[gnome-keysign] (11 commits) ...Merged translations

Summary of changes:

  ffc6f40... Document BabelGladeExtractor as a dependency (*)
  2246637... send: split the import infobar up in to two infobars
  2013450... send: react to clicks on the "return signature" button
  4f99043... send: show the "return" button if the sender is known
  2128e27... tests: add scripts for testing
  7d350be... send: Make the functionality of the "Internet" button more 
  f917f4e... tests: increase robustness to support non-existant director
  d51fb99... Merged groundwork for returning the certification to the or
  ae031f7... Merged tooltip for "Internet" button
  a880cee... Merged removal of lxml
  186f37c... Merged translations

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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