[gnome-nibbles/arnaudb/wip/gtk4: 169/188] Make warps work.

commit 9ada78cb2dda5fccf775d57fffa382db13b42d82
Author: Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com>
Date:   Tue Jun 16 16:20:05 2020 +0200

    Make warps work.

 src/nibbles-view.vala | 68 +++++++++------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/nibbles-view.vala b/src/nibbles-view.vala
index 005567a..02df3a0 100644
--- a/src/nibbles-view.vala
+++ b/src/nibbles-view.vala
@@ -62,43 +62,6 @@ private class NibblesView : Widget
 //        }
-    private class WarpTexture: Widget
-    {
-//        private const float SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 2;
-//        protected override void show ()
-//        {
-//            base.show ();
-//            set_opacity (0);
-//            set_scale (3.0, 3.0);
-//            save_easing_state ();
-//            set_easing_mode (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_CIRC);
-//            set_easing_duration (GAMEDELAY * 15);
-//            set_scale (1.0, 1.0);
-//            set_pivot_point (0.5f, 0.5f);
-//            set_opacity (0xff);
-//            restore_easing_state ();
-//        }
-//        protected override void hide ()
-//        {
-//            save_easing_state ();
-//            set_easing_mode (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_IN_QUAD);
-//            set_easing_duration (GAMEDELAY * 15);
-//            set_scale (0.4f, 0.4f);
-//            set_pivot_point (0.5f, 0.5f);
-//            set_opacity (0);
-//            restore_easing_state ();
-//        }
-//        internal new void set_size (float width, float height)
-//        {
-//            base.set_size (SIZE_MULTIPLIER * width, SIZE_MULTIPLIER * height);
-//        }
-    }
     internal const uint8 WIDTH = 92;
     internal const uint8 HEIGHT = 66;
     internal const int GAMEDELAY = 35;
@@ -118,7 +81,7 @@ private class NibblesView : Widget
     private Gee.HashMap<Worm,  WormView>    worm_actors  = new Gee.HashMap<Worm,  WormView> ();
     private Gee.HashMap<Bonus, Image>       bonus_actors = new Gee.HashMap<Bonus, Image> ();
-    private Gee.HashSet<WarpTexture>        warp_actors  = new Gee.HashSet<WarpTexture> ();
+    private Gee.HashSet<Image>              warp_actors  = new Gee.HashSet<Image> ();
     private GridLayout layout;
@@ -784,32 +747,23 @@ private class NibblesView : Widget
     private void warp_added_cb (uint8 x, uint8 y)
-        var actor = new WarpTexture ();
-//        try
-//        {
-//            actor.set_from_pixbuf (boni_pixmaps[BonusType.WARP]);
-//        }
-//        catch (Clutter.TextureError e)
-//        {
-//            error ("Nibbles failed to set texture: %s", e.message);
-//        }
-//        catch (Error e)
-//        {
-//            error ("Nibbles failed to set texture: %s", e.message);
-//        }
-//        actor.set_size (tile_size, tile_size);
-//        actor.set_position ((int) x * tile_size, (int) y * tile_size);
+        var actor = new Image.from_pixbuf (boni_pixmaps [BonusType.WARP]);
+        actor.pixel_size = 2 * tile_size;
+        actor.insert_after (this, /* insert first */ null);
-//        level.add_child (actor);
+        GridLayoutChild child_layout = (GridLayoutChild) layout.get_layout_child (actor);
+        child_layout.set_column (x);
+        child_layout.set_row (y);
+        child_layout.set_column_span (2);
+        child_layout.set_row_span (2);
         warp_actors.add (actor);
     private void warps_rescale (int new_tile_size)
-//        foreach (var actor in warp_actors)
-//            actor.set_size (new_tile_size, new_tile_size);
+        foreach (var actor in warp_actors)
+            actor.pixel_size = 2 * new_tile_size;

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