[chronojump] Created tag 2.0.2

The unsigned tag '2.0.2' was created.

Tagger: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date: 1602403548 +0200

    2.0.2 see: https://chronojump.org/software-2-0-x/#2_0_2

Changes since the last tag '2.0.1':

Andika Triwidada (1):
      Add Indonesian translation

Andre Klapper (1):
      Fix broken markup in Slovenian UI translation

Daniel Mustieles (4):
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation

Efstathios Iosifidis (1):
      Update Greek translation

Florentina Mușat (4):
      Update Romanian translation
      Update Romanian translation
      Update Romanian translation
      Update Romanian translation

Jordi Mas (2):
      Update Catalan translation
      Update Catalan translation

Matej Urbančič (1):
      Update Slovenian translation

Rafael Fontenelle (1):
      Glossary for translators also in Markdown file format

Stephan Woidowski (1):
      Update German translation

Xavier Padullés (7):
      RaceAnalyzer. Fixed arduino simulatior
      RaceAnalyzer. Fixed time axis in secondary variables
      SprintFotocells. Fixed X scale and legend colors
      Minor translation fix
      Force Sensor. Added support to nano every
      In inertial, eccentric phase as positive work
      New manual updated with RaceAnalyzer

Xavier de Blas (261):
      Better display of labels,images: new session, session/more/edit
      Added: board-run-wireless.png
      Export action button renamed Start export
      jumps simple evolution graph can show only best in session
      Minor fix
      New chronojump_config.txt "Raspberry"
      Do not send log at start on Raspberry
      Fixed open folders on Linux
      Fixed ping on windows (osVersion was too long)
      RunEncoder finish can be pressed when actually capturing (not before)
      Encoder barplot feedback historical shows date
      Updated howto_git
      Needed on today's commit: Encoder barplot feedback historical shows date
      Fixed run encoder graph at first capture
      SprintEncoder R graph mean speed shown at vertical middle of bar
      ForceSensor, graph vert AB lines, shown AB instead of triangle
      ForceSensor Analyze rep lines below AB
      Fixed potentially bugs on utilDate and jumps
      Run sprint analyze save image icon now shown
      After repairing a runInterval, data is updated to plot sprint
      yellow action bg for runInterval sprint/adv and top other buttons
      Fixed one word on README
      Minor changes on cairo graphs write text at right
      gui/cairo/jumpsWeightFVProfile.cs show F0, V0, Pmax
      Minor change on jumps,runs simple graph buttons display
      JumpsWeightProfile can have axis at (0,0) (v0,f0)
      Minor change, better alignment on jumps simple analyze graphs
      improvements on jumpsWeightFVProfile slope and axis
      Fixed force on extra weight jumps on jumpsWeightFVProfile
      Added runWireless to chronopicRegister window
      Fixed jumps simple FV graph: speed (initial -> average impulsion)
      Added method Powfix to have Math.Pow of negative^(not integer)
      Jump simple FV with samozino sfvopt, imbalance
      jumpsWeightFVProfile can select all jumps or only best by weight
      DB:1.96 jumpsFVProfileOnlyBestInWeight, jumpsFVProfileShowFullGraph, jumpsEvolutionOnlyBestInSession
      LeastSquares shows if SlopeIsNaN
      Check conditions on jumpsWeightFVProfile
      UtilMath PointF can have KeyDouble to have extra variables
      JumpsWeightFVProfile selected point shows height,extra weight
      Updated howto_git.odt
      jumpsWeightFVProfile selected will vertically fit
      reduced name of many images to help win compilation
      added settings option to test options button
      Several fixes on force sensor repetitions show and export
      Minor tweaks on forcesensor analyze ai graph
      arduinoCapture generic method and PhotocellWirelessCapture derived class
      Photocells wireless capture with gui working :)
      jumpsWeightFVProfile.cs plots points also if F0 and/or V0 <0
      Added analyze mode for jumps reactive: fatigue
      analyze buttons on jump_rj, run_i moved to second line
      Open menu with ctrl+m (instead of escape)
      Overview repetitions renamed "Saved repetitions"
      personWin error message hides units
      On JumpsWeightFVProfile, fixed a sign because formula on original paper was not ok
      On jumpsWeightFVProfile, fixed orientation speed/force
      JumpsWeightFVProfile working with relative data
      Jumps cairo XY graphs grid not drawn on axis
      Jumps cairo XY graphs grid, axis in this order and line width: 1
      jumpsWeightFVProfile.cs with arrow to show what to develop, ...
      Jumps simple graph dj jumps/heights by preferences djShowHeights
      Shown again dj times/heights radios at glade/preferences.glade
      Added prints to find the bug in app1sae_on_button_accept_clicked()
      RunInterval: display of a contact time bigger than double contact time * 1.5
      if we are on debug mode: show in the app1.Title
      Gui for loadLastSessionAtStart
      DB:1.97 load last session, load last mode
      loadLastSession, loadLastMode not in networks
      Better gui for preferences/appearance
      preferences appearance renamed: Main
      Load last session/mode before app1.Show
      Better method for resize genericWindow
      forceSensor capture seconds bool to enum: NO, ASC, DESC
      forceSensorProcessCapturedLine(), cleaner code on capture
      New feature: force sensor can calculate stiffness of a band/tube
      care on loadsessionatstart, loadmodeatstart any hang putting first to false
      SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumps() renamed SelectJumpsSA()
      SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumps return a list<JumpRj>
      Initial code for jumpsRjFatigue analyze cairo graph
      JumpRj can return a list of double for height or tv
      JumpsRjFatigue graph WIP (it actually draws the points)
      jumpsRjFatigue with lines, and fixed xpos of other jumps cairo graphs
      new method to return jumpsRj.TvTcList
      JumpsRjFatigue can show tv/tc
      Changed one string
      Fixed a line sometimes appearing after paintAxisAndGrid() cairo graphs
      cairo xy can have a grid of integers
      jumpsRjFatigue with x grid as integers
      JumpsRjFatigue reads combo to select type
      CjComboGeneric: to be easier to use for any purpose
      Needed on last commit
      JumpRjFatigue graph with combo for num or set
      cairo axis separated from grid function (to avoid paint axis two times)
      JumpsRjFatigue Y axis units ok
      All the jumps cairo graphs translatable
      jumpsRjFatigue with button press event to find Selected points
      JumpsRjFatigue save image button with icons
      jumpsRjFatigue shown correctly date on combo
      jumpsRjFatigue on right shown date of jump (not of session)
      RunPhotocells working but needs "connect" separated, before. WIP!!!
      Linux permissions dialout check also accepts uucp (arch/manjaro)
      Minor changes on sitless processing
      Added howto_glade.txt
      cairo printText can be aligned at right
      jumpsRjFatigue divide in two and shows avgs
      jumpsRjFatigue, fixed divideInTwo if there are no elements
      jumpsRjFatigue, fixed recreate of num combo after win resize
      jumpsRjFatigue, better code for divideInTwoAndPlotAverage
      jumpRjFatigue top options in table
      JumpsRjFatigue can be divided by 2,3,4
      Changed one string
      JumpsRjFatigue graph gets blank if no data
      loadLastModeAtStart does not avoid to show log. And after log opens mode if appropritate.
      Better signals or JumpsRjFatigue
      jumpsRjFatigue average lines with tips and gray99
      Merged preferences: jumpsDjGraphHeights with heightPreferred
      Implemented JumpsRjFatigue save image button
      Improved auto-png-names on many save image graphs
      Improved jump icons, removed unneded icons from Makefile
      gui/preferences/main improved gui
      Preferences win with color background
      Removed shadows on left of app1
      Menu tiny first button correctly vertical aligned now
      Main window bg color without top viewport (better to avoid widget out of win problems)
      dialog about with background color
      dialog_shortcuts with color
      Preferences change color changes immediately bg
      All cairo graphs with points with colorBackground
      backgroun on add/edit person
      background on PersonAddMultipleWindow
      color on person recuperate, person recuperate from other session
      color on person_show_all_events
      Minor change (cont last commit)
      topright logo (contacts, encoder) withou frame, viewport
      color on confirm_window
      color on dialog_message
      More improvements on dialog_message
      color on genericWindow
      color on dialog_person_popup (networks)
      color in person_select_window
      Better method to use colorBackground using Config (public static)
      color on force_sensor_elastic_bands
      Fixed crash on bad image reference on 4th encoder inertial config
      ... force_sensor_elastic_bands done!
      encoder_configuration "connected to axis" moved under rotary friction
      Encoder_configuration drawing moved to the right
      encoder_configuration: several improvements
      encoder_configuration: color and other improvements
      encoder_configuration inertial rotary friction check better behaviour
      encoder_configuration final improvements
      color on force_sensor_exercise
      Fixed bug on force_sensor_exercise examples since last version (or more)
      Merge branch 'glossary-md' into 'master'
      color on overview_window
      feedback win with colors and encoder manual in separate page
      color on chronopic_register (devices window)
      color on dialog_threshold and other optimizations
      Preferences win can have arrows on notebook
      splasWin is killed/hidden later
      Fixed a crash on creating/editing session with same name when no session loaded
      At import end do not show persons and unsentive menu buttons until session/more close
      Continuation of last commit
      background color can be system color, and color managed on config as static
      notebook session add_edit always start in first tab
      DB:1.98 colorBackgroundOsColor to manage better three bg color modes
      encoder ecc top icon shown correctly now (needed more width)
      Fixed bug on encoder FindPosOfBestN at inertial if curves wanted to be saved > curves.Count - start
      Updated sqlite diagram with correct trigger params
      person_select_window fixed for colors
      At export ensure encoder trigger from unwanted sessions is deleted
      trying jumpsDjOptimalFall ButtonPressEvent AddEvents only on creation
      Removed ButtonReleaseMask on Cairo graphs
      fix on: At export ensure encoder trigger from unwanted sessions is deleted
      SqliteTrigger.DeleteByModeId takes care of mode
      Disposing after button_press graph, if not it hangs on win/mac
      colorized win jumps_runs_more
      colorized jump_type_add and other improvements
      Fixed an Spanish translation typo
      colorized run_type_add and other improvements
      button_[contacts/encoder]_exercise bigger and better spacing around
      chronojumpLogo size/alpha changes depending on timer (avoiding problems on slow systems)
      Encoder inertial ecc/con icons on right to show disc position
      Jumps reactive graph Count renamed to Num
      preferences / language need restart moved to topright
      encoder analyze instant options close button at middle and better spacement
      encoder inertial topright calibrate button better adjusted
      encoderCaptureshowOnlyBars default on new installations
      encoderConfiguration options viewport better adjusted
      encoder analyze instant rep selection moved to left
      Fixed one string
      Encoder analyze 4 modes better display and no animation
      Removed encoder analyze mode scrolledwindow and other gui adjustments
      More encoder analyze options gui tweaks
      Encoder analyze select repetition button: better spacements
      Encoder analyze Mode moved to right and other improvements
      Encoder analyze fixed showing check_encoder_analyze_mean_or_max at powerbars on start
      Encoder analyze: analyze button bigger (horizontally)
      Encoder analyze neuromuscular profile help correctly shown
      Encodera analyze main 4 buttons with better spacings
      Dialog_shortcuts renamed tabs
      dialog_about now shows correctly the scrolledwin bars without problems inside viewport
      Error message shown when try to calculate 1RM Any exercise with just one set
      encoder analyze instant graph is hidden at load set or capture
      encoder analyze button is fully shown now
      Cairo method to blank a DrawingArea
      Fixed forcesensor stiffness calculation (incorrecty used cm instead of m)
      Colorized reparir_sub_event window
      Colorizez report_window
      At networks when wristband changes shows Ready fast
      networks dialog_person_popup correct height depending on tasks (fixed since colorized)
      Hidden old rfid raspberry methods
      another fix for dialog_person_popup since colorized
      Devices window cannot be minimized (avoid fake hangs when is minimized and user do not find it)
      Fixed person manage buttons do not fit in English since 2.0
      runEncoder capture not simulated
      ProcessMultiDatabases with barcelona stuff
      ProcessMultiDatabases with paths for laptop
      ProcessMultiDatabases for sittostand
      method to FindPangoFonts
      Work in encoderTreeviews headers with absolute bars
      Person recuperate with colorized label_feedback
      encoder barplot show ":" instead of "=" on header results
      Encoder barplot show total work (J or Cal)
      Encoder graph cross power/load better shown of pmax
      Force sensor port gets disconnected on change mode
      Minor changes on person add multiple
      Fixed being able to change person on encoder/force sensor/run encoder load set since colorized
      DB:1.99 Updated 3L3R tracks fixedValue (just affected description)
      JumpsRunsMore cancel updates correctly all jump/runs gui
      Preferences small screens have a new tab
      Color options at preferences much better displayed
      DB: 2.00 Inserted into preferences: fontsOnGraphs
      Fonts on graphs on preferences
      Chronojump zoom logo forced to be Helvetica
      All Chronojump graphs (except R) with user selected font
      preferences font show needs restart on change
      font Helvetica is the default
      encoder work of the set in Kcal instead of Cal
      encoder set graph: work on header outside main variable
      encoder set graph with impulse
      Missing from last commit
      sprintEncoder 5m segments no more hardcoded
      DB: 2.01 RunEncoderExercise with segmentMeters, edit/add work
      RunEncoder graph uses segmentMeters
      Update sqlite diagram
      Updated sqlite diagram (missing jump,jumpRj datetime)
      forceSensorAnalyzeInstant zoom missing start of rep when end goes out of zoom
      Added selector-other.png (for website)
      Continuation of last commit
      New feature: on forceSensor analyze general can move B -1s +1s
      At force sensor top options: show elastic/not elastic on top and laterality
      Added diagram: cancel_contacts_tests.dia
      Updated icons for the website
      Fixed bug on cairo graphs since last commits
      Fixed wrong sets count of encoder overview when showing diff encoderConfigurations
      Overview window also show encoderConfiguration on repetitions
      Delete session / export, now works for forceSensor and runEncoder
      Delete session now deletes the videos
      Delete person from session works on forceSensor and RunEncoder
      At devices window show rfid only on compujump. hidden run wireless
      Encoder load set allows always to save repetitions, fixes: 

Yuri Chornoivan (16):
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation

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