[mutter] (96 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/carlosg/input-thread

The branch 'wip/carlosg/input-thread' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  b741093... wayland: Simplify wl_touch.frame handling
  6b08900... backends: Use slot from cancel events
  54aeb2f... wayland: Use Clutter event to handle touch cancel
  9cd1f23... backends: Drop the filter for libinput events
  e90c9ac... backends: Drop extra layer of touch info handling
  a02ed34... clutter: Sanitize ClutterInputDevice header
  2c2fa98... backends: Fold device mapping check into backend
  195d059... backends: Move device mapping check into backend
  5244048... backends: Move absolute/relative device mapping to native b
  a9700a2... backends/native: Use libinput seat slot API
  0ad5d73... backend/native: Move barrier manager to MetaSeatNative
  f58f443... backends/native: Make seat constrain pointer to monitors ou
  688a477... backends/native: Move relative motion filter to MetaSeatNat
  a7f0c69... clutter: Specify stage on clutter_input_device_update() fun
  6330999... clutter: Work out stage from actor on which to emit crossin
  17289eb... clutter: Do not depend on device stage on ClutterInputMetho
  224328a... backends/native: Drop all uses of clutter_input_device_get_
  ead9165... backends/x11: Drop all users of clutter_input_device_get_st
  18c98c9... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_get_[pointer_]stage()
  132803a... backends/native: Drop users of clutter_input_device_set_sta
  06494a8... backends/x11: Drop users of clutter_input_device_set_stage(
  3da3a76... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_stage()
  1bb1bf2... clutter/main: Drop dead code branches
  b388aed... clutter: Pass timestamp to clutter_input_device_set_actor()
  31e141a... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_time()
  f8c2a1b... clutter: Drop unused field in ClutterInputDevice struct
  afe7ebc... clutter: Add ClutterSeat::query_state() vmethod
  57337b4... backends/x11: Implement ClutterSeat::query_state() vmethod
  a1ceb5c... backends/native: Implement ClutterSeat::query_state() vmeth
  c2cff26... clutter: Use ClutterSeat underneath coords/modifiers input 
  e087f7f... backends/native: Move away from ClutterInputDevice coords
  d9dc0ee... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_state()
  59a8bfd... clutter: Pass base event to clutter_input_device_update()
  3512e55... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_update_from_event()
  cef7a0a... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_coords()
  4687257... clutter: Simplify backend-independent touch accounting
  6918b71... backends: Drop GDK device querying code from MetaCursorTrac
  a72dd25... backends: Delegate pointer confinements to an impl object
  287e8fa... backends: Remove x/y arguments from MetaCursorTracker::curs
  3478576... backends: Add argument for best scale on MetaCursorSprite::
  0cbeaab... wayland: Replace cursor renderer usage with cursor tracker
  1171eea... backends: Add meta_backend_get_cursor_renderer_for_device()
  75ca376... wayland: Look up cursor renderer for device on MetaWaylandP
  e4febc4... backends: Manage tablet cursors in backend
  6d162f0... backends: Use graphene_point_t on meta_cursor_tracker_get_p
  b82e9c8... backends: Move away from meta_cursor_renderer_get_position(
  4d8831e... backends: Add ::device property to MetaCursorRenderer
  4497175... wayland: Move away from meta_cursor_renderer_get_position()
  0fb7692... backends: Drop meta_cursor_renderer_get_position()
  c29901d... core: Centralize cursor renderer and tracker updates
  5febda4... backends: Make MetaHwCursorInhibitor less about sprites
  9e146c2... backends: Move HW cursor inhibitors to MetaBackend
  c7ffdfa... backends: Split kms cursor renderer from MetaCursorRenderer
  1578d75... backends: Split pad action mapping to a separate object
  e9dc1be... backends: Move away from clutter_input_device_set_enabled()
  3d93156... clutter: Drop ClutterInputDevice::enabled and setter/getter
  8b17fdf... backends: Add simple object to delegate logical monitor lay
  2d13e61... backends: Use MetaViewportInfo to keep MetaSeatNative infor
  8fa5ac0... backends: Use also a native cursor renderer for tablets
  6c009a3... backends: Add method to get extents from viewport info
  d8b16b0... backends/native: Use viewport info to find out stage extent
  583a096... backends/native: Drop early processing of ClutterEvents
  ad1b61a... backends: Assign stage to events in MetaBackend
  8093da4... backends/native: Drop meta_seat_native_[gs]et_stage()
  e557155... backends: Simplify MetaInputSettings vfunc
  385204b... backends: Move all output management to MetaInputMapper
  932eae6... backends: Make MetaInputMapper take over MetaInputSettings 
  2396cb7... backends: Move keyboard a11y into backends
  b0abdb3... clutter: Make ClutterSeat::handle_device_event vfunc more g
  8fbe9fe... backends/native: Spin MetaSeatImpl off MetaSeatNative
  f4fb688... backends/native: Forward keyboard a11y changes via the Meta
  e8c5c78... backends/native: Proxy touch-mode via MetaSeatImpl
  f768f91... backends/native: Proxy bell notifications from within the M
  da13fbc... backends/native: Proxy modifier state changes via MetaSeatI
  7906609... backends: Simplify function arguments
  30e5234... backends: Make device tracking at MetaInputSettings ad-hoc 
  ee37249... backends: Do not use clutter_seat_list_devices() in MetaInp
  19671e2... backends/native: Do not dispatch libinput during MetaSeatIm
  28ec393... backends/native: Move MetaInputSettings ownership to MetaSe
  60db645... backends: Avoid usage of ClutterBackend/ClutterSeat in Meta
  4435db1... clutter: Drop clutter_event_peek()
  cfd5f14... clutter: Switch to GAsyncQueue for ClutterMainContext event
  0b2afbf... backends/native: Protect MetaBarrierManagerNative
  aba1fc6... backends/native: Surround device state queries/updates with
  97683c8... backends/native: Seal MetaKeymapNative xkb usage
  50bd560... backends/native: Shuffle xkb_keymap creation
  f784de1... backends/native: Make some MetaSeatImpl API "async"
  1488c36... backends/native: Make MetaVirtualInputDevice vmethods "asyn
  92e34ff... clutter: Do not special case allocated events
  b1d31d3... backends/native: Add input thread inside MetaSeatImpl

Commits added to the branch:

  b536a53... place: Use 'placement' topic for logging monitor rect (*)
  9a75de9... util: Remove a bunch of unused debug topics (*)
  24c374f... util: Remove unused meta_debug_spew() (*)
  b1ffd14... main: Parse MUTTER_DEBUG as debug string (*)
  4982485... util: Remove now unused debug functions (*)
  e0944b6... backend: Don't pull generated headers (indirectly) (*)
  8ff9c11... wayland: Simplify wl_touch.frame handling
  4ea0fc7... backends: Use slot from cancel events
  6007453... wayland: Use Clutter event to handle touch cancel
  c95d8d8... backends: Drop the filter for libinput events
  998ea9f... backends: Drop extra layer of touch info handling
  31cf629... clutter: Sanitize ClutterInputDevice header
  78b9c39... backends: Fold device mapping check into backend
  ea0b260... backends: Move device mapping check into backend
  1db4449... backends: Move absolute/relative device mapping to native b
  a8a810a... backends/native: Use libinput seat slot API
  7565db4... backend/native: Move barrier manager to MetaSeatNative
  024c005... backends/native: Make seat constrain pointer to monitors ou
  df37f0c... backends/native: Move relative motion filter to MetaSeatNat
  7411052... clutter: Specify stage on clutter_input_device_update() fun
  6de3661... clutter: Work out stage from actor on which to emit crossin
  ec8877a... clutter: Do not depend on device stage on ClutterInputMetho
  6c96eaf... backends/native: Drop all uses of clutter_input_device_get_
  d78c0fe... backends/x11: Drop all users of clutter_input_device_get_st
  09c2a33... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_get_[pointer_]stage()
  eb68960... backends/native: Drop users of clutter_input_device_set_sta
  dc57948... backends/x11: Drop users of clutter_input_device_set_stage(
  4be12d8... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_stage()
  0ca6d6f... clutter/main: Drop dead code branches
  936b8e1... clutter: Pass timestamp to clutter_input_device_set_actor()
  abcac50... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_time()
  c570816... clutter: Drop unused field in ClutterInputDevice struct
  267996f... clutter: Add ClutterSeat::query_state() vmethod
  27a93a3... backends/x11: Implement ClutterSeat::query_state() vmethod
  0804ba8... backends/native: Implement ClutterSeat::query_state() vmeth
  a71bf97... clutter: Use ClutterSeat underneath coords/modifiers input 
  b5a767b... backends/native: Move away from ClutterInputDevice coords
  075383b... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_state()
  b0d64a7... clutter: Pass base event to clutter_input_device_update()
  d37bb85... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_update_from_event()
  a5ddd78... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_coords()
  894cf44... clutter: Simplify backend-independent touch accounting
  1880443... backends: Drop GDK device querying code from MetaCursorTrac
  1f73e69... backends: Delegate pointer confinements to an impl object
  30d83bd... backends: Remove x/y arguments from MetaCursorTracker::curs
  3cd8bca... backends: Add argument for best scale on MetaCursorSprite::
  a3073cb... wayland: Replace cursor renderer usage with cursor tracker
  7584e15... backends: Add meta_backend_get_cursor_renderer_for_device()
  02a1fa3... wayland: Look up cursor renderer for device on MetaWaylandP
  8917ff9... backends: Manage tablet cursors in backend
  1c5902f... backends: Use graphene_point_t on meta_cursor_tracker_get_p
  cf11f3e... backends: Move away from meta_cursor_renderer_get_position(
  4f0926f... backends: Add ::device property to MetaCursorRenderer
  7a6128b... wayland: Move away from meta_cursor_renderer_get_position()
  c58158e... backends: Drop meta_cursor_renderer_get_position()
  1bff8c3... core: Centralize cursor renderer and tracker updates
  e5d17ab... backends: Make MetaHwCursorInhibitor less about sprites
  b98c14d... backends: Move HW cursor inhibitors to MetaBackend
  bddf026... backends: Split kms cursor renderer from MetaCursorRenderer
  c2a5b11... backends: Split pad action mapping to a separate object
  7f42cad... backends: Move away from clutter_input_device_set_enabled()
  24d840e... clutter: Drop ClutterInputDevice::enabled and setter/getter
  fe796d1... backends: Add simple object to delegate logical monitor lay
  8552f86... backends: Use MetaViewportInfo to keep MetaSeatNative infor
  159a571... backends: Use also a native cursor renderer for tablets
  7f17937... backends: Add method to get extents from viewport info
  0d0584b... backends/native: Use viewport info to find out stage extent
  5083193... backends/native: Drop early processing of ClutterEvents
  17160ce... backends: Assign stage to events in MetaBackend
  88ebae0... backends/native: Drop meta_seat_native_[gs]et_stage()
  76dbe3b... backends: Simplify MetaInputSettings vfunc
  42d42e9... backends: Move all output management to MetaInputMapper
  2a6b81e... backends: Make MetaInputMapper take over MetaInputSettings 
  d20252e... backends: Move keyboard a11y into backends
  2de0320... clutter: Make ClutterSeat::handle_device_event vfunc more g
  6923f01... backends/native: Spin MetaSeatImpl off MetaSeatNative
  99e94c8... backends/native: Forward keyboard a11y changes via the Meta
  db98c4c... backends/native: Proxy touch-mode via MetaSeatImpl
  bd324ae... backends/native: Proxy bell notifications from within the M
  b058999... backends/native: Proxy modifier state changes via MetaSeatI
  88c3a5f... backends: Simplify function arguments
  f1a0f55... backends: Make device tracking at MetaInputSettings ad-hoc 
  158b53e... backends: Do not use clutter_seat_list_devices() in MetaInp
  d22e8bb... backends/native: Do not dispatch libinput during MetaSeatIm
  db071a2... backends/native: Move MetaInputSettings ownership to MetaSe
  944adfb... backends: Avoid usage of ClutterBackend/ClutterSeat in Meta
  eecbc89... clutter: Drop clutter_event_peek()
  761efc5... clutter: Switch to GAsyncQueue for ClutterMainContext event
  21ff767... backends/native: Protect MetaBarrierManagerNative
  ad83a86... backends/native: Surround device state queries/updates with
  8fffa71... backends/native: Seal MetaKeymapNative xkb usage
  c9685f1... backends/native: Shuffle xkb_keymap creation
  5110349... backends/native: Make some MetaSeatImpl API "async"
  a79dade... backends/native: Make MetaVirtualInputDevice vmethods "asyn
  2bd870c... clutter: Do not special case allocated events
  479914a... backends/native: Add input thread inside MetaSeatImpl

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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