[amtk/wip/swilmet/meson: 5/5] autotools: remove all the Autotools build system

commit 55ac5a1579b2fd627329193dcd63f29311a25f8c
Author: Sébastien Wilmet <swilmet gnome org>
Date:   Tue Sep 8 06:52:10 2020 +0200

    autotools: remove all the Autotools build system
    It has been replaced by Meson.

 ChangeLog                       |   1 -
 Makefile.am                     |  26 ---
 amtk.pc.in                      |  12 --
 amtk/Makefile.am                | 117 -------------
 amtk/amtk-enum-types.c.template |  41 -----
 amtk/amtk-enum-types.h.template |  31 ----
 amtk/amtk-sources.mak           |  37 -----
 autogen.sh                      |  37 -----
 configure.ac                    | 148 -----------------
 git.mk                          | 359 ----------------------------------------
 m4/.gitignore                   |   1 -
 m4/ax_code_coverage.m4          | 272 ------------------------------
 po/Makevars                     |  78 ---------
 tests/Makefile.am               |  21 ---
 testsuite/Makefile.am           |  59 -------
 win32/Makefile.am               |  25 ---
 win32/Makefile.vc               |  52 ------
 win32/README.txt                | 104 ------------
 win32/amtkpc.py                 |  34 ----
 win32/build-rules-msvc.mak      | 117 -------------
 win32/config-msvc.mak.in        | 115 -------------
 win32/config.h.win32.in         |  98 -----------
 win32/create-lists-msvc.mak     |  92 ----------
 win32/create-lists.bat          |  42 -----
 win32/detectenv-msvc.mak        | 103 ------------
 win32/generate-msvc.mak         |  28 ----
 win32/info-msvc.mak             | 114 -------------
 win32/install-msvc.mak          |  20 ---
 win32/introspection-msvc.mak    |  79 ---------
 win32/pc_base.py                | 124 --------------
 win32/replace.py                | 115 -------------
 31 files changed, 2502 deletions(-)

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