[nautilus] (12 commits) ...Import starred files data from Tracker 2.x

Summary of changes:

  102efff... tag-manager: Fix checks for cancellation (*)
  452c25e... build: Set NAUTILUS_DATADIR correctly (*)
  1321a34... tests: Make search tests return error codes on failure (*)
  793d8da... Add NAUTILUS_DEBUG=TagManager flag (*)
  ae2669d... Use STRSTARTS in preference to tracker:uri-is-descendant()  (*)
  7712c2c... Port to Tracker 3 (*)
  e303195... search: Remove special characters from FTS searches (*)
  034a6a3... flatpak: Update for Tracker Miners 3 (*)
  f9c79fc... Use Tracker Miners inside Flatpak when not available on the (*)
  29105fc... tag-manager: Track files rather than contents (*)
  bd30a21... Limit starred files to within user's home directory (*)
  7cf268a... Import starred files data from Tracker 2.x (*)

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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