb, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "retr w/o 
message list");
                sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_retr(pop, msg_list, NULL, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "retr w/o 
                sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_retr(pop, msg_list, msg_cb, GINT_TO_POINTER(1), NULL) == 
FALSE, "retr error");
+               sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_dele(pop, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "dele, no message list");
+               sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_dele(pop, msg_list, NULL) == TRUE, "dele ok");
                g_list_free_full(msg_list, (GDestroyNotify) net_client_pop_msg_info_free);
-       // STARTTLS optional, APOP auth
-       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 64110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS_OPT, TRUE)) 
!= NULL,
-               "localhost:64110, starttls opt, pipelining");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_allow_auth(pop, TRUE, NET_CLIENT_POP_AUTH_APOP) == TRUE, "force auth 
meth APOP");
+       // STARTTLS optional, user/pass auth, disable APOP
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 60110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS_OPT, TRUE)) 
!= NULL,
+               "localhost:60110, starttls opt, pipelining");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(pop, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS, TRUE) == TRUE, "auth 
meth user/pass w/o APOP");
        g_signal_connect(pop, "cert-check", G_CALLBACK(check_cert), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(pop, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), pop);
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "connect: success");
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_stat(pop, NULL, &mbox_size, NULL) == TRUE, "STAT: success");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_list(pop, &msg_list, FALSE, NULL) == TRUE, "LIST: success");
-       g_message("message count: %u", g_list_length(msg_list));
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_list(pop, &msg_list, TRUE, NULL) == TRUE, "LIST w/uid: success");
        if (msg_list != NULL) {
-               sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_retr(pop, msg_list, msg_cb, GINT_TO_POINTER(2), NULL) == 
FALSE, "retr error");
+               sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_retr(pop, msg_list, msg_cb, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "retr ok");
                g_list_free_full(msg_list, (GDestroyNotify) net_client_pop_msg_info_free);
-       // STARTTLS required, PLAIN auth
-       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 64110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS, TRUE)) != 
-               "localhost:64110, starttls, pipelining");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_allow_auth(pop, TRUE, NET_CLIENT_POP_AUTH_PLAIN) == TRUE, "force auth 
meth PLAIN");
+       // SSL, untrusted cert
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 60995, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_ENCRYPTED, FALSE)) != 
+               "localhost:60995, pop3s, no pipelining");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(pop, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS, TRUE) == TRUE, "auth 
meth user/pass w/o APOP");
+       g_signal_connect(pop, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), pop);
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "connect: failed, untrusted cert");
+       g_object_unref(pop);
+       // SSL, use pipelining
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 60995, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_ENCRYPTED, TRUE)) != 
+               "localhost:60995, pop3s, pipelining");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(pop, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS, FALSE) == TRUE, "auth 
meth user/pass w/ APOP");
        g_signal_connect(pop, "cert-check", G_CALLBACK(check_cert), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(pop, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), pop);
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "connect: success");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_list(pop, &msg_list, FALSE, NULL) == TRUE, "LIST: success");
-       g_message("message count: %u", g_list_length(msg_list));
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_list(pop, &msg_list, TRUE, NULL) == TRUE, "LIST w/uid: success");
        if (msg_list != NULL) {
                sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_retr(pop, msg_list, msg_cb, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "retr ok");
+               sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_dele(pop, msg_list, NULL) == TRUE, "dele ok");
                g_list_free_full(msg_list, (GDestroyNotify) net_client_pop_msg_info_free);
-       // STARTTLS optional, PLAIN auth
-       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 64110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS_OPT, FALSE)) 
!= NULL,
-               "localhost:64110, starttls opt, no pipelining");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_allow_auth(pop, TRUE, NET_CLIENT_POP_AUTH_PLAIN) == TRUE, "force auth 
meth PLAIN");
+       // STARTTLS required w/o capability
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 61110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS, FALSE)) != 
+               "localhost:61110, starttls, no pipelining");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(pop, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS, FALSE) == TRUE, "auth 
meth user/pass");
        g_signal_connect(pop, "cert-check", G_CALLBACK(check_cert), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(pop, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), pop);
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "connect: success");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_list(pop, &msg_list, FALSE, NULL) == TRUE, "LIST: success");
-       g_message("message count: %u", g_list_length(msg_list));
-       if (msg_list != NULL) {
-               sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_retr(pop, msg_list, msg_cb, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "retr ok");
-               g_list_free_full(msg_list, (GDestroyNotify) net_client_pop_msg_info_free);
-       }
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, &error) == FALSE, "connect: failed");
+       g_clear_error(&error);
-       // SSL, LOGIN auth
-       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 64995, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_ENCRYPTED, FALSE)) != 
-               "localhost:64995, pop3s, no pipelining");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_allow_auth(pop, TRUE, NET_CLIENT_POP_AUTH_LOGIN) == TRUE, "force auth 
meth LOGIN");
+       // STARTTLS optional w/o capability
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 61110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_STARTTLS_OPT, FALSE)) 
!= NULL,
+               "localhost:61110, starttls, no pipelining");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(pop, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS, FALSE) == TRUE, "auth 
meth user/pass");
        g_signal_connect(pop, "cert-check", G_CALLBACK(check_cert), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(pop, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), pop);
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, &error) == TRUE, "connect: success");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_stat(pop, &msg_count, &mbox_size, NULL) == TRUE, "STAT: success");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_list(pop, &msg_list, FALSE, NULL) == TRUE, "LIST: success");
-       g_message("message count: %u", g_list_length(msg_list));
-       if (msg_list != NULL) {
-               sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_retr(pop, msg_list, msg_cb, GINT_TO_POINTER(1), NULL) == 
FALSE, "retr error");
-               g_list_free_full(msg_list, (GDestroyNotify) net_client_pop_msg_info_free);
-       }
+       g_clear_error(&error);
-       // SSL, CRAM-MD5 auth
-       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 64995, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_ENCRYPTED, TRUE)) != 
-               "localhost:64995, pop3s, pipelining");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_allow_auth(pop, TRUE, NET_CLIENT_POP_AUTH_CRAM_MD5) == TRUE, "force 
auth meth CRAM-MD5");
+       // SSL w/o SASL and APOP
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 61995, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_ENCRYPTED, FALSE)) != 
+               "localhost:61995, pop3s");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(pop, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_USER_PASS, TRUE) == TRUE, "auth 
meth user/pass");
        g_signal_connect(pop, "cert-check", G_CALLBACK(check_cert), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(pop, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), pop);
        sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "connect: success");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_list(pop, &msg_list, TRUE, NULL) == TRUE, "LIST: success");
-       g_message("message count: %u", g_list_length(msg_list));
-       if (msg_list != NULL) {
-               sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_retr(pop, msg_list, msg_cb, GINT_TO_POINTER(2), NULL) == 
FALSE, "retr error");
-               g_list_free_full(msg_list, (GDestroyNotify) net_client_pop_msg_info_free);
-       }
-       // SSL, CRAM-SHA1 auth
-       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 64995, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_ENCRYPTED, FALSE)) != 
-               "localhost:64995, pop3s, no pipelining");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_allow_auth(pop, TRUE, NET_CLIENT_POP_AUTH_CRAM_SHA1) == TRUE, "force 
auth meth CRAM-SHA1");
-       g_signal_connect(pop, "cert-check", G_CALLBACK(check_cert), NULL);
+       // plain, GSSAPI auth
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 61110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE, FALSE)) != 
NULL, "localhost:61110");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(pop, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_KERBEROS, TRUE) == TRUE, "auth 
meth Kerberos");
        g_signal_connect(pop, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), pop);
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, &error) == TRUE, "connect: success");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_list(pop, &msg_list, TRUE, NULL) == TRUE, "LIST: success");
-       g_message("message count: %u", g_list_length(msg_list));
-       if (msg_list != NULL) {
-               sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_retr(pop, msg_list, msg_cb, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "retr ok");
-               g_list_free_full(msg_list, (GDestroyNotify) net_client_pop_msg_info_free);
-       }
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, &error) == FALSE, "connect: failed");
+       g_clear_error(&error);
-       // SSL, CRAM-SHA1 auth
-       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 64995, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_ENCRYPTED, TRUE)) != 
-               "localhost:64995, pop3s, pipelining");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_allow_auth(pop, TRUE, NET_CLIENT_POP_AUTH_CRAM_SHA1) == TRUE, "force 
auth meth CRAM-SHA1");
-       g_signal_connect(pop, "cert-check", G_CALLBACK(check_cert), NULL);
+       // plain, OAuth2 auth
+       sput_fail_unless((pop = net_client_pop_new("localhost", 61110, NET_CLIENT_CRYPT_NONE, FALSE)) != 
NULL, "localhost:61110");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_set_auth_mode(pop, NET_CLIENT_AUTH_OAUTH2, TRUE) == TRUE, "auth meth 
        g_signal_connect(pop, "auth", G_CALLBACK(get_auth), pop);
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, &error) == TRUE, "connect: success");
-       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_list(pop, &msg_list, TRUE, NULL) == TRUE, "LIST: success");
-       g_message("message count: %u", g_list_length(msg_list));
-       if (msg_list != NULL) {
-               sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_retr(pop, msg_list, msg_cb, NULL, NULL) == TRUE, "retr ok");
-               sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_dele(pop, NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "dele w/o message list");
-               sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_dele(pop, msg_list, NULL) == TRUE, "dele ok");
-               g_list_free_full(msg_list, (GDestroyNotify) net_client_pop_msg_info_free);
-       }
-       op_res = net_client_pop_list(pop, &msg_list, TRUE, NULL);
-       sput_fail_unless((op_res == TRUE) && (msg_list == NULL), "LIST: success, empty");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_pop_connect(pop, NULL, &error) == FALSE, "connect: failed");
+       g_clear_error(&error);
@@ -884,6 +900,8 @@ test_utils(void)
        gchar *authstr;
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_host_reachable(NULL, NULL) == FALSE, "host reachable w/o host");
        sput_fail_unless(strcmp(net_client_chksum_to_str(G_CHECKSUM_MD5), "MD5") == 0, "checksum string for 
        sput_fail_unless(strcmp(net_client_chksum_to_str(G_CHECKSUM_SHA1), "SHA1") == 0, "checksum string for 
        sput_fail_unless(strcmp(net_client_chksum_to_str(G_CHECKSUM_SHA256), "SHA256") == 0, "checksum string 
for SHA256");
@@ -919,4 +937,20 @@ test_utils(void)
        authstr = net_client_auth_plain_calc(CRAM_MD5_USER, CRAM_MD5_PASS);
        sput_fail_unless(strcmp(authstr, AUTH_PLAIN_RES) == 0, "auth plain: auth string ok");
+       // FIXME - tests for Kerberos - any example out there?
+       /* example taken from https://developers.google.com/gmail/imap/xoauth2-protocol */
+#define OAUTH_USER     "someuser example com"
+#define OAUTH_TOKEN "ya29.vF9dft4qmTc2Nvb3RlckBhdHRhdmlzdGEuY29tCg"
+#define OAUTH_RES      
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_auth_oauth2_calc(NULL, OAUTH_TOKEN) == NULL, "auth oauth2: no user");
+       sput_fail_unless(net_client_auth_oauth2_calc(OAUTH_USER, NULL) == NULL, "auth oauth2: no token");
+       authstr = net_client_auth_oauth2_calc(OAUTH_USER, OAUTH_TOKEN);
+       sput_fail_unless(strcmp(authstr, OAUTH_RES) == 0, "auth oauth2: auth string ok");
+       g_free(authstr);
+       authstr = net_client_auth_anonymous_token();
+       sput_fail_unless(authstr != NULL, "auth anonymous token");
+       g_free(authstr);
diff --git a/libnetclient/test/valgrind.supp b/libnetclient/test/valgrind.supp
index b21ebae24..efb58f806 100644
--- a/libnetclient/test/valgrind.supp
+++ b/libnetclient/test/valgrind.supp
@@ -15,6 +15,14 @@
+   g_type_add_interface_static
+   Memcheck:Leak
+   match-leak-kinds:all
+   ...
+   fun:g_type_add_interface_static

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