[gimp] NEWS: update with many of the major API changes.

commit ea8da00dd85af6c632490257872c85fde418adc7
Author: Jehan <jehan girinstud io>
Date:   Sun Oct 25 13:00:30 2020 +0100

    NEWS: update with many of the major API changes.
    I don't list all the function changes (and will probably won't have the
    time before release anyway), but at least the major changes. Some of
    them actually triggered by themselves dozens of function signature
    changes (for instance using objects instead of IDs or using GFile
    instead of strings representing paths).

 NEWS | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+)
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 7af0a4c418..dda0a2b4e0 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -114,6 +114,68 @@ Plug-ins:
+  - `GimpPDB` is now a class to represent the PDB communication channel
+    with GIMP. It is a singleton which exist exactly once per running
+    plug-in, hence it is not meant to be manually instanciated and can
+    only be returned by `gimp_get_pdb()`. It is mostly used to look up
+    procedures declared by other plug-ins or by GIMP core and run them.
+  - `GimpPlugIn` is a class which every plug-in should now subclass as a
+    way to create their plug-in, and override at least the methods
+    `query_procedures()` and `create_procedure()`. `init_procedures()`
+    and `quit()` can be optionally overrided.
+    The new subclass must be declared to gimp by calling `gimp_main()`
+    to make it available to the core (PDB procedure, menu items, etc.).
+  - Plug-In procedures are now represented by a class `GimpProcedure`.
+    * The subclass `GimpFileProcedure` handles file-related procedures,
+      and its own subclasses `GimpLoadProcedure` and `GimpSaveProcedure`
+      handle load/export procedures (file format support).
+    * The subclass `GimpThumbnailProcedure` for procedures run during
+      the lifetime of the GIMP session each time a plug-in thumbnail
+      procedure is called.
+    * The subclass `GimpImageProcedure` handles `GimpImage`-related
+      procedures, i.e. any procedure which want to work on the opened
+      image (GIMP core will pass through the active image and selected
+      drawables to the plug-in procedure).
+    * Objects of the subclass `GimpPDBProcedure` are not meant to be
+      created or freed by plug-ins, they represent any `GimpProcedure`
+      and are returned by `gimp_pdb_lookup_procedure()` by looking it up
+      by name on the singleton `GimpPDB` object.
+  - `GimpProcedureConfig` is the base class to represent the arguments
+    when running a `GimpProcedure`. It implements the `GimpConfig`
+    interface and will provide proper management of saved settings
+    (including the last used values) and generated GUI using
+    prop_widgets to plug-ins. This is still a work-in-progress.
+    Currently `GimpProcedure` run function is called with a
+    `GimpValueArray` whose values can be transfered into a
+    `GimpProcedureConfig` by calling `gimp_procedure_config_begin_run()`
+    or `gimp_procedure_config_begin_export()`.
+  - `GimpDisplay` is now a class of its own.
+  - `GimpImage` is now a class to represent an opened image.
+  - `GimpItem` is now a class to represent various `GimpImage` items.
+    * `GimpVectors` subclass represents an image path.
+    * `GimpDrawable` subclass represents drawable object but is a
+      simili-abstract class as it won't be a finale object class, which
+      can be so far either a:
+      + `GimpLayer` represents image layers.
+      + `GimpChannel` represents a `GimpImage` channel which is
+         typically in GIMP a named channel which can be added into a
+         `GimpImage` channel stack (the "Channels" dockable in the GUI)
+         with `gimp_image_insert_channel()`. This class is not really
+         used to represent a color space component though this is
+         conceptually the same thing (so maybe some day) and named
+         channel can actually be created from an image color component
+         with `gimp_channel_new_from_component()`.
+         Some other specific usages have their own subclasses:
+        - `GimpLayerMask` subclass is used for a `GimpLayer` mask.
+        - `GimpSelection` subclass is used for a `GimpImage` selection.
+  - The whole API has been updated to use objects instead of object IDs
+    when relevant. For instance all existing procedures from 2.10 which
+    were called on an image ID are now called on a `GimpImage` object.
+  - All file paths procedure parameters are now handled by GIO's `GFile`
+    which simplify various file handling issues (path formats, encoding,
+    etc.) and brings new features (remote access, secure protocol
+    support, etc.). We also got rid of the "filename" vs "raw_filename"
+    differenciation in parameters.
   - gimp_image_metadata_load_finish() is now fully GUI/GTK-code free.
     The first consequence is that it is not in libgimpui anymore, but in
     libgimp, as it should. The second consequence is that the boolean

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