[gtk-doc/gtk-doc-for-gtk4: 17/25] mkdb: Generate sections for actions
- From: Matthias Clasen <matthiasc src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gtk-doc/gtk-doc-for-gtk4: 17/25] mkdb: Generate sections for actions
- Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2020 18:57:43 +0000 (UTC)
commit 3dc235b6fe1d2edcf1caa51e444b63319b7622a4
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date: Sun Jun 23 04:10:01 2019 +0000
mkdb: Generate sections for actions
This is building on the work in the previous commit. The syntax chosen
for doc comments is Class|action. We also need to allow periods in symbols,
since those are commonly used to separate prefixes in action names.
Here is a typical doc comment for an action:
* GtkColorChooserWidget|color.select:
* @red: the red value, between 0 and 1
* @green: the green value, between 0 and 1
* @blue: the blue value, between 0 and 1
* @alpha: the alpha value, between 0 and 1
* Emits the #GtkColorChooser::color-activated signal for
* the given color.
gtkdoc/mkdb.py | 190 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 186 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtkdoc/mkdb.py b/gtkdoc/mkdb.py
index 87fdf244..f32fb1fe 100644
--- a/gtkdoc/mkdb.py
+++ b/gtkdoc/mkdb.py
@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ ArgBlurbs = [] # Docstring of the Arg.
ArgDefaults = [] # Default value of the Arg.
ArgRanges = [] # The range of the Arg type
+ActionObjects = []
+ActionNames = []
+ActionParams = []
+ActionProperties = []
# These global hashes store declaration info keyed on a symbol name.
Declarations = {}
DeclarationTypes = {}
@@ -207,7 +212,7 @@ DB_REFENTRY = string.Template('''${header}
<refsect1 id="${section_id}.description" role="desc">
<title role="desc.title">Description</title>
@@ -217,7 +222,7 @@ ${extralinks}${long_desc}
<title role="details.title">Functions</title>
@@ -285,6 +290,7 @@ def Run(options):
ReadKnownSymbols(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, MODULE + "-sections.txt"))
ReadSignalsFile(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, MODULE + ".signals"))
ReadArgsFile(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, MODULE + ".args"))
+ ReadActionsFile(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, MODULE + ".actions"))
obj_tree = ReadObjectHierarchy(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, MODULE + ".hierarchy"))
ReadInterfaces(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, MODULE + ".interfaces"))
ReadPrerequisites(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, MODULE + ".prerequisites"))
@@ -513,6 +519,8 @@ def OutputDB(file, options):
args_desc = ''
child_args_desc = ''
style_args_desc = ''
+ actions_synop = ''
+ actions_desc = ''
hierarchy_str = ''
hierarchy = []
interfaces = ''
@@ -627,6 +635,30 @@ def OutputDB(file, options):
args_desc += make_refsect1_desc(style_args_desc, 'Style Property Details',
section_id, 'style-property-details')
+ actions_synop = re.sub(r'^\n*', '', actions_synop)
+ actions_synop = re.sub(r'\n+$', '\n', actions_synop)
+ if actions_synop != '':
+ actions_synop = '''<refsect1 id="%s.actions" role="actions">
+<title role="actions.title">Actions</title>
+<informaltable frame="none">
+<tgroup cols="3">
+<colspec colname="actions_none" colwidth="150px"/>
+<colspec colname="actions_name" colwidth="300px"/>
+<colspec colname="actions_param" colwidth="200px"/>
+''' % (section_id, actions_synop)
+ actions_desc = trim_leading_and_trailing_nl(actions_desc)
+ actions_desc = '''<refsect1 id="%s.action-details" role="action_details">
+<title role="action_details.title">Action Details</title>
+''' % (section_id, actions_desc)
hierarchy_str = AddTreeLineArt(hierarchy)
if hierarchy_str != '':
hierarchy_str = make_refsect1_desc('<screen>' + hierarchy_str + '\n</screen>',
@@ -657,6 +689,7 @@ def OutputDB(file, options):
functions_details, other_desc,
signals_synop, signals_desc,
args_synop, args_desc,
+ actions_synop, actions_desc,
hierarchy_str, interfaces,
prerequisites, derived,
@@ -683,6 +716,8 @@ def OutputDB(file, options):
args_desc = ''
child_args_desc = ''
style_args_desc = ''
+ actions_synop = ''
+ actions_desc = ''
hierarchy_str = ''
hierarchy = []
interfaces = ''
@@ -721,6 +756,7 @@ def OutputDB(file, options):
sig_synop, sig_desc = GetSignals(symbol)
arg_synop, child_arg_synop, style_arg_synop, arg_desc, child_arg_desc, style_arg_desc =
+ action_synop, action_desc = GetActions(symbol)
ifaces = GetInterfaces(symbol)
impls = GetImplementations(symbol)
prereqs = GetPrerequisites(symbol)
@@ -735,6 +771,8 @@ def OutputDB(file, options):
args_desc += arg_desc
child_args_desc += child_arg_desc
style_args_desc += style_arg_desc
+ actions_synop += action_synop
+ actions_desc += action_desc
interfaces += ifaces
implementations += impls
prerequisites += prereqs
@@ -1123,6 +1161,7 @@ def OutputDeclaration(symbol, declaration):
dtype = DeclarationTypes[symbol]
+ logging.info('Output Symbol: "%s" "%s"', symbol, dtype)
if dtype == 'MACRO':
return OutputMacro(symbol, declaration)
elif dtype == 'TYPEDEF':
@@ -2051,7 +2090,7 @@ def ParseStabilityLevel(stability, file, line, message):
return str(stability)
-def OutputDBFile(file, title, section_id, includes, functions_synop, other_synop, functions_details,
other_desc, signals_synop, signals_desc, args_synop, args_desc, hierarchy, interfaces, implementations,
prerequisites, derived, file_objects, default_stability):
+def OutputDBFile(file, title, section_id, includes, functions_synop, other_synop, functions_details,
other_desc, signals_synop, signals_desc, args_synop, args_desc, actions_synop, actions_desc, hierarchy,
interfaces, implementations, prerequisites, derived, file_objects, default_stability):
"""Outputs the final DocBook file for one section.
@@ -2068,6 +2107,8 @@ def OutputDBFile(file, title, section_id, includes, functions_synop, other_synop
signal_desc (str): the DocBook for the Signal Description part
args_synop (str): the DocBook for the Arg Synopsis part
args_desc (str): the DocBook for the Arg Description part
+ actions_synop (str): the DocBook for the Action Synopsis part
+ actions_desc (str): the DocBook for the Action Description part
hierarchy (str): the DocBook for the Object Hierarchy part
interfaces (str): the DocBook for the Interfaces part
implementations (str): the DocBook for the Known Implementations part
@@ -2187,6 +2228,8 @@ def OutputDBFile(file, title, section_id, includes, functions_synop, other_synop
# "<refentry id="$section_id" revision="$mday $month $year">"
+ 'actions_desc': actions_desc,
+ 'actions_synop': actions_synop,
'args_desc': args_desc,
'args_synop': args_synop,
'derived': derived,
@@ -3601,6 +3644,72 @@ def GetArgs(gobject):
return (synop, child_synop, style_synop, desc, child_desc, style_desc)
+def GetActions(gobject):
+ """Generate action docs.
+ Returns the synopsis and detailed description DocBook output
+ for the actions of a given GtkWidget subclass.
+ Args:
+ object (str): the GObject subclass, e.g. 'GtkButton'.
+ Returns:
+ str: action docs
+ """
+ synop = ''
+ desc = ''
+ for i in range(len(ActionObjects)):
+ if ActionObjects[i] == gobject:
+ logging.info("Found action: %s", ActionNames[i])
+ name = ActionNames[i]
+ params = ActionParams[i]
+ prop = ActionProperties[i]
+ # Remember: pipe, so we don't clash with signals.
+ symbol = '%s|%s' % (gobject, name)
+ sid = common.CreateValidSGMLID(symbol)
+ AllSymbols[symbol] = 1
+ blurb = ''
+ if symbol in SymbolDocs and not IsEmptyDoc(SymbolDocs[symbol]):
+ blurb = ConvertMarkDown(symbol, SymbolDocs[symbol])
+ logging.info(".. [%s][%s]", SymbolDocs[symbol], blurb)
+ AllDocumentedSymbols[symbol] = 1
+ else:
+ # FIXME: print a warning?
+ logging.info(".. no description")
+ pad1 = ''
+ if len(name) < 24:
+ pad1 = " " * (24 - len(name))
+ action_synop = "<row><entry></entry><entry role=\"action_name\"><link
linkend=\"%s\">%s</link></entry><entry role=\"parameter_type\">%s</entry></row>\n" % (
+ sid, name, params)
+ action_desc = u"<refsect2 id=\"%s\" role=\"action\"><title>The <literal>ā%sā</literal>
action</title>\n" % (
+ sid, name)
+ action_desc += MakeIndexterms(symbol, sid)
+ action_desc += "\n"
+ action_desc += OutputSymbolExtraLinks(symbol)
+ if blurb != '':
+ action_desc += blurb
+ elif prop != '':
+ action_desc += "<para>The %s action sets the %s property.</para>\n" % (name, MakeHashXRef
(gobject + ':' + prop, "type"))
+ action_desc += MakeDeprecationNote(symbol)
+ if params != '':
+ action_desc += "<para>Parameter type: %s</para>\n" % params
+ action_desc += OutputParamDescriptions("ACTION", symbol, None)
+ action_desc += OutputSymbolTraits(symbol)
+ action_desc += "</refsect2>\n"
+ synop += action_synop
+ desc += action_desc
+ return (synop, desc)
def IgnorePath(path, source_dirs, ignore_files):
for sdir in source_dirs:
# Cut off base directory
@@ -3763,9 +3872,18 @@ def SegmentCommentBlock(lines, line_number=0, ifile=''):
logging.info("scanning[%s] :%s", in_part, line.strip())
# If we haven't found the symbol name yet, look for it.
+ # We need to allow for the following cases:
+ # function:
+ # Class::signal:
+ # Class:property:
+ # Class|action:
+ # Signal and property names can contain dashes, action names
+ # can contain period.
+ # In all cases, there might be annotations in parentheses
+ # following the symbol name.
if not symbol:
m1 = re.search(r'^\s*((SECTION|PROGRAM):\s*\S+)', line)
- m2 = re.search(r'^\s*([\w:-]*\w)\s*:?\s*(\(.+?\)\s*)*$', line)
+ m2 = re.search(r'^\s*([\w:.|-]*\w)\s*:?\s*(\(.+?\)\s*)*$', line)
if m1:
symbol = m1.group(1)
logging.info("docs found in source for : '%s'", symbol)
@@ -4664,6 +4782,70 @@ def ReadArgsFile(ifile):
+def ReadActionsFile(ifile):
+ """Reads information about object actions
+ It creates the arrays ActionObjects, ActionNames, ActionParams
+ and ActionProperties containing info on the actions.
+ Args:
+ ifile (str): the input filename.
+ """
+ in_action = False
+ action_object = None
+ action_name = None
+ action_param = None
+ action_prop = None
+ # Reset the args info.
+ ActionObjects[:] = []
+ ActionNames[:] = []
+ ActionParams[:] = []
+ ActionProperties[:] = []
+ if not os.path.isfile(ifile):
+ return
+ INPUT = open(ifile, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
+ line_number = 0
+ for line in INPUT:
+ line_number += 1
+ if not in_action:
+ if line.startswith('<ACTION>'):
+ in_action = True
+ action_object = ''
+ action_name = ''
+ action_param = ''
+ action_prop = ''
+ else:
+ m1 = re.search(r'^<NAME>(.*)</NAME>', line)
+ m2 = re.search(r'^<PARAMETER>(.*)</PARAMETER>', line)
+ m3 = re.search(r'^<PROPERTY>(.*)</PROPERTY>', line)
+ if m1:
+ action_name = m1.group(1)
+ m1_1 = re.search(r'^(.*):::(.*)$', action_name)
+ if m1_1:
+ action_object = m1_1.group(1)
+ action_name = m1_1.group(2).replace('_', '-')
+ logging.info("Found action: %s", action_name)
+ else:
+ common.LogWarning(ifile, line_number, "Invalid action name: " + action_name)
+ elif m2:
+ action_param = m2.group(1)
+ elif m3:
+ action_prop = m3.group(1)
+ elif re.search(r'^</ACTION>', line):
+ logging.info("Found end of action: %s::%s", action_object, action_name)
+ ActionObjects.append(action_object)
+ ActionNames.append(action_name)
+ ActionParams.append(action_param)
+ ActionProperties.append(action_prop)
+ in_action = False
+ INPUT.close()
def AddTreeLineArt(tree):
"""Generate a line art tree.
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