[gtk/wip.win32.fixes: 923/924] Win32 IME fixes
- From: Chun-wei Fan <fanchunwei src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gtk/wip.win32.fixes: 923/924] Win32 IME fixes
- Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 09:11:17 +0000 (UTC)
commit 0a39ceae0e49a75914807557f002ac14904929b0
Author: Philip Zander <philip zander+gtk gmail com>
Date: Mon Sep 7 19:04:47 2020 +0800
Win32 IME fixes
See merge request !1063
gtk/gtkimcontextime.c | 357 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
1 file changed, 157 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtk/gtkimcontextime.c b/gtk/gtkimcontextime.c
index 1880332978..c8378c836e 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkimcontextime.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkimcontextime.c
@@ -50,34 +50,39 @@
# include <pango/pangowin32.h>
#endif /* STRICT */
-/* #define BUFSIZE 4096 */
+/* Determines what happens when focus is lost while preedit is in process. */
+typedef enum {
+ /* Preedit is committed. */
+ /* Preedit is discarded. */
+ /* Preedit follows the cursor (that means it will appear in the widget
+ * that receives the focus) */
+} GtkWin32IMEFocusBehavior;
#define IS_DEAD_KEY(k) \
((k) >= GDK_KEY_dead_grave && (k) <= (GDK_KEY_dead_dasia+1))
-#define FREE_PREEDIT_BUFFER(ctx) \
-{ \
- g_free((ctx)->priv->comp_str); \
- g_free((ctx)->priv->read_str); \
- (ctx)->priv->comp_str = NULL; \
- (ctx)->priv->read_str = NULL; \
- (ctx)->priv->comp_str_len = 0; \
- (ctx)->priv->read_str_len = 0; \
struct _GtkIMContextIMEPrivate
- /* save IME context when the client window is focused out */
- DWORD conversion_mode;
- DWORD sentence_mode;
- LPVOID comp_str;
- DWORD comp_str_len;
- LPVOID read_str;
- DWORD read_str_len;
+ /* When pretend_empty_preedit is set to TRUE,
+ * gtk_im_context_ime_get_preedit_string() will return an empty string
+ * instead of the actual content of ImmGetCompositionStringW().
+ *
+ * This is necessary because GtkEntry expects the preedit buffer to be
+ * cleared before commit() is called, otherwise it leads to an assertion
+ * failure in Pango. However, since we emit the commit() signal while
+ * handling the WM_IME_COMPOSITION message, the IME buffer will be non-empty,
+ * so we temporarily set this flag while emmiting the appropriate signals.
+ *
+ * See also:
+ * https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=787142
+ * https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/commit/c255ba68fc2c918dd84da48a472e7973d3c00b03
+ */
+ gboolean pretend_empty_preedit;
guint32 dead_key_keyval;
+ GtkWin32IMEFocusBehavior focus_behavior;
@@ -166,12 +171,7 @@ gtk_im_context_ime_init (GtkIMContextIME *context_ime)
context_ime->commit_string = NULL;
context_ime->priv = g_malloc0 (sizeof (GtkIMContextIMEPrivate));
- context_ime->priv->conversion_mode = 0;
- context_ime->priv->sentence_mode = 0;
- context_ime->priv->comp_str = NULL;
- context_ime->priv->comp_str_len = 0;
- context_ime->priv->read_str = NULL;
- context_ime->priv->read_str_len = 0;
+ context_ime->priv->focus_behavior = GTK_WIN32_IME_FOCUS_BEHAVIOR_COMMIT;
@@ -184,8 +184,6 @@ gtk_im_context_ime_dispose (GObject *obj)
if (context_ime->client_surface)
gtk_im_context_ime_set_client_widget (context, NULL);
- FREE_PREEDIT_BUFFER (context_ime);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_im_context_ime_parent_class)->dispose (obj);
@@ -193,7 +191,6 @@ gtk_im_context_ime_dispose (GObject *obj)
static void
gtk_im_context_ime_finalize (GObject *obj)
- /* GtkIMContext *context = GTK_IM_CONTEXT (obj); */
GtkIMContextIME *context_ime = GTK_IM_CONTEXT_IME (obj);
g_free (context_ime->priv);
@@ -251,30 +248,27 @@ gtk_im_context_ime_set_client_widget (GtkIMContext *context,
GtkWidget *widget)
GtkIMContextIME *context_ime;
- GdkSurface *client_surface;
+ GdkSurface *client_surface = NULL;
g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_IM_CONTEXT_IME (context));
context_ime = GTK_IM_CONTEXT_IME (context);
- client_surface = NULL;
if (widget)
client_surface = gtk_native_get_surface (gtk_widget_get_native (widget));
- if (client_surface)
+ if (client_surface != NULL)
- HIMC himc;
- HWND hwnd;
- hwnd = gdk_win32_surface_get_impl_hwnd (client_surface);
- himc = ImmGetContext (hwnd);
+ HWND hwnd = gdk_win32_surface_get_impl_hwnd (client_surface);
+ HIMC himc = ImmGetContext (hwnd);
if (himc)
- {
- context_ime->opened = ImmGetOpenStatus (himc);
- ImmGetConversionStatus (himc,
- &context_ime->priv->conversion_mode,
- &context_ime->priv->sentence_mode);
- ImmReleaseContext (hwnd, himc);
- }
+ {
+ context_ime->opened = ImmGetOpenStatus (himc);
+ ImmReleaseContext (hwnd, himc);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ context_ime->opened = FALSE;
+ }
else if (context_ime->focus)
@@ -427,11 +421,10 @@ gtk_im_context_ime_reset (GtkIMContext *context)
if (!himc)
if (context_ime->preediting)
- if (ImmGetOpenStatus (himc))
context_ime->preediting = FALSE;
g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "preedit-changed");
@@ -441,12 +434,17 @@ gtk_im_context_ime_reset (GtkIMContext *context)
static char *
-get_utf8_preedit_string (GtkIMContextIME *context_ime, int *pos_ret)
+get_utf8_preedit_string (GtkIMContextIME *context_ime,
+ int kind,
+ int *pos_ret)
+ gunichar2 *utf16str = NULL;
+ glong size;
char *utf8str = NULL;
HWND hwnd;
HIMC himc;
int pos = 0;
+ GError *error = NULL;
if (pos_ret)
*pos_ret = 0;
@@ -458,58 +456,31 @@ get_utf8_preedit_string (GtkIMContextIME *context_ime, int *pos_ret)
if (!himc)
return g_strdup ("");
- if (context_ime->preediting)
+ size = ImmGetCompositionStringW (himc, kind, NULL, 0);
+ if (size > 0)
- glong len;
+ utf16str = g_malloc (size);
- len = ImmGetCompositionStringW (himc, GCS_COMPSTR, NULL, 0);
- if (len > 0)
+ ImmGetCompositionStringW (himc, kind, utf16str, size);
+ utf8str = g_utf16_to_utf8 (utf16str, size / sizeof (gunichar2),
+ NULL, NULL, &error);
+ if (error)
- GError *error = NULL;
- gpointer buf = g_alloca (len);
- ImmGetCompositionStringW (himc, GCS_COMPSTR, buf, len);
- len /= 2;
- utf8str = g_utf16_to_utf8 (buf, len, NULL, NULL, &error);
- if (error)
- {
- g_warning ("%s", error->message);
- g_error_free (error);
- }
+ g_warning ("%s", error->message);
+ g_error_free (error);
- if (pos_ret)
- {
- pos = ImmGetCompositionStringW (himc, GCS_CURSORPOS, NULL, 0);
- if (pos < 0 || len < pos)
- {
- g_warning ("ImmGetCompositionString: "
- "Invalid cursor position!");
- pos = 0;
- }
- }
- if (context_ime->commit_string)
+ if (pos_ret)
- if (utf8str)
- {
- char *utf8str_new = g_strdup (utf8str);
- /* Note: We *don't* want to update context_ime->commit_string here!
- * Otherwise it will be updated repeatedly, not what we want!
- */
- g_free (utf8str);
- utf8str = g_strconcat (context_ime->commit_string,
- utf8str_new,
- NULL);
- g_free (utf8str_new);
- pos += g_utf8_strlen (context_ime->commit_string, -1);
- }
- else
+ pos = ImmGetCompositionStringW (himc, GCS_CURSORPOS, NULL, 0);
+ if (pos < 0 || size < pos)
- utf8str = g_strdup (context_ime->commit_string);
- pos = g_utf8_strlen (context_ime->commit_string, -1);
+ g_warning ("ImmGetCompositionString: "
+ "Invalid cursor position!");
+ pos = 0;
@@ -523,6 +494,7 @@ get_utf8_preedit_string (GtkIMContextIME *context_ime, int *pos_ret)
*pos_ret = pos;
ImmReleaseContext (hwnd, himc);
+ g_free (utf16str);
return utf8str;
@@ -534,6 +506,7 @@ get_pango_attr_list (GtkIMContextIME *context_ime, const char *utf8str)
PangoAttrList *attrs = pango_attr_list_new ();
HWND hwnd;
HIMC himc;
+ guint8 *buf = NULL;
if (!context_ime->client_surface)
return attrs;
@@ -545,7 +518,6 @@ get_pango_attr_list (GtkIMContextIME *context_ime, const char *utf8str)
if (context_ime->preediting)
const char *schr = utf8str, *echr;
- guint8 *buf;
guint16 f_red, f_green, f_blue, b_red, b_green, b_blue;
glong len, spos = 0, epos, sidx = 0, eidx;
PangoAttribute *attr;
@@ -554,7 +526,7 @@ get_pango_attr_list (GtkIMContextIME *context_ime, const char *utf8str)
* get attributes list of IME.
len = ImmGetCompositionStringW (himc, GCS_COMPATTR, NULL, 0);
- buf = g_alloca (len);
+ buf = g_malloc (len);
ImmGetCompositionStringW (himc, GCS_COMPATTR, buf, len);
@@ -623,6 +595,7 @@ get_pango_attr_list (GtkIMContextIME *context_ime, const char *utf8str)
ImmReleaseContext (hwnd, himc);
+ g_free (buf);
return attrs;
@@ -640,20 +613,18 @@ gtk_im_context_ime_get_preedit_string (GtkIMContext *context,
context_ime = GTK_IM_CONTEXT_IME (context);
- utf8str = get_utf8_preedit_string (context_ime, &pos);
+ if (!context_ime->focus || context_ime->priv->pretend_empty_preedit)
+ utf8str = g_strdup ("");
+ else
+ utf8str = get_utf8_preedit_string (context_ime, GCS_COMPSTR, &pos);
if (attrs)
*attrs = get_pango_attr_list (context_ime, utf8str);
if (str)
- {
- *str = utf8str;
- }
+ *str = utf8str;
- {
- g_free (utf8str);
- utf8str = NULL;
- }
+ utf8str = NULL;
if (cursor_pos)
*cursor_pos = pos;
@@ -674,41 +645,45 @@ gtk_im_context_ime_focus_in (GtkIMContext *context)
/* switch current context */
context_ime->focus = TRUE;
- hwnd = gdk_win32_surface_get_impl_hwnd (context_ime->client_surface);
- himc = ImmGetContext (hwnd);
- if (!himc)
- return;
toplevel = context_ime->client_surface;
- if (GDK_IS_SURFACE (toplevel))
- {
- gdk_win32_display_add_filter (GDK_WIN32_DISPLAY (gdk_surface_get_display (toplevel)),
- gtk_im_context_ime_message_filter, context_ime);
- }
- else
+ if (!GDK_IS_SURFACE (toplevel))
g_warning ("gtk_im_context_ime_focus_in(): "
"cannot find toplevel window.");
+ hwnd = gdk_win32_surface_get_impl_hwnd (toplevel);
+ himc = ImmGetContext (hwnd);
+ if (!himc)
+ return;
+ gdk_win32_display_add_filter (GDK_WIN32_DISPLAY (gdk_surface_get_display (toplevel)),
+ gtk_im_context_ime_message_filter, context_ime);
/* restore preedit context */
- ImmSetConversionStatus (himc,
- context_ime->priv->conversion_mode,
- context_ime->priv->sentence_mode);
+ context_ime->opened = ImmGetOpenStatus (himc);
- if (context_ime->opened)
+ switch (context_ime->priv->focus_behavior)
- if (!ImmGetOpenStatus (himc))
- ImmSetOpenStatus (himc, TRUE);
- if (context_ime->preediting)
+ gtk_im_context_ime_reset (context);
+ break;
- ImmSetCompositionStringW (himc,
- context_ime->priv->comp_str,
- context_ime->priv->comp_str_len, NULL, 0);
- FREE_PREEDIT_BUFFER (context_ime);
+ gchar *utf8str = get_utf8_preedit_string (context_ime, GCS_COMPSTR, NULL);
+ if (utf8str != NULL && strlen(utf8str) > 0)
+ {
+ context_ime->preediting = TRUE;
+ gtk_im_context_ime_set_cursor_location (context, NULL);
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "preedit-start");
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "preedit-changed");
+ }
+ g_free (utf8str);
+ break;
/* clean */
@@ -720,78 +695,66 @@ static void
gtk_im_context_ime_focus_out (GtkIMContext *context)
GtkIMContextIME *context_ime = GTK_IM_CONTEXT_IME (context);
- GdkSurface *toplevel;
HWND hwnd;
HIMC himc;
+ gboolean was_preediting;
if (!GDK_IS_SURFACE (context_ime->client_surface))
/* switch current context */
+ was_preediting = context_ime->preediting;
+ context_ime->opened = FALSE;
+ context_ime->preediting = FALSE;
context_ime->focus = FALSE;
- hwnd = gdk_win32_surface_get_impl_hwnd (context_ime->client_surface);
- himc = ImmGetContext (hwnd);
- if (!himc)
- return;
- /* save preedit context */
- ImmGetConversionStatus (himc,
- &context_ime->priv->conversion_mode,
- &context_ime->priv->sentence_mode);
- if (ImmGetOpenStatus (himc))
+ switch (context_ime->priv->focus_behavior)
- gboolean preediting = context_ime->preediting;
+ if (was_preediting)
+ {
+ gchar *utf8str = get_utf8_preedit_string (context_ime, GCS_COMPSTR, NULL);
+ context_ime->priv->pretend_empty_preedit = TRUE;
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "preedit-changed");
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "preedit-end");
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "commit", utf8str);
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "preedit-start");
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "preedit-changed");
+ context_ime->priv->pretend_empty_preedit = FALSE;
+ g_free (utf8str);
+ }
+ /* fallthrough */
+ gtk_im_context_ime_reset (context);
- if (preediting)
- {
- FREE_PREEDIT_BUFFER (context_ime);
- context_ime->priv->comp_str_len
- = ImmGetCompositionStringW (himc, GCS_COMPSTR, NULL, 0);
- context_ime->priv->comp_str
- = g_malloc (context_ime->priv->comp_str_len);
- ImmGetCompositionStringW (himc, GCS_COMPSTR,
- context_ime->priv->comp_str,
- context_ime->priv->comp_str_len);
- context_ime->priv->read_str_len
- = ImmGetCompositionStringW (himc, GCS_COMPREADSTR, NULL, 0);
- context_ime->priv->read_str
- = g_malloc (context_ime->priv->read_str_len);
- ImmGetCompositionStringW (himc, GCS_COMPREADSTR,
- context_ime->priv->read_str,
- context_ime->priv->read_str_len);
- }
+ /* Callbacks triggered by im_context_ime_reset() could set the focus back to our
+ context. In that case, we want to exit here. */
- ImmSetOpenStatus (himc, FALSE);
+ if (context_ime->focus)
+ return;
- context_ime->opened = TRUE;
- context_ime->preediting = preediting;
- }
- else
- {
- context_ime->opened = FALSE;
- context_ime->preediting = FALSE;
+ break;
+ break;
/* remove event filter */
- toplevel = context_ime->client_surface;
- if (GDK_IS_SURFACE (toplevel))
+ if (GDK_IS_SURFACE (context_ime->client_surface))
- gdk_win32_display_remove_filter (GDK_WIN32_DISPLAY (gdk_surface_get_display (toplevel)),
+ gdk_win32_display_remove_filter (GDK_WIN32_DISPLAY (gdk_surface_get_display
- else
+ if (was_preediting)
g_warning ("gtk_im_context_ime_focus_out(): "
"cannot find toplevel window.");
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "preedit-changed");
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "preedit-end");
- /* clean */
- ImmReleaseContext (hwnd, himc);
@@ -1012,16 +975,16 @@ gtk_im_context_ime_message_filter (GdkWin32Display *display,
get_window_position (context_ime->client_surface, &wx, &wy);
/* FIXME! */
- HWND hwnd_top;
+ HWND hwnd;
RECT rc;
- hwnd_top =
+ hwnd =
gdk_win32_surface_get_impl_hwnd (context_ime->client_surface);
- GetWindowRect (hwnd_top, &rc);
+ GetWindowRect (hwnd, &rc);
pt.x = wx;
pt.y = wy;
- ClientToScreen (hwnd_top, &pt);
+ ClientToScreen (hwnd, &pt);
wx = pt.x - rc.left;
wy = pt.y - rc.top;
@@ -1037,38 +1000,32 @@ gtk_im_context_ime_message_filter (GdkWin32Display *display,
if (msg->lParam & GCS_RESULTSTR)
- gsize len;
- GError *error = NULL;
+ gchar *utf8str = get_utf8_preedit_string (context_ime, GCS_RESULTSTR, NULL);
- len = ImmGetCompositionStringW (himc, GCS_RESULTSTR, NULL, 0);
- if (len > 0)
+ if (utf8str)
- gpointer buf = g_alloca (len);
- ImmGetCompositionStringW (himc, GCS_RESULTSTR, buf, len);
- len /= 2;
- context_ime->commit_string = g_utf16_to_utf8 (buf, len, NULL, NULL, &error);
- if (error)
- {
- g_warning ("%s", error->message);
- g_error_free (error);
- }
- if (context_ime->commit_string)
- {
- g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "commit", context_ime->commit_string);
- g_free (context_ime->commit_string);
- context_ime->commit_string = NULL;
- }
+ context_ime->priv->pretend_empty_preedit = TRUE;
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "preedit-changed");
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "preedit-end");
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "commit", utf8str);
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "preedit-start");
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (context, "preedit-changed");
+ context_ime->priv->pretend_empty_preedit = FALSE;
+ retval = TRUE;
+ g_free (utf8str);
if (context_ime->use_preedit)
- break;
+ break;
context_ime->preediting = TRUE;
gtk_im_context_ime_set_cursor_location (context, NULL);
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