[libsoup] (9 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch carlosgc/authenticate

The branch 'carlosgc/authenticate' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  8aee7d9... message: move private API to the private header
  fe65b44... Move authenticate signal from SoupSession to SoupMessage
  cb5a05d... auth: set the proxy host on SoupAuth instead of the request
  bf95e51... auth: Add port property to SoupAuth
  0eb17ab... tests: stop using soup_session_pause/unpause_message in tes
  13c0f50... session: make soup_session_pause/unpause_message private

Commits added to the branch:

  ff57297... Modernize GObject usage of various classes (*)
  1114202... session: Delete SOUP_IS_PLAIN_SESSION() (*)
  533e53b... Remove property aliases This was an oddity of libsoup that  (*)
  50248a9... message: move private API to the private header
  8a918ee... Move authenticate signal from SoupSession to SoupMessage
  ca5c1c9... auth: set the proxy host on SoupAuth instead of the request
  7e36856... auth: replace host property with authority
  b3f84b0... tests: stop using soup_session_pause/unpause_message in tes
  12ee21b... session: make soup_session_pause/unpause_message private

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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