[glib: 1/4] py: Reformat all Python files consistently

commit 905b22a17eee2b0b4648f59e615360ca52d3b603
Author: Philip Withnall <pwithnall endlessos org>
Date:   Tue Nov 17 15:07:09 2020 +0000

    py: Reformat all Python files consistently
    This commit is the unmodified results of running
    black $(git ls-files '*.py')
    with black version 19.10b0. See #2046.
    Signed-off-by: Philip Withnall <pwithnall endlessos org>

 .gitlab-ci/check-todos.py                 |   62 +-
 .gitlab-ci/meson-junit-report.py          |  129 +-
 clang-format-diff.py                      |  121 +-
 docs/reference/gio/concat-files-helper.py |   10 +-
 gio/data-to-c.py                          |   14 +-
 gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/__init__.py         |    6 +-
 gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen.py          | 7527 +++++++++++++++++------------
 gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen_docbook.py  |  412 +-
 gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen_main.py     |  407 +-
 gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/dbustypes.py        |  501 +-
 gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/parser.py           |  164 +-
 gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/utils.py            |   90 +-
 gio/gio-querymodules-wrapper.py           |    6 +-
 gio/tests/codegen.py                      |  655 +--
 gio/tests/gen-big-test-resource.py        |    4 +-
 gio/tests/gengiotypefuncs.py              |   43 +-
 gio/tests/static-link.py                  |   38 +-
 gio/tests/taptestrunner.py                |  283 +-
 glib/glib_gdb.py                          |  143 +-
 glib/update-gtranslit.py                  |  152 +-
 gobject/gobject_gdb.py                    |  200 +-
 gobject/tests/genmarshal.py               |  332 +-
 gobject/tests/mkenums.py                  |  382 +-
 gobject/tests/taptestrunner.py            |  283 +-
 tests/gen-casefold-txt.py                 |   19 +-
 tests/gen-casemap-txt.py                  |   62 +-
 26 files changed, 7049 insertions(+), 4996 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci/check-todos.py b/.gitlab-ci/check-todos.py
index 83b3eee7a..aa88f0832 100755
--- a/.gitlab-ci/check-todos.py
+++ b/.gitlab-ci/check-todos.py
@@ -23,18 +23,18 @@ import sys
 # that’s conventionally used as a way of marking a workaround which needs to
 # be merged for now, but is to be grepped for and reverted or reworked later.
-    'TO' + 'DO',
-    'X' + 'XX',
-    'W' + 'IP',
+    "TO" + "DO",
+    "X" + "XX",
+    "W" + "IP",
 def main():
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description='Check a range of commits to ensure they don’t contain '
-                    'banned keywords.')
-    parser.add_argument('commits',
-                        help='SHA to diff from, or range of commits to diff')
+        description="Check a range of commits to ensure they don’t contain "
+        "banned keywords."
+    )
+    parser.add_argument("commits", help="SHA to diff from, or range of commits to diff")
     args = parser.parse_args()
     banned_words_seen = set()
@@ -43,47 +43,55 @@ def main():
     # Check the log messages for banned words.
     log_process = subprocess.run(
-        ['git', 'log', '--no-color', args.commits + '..HEAD'],
-        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8',
-        check=True)
-    log_lines = log_process.stdout.strip().split('\n')
+        ["git", "log", "--no-color", args.commits + "..HEAD"],
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+        stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        check=True,
+    )
+    log_lines = log_process.stdout.strip().split("\n")
     for line in log_lines:
         for keyword in BANNED_KEYWORDS:
-            if re.search('(^|\W+){}(\W+|$)'.format(keyword), line):
+            if re.search("(^|\W+){}(\W+|$)".format(keyword), line):
                 seen_in_log = True
     # Check the diff for banned words.
     diff_process = subprocess.run(
-        ['git', 'diff', '-U0', '--no-color', args.commits],
-        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8',
-        check=True)
-    diff_lines = diff_process.stdout.strip().split('\n')
+        ["git", "diff", "-U0", "--no-color", args.commits],
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+        stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        check=True,
+    )
+    diff_lines = diff_process.stdout.strip().split("\n")
     for line in diff_lines:
-        if not line.startswith('+ '):
+        if not line.startswith("+ "):
         for keyword in BANNED_KEYWORDS:
-            if re.search('(^|\W+){}(\W+|$)'.format(keyword), line):
+            if re.search("(^|\W+){}(\W+|$)".format(keyword), line):
                 seen_in_diff = True
     if banned_words_seen:
         if seen_in_log and seen_in_diff:
-            where = 'commit message and diff'
+            where = "commit message and diff"
         elif seen_in_log:
-            where = 'commit message'
+            where = "commit message"
         elif seen_in_diff:
-            where = 'commit diff'
-        print('Saw banned keywords in a {}: {}. '
-              'This indicates the branch is a work in progress and should not '
-              'be merged in its current '
-              'form.'.format(where, ', '.join(banned_words_seen)))
+            where = "commit diff"
+        print(
+            "Saw banned keywords in a {}: {}. "
+            "This indicates the branch is a work in progress and should not "
+            "be merged in its current "
+            "form.".format(where, ", ".join(banned_words_seen))
+        )
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci/meson-junit-report.py b/.gitlab-ci/meson-junit-report.py
index 90939ff6c..4d9b96c2d 100755
--- a/.gitlab-ci/meson-junit-report.py
+++ b/.gitlab-ci/meson-junit-report.py
@@ -15,101 +15,112 @@ import os
 import sys
 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-aparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Turns a Meson test log into a JUnit report')
-aparser.add_argument('--project-name', metavar='NAME',
-                     help='The project name',
-                     default='unknown')
-aparser.add_argument('--job-id', metavar='ID',
-                     help='The job ID for the report',
-                     default='Unknown')
-aparser.add_argument('--branch', metavar='NAME',
-                     help='Branch of the project being tested',
-                     default='master')
-aparser.add_argument('--output', metavar='FILE',
-                     help='The output file, stdout by default',
-                     type=argparse.FileType('w', encoding='UTF-8'),
-                     default=sys.stdout)
-aparser.add_argument('infile', metavar='FILE',
-                     help='The input testlog.json, stdin by default',
-                     type=argparse.FileType('r', encoding='UTF-8'),
-                     default=sys.stdin)
+aparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    description="Turns a Meson test log into a JUnit report"
+    "--project-name", metavar="NAME", help="The project name", default="unknown"
+    "--job-id", metavar="ID", help="The job ID for the report", default="Unknown"
+    "--branch",
+    metavar="NAME",
+    help="Branch of the project being tested",
+    default="master",
+    "--output",
+    metavar="FILE",
+    help="The output file, stdout by default",
+    type=argparse.FileType("w", encoding="UTF-8"),
+    default=sys.stdout,
+    "infile",
+    metavar="FILE",
+    help="The input testlog.json, stdin by default",
+    type=argparse.FileType("r", encoding="UTF-8"),
+    default=sys.stdin,
 args = aparser.parse_args()
 outfile = args.output
-testsuites = ET.Element('testsuites')
-testsuites.set('id', '{}/{}'.format(args.job_id, args.branch))
-testsuites.set('package', args.project_name)
-testsuites.set('timestamp', datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat())
+testsuites = ET.Element("testsuites")
+testsuites.set("id", "{}/{}".format(args.job_id, args.branch))
+testsuites.set("package", args.project_name)
+testsuites.set("timestamp", datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat())
 suites = {}
 for line in args.infile:
     data = json.loads(line)
-    (full_suite, unit_name) = data['name'].split(' / ')
+    (full_suite, unit_name) = data["name"].split(" / ")
-        (project_name, suite_name) = full_suite.split(':')
+        (project_name, suite_name) = full_suite.split(":")
     except ValueError:
         project_name = full_suite
         suite_name = full_suite
-    duration = data['duration']
-    return_code = data['returncode']
-    log = data['stdout']
-    log_stderr = data.get('stderr', '')
+    duration = data["duration"]
+    return_code = data["returncode"]
+    log = data["stdout"]
+    log_stderr = data.get("stderr", "")
     unit = {
-        'suite': suite_name,
-        'name': unit_name,
-        'duration': duration,
-        'returncode': return_code,
-        'stdout': log,
-        'stderr': log_stderr,
+        "suite": suite_name,
+        "name": unit_name,
+        "duration": duration,
+        "returncode": return_code,
+        "stdout": log,
+        "stderr": log_stderr,
     units = suites.setdefault(suite_name, [])
 for name, units in suites.items():
-    print('Processing suite {} (units: {})'.format(name, len(units)))
+    print("Processing suite {} (units: {})".format(name, len(units)))
     def if_failed(unit):
-        if unit['returncode'] != 0:
+        if unit["returncode"] != 0:
             return True
         return False
     def if_succeded(unit):
-        if unit['returncode'] == 0:
+        if unit["returncode"] == 0:
             return True
         return False
     successes = list(filter(if_succeded, units))
     failures = list(filter(if_failed, units))
-    print(' - {}: {} pass, {} fail'.format(name, len(successes), len(failures)))
+    print(" - {}: {} pass, {} fail".format(name, len(successes), len(failures)))
-    testsuite = ET.SubElement(testsuites, 'testsuite')
-    testsuite.set('name', '{}/{}'.format(args.project_name, name))
-    testsuite.set('tests', str(len(units)))
-    testsuite.set('errors', str(len(failures)))
-    testsuite.set('failures', str(len(failures)))
+    testsuite = ET.SubElement(testsuites, "testsuite")
+    testsuite.set("name", "{}/{}".format(args.project_name, name))
+    testsuite.set("tests", str(len(units)))
+    testsuite.set("errors", str(len(failures)))
+    testsuite.set("failures", str(len(failures)))
     for unit in successes:
-        testcase = ET.SubElement(testsuite, 'testcase')
-        testcase.set('classname', '{}/{}'.format(args.project_name, unit['suite']))
-        testcase.set('name', unit['name'])
-        testcase.set('time', str(unit['duration']))
+        testcase = ET.SubElement(testsuite, "testcase")
+        testcase.set("classname", "{}/{}".format(args.project_name, unit["suite"]))
+        testcase.set("name", unit["name"])
+        testcase.set("time", str(unit["duration"]))
     for unit in failures:
-        testcase = ET.SubElement(testsuite, 'testcase')
-        testcase.set('classname', '{}/{}'.format(args.project_name, unit['suite']))
-        testcase.set('name', unit['name'])
-        testcase.set('time', str(unit['duration']))
-        failure = ET.SubElement(testcase, 'failure')
-        failure.set('classname', '{}/{}'.format(args.project_name, unit['suite']))
-        failure.set('name', unit['name'])
-        failure.set('type', 'error')
-        failure.text = unit['stdout'] + '\n' + unit['stderr']
-output = ET.tostring(testsuites, encoding='unicode')
+        testcase = ET.SubElement(testsuite, "testcase")
+        testcase.set("classname", "{}/{}".format(args.project_name, unit["suite"]))
+        testcase.set("name", unit["name"])
+        testcase.set("time", str(unit["duration"]))
+        failure = ET.SubElement(testcase, "failure")
+        failure.set("classname", "{}/{}".format(args.project_name, unit["suite"]))
+        failure.set("name", unit["name"])
+        failure.set("type", "error")
+        failure.text = unit["stdout"] + "\n" + unit["stderr"]
+output = ET.tostring(testsuites, encoding="unicode")
diff --git a/clang-format-diff.py b/clang-format-diff.py
index 3fb776c59..4eb191062 100755
--- a/clang-format-diff.py
+++ b/clang-format-diff.py
@@ -33,50 +33,76 @@ else:
 def main():
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description=__doc__,
-        formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
-    parser.add_argument('-i', action='store_true', default=False,
-                        help='apply edits to files instead of displaying a '
-                             'diff')
-    parser.add_argument('-p', metavar='NUM', default=0,
-                        help='strip the smallest prefix containing P slashes')
-    parser.add_argument('-regex', metavar='PATTERN', default=None,
-                        help='custom pattern selecting file paths to reformat '
-                        '(case sensitive, overrides -iregex)')
-    parser.add_argument('-iregex', metavar='PATTERN',
-                        default=r'.*\.(cpp|cc|c\+\+|cxx|c|cl|h|hh|hpp|m|mm|inc'
-                                r'|js|ts|proto|protodevel|java|cs)',
-                        help='custom pattern selecting file paths to reformat '
-                             '(case insensitive, overridden by -regex)')
-    parser.add_argument('-sort-includes', action='store_true', default=False,
-                        help='let clang-format sort include blocks')
-    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
-                        help='be more verbose, ineffective without -i')
-    parser.add_argument('-style',
-                        help='formatting style to apply (LLVM, Google, '
-                        'Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit)')
-    parser.add_argument('-binary', default='clang-format',
-                        help='location of binary to use for clang-format')
+        description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-i",
+        action="store_true",
+        default=False,
+        help="apply edits to files instead of displaying a " "diff",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-p",
+        metavar="NUM",
+        default=0,
+        help="strip the smallest prefix containing P slashes",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-regex",
+        metavar="PATTERN",
+        default=None,
+        help="custom pattern selecting file paths to reformat "
+        "(case sensitive, overrides -iregex)",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-iregex",
+        metavar="PATTERN",
+        default=r".*\.(cpp|cc|c\+\+|cxx|c|cl|h|hh|hpp|m|mm|inc"
+        r"|js|ts|proto|protodevel|java|cs)",
+        help="custom pattern selecting file paths to reformat "
+        "(case insensitive, overridden by -regex)",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-sort-includes",
+        action="store_true",
+        default=False,
+        help="let clang-format sort include blocks",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-v",
+        "--verbose",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="be more verbose, ineffective without -i",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-style",
+        help="formatting style to apply (LLVM, Google, " "Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit)",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-binary",
+        default="clang-format",
+        help="location of binary to use for clang-format",
+    )
     args = parser.parse_args()
     # Extract changed lines for each file.
     filename = None
     lines_by_file = {}
     for line in sys.stdin:
-        match = re.search(r'^\+\+\+\ (.*?/){%s}(\S*)' % args.p, line)
+        match = re.search(r"^\+\+\+\ (.*?/){%s}(\S*)" % args.p, line)
         if match:
             filename = match.group(2)
         if filename is None:
         if args.regex is not None:
-            if not re.match('^%s$' % args.regex, filename):
+            if not re.match("^%s$" % args.regex, filename):
-            if not re.match('^%s$' % args.iregex, filename, re.IGNORECASE):
+            if not re.match("^%s$" % args.iregex, filename, re.IGNORECASE):
-        match = re.search(r'^@@.*\+(\d+)(,(\d+))?', line)
+        match = re.search(r"^@@.*\+(\d+)(,(\d+))?", line)
         if match:
             start_line = int(match.group(1))
             line_count = 1
@@ -86,7 +112,8 @@ def main():
             end_line = start_line + line_count - 1
             lines_by_file.setdefault(filename, []).extend(
-                ['-lines', str(start_line) + ':' + str(end_line)])
+                ["-lines", str(start_line) + ":" + str(end_line)]
+            )
     # Reformat files containing changes in place.
     # We need to count amount of bytes generated in the output of
@@ -95,20 +122,22 @@ def main():
     format_line_counter = 0
     for filename, lines in lines_by_file.items():
         if args.i and args.verbose:
-            print('Formatting {}'.format(filename))
+            print("Formatting {}".format(filename))
         command = [args.binary, filename]
         if args.i:
-            command.append('-i')
+            command.append("-i")
         if args.sort_includes:
-            command.append('-sort-includes')
+            command.append("-sort-includes")
         if args.style:
-            command.extend(['-style', args.style])
-        p = subprocess.Popen(command,
-                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                             stderr=None,
-                             stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
-                             universal_newlines=True)
+            command.extend(["-style", args.style])
+        p = subprocess.Popen(
+            command,
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stderr=None,
+            stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+            universal_newlines=True,
+        )
         stdout, _ = p.communicate()
         if p.returncode != 0:
@@ -117,11 +146,15 @@ def main():
             with open(filename) as f:
                 code = f.readlines()
             formatted_code = StringIO(stdout).readlines()
-            diff = difflib.unified_diff(code, formatted_code,
-                                        filename, filename,
-                                        '(before formatting)',
-                                        '(after formatting)')
-            diff_string = ''.join(diff)
+            diff = difflib.unified_diff(
+                code,
+                formatted_code,
+                filename,
+                filename,
+                "(before formatting)",
+                "(after formatting)",
+            )
+            diff_string = "".join(diff)
             if diff_string:
                 format_line_counter += sys.stdout.write(diff_string)
@@ -129,5 +162,5 @@ def main():
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/docs/reference/gio/concat-files-helper.py b/docs/reference/gio/concat-files-helper.py
index 94d64c345..cdec4938d 100644
--- a/docs/reference/gio/concat-files-helper.py
+++ b/docs/reference/gio/concat-files-helper.py
@@ -21,10 +21,14 @@
 import sys
 if len(sys.argv) < 3:
-  print('Usage: {} <output file> <input file 1> ...'.format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
-  sys.exit(1)
+    print(
+        "Usage: {} <output file> <input file 1> ...".format(
+            os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+        )
+    )
+    sys.exit(1)
-with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as outfile:
+with open(sys.argv[1], "w") as outfile:
     for fname in sys.argv[2:]:
         with open(fname) as infile:
             for line in infile:
diff --git a/gio/data-to-c.py b/gio/data-to-c.py
index f226220ed..d8854b417 100755
--- a/gio/data-to-c.py
+++ b/gio/data-to-c.py
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
 import sys
 if len(sys.argv) < 4:
-    print('Usage: {0} <filename> <variable> <output>')
+    print("Usage: {0} <filename> <variable> <output>")
-with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as f:
-    in_data = f.read().decode('utf-8', 'backslashreplace')
-b = [r'\x{:02x}'.format(ord(c)) for c in in_data]
+with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
+    in_data = f.read().decode("utf-8", "backslashreplace")
+b = [r"\x{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in in_data]
-out_data = "const char {0}[] = \"".format(sys.argv[2])
-out_data += "".join(b) + "\";"
+out_data = 'const char {0}[] = "'.format(sys.argv[2])
+out_data += "".join(b) + '";'
-with open(sys.argv[3], 'w') as f:
+with open(sys.argv[3], "w") as f:
diff --git a/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/__init__.py b/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/__init__.py
index f876f04af..ed324d7cf 100644
--- a/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/__init__.py
+++ b/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/__init__.py
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@
 import os
-builddir = os.environ.get('UNINSTALLED_GLIB_BUILDDIR')
+builddir = os.environ.get("UNINSTALLED_GLIB_BUILDDIR")
 if builddir is not None:
-    __path__.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(builddir, 'gio', 'gdbus-2.0', 'codegen')))
+    __path__.append(
+        os.path.abspath(os.path.join(builddir, "gio", "gdbus-2.0", "codegen"))
+    )
diff --git a/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen.py b/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen.py
index cda047173..621af665a 100644
--- a/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen.py
+++ b/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen.py
@@ -28,42 +28,56 @@ from . import utils
 from . import dbustypes
 from .utils import print_error
-LICENSE_STR = '''/*
+LICENSE_STR = """/*
  * This file is generated by gdbus-codegen, do not modify it.
  * The license of this code is the same as for the D-Bus interface description
  * it was derived from. Note that it links to GLib, so must comply with the
  * LGPL linking clauses.
- */\n'''
+ */\n"""
 def generate_namespace(namespace):
     ns = namespace
     if len(namespace) > 0:
         if utils.is_ugly_case(namespace):
-            ns = namespace.replace('_', '')
-            ns_upper = namespace.upper() + '_'
-            ns_lower = namespace.lower() + '_'
+            ns = namespace.replace("_", "")
+            ns_upper = namespace.upper() + "_"
+            ns_lower = namespace.lower() + "_"
-            ns_upper = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(namespace).upper() + '_'
-            ns_lower = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(namespace).lower() + '_'
+            ns_upper = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(namespace).upper() + "_"
+            ns_lower = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(namespace).lower() + "_"
-        ns_upper = ''
-        ns_lower = ''
+        ns_upper = ""
+        ns_lower = ""
     return (ns, ns_upper, ns_lower)
 def generate_header_guard(header_name):
     # There might be more characters that are safe to use than these, but lets
     # stay conservative.
     safe_valid_chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
-    return ''.join(map(lambda c: c if c in safe_valid_chars else '_',
-                       header_name.upper()))
+    return "".join(
+        map(lambda c: c if c in safe_valid_chars else "_", header_name.upper())
+    )
 class HeaderCodeGenerator:
-    def __init__(self, ifaces, namespace, generate_objmanager,
-                 generate_autocleanup, header_name, input_files_basenames,
-                 use_pragma, glib_min_required,
-                 symbol_decorator, symbol_decorator_header, outfile):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        ifaces,
+        namespace,
+        generate_objmanager,
+        generate_autocleanup,
+        header_name,
+        input_files_basenames,
+        use_pragma,
+        glib_min_required,
+        symbol_decorator,
+        symbol_decorator_header,
+        outfile,
+    ):
         self.ifaces = ifaces
         self.namespace, self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower = generate_namespace(namespace)
         self.generate_objmanager = generate_objmanager
@@ -79,84 +93,106 @@ class HeaderCodeGenerator:
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_header_preamble(self):
-        basenames = ', '.join(self.input_files_basenames)
+        basenames = ", ".join(self.input_files_basenames)
         self.outfile.write(LICENSE_STR.format(config.VERSION, basenames))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
         if self.use_pragma:
-            self.outfile.write('#pragma once\n')
+            self.outfile.write("#pragma once\n")
-            self.outfile.write('#ifndef __{!s}__\n'.format(self.header_guard))
-            self.outfile.write('#define __{!s}__\n'.format(self.header_guard))
+            self.outfile.write("#ifndef __{!s}__\n".format(self.header_guard))
+            self.outfile.write("#define __{!s}__\n".format(self.header_guard))
         if self.symbol_decorator_header is not None:
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             self.outfile.write('#include "%s"\n' % self.symbol_decorator_header)
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('#include <gio/gio.h>\n')
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('G_BEGIN_DECLS\n')
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write("#include <gio/gio.h>\n")
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write("G_BEGIN_DECLS\n")
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def declare_types(self):
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
-            self.outfile.write('/* Declarations for %s */\n'%i.name)
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */\n"
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("/* Declarations for %s */\n" % i.name)
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             # First the GInterface
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sTYPE_%s (%s_get_type ())\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, 
-            self.outfile.write('#define %s%s(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), %sTYPE_%s, 
%s))\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sIS_%s(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), 
%sTYPE_%s))\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %s%s_GET_IFACE(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_INTERFACE ((o), %sTYPE_%s, 
%sIface))\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('struct _%s;\n'%(i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%s %s;\n'%(i.camel_name, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sIface %sIface;\n'%(i.camel_name, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('struct _%sIface\n'%(i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  GTypeInterface parent_iface;\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sTYPE_%s (%s_get_type ())\n"
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %s%s(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), %sTYPE_%s, %s))\n"
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sIS_%s(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), %sTYPE_%s))\n"
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %s%s_GET_IFACE(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_INTERFACE ((o), %sTYPE_%s, %sIface))\n"
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("struct _%s;\n" % (i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%s %s;\n" % (i.camel_name, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sIface %sIface;\n" % (i.camel_name, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("struct _%sIface\n" % (i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write("{\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  GTypeInterface parent_iface;\n")
             function_pointers = {}
             # vfuncs for methods
             if len(i.methods) > 0:
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
                 for m in i.methods:
-                    key = (m.since, '_method_%s'%m.name_lower)
-                    value  = '  gboolean (*handle_%s) (\n'%(m.name_lower)
-                    value += '    %s *object,\n'%(i.camel_name)
-                    value += '    GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation'%()
+                    key = (m.since, "_method_%s" % m.name_lower)
+                    value = "  gboolean (*handle_%s) (\n" % (m.name_lower)
+                    value += "    %s *object,\n" % (i.camel_name)
+                    value += "    GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation" % ()
                     if m.unix_fd:
-                        value += ',\n    GUnixFDList *fd_list'
+                        value += ",\n    GUnixFDList *fd_list"
                     for a in m.in_args:
-                        value += ',\n    %sarg_%s'%(a.ctype_in, a.name)
-                    value += ');\n\n'
+                        value += ",\n    %sarg_%s" % (a.ctype_in, a.name)
+                    value += ");\n\n"
                     function_pointers[key] = value
             # vfuncs for signals
             if len(i.signals) > 0:
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
                 for s in i.signals:
-                    key = (s.since, '_signal_%s'%s.name_lower)
-                    value  = '  void (*%s) (\n'%(s.name_lower)
-                    value += '    %s *object'%(i.camel_name)
+                    key = (s.since, "_signal_%s" % s.name_lower)
+                    value = "  void (*%s) (\n" % (s.name_lower)
+                    value += "    %s *object" % (i.camel_name)
                     for a in s.args:
-                        value += ',\n    %sarg_%s'%(a.ctype_in, a.name)
-                    value += ');\n\n'
+                        value += ",\n    %sarg_%s" % (a.ctype_in, a.name)
+                    value += ");\n\n"
                     function_pointers[key] = value
             # vfuncs for properties
             if len(i.properties) > 0:
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
                 for p in i.properties:
-                    key = (p.since, '_prop_get_%s'%p.name_lower)
-                    value = '  %s (*get_%s) (%s *object);\n\n'%(p.arg.ctype_in, p.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+                    key = (p.since, "_prop_get_%s" % p.name_lower)
+                    value = "  %s (*get_%s) (%s *object);\n\n" % (
+                        p.arg.ctype_in,
+                        p.name_lower,
+                        i.camel_name,
+                    )
                     function_pointers[key] = value
             # Sort according to @since tag, then name.. this ensures
@@ -169,530 +205,799 @@ class HeaderCodeGenerator:
             # See https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=647577#c5
             # for discussion
             for key in sorted(function_pointers.keys(), key=utils.version_cmp_key):
-                self.outfile.write('%s'%function_pointers[key])
-            self.outfile.write('};\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            if self.generate_autocleanup == 'all':
-                self.outfile.write('#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)\n')
-                self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (%s, g_object_unref)\n' % (i.camel_name))
-                self.outfile.write('#endif\n')
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("%s" % function_pointers[key])
+            self.outfile.write("};\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            if self.generate_autocleanup == "all":
+                self.outfile.write("#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)\n")
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (%s, g_object_unref)\n"
+                    % (i.camel_name)
+                )
+                self.outfile.write("#endif\n")
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('GType %s_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n'%(i.name_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "GType %s_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('GDBusInterfaceInfo *%s_interface_info (void);\n'%(i.name_lower))
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "GDBusInterfaceInfo *%s_interface_info (void);\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('guint %s_override_properties (GObjectClass *klass, guint 
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "guint %s_override_properties (GObjectClass *klass, guint property_id_begin);\n"
+                % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             # Then method call completion functions
             if len(i.methods) > 0:
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
-                self.outfile.write('/* D-Bus method call completion functions: */\n')
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
+                self.outfile.write("/* D-Bus method call completion functions: */\n")
                 for m in i.methods:
                     if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                        self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                        self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
                     if m.deprecated:
-                        self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-                    self.outfile.write('void %s_complete_%s (\n'
-                                       '    %s *object,\n'
-                                       '    GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower, 
+                        self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "void %s_complete_%s (\n"
+                        "    %s *object,\n"
+                        "    GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation"
+                        % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+                    )
                     if m.unix_fd:
-                        self.outfile.write(',\n    GUnixFDList *fd_list')
+                        self.outfile.write(",\n    GUnixFDList *fd_list")
                     for a in m.out_args:
-                        self.outfile.write(',\n    %s%s'%(a.ctype_in, a.name))
-                    self.outfile.write(');\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('\n')
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                        self.outfile.write(",\n    %s%s" % (a.ctype_in, a.name))
+                    self.outfile.write(");\n")
+                    self.outfile.write("\n")
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
             # Then signal emission functions
             if len(i.signals) > 0:
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
-                self.outfile.write('/* D-Bus signal emissions functions: */\n')
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
+                self.outfile.write("/* D-Bus signal emissions functions: */\n")
                 for s in i.signals:
                     if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                        self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                        self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
                     if s.deprecated:
-                        self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-                    self.outfile.write('void %s_emit_%s (\n'
-                                       '    %s *object'%(i.name_lower, s.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+                        self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "void %s_emit_%s (\n"
+                        "    %s *object" % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+                    )
                     for a in s.args:
-                        self.outfile.write(',\n    %sarg_%s'%(a.ctype_in, a.name))
-                    self.outfile.write(');\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('\n')
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                        self.outfile.write(",\n    %sarg_%s" % (a.ctype_in, a.name))
+                    self.outfile.write(");\n")
+                    self.outfile.write("\n")
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
             # Then method call declarations
             if len(i.methods) > 0:
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
-                self.outfile.write('/* D-Bus method calls: */\n')
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
+                self.outfile.write("/* D-Bus method calls: */\n")
                 for m in i.methods:
                     # async begin
                     if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                        self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                        self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
                     if m.deprecated:
-                        self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-                    self.outfile.write('void %s_call_%s (\n'
-                                       '    %s *proxy'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+                        self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "void %s_call_%s (\n"
+                        "    %s *proxy" % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+                    )
                     for a in m.in_args:
-                        self.outfile.write(',\n    %sarg_%s'%(a.ctype_in, a.name))
+                        self.outfile.write(",\n    %sarg_%s" % (a.ctype_in, a.name))
                     if self.glib_min_required >= (2, 64):
-                        self.outfile.write(',\n    GDBusCallFlags call_flags'
-                                           ',\n    gint timeout_msec')
+                        self.outfile.write(
+                            ",\n    GDBusCallFlags call_flags"
+                            ",\n    gint timeout_msec"
+                        )
                     if m.unix_fd:
-                        self.outfile.write(',\n    GUnixFDList *fd_list')
-                    self.outfile.write(',\n'
-                                       '    GCancellable *cancellable,\n'
-                                       '    GAsyncReadyCallback callback,\n'
-                                       '    gpointer user_data);\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('\n')
+                        self.outfile.write(",\n    GUnixFDList *fd_list")
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        ",\n"
+                        "    GCancellable *cancellable,\n"
+                        "    GAsyncReadyCallback callback,\n"
+                        "    gpointer user_data);\n"
+                    )
+                    self.outfile.write("\n")
                     # async finish
                     if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                        self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                        self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
                     if m.deprecated:
-                        self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-                    self.outfile.write('gboolean %s_call_%s_finish (\n'
-                                       '    %s *proxy'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+                        self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "gboolean %s_call_%s_finish (\n"
+                        "    %s *proxy" % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+                    )
                     for a in m.out_args:
-                        self.outfile.write(',\n    %sout_%s'%(a.ctype_out, a.name))
+                        self.outfile.write(",\n    %sout_%s" % (a.ctype_out, a.name))
                     if m.unix_fd:
-                        self.outfile.write(',\n    GUnixFDList **out_fd_list')
-                    self.outfile.write(',\n'
-                                       '    GAsyncResult *res,\n'
-                                       '    GError **error);\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('\n')
+                        self.outfile.write(",\n    GUnixFDList **out_fd_list")
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        ",\n" "    GAsyncResult *res,\n" "    GError **error);\n"
+                    )
+                    self.outfile.write("\n")
                     # sync
                     if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                        self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                        self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
                     if m.deprecated:
-                        self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-                    self.outfile.write('gboolean %s_call_%s_sync (\n'
-                                       '    %s *proxy'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+                        self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "gboolean %s_call_%s_sync (\n"
+                        "    %s *proxy" % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+                    )
                     for a in m.in_args:
-                        self.outfile.write(',\n    %sarg_%s'%(a.ctype_in, a.name))
+                        self.outfile.write(",\n    %sarg_%s" % (a.ctype_in, a.name))
                     if self.glib_min_required >= (2, 64):
-                        self.outfile.write(',\n    GDBusCallFlags call_flags'
-                                           ',\n    gint timeout_msec')
+                        self.outfile.write(
+                            ",\n    GDBusCallFlags call_flags"
+                            ",\n    gint timeout_msec"
+                        )
                     if m.unix_fd:
-                        self.outfile.write(',\n    GUnixFDList  *fd_list')
+                        self.outfile.write(",\n    GUnixFDList  *fd_list")
                     for a in m.out_args:
-                        self.outfile.write(',\n    %sout_%s'%(a.ctype_out, a.name))
+                        self.outfile.write(",\n    %sout_%s" % (a.ctype_out, a.name))
                     if m.unix_fd:
-                        self.outfile.write(',\n    GUnixFDList **out_fd_list')
-                    self.outfile.write(',\n'
-                                       '    GCancellable *cancellable,\n'
-                                       '    GError **error);\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('\n')
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                        self.outfile.write(",\n    GUnixFDList **out_fd_list")
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        ",\n"
+                        "    GCancellable *cancellable,\n"
+                        "    GError **error);\n"
+                    )
+                    self.outfile.write("\n")
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
             # Then the property accessor declarations
             if len(i.properties) > 0:
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
-                self.outfile.write('/* D-Bus property accessors: */\n')
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
+                self.outfile.write("/* D-Bus property accessors: */\n")
                 for p in i.properties:
                     # getter
                     if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                        self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                        self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
                     if p.deprecated:
-                        self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-                    self.outfile.write('%s%s_get_%s (%s *object);\n'%(p.arg.ctype_in, i.name_lower, 
p.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+                        self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "%s%s_get_%s (%s *object);\n"
+                        % (p.arg.ctype_in, i.name_lower, p.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+                    )
                     if p.arg.free_func != None:
                         if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                            self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                            self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
                         if p.deprecated:
-                            self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-                        self.outfile.write('%s%s_dup_%s (%s *object);\n'%(p.arg.ctype_in_dup, i.name_lower, 
p.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+                            self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+                        self.outfile.write(
+                            "%s%s_dup_%s (%s *object);\n"
+                            % (
+                                p.arg.ctype_in_dup,
+                                i.name_lower,
+                                p.name_lower,
+                                i.camel_name,
+                            )
+                        )
                     # setter
                     if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                        self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                        self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
                     if p.deprecated:
-                        self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-                    self.outfile.write('void %s_set_%s (%s *object, %svalue);\n'%(i.name_lower, 
p.name_lower, i.camel_name, p.arg.ctype_in, ))
-                    self.outfile.write('\n')
+                        self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "void %s_set_%s (%s *object, %svalue);\n"
+                        % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower, i.camel_name, p.arg.ctype_in,)
+                    )
+                    self.outfile.write("\n")
             # Then the proxy
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('/* ---- */\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sTYPE_%s_PROXY (%s_proxy_get_type ())\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, 
-            self.outfile.write('#define %s%s_PROXY(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), %sTYPE_%s_PROXY, 
%sProxy))\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %s%s_PROXY_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((k), %sTYPE_%s_PROXY, 
%sProxyClass))\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %s%s_PROXY_GET_CLASS(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((o), 
%sTYPE_%s_PROXY, %sProxyClass))\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sIS_%s_PROXY(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), 
%sTYPE_%s_PROXY))\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sIS_%s_PROXY_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((k), 
%sTYPE_%s_PROXY))\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sProxy %sProxy;\n'%(i.camel_name, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sProxyClass %sProxyClass;\n'%(i.camel_name, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sProxyPrivate %sProxyPrivate;\n'%(i.camel_name, 
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('struct _%sProxy\n'%(i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  /*< private >*/\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  GDBusProxy parent_instance;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  %sProxyPrivate *priv;\n'%(i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('};\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('struct _%sProxyClass\n'%(i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  GDBusProxyClass parent_class;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('};\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("/* ---- */\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sTYPE_%s_PROXY (%s_proxy_get_type ())\n"
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %s%s_PROXY(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), %sTYPE_%s_PROXY, %sProxy))\n"
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %s%s_PROXY_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((k), %sTYPE_%s_PROXY, 
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %s%s_PROXY_GET_CLASS(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((o), %sTYPE_%s_PROXY, 
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sIS_%s_PROXY(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), %sTYPE_%s_PROXY))\n"
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sIS_%s_PROXY_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((k), %sTYPE_%s_PROXY))\n"
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sProxy %sProxy;\n" % (i.camel_name, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sProxyClass %sProxyClass;\n"
+                % (i.camel_name, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sProxyPrivate %sProxyPrivate;\n"
+                % (i.camel_name, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("struct _%sProxy\n" % (i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write("{\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  /*< private >*/\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  GDBusProxy parent_instance;\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  %sProxyPrivate *priv;\n" % (i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write("};\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("struct _%sProxyClass\n" % (i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write("{\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  GDBusProxyClass parent_class;\n")
+            self.outfile.write("};\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('GType %s_proxy_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n'%(i.name_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            if self.generate_autocleanup in ('objects', 'all'):
-                self.outfile.write('#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)\n')
-                self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (%sProxy, g_object_unref)\n' % 
-                self.outfile.write('#endif\n')
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "GType %s_proxy_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            if self.generate_autocleanup in ("objects", "all"):
+                self.outfile.write("#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)\n")
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (%sProxy, g_object_unref)\n"
+                    % (i.camel_name)
+                )
+                self.outfile.write("#endif\n")
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
             if i.deprecated:
-                self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-            self.outfile.write('void %s_proxy_new (\n'
-                               '    GDBusConnection     *connection,\n'
-                               '    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n'
-                               '    const gchar         *name,\n'
-                               '    const gchar         *object_path,\n'
-                               '    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n'
-                               '    GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,\n'
-                               '    gpointer             user_data);\n'
-                               %(i.name_lower))
+                self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "void %s_proxy_new (\n"
+                "    GDBusConnection     *connection,\n"
+                "    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n"
+                "    const gchar         *name,\n"
+                "    const gchar         *object_path,\n"
+                "    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n"
+                "    GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,\n"
+                "    gpointer             user_data);\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
             if i.deprecated:
-                self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-            self.outfile.write('%s *%s_proxy_new_finish (\n'
-                               '    GAsyncResult        *res,\n'
-                               '    GError             **error);\n'
-                               %(i.camel_name, i.name_lower))
+                self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "%s *%s_proxy_new_finish (\n"
+                "    GAsyncResult        *res,\n"
+                "    GError             **error);\n" % (i.camel_name, i.name_lower)
+            )
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
             if i.deprecated:
-                self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-            self.outfile.write('%s *%s_proxy_new_sync (\n'
-                               '    GDBusConnection     *connection,\n'
-                               '    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n'
-                               '    const gchar         *name,\n'
-                               '    const gchar         *object_path,\n'
-                               '    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n'
-                               '    GError             **error);\n'
-                               %(i.camel_name, i.name_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "%s *%s_proxy_new_sync (\n"
+                "    GDBusConnection     *connection,\n"
+                "    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n"
+                "    const gchar         *name,\n"
+                "    const gchar         *object_path,\n"
+                "    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n"
+                "    GError             **error);\n" % (i.camel_name, i.name_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
             if i.deprecated:
-                self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-            self.outfile.write('void %s_proxy_new_for_bus (\n'
-                               '    GBusType             bus_type,\n'
-                               '    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n'
-                               '    const gchar         *name,\n'
-                               '    const gchar         *object_path,\n'
-                               '    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n'
-                               '    GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,\n'
-                               '    gpointer             user_data);\n'
-                               %(i.name_lower))
+                self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "void %s_proxy_new_for_bus (\n"
+                "    GBusType             bus_type,\n"
+                "    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n"
+                "    const gchar         *name,\n"
+                "    const gchar         *object_path,\n"
+                "    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n"
+                "    GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,\n"
+                "    gpointer             user_data);\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
             if i.deprecated:
-                self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-            self.outfile.write('%s *%s_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (\n'
-                               '    GAsyncResult        *res,\n'
-                               '    GError             **error);\n'
-                               %(i.camel_name, i.name_lower))
+                self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "%s *%s_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (\n"
+                "    GAsyncResult        *res,\n"
+                "    GError             **error);\n" % (i.camel_name, i.name_lower)
+            )
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
             if i.deprecated:
-                self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-            self.outfile.write('%s *%s_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (\n'
-                               '    GBusType             bus_type,\n'
-                               '    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n'
-                               '    const gchar         *name,\n'
-                               '    const gchar         *object_path,\n'
-                               '    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n'
-                               '    GError             **error);\n'
-                               %(i.camel_name, i.name_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "%s *%s_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (\n"
+                "    GBusType             bus_type,\n"
+                "    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n"
+                "    const gchar         *name,\n"
+                "    const gchar         *object_path,\n"
+                "    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n"
+                "    GError             **error);\n" % (i.camel_name, i.name_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             # Then the skeleton
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('/* ---- */\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sTYPE_%s_SKELETON (%s_skeleton_get_type ())\n'%(i.ns_upper, 
i.name_upper, i.name_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %s%s_SKELETON(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), 
%sTYPE_%s_SKELETON, %sSkeleton))\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %s%s_SKELETON_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((k), 
%sTYPE_%s_SKELETON, %sSkeletonClass))\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %s%s_SKELETON_GET_CLASS(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((o), 
%sTYPE_%s_SKELETON, %sSkeletonClass))\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sIS_%s_SKELETON(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), 
%sTYPE_%s_SKELETON))\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sIS_%s_SKELETON_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((k), 
%sTYPE_%s_SKELETON))\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sSkeleton %sSkeleton;\n'%(i.camel_name, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sSkeletonClass %sSkeletonClass;\n'%(i.camel_name, 
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sSkeletonPrivate %sSkeletonPrivate;\n'%(i.camel_name, 
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('struct _%sSkeleton\n'%(i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  /*< private >*/\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  GDBusInterfaceSkeleton parent_instance;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  %sSkeletonPrivate *priv;\n'%(i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('};\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('struct _%sSkeletonClass\n'%(i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass parent_class;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('};\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("/* ---- */\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sTYPE_%s_SKELETON (%s_skeleton_get_type ())\n"
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %s%s_SKELETON(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), %sTYPE_%s_SKELETON, 
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %s%s_SKELETON_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((k), %sTYPE_%s_SKELETON, 
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %s%s_SKELETON_GET_CLASS(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((o), %sTYPE_%s_SKELETON, 
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sIS_%s_SKELETON(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), %sTYPE_%s_SKELETON))\n"
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sIS_%s_SKELETON_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((k), %sTYPE_%s_SKELETON))\n"
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sSkeleton %sSkeleton;\n"
+                % (i.camel_name, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sSkeletonClass %sSkeletonClass;\n"
+                % (i.camel_name, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sSkeletonPrivate %sSkeletonPrivate;\n"
+                % (i.camel_name, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("struct _%sSkeleton\n" % (i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write("{\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  /*< private >*/\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  GDBusInterfaceSkeleton parent_instance;\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  %sSkeletonPrivate *priv;\n" % (i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write("};\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("struct _%sSkeletonClass\n" % (i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write("{\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass parent_class;\n")
+            self.outfile.write("};\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('GType %s_skeleton_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n'%(i.name_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            if self.generate_autocleanup in ('objects', 'all'):
-                self.outfile.write('#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)\n')
-                self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (%sSkeleton, g_object_unref)\n' % 
-                self.outfile.write('#endif\n')
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "GType %s_skeleton_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            if self.generate_autocleanup in ("objects", "all"):
+                self.outfile.write("#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)\n")
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (%sSkeleton, g_object_unref)\n"
+                    % (i.camel_name)
+                )
+                self.outfile.write("#endif\n")
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
             if i.deprecated:
-                self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-            self.outfile.write('%s *%s_skeleton_new (void);\n'%(i.camel_name, i.name_lower))
+                self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "%s *%s_skeleton_new (void);\n" % (i.camel_name, i.name_lower)
+            )
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
         # Finally, the Object, ObjectProxy, ObjectSkeleton and ObjectManagerClient
         if self.generate_objmanager:
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('/* ---- */\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sTYPE_OBJECT (%sobject_get_type ())\n'%(self.ns_upper, 
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sOBJECT(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), %sTYPE_OBJECT, 
%sObject))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sIS_OBJECT(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sOBJECT_GET_IFACE(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_INTERFACE ((o), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT, %sObject))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('struct _%sObject;\n'%(self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sObject %sObject;\n'%(self.namespace, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sObjectIface %sObjectIface;\n'%(self.namespace, 
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('struct _%sObjectIface\n'%(self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n'
-                               '  GTypeInterface parent_iface;\n'
-                               '};\n'
-                               '\n')
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("/* ---- */\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sTYPE_OBJECT (%sobject_get_type ())\n"
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sOBJECT(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), %sTYPE_OBJECT, %sObject))\n"
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sIS_OBJECT(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), %sTYPE_OBJECT))\n"
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sOBJECT_GET_IFACE(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_INTERFACE ((o), %sTYPE_OBJECT, 
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("struct _%sObject;\n" % (self.namespace))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sObject %sObject;\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sObjectIface %sObjectIface;\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("struct _%sObjectIface\n" % (self.namespace))
+            self.outfile.write("{\n" "  GTypeInterface parent_iface;\n" "};\n" "\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('GType %sobject_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               %(self.ns_lower))
-            if self.generate_autocleanup == 'all':
-                self.outfile.write('#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)\n')
-                self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (%sObject, g_object_unref)\n' % 
-                self.outfile.write('#endif\n')
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "GType %sobject_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n" "\n" % (self.ns_lower)
+            )
+            if self.generate_autocleanup == "all":
+                self.outfile.write("#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)\n")
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (%sObject, g_object_unref)\n"
+                    % (self.namespace)
+                )
+                self.outfile.write("#endif\n")
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
             for i in self.ifaces:
                 if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                    self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                    self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
                 if i.deprecated:
-                    self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-                self.outfile.write('%s *%sobject_get_%s (%sObject *object);\n'
-                                   %(i.camel_name, self.ns_lower, i.name_upper.lower(), self.namespace))
+                    self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "%s *%sobject_get_%s (%sObject *object);\n"
+                    % (
+                        i.camel_name,
+                        self.ns_lower,
+                        i.name_upper.lower(),
+                        self.namespace,
+                    )
+                )
             for i in self.ifaces:
                 if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                    self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                    self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
                 if i.deprecated:
-                    self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-                self.outfile.write('%s *%sobject_peek_%s (%sObject *object);\n'
-                                   %(i.camel_name, self.ns_lower, i.name_upper.lower(), self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY (%sobject_proxy_get_type ())\n'%(self.ns_upper, 
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sOBJECT_PROXY(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY, %sObjectProxy))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sOBJECT_PROXY_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((k), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY, %sObjectProxyClass))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sOBJECT_PROXY_GET_CLASS(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((o), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY, %sObjectProxyClass))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sIS_OBJECT_PROXY(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sIS_OBJECT_PROXY_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((k), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sObjectProxy %sObjectProxy;\n'%(self.namespace, 
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sObjectProxyClass %sObjectProxyClass;\n'%(self.namespace, 
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sObjectProxyPrivate 
%sObjectProxyPrivate;\n'%(self.namespace, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('struct _%sObjectProxy\n'%(self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  /*< private >*/\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  GDBusObjectProxy parent_instance;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  %sObjectProxyPrivate *priv;\n'%(self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('};\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('struct _%sObjectProxyClass\n'%(self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  GDBusObjectProxyClass parent_class;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('};\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                    self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "%s *%sobject_peek_%s (%sObject *object);\n"
+                    % (
+                        i.camel_name,
+                        self.ns_lower,
+                        i.name_upper.lower(),
+                        self.namespace,
+                    )
+                )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY (%sobject_proxy_get_type ())\n"
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sOBJECT_PROXY(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), %sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY, 
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sOBJECT_PROXY_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((k), %sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY, 
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sIS_OBJECT_PROXY(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), %sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY))\n"
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sIS_OBJECT_PROXY_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((k), %sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY))\n"
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sObjectProxy %sObjectProxy;\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sObjectProxyClass %sObjectProxyClass;\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sObjectProxyPrivate %sObjectProxyPrivate;\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("struct _%sObjectProxy\n" % (self.namespace))
+            self.outfile.write("{\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  /*< private >*/\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  GDBusObjectProxy parent_instance;\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  %sObjectProxyPrivate *priv;\n" % (self.namespace))
+            self.outfile.write("};\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("struct _%sObjectProxyClass\n" % (self.namespace))
+            self.outfile.write("{\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  GDBusObjectProxyClass parent_class;\n")
+            self.outfile.write("};\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('GType %sobject_proxy_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n'%(self.ns_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            if self.generate_autocleanup in ('objects', 'all'):
-                self.outfile.write('#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)\n')
-                self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (%sObjectProxy, g_object_unref)\n' % 
-                self.outfile.write('#endif\n')
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "GType %sobject_proxy_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n" % (self.ns_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            if self.generate_autocleanup in ("objects", "all"):
+                self.outfile.write("#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)\n")
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (%sObjectProxy, g_object_unref)\n"
+                    % (self.namespace)
+                )
+                self.outfile.write("#endif\n")
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('%sObjectProxy *%sobject_proxy_new (GDBusConnection *connection, const gchar 
*object_path);\n'%(self.namespace, self.ns_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sTYPE_OBJECT_SKELETON (%sobject_skeleton_get_type 
())\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sOBJECT_SKELETON(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_SKELETON, %sObjectSkeleton))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sOBJECT_SKELETON_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((k), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_SKELETON, %sObjectSkeletonClass))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sOBJECT_SKELETON_GET_CLASS(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((o), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_SKELETON, %sObjectSkeletonClass))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sIS_OBJECT_SKELETON(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_SKELETON))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sIS_OBJECT_SKELETON_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((k), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_SKELETON))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sObjectSkeleton %sObjectSkeleton;\n'%(self.namespace, 
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sObjectSkeletonClass 
%sObjectSkeletonClass;\n'%(self.namespace, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sObjectSkeletonPrivate 
%sObjectSkeletonPrivate;\n'%(self.namespace, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('struct _%sObjectSkeleton\n'%(self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  /*< private >*/\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  GDBusObjectSkeleton parent_instance;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  %sObjectSkeletonPrivate *priv;\n'%(self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('};\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('struct _%sObjectSkeletonClass\n'%(self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  GDBusObjectSkeletonClass parent_class;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('};\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "%sObjectProxy *%sobject_proxy_new (GDBusConnection *connection, const gchar 
+                % (self.namespace, self.ns_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sTYPE_OBJECT_SKELETON (%sobject_skeleton_get_type ())\n"
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sOBJECT_SKELETON_GET_CLASS(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((o), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_SKELETON, %sObjectSkeletonClass))\n"
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sIS_OBJECT_SKELETON(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), 
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sIS_OBJECT_SKELETON_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((k), 
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sObjectSkeleton %sObjectSkeleton;\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sObjectSkeletonClass %sObjectSkeletonClass;\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sObjectSkeletonPrivate %sObjectSkeletonPrivate;\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("struct _%sObjectSkeleton\n" % (self.namespace))
+            self.outfile.write("{\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  /*< private >*/\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  GDBusObjectSkeleton parent_instance;\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  %sObjectSkeletonPrivate *priv;\n" % (self.namespace))
+            self.outfile.write("};\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("struct _%sObjectSkeletonClass\n" % (self.namespace))
+            self.outfile.write("{\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  GDBusObjectSkeletonClass parent_class;\n")
+            self.outfile.write("};\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('GType %sobject_skeleton_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n'%(self.ns_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            if self.generate_autocleanup in ('objects', 'all'):
-                self.outfile.write('#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)\n')
-                self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (%sObjectSkeleton, g_object_unref)\n' % 
-                self.outfile.write('#endif\n')
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "GType %sobject_skeleton_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n"
+                % (self.ns_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            if self.generate_autocleanup in ("objects", "all"):
+                self.outfile.write("#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)\n")
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (%sObjectSkeleton, g_object_unref)\n"
+                    % (self.namespace)
+                )
+                self.outfile.write("#endif\n")
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('%sObjectSkeleton *%sobject_skeleton_new (const gchar *object_path);\n'
-                               %(self.namespace, self.ns_lower))
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "%sObjectSkeleton *%sobject_skeleton_new (const gchar *object_path);\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.ns_lower)
+            )
             for i in self.ifaces:
                 if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                    self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
+                    self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
                 if i.deprecated:
-                    self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ')
-                self.outfile.write('void %sobject_skeleton_set_%s (%sObjectSkeleton *object, %s 
-                                   %(self.ns_lower, i.name_upper.lower(), self.namespace, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('/* ---- */\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT (%sobject_manager_client_get_type 
())\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sOBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT, %sObjectManagerClient))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sOBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((k), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT, %sObjectManagerClientClass))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sOBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT_GET_CLASS(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS 
((o), %sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT, %sObjectManagerClientClass))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, 
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sIS_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('#define %sIS_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((k), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT))\n'%(self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sObjectManagerClient 
%sObjectManagerClient;\n'%(self.namespace, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sObjectManagerClientClass 
%sObjectManagerClientClass;\n'%(self.namespace, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('typedef struct _%sObjectManagerClientPrivate 
%sObjectManagerClientPrivate;\n'%(self.namespace, self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('struct _%sObjectManagerClient\n'%(self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  /*< private >*/\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  GDBusObjectManagerClient parent_instance;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  %sObjectManagerClientPrivate *priv;\n'%(self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('};\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('struct _%sObjectManagerClientClass\n'%(self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  GDBusObjectManagerClientClass parent_class;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('};\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            if self.generate_autocleanup in ('objects', 'all'):
-                self.outfile.write('#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)\n')
-                self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (%sObjectManagerClient, g_object_unref)\n' 
% (self.namespace))
-                self.outfile.write('#endif\n')
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                    self.outfile.write("G_GNUC_DEPRECATED ")
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "void %sobject_skeleton_set_%s (%sObjectSkeleton *object, %s *interface_);\n"
+                    % (
+                        self.ns_lower,
+                        i.name_upper.lower(),
+                        self.namespace,
+                        i.camel_name,
+                    )
+                )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("/* ---- */\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT (%sobject_manager_client_get_type ())\n"
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sOBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((o), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT, %sObjectManagerClient))\n"
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sOBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((k), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT, %sObjectManagerClientClass))\n"
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sOBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT_GET_CLASS(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((o), 
%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT, %sObjectManagerClientClass))\n"
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sIS_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT(o) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((o), 
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "#define %sIS_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT_CLASS(k) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((k), 
+                % (self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sObjectManagerClient %sObjectManagerClient;\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sObjectManagerClientClass %sObjectManagerClientClass;\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "typedef struct _%sObjectManagerClientPrivate %sObjectManagerClientPrivate;\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("struct _%sObjectManagerClient\n" % (self.namespace))
+            self.outfile.write("{\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  /*< private >*/\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  GDBusObjectManagerClient parent_instance;\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  %sObjectManagerClientPrivate *priv;\n" % (self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("};\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "struct _%sObjectManagerClientClass\n" % (self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("{\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  GDBusObjectManagerClientClass parent_class;\n")
+            self.outfile.write("};\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            if self.generate_autocleanup in ("objects", "all"):
+                self.outfile.write("#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)\n")
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (%sObjectManagerClient, g_object_unref)\n"
+                    % (self.namespace)
+                )
+                self.outfile.write("#endif\n")
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('GType %sobject_manager_client_get_type (void) 
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "GType %sobject_manager_client_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n"
+                % (self.ns_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('GType %sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type (GDBusObjectManagerClient 
*manager, const gchar *object_path, const gchar *interface_name, gpointer user_data);\n'%(self.ns_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "GType %sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type (GDBusObjectManagerClient *manager, const 
gchar *object_path, const gchar *interface_name, gpointer user_data);\n"
+                % (self.ns_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('void %sobject_manager_client_new (\n'
-                               '    GDBusConnection        *connection,\n'
-                               '    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n'
-                               '    const gchar            *name,\n'
-                               '    const gchar            *object_path,\n'
-                               '    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n'
-                               '    GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,\n'
-                               '    gpointer                user_data);\n'
-                               %(self.ns_lower))
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "void %sobject_manager_client_new (\n"
+                "    GDBusConnection        *connection,\n"
+                "    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n"
+                "    const gchar            *name,\n"
+                "    const gchar            *object_path,\n"
+                "    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n"
+                "    GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,\n"
+                "    gpointer                user_data);\n" % (self.ns_lower)
+            )
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('GDBusObjectManager *%sobject_manager_client_new_finish (\n'
-                               '    GAsyncResult        *res,\n'
-                               '    GError             **error);\n'
-                               %(self.ns_lower))
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "GDBusObjectManager *%sobject_manager_client_new_finish (\n"
+                "    GAsyncResult        *res,\n"
+                "    GError             **error);\n" % (self.ns_lower)
+            )
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('GDBusObjectManager *%sobject_manager_client_new_sync (\n'
-                               '    GDBusConnection        *connection,\n'
-                               '    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n'
-                               '    const gchar            *name,\n'
-                               '    const gchar            *object_path,\n'
-                               '    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n'
-                               '    GError                **error);\n'
-                               %(self.ns_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "GDBusObjectManager *%sobject_manager_client_new_sync (\n"
+                "    GDBusConnection        *connection,\n"
+                "    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n"
+                "    const gchar            *name,\n"
+                "    const gchar            *object_path,\n"
+                "    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n"
+                "    GError                **error);\n" % (self.ns_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('void %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus (\n'
-                               '    GBusType                bus_type,\n'
-                               '    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n'
-                               '    const gchar            *name,\n'
-                               '    const gchar            *object_path,\n'
-                               '    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n'
-                               '    GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,\n'
-                               '    gpointer                user_data);\n'
-                               %(self.ns_lower))
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "void %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus (\n"
+                "    GBusType                bus_type,\n"
+                "    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n"
+                "    const gchar            *name,\n"
+                "    const gchar            *object_path,\n"
+                "    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n"
+                "    GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,\n"
+                "    gpointer                user_data);\n" % (self.ns_lower)
+            )
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('GDBusObjectManager *%sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_finish (\n'
-                               '    GAsyncResult        *res,\n'
-                               '    GError             **error);\n'
-                               %(self.ns_lower))
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "GDBusObjectManager *%sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_finish (\n"
+                "    GAsyncResult        *res,\n"
+                "    GError             **error);\n" % (self.ns_lower)
+            )
             if self.symbol_decorator is not None:
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n' % self.symbol_decorator)
-            self.outfile.write('GDBusObjectManager *%sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_sync (\n'
-                               '    GBusType                bus_type,\n'
-                               '    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n'
-                               '    const gchar            *name,\n'
-                               '    const gchar            *object_path,\n'
-                               '    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n'
-                               '    GError                **error);\n'
-                               %(self.ns_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("%s\n" % self.symbol_decorator)
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "GDBusObjectManager *%sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_sync (\n"
+                "    GBusType                bus_type,\n"
+                "    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n"
+                "    const gchar            *name,\n"
+                "    const gchar            *object_path,\n"
+                "    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n"
+                "    GError                **error);\n" % (self.ns_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_header_postamble(self):
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('G_END_DECLS\n')
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write("G_END_DECLS\n")
         if not self.use_pragma:
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('#endif /* __{!s}__ */\n'.format(self.header_guard))
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("#endif /* __{!s}__ */\n".format(self.header_guard))
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -701,11 +1006,23 @@ class HeaderCodeGenerator:
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class InterfaceInfoHeaderCodeGenerator:
-    def __init__(self, ifaces, namespace, header_name, input_files_basenames, use_pragma,
-                 glib_min_required, symbol_decorator, symbol_decorator_header, outfile):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        ifaces,
+        namespace,
+        header_name,
+        input_files_basenames,
+        use_pragma,
+        glib_min_required,
+        symbol_decorator,
+        symbol_decorator_header,
+        outfile,
+    ):
         self.ifaces = ifaces
         self.namespace, self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower = generate_namespace(namespace)
         self.header_guard = generate_header_guard(header_name)
@@ -714,49 +1031,51 @@ class InterfaceInfoHeaderCodeGenerator:
         self.glib_min_required = glib_min_required
         self.symbol_decorator = symbol_decorator
         if self.symbol_decorator is None:
-            self.symbol_decorator = ''
+            self.symbol_decorator = ""
         self.symbol_decorator_header = symbol_decorator_header
         self.outfile = outfile
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_header_preamble(self):
-        basenames = ', '.join(self.input_files_basenames)
+        basenames = ", ".join(self.input_files_basenames)
         self.outfile.write(LICENSE_STR.format(config.VERSION, basenames))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
         if self.use_pragma:
-            self.outfile.write('#pragma once\n')
+            self.outfile.write("#pragma once\n")
-            self.outfile.write('#ifndef __{!s}__\n'.format(self.header_guard))
-            self.outfile.write('#define __{!s}__\n'.format(self.header_guard))
+            self.outfile.write("#ifndef __{!s}__\n".format(self.header_guard))
+            self.outfile.write("#define __{!s}__\n".format(self.header_guard))
         if self.symbol_decorator_header is not None:
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             self.outfile.write('#include "%s"\n' % self.symbol_decorator_header)
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('#include <gio/gio.h>\n')
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('G_BEGIN_DECLS\n')
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write("#include <gio/gio.h>\n")
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write("G_BEGIN_DECLS\n")
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def declare_infos(self):
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            self.outfile.write('extern %s const GDBusInterfaceInfo %s_interface;\n' %
-                               (self.symbol_decorator, i.name_lower))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "extern %s const GDBusInterfaceInfo %s_interface;\n"
+                % (self.symbol_decorator, i.name_lower)
+            )
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_header_postamble(self):
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('G_END_DECLS\n')
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write("G_END_DECLS\n")
         if not self.use_pragma:
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('#endif /* __{!s}__ */\n'.format(self.header_guard))
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("#endif /* __{!s}__ */\n".format(self.header_guard))
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -765,11 +1084,21 @@ class InterfaceInfoHeaderCodeGenerator:
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class InterfaceInfoBodyCodeGenerator:
-    def __init__(self, ifaces, namespace, header_name, input_files_basenames,
-                 glib_min_required, symbol_decoration_define, outfile):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        ifaces,
+        namespace,
+        header_name,
+        input_files_basenames,
+        glib_min_required,
+        symbol_decoration_define,
+        outfile,
+    ):
         self.ifaces = ifaces
         self.namespace, self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower = generate_namespace(namespace)
         self.header_name = header_name
@@ -781,34 +1110,37 @@ class InterfaceInfoBodyCodeGenerator:
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_body_preamble(self):
-        basenames = ', '.join(self.input_files_basenames)
+        basenames = ", ".join(self.input_files_basenames)
         self.outfile.write(LICENSE_STR.format(config.VERSION, basenames))
         if self.symbol_decoration_define is not None:
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('#define %s\n' % self.symbol_decoration_define)
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H\n'
-                           '#  include "config.h"\n'
-                           '#endif\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           '#include "%s"\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           '#include <string.h>\n'
-                           % (self.header_name))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("#define %s\n" % self.symbol_decoration_define)
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H\n"
+            '#  include "config.h"\n'
+            "#endif\n"
+            "\n"
+            '#include "%s"\n'
+            "\n"
+            "#include <string.h>\n" % (self.header_name)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_array(self, array_name_lower, element_type, elements):
-        self.outfile.write('const %s * const %s[] =\n' % (element_type, array_name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('{\n')
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "const %s * const %s[] =\n" % (element_type, array_name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("{\n")
         for (_, name) in elements:
-            self.outfile.write('  &%s,\n' % name)
-        self.outfile.write('  NULL,\n')
-        self.outfile.write('};\n')
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write("  &%s,\n" % name)
+        self.outfile.write("  NULL,\n")
+        self.outfile.write("};\n")
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
     def define_annotations(self, array_name_lower, annotations):
         if len(annotations) == 0:
@@ -818,28 +1150,37 @@ class InterfaceInfoBodyCodeGenerator:
         for a in annotations:
             # Skip internal annotations.
-            if a.key.startswith('org.gtk.GDBus'):
+            if a.key.startswith("org.gtk.GDBus"):
-            self.define_annotations('%s__%s_annotations' % (array_name_lower, a.key_lower), a.annotations)
+            self.define_annotations(
+                "%s__%s_annotations" % (array_name_lower, a.key_lower), a.annotations
+            )
-            self.outfile.write('const GDBusAnnotationInfo %s__%s_annotation =\n' % (array_name_lower, 
-            self.outfile.write('{\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  -1,  /* ref count */\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "const GDBusAnnotationInfo %s__%s_annotation =\n"
+                % (array_name_lower, a.key_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("{\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  -1,  /* ref count */\n")
             self.outfile.write('  (gchar *) "%s",\n' % a.key)
             self.outfile.write('  (gchar *) "%s",\n' % a.value)
             if len(a.annotations) > 0:
-                self.outfile.write('  (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) %s__%s_annotations,\n' % (array_name_lower, 
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) %s__%s_annotations,\n"
+                    % (array_name_lower, a.key_lower)
+                )
-                self.outfile.write('  NULL,  /* no annotations */\n')
-            self.outfile.write('};\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("  NULL,  /* no annotations */\n")
+            self.outfile.write("};\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
-            key = (a.since, '%s__%s_annotation' % (array_name_lower, a.key_lower))
+            key = (a.since, "%s__%s_annotation" % (array_name_lower, a.key_lower))
-        self.generate_array(array_name_lower, 'GDBusAnnotationInfo',
-                            annotation_pointers)
+        self.generate_array(
+            array_name_lower, "GDBusAnnotationInfo", annotation_pointers
+        )
     def define_args(self, array_name_lower, args):
         if len(args) == 0:
@@ -848,93 +1189,154 @@ class InterfaceInfoBodyCodeGenerator:
         arg_pointers = []
         for a in args:
-            self.define_annotations('%s__%s_arg_annotations' % (array_name_lower, a.name), a.annotations)
-            self.outfile.write('const GDBusArgInfo %s__%s_arg =\n' % (array_name_lower, a.name))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  -1,  /* ref count */\n')
+            self.define_annotations(
+                "%s__%s_arg_annotations" % (array_name_lower, a.name), a.annotations
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "const GDBusArgInfo %s__%s_arg =\n" % (array_name_lower, a.name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("{\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  -1,  /* ref count */\n")
             self.outfile.write('  (gchar *) "%s",\n' % a.name)
             self.outfile.write('  (gchar *) "%s",\n' % a.signature)
             if len(a.annotations) > 0:
-                self.outfile.write('  (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) %s__%s_arg_annotations,\n' % 
(array_name_lower, a.name))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) %s__%s_arg_annotations,\n"
+                    % (array_name_lower, a.name)
+                )
-                self.outfile.write('  NULL,  /* no annotations */\n')
-            self.outfile.write('};\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("  NULL,  /* no annotations */\n")
+            self.outfile.write("};\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
-            key = (a.since, '%s__%s_arg' % (array_name_lower, a.name))
+            key = (a.since, "%s__%s_arg" % (array_name_lower, a.name))
-        self.generate_array(array_name_lower, 'GDBusArgInfo', arg_pointers)
+        self.generate_array(array_name_lower, "GDBusArgInfo", arg_pointers)
     def define_infos(self):
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            self.outfile.write('/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
-            self.outfile.write('/* Definitions for %s */\n' % i.name)
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */\n"
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("/* Definitions for %s */\n" % i.name)
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             # GDBusMethodInfos.
             if len(i.methods) > 0:
                 method_pointers = []
                 for m in i.methods:
-                    self.define_args('%s_interface__%s_method_in_args' % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower), 
-                    self.define_args('%s_interface__%s_method_out_args' % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower), 
-                    self.define_annotations('%s_interface__%s_method_annotations' % (i.name_lower, 
m.name_lower), m.annotations)
-                    self.outfile.write('const GDBusMethodInfo %s_interface__%s_method =\n' % (i.name_lower, 
-                    self.outfile.write('{\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('  -1,  /* ref count */\n')
+                    self.define_args(
+                        "%s_interface__%s_method_in_args"
+                        % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower),
+                        m.in_args,
+                    )
+                    self.define_args(
+                        "%s_interface__%s_method_out_args"
+                        % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower),
+                        m.out_args,
+                    )
+                    self.define_annotations(
+                        "%s_interface__%s_method_annotations"
+                        % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower),
+                        m.annotations,
+                    )
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "const GDBusMethodInfo %s_interface__%s_method =\n"
+                        % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower)
+                    )
+                    self.outfile.write("{\n")
+                    self.outfile.write("  -1,  /* ref count */\n")
                     self.outfile.write('  (gchar *) "%s",\n' % m.name)
                     if len(m.in_args) > 0:
-                        self.outfile.write('  (GDBusArgInfo **) %s_interface__%s_method_in_args,\n' % 
(i.name_lower, m.name_lower))
+                        self.outfile.write(
+                            "  (GDBusArgInfo **) %s_interface__%s_method_in_args,\n"
+                            % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower)
+                        )
-                        self.outfile.write('  NULL,  /* no in args */\n')
+                        self.outfile.write("  NULL,  /* no in args */\n")
                     if len(m.out_args) > 0:
-                        self.outfile.write('  (GDBusArgInfo **) %s_interface__%s_method_out_args,\n' % 
(i.name_lower, m.name_lower))
+                        self.outfile.write(
+                            "  (GDBusArgInfo **) %s_interface__%s_method_out_args,\n"
+                            % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower)
+                        )
-                        self.outfile.write('  NULL,  /* no out args */\n')
+                        self.outfile.write("  NULL,  /* no out args */\n")
                     if len(m.annotations) > 0:
-                        self.outfile.write('  (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) 
%s_interface__%s_method_annotations,\n' % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower))
+                        self.outfile.write(
+                            "  (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) %s_interface__%s_method_annotations,\n"
+                            % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower)
+                        )
-                        self.outfile.write('  NULL,  /* no annotations */\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('};\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('\n')
-                    key = (m.since, '%s_interface__%s_method' % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower))
+                        self.outfile.write("  NULL,  /* no annotations */\n")
+                    self.outfile.write("};\n")
+                    self.outfile.write("\n")
+                    key = (
+                        m.since,
+                        "%s_interface__%s_method" % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower),
+                    )
-                self.generate_array('%s_interface_methods' % i.name_lower,
-                                    'GDBusMethodInfo', method_pointers)
+                self.generate_array(
+                    "%s_interface_methods" % i.name_lower,
+                    "GDBusMethodInfo",
+                    method_pointers,
+                )
             # GDBusSignalInfos.
             if len(i.signals) > 0:
                 signal_pointers = []
                 for s in i.signals:
-                    self.define_args('%s_interface__%s_signal_args' % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower), s.args)
-                    self.define_annotations('%s_interface__%s_signal_annotations' % (i.name_lower, 
s.name_lower), s.annotations)
-                    self.outfile.write('const GDBusSignalInfo %s_interface__%s_signal =\n' % (i.name_lower, 
-                    self.outfile.write('{\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('  -1,  /* ref count */\n')
+                    self.define_args(
+                        "%s_interface__%s_signal_args" % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower),
+                        s.args,
+                    )
+                    self.define_annotations(
+                        "%s_interface__%s_signal_annotations"
+                        % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower),
+                        s.annotations,
+                    )
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "const GDBusSignalInfo %s_interface__%s_signal =\n"
+                        % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower)
+                    )
+                    self.outfile.write("{\n")
+                    self.outfile.write("  -1,  /* ref count */\n")
                     self.outfile.write('  (gchar *) "%s",\n' % s.name)
                     if len(s.args) > 0:
-                        self.outfile.write('  (GDBusArgInfo **) %s_interface__%s_signal_args,\n' % 
(i.name_lower, s.name_lower))
+                        self.outfile.write(
+                            "  (GDBusArgInfo **) %s_interface__%s_signal_args,\n"
+                            % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower)
+                        )
-                        self.outfile.write('  NULL,  /* no args */\n')
+                        self.outfile.write("  NULL,  /* no args */\n")
                     if len(s.annotations) > 0:
-                        self.outfile.write('  (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) 
%s_interface__%s_signal_annotations,\n' % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower))
+                        self.outfile.write(
+                            "  (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) %s_interface__%s_signal_annotations,\n"
+                            % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower)
+                        )
-                        self.outfile.write('  NULL,  /* no annotations */\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('};\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('\n')
-                    key = (s.since, '%s_interface__%s_signal' % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower))
+                        self.outfile.write("  NULL,  /* no annotations */\n")
+                    self.outfile.write("};\n")
+                    self.outfile.write("\n")
+                    key = (
+                        s.since,
+                        "%s_interface__%s_signal" % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower),
+                    )
-                self.generate_array('%s_interface_signals' % i.name_lower,
-                                    'GDBusSignalInfo', signal_pointers)
+                self.generate_array(
+                    "%s_interface_signals" % i.name_lower,
+                    "GDBusSignalInfo",
+                    signal_pointers,
+                )
             # GDBusPropertyInfos.
             if len(i.properties) > 0:
@@ -942,61 +1344,89 @@ class InterfaceInfoBodyCodeGenerator:
                 for p in i.properties:
                     if p.readable and p.writable:
                     elif p.readable:
-                        flags = 'G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_READABLE'
+                        flags = "G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_READABLE"
                     elif p.writable:
-                        flags = 'G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_WRITABLE'
+                        flags = "G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_WRITABLE"
-                        flags = 'G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_NONE'
-                    self.define_annotations('%s_interface__%s_property_annotations' % (i.name_lower, 
p.name_lower), p.annotations)
-                    self.outfile.write('const GDBusPropertyInfo %s_interface__%s_property =\n' % 
(i.name_lower, p.name_lower))
-                    self.outfile.write('{\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('  -1,  /* ref count */\n')
+                        flags = "G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_NONE"
+                    self.define_annotations(
+                        "%s_interface__%s_property_annotations"
+                        % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower),
+                        p.annotations,
+                    )
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "const GDBusPropertyInfo %s_interface__%s_property =\n"
+                        % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower)
+                    )
+                    self.outfile.write("{\n")
+                    self.outfile.write("  -1,  /* ref count */\n")
                     self.outfile.write('  (gchar *) "%s",\n' % p.name)
                     self.outfile.write('  (gchar *) "%s",\n' % p.signature)
-                    self.outfile.write('  %s,\n' % flags)
+                    self.outfile.write("  %s,\n" % flags)
                     if len(p.annotations) > 0:
-                        self.outfile.write('  (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) 
%s_interface__%s_property_annotations,\n' % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower))
+                        self.outfile.write(
+                            "  (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) %s_interface__%s_property_annotations,\n"
+                            % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower)
+                        )
-                        self.outfile.write('  NULL,  /* no annotations */\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('};\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('\n')
-                    key = (p.since, '%s_interface__%s_property' % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower))
+                        self.outfile.write("  NULL,  /* no annotations */\n")
+                    self.outfile.write("};\n")
+                    self.outfile.write("\n")
+                    key = (
+                        p.since,
+                        "%s_interface__%s_property" % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower),
+                    )
-                self.generate_array('%s_interface_properties' % i.name_lower,
-                                    'GDBusPropertyInfo', property_pointers)
+                self.generate_array(
+                    "%s_interface_properties" % i.name_lower,
+                    "GDBusPropertyInfo",
+                    property_pointers,
+                )
             # Finally the GDBusInterfaceInfo.
-            self.define_annotations('%s_interface_annotations' % i.name_lower,
-                                    i.annotations)
-            self.outfile.write('const GDBusInterfaceInfo %s_interface =\n' % i.name_lower)
-            self.outfile.write('{\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  -1,  /* ref count */\n')
+            self.define_annotations(
+                "%s_interface_annotations" % i.name_lower, i.annotations
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "const GDBusInterfaceInfo %s_interface =\n" % i.name_lower
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("{\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  -1,  /* ref count */\n")
             self.outfile.write('  (gchar *) "%s",\n' % i.name)
             if len(i.methods) > 0:
-                self.outfile.write('  (GDBusMethodInfo **) %s_interface_methods,\n' % i.name_lower)
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  (GDBusMethodInfo **) %s_interface_methods,\n" % i.name_lower
+                )
-                self.outfile.write('  NULL,  /* no methods */\n')
+                self.outfile.write("  NULL,  /* no methods */\n")
             if len(i.signals) > 0:
-                self.outfile.write('  (GDBusSignalInfo **) %s_interface_signals,\n' % i.name_lower)
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  (GDBusSignalInfo **) %s_interface_signals,\n" % i.name_lower
+                )
-                self.outfile.write('  NULL,  /* no signals */\n')
+                self.outfile.write("  NULL,  /* no signals */\n")
             if len(i.properties) > 0:
-                self.outfile.write('  (GDBusPropertyInfo **) %s_interface_properties,\n' % i.name_lower)
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  (GDBusPropertyInfo **) %s_interface_properties,\n" % i.name_lower
+                )
-                self.outfile.write(  'NULL,  /* no properties */\n')
+                self.outfile.write("NULL,  /* no properties */\n")
             if len(i.annotations) > 0:
-                self.outfile.write('  (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) %s_interface_annotations,\n' % i.name_lower)
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) %s_interface_annotations,\n"
+                    % i.name_lower
+                )
-                self.outfile.write('  NULL,  /* no annotations */\n')
-            self.outfile.write('};\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write("  NULL,  /* no annotations */\n")
+            self.outfile.write("};\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1004,12 +1434,23 @@ class InterfaceInfoBodyCodeGenerator:
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class CodeGenerator:
-    def __init__(self, ifaces, namespace, generate_objmanager, header_name,
-                 input_files_basenames, docbook_gen, glib_min_required,
-                 symbol_decoration_define, outfile):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        ifaces,
+        namespace,
+        generate_objmanager,
+        header_name,
+        input_files_basenames,
+        docbook_gen,
+        glib_min_required,
+        symbol_decoration_define,
+        outfile,
+    ):
         self.ifaces = ifaces
         self.namespace, self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower = generate_namespace(namespace)
         self.generate_objmanager = generate_objmanager
@@ -1023,169 +1464,187 @@ class CodeGenerator:
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_body_preamble(self):
-        basenames = ', '.join(self.input_files_basenames)
+        basenames = ", ".join(self.input_files_basenames)
         self.outfile.write(LICENSE_STR.format(config.VERSION, basenames))
         if self.symbol_decoration_define is not None:
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write('#define %s\n' % self.symbol_decoration_define)
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H\n'
-                           '#  include "config.h"\n'
-                           '#endif\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           '#include "%s"\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           '#include <string.h>\n'
-                           %(self.header_name))
-        self.outfile.write('#ifdef G_OS_UNIX\n'
-                           '#  include <gio/gunixfdlist.h>\n'
-                           '#endif\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('typedef struct\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GDBusArgInfo parent_struct;\n'
-                           '  gboolean use_gvariant;\n'
-                           '} _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo;\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('typedef struct\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GDBusMethodInfo parent_struct;\n'
-                           '  const gchar *signal_name;\n'
-                           '  gboolean pass_fdlist;\n'
-                           '} _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo;\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('typedef struct\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GDBusSignalInfo parent_struct;\n'
-                           '  const gchar *signal_name;\n'
-                           '} _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo;\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('typedef struct\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GDBusPropertyInfo parent_struct;\n'
-                           '  const gchar *hyphen_name;\n'
-                           '  guint use_gvariant : 1;\n'
-                           '  guint emits_changed_signal : 1;\n'
-                           '} _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo;\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('typedef struct\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GDBusInterfaceInfo parent_struct;\n'
-                           '  const gchar *hyphen_name;\n'
-                           '} _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo;\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('typedef struct\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n'
-                           '  guint prop_id;\n'
-                           '  GValue orig_value; /* the value before the change */\n'
-                           '} ChangedProperty;\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           'static void\n'
-                           '_changed_property_free (ChangedProperty *data)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  g_value_unset (&data->orig_value);\n'
-                           '  g_free (data);\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('static gboolean\n'
-                           '_g_strv_equal0 (gchar **a, gchar **b)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n'
-                           '  guint n;\n'
-                           '  if (a == NULL && b == NULL)\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           '      ret = TRUE;\n'
-                           '      goto out;\n'
-                           '    }\n'
-                           '  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)\n'
-                           '    goto out;\n'
-                           '  if (g_strv_length (a) != g_strv_length (b))\n'
-                           '    goto out;\n'
-                           '  for (n = 0; a[n] != NULL; n++)\n'
-                           '    if (g_strcmp0 (a[n], b[n]) != 0)\n'
-                           '      goto out;\n'
-                           '  ret = TRUE;\n'
-                           'out:\n'
-                           '  return ret;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('static gboolean\n'
-                           '_g_variant_equal0 (GVariant *a, GVariant *b)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n'
-                           '  if (a == NULL && b == NULL)\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           '      ret = TRUE;\n'
-                           '      goto out;\n'
-                           '    }\n'
-                           '  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)\n'
-                           '    goto out;\n'
-                           '  ret = g_variant_equal (a, b);\n'
-                           'out:\n'
-                           '  return ret;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n')
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
+            self.outfile.write("#define %s\n" % self.symbol_decoration_define)
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H\n"
+            '#  include "config.h"\n'
+            "#endif\n"
+            "\n"
+            '#include "%s"\n'
+            "\n"
+            "#include <string.h>\n" % (self.header_name)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "#ifdef G_OS_UNIX\n" "#  include <gio/gunixfdlist.h>\n" "#endif\n" "\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "typedef struct\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GDBusArgInfo parent_struct;\n"
+            "  gboolean use_gvariant;\n"
+            "} _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo;\n"
+            "\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "typedef struct\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GDBusMethodInfo parent_struct;\n"
+            "  const gchar *signal_name;\n"
+            "  gboolean pass_fdlist;\n"
+            "} _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo;\n"
+            "\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "typedef struct\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GDBusSignalInfo parent_struct;\n"
+            "  const gchar *signal_name;\n"
+            "} _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo;\n"
+            "\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "typedef struct\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GDBusPropertyInfo parent_struct;\n"
+            "  const gchar *hyphen_name;\n"
+            "  guint use_gvariant : 1;\n"
+            "  guint emits_changed_signal : 1;\n"
+            "} _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo;\n"
+            "\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "typedef struct\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GDBusInterfaceInfo parent_struct;\n"
+            "  const gchar *hyphen_name;\n"
+            "} _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo;\n"
+            "\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "typedef struct\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n"
+            "  guint prop_id;\n"
+            "  GValue orig_value; /* the value before the change */\n"
+            "} ChangedProperty;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "static void\n"
+            "_changed_property_free (ChangedProperty *data)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  g_value_unset (&data->orig_value);\n"
+            "  g_free (data);\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static gboolean\n"
+            "_g_strv_equal0 (gchar **a, gchar **b)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n"
+            "  guint n;\n"
+            "  if (a == NULL && b == NULL)\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            "      ret = TRUE;\n"
+            "      goto out;\n"
+            "    }\n"
+            "  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)\n"
+            "    goto out;\n"
+            "  if (g_strv_length (a) != g_strv_length (b))\n"
+            "    goto out;\n"
+            "  for (n = 0; a[n] != NULL; n++)\n"
+            "    if (g_strcmp0 (a[n], b[n]) != 0)\n"
+            "      goto out;\n"
+            "  ret = TRUE;\n"
+            "out:\n"
+            "  return ret;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static gboolean\n"
+            "_g_variant_equal0 (GVariant *a, GVariant *b)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n"
+            "  if (a == NULL && b == NULL)\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            "      ret = TRUE;\n"
+            "      goto out;\n"
+            "    }\n"
+            "  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)\n"
+            "    goto out;\n"
+            "  ret = g_variant_equal (a, b);\n"
+            "out:\n"
+            "  return ret;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n"
+        )
         # simplified - only supports the types we use
-        self.outfile.write('G_GNUC_UNUSED static gboolean\n'
-                           '_g_value_equal (const GValue *a, const GValue *b)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n'
-                           '  g_assert (G_VALUE_TYPE (a) == G_VALUE_TYPE (b));\n'
-                           '  switch (G_VALUE_TYPE (a))\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           '      case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:\n'
-                           '        ret = (g_value_get_boolean (a) == g_value_get_boolean (b));\n'
-                           '        break;\n'
-                           '      case G_TYPE_UCHAR:\n'
-                           '        ret = (g_value_get_uchar (a) == g_value_get_uchar (b));\n'
-                           '        break;\n'
-                           '      case G_TYPE_INT:\n'
-                           '        ret = (g_value_get_int (a) == g_value_get_int (b));\n'
-                           '        break;\n'
-                           '      case G_TYPE_UINT:\n'
-                           '        ret = (g_value_get_uint (a) == g_value_get_uint (b));\n'
-                           '        break;\n'
-                           '      case G_TYPE_INT64:\n'
-                           '        ret = (g_value_get_int64 (a) == g_value_get_int64 (b));\n'
-                           '        break;\n'
-                           '      case G_TYPE_UINT64:\n'
-                           '        ret = (g_value_get_uint64 (a) == g_value_get_uint64 (b));\n'
-                           '        break;\n'
-                           '      case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:\n'
-                           '        {\n'
-                           '          /* Avoid -Wfloat-equal warnings by doing a direct bit compare */\n'
-                           '          gdouble da = g_value_get_double (a);\n'
-                           '          gdouble db = g_value_get_double (b);\n'
-                           '          ret = memcmp (&da, &db, sizeof (gdouble)) == 0;\n'
-                           '        }\n'
-                           '        break;\n'
-                           '      case G_TYPE_STRING:\n'
-                           '        ret = (g_strcmp0 (g_value_get_string (a), g_value_get_string (b)) == 
-                           '        break;\n'
-                           '      case G_TYPE_VARIANT:\n'
-                           '        ret = _g_variant_equal0 (g_value_get_variant (a), g_value_get_variant 
-                           '        break;\n'
-                           '      default:\n'
-                           '        if (G_VALUE_TYPE (a) == G_TYPE_STRV)\n'
-                           '          ret = _g_strv_equal0 (g_value_get_boxed (a), g_value_get_boxed (b));\n'
-                           '        else\n'
-                           '          g_critical ("_g_value_equal() does not handle type %s", g_type_name 
(G_VALUE_TYPE (a)));\n'
-                           '        break;\n'
-                           '    }\n'
-                           '  return ret;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n')
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "G_GNUC_UNUSED static gboolean\n"
+            "_g_value_equal (const GValue *a, const GValue *b)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n"
+            "  g_assert (G_VALUE_TYPE (a) == G_VALUE_TYPE (b));\n"
+            "  switch (G_VALUE_TYPE (a))\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:\n"
+            "        ret = (g_value_get_boolean (a) == g_value_get_boolean (b));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_UCHAR:\n"
+            "        ret = (g_value_get_uchar (a) == g_value_get_uchar (b));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_INT:\n"
+            "        ret = (g_value_get_int (a) == g_value_get_int (b));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_UINT:\n"
+            "        ret = (g_value_get_uint (a) == g_value_get_uint (b));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_INT64:\n"
+            "        ret = (g_value_get_int64 (a) == g_value_get_int64 (b));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_UINT64:\n"
+            "        ret = (g_value_get_uint64 (a) == g_value_get_uint64 (b));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:\n"
+            "        {\n"
+            "          /* Avoid -Wfloat-equal warnings by doing a direct bit compare */\n"
+            "          gdouble da = g_value_get_double (a);\n"
+            "          gdouble db = g_value_get_double (b);\n"
+            "          ret = memcmp (&da, &db, sizeof (gdouble)) == 0;\n"
+            "        }\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_STRING:\n"
+            "        ret = (g_strcmp0 (g_value_get_string (a), g_value_get_string (b)) == 0);\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_VARIANT:\n"
+            "        ret = _g_variant_equal0 (g_value_get_variant (a), g_value_get_variant (b));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      default:\n"
+            "        if (G_VALUE_TYPE (a) == G_TYPE_STRV)\n"
+            "          ret = _g_strv_equal0 (g_value_get_boxed (a), g_value_get_boxed (b));\n"
+            "        else\n"
+            '          g_critical ("_g_value_equal() does not handle type %s", g_type_name (G_VALUE_TYPE 
+            "        break;\n"
+            "    }\n"
+            "  return ret;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n"
+        )
     def generate_annotations(self, prefix, annotations):
         if annotations is None:
@@ -1193,457 +1652,664 @@ class CodeGenerator:
         n = 0
         for a in annotations:
-            #self.generate_annotations('%s_%d'%(prefix, n), a.get_annotations())
+            # self.generate_annotations('%s_%d'%(prefix, n), a.get_annotations())
             # skip internal annotations
-            if a.key.startswith('org.gtk.GDBus'):
+            if a.key.startswith("org.gtk.GDBus"):
-            self.outfile.write('static const GDBusAnnotationInfo %s_%d =\n'
-                               '{\n'
-                               '  -1,\n'
-                               '  (gchar *) "%s",\n'
-                               '  (gchar *) "%s",\n'%(prefix, n, a.key, a.value))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static const GDBusAnnotationInfo %s_%d =\n"
+                "{\n"
+                "  -1,\n"
+                '  (gchar *) "%s",\n'
+                '  (gchar *) "%s",\n' % (prefix, n, a.key, a.value)
+            )
             if len(a.annotations) == 0:
-                self.outfile.write('  NULL\n')
+                self.outfile.write("  NULL\n")
-                self.outfile.write('  (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &%s_%d_pointers\n'%(prefix, n))
-            self.outfile.write('};\n'
-                               '\n')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &%s_%d_pointers\n" % (prefix, n)
+                )
+            self.outfile.write("};\n" "\n")
             n += 1
         if n > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const %s_pointers[] =\n'
-                               '{\n'%(prefix))
-            m = 0;
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const %s_pointers[] =\n"
+                "{\n" % (prefix)
+            )
+            m = 0
             for a in annotations:
-                if a.key.startswith('org.gtk.GDBus'):
+                if a.key.startswith("org.gtk.GDBus"):
-                self.outfile.write('  &%s_%d,\n'%(prefix, m))
+                self.outfile.write("  &%s_%d,\n" % (prefix, m))
                 m += 1
-            self.outfile.write('  NULL\n'
-                               '};\n'
-                               '\n')
+            self.outfile.write("  NULL\n" "};\n" "\n")
         return n
     def generate_args(self, prefix, args):
         for a in args:
-            num_anno = self.generate_annotations('%s_arg_%s_annotation_info'%(prefix, a.name), a.annotations)
-            self.outfile.write('static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo %s_%s =\n'
-                               '{\n'
-                               '  {\n'
-                               '    -1,\n'
-                               '    (gchar *) "%s",\n'
-                               '    (gchar *) "%s",\n'%(prefix, a.name, a.name, a.signature))
+            num_anno = self.generate_annotations(
+                "%s_arg_%s_annotation_info" % (prefix, a.name), a.annotations
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo %s_%s =\n"
+                "{\n"
+                "  {\n"
+                "    -1,\n"
+                '    (gchar *) "%s",\n'
+                '    (gchar *) "%s",\n' % (prefix, a.name, a.name, a.signature)
+            )
             if num_anno == 0:
-                self.outfile.write('    NULL\n')
+                self.outfile.write("    NULL\n")
-                self.outfile.write('    (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) 
&%s_arg_%s_annotation_info_pointers\n'%(prefix, a.name))
-            self.outfile.write('  },\n')
-            if not utils.lookup_annotation(a.annotations, 'org.gtk.GDBus.C.ForceGVariant'):
-                self.outfile.write('  FALSE\n')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "    (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &%s_arg_%s_annotation_info_pointers\n"
+                    % (prefix, a.name)
+                )
+            self.outfile.write("  },\n")
+            if not utils.lookup_annotation(
+                a.annotations, "org.gtk.GDBus.C.ForceGVariant"
+            ):
+                self.outfile.write("  FALSE\n")
-                self.outfile.write('  TRUE\n')
-            self.outfile.write('};\n'
-                               '\n')
+                self.outfile.write("  TRUE\n")
+            self.outfile.write("};\n" "\n")
         if len(args) > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('static const GDBusArgInfo * const %s_pointers[] =\n'
-                             '{\n'%(prefix))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static const GDBusArgInfo * const %s_pointers[] =\n" "{\n" % (prefix)
+            )
             for a in args:
-                self.outfile.write('  &%s_%s.parent_struct,\n'%(prefix, a.name))
-            self.outfile.write('  NULL\n'
-                               '};\n'
-                               '\n')
+                self.outfile.write("  &%s_%s.parent_struct,\n" % (prefix, a.name))
+            self.outfile.write("  NULL\n" "};\n" "\n")
     def generate_introspection_for_interface(self, i):
-            self.outfile.write('/* ---- Introspection data for %s ---- */\n'
-                               '\n'%(i.name))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "/* ---- Introspection data for %s ---- */\n" "\n" % (i.name)
+        )
-            if len(i.methods) > 0:
-                for m in i.methods:
-                    self.generate_args('_%s_method_info_%s_IN_ARG'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower), m.in_args)
-                    self.generate_args('_%s_method_info_%s_OUT_ARG'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower), m.out_args)
-                    num_anno = self.generate_annotations('_%s_method_%s_annotation_info'%(i.name_lower, 
m.name_lower), m.annotations)
-                    self.outfile.write('static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _%s_method_info_%s =\n'
-                                       '{\n'
-                                       '  {\n'
-                                       '    -1,\n'
-                                       '    (gchar *) "%s",\n'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower, m.name))
-                    if len(m.in_args) == 0:
-                        self.outfile.write('    NULL,\n')
-                    else:
-                        self.outfile.write('    (GDBusArgInfo **) 
&_%s_method_info_%s_IN_ARG_pointers,\n'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower))
-                    if len(m.out_args) == 0:
-                        self.outfile.write('    NULL,\n')
-                    else:
-                        self.outfile.write('    (GDBusArgInfo **) 
&_%s_method_info_%s_OUT_ARG_pointers,\n'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower))
-                    if num_anno == 0:
-                        self.outfile.write('    NULL\n')
-                    else:
-                        self.outfile.write('    (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) 
&_%s_method_%s_annotation_info_pointers\n'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower))
-                    self.outfile.write('  },\n'
-                                       '  "handle-%s",\n'
-                                       '  %s\n'
-                                       %(m.name_hyphen, 'TRUE' if m.unix_fd else 'FALSE'))
-                    self.outfile.write('};\n'
-                                       '\n')
-                self.outfile.write('static const GDBusMethodInfo * const _%s_method_info_pointers[] =\n'
-                                   '{\n'%(i.name_lower))
-                for m in i.methods:
-                    self.outfile.write('  &_%s_method_info_%s.parent_struct,\n'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower))
-                self.outfile.write('  NULL\n'
-                                   '};\n'
-                                   '\n')
+        if len(i.methods) > 0:
+            for m in i.methods:
+                self.generate_args(
+                    "_%s_method_info_%s_IN_ARG" % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower),
+                    m.in_args,
+                )
+                self.generate_args(
+                    "_%s_method_info_%s_OUT_ARG" % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower),
+                    m.out_args,
+                )
+                num_anno = self.generate_annotations(
+                    "_%s_method_%s_annotation_info" % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower),
+                    m.annotations,
+                )
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _%s_method_info_%s =\n"
+                    "{\n"
+                    "  {\n"
+                    "    -1,\n"
+                    '    (gchar *) "%s",\n' % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower, m.name)
+                )
+                if len(m.in_args) == 0:
+                    self.outfile.write("    NULL,\n")
+                else:
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "    (GDBusArgInfo **) &_%s_method_info_%s_IN_ARG_pointers,\n"
+                        % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower)
+                    )
+                if len(m.out_args) == 0:
+                    self.outfile.write("    NULL,\n")
+                else:
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "    (GDBusArgInfo **) &_%s_method_info_%s_OUT_ARG_pointers,\n"
+                        % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower)
+                    )
+                if num_anno == 0:
+                    self.outfile.write("    NULL\n")
+                else:
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "    (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_%s_method_%s_annotation_info_pointers\n"
+                        % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower)
+                    )
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  },\n"
+                    '  "handle-%s",\n'
+                    "  %s\n" % (m.name_hyphen, "TRUE" if m.unix_fd else "FALSE")
+                )
+                self.outfile.write("};\n" "\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static const GDBusMethodInfo * const _%s_method_info_pointers[] =\n"
+                "{\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+            for m in i.methods:
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  &_%s_method_info_%s.parent_struct,\n"
+                    % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower)
+                )
+            self.outfile.write("  NULL\n" "};\n" "\n")
-            # ---
+        # ---
-            if len(i.signals) > 0:
-                for s in i.signals:
-                    self.generate_args('_%s_signal_info_%s_ARG'%(i.name_lower, s.name_lower), s.args)
-                    num_anno = self.generate_annotations('_%s_signal_%s_annotation_info'%(i.name_lower, 
s.name_lower), s.annotations)
-                    self.outfile.write('static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _%s_signal_info_%s =\n'
-                                       '{\n'
-                                       '  {\n'
-                                       '    -1,\n'
-                                       '    (gchar *) "%s",\n'%(i.name_lower, s.name_lower, s.name))
-                    if len(s.args) == 0:
-                        self.outfile.write('    NULL,\n')
-                    else:
-                        self.outfile.write('    (GDBusArgInfo **) 
&_%s_signal_info_%s_ARG_pointers,\n'%(i.name_lower, s.name_lower))
-                    if num_anno == 0:
-                        self.outfile.write('    NULL\n')
-                    else:
-                        self.outfile.write('    (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) 
&_%s_signal_%s_annotation_info_pointers\n'%(i.name_lower, s.name_lower))
-                    self.outfile.write('  },\n'
-                                       '  "%s"\n'
-                                       %(s.name_hyphen))
-                    self.outfile.write('};\n'
-                                       '\n')
-                self.outfile.write('static const GDBusSignalInfo * const _%s_signal_info_pointers[] =\n'
-                                   '{\n'%(i.name_lower))
-                for s in i.signals:
-                    self.outfile.write('  &_%s_signal_info_%s.parent_struct,\n'%(i.name_lower, s.name_lower))
-                self.outfile.write('  NULL\n'
-                                   '};\n'
-                                   '\n')
+        if len(i.signals) > 0:
+            for s in i.signals:
+                self.generate_args(
+                    "_%s_signal_info_%s_ARG" % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower), s.args
+                )
+                num_anno = self.generate_annotations(
+                    "_%s_signal_%s_annotation_info" % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower),
+                    s.annotations,
+                )
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _%s_signal_info_%s =\n"
+                    "{\n"
+                    "  {\n"
+                    "    -1,\n"
+                    '    (gchar *) "%s",\n' % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower, s.name)
+                )
+                if len(s.args) == 0:
+                    self.outfile.write("    NULL,\n")
+                else:
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "    (GDBusArgInfo **) &_%s_signal_info_%s_ARG_pointers,\n"
+                        % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower)
+                    )
+                if num_anno == 0:
+                    self.outfile.write("    NULL\n")
+                else:
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "    (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_%s_signal_%s_annotation_info_pointers\n"
+                        % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower)
+                    )
+                self.outfile.write("  },\n" '  "%s"\n' % (s.name_hyphen))
+                self.outfile.write("};\n" "\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static const GDBusSignalInfo * const _%s_signal_info_pointers[] =\n"
+                "{\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+            for s in i.signals:
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  &_%s_signal_info_%s.parent_struct,\n"
+                    % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower)
+                )
+            self.outfile.write("  NULL\n" "};\n" "\n")
-            # ---
+        # ---
-            if len(i.properties) > 0:
-                for p in i.properties:
-                    if p.readable and p.writable:
-                    elif p.readable:
-                        access = 'G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_READABLE'
-                    elif p.writable:
-                        access = 'G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_WRITABLE'
-                    else:
-                        access = 'G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_NONE'
-                    num_anno = self.generate_annotations('_%s_property_%s_annotation_info'%(i.name_lower, 
p.name_lower), p.annotations)
-                    self.outfile.write('static const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo _%s_property_info_%s =\n'
-                                       '{\n'
-                                       '  {\n'
-                                       '    -1,\n'
-                                       '    (gchar *) "%s",\n'
-                                       '    (gchar *) "%s",\n'
-                                       '    %s,\n'%(i.name_lower, p.name_lower, p.name, p.arg.signature, 
-                    if num_anno == 0:
-                        self.outfile.write('    NULL\n')
-                    else:
-                        self.outfile.write('    (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) 
&_%s_property_%s_annotation_info_pointers\n'%(i.name_lower, p.name_lower))
-                    self.outfile.write('  },\n'
-                                       '  "%s",\n'
-                                       %(p.name_hyphen))
-                    if not utils.lookup_annotation(p.annotations, 'org.gtk.GDBus.C.ForceGVariant'):
-                        self.outfile.write('  FALSE,\n')
-                    else:
-                        self.outfile.write('  TRUE,\n')
-                    if p.emits_changed_signal:
-                        self.outfile.write('  TRUE\n')
-                    else:
-                        self.outfile.write('  FALSE\n')
-                    self.outfile.write('};\n'
-                                       '\n')
+        if len(i.properties) > 0:
+            for p in i.properties:
+                if p.readable and p.writable:
+                elif p.readable:
+                    access = "G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_READABLE"
+                elif p.writable:
+                    access = "G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_WRITABLE"
+                else:
+                    access = "G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_NONE"
+                num_anno = self.generate_annotations(
+                    "_%s_property_%s_annotation_info" % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower),
+                    p.annotations,
+                )
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "static const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo _%s_property_info_%s =\n"
+                    "{\n"
+                    "  {\n"
+                    "    -1,\n"
+                    '    (gchar *) "%s",\n'
+                    '    (gchar *) "%s",\n'
+                    "    %s,\n"
+                    % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower, p.name, p.arg.signature, access)
+                )
+                if num_anno == 0:
+                    self.outfile.write("    NULL\n")
+                else:
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "    (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_%s_property_%s_annotation_info_pointers\n"
+                        % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower)
+                    )
+                self.outfile.write("  },\n" '  "%s",\n' % (p.name_hyphen))
+                if not utils.lookup_annotation(
+                    p.annotations, "org.gtk.GDBus.C.ForceGVariant"
+                ):
+                    self.outfile.write("  FALSE,\n")
+                else:
+                    self.outfile.write("  TRUE,\n")
+                if p.emits_changed_signal:
+                    self.outfile.write("  TRUE\n")
+                else:
+                    self.outfile.write("  FALSE\n")
+                self.outfile.write("};\n" "\n")
-                self.outfile.write('static const GDBusPropertyInfo * const _%s_property_info_pointers[] =\n'
-                                   '{\n'%(i.name_lower))
-                for p in i.properties:
-                    self.outfile.write('  &_%s_property_info_%s.parent_struct,\n'%(i.name_lower, 
-                self.outfile.write('  NULL\n'
-                                   '};\n'
-                                   '\n')
-            num_anno = self.generate_annotations('_%s_annotation_info'%(i.name_lower), i.annotations)
-            self.outfile.write('static const _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo _%s_interface_info =\n'
-                               '{\n'
-                               '  {\n'
-                               '    -1,\n'
-                               '    (gchar *) "%s",\n'%(i.name_lower, i.name))
-            if len(i.methods) == 0:
-                self.outfile.write('    NULL,\n')
-            else:
-                self.outfile.write('    (GDBusMethodInfo **) &_%s_method_info_pointers,\n'%(i.name_lower))
-            if len(i.signals) == 0:
-                self.outfile.write('    NULL,\n')
-            else:
-                self.outfile.write('    (GDBusSignalInfo **) &_%s_signal_info_pointers,\n'%(i.name_lower))
-            if len(i.properties) == 0:
-                self.outfile.write('    NULL,\n')
-            else:
-                self.outfile.write('    (GDBusPropertyInfo **) 
-            if num_anno == 0:
-                self.outfile.write('    NULL\n')
-            else:
-                self.outfile.write('    (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) 
-            self.outfile.write('  },\n'
-                               '  "%s",\n'
-                               '};\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               %(i.name_hyphen))
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
-            self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    '/**\n'
-                    ' * %s_interface_info:\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Gets a machine-readable description of the #%s D-Bus interface.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Returns: (transfer none): A #GDBusInterfaceInfo. Do not free.\n'
-                    %(i.name_lower, i.name), False))
-            self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-            self.outfile.write('GDBusInterfaceInfo *\n'
-                               '%s_interface_info (void)\n'
-                               '{\n'
-                               '  return (GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_%s_interface_info.parent_struct;\n'
-                                '}\n'
-                                '\n'%(i.name_lower, i.name_lower))
-            self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    '/**\n'
-                    ' * %s_override_properties:\n'
-                    ' * @klass: The class structure for a #GObject derived class.\n'
-                    ' * @property_id_begin: The property id to assign to the first overridden property.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Overrides all #GObject properties in the #%s interface for a concrete class.\n'
-                    ' * The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Returns: The last property id.\n'
-                    %(i.name_lower, i.camel_name), False))
-            self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-            self.outfile.write('guint\n'
-                               '%s_override_properties (GObjectClass *klass, guint property_id_begin)\n'
-                               '{\n'%(i.name_lower))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static const GDBusPropertyInfo * const _%s_property_info_pointers[] =\n"
+                "{\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
             for p in i.properties:
-                self.outfile.write('  g_object_class_override_property (klass, property_id_begin++, 
-            self.outfile.write('  return property_id_begin - 1;\n'
-                               '}\n'
-                               '\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  &_%s_property_info_%s.parent_struct,\n"
+                    % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower)
+                )
+            self.outfile.write("  NULL\n" "};\n" "\n")
+        num_anno = self.generate_annotations(
+            "_%s_annotation_info" % (i.name_lower), i.annotations
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static const _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo _%s_interface_info =\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  {\n"
+            "    -1,\n"
+            '    (gchar *) "%s",\n' % (i.name_lower, i.name)
+        )
+        if len(i.methods) == 0:
+            self.outfile.write("    NULL,\n")
+        else:
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "    (GDBusMethodInfo **) &_%s_method_info_pointers,\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+        if len(i.signals) == 0:
+            self.outfile.write("    NULL,\n")
+        else:
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "    (GDBusSignalInfo **) &_%s_signal_info_pointers,\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+        if len(i.properties) == 0:
+            self.outfile.write("    NULL,\n")
+        else:
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "    (GDBusPropertyInfo **) &_%s_property_info_pointers,\n"
+                % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+        if num_anno == 0:
+            self.outfile.write("    NULL\n")
+        else:
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "    (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_%s_annotation_info_pointers\n"
+                % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+        self.outfile.write("  },\n" '  "%s",\n' "};\n" "\n" % (i.name_hyphen))
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %s_interface_info:\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Gets a machine-readable description of the #%s D-Bus interface.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Returns: (transfer none): A #GDBusInterfaceInfo. Do not free.\n"
+                % (i.name_lower, i.name),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "GDBusInterfaceInfo *\n"
+            "%s_interface_info (void)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  return (GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_%s_interface_info.parent_struct;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (i.name_lower, i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %s_override_properties:\n"
+                " * @klass: The class structure for a #GObject derived class.\n"
+                " * @property_id_begin: The property id to assign to the first overridden property.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Overrides all #GObject properties in the #%s interface for a concrete class.\n"
+                " * The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Returns: The last property id.\n" % (i.name_lower, i.camel_name),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "guint\n"
+            "%s_override_properties (GObjectClass *klass, guint property_id_begin)\n"
+            "{\n" % (i.name_lower)
+        )
+        for p in i.properties:
+            self.outfile.write(
+                '  g_object_class_override_property (klass, property_id_begin++, "%s");\n'
+                % (p.name_hyphen)
+            )
+        self.outfile.write("  return property_id_begin - 1;\n" "}\n" "\n")
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_interface(self, i):
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %s:\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface #%s.\n'
-                %(i.camel_name, i.name), False))
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %s:\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface #%s.\n"
+                % (i.camel_name, i.name),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
         self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sIface:\n'
-                ' * @parent_iface: The parent interface.\n'
-                %(i.camel_name), False))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sIface:\n"
+                " * @parent_iface: The parent interface.\n" % (i.camel_name),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
         doc_bits = {}
         if len(i.methods) > 0:
             for m in i.methods:
-                key = (m.since, '_method_%s'%m.name_lower)
-                value  = '@handle_%s: '%(m.name_lower)
-                value += 'Handler for the #%s::handle-%s signal.'%(i.camel_name, m.name_hyphen)
+                key = (m.since, "_method_%s" % m.name_lower)
+                value = "@handle_%s: " % (m.name_lower)
+                value += "Handler for the #%s::handle-%s signal." % (
+                    i.camel_name,
+                    m.name_hyphen,
+                )
                 doc_bits[key] = value
         if len(i.signals) > 0:
             for s in i.signals:
-                key = (s.since, '_signal_%s'%s.name_lower)
-                value  = '@%s: '%(s.name_lower)
-                value += 'Handler for the #%s::%s signal.'%(i.camel_name, s.name_hyphen)
+                key = (s.since, "_signal_%s" % s.name_lower)
+                value = "@%s: " % (s.name_lower)
+                value += "Handler for the #%s::%s signal." % (
+                    i.camel_name,
+                    s.name_hyphen,
+                )
                 doc_bits[key] = value
         if len(i.properties) > 0:
             for p in i.properties:
-                key = (p.since, '_prop_get_%s'%p.name_lower)
-                value  = '@get_%s: '%(p.name_lower)
-                value += 'Getter for the #%s:%s property.'%(i.camel_name, p.name_hyphen)
+                key = (p.since, "_prop_get_%s" % p.name_lower)
+                value = "@get_%s: " % (p.name_lower)
+                value += "Getter for the #%s:%s property." % (
+                    i.camel_name,
+                    p.name_hyphen,
+                )
                 doc_bits[key] = value
         for key in sorted(doc_bits.keys(), key=utils.version_cmp_key):
-            self.outfile.write(' * %s\n'%doc_bits[key])
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Virtual table for the D-Bus interface #%s.\n'
-                %(i.name), False))
+            self.outfile.write(" * %s\n" % doc_bits[key])
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                " *\n" " * Virtual table for the D-Bus interface #%s.\n" % (i.name),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
         self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('typedef %sIface %sInterface;\n'%(i.camel_name, i.camel_name))
-        self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_INTERFACE (%s, %s, G_TYPE_OBJECT)\n'%(i.camel_name, i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%s_default_init (%sIface *iface)\n'
-                           '{\n'%(i.name_lower, i.camel_name));
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "typedef %sIface %sInterface;\n" % (i.camel_name, i.camel_name)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "G_DEFINE_INTERFACE (%s, %s, G_TYPE_OBJECT)\n"
+            % (i.camel_name, i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%s_default_init (%sIface *iface)\n"
+            "{\n" % (i.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+        )
         if len(i.methods) > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('  /* GObject signals for incoming D-Bus method calls: */\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  /* GObject signals for incoming D-Bus method calls: */\n"
+            )
             for m in i.methods:
-                self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                        '  /**\n'
-                        '   * %s::handle-%s:\n'
-                        '   * @object: A #%s.\n'
-                        '   * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.\n'
-                        %(i.camel_name, m.name_hyphen, i.camel_name), False))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                        "  /**\n"
+                        "   * %s::handle-%s:\n"
+                        "   * @object: A #%s.\n"
+                        "   * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.\n"
+                        % (i.camel_name, m.name_hyphen, i.camel_name),
+                        False,
+                    )
+                )
                 if m.unix_fd:
-                    self.outfile.write('   * @fd_list: (nullable): A #GUnixFDList or %NULL.\n')
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "   * @fd_list: (nullable): A #GUnixFDList or %NULL.\n"
+                    )
                 for a in m.in_args:
-                    self.outfile.write('   * @arg_%s: Argument passed by remote caller.\n'%(a.name))
-                self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                        '   *\n'
-                        '   * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the %s.%s() D-Bus method.\n'
-                        '   *\n'
-                        '   * If a signal handler returns %%TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle 
the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call %s_complete_%s() or e.g. 
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler 
handles the invocation, the %%G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.\n'
-                        '   *\n'
-                        '   * Returns: %%G_DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION_HANDLED or %%TRUE if the invocation was 
handled, %%G_DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION_UNHANDLED or %%FALSE to let other signal handlers run.\n'
-                        %(i.name, m.name, i.name_lower, m.name_lower), False))
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        "   * @arg_%s: Argument passed by remote caller.\n" % (a.name)
+                    )
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                        "   *\n"
+                        "   * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the %s.%s() D-Bus method.\n"
+                        "   *\n"
+                        "   * If a signal handler returns %%TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle 
the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call %s_complete_%s() or e.g. 
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler 
handles the invocation, the %%G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.\n"
+                        "   *\n"
+                        "   * Returns: %%G_DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION_HANDLED or %%TRUE if the invocation was 
handled, %%G_DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION_UNHANDLED or %%FALSE to let other signal handlers run.\n"
+                        % (i.name, m.name, i.name_lower, m.name_lower),
+                        False,
+                    )
+                )
                 self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(m, self.outfile, 2)
                 if m.unix_fd:
                     extra_args = 2
                     extra_args = 1
-                self.outfile.write('  g_signal_new ("handle-%s",\n'
-                                   '    G_TYPE_FROM_INTERFACE (iface),\n'
-                                   '    G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,\n'
-                                   '    G_STRUCT_OFFSET (%sIface, handle_%s),\n'
-                                   '    g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,\n'
-                                   '    NULL,\n' # accu_data
-                                   '    g_cclosure_marshal_generic,\n'
-                                   '    G_TYPE_BOOLEAN,\n'
-                                   '    %d,\n'
-                                   '    G_TYPE_DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION'
-                                   %(m.name_hyphen, i.camel_name, m.name_lower, len(m.in_args) + extra_args))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    '  g_signal_new ("handle-%s",\n'
+                    "    G_TYPE_FROM_INTERFACE (iface),\n"
+                    "    G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,\n"
+                    "    G_STRUCT_OFFSET (%sIface, handle_%s),\n"
+                    "    g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,\n"
+                    "    NULL,\n"  # accu_data
+                    "    g_cclosure_marshal_generic,\n"
+                    "    G_TYPE_BOOLEAN,\n"
+                    "    %d,\n"
+                    "    G_TYPE_DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION"
+                    % (
+                        m.name_hyphen,
+                        i.camel_name,
+                        m.name_lower,
+                        len(m.in_args) + extra_args,
+                    )
+                )
                 if m.unix_fd:
-                    self.outfile.write(', G_TYPE_UNIX_FD_LIST')
+                    self.outfile.write(", G_TYPE_UNIX_FD_LIST")
                 for a in m.in_args:
-                    self.outfile.write(', %s'%(a.gtype))
-                self.outfile.write(');\n')
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                    self.outfile.write(", %s" % (a.gtype))
+                self.outfile.write(");\n")
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
         if len(i.signals) > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('  /* GObject signals for received D-Bus signals: */\n')
+            self.outfile.write("  /* GObject signals for received D-Bus signals: */\n")
             for s in i.signals:
-                self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                        '  /**\n'
-                        '   * %s::%s:\n'
-                        '   * @object: A #%s.\n'
-                        %(i.camel_name, s.name_hyphen, i.camel_name), False))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                        "  /**\n"
+                        "   * %s::%s:\n"
+                        "   * @object: A #%s.\n"
+                        % (i.camel_name, s.name_hyphen, i.camel_name),
+                        False,
+                    )
+                )
                 for a in s.args:
-                    self.outfile.write('   * @arg_%s: Argument.\n'%(a.name))
-                self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                        '   *\n'
-                        '   * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal #%s::%s 
is received.\n'
-                        '   *\n'
-                        '   * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() 
to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.\n'
-                        %(i.name, s.name), False))
+                    self.outfile.write("   * @arg_%s: Argument.\n" % (a.name))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                        "   *\n"
+                        "   * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal #%s::%s 
is received.\n"
+                        "   *\n"
+                        "   * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() 
to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.\n"
+                        % (i.name, s.name),
+                        False,
+                    )
+                )
                 self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(s, self.outfile, 2)
-                self.outfile.write('  g_signal_new ("%s",\n'
-                                   '    G_TYPE_FROM_INTERFACE (iface),\n'
-                                   '    G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,\n'
-                                   '    G_STRUCT_OFFSET (%sIface, %s),\n'
-                                   '    NULL,\n' # accumulator
-                                   '    NULL,\n' # accu_data
-                                   '    g_cclosure_marshal_generic,\n'
-                                   '    G_TYPE_NONE,\n'
-                                   '    %d'
-                                   %(s.name_hyphen, i.camel_name, s.name_lower, len(s.args)))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    '  g_signal_new ("%s",\n'
+                    "    G_TYPE_FROM_INTERFACE (iface),\n"
+                    "    G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,\n"
+                    "    G_STRUCT_OFFSET (%sIface, %s),\n"
+                    "    NULL,\n"  # accumulator
+                    "    NULL,\n"  # accu_data
+                    "    g_cclosure_marshal_generic,\n"
+                    "    G_TYPE_NONE,\n"
+                    "    %d" % (s.name_hyphen, i.camel_name, s.name_lower, len(s.args))
+                )
                 for a in s.args:
-                    self.outfile.write(', %s'%(a.gtype))
-                self.outfile.write(');\n')
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                    self.outfile.write(", %s" % (a.gtype))
+                self.outfile.write(");\n")
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
         if len(i.properties) > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('  /* GObject properties for D-Bus properties: */\n')
+            self.outfile.write("  /* GObject properties for D-Bus properties: */\n")
             for p in i.properties:
                 if p.readable and p.writable:
-                    hint = 'Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is both readable and 
writable, it is meaningful to both read from it and write to it on both the service- and client-side.'
+                    hint = "Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is both readable and 
writable, it is meaningful to both read from it and write to it on both the service- and client-side."
                 elif p.readable:
-                    hint = 'Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is readable but not 
writable, it is meaningful to read from it on both the client- and service-side. It is only meaningful, 
however, to write to it on the service-side.'
+                    hint = "Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is readable but not 
writable, it is meaningful to read from it on both the client- and service-side. It is only meaningful, 
however, to write to it on the service-side."
                 elif p.writable:
-                    hint = 'Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is writable but not 
readable, it is meaningful to write to it on both the client- and service-side. It is only meaningful, 
however, to read from it on the service-side.'
+                    hint = "Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is writable but not 
readable, it is meaningful to write to it on both the client- and service-side. It is only meaningful, 
however, to read from it on the service-side."
-                    print_error('Cannot handle property "{}" that neither readable nor 
-                self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                        '  /**\n'
-                        '   * %s:%s:\n'
-                        '   *\n'
-                        '   * Represents the D-Bus property #%s:%s.\n'
-                        '   *\n'
-                        '   * %s\n'
-                        %(i.camel_name, p.name_hyphen, i.name, p.name, hint), False))
+                    print_error(
+                        'Cannot handle property "{}" that neither readable nor writable'.format(
+                            p.name
+                        )
+                    )
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                        "  /**\n"
+                        "   * %s:%s:\n"
+                        "   *\n"
+                        "   * Represents the D-Bus property #%s:%s.\n"
+                        "   *\n"
+                        "   * %s\n"
+                        % (i.camel_name, p.name_hyphen, i.name, p.name, hint),
+                        False,
+                    )
+                )
                 self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(p, self.outfile, 2)
-                self.outfile.write('  g_object_interface_install_property (iface,\n')
-                if p.arg.gtype == 'G_TYPE_VARIANT':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_variant ("%s", "%s", "%s", G_VARIANT_TYPE ("%s"), 
NULL'%(p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name, p.arg.signature)
-                elif p.arg.signature == 'b':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_boolean ("%s", "%s", "%s", FALSE'%(p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name)
-                elif p.arg.signature == 'y':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_uchar ("%s", "%s", "%s", 0, 255, 0'%(p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name)
-                elif p.arg.signature == 'n':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_int ("%s", "%s", "%s", G_MININT16, G_MAXINT16, 0'%(p.name_hyphen, 
p.name, p.name)
-                elif p.arg.signature == 'q':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_uint ("%s", "%s", "%s", 0, G_MAXUINT16, 0'%(p.name_hyphen, p.name, 
-                elif p.arg.signature == 'i':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_int ("%s", "%s", "%s", G_MININT32, G_MAXINT32, 0'%(p.name_hyphen, 
p.name, p.name)
-                elif p.arg.signature == 'u':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_uint ("%s", "%s", "%s", 0, G_MAXUINT32, 0'%(p.name_hyphen, p.name, 
-                elif p.arg.signature == 'x':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_int64 ("%s", "%s", "%s", G_MININT64, G_MAXINT64, 0'%(p.name_hyphen, 
p.name, p.name)
-                elif p.arg.signature == 't':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_uint64 ("%s", "%s", "%s", 0, G_MAXUINT64, 0'%(p.name_hyphen, p.name, 
-                elif p.arg.signature == 'd':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_double ("%s", "%s", "%s", -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 
0.0'%(p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name)
-                elif p.arg.signature == 's':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_string ("%s", "%s", "%s", NULL'%(p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name)
-                elif p.arg.signature == 'o':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_string ("%s", "%s", "%s", NULL'%(p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name)
-                elif p.arg.signature == 'g':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_string ("%s", "%s", "%s", NULL'%(p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name)
-                elif p.arg.signature == 'ay':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_string ("%s", "%s", "%s", NULL'%(p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name)
-                elif p.arg.signature == 'as':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_boxed ("%s", "%s", "%s", G_TYPE_STRV'%(p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name)
-                elif p.arg.signature == 'ao':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_boxed ("%s", "%s", "%s", G_TYPE_STRV'%(p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name)
-                elif p.arg.signature == 'aay':
-                    s = 'g_param_spec_boxed ("%s", "%s", "%s", G_TYPE_STRV'%(p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name)
+                self.outfile.write("  g_object_interface_install_property (iface,\n")
+                if p.arg.gtype == "G_TYPE_VARIANT":
+                    s = (
+                        'g_param_spec_variant ("%s", "%s", "%s", G_VARIANT_TYPE ("%s"), NULL'
+                        % (p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name, p.arg.signature)
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "b":
+                    s = 'g_param_spec_boolean ("%s", "%s", "%s", FALSE' % (
+                        p.name_hyphen,
+                        p.name,
+                        p.name,
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "y":
+                    s = 'g_param_spec_uchar ("%s", "%s", "%s", 0, 255, 0' % (
+                        p.name_hyphen,
+                        p.name,
+                        p.name,
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "n":
+                    s = (
+                        'g_param_spec_int ("%s", "%s", "%s", G_MININT16, G_MAXINT16, 0'
+                        % (p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name)
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "q":
+                    s = 'g_param_spec_uint ("%s", "%s", "%s", 0, G_MAXUINT16, 0' % (
+                        p.name_hyphen,
+                        p.name,
+                        p.name,
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "i":
+                    s = (
+                        'g_param_spec_int ("%s", "%s", "%s", G_MININT32, G_MAXINT32, 0'
+                        % (p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name)
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "u":
+                    s = 'g_param_spec_uint ("%s", "%s", "%s", 0, G_MAXUINT32, 0' % (
+                        p.name_hyphen,
+                        p.name,
+                        p.name,
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "x":
+                    s = (
+                        'g_param_spec_int64 ("%s", "%s", "%s", G_MININT64, G_MAXINT64, 0'
+                        % (p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name)
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "t":
+                    s = 'g_param_spec_uint64 ("%s", "%s", "%s", 0, G_MAXUINT64, 0' % (
+                        p.name_hyphen,
+                        p.name,
+                        p.name,
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "d":
+                    s = (
+                        'g_param_spec_double ("%s", "%s", "%s", -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0'
+                        % (p.name_hyphen, p.name, p.name)
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "s":
+                    s = 'g_param_spec_string ("%s", "%s", "%s", NULL' % (
+                        p.name_hyphen,
+                        p.name,
+                        p.name,
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "o":
+                    s = 'g_param_spec_string ("%s", "%s", "%s", NULL' % (
+                        p.name_hyphen,
+                        p.name,
+                        p.name,
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "g":
+                    s = 'g_param_spec_string ("%s", "%s", "%s", NULL' % (
+                        p.name_hyphen,
+                        p.name,
+                        p.name,
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "ay":
+                    s = 'g_param_spec_string ("%s", "%s", "%s", NULL' % (
+                        p.name_hyphen,
+                        p.name,
+                        p.name,
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "as":
+                    s = 'g_param_spec_boxed ("%s", "%s", "%s", G_TYPE_STRV' % (
+                        p.name_hyphen,
+                        p.name,
+                        p.name,
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "ao":
+                    s = 'g_param_spec_boxed ("%s", "%s", "%s", G_TYPE_STRV' % (
+                        p.name_hyphen,
+                        p.name,
+                        p.name,
+                    )
+                elif p.arg.signature == "aay":
+                    s = 'g_param_spec_boxed ("%s", "%s", "%s", G_TYPE_STRV' % (
+                        p.name_hyphen,
+                        p.name,
+                        p.name,
+                    )
-                    print_error('Unsupported gtype "{}" for GParamSpec'.format(p.arg.gtype))
-                flags = 'G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS'
+                    print_error(
+                        'Unsupported gtype "{}" for GParamSpec'.format(p.arg.gtype)
+                    )
+                flags = "G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS"
                 if p.deprecated:
-                    flags = 'G_PARAM_DEPRECATED | ' + flags
-                self.outfile.write('    %s, %s));'%(s, flags));
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                    flags = "G_PARAM_DEPRECATED | " + flags
+                self.outfile.write("    %s, %s));" % (s, flags))
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1651,1237 +2317,1585 @@ class CodeGenerator:
         for p in i.properties:
             # getter
             if p.readable and p.writable:
-                hint = 'Since this D-Bus property is both readable and writable, it is meaningful to use 
this function on both the client- and service-side.'
+                hint = "Since this D-Bus property is both readable and writable, it is meaningful to use 
this function on both the client- and service-side."
             elif p.readable:
-                hint = 'Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both 
the client- and service-side.'
+                hint = "Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both 
the client- and service-side."
             elif p.writable:
-                hint = 'Since this D-Bus property is not readable, it is only meaningful to use this 
function on the service-side.'
+                hint = "Since this D-Bus property is not readable, it is only meaningful to use this 
function on the service-side."
-                print_error('Cannot handle property "{}" that neither readable nor writable'.format(p.name))
-            self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    '/**\n'
-                    ' * %s_get_%s: (skip)\n'
-                    ' * @object: A #%s.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Gets the value of the #%s:%s D-Bus property.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * %s\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    %(i.name_lower, p.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.name, p.name, hint), False))
+                print_error(
+                    'Cannot handle property "{}" that neither readable nor writable'.format(
+                        p.name
+                    )
+                )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                    "/**\n"
+                    " * %s_get_%s: (skip)\n"
+                    " * @object: A #%s.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * Gets the value of the #%s:%s D-Bus property.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * %s\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.name, p.name, hint),
+                    False,
+                )
+            )
             if p.arg.free_func != None:
-                self.outfile.write(' * The returned value is only valid until the property changes so on the 
client-side it is only safe to use this function on the thread where @object was constructed. Use %s_dup_%s() 
if on another thread.\n'
-                                   ' *\n'
-                                   ' * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): The property value or %%NULL if 
the property is not set. Do not free the returned value, it belongs to @object.\n'
-                                   %(i.name_lower, p.name_lower))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    " * The returned value is only valid until the property changes so on the client-side it 
is only safe to use this function on the thread where @object was constructed. Use %s_dup_%s() if on another 
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): The property value or %%NULL if the property is 
not set. Do not free the returned value, it belongs to @object.\n"
+                    % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower)
+                )
-                self.outfile.write(' * Returns: The property value.\n')
+                self.outfile.write(" * Returns: The property value.\n")
             self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(p, self.outfile, 0)
-            self.outfile.write('%s\n'
-                               '%s_get_%s (%s *object)\n'
-                               '{\n'%(p.arg.ctype_in, i.name_lower, p.name_lower, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('  return %s%s_GET_IFACE (object)->get_%s (object);\n'%(i.ns_upper, 
i.name_upper, p.name_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('}\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "%s\n"
+                "%s_get_%s (%s *object)\n"
+                "{\n" % (p.arg.ctype_in, i.name_lower, p.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  return %s%s_GET_IFACE (object)->get_%s (object);\n"
+                % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, p.name_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("}\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             if p.arg.free_func != None:
-                self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                        '/**\n'
-                        ' * %s_dup_%s: (skip)\n'
-                        ' * @object: A #%s.\n'
-                        ' *\n'
-                        ' * Gets a copy of the #%s:%s D-Bus property.\n'
-                        ' *\n'
-                        ' * %s\n'
-                        ' *\n'
-                        ' * Returns: (transfer full) (nullable): The property value or %%NULL if the 
property is not set. The returned value should be freed with %s().\n'
-                        %(i.name_lower, p.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.name, p.name, hint, p.arg.free_func), 
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                        "/**\n"
+                        " * %s_dup_%s: (skip)\n"
+                        " * @object: A #%s.\n"
+                        " *\n"
+                        " * Gets a copy of the #%s:%s D-Bus property.\n"
+                        " *\n"
+                        " * %s\n"
+                        " *\n"
+                        " * Returns: (transfer full) (nullable): The property value or %%NULL if the 
property is not set. The returned value should be freed with %s().\n"
+                        % (
+                            i.name_lower,
+                            p.name_lower,
+                            i.camel_name,
+                            i.name,
+                            p.name,
+                            hint,
+                            p.arg.free_func,
+                        ),
+                        False,
+                    )
+                )
                 self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(p, self.outfile, 0)
-                self.outfile.write('%s\n'
-                                   '%s_dup_%s (%s *object)\n'
-                                   '{\n'
-                                   '  %svalue;\n'%(p.arg.ctype_in_dup, i.name_lower, p.name_lower, 
i.camel_name, p.arg.ctype_in_dup))
-                self.outfile.write('  g_object_get (G_OBJECT (object), "%s", &value, 
-                self.outfile.write('  return value;\n')
-                self.outfile.write('}\n')
-                self.outfile.write('\n')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "%s\n"
+                    "%s_dup_%s (%s *object)\n"
+                    "{\n"
+                    "  %svalue;\n"
+                    % (
+                        p.arg.ctype_in_dup,
+                        i.name_lower,
+                        p.name_lower,
+                        i.camel_name,
+                        p.arg.ctype_in_dup,
+                    )
+                )
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    '  g_object_get (G_OBJECT (object), "%s", &value, NULL);\n'
+                    % (p.name_hyphen)
+                )
+                self.outfile.write("  return value;\n")
+                self.outfile.write("}\n")
+                self.outfile.write("\n")
             # setter
             if p.readable and p.writable:
-                hint = 'Since this D-Bus property is both readable and writable, it is meaningful to use 
this function on both the client- and service-side.'
+                hint = "Since this D-Bus property is both readable and writable, it is meaningful to use 
this function on both the client- and service-side."
             elif p.readable:
-                hint = 'Since this D-Bus property is not writable, it is only meaningful to use this 
function on the service-side.'
+                hint = "Since this D-Bus property is not writable, it is only meaningful to use this 
function on the service-side."
             elif p.writable:
-                hint = 'Since this D-Bus property is writable, it is meaningful to use this function on both 
the client- and service-side.'
+                hint = "Since this D-Bus property is writable, it is meaningful to use this function on both 
the client- and service-side."
-                print_error('Cannot handle property "{}" that neither readable nor writable'.format(p.name))
-            self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    '/**\n'
-                    ' * %s_set_%s: (skip)\n'
-                    ' * @object: A #%s.\n'
-                    ' * @value: The value to set.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Sets the #%s:%s D-Bus property to @value.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * %s\n'
-                    %(i.name_lower, p.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.name, p.name, hint), False))
+                print_error(
+                    'Cannot handle property "{}" that neither readable nor writable'.format(
+                        p.name
+                    )
+                )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                    "/**\n"
+                    " * %s_set_%s: (skip)\n"
+                    " * @object: A #%s.\n"
+                    " * @value: The value to set.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * Sets the #%s:%s D-Bus property to @value.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * %s\n"
+                    % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.name, p.name, hint),
+                    False,
+                )
+            )
             self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(p, self.outfile, 0)
-            self.outfile.write('void\n'
-                               '%s_set_%s (%s *object, %svalue)\n'
-                               '{\n'%(i.name_lower, p.name_lower, i.camel_name, p.arg.ctype_in, ))
-            self.outfile.write('  g_object_set (G_OBJECT (object), "%s", value, NULL);\n'%(p.name_hyphen))
-            self.outfile.write('}\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "void\n"
+                "%s_set_%s (%s *object, %svalue)\n"
+                "{\n" % (i.name_lower, p.name_lower, i.camel_name, p.arg.ctype_in,)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                '  g_object_set (G_OBJECT (object), "%s", value, NULL);\n'
+                % (p.name_hyphen)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("}\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
     # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_signal_emitters(self, i):
         for s in i.signals:
-            self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    '/**\n'
-                    ' * %s_emit_%s:\n'
-                    ' * @object: A #%s.\n'
-                    %(i.name_lower, s.name_lower, i.camel_name), False))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                    "/**\n"
+                    " * %s_emit_%s:\n"
+                    " * @object: A #%s.\n" % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower, i.camel_name),
+                    False,
+                )
+            )
             for a in s.args:
-                self.outfile.write(' * @arg_%s: Argument to pass with the signal.\n'%(a.name))
-            self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Emits the #%s::%s D-Bus signal.\n'
-                    %(i.name, s.name), False))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    " * @arg_%s: Argument to pass with the signal.\n" % (a.name)
+                )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                    " *\n" " * Emits the #%s::%s D-Bus signal.\n" % (i.name, s.name),
+                    False,
+                )
+            )
             self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(s, self.outfile, 0)
-            self.outfile.write('void\n'
-                               '%s_emit_%s (\n'
-                               '    %s *object'%(i.name_lower, s.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "void\n"
+                "%s_emit_%s (\n"
+                "    %s *object" % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+            )
             for a in s.args:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n    %sarg_%s'%(a.ctype_in, a.name))
-            self.outfile.write(')\n'
-                               '{\n'
-                               '  g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "%s"'%(s.name_hyphen))
+                self.outfile.write(",\n    %sarg_%s" % (a.ctype_in, a.name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                ")\n" "{\n" '  g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "%s"' % (s.name_hyphen)
+            )
             for a in s.args:
-                self.outfile.write(', arg_%s'%a.name)
-            self.outfile.write(');\n')
-            self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                               '\n')
+                self.outfile.write(", arg_%s" % a.name)
+            self.outfile.write(");\n")
+            self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
     # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_method_calls(self, i):
         for m in i.methods:
             # async begin
-            self.outfile.write('/**\n'
-                               ' * %s_call_%s:\n'
-                               ' * @proxy: A #%sProxy.\n'
-                               %(i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %s_call_%s:\n"
+                " * @proxy: A #%sProxy.\n" % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+            )
             for a in m.in_args:
-                self.outfile.write(' * @arg_%s: Argument to pass with the method invocation.\n'%(a.name))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    " * @arg_%s: Argument to pass with the method invocation.\n"
+                    % (a.name)
+                )
             if self.glib_min_required >= (2, 64):
-                self.outfile.write(' * @call_flags: Flags from the #GDBusCallFlags enumeration. If you want 
to allow interactive\n'
-                                   '       authorization be sure to set 
-                                   ' * @timeout_msec: The timeout in milliseconds (with %G_MAXINT meaning 
"infinite") or\n'
-                                   '       -1 to use the proxy default timeout.\n')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    " * @call_flags: Flags from the #GDBusCallFlags enumeration. If you want to allow 
+                    "       authorization be sure to set 
+                    ' * @timeout_msec: The timeout in milliseconds (with %G_MAXINT meaning "infinite") or\n'
+                    "       -1 to use the proxy default timeout.\n"
+                )
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write(' * @fd_list: (nullable): A #GUnixFDList or %NULL.\n')
-            self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    ' * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n'
-                    ' * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %%NULL.\n'
-                    ' * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Asynchronously invokes the %s.%s() D-Bus method on @proxy.\n'
-                    ' * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the thread-default main 
loop of the thread you are calling this method from (see g_main_context_push_thread_default()).\n'
-                    ' * You can then call %s_call_%s_finish() to get the result of the operation.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * See %s_call_%s_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.\n'
-                    %(i.name, m.name, i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.name_lower, m.name_lower), False))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    " * @fd_list: (nullable): A #GUnixFDList or %NULL.\n"
+                )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                    " * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n"
+                    " * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %%NULL.\n"
+                    " * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * Asynchronously invokes the %s.%s() D-Bus method on @proxy.\n"
+                    " * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the thread-default main 
loop of the thread you are calling this method from (see g_main_context_push_thread_default()).\n"
+                    " * You can then call %s_call_%s_finish() to get the result of the operation.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * See %s_call_%s_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.\n"
+                    % (
+                        i.name,
+                        m.name,
+                        i.name_lower,
+                        m.name_lower,
+                        i.name_lower,
+                        m.name_lower,
+                    ),
+                    False,
+                )
+            )
             self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(m, self.outfile, 0)
-            self.outfile.write('void\n'
-                               '%s_call_%s (\n'
-                               '    %s *proxy'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "void\n"
+                "%s_call_%s (\n"
+                "    %s *proxy" % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+            )
             for a in m.in_args:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n    %sarg_%s'%(a.ctype_in, a.name))
+                self.outfile.write(",\n    %sarg_%s" % (a.ctype_in, a.name))
             if self.glib_min_required >= (2, 64):
-                self.outfile.write(',\n    GDBusCallFlags call_flags'
-                                   ',\n    gint timeout_msec')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    ",\n    GDBusCallFlags call_flags" ",\n    gint timeout_msec"
+                )
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n    GUnixFDList *fd_list')
-            self.outfile.write(',\n'
-                               '    GCancellable *cancellable,\n'
-                               '    GAsyncReadyCallback callback,\n'
-                               '    gpointer user_data)\n'
-                               '{\n')
+                self.outfile.write(",\n    GUnixFDList *fd_list")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                ",\n"
+                "    GCancellable *cancellable,\n"
+                "    GAsyncReadyCallback callback,\n"
+                "    gpointer user_data)\n"
+                "{\n"
+            )
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write('  g_dbus_proxy_call_with_unix_fd_list (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),\n')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  g_dbus_proxy_call_with_unix_fd_list (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),\n"
+                )
-                self.outfile.write('  g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),\n')
-            self.outfile.write('    "%s",\n'
-                               '    g_variant_new ("('%(m.name))
+                self.outfile.write("  g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),\n")
+            self.outfile.write('    "%s",\n' '    g_variant_new ("(' % (m.name))
             for a in m.in_args:
-                self.outfile.write('%s'%(a.format_in))
+                self.outfile.write("%s" % (a.format_in))
             for a in m.in_args:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n                   arg_%s'%(a.name))
-            self.outfile.write('),\n')
+                self.outfile.write(",\n                   arg_%s" % (a.name))
+            self.outfile.write("),\n")
             if self.glib_min_required >= (2, 64):
-                self.outfile.write('    call_flags,\n'
-                                   '    timeout_msec,\n')
+                self.outfile.write("    call_flags,\n" "    timeout_msec,\n")
-                self.outfile.write('    G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,\n'
-                                   '    -1,\n')
+                self.outfile.write("    G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,\n" "    -1,\n")
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write('    fd_list,\n')
-            self.outfile.write('    cancellable,\n'
-                               '    callback,\n'
-                               '    user_data);\n')
-            self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                               '\n')
+                self.outfile.write("    fd_list,\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "    cancellable,\n" "    callback,\n" "    user_data);\n"
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
             # async finish
-            self.outfile.write('/**\n'
-                               ' * %s_call_%s_finish:\n'
-                               ' * @proxy: A #%sProxy.\n'
-                               %(i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %s_call_%s_finish:\n"
+                " * @proxy: A #%sProxy.\n" % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+            )
             for a in m.out_args:
-                self.outfile.write(' * @out_%s: (out) (optional)%s: Return location for return parameter or 
%%NULL to ignore.\n'%(a.name, ' ' + a.array_annotation if a.array_annotation else ''))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    " * @out_%s: (out) (optional)%s: Return location for return parameter or %%NULL to 
+                    % (a.name, " " + a.array_annotation if a.array_annotation else "")
+                )
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write(' * @out_fd_list: (out) (optional): Return location for a #GUnixFDList or 
%NULL to ignore.\n')
-            self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    ' * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to 
-                    ' * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Finishes an operation started with %s_call_%s().\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Returns: (skip): %%TRUE if the call succeeded, %%FALSE if @error is set.\n'
-                    %(i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.name_lower, m.name_lower), False))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    " * @out_fd_list: (out) (optional): Return location for a #GUnixFDList or %NULL to 
+                )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                    " * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to 
+                    " * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * Finishes an operation started with %s_call_%s().\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * Returns: (skip): %%TRUE if the call succeeded, %%FALSE if @error is set.\n"
+                    % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.name_lower, m.name_lower),
+                    False,
+                )
+            )
             self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(m, self.outfile, 0)
-            self.outfile.write('gboolean\n'
-                               '%s_call_%s_finish (\n'
-                               '    %s *proxy'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "gboolean\n"
+                "%s_call_%s_finish (\n"
+                "    %s *proxy" % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+            )
             for a in m.out_args:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n    %sout_%s'%(a.ctype_out, a.name))
+                self.outfile.write(",\n    %sout_%s" % (a.ctype_out, a.name))
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n    GUnixFDList **out_fd_list')
-            self.outfile.write(',\n'
-                               '    GAsyncResult *res,\n'
-                               '    GError **error)\n'
-                               '{\n'
-                               '  GVariant *_ret;\n')
+                self.outfile.write(",\n    GUnixFDList **out_fd_list")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                ",\n"
+                "    GAsyncResult *res,\n"
+                "    GError **error)\n"
+                "{\n"
+                "  GVariant *_ret;\n"
+            )
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write('  _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_with_unix_fd_list_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY 
(proxy), out_fd_list, res, error);\n')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_with_unix_fd_list_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), out_fd_list, 
res, error);\n"
+                )
-                self.outfile.write('  _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  if (_ret == NULL)\n'
-                               '    goto _out;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  g_variant_get (_ret,\n'
-                               '                 \"(')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);\n"
+                )
+            self.outfile.write("  if (_ret == NULL)\n" "    goto _out;\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  g_variant_get (_ret,\n" '                 "(')
             for a in m.out_args:
-                self.outfile.write('%s'%(a.format_out))
+                self.outfile.write("%s" % (a.format_out))
             for a in m.out_args:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n                 out_%s'%(a.name))
-            self.outfile.write(');\n'
-                               '  g_variant_unref (_ret);\n')
-            self.outfile.write('_out:\n'
-                               '  return _ret != NULL;\n'
-                               '}\n'
-                               '\n')
+                self.outfile.write(",\n                 out_%s" % (a.name))
+            self.outfile.write(");\n" "  g_variant_unref (_ret);\n")
+            self.outfile.write("_out:\n" "  return _ret != NULL;\n" "}\n" "\n")
             # sync
-            self.outfile.write('/**\n'
-                               ' * %s_call_%s_sync:\n'
-                               ' * @proxy: A #%sProxy.\n'
-                               %(i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %s_call_%s_sync:\n"
+                " * @proxy: A #%sProxy.\n" % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+            )
             for a in m.in_args:
-                self.outfile.write(' * @arg_%s: Argument to pass with the method invocation.\n'%(a.name))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    " * @arg_%s: Argument to pass with the method invocation.\n"
+                    % (a.name)
+                )
             if self.glib_min_required >= (2, 64):
-                self.outfile.write(' * @call_flags: Flags from the #GDBusCallFlags enumeration. If you want 
to allow interactive\n'
-                                   '       authorization be sure to set 
-                                   ' * @timeout_msec: The timeout in milliseconds (with %G_MAXINT meaning 
"infinite") or\n'
-                                   '       -1 to use the proxy default timeout.\n')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    " * @call_flags: Flags from the #GDBusCallFlags enumeration. If you want to allow 
+                    "       authorization be sure to set 
+                    ' * @timeout_msec: The timeout in milliseconds (with %G_MAXINT meaning "infinite") or\n'
+                    "       -1 to use the proxy default timeout.\n"
+                )
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write(' * @fd_list: (nullable): A #GUnixFDList or %NULL.\n')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    " * @fd_list: (nullable): A #GUnixFDList or %NULL.\n"
+                )
             for a in m.out_args:
-                self.outfile.write(' * @out_%s: (out) (optional)%s: Return location for return parameter or 
%%NULL to ignore.\n'%(a.name, ' ' + a.array_annotation if a.array_annotation else ''))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    " * @out_%s: (out) (optional)%s: Return location for return parameter or %%NULL to 
+                    % (a.name, " " + a.array_annotation if a.array_annotation else "")
+                )
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write(' * @out_fd_list: (out): Return location for a #GUnixFDList or %NULL.\n')
-            self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    ' * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n'
-                    ' * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Synchronously invokes the %s.%s() D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is 
blocked until a reply is received.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * See %s_call_%s() for the asynchronous version of this method.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Returns: (skip): %%TRUE if the call succeeded, %%FALSE if @error is set.\n'
-                    %(i.name, m.name, i.name_lower, m.name_lower), False))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    " * @out_fd_list: (out): Return location for a #GUnixFDList or %NULL.\n"
+                )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                    " * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n"
+                    " * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * Synchronously invokes the %s.%s() D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is 
blocked until a reply is received.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * See %s_call_%s() for the asynchronous version of this method.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * Returns: (skip): %%TRUE if the call succeeded, %%FALSE if @error is set.\n"
+                    % (i.name, m.name, i.name_lower, m.name_lower),
+                    False,
+                )
+            )
             self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(m, self.outfile, 0)
-            self.outfile.write('gboolean\n'
-                               '%s_call_%s_sync (\n'
-                               '    %s *proxy'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "gboolean\n"
+                "%s_call_%s_sync (\n"
+                "    %s *proxy" % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+            )
             for a in m.in_args:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n    %sarg_%s'%(a.ctype_in, a.name))
+                self.outfile.write(",\n    %sarg_%s" % (a.ctype_in, a.name))
             if self.glib_min_required >= (2, 64):
-                self.outfile.write(',\n    GDBusCallFlags call_flags'
-                                   ',\n    gint timeout_msec')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    ",\n    GDBusCallFlags call_flags" ",\n    gint timeout_msec"
+                )
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n    GUnixFDList  *fd_list')
+                self.outfile.write(",\n    GUnixFDList  *fd_list")
             for a in m.out_args:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n    %sout_%s'%(a.ctype_out, a.name))
+                self.outfile.write(",\n    %sout_%s" % (a.ctype_out, a.name))
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n    GUnixFDList **out_fd_list')
-            self.outfile.write(',\n'
-                               '    GCancellable *cancellable,\n'
-                               '    GError **error)\n'
-                               '{\n'
-                               '  GVariant *_ret;\n')
+                self.outfile.write(",\n    GUnixFDList **out_fd_list")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                ",\n"
+                "    GCancellable *cancellable,\n"
+                "    GError **error)\n"
+                "{\n"
+                "  GVariant *_ret;\n"
+            )
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write('  _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_with_unix_fd_list_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY 
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_with_unix_fd_list_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),\n"
+                )
-                self.outfile.write('  _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),\n')
-            self.outfile.write('    "%s",\n'
-                               '    g_variant_new ("('%(m.name))
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),\n"
+                )
+            self.outfile.write('    "%s",\n' '    g_variant_new ("(' % (m.name))
             for a in m.in_args:
-                self.outfile.write('%s'%(a.format_in))
+                self.outfile.write("%s" % (a.format_in))
             for a in m.in_args:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n                   arg_%s'%(a.name))
-            self.outfile.write('),\n')
+                self.outfile.write(",\n                   arg_%s" % (a.name))
+            self.outfile.write("),\n")
             if self.glib_min_required >= (2, 64):
-                self.outfile.write('    call_flags,\n'
-                                   '    timeout_msec,\n')
+                self.outfile.write("    call_flags,\n" "    timeout_msec,\n")
-                self.outfile.write('    G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,\n'
-                                   '    -1,\n')
+                self.outfile.write("    G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,\n" "    -1,\n")
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write('    fd_list,\n'
-                                   '    out_fd_list,\n')
-            self.outfile.write('    cancellable,\n'
-                               '    error);\n'
-                               '  if (_ret == NULL)\n'
-                               '    goto _out;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  g_variant_get (_ret,\n'
-                               '                 \"(')
+                self.outfile.write("    fd_list,\n" "    out_fd_list,\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "    cancellable,\n"
+                "    error);\n"
+                "  if (_ret == NULL)\n"
+                "    goto _out;\n"
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("  g_variant_get (_ret,\n" '                 "(')
             for a in m.out_args:
-                self.outfile.write('%s'%(a.format_out))
+                self.outfile.write("%s" % (a.format_out))
             for a in m.out_args:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n                 out_%s'%(a.name))
-            self.outfile.write(');\n'
-                               '  g_variant_unref (_ret);\n')
-            self.outfile.write('_out:\n'
-                               '  return _ret != NULL;\n'
-                               '}\n'
-                               '\n')
+                self.outfile.write(",\n                 out_%s" % (a.name))
+            self.outfile.write(");\n" "  g_variant_unref (_ret);\n")
+            self.outfile.write("_out:\n" "  return _ret != NULL;\n" "}\n" "\n")
     # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_method_completers(self, i):
         for m in i.methods:
-            self.outfile.write('/**\n'
-                               ' * %s_complete_%s:\n'
-                               ' * @object: A #%s.\n'
-                               ' * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.\n'
-                               %(i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %s_complete_%s:\n"
+                " * @object: A #%s.\n"
+                " * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.\n"
+                % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+            )
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write(' * @fd_list: (nullable): A #GUnixFDList or %NULL.\n')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    " * @fd_list: (nullable): A #GUnixFDList or %NULL.\n"
+                )
             for a in m.out_args:
-                self.outfile.write(' * @%s: Parameter to return.\n'%(a.name))
-            self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of 
the %s.%s() D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use 
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.\n'
-                    %(i.name, m.name), False))
+                self.outfile.write(" * @%s: Parameter to return.\n" % (a.name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of 
the %s.%s() D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use 
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.\n"
+                    % (i.name, m.name),
+                    False,
+                )
+            )
             self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(m, self.outfile, 0)
-            self.outfile.write('void\n'
-                               '%s_complete_%s (\n'
-                               '    %s *object,\n'
-                               '    GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation'%(i.name_lower, m.name_lower, 
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "void\n"
+                "%s_complete_%s (\n"
+                "    %s *object,\n"
+                "    GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation"
+                % (i.name_lower, m.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+            )
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n    GUnixFDList *fd_list')
+                self.outfile.write(",\n    GUnixFDList *fd_list")
             for a in m.out_args:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n    %s%s'%(a.ctype_in, a.name))
-            self.outfile.write(')\n'
-                               '{\n')
+                self.outfile.write(",\n    %s%s" % (a.ctype_in, a.name))
+            self.outfile.write(")\n" "{\n")
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write('  g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value_with_unix_fd_list (invocation,\n'
-                                   '    g_variant_new ("(')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value_with_unix_fd_list (invocation,\n"
+                    '    g_variant_new ("('
+                )
-                self.outfile.write('  g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,\n'
-                                   '    g_variant_new ("(')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,\n"
+                    '    g_variant_new ("('
+                )
             for a in m.out_args:
-                self.outfile.write('%s'%(a.format_in))
+                self.outfile.write("%s" % (a.format_in))
             for a in m.out_args:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n                   %s'%(a.name))
+                self.outfile.write(",\n                   %s" % (a.name))
             if m.unix_fd:
-                self.outfile.write('),\n    fd_list);\n')
+                self.outfile.write("),\n    fd_list);\n")
-                self.outfile.write('));\n')
-            self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                               '\n')
+                self.outfile.write("));\n")
+            self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
     # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_proxy(self, i):
         # class boilerplate
-        self.outfile.write('/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sProxy:\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * The #%sProxy structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the 
provided API.\n'
-                %(i.camel_name, i.camel_name), False))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */\n"
+            "\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sProxy:\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * The #%sProxy structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the 
provided API.\n"
+                % (i.camel_name, i.camel_name),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
         self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sProxyClass:\n'
-                ' * @parent_class: The parent class.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Class structure for #%sProxy.\n'
-                %(i.camel_name, i.camel_name), False))
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sProxyClass:\n"
+                " * @parent_class: The parent class.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Class structure for #%sProxy.\n" % (i.camel_name, i.camel_name),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
         self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('struct _%sProxyPrivate\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GData *qdata;\n'
-                           '};\n'
-                           '\n'%i.camel_name)
-        self.outfile.write('static void %s_proxy_iface_init (%sIface *iface);\n'
-                           '\n'%(i.name_lower, i.camel_name))
-        self.outfile.write('#if GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= GLIB_VERSION_2_38\n')
-        self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (%sProxy, %s_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY,\n'%(i.camel_name, 
-        self.outfile.write('                         G_ADD_PRIVATE (%sProxy)\n'%(i.camel_name))
-        self.outfile.write('                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (%sTYPE_%s, 
%s_proxy_iface_init))\n\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('#else\n')
-        self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (%sProxy, %s_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY,\n'%(i.camel_name, 
-        self.outfile.write('                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (%sTYPE_%s, 
%s_proxy_iface_init))\n\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('#endif\n')
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "struct _%sProxyPrivate\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GData *qdata;\n"
+            "};\n"
+            "\n" % i.camel_name
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void %s_proxy_iface_init (%sIface *iface);\n"
+            "\n" % (i.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("#if GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= GLIB_VERSION_2_38\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (%sProxy, %s_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY,\n"
+            % (i.camel_name, i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "                         G_ADD_PRIVATE (%sProxy)\n" % (i.camel_name)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (%sTYPE_%s, %s_proxy_iface_init))\n\n"
+            % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("#else\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (%sProxy, %s_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY,\n"
+            % (i.camel_name, i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (%sTYPE_%s, %s_proxy_iface_init))\n\n"
+            % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("#endif\n")
         # finalize
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%s_proxy_finalize (GObject *object)\n'
-                           '{\n'%(i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('  %sProxy *proxy = %s%s_PROXY (object);\n'%(i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, 
-        self.outfile.write('  g_datalist_clear (&proxy->priv->qdata);\n')
-        self.outfile.write('  G_OBJECT_CLASS (%s_proxy_parent_class)->finalize (object);\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'%(i.name_lower))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%s_proxy_finalize (GObject *object)\n"
+            "{\n" % (i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  %sProxy *proxy = %s%s_PROXY (object);\n"
+            % (i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("  g_datalist_clear (&proxy->priv->qdata);\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  G_OBJECT_CLASS (%s_proxy_parent_class)->finalize (object);\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (i.name_lower)
+        )
         # property accessors
         # Note that we are guaranteed that prop_id starts at 1 and is
         # laid out in the same order as introspection data pointers
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%s_proxy_get_property (GObject      *object,\n'
-                           '  guint         prop_id,\n'
-                           '  GValue       *value,\n'
-                           '  GParamSpec   *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n'
-                           '{\n'%(i.name_lower))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%s_proxy_get_property (GObject      *object,\n"
+            "  guint         prop_id,\n"
+            "  GValue       *value,\n"
+            "  GParamSpec   *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n"
+            "{\n" % (i.name_lower)
+        )
         if len(i.properties) > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('  const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n'
-                               '  GVariant *variant;\n'
-                               '  g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < %d);\n'
-                               '  info = (const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) 
_%s_property_info_pointers[prop_id - 1];\n'
-                               '  variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (object), 
-                               '  if (info->use_gvariant)\n'
-                               '    {\n'
-                               '      g_value_set_variant (value, variant);\n'
-                               '    }\n'
-                               '  else\n'
-                               '    {\n'
-                               # could be that we don't have the value in cache - in that case, we do
-                               # nothing and the user gets the default value for the GType
-                               '      if (variant != NULL)\n'
-                               '        g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (variant, value);\n'
-                               '    }\n'
-                               '  if (variant != NULL)\n'
-                               '    g_variant_unref (variant);\n'
-                               %(len(i.properties), i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n"
+                "  GVariant *variant;\n"
+                "  g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < %d);\n"
+                "  info = (const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) _%s_property_info_pointers[prop_id - 1];\n"
+                "  variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (object), 
+                "  if (info->use_gvariant)\n"
+                "    {\n"
+                "      g_value_set_variant (value, variant);\n"
+                "    }\n"
+                "  else\n"
+                "    {\n"
+                # could be that we don't have the value in cache - in that case, we do
+                # nothing and the user gets the default value for the GType
+                "      if (variant != NULL)\n"
+                "        g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (variant, value);\n"
+                "    }\n"
+                "  if (variant != NULL)\n"
+                "    g_variant_unref (variant);\n" % (len(i.properties), i.name_lower)
+            )
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
         if len(i.properties) > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                               '%s_proxy_set_property_cb (GDBusProxy *proxy,\n'
-                               '  GAsyncResult *res,\n'
-                               '  gpointer      user_data)\n'
-                               '{\n'%(i.name_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('  const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info = user_data;\n'
-                               '  GError *error;\n'
-                               '  GVariant *_ret;\n'
-                               '  error = NULL;\n'
-                               '  _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (proxy, res, &error);\n'
-                               '  if (!_ret)\n'
-                               '    {\n'
-                               '      g_warning ("Error setting property \'%%s\' on interface %s: %%s (%%s, 
-                               '                 info->parent_struct.name, \n'
-                               '                 error->message, g_quark_to_string (error->domain), 
-                               '      g_error_free (error);\n'
-                               '    }\n'
-                               '  else\n'
-                               '    {\n'
-                               '      g_variant_unref (_ret);\n'
-                               '    }\n'
-                               %(i.name))
-            self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                               '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%s_proxy_set_property (GObject      *object,\n'
-                           '  guint         prop_id,\n'
-                           '  const GValue *value,\n'
-                           '  GParamSpec   *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n'
-                           '{\n'%(i.name_lower))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static void\n"
+                "%s_proxy_set_property_cb (GDBusProxy *proxy,\n"
+                "  GAsyncResult *res,\n"
+                "  gpointer      user_data)\n"
+                "{\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info = user_data;\n"
+                "  GError *error;\n"
+                "  GVariant *_ret;\n"
+                "  error = NULL;\n"
+                "  _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (proxy, res, &error);\n"
+                "  if (!_ret)\n"
+                "    {\n"
+                "      g_warning (\"Error setting property '%%s' on interface %s: %%s (%%s, %%d)\",\n"
+                "                 info->parent_struct.name, \n"
+                "                 error->message, g_quark_to_string (error->domain), error->code);\n"
+                "      g_error_free (error);\n"
+                "    }\n"
+                "  else\n"
+                "    {\n"
+                "      g_variant_unref (_ret);\n"
+                "    }\n" % (i.name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%s_proxy_set_property (GObject      *object,\n"
+            "  guint         prop_id,\n"
+            "  const GValue *value,\n"
+            "  GParamSpec   *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n"
+            "{\n" % (i.name_lower)
+        )
         if len(i.properties) > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('  const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n'
-                               '  GVariant *variant;\n'
-                               '  g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < %d);\n'
-                               '  info = (const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) 
_%s_property_info_pointers[prop_id - 1];\n'
-                               '  variant = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE 
-                               '  g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (object),\n'
-                               '    "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set",\n'
-                               '    g_variant_new ("(ssv)", "%s", info->parent_struct.name, variant),\n'
-                               '    G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,\n'
-                               '    -1,\n'
-                               '    NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) %s_proxy_set_property_cb, (GDBusPropertyInfo 
*) &info->parent_struct);\n'
-                               '  g_variant_unref (variant);\n'
-                               %(len(i.properties), i.name_lower, i.name, i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n"
+                "  GVariant *variant;\n"
+                "  g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < %d);\n"
+                "  info = (const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) _%s_property_info_pointers[prop_id - 1];\n"
+                "  variant = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE 
+                "  g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (object),\n"
+                '    "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set",\n'
+                '    g_variant_new ("(ssv)", "%s", info->parent_struct.name, variant),\n'
+                "    G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,\n"
+                "    -1,\n"
+                "    NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) %s_proxy_set_property_cb, (GDBusPropertyInfo *) 
+                "  g_variant_unref (variant);\n"
+                % (len(i.properties), i.name_lower, i.name, i.name_lower)
+            )
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
         # signal received
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%s_proxy_g_signal (GDBusProxy *proxy,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *sender_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *signal_name,\n'
-                           '  GVariant *parameters)\n'
-                           '{\n'%(i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('  _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo *info;\n'
-                           '  GVariantIter iter;\n'
-                           '  GVariant *child;\n'
-                           '  GValue *paramv;\n'
-                           '  gsize num_params;\n'
-                           '  gsize n;\n'
-                           '  guint signal_id;\n');
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%s_proxy_g_signal (GDBusProxy *proxy,\n"
+            "  const gchar *sender_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n"
+            "  const gchar *signal_name,\n"
+            "  GVariant *parameters)\n"
+            "{\n" % (i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo *info;\n"
+            "  GVariantIter iter;\n"
+            "  GVariant *child;\n"
+            "  GValue *paramv;\n"
+            "  gsize num_params;\n"
+            "  gsize n;\n"
+            "  guint signal_id;\n"
+        )
         # Note: info could be NULL if we are talking to a newer version of the interface
-        self.outfile.write('  info = (_ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_signal 
((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_%s_interface_info.parent_struct, signal_name);\n'
-                           '  if (info == NULL)\n'
-                           '    return;\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('  num_params = g_variant_n_children (parameters);\n'
-                           '  paramv = g_new0 (GValue, num_params + 1);\n'
-                           '  g_value_init (&paramv[0], %sTYPE_%s);\n'
-                           '  g_value_set_object (&paramv[0], proxy);\n'
-                           %(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-        self.outfile.write('  g_variant_iter_init (&iter, parameters);\n'
-                           '  n = 1;\n'
-                           '  while ((child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter)) != NULL)\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           '      _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *arg_info = (_ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *) 
info->parent_struct.args[n - 1];\n'
-                           '      if (arg_info->use_gvariant)\n'
-                           '        {\n'
-                           '          g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_VARIANT);\n'
-                           '          g_value_set_variant (&paramv[n], child);\n'
-                           '          n++;\n'
-                           '        }\n'
-                           '      else\n'
-                           '        g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (child, &paramv[n++]);\n'
-                           '      g_variant_unref (child);\n'
-                           '    }\n'
-                           )
-        self.outfile.write('  signal_id = g_signal_lookup (info->signal_name, %sTYPE_%s);\n'
-                           %(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-        self.outfile.write('  g_signal_emitv (paramv, signal_id, 0, NULL);\n')
-        self.outfile.write('  for (n = 0; n < num_params + 1; n++)\n'
-                           '    g_value_unset (&paramv[n]);\n'
-                           '  g_free (paramv);\n')
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  info = (_ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_signal ((GDBusInterfaceInfo 
*) &_%s_interface_info.parent_struct, signal_name);\n"
+            "  if (info == NULL)\n"
+            "    return;\n" % (i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  num_params = g_variant_n_children (parameters);\n"
+            "  paramv = g_new0 (GValue, num_params + 1);\n"
+            "  g_value_init (&paramv[0], %sTYPE_%s);\n"
+            "  g_value_set_object (&paramv[0], proxy);\n" % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  g_variant_iter_init (&iter, parameters);\n"
+            "  n = 1;\n"
+            "  while ((child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter)) != NULL)\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            "      _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *arg_info = (_ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *) info->parent_struct.args[n - 
+            "      if (arg_info->use_gvariant)\n"
+            "        {\n"
+            "          g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_VARIANT);\n"
+            "          g_value_set_variant (&paramv[n], child);\n"
+            "          n++;\n"
+            "        }\n"
+            "      else\n"
+            "        g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (child, &paramv[n++]);\n"
+            "      g_variant_unref (child);\n"
+            "    }\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  signal_id = g_signal_lookup (info->signal_name, %sTYPE_%s);\n"
+            % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("  g_signal_emitv (paramv, signal_id, 0, NULL);\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  for (n = 0; n < num_params + 1; n++)\n"
+            "    g_value_unset (&paramv[n]);\n"
+            "  g_free (paramv);\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
         # property changed
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%s_proxy_g_properties_changed (GDBusProxy *_proxy,\n'
-                           '  GVariant *changed_properties,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *const *invalidated_properties)\n'
-                           '{\n'%(i.name_lower))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%s_proxy_g_properties_changed (GDBusProxy *_proxy,\n"
+            "  GVariant *changed_properties,\n"
+            "  const gchar *const *invalidated_properties)\n"
+            "{\n" % (i.name_lower)
+        )
         # Note: info could be NULL if we are talking to a newer version of the interface
-        self.outfile.write('  %sProxy *proxy = %s%s_PROXY (_proxy);\n'
-                           '  guint n;\n'
-                           '  const gchar *key;\n'
-                           '  GVariantIter *iter;\n'
-                           '  _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n'
-                           '  g_variant_get (changed_properties, "a{sv}", &iter);\n'
-                           '  while (g_variant_iter_next (iter, "{&sv}", &key, NULL))\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           '      info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) 
g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_%s_interface_info.parent_struct, key);\n'
-                           '      g_datalist_remove_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, key);\n'
-                           '      if (info != NULL)\n'
-                           '        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (proxy), info->hyphen_name);\n'
-                           '    }\n'
-                           '  g_variant_iter_free (iter);\n'
-                           '  for (n = 0; invalidated_properties[n] != NULL; n++)\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           '      info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) 
g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_%s_interface_info.parent_struct, 
-                           '      g_datalist_remove_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, invalidated_properties[n]);\n'
-                           '      if (info != NULL)\n'
-                           '        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (proxy), info->hyphen_name);\n'
-                           '    }\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper,
-                             i.name_lower, i.name_lower))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  %sProxy *proxy = %s%s_PROXY (_proxy);\n"
+            "  guint n;\n"
+            "  const gchar *key;\n"
+            "  GVariantIter *iter;\n"
+            "  _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n"
+            '  g_variant_get (changed_properties, "a{sv}", &iter);\n'
+            '  while (g_variant_iter_next (iter, "{&sv}", &key, NULL))\n'
+            "    {\n"
+            "      info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property 
((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_%s_interface_info.parent_struct, key);\n"
+            "      g_datalist_remove_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, key);\n"
+            "      if (info != NULL)\n"
+            "        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (proxy), info->hyphen_name);\n"
+            "    }\n"
+            "  g_variant_iter_free (iter);\n"
+            "  for (n = 0; invalidated_properties[n] != NULL; n++)\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            "      info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property 
((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_%s_interface_info.parent_struct, invalidated_properties[n]);\n"
+            "      g_datalist_remove_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, invalidated_properties[n]);\n"
+            "      if (info != NULL)\n"
+            "        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (proxy), info->hyphen_name);\n"
+            "    }\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower, i.name_lower)
+        )
         # property vfuncs
         for p in i.properties:
-            nul_value = '0'
+            nul_value = "0"
             if p.arg.free_func != None:
-                nul_value = 'NULL'
-            self.outfile.write('static %s\n'
-                               '%s_proxy_get_%s (%s *object)\n'
-                               '{\n'
-                               '  %sProxy *proxy = %s%s_PROXY (object);\n'
-                               '  GVariant *variant;\n'
-                               '  %svalue = %s;\n'%(p.arg.ctype_in, i.name_lower, p.name_lower, i.camel_name,
-                                                    i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper,
-                                                    p.arg.ctype_in, nul_value))
+                nul_value = "NULL"
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static %s\n"
+                "%s_proxy_get_%s (%s *object)\n"
+                "{\n"
+                "  %sProxy *proxy = %s%s_PROXY (object);\n"
+                "  GVariant *variant;\n"
+                "  %svalue = %s;\n"
+                % (
+                    p.arg.ctype_in,
+                    i.name_lower,
+                    p.name_lower,
+                    i.camel_name,
+                    i.camel_name,
+                    i.ns_upper,
+                    i.name_upper,
+                    p.arg.ctype_in,
+                    nul_value,
+                )
+            )
             # For some property types, we have to free the returned
             # value (or part of it, e.g. the container) because of how
             # GVariant works.. see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=657100
             # for details
-            free_container = False;
-            if p.arg.gvariant_get == 'g_variant_get_strv' or p.arg.gvariant_get == 'g_variant_get_objv' or 
p.arg.gvariant_get == 'g_variant_get_bytestring_array':
-                free_container = True;
+            free_container = False
+            if (
+                p.arg.gvariant_get == "g_variant_get_strv"
+                or p.arg.gvariant_get == "g_variant_get_objv"
+                or p.arg.gvariant_get == "g_variant_get_bytestring_array"
+            ):
+                free_container = True
             # If already using an old value for strv, objv, bytestring_array (see below),
             # then just return that... that way the result from multiple consecutive calls
             # to the getter are valid as long as they're freed
             if free_container:
-                self.outfile.write('  value = g_datalist_get_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, \"%s\");\n'
-                                   '  if (value != NULL)\n'
-                                   '    return value;\n'
-                                   %(p.name))
-            self.outfile.write('  variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), 
-            if p.arg.gtype == 'G_TYPE_VARIANT':
-                self.outfile.write('  value = variant;\n')
-                self.outfile.write('  if (variant != NULL)\n')
-                self.outfile.write('    g_variant_unref (variant);\n')
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    '  value = g_datalist_get_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, "%s");\n'
+                    "  if (value != NULL)\n"
+                    "    return value;\n" % (p.name)
+                )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                '  variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), "%s");\n'
+                % (p.name)
+            )
+            if p.arg.gtype == "G_TYPE_VARIANT":
+                self.outfile.write("  value = variant;\n")
+                self.outfile.write("  if (variant != NULL)\n")
+                self.outfile.write("    g_variant_unref (variant);\n")
-                self.outfile.write('  if (variant != NULL)\n'
-                                   '    {\n')
-                extra_len = ''
-                if p.arg.gvariant_get == 'g_variant_get_string' or p.arg.gvariant_get == 
'g_variant_get_strv' or p.arg.gvariant_get == 'g_variant_get_objv' or p.arg.gvariant_get == 
-                    extra_len = ', NULL'
-                self.outfile.write('      value = %s (variant%s);\n'%(p.arg.gvariant_get, extra_len))
+                self.outfile.write("  if (variant != NULL)\n" "    {\n")
+                extra_len = ""
+                if (
+                    p.arg.gvariant_get == "g_variant_get_string"
+                    or p.arg.gvariant_get == "g_variant_get_strv"
+                    or p.arg.gvariant_get == "g_variant_get_objv"
+                    or p.arg.gvariant_get == "g_variant_get_bytestring_array"
+                ):
+                    extra_len = ", NULL"
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "      value = %s (variant%s);\n" % (p.arg.gvariant_get, extra_len)
+                )
                 if free_container:
-                    self.outfile.write('      g_datalist_set_data_full (&proxy->priv->qdata, \"%s\", 
(gpointer) value, g_free);\n'
-                                       %(p.name))
-                self.outfile.write('      g_variant_unref (variant);\n')
-                self.outfile.write('    }\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  return value;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('}\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+                    self.outfile.write(
+                        '      g_datalist_set_data_full (&proxy->priv->qdata, "%s", (gpointer) value, 
+                        % (p.name)
+                    )
+                self.outfile.write("      g_variant_unref (variant);\n")
+                self.outfile.write("    }\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  return value;\n")
+            self.outfile.write("}\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
         # class boilerplate
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%s_proxy_init (%sProxy *proxy)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '#if GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= GLIB_VERSION_2_38\n'
-                           '  proxy->priv = %s_proxy_get_instance_private (proxy);\n'
-                           '#else\n'
-                           '  proxy->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (proxy, %sTYPE_%s_PROXY, 
-                           '#endif\n\n'
-                           '  g_dbus_proxy_set_interface_info (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), %s_interface_info 
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.camel_name,
-                             i.name_lower,
-                             i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name,
-                             i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%s_proxy_class_init (%sProxyClass *klass)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GObjectClass *gobject_class;\n'
-                           '  GDBusProxyClass *proxy_class;\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           '  gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);\n'
-                           '  gobject_class->finalize     = %s_proxy_finalize;\n'
-                           '  gobject_class->get_property = %s_proxy_get_property;\n'
-                           '  gobject_class->set_property = %s_proxy_set_property;\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           '  proxy_class = G_DBUS_PROXY_CLASS (klass);\n'
-                           '  proxy_class->g_signal = %s_proxy_g_signal;\n'
-                           '  proxy_class->g_properties_changed = %s_proxy_g_properties_changed;\n'
-                           '\n'%(i.name_lower, i.camel_name,
-                                 i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%s_proxy_init (%sProxy *proxy)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "#if GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= GLIB_VERSION_2_38\n"
+            "  proxy->priv = %s_proxy_get_instance_private (proxy);\n"
+            "#else\n"
+            "  proxy->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (proxy, %sTYPE_%s_PROXY, %sProxyPrivate);\n"
+            "#endif\n\n"
+            "  g_dbus_proxy_set_interface_info (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), %s_interface_info ());\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n"
+            % (
+                i.name_lower,
+                i.camel_name,
+                i.name_lower,
+                i.ns_upper,
+                i.name_upper,
+                i.camel_name,
+                i.name_lower,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%s_proxy_class_init (%sProxyClass *klass)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GObjectClass *gobject_class;\n"
+            "  GDBusProxyClass *proxy_class;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);\n"
+            "  gobject_class->finalize     = %s_proxy_finalize;\n"
+            "  gobject_class->get_property = %s_proxy_get_property;\n"
+            "  gobject_class->set_property = %s_proxy_set_property;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  proxy_class = G_DBUS_PROXY_CLASS (klass);\n"
+            "  proxy_class->g_signal = %s_proxy_g_signal;\n"
+            "  proxy_class->g_properties_changed = %s_proxy_g_properties_changed;\n"
+            "\n"
+            % (
+                i.name_lower,
+                i.camel_name,
+                i.name_lower,
+                i.name_lower,
+                i.name_lower,
+                i.name_lower,
+                i.name_lower,
+            )
+        )
         if len(i.properties) > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('  %s_override_properties (gobject_class, 1);\n\n'%(i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('#if GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED < GLIB_VERSION_2_38\n'
-                           '  g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (%sProxyPrivate));\n'
-                           '#endif\n'%(i.camel_name))
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%s_proxy_iface_init (%sIface *iface)\n'
-                           '{\n'%(i.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  %s_override_properties (gobject_class, 1);\n\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "#if GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED < GLIB_VERSION_2_38\n"
+            "  g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (%sProxyPrivate));\n"
+            "#endif\n" % (i.camel_name)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%s_proxy_iface_init (%sIface *iface)\n"
+            "{\n" % (i.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+        )
         for p in i.properties:
-            self.outfile.write('  iface->get_%s = %s_proxy_get_%s;\n'%(p.name_lower, i.name_lower, 
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  iface->get_%s = %s_proxy_get_%s;\n"
+                % (p.name_lower, i.name_lower, p.name_lower)
+            )
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
         # constructors
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %s_proxy_new:\n'
-                ' * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.\n'
-                ' * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.\n'
-                ' * @name: (nullable): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %%NULL if @connection is not a 
message bus connection.\n'
-                ' * @object_path: An object path.\n'
-                ' * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n'
-                ' * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.\n'
-                ' * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Asynchronously creates a proxy for the D-Bus interface #%s. See g_dbus_proxy_new() for 
more details.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the thread-default main 
loop of the thread you are calling this method from (see g_main_context_push_thread_default()).\n'
-                ' * You can then call %s_proxy_new_finish() to get the result of the operation.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * See %s_proxy_new_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this constructor.\n'
-                %(i.name_lower, i.name, i.name_lower, i.name_lower), False))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %s_proxy_new:\n"
+                " * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.\n"
+                " * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.\n"
+                " * @name: (nullable): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %%NULL if @connection is not a 
message bus connection.\n"
+                " * @object_path: An object path.\n"
+                " * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n"
+                " * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.\n"
+                " * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Asynchronously creates a proxy for the D-Bus interface #%s. See g_dbus_proxy_new() for 
more details.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the thread-default main 
loop of the thread you are calling this method from (see g_main_context_push_thread_default()).\n"
+                " * You can then call %s_proxy_new_finish() to get the result of the operation.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * See %s_proxy_new_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this constructor.\n"
+                % (i.name_lower, i.name, i.name_lower, i.name_lower),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
         self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-        self.outfile.write('void\n'
-                           '%s_proxy_new (\n'
-                           '    GDBusConnection     *connection,\n'
-                           '    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n'
-                           '    const gchar         *name,\n'
-                           '    const gchar         *object_path,\n'
-                           '    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n'
-                           '    GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,\n'
-                           '    gpointer             user_data)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  g_async_initable_new_async (%sTYPE_%s_PROXY, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, 
callback, user_data, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-connection", connection, "g-object-path", 
object_path, "g-interface-name", "%s", NULL);\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name))
-        self.outfile.write('/**\n'
-                           ' * %s_proxy_new_finish:\n'
-                           ' * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to 
-                           ' * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n'
-                           ' *\n'
-                           ' * Finishes an operation started with %s_proxy_new().\n'
-                           ' *\n'
-                           ' * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sProxy): The constructed proxy object or 
%%NULL if @error is set.\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "void\n"
+            "%s_proxy_new (\n"
+            "    GDBusConnection     *connection,\n"
+            "    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n"
+            "    const gchar         *name,\n"
+            "    const gchar         *object_path,\n"
+            "    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n"
+            "    GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,\n"
+            "    gpointer             user_data)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            '  g_async_initable_new_async (%sTYPE_%s_PROXY, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, callback, 
user_data, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-connection", connection, "g-object-path", object_path, 
"g-interface-name", "%s", NULL);\n'
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (i.name_lower, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "/**\n"
+            " * %s_proxy_new_finish:\n"
+            " * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to %s_proxy_new().\n"
+            " * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n"
+            " *\n"
+            " * Finishes an operation started with %s_proxy_new().\n"
+            " *\n"
+            " * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sProxy): The constructed proxy object or %%NULL if @error is 
+            % (i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+        )
         self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-        self.outfile.write('%s *\n'
-                           '%s_proxy_new_finish (\n'
-                           '    GAsyncResult        *res,\n'
-                           '    GError             **error)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GObject *ret;\n'
-                           '  GObject *source_object;\n'
-                           '  source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);\n'
-                           '  ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, 
-                           '  g_object_unref (source_object);\n'
-                           '  if (ret != NULL)\n'
-                           '    return %s%s (ret);\n'
-                           '  else\n'
-                           '    return NULL;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(i.camel_name, i.name_lower, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %s_proxy_new_sync:\n'
-                ' * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.\n'
-                ' * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.\n'
-                ' * @name: (nullable): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %%NULL if @connection is not a 
message bus connection.\n'
-                ' * @object_path: An object path.\n'
-                ' * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n'
-                ' * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Synchronously creates a proxy for the D-Bus interface #%s. See g_dbus_proxy_new_sync() 
for more details.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * See %s_proxy_new() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sProxy): The constructed proxy object or %%NULL if 
@error is set.\n'
-                %(i.name_lower, i.name, i.name_lower, i.camel_name), False))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "%s *\n"
+            "%s_proxy_new_finish (\n"
+            "    GAsyncResult        *res,\n"
+            "    GError             **error)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GObject *ret;\n"
+            "  GObject *source_object;\n"
+            "  source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);\n"
+            "  ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, error);\n"
+            "  g_object_unref (source_object);\n"
+            "  if (ret != NULL)\n"
+            "    return %s%s (ret);\n"
+            "  else\n"
+            "    return NULL;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (i.camel_name, i.name_lower, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %s_proxy_new_sync:\n"
+                " * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.\n"
+                " * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.\n"
+                " * @name: (nullable): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %%NULL if @connection is not a 
message bus connection.\n"
+                " * @object_path: An object path.\n"
+                " * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n"
+                " * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Synchronously creates a proxy for the D-Bus interface #%s. See g_dbus_proxy_new_sync() 
for more details.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * See %s_proxy_new() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sProxy): The constructed proxy object or %%NULL if 
@error is set.\n"
+                % (i.name_lower, i.name, i.name_lower, i.camel_name),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
         self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-        self.outfile.write('%s *\n'
-                           '%s_proxy_new_sync (\n'
-                           '    GDBusConnection     *connection,\n'
-                           '    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n'
-                           '    const gchar         *name,\n'
-                           '    const gchar         *object_path,\n'
-                           '    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n'
-                           '    GError             **error)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GInitable *ret;\n'
-                           '  ret = g_initable_new (%sTYPE_%s_PROXY, cancellable, error, "g-flags", flags, 
"g-name", name, "g-connection", connection, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "%s", NULL);\n'
-                           '  if (ret != NULL)\n'
-                           '    return %s%s (ret);\n'
-                           '  else\n'
-                           '    return NULL;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(i.camel_name, i.name_lower, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name, i.ns_upper, 
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %s_proxy_new_for_bus:\n'
-                ' * @bus_type: A #GBusType.\n'
-                ' * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.\n'
-                ' * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).\n'
-                ' * @object_path: An object path.\n'
-                ' * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n'
-                ' * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.\n'
-                ' * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Like %s_proxy_new() but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the thread-default main 
loop of the thread you are calling this method from (see g_main_context_push_thread_default()).\n'
-                ' * You can then call %s_proxy_new_for_bus_finish() to get the result of the operation.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * See %s_proxy_new_for_bus_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this 
-                %(i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower), False))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "%s *\n"
+            "%s_proxy_new_sync (\n"
+            "    GDBusConnection     *connection,\n"
+            "    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n"
+            "    const gchar         *name,\n"
+            "    const gchar         *object_path,\n"
+            "    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n"
+            "    GError             **error)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GInitable *ret;\n"
+            '  ret = g_initable_new (%sTYPE_%s_PROXY, cancellable, error, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, 
"g-connection", connection, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "%s", NULL);\n'
+            "  if (ret != NULL)\n"
+            "    return %s%s (ret);\n"
+            "  else\n"
+            "    return NULL;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n"
+            % (
+                i.camel_name,
+                i.name_lower,
+                i.ns_upper,
+                i.name_upper,
+                i.name,
+                i.ns_upper,
+                i.name_upper,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %s_proxy_new_for_bus:\n"
+                " * @bus_type: A #GBusType.\n"
+                " * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.\n"
+                " * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).\n"
+                " * @object_path: An object path.\n"
+                " * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n"
+                " * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.\n"
+                " * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Like %s_proxy_new() but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the thread-default main 
loop of the thread you are calling this method from (see g_main_context_push_thread_default()).\n"
+                " * You can then call %s_proxy_new_for_bus_finish() to get the result of the operation.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * See %s_proxy_new_for_bus_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this 
+                % (i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
         self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-        self.outfile.write('void\n'
-                           '%s_proxy_new_for_bus (\n'
-                           '    GBusType             bus_type,\n'
-                           '    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n'
-                           '    const gchar         *name,\n'
-                           '    const gchar         *object_path,\n'
-                           '    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n'
-                           '    GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,\n'
-                           '    gpointer             user_data)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  g_async_initable_new_async (%sTYPE_%s_PROXY, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, 
callback, user_data, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-bus-type", bus_type, "g-object-path", object_path, 
"g-interface-name", "%s", NULL);\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name))
-        self.outfile.write('/**\n'
-                           ' * %s_proxy_new_for_bus_finish:\n'
-                           ' * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to 
-                           ' * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n'
-                           ' *\n'
-                           ' * Finishes an operation started with %s_proxy_new_for_bus().\n'
-                           ' *\n'
-                           ' * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sProxy): The constructed proxy object or 
%%NULL if @error is set.\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "void\n"
+            "%s_proxy_new_for_bus (\n"
+            "    GBusType             bus_type,\n"
+            "    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n"
+            "    const gchar         *name,\n"
+            "    const gchar         *object_path,\n"
+            "    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n"
+            "    GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,\n"
+            "    gpointer             user_data)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            '  g_async_initable_new_async (%sTYPE_%s_PROXY, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, callback, 
user_data, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-bus-type", bus_type, "g-object-path", object_path, 
"g-interface-name", "%s", NULL);\n'
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (i.name_lower, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "/**\n"
+            " * %s_proxy_new_for_bus_finish:\n"
+            " * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to 
+            " * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n"
+            " *\n"
+            " * Finishes an operation started with %s_proxy_new_for_bus().\n"
+            " *\n"
+            " * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sProxy): The constructed proxy object or %%NULL if @error is 
+            % (i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+        )
         self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-        self.outfile.write('%s *\n'
-                           '%s_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (\n'
-                           '    GAsyncResult        *res,\n'
-                           '    GError             **error)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GObject *ret;\n'
-                           '  GObject *source_object;\n'
-                           '  source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);\n'
-                           '  ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, 
-                           '  g_object_unref (source_object);\n'
-                           '  if (ret != NULL)\n'
-                           '    return %s%s (ret);\n'
-                           '  else\n'
-                           '    return NULL;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(i.camel_name, i.name_lower, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %s_proxy_new_for_bus_sync:\n'
-                ' * @bus_type: A #GBusType.\n'
-                ' * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.\n'
-                ' * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).\n'
-                ' * @object_path: An object path.\n'
-                ' * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n'
-                ' * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Like %s_proxy_new_sync() but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * See %s_proxy_new_for_bus() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sProxy): The constructed proxy object or %%NULL if 
@error is set.\n'
-                %(i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.camel_name), False))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "%s *\n"
+            "%s_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (\n"
+            "    GAsyncResult        *res,\n"
+            "    GError             **error)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GObject *ret;\n"
+            "  GObject *source_object;\n"
+            "  source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);\n"
+            "  ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, error);\n"
+            "  g_object_unref (source_object);\n"
+            "  if (ret != NULL)\n"
+            "    return %s%s (ret);\n"
+            "  else\n"
+            "    return NULL;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (i.camel_name, i.name_lower, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %s_proxy_new_for_bus_sync:\n"
+                " * @bus_type: A #GBusType.\n"
+                " * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.\n"
+                " * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).\n"
+                " * @object_path: An object path.\n"
+                " * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n"
+                " * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Like %s_proxy_new_sync() but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * See %s_proxy_new_for_bus() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sProxy): The constructed proxy object or %%NULL if 
@error is set.\n"
+                % (i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.camel_name),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
         self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-        self.outfile.write('%s *\n'
-                           '%s_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (\n'
-                           '    GBusType             bus_type,\n'
-                           '    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n'
-                           '    const gchar         *name,\n'
-                           '    const gchar         *object_path,\n'
-                           '    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n'
-                           '    GError             **error)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GInitable *ret;\n'
-                           '  ret = g_initable_new (%sTYPE_%s_PROXY, cancellable, error, "g-flags", flags, 
"g-name", name, "g-bus-type", bus_type, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "%s", NULL);\n'
-                           '  if (ret != NULL)\n'
-                           '    return %s%s (ret);\n'
-                           '  else\n'
-                           '    return NULL;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(i.camel_name, i.name_lower, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name, i.ns_upper, 
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "%s *\n"
+            "%s_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (\n"
+            "    GBusType             bus_type,\n"
+            "    GDBusProxyFlags      flags,\n"
+            "    const gchar         *name,\n"
+            "    const gchar         *object_path,\n"
+            "    GCancellable        *cancellable,\n"
+            "    GError             **error)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GInitable *ret;\n"
+            '  ret = g_initable_new (%sTYPE_%s_PROXY, cancellable, error, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, 
"g-bus-type", bus_type, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "%s", NULL);\n'
+            "  if (ret != NULL)\n"
+            "    return %s%s (ret);\n"
+            "  else\n"
+            "    return NULL;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n"
+            % (
+                i.camel_name,
+                i.name_lower,
+                i.ns_upper,
+                i.name_upper,
+                i.name,
+                i.ns_upper,
+                i.name_upper,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
     # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_skeleton(self, i):
         # class boilerplate
-        self.outfile.write('/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sSkeleton:\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * The #%sSkeleton structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using 
the provided API.\n'
-                %(i.camel_name, i.camel_name), False))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */\n"
+            "\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sSkeleton:\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * The #%sSkeleton structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using 
the provided API.\n"
+                % (i.camel_name, i.camel_name),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
         self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sSkeletonClass:\n'
-                ' * @parent_class: The parent class.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Class structure for #%sSkeleton.\n'
-                %(i.camel_name, i.camel_name), False))
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sSkeletonClass:\n"
+                " * @parent_class: The parent class.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Class structure for #%sSkeleton.\n" % (i.camel_name, i.camel_name),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
         self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('struct _%sSkeletonPrivate\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GValue *properties;\n'
-                           '  GList *changed_properties;\n'
-                           '  GSource *changed_properties_idle_source;\n'
-                           '  GMainContext *context;\n'
-                           '  GMutex lock;\n'
-                           '};\n'
-                           '\n'%i.camel_name)
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '_%s_skeleton_handle_method_call (\n'
-                           '  GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *interface_name,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *method_name,\n'
-                           '  GVariant *parameters,\n'
-                           '  GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,\n'
-                           '  gpointer user_data)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (user_data);\n'
-                           '  _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo *info;\n'
-                           '  GVariantIter iter;\n'
-                           '  GVariant *child;\n'
-                           '  GValue *paramv;\n'
-                           '  gsize num_params;\n'
-                           '  guint num_extra;\n'
-                           '  gsize n;\n'
-                           '  guint signal_id;\n'
-                           '  GValue return_value = G_VALUE_INIT;\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-        self.outfile.write('  info = (_ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo *) g_dbus_method_invocation_get_method_info 
-                           '  g_assert (info != NULL);\n'
-                           %())
-        self.outfile.write('  num_params = g_variant_n_children (parameters);\n'
-                           '  num_extra = info->pass_fdlist ? 3 : 2;'
-                           '  paramv = g_new0 (GValue, num_params + num_extra);\n'
-                           '  n = 0;\n'
-                           '  g_value_init (&paramv[n], %sTYPE_%s);\n'
-                           '  g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], skeleton);\n'
-                           '  g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION);\n'
-                           '  g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], invocation);\n'
-                           '  if (info->pass_fdlist)\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           '#ifdef G_OS_UNIX\n'
-                           '      g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_UNIX_FD_LIST);\n'
-                           '      g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], g_dbus_message_get_unix_fd_list 
(g_dbus_method_invocation_get_message (invocation)));\n'
-                           '#else\n'
-                           '      g_assert_not_reached ();\n'
-                           '#endif\n'
-                           '    }\n'
-                           %(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-        self.outfile.write('  g_variant_iter_init (&iter, parameters);\n'
-                           '  while ((child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter)) != NULL)\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           '      _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *arg_info = (_ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *) 
info->parent_struct.in_args[n - num_extra];\n'
-                           '      if (arg_info->use_gvariant)\n'
-                           '        {\n'
-                           '          g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_VARIANT);\n'
-                           '          g_value_set_variant (&paramv[n], child);\n'
-                           '          n++;\n'
-                           '        }\n'
-                           '      else\n'
-                           '        g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (child, &paramv[n++]);\n'
-                           '      g_variant_unref (child);\n'
-                           '    }\n')
-        self.outfile.write('  signal_id = g_signal_lookup (info->signal_name, %sTYPE_%s);\n'
-                           %(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-        self.outfile.write('  g_value_init (&return_value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);\n'
-                           '  g_signal_emitv (paramv, signal_id, 0, &return_value);\n'
-                           '  if (!g_value_get_boolean (&return_value))\n'
-                           '    g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR, 
G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD, "Method %s is not implemented on interface %s", method_name, interface_name);\n'
-                           '  g_value_unset (&return_value);\n')
-        self.outfile.write('  for (n = 0; n < num_params + num_extra; n++)\n'
-                           '    g_value_unset (&paramv[n]);\n'
-                           '  g_free (paramv);\n')
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('static GVariant *\n'
-                           '_%s_skeleton_handle_get_property (\n'
-                           '  GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *property_name,\n'
-                           '  GError **error,\n'
-                           '  gpointer user_data)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (user_data);\n'
-                           '  GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;\n'
-                           '  GParamSpec *pspec;\n'
-                           '  _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n'
-                           '  GVariant *ret;\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-        self.outfile.write('  ret = NULL;\n'
-                           '  info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property 
((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_%s_interface_info.parent_struct, property_name);\n'
-                           '  g_assert (info != NULL);\n'
-                           '  pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (skeleton), 
-                           '  if (pspec == NULL)\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           '      g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No property 
with name %%s", property_name);\n'
-                           '    }\n'
-                           '  else\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           '      g_value_init (&value, pspec->value_type);\n'
-                           '      g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (skeleton), info->hyphen_name, &value);\n'
-                           '      ret = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (&value, G_VARIANT_TYPE 
-                           '      g_value_unset (&value);\n'
-                           '    }\n'
-                           '  return ret;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('static gboolean\n'
-                           '_%s_skeleton_handle_set_property (\n'
-                           '  GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n'
-                           '  const gchar *property_name,\n'
-                           '  GVariant *variant,\n'
-                           '  GError **error,\n'
-                           '  gpointer user_data)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (user_data);\n'
-                           '  GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;\n'
-                           '  GParamSpec *pspec;\n'
-                           '  _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n'
-                           '  gboolean ret;\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-        self.outfile.write('  ret = FALSE;\n'
-                           '  info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property 
((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_%s_interface_info.parent_struct, property_name);\n'
-                           '  g_assert (info != NULL);\n'
-                           '  pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (skeleton), 
-                           '  if (pspec == NULL)\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           '      g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No property 
with name %%s", property_name);\n'
-                           '    }\n'
-                           '  else\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           '      if (info->use_gvariant)\n'
-                           '        g_value_set_variant (&value, variant);\n'
-                           '      else\n'
-                           '        g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (variant, &value);\n'
-                           '      g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (skeleton), info->hyphen_name, &value);\n'
-                           '      g_value_unset (&value);\n'
-                           '      ret = TRUE;\n'
-                           '    }\n'
-                           '  return ret;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('static const GDBusInterfaceVTable _%s_skeleton_vtable =\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  _%s_skeleton_handle_method_call,\n'
-                           '  _%s_skeleton_handle_get_property,\n'
-                           '  _%s_skeleton_handle_set_property,\n'
-                           '  {NULL}\n'
-                           '};\n'
-                           '\n'%(i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('static GDBusInterfaceInfo *\n'
-                           '%s_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_info (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *skeleton 
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  return %s_interface_info ();\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('static GDBusInterfaceVTable *\n'
-                           '%s_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_vtable (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *skeleton 
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  return (GDBusInterfaceVTable *) &_%s_skeleton_vtable;\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('static GVariant *\n'
-                           '%s_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_properties (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *_skeleton)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (_skeleton);\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-        self.outfile.write('\n'
-                           '  GVariantBuilder builder;\n'
-                           '  guint n;\n'
-                           '  g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"));\n'
-                           '  if (_%s_interface_info.parent_struct.properties == NULL)\n'
-                           '    goto out;\n'
-                           '  for (n = 0; _%s_interface_info.parent_struct.properties[n] != NULL; n++)\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           '      GDBusPropertyInfo *info = 
-                           '      if (info->flags & G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_READABLE)\n'
-                           '        {\n'
-                           '          GVariant *value;\n'
-                           '          value = _%s_skeleton_handle_get_property 
(g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connection (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), NULL, 
g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "%s", info->name, NULL, 
-                           '          if (value != NULL)\n'
-                           '            {\n'
-                           '              g_variant_take_ref (value);\n'
-                           '              g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", info->name, value);\n'
-                           '              g_variant_unref (value);\n'
-                           '            }\n'
-                           '        }\n'
-                           '    }\n'
-                           'out:\n'
-                           '  return g_variant_builder_end (&builder);\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name))
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "struct _%sSkeletonPrivate\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GValue *properties;\n"
+            "  GList *changed_properties;\n"
+            "  GSource *changed_properties_idle_source;\n"
+            "  GMainContext *context;\n"
+            "  GMutex lock;\n"
+            "};\n"
+            "\n" % i.camel_name
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "_%s_skeleton_handle_method_call (\n"
+            "  GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n"
+            "  const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n"
+            "  const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n"
+            "  const gchar *interface_name,\n"
+            "  const gchar *method_name,\n"
+            "  GVariant *parameters,\n"
+            "  GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,\n"
+            "  gpointer user_data)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (user_data);\n"
+            "  _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo *info;\n"
+            "  GVariantIter iter;\n"
+            "  GVariant *child;\n"
+            "  GValue *paramv;\n"
+            "  gsize num_params;\n"
+            "  guint num_extra;\n"
+            "  gsize n;\n"
+            "  guint signal_id;\n"
+            "  GValue return_value = G_VALUE_INIT;\n"
+            % (i.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  info = (_ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo *) g_dbus_method_invocation_get_method_info (invocation);\n"
+            "  g_assert (info != NULL);\n" % ()
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  num_params = g_variant_n_children (parameters);\n"
+            "  num_extra = info->pass_fdlist ? 3 : 2;"
+            "  paramv = g_new0 (GValue, num_params + num_extra);\n"
+            "  n = 0;\n"
+            "  g_value_init (&paramv[n], %sTYPE_%s);\n"
+            "  g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], skeleton);\n"
+            "  g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION);\n"
+            "  g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], invocation);\n"
+            "  if (info->pass_fdlist)\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            "#ifdef G_OS_UNIX\n"
+            "      g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_UNIX_FD_LIST);\n"
+            "      g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], g_dbus_message_get_unix_fd_list 
(g_dbus_method_invocation_get_message (invocation)));\n"
+            "#else\n"
+            "      g_assert_not_reached ();\n"
+            "#endif\n"
+            "    }\n" % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  g_variant_iter_init (&iter, parameters);\n"
+            "  while ((child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter)) != NULL)\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            "      _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *arg_info = (_ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *) info->parent_struct.in_args[n 
- num_extra];\n"
+            "      if (arg_info->use_gvariant)\n"
+            "        {\n"
+            "          g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_VARIANT);\n"
+            "          g_value_set_variant (&paramv[n], child);\n"
+            "          n++;\n"
+            "        }\n"
+            "      else\n"
+            "        g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (child, &paramv[n++]);\n"
+            "      g_variant_unref (child);\n"
+            "    }\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  signal_id = g_signal_lookup (info->signal_name, %sTYPE_%s);\n"
+            % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  g_value_init (&return_value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);\n"
+            "  g_signal_emitv (paramv, signal_id, 0, &return_value);\n"
+            "  if (!g_value_get_boolean (&return_value))\n"
+            '    g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR, 
G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD, "Method %s is not implemented on interface %s", method_name, interface_name);\n'
+            "  g_value_unset (&return_value);\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  for (n = 0; n < num_params + num_extra; n++)\n"
+            "    g_value_unset (&paramv[n]);\n"
+            "  g_free (paramv);\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static GVariant *\n"
+            "_%s_skeleton_handle_get_property (\n"
+            "  GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n"
+            "  const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n"
+            "  const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n"
+            "  const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n"
+            "  const gchar *property_name,\n"
+            "  GError **error,\n"
+            "  gpointer user_data)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (user_data);\n"
+            "  GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;\n"
+            "  GParamSpec *pspec;\n"
+            "  _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n"
+            "  GVariant *ret;\n"
+            % (i.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  ret = NULL;\n"
+            "  info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property 
((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_%s_interface_info.parent_struct, property_name);\n"
+            "  g_assert (info != NULL);\n"
+            "  pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (skeleton), info->hyphen_name);\n"
+            "  if (pspec == NULL)\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            '      g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No property with name %%s", 
+            "    }\n"
+            "  else\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            "      g_value_init (&value, pspec->value_type);\n"
+            "      g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (skeleton), info->hyphen_name, &value);\n"
+            "      ret = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (&value, G_VARIANT_TYPE 
+            "      g_value_unset (&value);\n"
+            "    }\n"
+            "  return ret;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static gboolean\n"
+            "_%s_skeleton_handle_set_property (\n"
+            "  GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n"
+            "  const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n"
+            "  const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n"
+            "  const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n"
+            "  const gchar *property_name,\n"
+            "  GVariant *variant,\n"
+            "  GError **error,\n"
+            "  gpointer user_data)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (user_data);\n"
+            "  GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;\n"
+            "  GParamSpec *pspec;\n"
+            "  _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n"
+            "  gboolean ret;\n" % (i.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  ret = FALSE;\n"
+            "  info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property 
((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_%s_interface_info.parent_struct, property_name);\n"
+            "  g_assert (info != NULL);\n"
+            "  pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (skeleton), info->hyphen_name);\n"
+            "  if (pspec == NULL)\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            '      g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No property with name %%s", 
+            "    }\n"
+            "  else\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            "      if (info->use_gvariant)\n"
+            "        g_value_set_variant (&value, variant);\n"
+            "      else\n"
+            "        g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (variant, &value);\n"
+            "      g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (skeleton), info->hyphen_name, &value);\n"
+            "      g_value_unset (&value);\n"
+            "      ret = TRUE;\n"
+            "    }\n"
+            "  return ret;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static const GDBusInterfaceVTable _%s_skeleton_vtable =\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  _%s_skeleton_handle_method_call,\n"
+            "  _%s_skeleton_handle_get_property,\n"
+            "  _%s_skeleton_handle_set_property,\n"
+            "  {NULL}\n"
+            "};\n"
+            "\n" % (i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static GDBusInterfaceInfo *\n"
+            "%s_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_info (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *skeleton G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  return %s_interface_info ();\n" % (i.name_lower, i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static GDBusInterfaceVTable *\n"
+            "%s_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_vtable (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *skeleton G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  return (GDBusInterfaceVTable *) &_%s_skeleton_vtable;\n"
+            % (i.name_lower, i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static GVariant *\n"
+            "%s_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_properties (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *_skeleton)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (_skeleton);\n"
+            % (i.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "\n"
+            "  GVariantBuilder builder;\n"
+            "  guint n;\n"
+            '  g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"));\n'
+            "  if (_%s_interface_info.parent_struct.properties == NULL)\n"
+            "    goto out;\n"
+            "  for (n = 0; _%s_interface_info.parent_struct.properties[n] != NULL; n++)\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            "      GDBusPropertyInfo *info = _%s_interface_info.parent_struct.properties[n];\n"
+            "      if (info->flags & G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_READABLE)\n"
+            "        {\n"
+            "          GVariant *value;\n"
+            '          value = _%s_skeleton_handle_get_property (g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connection 
(G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path 
(G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "%s", info->name, NULL, skeleton);\n'
+            "          if (value != NULL)\n"
+            "            {\n"
+            "              g_variant_take_ref (value);\n"
+            '              g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", info->name, value);\n'
+            "              g_variant_unref (value);\n"
+            "            }\n"
+            "        }\n"
+            "    }\n"
+            "out:\n"
+            "  return g_variant_builder_end (&builder);\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name)
+        )
         if len(i.properties) > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('static gboolean _%s_emit_changed (gpointer user_data);\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               %(i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%s_skeleton_dbus_interface_flush (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *_skeleton)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static gboolean _%s_emit_changed (gpointer user_data);\n"
+                "\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%s_skeleton_dbus_interface_flush (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *_skeleton)\n"
+            "{\n" % (i.name_lower)
+        )
         if len(i.properties) > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (_skeleton);\n'
-                               '  gboolean emit_changed = FALSE;\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               '  g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n'
-                               '  if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source != NULL)\n'
-                               '    {\n'
-                               '      g_source_destroy (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);\n'
-                               '      skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source = NULL;\n'
-                               '      emit_changed = TRUE;\n'
-                               '    }\n'
-                               '  g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               '  if (emit_changed)\n'
-                               '    _%s_emit_changed (skeleton);\n'
-                               %(i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (_skeleton);\n"
+                "  gboolean emit_changed = FALSE;\n"
+                "\n"
+                "  g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n"
+                "  if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source != NULL)\n"
+                "    {\n"
+                "      g_source_destroy (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);\n"
+                "      skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source = NULL;\n"
+                "      emit_changed = TRUE;\n"
+                "    }\n"
+                "  g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n"
+                "\n"
+                "  if (emit_changed)\n"
+                "    _%s_emit_changed (skeleton);\n"
+                % (i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower)
+            )
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
         for s in i.signals:
-            self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                               '_%s_on_signal_%s (\n'
-                               '    %s *object'%(i.name_lower, s.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static void\n"
+                "_%s_on_signal_%s (\n"
+                "    %s *object" % (i.name_lower, s.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+            )
             for a in s.args:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n    %sarg_%s'%(a.ctype_in, a.name))
-            self.outfile.write(')\n'
-                               '{\n'
-                               '  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (object);\n\n'
-                               '  GList      *connections, *l;\n'
-                               '  GVariant   *signal_variant;\n'
-                               '  connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections 
-                               %(i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('\n'
-                               '  signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(')
+                self.outfile.write(",\n    %sarg_%s" % (a.ctype_in, a.name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                ")\n"
+                "{\n"
+                "  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (object);\n\n"
+                "  GList      *connections, *l;\n"
+                "  GVariant   *signal_variant;\n"
+                "  connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON 
+                % (i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "\n" '  signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("('
+            )
             for a in s.args:
-                self.outfile.write('%s'%(a.format_in))
+                self.outfile.write("%s" % (a.format_in))
             for a in s.args:
-                self.outfile.write(',\n                   arg_%s'%(a.name))
-            self.outfile.write('));\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)\n'
-                               '    {\n'
-                               '      GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;\n'
-                               '      g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,\n'
-                               '        NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path 
(G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "%s", "%s",\n'
-                               '        signal_variant, NULL);\n'
-                               '    }\n'
-                               %(i.name, s.name))
-            self.outfile.write('  g_variant_unref (signal_variant);\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);\n')
-            self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                               '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('static void %s_skeleton_iface_init (%sIface *iface);\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.camel_name))
-        self.outfile.write('#if GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= GLIB_VERSION_2_38\n')
-        self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (%sSkeleton, %s_skeleton, 
G_TYPE_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON,\n'%(i.camel_name, i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('                         G_ADD_PRIVATE (%sSkeleton)\n'%(i.camel_name))
-        self.outfile.write('                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (%sTYPE_%s, 
%s_skeleton_iface_init))\n\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('#else\n')
-        self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (%sSkeleton, %s_skeleton, 
G_TYPE_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON,\n'%(i.camel_name, i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (%sTYPE_%s, 
%s_skeleton_iface_init))\n\n'%(i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('#endif\n')
+                self.outfile.write(",\n                   arg_%s" % (a.name))
+            self.outfile.write("));\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)\n"
+                "    {\n"
+                "      GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;\n"
+                "      g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,\n"
+                '        NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON 
(skeleton)), "%s", "%s",\n'
+                "        signal_variant, NULL);\n"
+                "    }\n" % (i.name, s.name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("  g_variant_unref (signal_variant);\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);\n")
+            self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void %s_skeleton_iface_init (%sIface *iface);\n"
+            % (i.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("#if GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= GLIB_VERSION_2_38\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (%sSkeleton, %s_skeleton, G_TYPE_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON,\n"
+            % (i.camel_name, i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "                         G_ADD_PRIVATE (%sSkeleton)\n" % (i.camel_name)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (%sTYPE_%s, %s_skeleton_iface_init))\n\n"
+            % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("#else\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (%sSkeleton, %s_skeleton, G_TYPE_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON,\n"
+            % (i.camel_name, i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (%sTYPE_%s, %s_skeleton_iface_init))\n\n"
+            % (i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("#endif\n")
         # finalize
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%s_skeleton_finalize (GObject *object)\n'
-                           '{\n'%(i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (object);\n'%(i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, 
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%s_skeleton_finalize (GObject *object)\n"
+            "{\n" % (i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (object);\n"
+            % (i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+        )
         if len(i.properties) > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('  guint n;\n'
-                               '  for (n = 0; n < %d; n++)\n'
-                               '    g_value_unset (&skeleton->priv->properties[n]);\n'%(len(i.properties)))
-            self.outfile.write('  g_free (skeleton->priv->properties);\n')
-        self.outfile.write('  g_list_free_full (skeleton->priv->changed_properties, (GDestroyNotify) 
-        self.outfile.write('  if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source != NULL)\n')
-        self.outfile.write('    g_source_destroy (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);\n')
-        self.outfile.write('  g_main_context_unref (skeleton->priv->context);\n')
-        self.outfile.write('  g_mutex_clear (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n')
-        self.outfile.write('  G_OBJECT_CLASS (%s_skeleton_parent_class)->finalize (object);\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'%(i.name_lower))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  guint n;\n"
+                "  for (n = 0; n < %d; n++)\n"
+                "    g_value_unset (&skeleton->priv->properties[n]);\n"
+                % (len(i.properties))
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("  g_free (skeleton->priv->properties);\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  g_list_free_full (skeleton->priv->changed_properties, (GDestroyNotify) 
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source != NULL)\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "    g_source_destroy (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("  g_main_context_unref (skeleton->priv->context);\n")
+        self.outfile.write("  g_mutex_clear (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  G_OBJECT_CLASS (%s_skeleton_parent_class)->finalize (object);\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (i.name_lower)
+        )
         # property accessors (TODO: generate PropertiesChanged signals in setter)
         if len(i.properties) > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                               '%s_skeleton_get_property (GObject      *object,\n'
-                               '  guint         prop_id,\n'
-                            '  GValue       *value,\n'
-                            '  GParamSpec   *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n'
-                            '{\n'%(i.name_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (object);\n'
-                               '  g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < %d);\n'
-                               '  g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n'
-                               '  g_value_copy (&skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1], value);\n'
-                               '  g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n'
-                               %(i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, len(i.properties)))
-            self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                               '\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static void\n"
+                "%s_skeleton_get_property (GObject      *object,\n"
+                "  guint         prop_id,\n"
+                "  GValue       *value,\n"
+                "  GParamSpec   *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n"
+                "{\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (object);\n"
+                "  g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < %d);\n"
+                "  g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n"
+                "  g_value_copy (&skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1], value);\n"
+                "  g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n"
+                % (i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, len(i.properties))
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
             # if property is already scheduled then re-use entry.. though it could be
             # that the user did
@@ -2895,992 +3909,1281 @@ class CodeGenerator:
             # change event. If the latest value is not different from the original
             # one, we can simply ignore the ChangedProperty
-            self.outfile.write('static gboolean\n'
-                               '_%s_emit_changed (gpointer user_data)\n'
-                               '{\n'
-                               '  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (user_data);\n'
-                               %(i.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('  GList *l;\n'
-                               '  GVariantBuilder builder;\n'
-                               '  GVariantBuilder invalidated_builder;\n'
-                               '  guint num_changes;\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               '  g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n'
-                               '  g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"));\n'
-                               '  g_variant_builder_init (&invalidated_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("as"));\n'
-                               '  for (l = skeleton->priv->changed_properties, num_changes = 0; l != NULL; l 
= l->next)\n'
-                               '    {\n'
-                               '      ChangedProperty *cp = l->data;\n'
-                               '      GVariant *variant;\n'
-                               '      const GValue *cur_value;\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               '      cur_value = &skeleton->priv->properties[cp->prop_id - 1];\n'
-                               '      if (!_g_value_equal (cur_value, &cp->orig_value))\n'
-                               '        {\n'
-                               '          variant = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (cur_value, G_VARIANT_TYPE 
-                               '          g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", 
cp->info->parent_struct.name, variant);\n'
-                               '          g_variant_unref (variant);\n'
-                               '          num_changes++;\n'
-                               '        }\n'
-                               '    }\n'
-                               '  if (num_changes > 0)\n'
-                               '    {\n'
-                               '      GList *connections, *ll;\n'
-                               '      GVariant *signal_variant;'
-                               '\n'
-                               '      signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(sa{sv}as)", 
-                               '                                           &builder, 
-                               '      connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections 
-                               '      for (ll = connections; ll != NULL; ll = ll->next)\n'
-                               '        {\n'
-                               '          GDBusConnection *connection = ll->data;\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               '          g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,\n'
-                               '                                         NULL, 
g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)),\n'
-                               '                                         
-                               '                                         "PropertiesChanged",\n'
-                               '                                         signal_variant,\n'
-                               '                                         NULL);\n'
-                               '        }\n'
-                               '      g_variant_unref (signal_variant);\n'
-                               '      g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);\n'
-                               '    }\n'
-                               '  else\n'
-                               '    {\n'
-                               '      g_variant_builder_clear (&builder);\n'
-                               '      g_variant_builder_clear (&invalidated_builder);\n'
-                               '    }\n'
-                               %(i.name))
-            self.outfile.write('  g_list_free_full (skeleton->priv->changed_properties, (GDestroyNotify) 
-            self.outfile.write('  skeleton->priv->changed_properties = NULL;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source = NULL;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n')
-            self.outfile.write('  return FALSE;\n'
-                               '}\n'
-                               '\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static gboolean\n"
+                "_%s_emit_changed (gpointer user_data)\n"
+                "{\n"
+                "  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (user_data);\n"
+                % (i.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  GList *l;\n"
+                "  GVariantBuilder builder;\n"
+                "  GVariantBuilder invalidated_builder;\n"
+                "  guint num_changes;\n"
+                "\n"
+                "  g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n"
+                '  g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"));\n'
+                '  g_variant_builder_init (&invalidated_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("as"));\n'
+                "  for (l = skeleton->priv->changed_properties, num_changes = 0; l != NULL; l = l->next)\n"
+                "    {\n"
+                "      ChangedProperty *cp = l->data;\n"
+                "      GVariant *variant;\n"
+                "      const GValue *cur_value;\n"
+                "\n"
+                "      cur_value = &skeleton->priv->properties[cp->prop_id - 1];\n"
+                "      if (!_g_value_equal (cur_value, &cp->orig_value))\n"
+                "        {\n"
+                "          variant = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (cur_value, G_VARIANT_TYPE 
+                '          g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", cp->info->parent_struct.name, 
+                "          g_variant_unref (variant);\n"
+                "          num_changes++;\n"
+                "        }\n"
+                "    }\n"
+                "  if (num_changes > 0)\n"
+                "    {\n"
+                "      GList *connections, *ll;\n"
+                "      GVariant *signal_variant;"
+                "\n"
+                '      signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(sa{sv}as)", "%s",\n'
+                "                                           &builder, &invalidated_builder));\n"
+                "      connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON 
+                "      for (ll = connections; ll != NULL; ll = ll->next)\n"
+                "        {\n"
+                "          GDBusConnection *connection = ll->data;\n"
+                "\n"
+                "          g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,\n"
+                "                                         NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path 
+                '                                         "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",\n'
+                '                                         "PropertiesChanged",\n'
+                "                                         signal_variant,\n"
+                "                                         NULL);\n"
+                "        }\n"
+                "      g_variant_unref (signal_variant);\n"
+                "      g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);\n"
+                "    }\n"
+                "  else\n"
+                "    {\n"
+                "      g_variant_builder_clear (&builder);\n"
+                "      g_variant_builder_clear (&invalidated_builder);\n"
+                "    }\n" % (i.name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  g_list_free_full (skeleton->priv->changed_properties, (GDestroyNotify) 
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("  skeleton->priv->changed_properties = NULL;\n")
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source = NULL;\n"
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("  g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n")
+            self.outfile.write("  return FALSE;\n" "}\n" "\n")
             # holding lock while being called
-            self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                               '_%s_schedule_emit_changed (%sSkeleton *skeleton, const 
_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info, guint prop_id, const GValue *orig_value)\n'
-                               '{\n'
-                               '  ChangedProperty *cp;\n'
-                               '  GList *l;\n'
-                               '  cp = NULL;\n'
-                               '  for (l = skeleton->priv->changed_properties; l != NULL; l = l->next)\n'
-                               '    {\n'
-                               '      ChangedProperty *i_cp = l->data;\n'
-                               '      if (i_cp->info == info)\n'
-                               '        {\n'
-                               '          cp = i_cp;\n'
-                               '          break;\n'
-                               '        }\n'
-                               '    }\n'
-                               %(i.name_lower, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('  if (cp == NULL)\n'
-                               '    {\n'
-                               '      cp = g_new0 (ChangedProperty, 1);\n'
-                               '      cp->prop_id = prop_id;\n'
-                               '      cp->info = info;\n'
-                               '      skeleton->priv->changed_properties = g_list_prepend 
(skeleton->priv->changed_properties, cp);\n'
-                               '      g_value_init (&cp->orig_value, G_VALUE_TYPE (orig_value));\n'
-                               '      g_value_copy (orig_value, &cp->orig_value);\n'
-                               '    }\n'
-                               '}\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               %())
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static void\n"
+                "_%s_schedule_emit_changed (%sSkeleton *skeleton, const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info, 
guint prop_id, const GValue *orig_value)\n"
+                "{\n"
+                "  ChangedProperty *cp;\n"
+                "  GList *l;\n"
+                "  cp = NULL;\n"
+                "  for (l = skeleton->priv->changed_properties; l != NULL; l = l->next)\n"
+                "    {\n"
+                "      ChangedProperty *i_cp = l->data;\n"
+                "      if (i_cp->info == info)\n"
+                "        {\n"
+                "          cp = i_cp;\n"
+                "          break;\n"
+                "        }\n"
+                "    }\n" % (i.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  if (cp == NULL)\n"
+                "    {\n"
+                "      cp = g_new0 (ChangedProperty, 1);\n"
+                "      cp->prop_id = prop_id;\n"
+                "      cp->info = info;\n"
+                "      skeleton->priv->changed_properties = g_list_prepend 
(skeleton->priv->changed_properties, cp);\n"
+                "      g_value_init (&cp->orig_value, G_VALUE_TYPE (orig_value));\n"
+                "      g_value_copy (orig_value, &cp->orig_value);\n"
+                "    }\n"
+                "}\n"
+                "\n" % ()
+            )
             # Postpone setting up the refresh source until the ::notify signal is emitted as
             # this allows use of g_object_freeze_notify()/g_object_thaw_notify() ...
             # This is useful when updating several properties from another thread than
             # where the idle will be emitted from
-            self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                               '%s_skeleton_notify (GObject      *object,\n'
-                               '  GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n'
-                               '{\n'
-                               '  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (object);\n'
-                               '  g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n'
-                               '  if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties != NULL &&\n'
-                               '      skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source == NULL)\n'
-                               '    {\n'
-                               '      skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source = g_idle_source_new 
-                               '      g_source_set_priority (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, 
-                               '      g_source_set_callback (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, 
_%s_emit_changed, g_object_ref (skeleton), (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);\n'
-                               '      g_source_set_name (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, 
"[generated] _%s_emit_changed");\n'
-                               '      g_source_attach (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, 
-                               '      g_source_unref (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);\n'
-                               '    }\n'
-                               '  g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n'
-                               '}\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               %(i.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name_lower, 
-            self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                               '%s_skeleton_set_property (GObject      *object,\n'
-                               '  guint         prop_id,\n'
-                               '  const GValue *value,\n'
-                               '  GParamSpec   *pspec)\n'
-                               '{\n'%(i.name_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('  const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n'
-                               '  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (object);\n'
-                               '  g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < %d);\n'
-                               '  info = (const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) 
_%s_property_info_pointers[prop_id - 1];\n'
-                               '  g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n'
-                               '  g_object_freeze_notify (object);\n'
-                               '  if (!_g_value_equal (value, &skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1]))\n'
-                               '    {\n'
-                               '      if (g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connection 
(G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)) != NULL &&\n'
-                               '          info->emits_changed_signal)\n'
-                               '        _%s_schedule_emit_changed (skeleton, info, prop_id, 
&skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1]);\n'
-                               '      g_value_copy (value, &skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1]);\n'
-                               '      g_object_notify_by_pspec (object, pspec);\n'
-                               '    }\n'
-                               '  g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n'
-                               '  g_object_thaw_notify (object);\n'
-                               %(i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, len(i.properties), i.name_lower, 
-            self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                               '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%s_skeleton_init (%sSkeleton *skeleton)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '#if GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= GLIB_VERSION_2_38\n'
-                           '  skeleton->priv = %s_skeleton_get_instance_private (skeleton);\n'
-                           '#else\n'
-                           '  skeleton->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (skeleton, %sTYPE_%s_SKELETON, 
-                           '#endif\n\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.camel_name,
-                             i.name_lower,
-                             i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.camel_name))
-        self.outfile.write('  g_mutex_init (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n')
-        self.outfile.write('  skeleton->priv->context = g_main_context_ref_thread_default ();\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static void\n"
+                "%s_skeleton_notify (GObject      *object,\n"
+                "  GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n"
+                "{\n"
+                "  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (object);\n"
+                "  g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n"
+                "  if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties != NULL &&\n"
+                "      skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source == NULL)\n"
+                "    {\n"
+                "      skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source = g_idle_source_new ();\n"
+                "      g_source_set_priority (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, 
+                "      g_source_set_callback (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, 
_%s_emit_changed, g_object_ref (skeleton), (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);\n"
+                '      g_source_set_name (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, "[generated] 
+                "      g_source_attach (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, 
+                "      g_source_unref (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);\n"
+                "    }\n"
+                "  g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n"
+                "}\n"
+                "\n"
+                % (
+                    i.name_lower,
+                    i.camel_name,
+                    i.ns_upper,
+                    i.name_upper,
+                    i.name_lower,
+                    i.name_lower,
+                )
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static void\n"
+                "%s_skeleton_set_property (GObject      *object,\n"
+                "  guint         prop_id,\n"
+                "  const GValue *value,\n"
+                "  GParamSpec   *pspec)\n"
+                "{\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n"
+                "  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (object);\n"
+                "  g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < %d);\n"
+                "  info = (const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) _%s_property_info_pointers[prop_id - 1];\n"
+                "  g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n"
+                "  g_object_freeze_notify (object);\n"
+                "  if (!_g_value_equal (value, &skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1]))\n"
+                "    {\n"
+                "      if (g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connection (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)) 
!= NULL &&\n"
+                "          info->emits_changed_signal)\n"
+                "        _%s_schedule_emit_changed (skeleton, info, prop_id, 
&skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1]);\n"
+                "      g_value_copy (value, &skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1]);\n"
+                "      g_object_notify_by_pspec (object, pspec);\n"
+                "    }\n"
+                "  g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n"
+                "  g_object_thaw_notify (object);\n"
+                % (
+                    i.camel_name,
+                    i.ns_upper,
+                    i.name_upper,
+                    len(i.properties),
+                    i.name_lower,
+                    i.name_lower,
+                )
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%s_skeleton_init (%sSkeleton *skeleton)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "#if GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= GLIB_VERSION_2_38\n"
+            "  skeleton->priv = %s_skeleton_get_instance_private (skeleton);\n"
+            "#else\n"
+            "  skeleton->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (skeleton, %sTYPE_%s_SKELETON, 
+            "#endif\n\n"
+            % (
+                i.name_lower,
+                i.camel_name,
+                i.name_lower,
+                i.ns_upper,
+                i.name_upper,
+                i.camel_name,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("  g_mutex_init (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  skeleton->priv->context = g_main_context_ref_thread_default ();\n"
+        )
         if len(i.properties) > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('  skeleton->priv->properties = g_new0 (GValue, %d);\n'%(len(i.properties)))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  skeleton->priv->properties = g_new0 (GValue, %d);\n"
+                % (len(i.properties))
+            )
             n = 0
             for p in i.properties:
-                self.outfile.write('  g_value_init (&skeleton->priv->properties[%d], %s);\n'%(n, 
+                self.outfile.write(
+                    "  g_value_init (&skeleton->priv->properties[%d], %s);\n"
+                    % (n, p.arg.gtype)
+                )
                 n += 1
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
         # property vfuncs
         n = 0
         for p in i.properties:
-            self.outfile.write('static %s\n'
-                               '%s_skeleton_get_%s (%s *object)\n'
-                               '{\n'
-                               %(p.arg.ctype_in, i.name_lower, p.name_lower, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (object);\n'%(i.camel_name, 
i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-            self.outfile.write('  %svalue;\n'
-                               '  g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n'
-                               '  value = %s (&(skeleton->priv->properties[%d]));\n'
-                               '  g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n'
-                               %(p.arg.ctype_in_g, p.arg.gvalue_get, n))
-            self.outfile.write('  return value;\n')
-            self.outfile.write('}\n')
-            self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "static %s\n"
+                "%s_skeleton_get_%s (%s *object)\n"
+                "{\n" % (p.arg.ctype_in, i.name_lower, p.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  %sSkeleton *skeleton = %s%s_SKELETON (object);\n"
+                % (i.camel_name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  %svalue;\n"
+                "  g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n"
+                "  value = %s (&(skeleton->priv->properties[%d]));\n"
+                "  g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);\n"
+                % (p.arg.ctype_in_g, p.arg.gvalue_get, n)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write("  return value;\n")
+            self.outfile.write("}\n")
+            self.outfile.write("\n")
             n += 1
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%s_skeleton_class_init (%sSkeletonClass *klass)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GObjectClass *gobject_class;\n'
-                           '  GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass *skeleton_class;\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           '  gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);\n'
-                           '  gobject_class->finalize = %s_skeleton_finalize;\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.name_lower))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%s_skeleton_class_init (%sSkeletonClass *klass)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GObjectClass *gobject_class;\n"
+            "  GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass *skeleton_class;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);\n"
+            "  gobject_class->finalize = %s_skeleton_finalize;\n"
+            % (i.name_lower, i.camel_name, i.name_lower)
+        )
         if len(i.properties) > 0:
-            self.outfile.write('  gobject_class->get_property = %s_skeleton_get_property;\n'
-                               '  gobject_class->set_property = %s_skeleton_set_property;\n'
-                               '  gobject_class->notify       = %s_skeleton_notify;\n'
-                               '\n'%(i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower))
-            self.outfile.write('\n'
-                               '  %s_override_properties (gobject_class, 1);\n'%(i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('\n'
-                           '  skeleton_class = G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON_CLASS (klass);\n');
-        self.outfile.write('  skeleton_class->get_info = 
-        self.outfile.write('  skeleton_class->get_properties = 
-        self.outfile.write('  skeleton_class->flush = %s_skeleton_dbus_interface_flush;\n'%(i.name_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('  skeleton_class->get_vtable = 
-        self.outfile.write('\n'
-                           '#if GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED < GLIB_VERSION_2_38\n'
-                           '  g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (%sSkeletonPrivate));\n'
-                           '#endif\n'%(i.camel_name))
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%s_skeleton_iface_init (%sIface *iface)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           %(i.name_lower, i.camel_name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  gobject_class->get_property = %s_skeleton_get_property;\n"
+                "  gobject_class->set_property = %s_skeleton_set_property;\n"
+                "  gobject_class->notify       = %s_skeleton_notify;\n"
+                "\n" % (i.name_lower, i.name_lower, i.name_lower)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "\n" "  %s_override_properties (gobject_class, 1);\n" % (i.name_lower)
+            )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "\n" "  skeleton_class = G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON_CLASS (klass);\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  skeleton_class->get_info = %s_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_info;\n"
+            % (i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  skeleton_class->get_properties = %s_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_properties;\n"
+            % (i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  skeleton_class->flush = %s_skeleton_dbus_interface_flush;\n"
+            % (i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  skeleton_class->get_vtable = %s_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_vtable;\n"
+            % (i.name_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "\n"
+            "#if GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED < GLIB_VERSION_2_38\n"
+            "  g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (%sSkeletonPrivate));\n"
+            "#endif\n" % (i.camel_name)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%s_skeleton_iface_init (%sIface *iface)\n"
+            "{\n" % (i.name_lower, i.camel_name)
+        )
         for s in i.signals:
-            self.outfile.write('  iface->%s = _%s_on_signal_%s;\n'
-                               %(s.name_lower, i.name_lower, s.name_lower))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  iface->%s = _%s_on_signal_%s;\n"
+                % (s.name_lower, i.name_lower, s.name_lower)
+            )
         for p in i.properties:
-            self.outfile.write('  iface->get_%s = %s_skeleton_get_%s;\n'%(p.name_lower, i.name_lower, 
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "  iface->get_%s = %s_skeleton_get_%s;\n"
+                % (p.name_lower, i.name_lower, p.name_lower)
+            )
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
         # constructors
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %s_skeleton_new:\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Creates a skeleton object for the D-Bus interface #%s.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sSkeleton): The skeleton object.\n'
-                %(i.name_lower, i.name, i.camel_name), False))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %s_skeleton_new:\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Creates a skeleton object for the D-Bus interface #%s.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sSkeleton): The skeleton object.\n"
+                % (i.name_lower, i.name, i.camel_name),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
         self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-        self.outfile.write('%s *\n'
-                           '%s_skeleton_new (void)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  return %s%s (g_object_new (%sTYPE_%s_SKELETON, NULL));\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'%(i.camel_name, i.name_lower, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.ns_upper, 
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "%s *\n"
+            "%s_skeleton_new (void)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  return %s%s (g_object_new (%sTYPE_%s_SKELETON, NULL));\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n"
+            % (
+                i.camel_name,
+                i.name_lower,
+                i.ns_upper,
+                i.name_upper,
+                i.ns_upper,
+                i.name_upper,
+            )
+        )
     # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_object(self):
-        self.outfile.write('/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'
-                           ' * Code for Object, ObjectProxy and ObjectSkeleton\n'
-                           ' * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'
-                           ' */\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * SECTION:%sObject\n'
-                ' * @title: %sObject\n'
-                ' * @short_description: Specialized GDBusObject types\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * This section contains the #%sObject, #%sObjectProxy, and #%sObjectSkeleton types which 
make it easier to work with objects implementing generated types for D-Bus interfaces.\n'
-                ' */\n'
-                %(self.namespace, self.namespace, self.namespace, self.namespace, self.namespace), False))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sObject:\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * The #%sObject type is a specialized container of interfaces.\n'
-                ' */\n'
-                %(self.namespace, self.namespace), False))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sObjectIface:\n'
-                ' * @parent_iface: The parent interface.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Virtual table for the #%sObject interface.\n'
-                ' */\n'
-                %(self.namespace, self.namespace), False))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('typedef %sObjectIface %sObjectInterface;\n'%(self.namespace, self.namespace))
-        self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_INTERFACE_WITH_CODE (%sObject, %sobject, G_TYPE_OBJECT, 
g_type_interface_add_prerequisite (g_define_type_id, G_TYPE_DBUS_OBJECT);)\n'%(self.namespace, self.ns_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_default_init (%sObjectIface *iface)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.namespace));
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+            " * Code for Object, ObjectProxy and ObjectSkeleton\n"
+            " * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+            " */\n"
+            "\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * SECTION:%sObject\n"
+                " * @title: %sObject\n"
+                " * @short_description: Specialized GDBusObject types\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * This section contains the #%sObject, #%sObjectProxy, and #%sObjectSkeleton types which 
make it easier to work with objects implementing generated types for D-Bus interfaces.\n"
+                " */\n"
+                % (
+                    self.namespace,
+                    self.namespace,
+                    self.namespace,
+                    self.namespace,
+                    self.namespace,
+                ),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sObject:\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * The #%sObject type is a specialized container of interfaces.\n"
+                " */\n" % (self.namespace, self.namespace),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sObjectIface:\n"
+                " * @parent_iface: The parent interface.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Virtual table for the #%sObject interface.\n"
+                " */\n" % (self.namespace, self.namespace),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "typedef %sObjectIface %sObjectInterface;\n"
+            % (self.namespace, self.namespace)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "G_DEFINE_INTERFACE_WITH_CODE (%sObject, %sobject, G_TYPE_OBJECT, 
g_type_interface_add_prerequisite (g_define_type_id, G_TYPE_DBUS_OBJECT);)\n"
+            % (self.namespace, self.ns_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_default_init (%sObjectIface *iface)\n"
+            "{\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.namespace)
+        )
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    '  /**\n'
-                    '   * %sObject:%s:\n'
-                    '   *\n'
-                    '   * The #%s instance corresponding to the D-Bus interface #%s, if any.\n'
-                    '   *\n'
-                    '   * Connect to the #GObject::notify signal to get informed of property changes.\n'
-                    %(self.namespace, i.name_hyphen, i.camel_name, i.name), False))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                    "  /**\n"
+                    "   * %sObject:%s:\n"
+                    "   *\n"
+                    "   * The #%s instance corresponding to the D-Bus interface #%s, if any.\n"
+                    "   *\n"
+                    "   * Connect to the #GObject::notify signal to get informed of property changes.\n"
+                    % (self.namespace, i.name_hyphen, i.camel_name, i.name),
+                    False,
+                )
+            )
             self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 2)
             if i.deprecated:
-                flags = 'G_PARAM_DEPRECATED | ' + flags
-            self.outfile.write('  g_object_interface_install_property (iface, g_param_spec_object ("%s", 
"%s", "%s", %sTYPE_%s, %s));\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               %(i.name_hyphen, i.name_hyphen, i.name_hyphen, self.ns_upper, i.name_upper, 
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
+                flags = "G_PARAM_DEPRECATED | " + flags
+            self.outfile.write(
+                '  g_object_interface_install_property (iface, g_param_spec_object ("%s", "%s", "%s", 
%sTYPE_%s, %s));\n'
+                "\n"
+                % (
+                    i.name_hyphen,
+                    i.name_hyphen,
+                    i.name_hyphen,
+                    self.ns_upper,
+                    i.name_upper,
+                    flags,
+                )
+            )
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    '/**\n'
-                    ' * %sobject_get_%s:\n'
-                    ' * @object: A #%sObject.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Gets the #%s instance for the D-Bus interface #%s on @object, if any.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Returns: (transfer full) (nullable): A #%s that must be freed with g_object_unref() 
or %%NULL if @object does not implement the interface.\n'
-                    %(self.ns_lower, i.name_upper.lower(), self.namespace, i.camel_name, i.name, 
i.camel_name), False))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                    "/**\n"
+                    " * %sobject_get_%s:\n"
+                    " * @object: A #%sObject.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * Gets the #%s instance for the D-Bus interface #%s on @object, if any.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * Returns: (transfer full) (nullable): A #%s that must be freed with g_object_unref() 
or %%NULL if @object does not implement the interface.\n"
+                    % (
+                        self.ns_lower,
+                        i.name_upper.lower(),
+                        self.namespace,
+                        i.camel_name,
+                        i.name,
+                        i.camel_name,
+                    ),
+                    False,
+                )
+            )
             self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-            self.outfile.write('%s *%sobject_get_%s (%sObject *object)\n'
-                               %(i.camel_name, self.ns_lower, i.name_upper.lower(), self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n'
-                               '  GDBusInterface *ret;\n'
-                               '  ret = g_dbus_object_get_interface (G_DBUS_OBJECT (object), "%s");\n'
-                               '  if (ret == NULL)\n'
-                               '    return NULL;\n'
-                               '  return %s%s (ret);\n'
-                               '}\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               %(i.name, self.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "%s *%sobject_get_%s (%sObject *object)\n"
+                % (i.camel_name, self.ns_lower, i.name_upper.lower(), self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "{\n"
+                "  GDBusInterface *ret;\n"
+                '  ret = g_dbus_object_get_interface (G_DBUS_OBJECT (object), "%s");\n'
+                "  if (ret == NULL)\n"
+                "    return NULL;\n"
+                "  return %s%s (ret);\n"
+                "}\n"
+                "\n" % (i.name, self.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+            )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    '/**\n'
-                    ' * %sobject_peek_%s: (skip)\n'
-                    ' * @object: A #%sObject.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Like %sobject_get_%s() but doesn\'t increase the reference count on the returned 
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * It is not safe to use the returned object if you are on another thread than the one 
where the #GDBusObjectManagerClient or #GDBusObjectManagerServer for @object is running.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): A #%s or %%NULL if @object does not implement 
the interface. Do not free the returned object, it is owned by @object.\n'
-                    %(self.ns_lower, i.name_upper.lower(), self.namespace, self.ns_lower, 
i.name_upper.lower(), i.camel_name), False))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                    "/**\n"
+                    " * %sobject_peek_%s: (skip)\n"
+                    " * @object: A #%sObject.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * Like %sobject_get_%s() but doesn't increase the reference count on the returned 
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * It is not safe to use the returned object if you are on another thread than the one 
where the #GDBusObjectManagerClient or #GDBusObjectManagerServer for @object is running.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): A #%s or %%NULL if @object does not implement 
the interface. Do not free the returned object, it is owned by @object.\n"
+                    % (
+                        self.ns_lower,
+                        i.name_upper.lower(),
+                        self.namespace,
+                        self.ns_lower,
+                        i.name_upper.lower(),
+                        i.camel_name,
+                    ),
+                    False,
+                )
+            )
             self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-            self.outfile.write('%s *%sobject_peek_%s (%sObject *object)\n'
-                               %(i.camel_name, self.ns_lower, i.name_upper.lower(), self.namespace))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n'
-                               '  GDBusInterface *ret;\n'
-                               '  ret = g_dbus_object_get_interface (G_DBUS_OBJECT (object), "%s");\n'
-                               '  if (ret == NULL)\n'
-                               '    return NULL;\n'
-                               '  g_object_unref (ret);\n'
-                               '  return %s%s (ret);\n'
-                               '}\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               %(i.name, self.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "%s *%sobject_peek_%s (%sObject *object)\n"
+                % (i.camel_name, self.ns_lower, i.name_upper.lower(), self.namespace)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "{\n"
+                "  GDBusInterface *ret;\n"
+                '  ret = g_dbus_object_get_interface (G_DBUS_OBJECT (object), "%s");\n'
+                "  if (ret == NULL)\n"
+                "    return NULL;\n"
+                "  g_object_unref (ret);\n"
+                "  return %s%s (ret);\n"
+                "}\n"
+                "\n" % (i.name, self.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+            )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
         # shared by ObjectProxy and ObjectSkeleton classes
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_notify (GDBusObject *object, GDBusInterface *interface)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo *info = (_ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo *) 
g_dbus_interface_get_info (interface);\n'
-                           '  /* info can be NULL if the other end is using a D-Bus interface we don\'t 
-                           '   * anything about, for example old generated code in this process talking to\n'
-                           '   * newer generated code in the other process. */\n'
-                           '  if (info != NULL)\n'
-                           '    g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (object), info->hyphen_name);\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower))
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sObjectProxy:\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * The #%sObjectProxy structure contains only private data and should only be accessed 
using the provided API.\n'
-                %(self.namespace, self.namespace), False))
-        self.outfile.write(' */\n')
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sObjectProxyClass:\n'
-                ' * @parent_class: The parent class.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Class structure for #%sObjectProxy.\n'
-                %(self.namespace, self.namespace), False))
-        self.outfile.write(' */\n')
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_notify (GDBusObject *object, GDBusInterface *interface)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo *info = (_ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo *) g_dbus_interface_get_info 
+            "  /* info can be NULL if the other end is using a D-Bus interface we don't know\n"
+            "   * anything about, for example old generated code in this process talking to\n"
+            "   * newer generated code in the other process. */\n"
+            "  if (info != NULL)\n"
+            "    g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (object), info->hyphen_name);\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sObjectProxy:\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * The #%sObjectProxy structure contains only private data and should only be accessed 
using the provided API.\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(" */\n")
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sObjectProxyClass:\n"
+                " * @parent_class: The parent class.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Class structure for #%sObjectProxy.\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(" */\n")
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
         # class boilerplate
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_proxy__%sobject_iface_init (%sObjectIface *iface G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.namespace))
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_proxy__g_dbus_object_iface_init (GDBusObjectIface *iface)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  iface->interface_added = %sobject_notify;\n'
-                           '  iface->interface_removed = %sobject_notify;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (%sObjectProxy, %sobject_proxy, 
-                           '                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (%sTYPE_OBJECT, 
-                           '                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_DBUS_OBJECT, 
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.namespace, self.ns_lower, self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, 
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_proxy__%sobject_iface_init (%sObjectIface *iface G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.namespace)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_proxy__g_dbus_object_iface_init (GDBusObjectIface *iface)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  iface->interface_added = %sobject_notify;\n"
+            "  iface->interface_removed = %sobject_notify;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (%sObjectProxy, %sobject_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_OBJECT_PROXY,\n"
+            "                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (%sTYPE_OBJECT, 
+            "                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_DBUS_OBJECT, 
+            "\n"
+            % (
+                self.namespace,
+                self.ns_lower,
+                self.ns_upper,
+                self.ns_lower,
+                self.ns_lower,
+                self.ns_lower,
+            )
+        )
         # class boilerplate
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_proxy_init (%sObjectProxy *object G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'%(self.ns_lower, self.namespace))
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_proxy_set_property (GObject      *gobject,\n'
-                           '  guint         prop_id,\n'
-                           '  const GValue *value G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n'
-                           '  GParamSpec   *pspec)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, prop_id, pspec);\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n'%())
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_proxy_get_property (GObject      *gobject,\n'
-                           '  guint         prop_id,\n'
-                           '  GValue       *value,\n'
-                           '  GParamSpec   *pspec)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  %sObjectProxy *object = %sOBJECT_PROXY (gobject);\n'
-                           '  GDBusInterface *interface;\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           '  switch (prop_id)\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.namespace, self.ns_upper))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_proxy_init (%sObjectProxy *object G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.namespace)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_proxy_set_property (GObject      *gobject,\n"
+            "  guint         prop_id,\n"
+            "  const GValue *value G_GNUC_UNUSED,\n"
+            "  GParamSpec   *pspec)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, prop_id, pspec);\n"
+            % (self.ns_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n" % ())
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_proxy_get_property (GObject      *gobject,\n"
+            "  guint         prop_id,\n"
+            "  GValue       *value,\n"
+            "  GParamSpec   *pspec)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  %sObjectProxy *object = %sOBJECT_PROXY (gobject);\n"
+            "  GDBusInterface *interface;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  switch (prop_id)\n"
+            "    {\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.namespace, self.ns_upper)
+        )
         n = 1
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            self.outfile.write('    case %d:\n'
-                               '      interface = g_dbus_object_get_interface (G_DBUS_OBJECT (object), 
-                               '      g_value_take_object (value, interface);\n'
-                               '      break;\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               %(n, i.name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "    case %d:\n"
+                '      interface = g_dbus_object_get_interface (G_DBUS_OBJECT (object), "%s");\n'
+                "      g_value_take_object (value, interface);\n"
+                "      break;\n"
+                "\n" % (n, i.name)
+            )
             n += 1
-        self.outfile.write('    default:\n'
-                           '      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, prop_id, pspec);\n'
-                           '      break;\n'
-                           '  }\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'%())
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_proxy_class_init (%sObjectProxyClass *klass)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           '  gobject_class->set_property = %sobject_proxy_set_property;\n'
-                           '  gobject_class->get_property = %sobject_proxy_get_property;\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.namespace, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "    default:\n"
+            "      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, prop_id, pspec);\n"
+            "      break;\n"
+            "  }\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % ()
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_proxy_class_init (%sObjectProxyClass *klass)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  gobject_class->set_property = %sobject_proxy_set_property;\n"
+            "  gobject_class->get_property = %sobject_proxy_get_property;\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.namespace, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower)
+        )
         n = 1
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            self.outfile.write('  g_object_class_override_property (gobject_class, %d, "%s");'
-                               '\n'
-                               %(n, i.name_hyphen))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                '  g_object_class_override_property (gobject_class, %d, "%s");'
+                "\n" % (n, i.name_hyphen)
+            )
             n += 1
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sobject_proxy_new:\n'
-                ' * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.\n'
-                ' * @object_path: An object path.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Creates a new proxy object.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Returns: (transfer full): The proxy object.\n'
-                ' */\n'
-                %(self.ns_lower), False))
-        self.outfile.write('%sObjectProxy *\n'
-                     '%sobject_proxy_new (GDBusConnection *connection,\n'
-                     '  const gchar *object_path)\n'
-                     '{\n'
-                     '  g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_DBUS_CONNECTION (connection), NULL);\n'
-                     '  g_return_val_if_fail (g_variant_is_object_path (object_path), NULL);\n'
-                     '  return %sOBJECT_PROXY (g_object_new (%sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY, "g-connection", 
connection, "g-object-path", object_path, NULL));\n'
-                     '}\n'
-                     '\n'%(self.namespace, self.ns_lower, self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper))
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sObjectSkeleton:\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * The #%sObjectSkeleton structure contains only private data and should only be accessed 
using the provided API.\n'
-                %(self.namespace, self.namespace), False))
-        self.outfile.write(' */\n')
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sObjectSkeletonClass:\n'
-                ' * @parent_class: The parent class.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Class structure for #%sObjectSkeleton.\n'
-                %(self.namespace, self.namespace), False))
-        self.outfile.write(' */\n')
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sobject_proxy_new:\n"
+                " * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.\n"
+                " * @object_path: An object path.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Creates a new proxy object.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Returns: (transfer full): The proxy object.\n"
+                " */\n" % (self.ns_lower),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "%sObjectProxy *\n"
+            "%sobject_proxy_new (GDBusConnection *connection,\n"
+            "  const gchar *object_path)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_DBUS_CONNECTION (connection), NULL);\n"
+            "  g_return_val_if_fail (g_variant_is_object_path (object_path), NULL);\n"
+            '  return %sOBJECT_PROXY (g_object_new (%sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY, "g-connection", connection, 
"g-object-path", object_path, NULL));\n'
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.namespace, self.ns_lower, self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sObjectSkeleton:\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * The #%sObjectSkeleton structure contains only private data and should only be accessed 
using the provided API.\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(" */\n")
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sObjectSkeletonClass:\n"
+                " * @parent_class: The parent class.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Class structure for #%sObjectSkeleton.\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(" */\n")
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
         # class boilerplate
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_skeleton__%sobject_iface_init (%sObjectIface *iface G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.namespace))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_skeleton__g_dbus_object_iface_init (GDBusObjectIface *iface)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  iface->interface_added = %sobject_notify;\n'
-                           '  iface->interface_removed = %sobject_notify;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (%sObjectSkeleton, %sobject_skeleton, 
-                           '                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (%sTYPE_OBJECT, 
-                           '                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_DBUS_OBJECT, 
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.namespace, self.ns_lower, self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, 
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_skeleton__%sobject_iface_init (%sObjectIface *iface G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.namespace)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_skeleton__g_dbus_object_iface_init (GDBusObjectIface *iface)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  iface->interface_added = %sobject_notify;\n"
+            "  iface->interface_removed = %sobject_notify;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (%sObjectSkeleton, %sobject_skeleton, G_TYPE_DBUS_OBJECT_SKELETON,\n"
+            "                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (%sTYPE_OBJECT, 
+            "                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_DBUS_OBJECT, 
+            "\n"
+            % (
+                self.namespace,
+                self.ns_lower,
+                self.ns_upper,
+                self.ns_lower,
+                self.ns_lower,
+                self.ns_lower,
+            )
+        )
         # class boilerplate
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_skeleton_init (%sObjectSkeleton *object G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'%(self.ns_lower, self.namespace))
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_skeleton_set_property (GObject      *gobject,\n'
-                           '  guint         prop_id,\n'
-                           '  const GValue *value,\n'
-                           '  GParamSpec   *pspec)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  %sObjectSkeleton *object = %sOBJECT_SKELETON (gobject);\n'
-                           '  GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *interface;\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           '  switch (prop_id)\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.namespace, self.ns_upper))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_skeleton_init (%sObjectSkeleton *object G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.namespace)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_skeleton_set_property (GObject      *gobject,\n"
+            "  guint         prop_id,\n"
+            "  const GValue *value,\n"
+            "  GParamSpec   *pspec)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  %sObjectSkeleton *object = %sOBJECT_SKELETON (gobject);\n"
+            "  GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *interface;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  switch (prop_id)\n"
+            "    {\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.namespace, self.ns_upper)
+        )
         n = 1
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            self.outfile.write('    case %d:\n'
-                               '      interface = g_value_get_object (value);\n'
-                               '      if (interface != NULL)\n'
-                               '        {\n'
-                               '          g_warn_if_fail (%sIS_%s (interface));\n'
-                               '          g_dbus_object_skeleton_add_interface (G_DBUS_OBJECT_SKELETON 
(object), interface);\n'
-                               '        }\n'
-                               '      else\n'
-                               '        {\n'
-                               '          g_dbus_object_skeleton_remove_interface_by_name 
(G_DBUS_OBJECT_SKELETON (object), "%s");\n'
-                               '        }\n'
-                               '      break;\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               %(n, self.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "    case %d:\n"
+                "      interface = g_value_get_object (value);\n"
+                "      if (interface != NULL)\n"
+                "        {\n"
+                "          g_warn_if_fail (%sIS_%s (interface));\n"
+                "          g_dbus_object_skeleton_add_interface (G_DBUS_OBJECT_SKELETON (object), 
+                "        }\n"
+                "      else\n"
+                "        {\n"
+                '          g_dbus_object_skeleton_remove_interface_by_name (G_DBUS_OBJECT_SKELETON (object), 
+                "        }\n"
+                "      break;\n"
+                "\n" % (n, self.ns_upper, i.name_upper, i.name)
+            )
             n += 1
-        self.outfile.write('    default:\n'
-                     '      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, prop_id, pspec);\n'
-                     '      break;\n'
-                     '  }\n'
-                     '}\n'
-                     '\n'%())
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_skeleton_get_property (GObject      *gobject,\n'
-                           '  guint         prop_id,\n'
-                           '  GValue       *value,\n'
-                           '  GParamSpec   *pspec)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  %sObjectSkeleton *object = %sOBJECT_SKELETON (gobject);\n'
-                           '  GDBusInterface *interface;\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           '  switch (prop_id)\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.namespace, self.ns_upper))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "    default:\n"
+            "      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, prop_id, pspec);\n"
+            "      break;\n"
+            "  }\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % ()
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_skeleton_get_property (GObject      *gobject,\n"
+            "  guint         prop_id,\n"
+            "  GValue       *value,\n"
+            "  GParamSpec   *pspec)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  %sObjectSkeleton *object = %sOBJECT_SKELETON (gobject);\n"
+            "  GDBusInterface *interface;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  switch (prop_id)\n"
+            "    {\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.namespace, self.ns_upper)
+        )
         n = 1
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            self.outfile.write('    case %d:\n'
-                               '      interface = g_dbus_object_get_interface (G_DBUS_OBJECT (object), 
-                               '      g_value_take_object (value, interface);\n'
-                               '      break;\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               %(n, i.name))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "    case %d:\n"
+                '      interface = g_dbus_object_get_interface (G_DBUS_OBJECT (object), "%s");\n'
+                "      g_value_take_object (value, interface);\n"
+                "      break;\n"
+                "\n" % (n, i.name)
+            )
             n += 1
-        self.outfile.write('    default:\n'
-                           '      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, prop_id, pspec);\n'
-                           '      break;\n'
-                           '  }\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'%())
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_skeleton_class_init (%sObjectSkeletonClass *klass)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           '  gobject_class->set_property = %sobject_skeleton_set_property;\n'
-                           '  gobject_class->get_property = %sobject_skeleton_get_property;\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.namespace, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "    default:\n"
+            "      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, prop_id, pspec);\n"
+            "      break;\n"
+            "  }\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % ()
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_skeleton_class_init (%sObjectSkeletonClass *klass)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  gobject_class->set_property = %sobject_skeleton_set_property;\n"
+            "  gobject_class->get_property = %sobject_skeleton_get_property;\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.namespace, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower)
+        )
         n = 1
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            self.outfile.write('  g_object_class_override_property (gobject_class, %d, "%s");'
-                               '\n'
-                               %(n, i.name_hyphen))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                '  g_object_class_override_property (gobject_class, %d, "%s");'
+                "\n" % (n, i.name_hyphen)
+            )
             n += 1
-        self.outfile.write('}\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sobject_skeleton_new:\n'
-                ' * @object_path: An object path.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Creates a new skeleton object.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Returns: (transfer full): The skeleton object.\n'
-                ' */\n'
-                %(self.ns_lower), False))
-        self.outfile.write('%sObjectSkeleton *\n'
-                           '%sobject_skeleton_new (const gchar *object_path)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  g_return_val_if_fail (g_variant_is_object_path (object_path), NULL);\n'
-                           '  return %sOBJECT_SKELETON (g_object_new (%sTYPE_OBJECT_SKELETON, 
"g-object-path", object_path, NULL));\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'%(self.namespace, self.ns_lower, self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper))
+        self.outfile.write("}\n" "\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sobject_skeleton_new:\n"
+                " * @object_path: An object path.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Creates a new skeleton object.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Returns: (transfer full): The skeleton object.\n"
+                " */\n" % (self.ns_lower),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "%sObjectSkeleton *\n"
+            "%sobject_skeleton_new (const gchar *object_path)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  g_return_val_if_fail (g_variant_is_object_path (object_path), NULL);\n"
+            '  return %sOBJECT_SKELETON (g_object_new (%sTYPE_OBJECT_SKELETON, "g-object-path", object_path, 
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.namespace, self.ns_lower, self.ns_upper, self.ns_upper)
+        )
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    '/**\n'
-                    ' * %sobject_skeleton_set_%s:\n'
-                    ' * @object: A #%sObjectSkeleton.\n'
-                    ' * @interface_: (nullable): A #%s or %%NULL to clear the interface.\n'
-                    ' *\n'
-                    ' * Sets the #%s instance for the D-Bus interface #%s on @object.\n'
-                    %(self.ns_lower, i.name_upper.lower(), self.namespace, i.camel_name, i.camel_name, 
i.name), False))
+            self.outfile.write(
+                self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                    "/**\n"
+                    " * %sobject_skeleton_set_%s:\n"
+                    " * @object: A #%sObjectSkeleton.\n"
+                    " * @interface_: (nullable): A #%s or %%NULL to clear the interface.\n"
+                    " *\n"
+                    " * Sets the #%s instance for the D-Bus interface #%s on @object.\n"
+                    % (
+                        self.ns_lower,
+                        i.name_upper.lower(),
+                        self.namespace,
+                        i.camel_name,
+                        i.camel_name,
+                        i.name,
+                    ),
+                    False,
+                )
+            )
             self.write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(i, self.outfile, 0)
-            self.outfile.write('void %sobject_skeleton_set_%s (%sObjectSkeleton *object, %s *interface_)\n'
-                               %(self.ns_lower, i.name_upper.lower(), self.namespace, i.camel_name))
-            self.outfile.write('{\n'
-                               '  g_object_set (G_OBJECT (object), "%s", interface_, NULL);\n'
-                               '}\n'
-                               '\n'
-                               %(i.name_hyphen))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "void %sobject_skeleton_set_%s (%sObjectSkeleton *object, %s *interface_)\n"
+                % (self.ns_lower, i.name_upper.lower(), self.namespace, i.camel_name)
+            )
+            self.outfile.write(
+                "{\n"
+                '  g_object_set (G_OBJECT (object), "%s", interface_, NULL);\n'
+                "}\n"
+                "\n" % (i.name_hyphen)
+            )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
     def generate_object_manager_client(self):
-        self.outfile.write('/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'
-                           ' * Code for ObjectManager client\n'
-                           ' * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'
-                           ' */\n'
-                           '\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * SECTION:%sObjectManagerClient\n'
-                ' * @title: %sObjectManagerClient\n'
-                ' * @short_description: Generated GDBusObjectManagerClient type\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * This section contains a #GDBusObjectManagerClient that uses 
%sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type() as the #GDBusProxyTypeFunc.\n'
-                ' */\n'
-                %(self.namespace, self.namespace, self.ns_lower), False))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sObjectManagerClient:\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * The #%sObjectManagerClient structure contains only private data and should only be 
accessed using the provided API.\n'
-                %(self.namespace, self.namespace), False))
-        self.outfile.write(' */\n')
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sObjectManagerClientClass:\n'
-                ' * @parent_class: The parent class.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Class structure for #%sObjectManagerClient.\n'
-                %(self.namespace, self.namespace), False))
-        self.outfile.write(' */\n')
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+            " * Code for ObjectManager client\n"
+            " * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+            " */\n"
+            "\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * SECTION:%sObjectManagerClient\n"
+                " * @title: %sObjectManagerClient\n"
+                " * @short_description: Generated GDBusObjectManagerClient type\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * This section contains a #GDBusObjectManagerClient that uses 
%sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type() as the #GDBusProxyTypeFunc.\n"
+                " */\n" % (self.namespace, self.namespace, self.ns_lower),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sObjectManagerClient:\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * The #%sObjectManagerClient structure contains only private data and should only be 
accessed using the provided API.\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(" */\n")
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sObjectManagerClientClass:\n"
+                " * @parent_class: The parent class.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Class structure for #%sObjectManagerClient.\n"
+                % (self.namespace, self.namespace),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(" */\n")
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
         # class boilerplate
-        self.outfile.write('G_DEFINE_TYPE (%sObjectManagerClient, %sobject_manager_client, 
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.namespace, self.ns_lower))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "G_DEFINE_TYPE (%sObjectManagerClient, %sobject_manager_client, 
+            "\n" % (self.namespace, self.ns_lower)
+        )
         # class boilerplate
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_manager_client_init (%sObjectManagerClient *manager G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'%(self.ns_lower, self.namespace))
-        self.outfile.write('static void\n'
-                           '%sobject_manager_client_class_init (%sObjectManagerClientClass *klass 
-                           '{\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'%(self.ns_lower, self.namespace))
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type:\n'
-                ' * @manager: A #GDBusObjectManagerClient.\n'
-                ' * @object_path: The object path of the remote object (unused).\n'
-                ' * @interface_name: (nullable): Interface name of the remote object or %%NULL to get the 
object proxy #GType.\n'
-                ' * @user_data: User data (unused).\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * A #GDBusProxyTypeFunc that maps @interface_name to the generated #GDBusObjectProxy 
derived and #GDBusProxy derived types.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Returns: A #GDBusProxy derived #GType if @interface_name is not %%NULL, otherwise the 
#GType for #%sObjectProxy.\n'
-                %(self.ns_lower, self.namespace), False))
-        self.outfile.write(' */\n')
-        self.outfile.write('GType\n'
-                           '%sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type (GDBusObjectManagerClient *manager 
G_GNUC_UNUSED, const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED, const gchar *interface_name, gpointer user_data 
-                           '{\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('  static gsize once_init_value = 0;\n'
-                           '  static GHashTable *lookup_hash;\n'
-                           '  GType ret;\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           '  if (interface_name == NULL)\n'
-                           '    return %sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY;\n'
-                           '  if (g_once_init_enter (&once_init_value))\n'
-                           '    {\n'
-                           '      lookup_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);\n'
-                           %(self.ns_upper))
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_manager_client_init (%sObjectManagerClient *manager G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.namespace)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "static void\n"
+            "%sobject_manager_client_class_init (%sObjectManagerClientClass *klass G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.namespace)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type:\n"
+                " * @manager: A #GDBusObjectManagerClient.\n"
+                " * @object_path: The object path of the remote object (unused).\n"
+                " * @interface_name: (nullable): Interface name of the remote object or %%NULL to get the 
object proxy #GType.\n"
+                " * @user_data: User data (unused).\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * A #GDBusProxyTypeFunc that maps @interface_name to the generated #GDBusObjectProxy 
derived and #GDBusProxy derived types.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Returns: A #GDBusProxy derived #GType if @interface_name is not %%NULL, otherwise the 
#GType for #%sObjectProxy.\n"
+                % (self.ns_lower, self.namespace),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(" */\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "GType\n"
+            "%sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type (GDBusObjectManagerClient *manager G_GNUC_UNUSED, const 
gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED, const gchar *interface_name, gpointer user_data G_GNUC_UNUSED)\n"
+            "{\n" % (self.ns_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  static gsize once_init_value = 0;\n"
+            "  static GHashTable *lookup_hash;\n"
+            "  GType ret;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  if (interface_name == NULL)\n"
+            "    return %sTYPE_OBJECT_PROXY;\n"
+            "  if (g_once_init_enter (&once_init_value))\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            "      lookup_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);\n"
+            % (self.ns_upper)
+        )
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            self.outfile.write('      g_hash_table_insert (lookup_hash, (gpointer) "%s", GSIZE_TO_POINTER 
-                               %(i.name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper))
-        self.outfile.write('      g_once_init_leave (&once_init_value, 1);\n'
-                           '    }\n')
-        self.outfile.write('  ret = (GType) GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_hash_table_lookup (lookup_hash, 
-                           '  if (ret == (GType) 0)\n'
-                           '    ret = G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY;\n')
-        self.outfile.write('  return ret;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n')
+            self.outfile.write(
+                '      g_hash_table_insert (lookup_hash, (gpointer) "%s", GSIZE_TO_POINTER 
+                % (i.name, i.ns_upper, i.name_upper)
+            )
+        self.outfile.write("      g_once_init_leave (&once_init_value, 1);\n" "    }\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "  ret = (GType) GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_hash_table_lookup (lookup_hash, interface_name));\n"
+            "  if (ret == (GType) 0)\n"
+            "    ret = G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY;\n"
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("  return ret;\n" "}\n" "\n")
         # constructors
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sobject_manager_client_new:\n'
-                ' * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.\n'
-                ' * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags enumeration.\n'
-                ' * @name: (nullable): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %%NULL if @connection is not a 
message bus connection.\n'
-                ' * @object_path: An object path.\n'
-                ' * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n'
-                ' * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.\n'
-                ' * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Asynchronously creates #GDBusObjectManagerClient using 
%sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type() as the #GDBusProxyTypeFunc. See g_dbus_object_manager_client_new() 
for more details.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the thread-default main 
loop of the thread you are calling this method from (see g_main_context_push_thread_default()).\n'
-                ' * You can then call %sobject_manager_client_new_finish() to get the result of the 
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * See %sobject_manager_client_new_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this 
-                %(self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower), False))
-        self.outfile.write(' */\n')
-        self.outfile.write('void\n'
-                           '%sobject_manager_client_new (\n'
-                           '    GDBusConnection        *connection,\n'
-                           '    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n'
-                           '    const gchar            *name,\n'
-                           '    const gchar            *object_path,\n'
-                           '    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n'
-                           '    GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,\n'
-                           '    gpointer                user_data)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  g_async_initable_new_async (%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 
cancellable, callback, user_data, "flags", flags, "name", name, "connection", connection, "object-path", 
object_path, "get-proxy-type-func", %sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type, NULL);\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('/**\n'
-                           ' * %sobject_manager_client_new_finish:\n'
-                           ' * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to 
-                           ' * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n'
-                           ' *\n'
-                           ' * Finishes an operation started with %sobject_manager_client_new().\n'
-                           ' *\n'
-                           ' * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sObjectManagerClient): The constructed object 
manager client or %%NULL if @error is set.\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.namespace))
-        self.outfile.write(' */\n')
-        self.outfile.write('GDBusObjectManager *\n'
-                           '%sobject_manager_client_new_finish (\n'
-                           '    GAsyncResult        *res,\n'
-                           '    GError             **error)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GObject *ret;\n'
-                           '  GObject *source_object;\n'
-                           '  source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);\n'
-                           '  ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, 
-                           '  g_object_unref (source_object);\n'
-                           '  if (ret != NULL)\n'
-                           '    return G_DBUS_OBJECT_MANAGER (ret);\n'
-                           '  else\n'
-                           '    return NULL;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower))
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sobject_manager_client_new_sync:\n'
-                ' * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.\n'
-                ' * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags enumeration.\n'
-                ' * @name: (nullable): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %%NULL if @connection is not a 
message bus connection.\n'
-                ' * @object_path: An object path.\n'
-                ' * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n'
-                ' * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Synchronously creates #GDBusObjectManagerClient using 
%sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type() as the #GDBusProxyTypeFunc. See 
g_dbus_object_manager_client_new_sync() for more details.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * See %sobject_manager_client_new() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sObjectManagerClient): The constructed object manager 
client or %%NULL if @error is set.\n'
-                %(self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.namespace), False))
-        self.outfile.write(' */\n')
-        self.outfile.write('GDBusObjectManager *\n'
-                           '%sobject_manager_client_new_sync (\n'
-                           '    GDBusConnection        *connection,\n'
-                           '    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n'
-                           '    const gchar            *name,\n'
-                           '    const gchar            *object_path,\n'
-                           '    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n'
-                           '    GError                **error)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GInitable *ret;\n'
-                           '  ret = g_initable_new (%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT, cancellable, error, 
"flags", flags, "name", name, "connection", connection, "object-path", object_path, "get-proxy-type-func", 
%sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type, NULL);\n'
-                           '  if (ret != NULL)\n'
-                           '    return G_DBUS_OBJECT_MANAGER (ret);\n'
-                           '  else\n'
-                           '    return NULL;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus:\n'
-                ' * @bus_type: A #GBusType.\n'
-                ' * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags enumeration.\n'
-                ' * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).\n'
-                ' * @object_path: An object path.\n'
-                ' * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n'
-                ' * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.\n'
-                ' * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Like %sobject_manager_client_new() but takes a #GBusType instead of a 
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the thread-default main 
loop of the thread you are calling this method from (see g_main_context_push_thread_default()).\n'
-                ' * You can then call %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_finish() to get the result of the 
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * See %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of 
this constructor.\n'
-                %(self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower), False))
-        self.outfile.write(' */\n')
-        self.outfile.write('void\n'
-                           '%sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus (\n'
-                           '    GBusType                bus_type,\n'
-                           '    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n'
-                           '    const gchar            *name,\n'
-                           '    const gchar            *object_path,\n'
-                           '    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n'
-                           '    GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,\n'
-                           '    gpointer                user_data)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  g_async_initable_new_async (%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 
cancellable, callback, user_data, "flags", flags, "name", name, "bus-type", bus_type, "object-path", 
object_path, "get-proxy-type-func", %sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type, NULL);\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('/**\n'
-                           ' * %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_finish:\n'
-                           ' * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to 
-                           ' * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n'
-                           ' *\n'
-                           ' * Finishes an operation started with %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus().\n'
-                           ' *\n'
-                           ' * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sObjectManagerClient): The constructed object 
manager client or %%NULL if @error is set.\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.namespace))
-        self.outfile.write(' */\n')
-        self.outfile.write('GDBusObjectManager *\n'
-                           '%sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_finish (\n'
-                           '    GAsyncResult        *res,\n'
-                           '    GError             **error)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GObject *ret;\n'
-                           '  GObject *source_object;\n'
-                           '  source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);\n'
-                           '  ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, 
-                           '  g_object_unref (source_object);\n'
-                           '  if (ret != NULL)\n'
-                           '    return G_DBUS_OBJECT_MANAGER (ret);\n'
-                           '  else\n'
-                           '    return NULL;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower))
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_sync:\n'
-                ' * @bus_type: A #GBusType.\n'
-                ' * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags enumeration.\n'
-                ' * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).\n'
-                ' * @object_path: An object path.\n'
-                ' * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n'
-                ' * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Like %sobject_manager_client_new_sync() but takes a #GBusType instead of a 
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * See %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus() for the asynchronous version of this 
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sObjectManagerClient): The constructed object manager 
client or %%NULL if @error is set.\n'
-                %(self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.namespace), False))
-        self.outfile.write(' */\n')
-        self.outfile.write('GDBusObjectManager *\n'
-                           '%sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_sync (\n'
-                           '    GBusType                bus_type,\n'
-                           '    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n'
-                           '    const gchar            *name,\n'
-                           '    const gchar            *object_path,\n'
-                           '    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n'
-                           '    GError                **error)\n'
-                           '{\n'
-                           '  GInitable *ret;\n'
-                           '  ret = g_initable_new (%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT, cancellable, error, 
"flags", flags, "name", name, "bus-type", bus_type, "object-path", object_path, "get-proxy-type-func", 
%sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type, NULL);\n'
-                           '  if (ret != NULL)\n'
-                           '    return G_DBUS_OBJECT_MANAGER (ret);\n'
-                           '  else\n'
-                           '    return NULL;\n'
-                           '}\n'
-                           '\n'
-                           %(self.ns_lower, self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sobject_manager_client_new:\n"
+                " * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.\n"
+                " * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags enumeration.\n"
+                " * @name: (nullable): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %%NULL if @connection is not a 
message bus connection.\n"
+                " * @object_path: An object path.\n"
+                " * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n"
+                " * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.\n"
+                " * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Asynchronously creates #GDBusObjectManagerClient using 
%sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type() as the #GDBusProxyTypeFunc. See g_dbus_object_manager_client_new() 
for more details.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the thread-default main 
loop of the thread you are calling this method from (see g_main_context_push_thread_default()).\n"
+                " * You can then call %sobject_manager_client_new_finish() to get the result of the 
+                " *\n"
+                " * See %sobject_manager_client_new_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this 
+                % (self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(" */\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "void\n"
+            "%sobject_manager_client_new (\n"
+            "    GDBusConnection        *connection,\n"
+            "    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n"
+            "    const gchar            *name,\n"
+            "    const gchar            *object_path,\n"
+            "    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n"
+            "    GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,\n"
+            "    gpointer                user_data)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            '  g_async_initable_new_async (%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, 
callback, user_data, "flags", flags, "name", name, "connection", connection, "object-path", object_path, 
"get-proxy-type-func", %sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type, NULL);\n'
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "/**\n"
+            " * %sobject_manager_client_new_finish:\n"
+            " * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to 
+            " * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n"
+            " *\n"
+            " * Finishes an operation started with %sobject_manager_client_new().\n"
+            " *\n"
+            " * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sObjectManagerClient): The constructed object manager client 
or %%NULL if @error is set.\n"
+            % (self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.namespace)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(" */\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "GDBusObjectManager *\n"
+            "%sobject_manager_client_new_finish (\n"
+            "    GAsyncResult        *res,\n"
+            "    GError             **error)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GObject *ret;\n"
+            "  GObject *source_object;\n"
+            "  source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);\n"
+            "  ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, error);\n"
+            "  g_object_unref (source_object);\n"
+            "  if (ret != NULL)\n"
+            "    return G_DBUS_OBJECT_MANAGER (ret);\n"
+            "  else\n"
+            "    return NULL;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sobject_manager_client_new_sync:\n"
+                " * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.\n"
+                " * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags enumeration.\n"
+                " * @name: (nullable): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %%NULL if @connection is not a 
message bus connection.\n"
+                " * @object_path: An object path.\n"
+                " * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n"
+                " * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Synchronously creates #GDBusObjectManagerClient using 
%sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type() as the #GDBusProxyTypeFunc. See 
g_dbus_object_manager_client_new_sync() for more details.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * See %sobject_manager_client_new() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sObjectManagerClient): The constructed object manager 
client or %%NULL if @error is set.\n"
+                % (self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.namespace),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(" */\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "GDBusObjectManager *\n"
+            "%sobject_manager_client_new_sync (\n"
+            "    GDBusConnection        *connection,\n"
+            "    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n"
+            "    const gchar            *name,\n"
+            "    const gchar            *object_path,\n"
+            "    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n"
+            "    GError                **error)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GInitable *ret;\n"
+            '  ret = g_initable_new (%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT, cancellable, error, "flags", flags, 
"name", name, "connection", connection, "object-path", object_path, "get-proxy-type-func", 
%sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type, NULL);\n'
+            "  if (ret != NULL)\n"
+            "    return G_DBUS_OBJECT_MANAGER (ret);\n"
+            "  else\n"
+            "    return NULL;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus:\n"
+                " * @bus_type: A #GBusType.\n"
+                " * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags enumeration.\n"
+                " * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).\n"
+                " * @object_path: An object path.\n"
+                " * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n"
+                " * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.\n"
+                " * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Like %sobject_manager_client_new() but takes a #GBusType instead of a 
+                " *\n"
+                " * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the thread-default main 
loop of the thread you are calling this method from (see g_main_context_push_thread_default()).\n"
+                " * You can then call %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_finish() to get the result of the 
+                " *\n"
+                " * See %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of 
this constructor.\n"
+                % (self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(" */\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "void\n"
+            "%sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus (\n"
+            "    GBusType                bus_type,\n"
+            "    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n"
+            "    const gchar            *name,\n"
+            "    const gchar            *object_path,\n"
+            "    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n"
+            "    GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,\n"
+            "    gpointer                user_data)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            '  g_async_initable_new_async (%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, 
callback, user_data, "flags", flags, "name", name, "bus-type", bus_type, "object-path", object_path, 
"get-proxy-type-func", %sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type, NULL);\n'
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "/**\n"
+            " * %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_finish:\n"
+            " * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to 
+            " * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n"
+            " *\n"
+            " * Finishes an operation started with %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus().\n"
+            " *\n"
+            " * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sObjectManagerClient): The constructed object manager client 
or %%NULL if @error is set.\n"
+            % (self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.namespace)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(" */\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "GDBusObjectManager *\n"
+            "%sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_finish (\n"
+            "    GAsyncResult        *res,\n"
+            "    GError             **error)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GObject *ret;\n"
+            "  GObject *source_object;\n"
+            "  source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);\n"
+            "  ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, error);\n"
+            "  g_object_unref (source_object);\n"
+            "  if (ret != NULL)\n"
+            "    return G_DBUS_OBJECT_MANAGER (ret);\n"
+            "  else\n"
+            "    return NULL;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_sync:\n"
+                " * @bus_type: A #GBusType.\n"
+                " * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags enumeration.\n"
+                " * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).\n"
+                " * @object_path: An object path.\n"
+                " * @cancellable: (nullable): A #GCancellable or %%NULL.\n"
+                " * @error: Return location for error or %%NULL\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * Like %sobject_manager_client_new_sync() but takes a #GBusType instead of a 
+                " *\n"
+                " * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * See %sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus() for the asynchronous version of this 
+                " *\n"
+                " * Returns: (transfer full) (type %sObjectManagerClient): The constructed object manager 
client or %%NULL if @error is set.\n"
+                % (self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.ns_lower, self.namespace),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(" */\n")
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "GDBusObjectManager *\n"
+            "%sobject_manager_client_new_for_bus_sync (\n"
+            "    GBusType                bus_type,\n"
+            "    GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags  flags,\n"
+            "    const gchar            *name,\n"
+            "    const gchar            *object_path,\n"
+            "    GCancellable           *cancellable,\n"
+            "    GError                **error)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GInitable *ret;\n"
+            '  ret = g_initable_new (%sTYPE_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT, cancellable, error, "flags", flags, 
"name", name, "bus-type", bus_type, "object-path", object_path, "get-proxy-type-func", 
%sobject_manager_client_get_proxy_type, NULL);\n'
+            "  if (ret != NULL)\n"
+            "    return G_DBUS_OBJECT_MANAGER (ret);\n"
+            "  else\n"
+            "    return NULL;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n" % (self.ns_lower, self.ns_upper, self.ns_lower)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
     # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def write_gtkdoc_deprecated_and_since_and_close(self, obj, f, indent):
         if len(obj.since) > 0:
-            f.write('%*s *\n'
-                    '%*s * Since: %s\n'
-                    %(indent, '', indent, '', obj.since))
+            f.write("%*s *\n" "%*s * Since: %s\n" % (indent, "", indent, "", obj.since))
         if obj.deprecated:
             if isinstance(obj, dbustypes.Interface):
-                thing = 'The D-Bus interface'
+                thing = "The D-Bus interface"
             elif isinstance(obj, dbustypes.Method):
-                thing = 'The D-Bus method'
+                thing = "The D-Bus method"
             elif isinstance(obj, dbustypes.Signal):
-                thing = 'The D-Bus signal'
+                thing = "The D-Bus signal"
             elif isinstance(obj, dbustypes.Property):
-                thing = 'The D-Bus property'
+                thing = "The D-Bus property"
                 print_error('Cannot handle object "{}"'.format(obj))
-            f.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                    '%*s *\n'
-                    '%*s * Deprecated: %s has been deprecated.\n'
-                    %(indent, '', indent, '', thing), False))
-        f.write('%*s */\n'%(indent, ''))
+            f.write(
+                self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                    "%*s *\n"
+                    "%*s * Deprecated: %s has been deprecated.\n"
+                    % (indent, "", indent, "", thing),
+                    False,
+                )
+            )
+        f.write("%*s */\n" % (indent, ""))
     # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def generate_interface_intro(self, i):
-        self.outfile.write('/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'
-                           ' * Code for interface %s\n'
-                           ' * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'
-                           ' */\n'
-                           '\n'%(i.name))
-        self.outfile.write(self.docbook_gen.expand(
-                '/**\n'
-                ' * SECTION:%s\n'
-                ' * @title: %s\n'
-                ' * @short_description: Generated C code for the %s D-Bus interface\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * This section contains code for working with the #%s D-Bus interface in C.\n'
-                ' */\n'
-                %(i.camel_name, i.camel_name, i.name, i.name), False))
-        self.outfile.write('\n')
+        self.outfile.write(
+            "/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+            " * Code for interface %s\n"
+            " * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+            " */\n"
+            "\n" % (i.name)
+        )
+        self.outfile.write(
+            self.docbook_gen.expand(
+                "/**\n"
+                " * SECTION:%s\n"
+                " * @title: %s\n"
+                " * @short_description: Generated C code for the %s D-Bus interface\n"
+                " *\n"
+                " * This section contains code for working with the #%s D-Bus interface in C.\n"
+                " */\n" % (i.camel_name, i.camel_name, i.name, i.name),
+                False,
+            )
+        )
+        self.outfile.write("\n")
     def generate(self):
diff --git a/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen_docbook.py b/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen_docbook.py
index c08aa1a0e..54dd9decd 100644
--- a/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen_docbook.py
+++ b/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen_docbook.py
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ from . import parser
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class DocbookCodeGenerator:
     def __init__(self, ifaces):
         self.ifaces = ifaces
@@ -57,23 +58,36 @@ class DocbookCodeGenerator:
                 max_signature_len = max(len(a.signature), max_signature_len)
         if in_synopsis:
-            self.out.write('<link linkend="gdbus-method-%s.%s">%s</link>%*s ('
-                           %(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), m.name, m.name, max_method_len - len(m.name), 
+            self.out.write(
+                '<link linkend="gdbus-method-%s.%s">%s</link>%*s ('
+                % (
+                    utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name),
+                    m.name,
+                    m.name,
+                    max_method_len - len(m.name),
+                    "",
+                )
+            )
-            self.out.write('%s%*s ('
-                           %(m.name, max_method_len - len(m.name), ''))
+            self.out.write("%s%*s (" % (m.name, max_method_len - len(m.name), ""))
         count = 0
         for a in m.in_args:
-            if (count > 0):
-                self.out.write(',\n%*s'%(max_method_len + 2, ''))
-            self.out.write('IN  %s%*s %s'%(a.signature, max_signature_len - len(a.signature), '', a.name))
+            if count > 0:
+                self.out.write(",\n%*s" % (max_method_len + 2, ""))
+            self.out.write(
+                "IN  %s%*s %s"
+                % (a.signature, max_signature_len - len(a.signature), "", a.name)
+            )
             count = count + 1
         for a in m.out_args:
-            if (count > 0):
-                self.out.write(',\n%*s'%(max_method_len + 2, ''))
-            self.out.write('OUT %s%*s %s'%(a.signature, max_signature_len - len(a.signature), '', a.name))
+            if count > 0:
+                self.out.write(",\n%*s" % (max_method_len + 2, ""))
+            self.out.write(
+                "OUT %s%*s %s"
+                % (a.signature, max_signature_len - len(a.signature), "", a.name)
+            )
             count = count + 1
-        self.out.write(');\n')
+        self.out.write(");\n")
     def print_signal_prototype(self, i, s, in_synopsis):
         max_signal_len = 0
@@ -93,18 +107,28 @@ class DocbookCodeGenerator:
                 max_signature_len = max(len(a.signature), max_signature_len)
         if in_synopsis:
-            self.out.write('<link linkend="gdbus-signal-%s.%s">%s</link>%*s ('
-                           %(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), s.name, s.name, max_signal_len - len(s.name), 
+            self.out.write(
+                '<link linkend="gdbus-signal-%s.%s">%s</link>%*s ('
+                % (
+                    utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name),
+                    s.name,
+                    s.name,
+                    max_signal_len - len(s.name),
+                    "",
+                )
+            )
-            self.out.write('%s%*s ('
-                           %(s.name, max_signal_len - len(s.name), ''))
+            self.out.write("%s%*s (" % (s.name, max_signal_len - len(s.name), ""))
         count = 0
         for a in s.args:
-            if (count > 0):
-                self.out.write(',\n%*s'%(max_signal_len + 2, ''))
-            self.out.write('%s%*s %s'%(a.signature, max_signature_len - len(a.signature), '', a.name))
+            if count > 0:
+                self.out.write(",\n%*s" % (max_signal_len + 2, ""))
+            self.out.write(
+                "%s%*s %s"
+                % (a.signature, max_signature_len - len(a.signature), "", a.name)
+            )
             count = count + 1
-        self.out.write(');\n')
+        self.out.write(");\n")
     def print_property_prototype(self, i, p, in_synopsis):
         max_property_len = 0
@@ -122,109 +146,181 @@ class DocbookCodeGenerator:
             max_signature_len = max(len(p.signature), max_signature_len)
         if in_synopsis:
-            self.out.write('<link linkend="gdbus-property-%s.%s">%s</link>%*s'
-                           %(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), p.name, p.name, max_property_len - len(p.name), 
+            self.out.write(
+                '<link linkend="gdbus-property-%s.%s">%s</link>%*s'
+                % (
+                    utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name),
+                    p.name,
+                    p.name,
+                    max_property_len - len(p.name),
+                    "",
+                )
+            )
-            self.out.write('%s%*s'
-                           %(p.name, max_property_len - len(p.name), ''))
+            self.out.write("%s%*s" % (p.name, max_property_len - len(p.name), ""))
         if p.readable and p.writable:
-            access = 'readwrite'
+            access = "readwrite"
         elif p.readable:
-            access = 'readable '
+            access = "readable "
-            access = 'writable '
-        self.out.write('  %s  %s\n'%(access, p.signature))
+            access = "writable "
+        self.out.write("  %s  %s\n" % (access, p.signature))
     def print_synopsis_methods(self, i):
-        self.out.write('  <refsynopsisdiv role="synopsis">\n'%())
-        self.out.write('    <title role="synopsis.title">Methods</title>\n'%())
-        self.out.write('    <synopsis>\n'%())
+        self.out.write('  <refsynopsisdiv role="synopsis">\n' % ())
+        self.out.write('    <title role="synopsis.title">Methods</title>\n' % ())
+        self.out.write("    <synopsis>\n" % ())
         for m in i.methods:
             self.print_method_prototype(i, m, in_synopsis=True)
-        self.out.write('</synopsis>\n'%())
-        self.out.write('  </refsynopsisdiv>\n'%())
+        self.out.write("</synopsis>\n" % ())
+        self.out.write("  </refsynopsisdiv>\n" % ())
     def print_synopsis_signals(self, i):
-        self.out.write('  <refsect1 role="signal_proto">\n'%())
-        self.out.write('    <title role="signal_proto.title">Signals</title>\n'%())
-        self.out.write('    <synopsis>\n'%())
+        self.out.write('  <refsect1 role="signal_proto">\n' % ())
+        self.out.write('    <title role="signal_proto.title">Signals</title>\n' % ())
+        self.out.write("    <synopsis>\n" % ())
         for s in i.signals:
             self.print_signal_prototype(i, s, in_synopsis=True)
-        self.out.write('</synopsis>\n'%())
-        self.out.write('  </refsect1>\n'%())
+        self.out.write("</synopsis>\n" % ())
+        self.out.write("  </refsect1>\n" % ())
     def print_synopsis_properties(self, i):
-        self.out.write('  <refsect1 role="properties">\n'%())
-        self.out.write('    <title role="properties.title">Properties</title>\n'%())
-        self.out.write('    <synopsis>\n'%())
+        self.out.write('  <refsect1 role="properties">\n' % ())
+        self.out.write('    <title role="properties.title">Properties</title>\n' % ())
+        self.out.write("    <synopsis>\n" % ())
         for p in i.properties:
             self.print_property_prototype(i, p, in_synopsis=True)
-        self.out.write('</synopsis>\n'%())
-        self.out.write('  </refsect1>\n'%())
+        self.out.write("</synopsis>\n" % ())
+        self.out.write("  </refsect1>\n" % ())
     def print_method(self, i, m):
-        self.out.write('<refsect2 role="method" id="gdbus-method-%s.%s">\n'%(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), 
-        self.out.write('  <title>The %s() method</title>\n'%(m.name))
-        self.out.write('  <indexterm zone="gdbus-method-%s.%s"><primary 
sortas="%s.%s">%s.%s()</primary></indexterm>\n'%(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), m.name, 
i.name_without_prefix, m.name, i.name, m.name))
-        self.out.write('<programlisting>\n')
+        self.out.write(
+            '<refsect2 role="method" id="gdbus-method-%s.%s">\n'
+            % (utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), m.name)
+        )
+        self.out.write("  <title>The %s() method</title>\n" % (m.name))
+        self.out.write(
+            '  <indexterm zone="gdbus-method-%s.%s"><primary sortas="%s.%s">%s.%s()</primary></indexterm>\n'
+            % (
+                utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name),
+                m.name,
+                i.name_without_prefix,
+                m.name,
+                i.name,
+                m.name,
+            )
+        )
+        self.out.write("<programlisting>\n")
         self.print_method_prototype(i, m, in_synopsis=False)
-        self.out.write('</programlisting>\n')
-        self.out.write('%s\n'%(self.expand_paras(m.doc_string, True)))
+        self.out.write("</programlisting>\n")
+        self.out.write("%s\n" % (self.expand_paras(m.doc_string, True)))
         if m.in_args or m.out_args:
             self.out.write('<variablelist role="params">\n')
             for a in m.in_args:
-                self.out.write('<varlistentry>\n'%())
-                self.out.write('  <term><literal>IN %s 
<parameter>%s</parameter></literal>:</term>\n'%(a.signature, a.name))
-                self.out.write('  <listitem>%s</listitem>\n'%(self.expand_paras(a.doc_string, True)))
-                self.out.write('</varlistentry>\n'%())
+                self.out.write("<varlistentry>\n" % ())
+                self.out.write(
+                    "  <term><literal>IN %s <parameter>%s</parameter></literal>:</term>\n"
+                    % (a.signature, a.name)
+                )
+                self.out.write(
+                    "  <listitem>%s</listitem>\n"
+                    % (self.expand_paras(a.doc_string, True))
+                )
+                self.out.write("</varlistentry>\n" % ())
             for a in m.out_args:
-                self.out.write('<varlistentry>\n'%())
-                self.out.write('  <term><literal>OUT %s 
<parameter>%s</parameter></literal>:</term>\n'%(a.signature, a.name))
-                self.out.write('  <listitem>%s</listitem>\n'%(self.expand_paras(a.doc_string, True)))
-                self.out.write('</varlistentry>\n'%())
-            self.out.write('</variablelist>\n')
+                self.out.write("<varlistentry>\n" % ())
+                self.out.write(
+                    "  <term><literal>OUT %s <parameter>%s</parameter></literal>:</term>\n"
+                    % (a.signature, a.name)
+                )
+                self.out.write(
+                    "  <listitem>%s</listitem>\n"
+                    % (self.expand_paras(a.doc_string, True))
+                )
+                self.out.write("</varlistentry>\n" % ())
+            self.out.write("</variablelist>\n")
         if len(m.since) > 0:
-            self.out.write('<para role="since">Since %s</para>\n'%(m.since))
+            self.out.write('<para role="since">Since %s</para>\n' % (m.since))
         if m.deprecated:
-            self.out.write('<warning><para>The %s() method is deprecated.</para></warning>'%(m.name))
-        self.out.write('</refsect2>\n')
+            self.out.write(
+                "<warning><para>The %s() method is deprecated.</para></warning>"
+                % (m.name)
+            )
+        self.out.write("</refsect2>\n")
     def print_signal(self, i, s):
-        self.out.write('<refsect2 role="signal" id="gdbus-signal-%s.%s">\n'%(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), 
-        self.out.write('  <title>The "%s" signal</title>\n'%(s.name))
-        self.out.write('  <indexterm zone="gdbus-signal-%s.%s"><primary 
sortas="%s::%s">%s::%s</primary></indexterm>\n'%(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), s.name, 
i.name_without_prefix, s.name, i.name, s.name))
-        self.out.write('<programlisting>\n')
+        self.out.write(
+            '<refsect2 role="signal" id="gdbus-signal-%s.%s">\n'
+            % (utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), s.name)
+        )
+        self.out.write('  <title>The "%s" signal</title>\n' % (s.name))
+        self.out.write(
+            '  <indexterm zone="gdbus-signal-%s.%s"><primary sortas="%s::%s">%s::%s</primary></indexterm>\n'
+            % (
+                utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name),
+                s.name,
+                i.name_without_prefix,
+                s.name,
+                i.name,
+                s.name,
+            )
+        )
+        self.out.write("<programlisting>\n")
         self.print_signal_prototype(i, s, in_synopsis=False)
-        self.out.write('</programlisting>\n')
-        self.out.write('%s\n'%(self.expand_paras(s.doc_string, True)))
+        self.out.write("</programlisting>\n")
+        self.out.write("%s\n" % (self.expand_paras(s.doc_string, True)))
         if s.args:
             self.out.write('<variablelist role="params">\n')
             for a in s.args:
-                self.out.write('<varlistentry>\n'%())
-                self.out.write('  <term><literal>%s 
<parameter>%s</parameter></literal>:</term>\n'%(a.signature, a.name))
-                self.out.write('  <listitem>%s</listitem>\n'%(self.expand_paras(a.doc_string, True)))
-                self.out.write('</varlistentry>\n'%())
-            self.out.write('</variablelist>\n')
+                self.out.write("<varlistentry>\n" % ())
+                self.out.write(
+                    "  <term><literal>%s <parameter>%s</parameter></literal>:</term>\n"
+                    % (a.signature, a.name)
+                )
+                self.out.write(
+                    "  <listitem>%s</listitem>\n"
+                    % (self.expand_paras(a.doc_string, True))
+                )
+                self.out.write("</varlistentry>\n" % ())
+            self.out.write("</variablelist>\n")
         if len(s.since) > 0:
-            self.out.write('<para role="since">Since %s</para>\n'%(s.since))
+            self.out.write('<para role="since">Since %s</para>\n' % (s.since))
         if s.deprecated:
-            self.out.write('<warning><para>The "%s" signal is deprecated.</para></warning>'%(s.name))
-        self.out.write('</refsect2>\n')
+            self.out.write(
+                '<warning><para>The "%s" signal is deprecated.</para></warning>'
+                % (s.name)
+            )
+        self.out.write("</refsect2>\n")
     def print_property(self, i, p):
-        self.out.write('<refsect2 role="property" 
id="gdbus-property-%s.%s">\n'%(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), p.name))
-        self.out.write('  <title>The "%s" property</title>\n'%(p.name))
-        self.out.write('  <indexterm zone="gdbus-property-%s.%s"><primary 
sortas="%s:%s">%s:%s</primary></indexterm>\n'%(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), p.name, i.name_without_prefix, 
p.name, i.name, p.name))
-        self.out.write('<programlisting>\n')
+        self.out.write(
+            '<refsect2 role="property" id="gdbus-property-%s.%s">\n'
+            % (utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), p.name)
+        )
+        self.out.write('  <title>The "%s" property</title>\n' % (p.name))
+        self.out.write(
+            '  <indexterm zone="gdbus-property-%s.%s"><primary sortas="%s:%s">%s:%s</primary></indexterm>\n'
+            % (
+                utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name),
+                p.name,
+                i.name_without_prefix,
+                p.name,
+                i.name,
+                p.name,
+            )
+        )
+        self.out.write("<programlisting>\n")
         self.print_property_prototype(i, p, in_synopsis=False)
-        self.out.write('</programlisting>\n')
-        self.out.write('%s\n'%(self.expand_paras(p.doc_string, True)))
+        self.out.write("</programlisting>\n")
+        self.out.write("%s\n" % (self.expand_paras(p.doc_string, True)))
         if len(p.since) > 0:
-            self.out.write('<para role="since">Since %s</para>\n'%(p.since))
+            self.out.write('<para role="since">Since %s</para>\n' % (p.since))
         if p.deprecated:
-            self.out.write('<warning><para>The "%s" property is deprecated.</para></warning>'%(p.name))
-        self.out.write('</refsect2>\n')
+            self.out.write(
+                '<warning><para>The "%s" property is deprecated.</para></warning>'
+                % (p.name)
+            )
+        self.out.write("</refsect2>\n")
     def expand(self, s, expandParamsAndConstants):
         for key in self.expand_member_dict_keys:
@@ -233,9 +329,17 @@ class DocbookCodeGenerator:
             s = s.replace(key, self.expand_iface_dict[key])
         if expandParamsAndConstants:
             # replace @foo with <parameter>foo</parameter>
-            s = re.sub('@[a-zA-Z0-9_]*', lambda m: '<parameter>' + m.group(0)[1:] + '</parameter>', s)
+            s = re.sub(
+                "@[a-zA-Z0-9_]*",
+                lambda m: "<parameter>" + m.group(0)[1:] + "</parameter>",
+                s,
+            )
             # replace e.g. %TRUE with <constant>TRUE</constant>
-            s = re.sub('%[a-zA-Z0-9_]*', lambda m: '<constant>' + m.group(0)[1:] + '</constant>', s)
+            s = re.sub(
+                "%[a-zA-Z0-9_]*",
+                lambda m: "<constant>" + m.group(0)[1:] + "</constant>",
+                s,
+            )
         return s
     def expand_paras(self, s, expandParamsAndConstants):
@@ -248,44 +352,75 @@ class DocbookCodeGenerator:
         self.expand_member_dict = {}
         self.expand_iface_dict = {}
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            key = '#%s'%(i.name)
-            value = '<link 
linkend="gdbus-interface-%s.top_of_page">%s</link>'%(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), i.name)
+            key = "#%s" % (i.name)
+            value = '<link linkend="gdbus-interface-%s.top_of_page">%s</link>' % (
+                utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name),
+                i.name,
+            )
             self.expand_iface_dict[key] = value
             for m in i.methods:
-                key = '%s.%s()'%(i.name, m.name)
-                value = '<link linkend="gdbus-method-%s.%s">%s()</link>'%(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), 
m.name, m.name)
+                key = "%s.%s()" % (i.name, m.name)
+                value = '<link linkend="gdbus-method-%s.%s">%s()</link>' % (
+                    utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name),
+                    m.name,
+                    m.name,
+                )
                 self.expand_member_dict[key] = value
             for s in i.signals:
-                key = '#%s::%s'%(i.name, s.name)
-                value = '<link linkend="gdbus-signal-%s.%s">"%s"</link>'%(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), 
s.name, s.name)
+                key = "#%s::%s" % (i.name, s.name)
+                value = '<link linkend="gdbus-signal-%s.%s">"%s"</link>' % (
+                    utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name),
+                    s.name,
+                    s.name,
+                )
                 self.expand_member_dict[key] = value
             for p in i.properties:
-                key = '#%s:%s'%(i.name, p.name)
-                value = '<link linkend="gdbus-property-%s.%s">"%s"</link>'%(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), 
p.name, p.name)
+                key = "#%s:%s" % (i.name, p.name)
+                value = '<link linkend="gdbus-property-%s.%s">"%s"</link>' % (
+                    utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name),
+                    p.name,
+                    p.name,
+                )
                 self.expand_member_dict[key] = value
         # Make sure to expand the keys in reverse order so e.g. #org.foo.Iface:MediaCompat
         # is evaluated before #org.foo.Iface:Media ...
-        self.expand_member_dict_keys = sorted(self.expand_member_dict.keys(), reverse=True)
-        self.expand_iface_dict_keys = sorted(self.expand_iface_dict.keys(), reverse=True)
+        self.expand_member_dict_keys = sorted(
+            self.expand_member_dict.keys(), reverse=True
+        )
+        self.expand_iface_dict_keys = sorted(
+            self.expand_iface_dict.keys(), reverse=True
+        )
     def generate(self, docbook, outdir):
         for i in self.ifaces:
-            self.out = open(path.join(outdir, '%s-%s.xml'%(docbook, i.name)), 'w')
-            self.out.write(''%())
-            self.out.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'%())
-            self.out.write('<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"\n'%())
-            self.out.write('               "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd"; 
-            self.out.write(']>\n'%())
-            self.out.write('<refentry id="gdbus-%s">\n'%(i.name))
-            self.out.write('  <refmeta>'%())
-            self.out.write('    <refentrytitle role="top_of_page" 
id="gdbus-interface-%s.top_of_page">%s</refentrytitle>\n'%(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), i.name))
-            self.out.write('  <indexterm zone="gdbus-interface-%s.top_of_page"><primary 
sortas="%s">%s</primary></indexterm>\n'%(utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), i.name_without_prefix, i.name))
-            self.out.write('  </refmeta>'%())
-            self.out.write('  <refnamediv>'%())
-            self.out.write('    <refname>%s</refname>'%(i.name))
-            self.out.write('    <refpurpose>%s</refpurpose>'%(i.doc_string_brief))
-            self.out.write('  </refnamediv>'%())
+            self.out = open(path.join(outdir, "%s-%s.xml" % (docbook, i.name)), "w")
+            self.out.write("" % ())
+            self.out.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n' % ())
+            self.out.write(
+                '<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"\n'
+                % ()
+            )
+            self.out.write(
+                '               "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd"; [\n'
+                % ()
+            )
+            self.out.write("]>\n" % ())
+            self.out.write('<refentry id="gdbus-%s">\n' % (i.name))
+            self.out.write("  <refmeta>" % ())
+            self.out.write(
+                '    <refentrytitle role="top_of_page" 
+                % (utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), i.name)
+            )
+            self.out.write(
+                '  <indexterm zone="gdbus-interface-%s.top_of_page"><primary 
+                % (utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name), i.name_without_prefix, i.name)
+            )
+            self.out.write("  </refmeta>" % ())
+            self.out.write("  <refnamediv>" % ())
+            self.out.write("    <refname>%s</refname>" % (i.name))
+            self.out.write("    <refpurpose>%s</refpurpose>" % (i.doc_string_brief))
+            self.out.write("  </refnamediv>" % ())
             if len(i.methods) > 0:
@@ -294,36 +429,53 @@ class DocbookCodeGenerator:
             if len(i.properties) > 0:
-            self.out.write('<refsect1 role="desc" 
-            self.out.write('  <title role="desc.title">Description</title>\n'%())
-            self.out.write('  %s\n'%(self.expand_paras(i.doc_string, True)))
+            self.out.write(
+                '<refsect1 role="desc" id="gdbus-interface-%s">\n'
+                % (utils.dots_to_hyphens(i.name))
+            )
+            self.out.write('  <title role="desc.title">Description</title>\n' % ())
+            self.out.write("  %s\n" % (self.expand_paras(i.doc_string, True)))
             if len(i.since) > 0:
-                self.out.write('  <para role="since">Since %s</para>\n'%(i.since))
+                self.out.write('  <para role="since">Since %s</para>\n' % (i.since))
             if i.deprecated:
-                self.out.write('<warning><para>The %s interface is deprecated.</para></warning>'%(i.name))
-            self.out.write('</refsect1>\n'%())
+                self.out.write(
+                    "<warning><para>The %s interface is deprecated.</para></warning>"
+                    % (i.name)
+                )
+            self.out.write("</refsect1>\n" % ())
             if len(i.methods) > 0:
-                self.out.write('<refsect1 role="details" id="gdbus-methods-%s">\n'%(i.name))
-                self.out.write('  <title role="details.title">Method Details</title>\n'%())
+                self.out.write(
+                    '<refsect1 role="details" id="gdbus-methods-%s">\n' % (i.name)
+                )
+                self.out.write(
+                    '  <title role="details.title">Method Details</title>\n' % ()
+                )
                 for m in i.methods:
                     self.print_method(i, m)
-                self.out.write('</refsect1>\n'%())
+                self.out.write("</refsect1>\n" % ())
             if len(i.signals) > 0:
-                self.out.write('<refsect1 role="details" id="gdbus-signals-%s">\n'%(i.name))
-                self.out.write('  <title role="details.title">Signal Details</title>\n'%())
+                self.out.write(
+                    '<refsect1 role="details" id="gdbus-signals-%s">\n' % (i.name)
+                )
+                self.out.write(
+                    '  <title role="details.title">Signal Details</title>\n' % ()
+                )
                 for s in i.signals:
                     self.print_signal(i, s)
-                self.out.write('</refsect1>\n'%())
+                self.out.write("</refsect1>\n" % ())
             if len(i.properties) > 0:
-                self.out.write('<refsect1 role="details" id="gdbus-properties-%s">\n'%(i.name))
-                self.out.write('  <title role="details.title">Property Details</title>\n'%())
+                self.out.write(
+                    '<refsect1 role="details" id="gdbus-properties-%s">\n' % (i.name)
+                )
+                self.out.write(
+                    '  <title role="details.title">Property Details</title>\n' % ()
+                )
                 for s in i.properties:
                     self.print_property(i, s)
-                self.out.write('</refsect1>\n'%())
-            self.out.write('</refentry>\n')
-            self.out.write('\n')
+                self.out.write("</refsect1>\n" % ())
+            self.out.write("</refentry>\n")
+            self.out.write("\n")
diff --git a/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen_main.py b/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen_main.py
index bd7fef528..7adf0864b 100644
--- a/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen_main.py
+++ b/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/codegen_main.py
@@ -32,30 +32,35 @@ from . import codegen
 from . import codegen_docbook
 from .utils import print_error, print_warning
 def find_arg(arg_list, arg_name):
     for a in arg_list:
         if a.name == arg_name:
             return a
     return None
 def find_method(iface, method):
     for m in iface.methods:
         if m.name == method:
             return m
     return None
 def find_signal(iface, signal):
     for m in iface.signals:
         if m.name == signal:
             return m
     return None
 def find_prop(iface, prop):
     for m in iface.properties:
         if m.name == prop:
             return m
     return None
 def apply_annotation(iface_list, iface, method, signal, prop, arg, key, value):
     iface_obj = None
     for i in iface_list:
@@ -74,10 +79,14 @@ def apply_annotation(iface_list, iface, method, signal, prop, arg, key, value):
             print_error('No method "{}" on interface "{}"'.format(method, iface))
         if arg:
             arg_obj = find_arg(method_obj.in_args, arg)
-            if (arg_obj is None):
+            if arg_obj is None:
                 arg_obj = find_arg(method_obj.out_args, arg)
-                if (arg_obj is None):
-                    print_error('No arg "{}" on method "{}" on interface "{}"'.format(arg, method, iface))
+                if arg_obj is None:
+                    print_error(
+                        'No arg "{}" on method "{}" on interface "{}"'.format(
+                            arg, method, iface
+                        )
+                    )
             target_obj = arg_obj
             target_obj = method_obj
@@ -87,8 +96,12 @@ def apply_annotation(iface_list, iface, method, signal, prop, arg, key, value):
             print_error('No signal "{}" on interface "{}"'.format(signal, iface))
         if arg:
             arg_obj = find_arg(signal_obj.args, arg)
-            if (arg_obj is None):
-                print_error('No arg "{}" on signal "{}" on interface "{}"'.format(arg, signal, iface))
+            if arg_obj is None:
+                print_error(
+                    'No arg "{}" on signal "{}" on interface "{}"'.format(
+                        arg, signal, iface
+                    )
+                )
             target_obj = arg_obj
             target_obj = signal_obj
@@ -105,198 +118,287 @@ def apply_annotation(iface_list, iface, method, signal, prop, arg, key, value):
 def apply_annotations(iface_list, annotation_list):
     # apply annotations given on the command line
     for (what, key, value) in annotation_list:
-        pos = what.find('::')
+        pos = what.find("::")
         if pos != -1:
             # signal
-            iface = what[0:pos];
-            signal = what[pos + 2:]
-            pos = signal.find('[')
+            iface = what[0:pos]
+            signal = what[pos + 2 :]
+            pos = signal.find("[")
             if pos != -1:
-                arg = signal[pos + 1:]
+                arg = signal[pos + 1 :]
                 signal = signal[0:pos]
-                pos = arg.find(']')
+                pos = arg.find("]")
                 arg = arg[0:pos]
                 apply_annotation(iface_list, iface, None, signal, None, arg, key, value)
-                apply_annotation(iface_list, iface, None, signal, None, None, key, value)
+                apply_annotation(
+                    iface_list, iface, None, signal, None, None, key, value
+                )
-            pos = what.find(':')
+            pos = what.find(":")
             if pos != -1:
                 # property
-                iface = what[0:pos];
-                prop = what[pos + 1:]
+                iface = what[0:pos]
+                prop = what[pos + 1 :]
                 apply_annotation(iface_list, iface, None, None, prop, None, key, value)
-                pos = what.find('()')
+                pos = what.find("()")
                 if pos != -1:
                     # method
                     combined = what[0:pos]
-                    pos = combined.rfind('.')
+                    pos = combined.rfind(".")
                     iface = combined[0:pos]
-                    method = combined[pos + 1:]
-                    pos = what.find('[')
+                    method = combined[pos + 1 :]
+                    pos = what.find("[")
                     if pos != -1:
-                        arg = what[pos + 1:]
-                        pos = arg.find(']')
+                        arg = what[pos + 1 :]
+                        pos = arg.find("]")
                         arg = arg[0:pos]
-                        apply_annotation(iface_list, iface, method, None, None, arg, key, value)
+                        apply_annotation(
+                            iface_list, iface, method, None, None, arg, key, value
+                        )
-                        apply_annotation(iface_list, iface, method, None, None, None, key, value)
+                        apply_annotation(
+                            iface_list, iface, method, None, None, None, key, value
+                        )
                     # must be an interface
                     iface = what
-                    apply_annotation(iface_list, iface, None, None, None, None, key, value)
+                    apply_annotation(
+                        iface_list, iface, None, None, None, None, key, value
+                    )
 def codegen_main():
-    arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='D-Bus code and documentation generator')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('files', metavar='FILE', nargs='+',
-                            help='D-Bus introspection XML file')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('--xml-files', metavar='FILE', action='append', default=[],
-                            help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
-    arg_parser.add_argument('--interface-prefix', metavar='PREFIX', default='',
-                            help='String to strip from D-Bus interface names for code and docs')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('--c-namespace', metavar='NAMESPACE', default='',
-                            help='The namespace to use for generated C code')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('--c-generate-object-manager', action='store_true',
-                            help='Generate a GDBusObjectManagerClient subclass when generating C code')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('--c-generate-autocleanup', choices=['none', 'objects', 'all'], 
-                            help='Generate autocleanup support')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('--generate-docbook', metavar='OUTFILES',
-                            help='Generate Docbook in OUTFILES-org.Project.IFace.xml')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('--pragma-once', action='store_true',
-                            help='Use "pragma once" as the inclusion guard')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('--annotate', nargs=3, action='append', metavar='WHAT KEY VALUE',
-                            help='Add annotation (may be used several times)')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('--glib-min-required', metavar='VERSION',
-                            help='Minimum version of GLib to be supported by the outputted code (default: 
-    arg_parser.add_argument('--glib-max-allowed', metavar='VERSION',
-                            help='Maximum version of GLib to be used by the outputted code (default: current 
GLib version)')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('--symbol-decorator',
-                            help='Macro used to decorate a symbol in the outputted header, possibly to 
export symbols')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('--symbol-decorator-header',
-                            help='Additional header required for decorator specified by --symbol-decorator')
-    arg_parser.add_argument('--symbol-decorator-define',
-                            help='Additional define required for decorator specified by --symbol-decorator')
+    arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="D-Bus code and documentation generator"
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "files", metavar="FILE", nargs="+", help="D-Bus introspection XML file"
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--xml-files",
+        metavar="FILE",
+        action="append",
+        default=[],
+        help=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--interface-prefix",
+        metavar="PREFIX",
+        default="",
+        help="String to strip from D-Bus interface names for code and docs",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--c-namespace",
+        metavar="NAMESPACE",
+        default="",
+        help="The namespace to use for generated C code",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--c-generate-object-manager",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="Generate a GDBusObjectManagerClient subclass when generating C code",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--c-generate-autocleanup",
+        choices=["none", "objects", "all"],
+        default="objects",
+        help="Generate autocleanup support",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--generate-docbook",
+        metavar="OUTFILES",
+        help="Generate Docbook in OUTFILES-org.Project.IFace.xml",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--pragma-once",
+        action="store_true",
+        help='Use "pragma once" as the inclusion guard',
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--annotate",
+        nargs=3,
+        action="append",
+        metavar="WHAT KEY VALUE",
+        help="Add annotation (may be used several times)",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--glib-min-required",
+        metavar="VERSION",
+        help="Minimum version of GLib to be supported by the outputted code (default: 2.30)",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--glib-max-allowed",
+        metavar="VERSION",
+        help="Maximum version of GLib to be used by the outputted code (default: current GLib version)",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--symbol-decorator",
+        help="Macro used to decorate a symbol in the outputted header, possibly to export symbols",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--symbol-decorator-header",
+        help="Additional header required for decorator specified by --symbol-decorator",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--symbol-decorator-define",
+        help="Additional define required for decorator specified by --symbol-decorator",
+    )
     group = arg_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-    group.add_argument('--generate-c-code', metavar='OUTFILES',
-                       help='Generate C code in OUTFILES.[ch]')
-    group.add_argument('--header', action='store_true',
-                       help='Generate C headers')
-    group.add_argument('--body', action='store_true',
-                       help='Generate C code')
-    group.add_argument('--interface-info-header', action='store_true',
-                       help='Generate GDBusInterfaceInfo C header')
-    group.add_argument('--interface-info-body', action='store_true',
-                       help='Generate GDBusInterfaceInfo C code')
+    group.add_argument(
+        "--generate-c-code", metavar="OUTFILES", help="Generate C code in OUTFILES.[ch]"
+    )
+    group.add_argument("--header", action="store_true", help="Generate C headers")
+    group.add_argument("--body", action="store_true", help="Generate C code")
+    group.add_argument(
+        "--interface-info-header",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="Generate GDBusInterfaceInfo C header",
+    )
+    group.add_argument(
+        "--interface-info-body",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="Generate GDBusInterfaceInfo C code",
+    )
     group = arg_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-    group.add_argument('--output', metavar='FILE',
-                       help='Write output into the specified file')
-    group.add_argument('--output-directory', metavar='OUTDIR', default='',
-                       help='Location to output generated files')
-    args = arg_parser.parse_args();
+    group.add_argument(
+        "--output", metavar="FILE", help="Write output into the specified file"
+    )
+    group.add_argument(
+        "--output-directory",
+        metavar="OUTDIR",
+        default="",
+        help="Location to output generated files",
+    )
+    args = arg_parser.parse_args()
     if len(args.xml_files) > 0:
-        print_warning('The "--xml-files" option is deprecated; use positional arguments instead')
-    if ((args.generate_c_code is not None or args.generate_docbook is not None) and
-            args.output is not None):
-        print_error('Using --generate-c-code or --generate-docbook and '
-                    '--output at the same time is not allowed')
+        print_warning(
+            'The "--xml-files" option is deprecated; use positional arguments instead'
+        )
+    if (
+        args.generate_c_code is not None or args.generate_docbook is not None
+    ) and args.output is not None:
+        print_error(
+            "Using --generate-c-code or --generate-docbook and "
+            "--output at the same time is not allowed"
+        )
     if args.generate_c_code:
-        header_name = args.generate_c_code + '.h'
+        header_name = args.generate_c_code + ".h"
         h_file = os.path.join(args.output_directory, header_name)
         args.header = True
-        c_file = os.path.join(args.output_directory, args.generate_c_code + '.c')
+        c_file = os.path.join(args.output_directory, args.generate_c_code + ".c")
         args.body = True
     elif args.header:
         if args.output is None:
-            print_error('Using --header requires --output')
+            print_error("Using --header requires --output")
         h_file = args.output
         header_name = os.path.basename(h_file)
     elif args.body:
         if args.output is None:
-            print_error('Using --body requires --output')
+            print_error("Using --body requires --output")
         c_file = args.output
-        header_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(c_file))[0] + '.h'
+        header_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(c_file))[0] + ".h"
     elif args.interface_info_header:
         if args.output is None:
-            print_error('Using --interface-info-header requires --output')
+            print_error("Using --interface-info-header requires --output")
         if args.c_generate_object_manager:
-            print_error('--c-generate-object-manager is incompatible with '
-                        '--interface-info-header')
+            print_error(
+                "--c-generate-object-manager is incompatible with "
+                "--interface-info-header"
+            )
         h_file = args.output
         header_name = os.path.basename(h_file)
     elif args.interface_info_body:
         if args.output is None:
-            print_error('Using --interface-info-body requires --output')
+            print_error("Using --interface-info-body requires --output")
         if args.c_generate_object_manager:
-            print_error('--c-generate-object-manager is incompatible with '
-                        '--interface-info-body')
+            print_error(
+                "--c-generate-object-manager is incompatible with "
+                "--interface-info-body"
+            )
         c_file = args.output
-        header_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(c_file))[0] + '.h'
+        header_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(c_file))[0] + ".h"
     # Check the minimum GLib version. The minimum --glib-min-required is 2.30,
     # because that’s when gdbus-codegen was introduced. Support 1, 2 or 3
     # component versions, but ignore the micro component if it’s present.
     if args.glib_min_required:
-            parts = args.glib_min_required.split('.', 3)
-            glib_min_required = (int(parts[0]),
-                                 int(parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else 0))
+            parts = args.glib_min_required.split(".", 3)
+            glib_min_required = (int(parts[0]), int(parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else 0))
             # Ignore micro component, but still validate it:
             _ = int(parts[2] if len(parts) > 2 else 0)
         except (ValueError, IndexError):
-            print_error('Unrecognized --glib-min-required string ‘{}’'.format(
-                args.glib_min_required))
+            print_error(
+                "Unrecognized --glib-min-required string ‘{}’".format(
+                    args.glib_min_required
+                )
+            )
         if glib_min_required < (2, 30):
-            print_error('Invalid --glib-min-required string ‘{}’: minimum '
-                        'version is 2.30'.format(args.glib_min_required))
+            print_error(
+                "Invalid --glib-min-required string ‘{}’: minimum "
+                "version is 2.30".format(args.glib_min_required)
+            )
         glib_min_required = (2, 30)
     # And the maximum GLib version.
     if args.glib_max_allowed:
-            parts = args.glib_max_allowed.split('.', 3)
-            glib_max_allowed = (int(parts[0]),
-                                int(parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else 0))
+            parts = args.glib_max_allowed.split(".", 3)
+            glib_max_allowed = (int(parts[0]), int(parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else 0))
             # Ignore micro component, but still validate it:
             _ = int(parts[2] if len(parts) > 2 else 0)
         except (ValueError, IndexError):
-            print_error('Unrecognized --glib-max-allowed string ‘{}’'.format(
-                args.glib_max_allowed))
+            print_error(
+                "Unrecognized --glib-max-allowed string ‘{}’".format(
+                    args.glib_max_allowed
+                )
+            )
         glib_max_allowed = (config.MAJOR_VERSION, config.MINOR_VERSION)
     # Only allow --symbol-decorator-define and --symbol-decorator-header if --symbol-decorator is used
     if args.symbol_decorator is None:
         if args.symbol_decorator_header or args.symbol_decorator_define:
-            print_error('--symbol-decorator-define and --symbol-decorator-header must be used with 
+            print_error(
+                "--symbol-decorator-define and --symbol-decorator-header must be used with 
+            )
     # Round --glib-max-allowed up to the next stable release.
-    glib_max_allowed = \
-        (glib_max_allowed[0], glib_max_allowed[1] + (glib_max_allowed[1] % 2))
+    glib_max_allowed = (
+        glib_max_allowed[0],
+        glib_max_allowed[1] + (glib_max_allowed[1] % 2),
+    )
     if glib_max_allowed < glib_min_required:
-        print_error('Invalid versions: --glib-min-required ({}) must be '
-                    'less than or equal to --glib-max-allowed ({})'.format(glib_min_required, 
+        print_error(
+            "Invalid versions: --glib-min-required ({}) must be "
+            "less than or equal to --glib-max-allowed ({})".format(
+                glib_min_required, glib_max_allowed
+            )
+        )
     all_ifaces = []
     input_files_basenames = []
     for fname in sorted(args.files + args.xml_files):
-        with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
+        with open(fname, "rb") as f:
             xml_data = f.read()
-        parsed_ifaces = parser.parse_dbus_xml(xml_data,
-                                              h_type_implies_unix_fd=(glib_min_required >= (2, 64)))
+        parsed_ifaces = parser.parse_dbus_xml(
+            xml_data, h_type_implies_unix_fd=(glib_min_required >= (2, 64))
+        )
@@ -307,63 +409,72 @@ def codegen_main():
         i.post_process(args.interface_prefix, args.c_namespace)
     docbook = args.generate_docbook
-    docbook_gen = codegen_docbook.DocbookCodeGenerator(all_ifaces);
+    docbook_gen = codegen_docbook.DocbookCodeGenerator(all_ifaces)
     if docbook:
         ret = docbook_gen.generate(docbook, args.output_directory)
     if args.header:
-        with open(h_file, 'w') as outfile:
-            gen = codegen.HeaderCodeGenerator(all_ifaces,
-                                              args.c_namespace,
-                                              args.c_generate_object_manager,
-                                              args.c_generate_autocleanup,
-                                              header_name,
-                                              input_files_basenames,
-                                              args.pragma_once,
-                                              glib_min_required,
-                                              args.symbol_decorator,
-                                              args.symbol_decorator_header,
-                                              outfile)
+        with open(h_file, "w") as outfile:
+            gen = codegen.HeaderCodeGenerator(
+                all_ifaces,
+                args.c_namespace,
+                args.c_generate_object_manager,
+                args.c_generate_autocleanup,
+                header_name,
+                input_files_basenames,
+                args.pragma_once,
+                glib_min_required,
+                args.symbol_decorator,
+                args.symbol_decorator_header,
+                outfile,
+            )
     if args.body:
-        with open(c_file, 'w') as outfile:
-            gen = codegen.CodeGenerator(all_ifaces,
-                                        args.c_namespace,
-                                        args.c_generate_object_manager,
-                                        header_name,
-                                        input_files_basenames,
-                                        docbook_gen,
-                                        glib_min_required,
-                                        args.symbol_decorator_define,
-                                        outfile)
+        with open(c_file, "w") as outfile:
+            gen = codegen.CodeGenerator(
+                all_ifaces,
+                args.c_namespace,
+                args.c_generate_object_manager,
+                header_name,
+                input_files_basenames,
+                docbook_gen,
+                glib_min_required,
+                args.symbol_decorator_define,
+                outfile,
+            )
     if args.interface_info_header:
-        with open(h_file, 'w') as outfile:
-            gen = codegen.InterfaceInfoHeaderCodeGenerator(all_ifaces,
-                                                           args.c_namespace,
-                                                           header_name,
-                                                           input_files_basenames,
-                                                           args.pragma_once,
-                                                           glib_min_required,
-                                                           args.symbol_decorator,
-                                                           args.symbol_decorator_header,
-                                                           outfile)
+        with open(h_file, "w") as outfile:
+            gen = codegen.InterfaceInfoHeaderCodeGenerator(
+                all_ifaces,
+                args.c_namespace,
+                header_name,
+                input_files_basenames,
+                args.pragma_once,
+                glib_min_required,
+                args.symbol_decorator,
+                args.symbol_decorator_header,
+                outfile,
+            )
     if args.interface_info_body:
-        with open(c_file, 'w') as outfile:
-            gen = codegen.InterfaceInfoBodyCodeGenerator(all_ifaces,
-                                                         args.c_namespace,
-                                                         header_name,
-                                                         input_files_basenames,
-                                                         glib_min_required,
-                                                         args.symbol_decorator_define,
-                                                         outfile)
+        with open(c_file, "w") as outfile:
+            gen = codegen.InterfaceInfoBodyCodeGenerator(
+                all_ifaces,
+                args.c_namespace,
+                header_name,
+                input_files_basenames,
+                glib_min_required,
+                args.symbol_decorator_define,
+                outfile,
+            )
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/dbustypes.py b/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/dbustypes.py
index 415a5cc7a..218681979 100644
--- a/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/dbustypes.py
+++ b/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/dbustypes.py
@@ -22,22 +22,30 @@
 from . import utils
 from .utils import print_error
 class Annotation:
     def __init__(self, key, value):
         self.key = key
         self.value = value
         self.annotations = []
-        self.since = ''
+        self.since = ""
     def post_process(self, interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, container):
         key = self.key
-        overridden_key = utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, 'org.gtk.GDBus.C.Name')
+        overridden_key = utils.lookup_annotation(
+            self.annotations, "org.gtk.GDBus.C.Name"
+        )
         if utils.is_ugly_case(overridden_key):
             self.key_lower = overridden_key.lower()
             if overridden_key:
                 key = overridden_key
-            self.key_lower = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(key).lower().replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')
+            self.key_lower = (
+                utils.camel_case_to_uscore(key)
+                .lower()
+                .replace("-", "_")
+                .replace(".", "_")
+            )
         if len(self.since) == 0:
             self.since = utils.lookup_since(self.annotations)
@@ -47,13 +55,14 @@ class Annotation:
         for a in self.annotations:
             a.post_process(interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, self)
 class Arg:
     def __init__(self, name, signature):
         self.name = name
         self.signature = signature
         self.annotations = []
-        self.doc_string = ''
-        self.since = ''
+        self.doc_string = ""
+        self.since = ""
     def post_process(self, interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, arg_number):
         if len(self.doc_string) == 0:
@@ -62,195 +71,198 @@ class Arg:
             self.since = utils.lookup_since(self.annotations)
         if self.name is None:
-            self.name = 'unnamed_arg%d'%arg_number
+            self.name = "unnamed_arg%d" % arg_number
         # default to GVariant
-        self.ctype_in_g  = 'GVariant *'
-        self.ctype_in  = 'GVariant *'
-        self.ctype_in_dup  = 'GVariant *'
-        self.ctype_out = 'GVariant **'
-        self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_VARIANT'
-        self.free_func = 'g_variant_unref'
-        self.format_in = '@' + self.signature
-        self.format_out = '@' + self.signature
-        self.gvariant_get = 'XXX'
-        self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_variant'
-        self.array_annotation = ''
-        if not utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, 'org.gtk.GDBus.C.ForceGVariant'):
-            if self.signature == 'b':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'gboolean '
-                self.ctype_in  = 'gboolean '
-                self.ctype_out = 'gboolean *'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_BOOLEAN'
+        self.ctype_in_g = "GVariant *"
+        self.ctype_in = "GVariant *"
+        self.ctype_in_dup = "GVariant *"
+        self.ctype_out = "GVariant **"
+        self.gtype = "G_TYPE_VARIANT"
+        self.free_func = "g_variant_unref"
+        self.format_in = "@" + self.signature
+        self.format_out = "@" + self.signature
+        self.gvariant_get = "XXX"
+        self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_variant"
+        self.array_annotation = ""
+        if not utils.lookup_annotation(
+            self.annotations, "org.gtk.GDBus.C.ForceGVariant"
+        ):
+            if self.signature == "b":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "gboolean "
+                self.ctype_in = "gboolean "
+                self.ctype_out = "gboolean *"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_BOOLEAN"
                 self.free_func = None
-                self.format_in = 'b'
-                self.format_out = 'b'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_boolean'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_boolean'
-            elif self.signature == 'y':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'guchar '
-                self.ctype_in  = 'guchar '
-                self.ctype_out = 'guchar *'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_UCHAR'
+                self.format_in = "b"
+                self.format_out = "b"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_boolean"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_boolean"
+            elif self.signature == "y":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "guchar "
+                self.ctype_in = "guchar "
+                self.ctype_out = "guchar *"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_UCHAR"
                 self.free_func = None
-                self.format_in = 'y'
-                self.format_out = 'y'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_byte'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_uchar'
-            elif self.signature == 'n':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'gint '
-                self.ctype_in  = 'gint16 '
-                self.ctype_out = 'gint16 *'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_INT'
+                self.format_in = "y"
+                self.format_out = "y"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_byte"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_uchar"
+            elif self.signature == "n":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "gint "
+                self.ctype_in = "gint16 "
+                self.ctype_out = "gint16 *"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_INT"
                 self.free_func = None
-                self.format_in = 'n'
-                self.format_out = 'n'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_int16'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_int'
-            elif self.signature == 'q':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'guint '
-                self.ctype_in  = 'guint16 '
-                self.ctype_out = 'guint16 *'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_UINT'
+                self.format_in = "n"
+                self.format_out = "n"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_int16"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_int"
+            elif self.signature == "q":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "guint "
+                self.ctype_in = "guint16 "
+                self.ctype_out = "guint16 *"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_UINT"
                 self.free_func = None
-                self.format_in = 'q'
-                self.format_out = 'q'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_uint16'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_uint'
-            elif self.signature == 'i':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'gint '
-                self.ctype_in  = 'gint '
-                self.ctype_out = 'gint *'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_INT'
+                self.format_in = "q"
+                self.format_out = "q"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_uint16"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_uint"
+            elif self.signature == "i":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "gint "
+                self.ctype_in = "gint "
+                self.ctype_out = "gint *"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_INT"
                 self.free_func = None
-                self.format_in = 'i'
-                self.format_out = 'i'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_int32'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_int'
-            elif self.signature == 'u':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'guint '
-                self.ctype_in  = 'guint '
-                self.ctype_out = 'guint *'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_UINT'
+                self.format_in = "i"
+                self.format_out = "i"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_int32"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_int"
+            elif self.signature == "u":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "guint "
+                self.ctype_in = "guint "
+                self.ctype_out = "guint *"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_UINT"
                 self.free_func = None
-                self.format_in = 'u'
-                self.format_out = 'u'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_uint32'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_uint'
-            elif self.signature == 'x':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'gint64 '
-                self.ctype_in  = 'gint64 '
-                self.ctype_out = 'gint64 *'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_INT64'
+                self.format_in = "u"
+                self.format_out = "u"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_uint32"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_uint"
+            elif self.signature == "x":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "gint64 "
+                self.ctype_in = "gint64 "
+                self.ctype_out = "gint64 *"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_INT64"
                 self.free_func = None
-                self.format_in = 'x'
-                self.format_out = 'x'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_int64'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_int64'
-            elif self.signature == 't':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'guint64 '
-                self.ctype_in  = 'guint64 '
-                self.ctype_out = 'guint64 *'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_UINT64'
+                self.format_in = "x"
+                self.format_out = "x"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_int64"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_int64"
+            elif self.signature == "t":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "guint64 "
+                self.ctype_in = "guint64 "
+                self.ctype_out = "guint64 *"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_UINT64"
                 self.free_func = None
-                self.format_in = 't'
-                self.format_out = 't'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_uint64'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_uint64'
-            elif self.signature == 'd':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'gdouble '
-                self.ctype_in  = 'gdouble '
-                self.ctype_out = 'gdouble *'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_DOUBLE'
+                self.format_in = "t"
+                self.format_out = "t"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_uint64"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_uint64"
+            elif self.signature == "d":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "gdouble "
+                self.ctype_in = "gdouble "
+                self.ctype_out = "gdouble *"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_DOUBLE"
                 self.free_func = None
-                self.format_in = 'd'
-                self.format_out = 'd'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_double'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_double'
-            elif self.signature == 's':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'const gchar *'
-                self.ctype_in  = 'const gchar *'
-                self.ctype_in_dup  = 'gchar *'
-                self.ctype_out = 'gchar **'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_STRING'
-                self.free_func = 'g_free'
-                self.format_in = 's'
-                self.format_out = 's'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_string'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_string'
-            elif self.signature == 'o':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'const gchar *'
-                self.ctype_in  = 'const gchar *'
-                self.ctype_in_dup  = 'gchar *'
-                self.ctype_out = 'gchar **'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_STRING'
-                self.free_func = 'g_free'
-                self.format_in = 'o'
-                self.format_out = 'o'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_string'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_string'
-            elif self.signature == 'g':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'const gchar *'
-                self.ctype_in  = 'const gchar *'
-                self.ctype_in_dup  = 'gchar *'
-                self.ctype_out = 'gchar **'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_STRING'
-                self.free_func = 'g_free'
-                self.format_in = 'g'
-                self.format_out = 'g'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_string'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_string'
-            elif self.signature == 'ay':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'const gchar *'
-                self.ctype_in  = 'const gchar *'
-                self.ctype_in_dup  = 'gchar *'
-                self.ctype_out = 'gchar **'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_STRING'
-                self.free_func = 'g_free'
-                self.format_in = '^ay'
-                self.format_out = '^ay'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_bytestring'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_string'
-            elif self.signature == 'as':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'const gchar *const *'
-                self.ctype_in  = 'const gchar *const *'
-                self.ctype_in_dup  = 'gchar **'
-                self.ctype_out = 'gchar ***'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_STRV'
-                self.free_func = 'g_strfreev'
-                self.format_in = '^as'
-                self.format_out = '^as'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_strv'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_boxed'
-                self.array_annotation = '(array zero-terminated=1)'
-            elif self.signature == 'ao':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'const gchar *const *'
-                self.ctype_in  = 'const gchar *const *'
-                self.ctype_in_dup  = 'gchar **'
-                self.ctype_out = 'gchar ***'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_STRV'
-                self.free_func = 'g_strfreev'
-                self.format_in = '^ao'
-                self.format_out = '^ao'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_objv'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_boxed'
-                self.array_annotation = '(array zero-terminated=1)'
-            elif self.signature == 'aay':
-                self.ctype_in_g  = 'const gchar *const *'
-                self.ctype_in  = 'const gchar *const *'
-                self.ctype_in_dup  = 'gchar **'
-                self.ctype_out = 'gchar ***'
-                self.gtype = 'G_TYPE_STRV'
-                self.free_func = 'g_strfreev'
-                self.format_in = '^aay'
-                self.format_out = '^aay'
-                self.gvariant_get = 'g_variant_get_bytestring_array'
-                self.gvalue_get = 'g_value_get_boxed'
-                self.array_annotation = '(array zero-terminated=1)'
+                self.format_in = "d"
+                self.format_out = "d"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_double"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_double"
+            elif self.signature == "s":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "const gchar *"
+                self.ctype_in = "const gchar *"
+                self.ctype_in_dup = "gchar *"
+                self.ctype_out = "gchar **"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_STRING"
+                self.free_func = "g_free"
+                self.format_in = "s"
+                self.format_out = "s"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_string"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_string"
+            elif self.signature == "o":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "const gchar *"
+                self.ctype_in = "const gchar *"
+                self.ctype_in_dup = "gchar *"
+                self.ctype_out = "gchar **"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_STRING"
+                self.free_func = "g_free"
+                self.format_in = "o"
+                self.format_out = "o"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_string"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_string"
+            elif self.signature == "g":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "const gchar *"
+                self.ctype_in = "const gchar *"
+                self.ctype_in_dup = "gchar *"
+                self.ctype_out = "gchar **"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_STRING"
+                self.free_func = "g_free"
+                self.format_in = "g"
+                self.format_out = "g"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_string"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_string"
+            elif self.signature == "ay":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "const gchar *"
+                self.ctype_in = "const gchar *"
+                self.ctype_in_dup = "gchar *"
+                self.ctype_out = "gchar **"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_STRING"
+                self.free_func = "g_free"
+                self.format_in = "^ay"
+                self.format_out = "^ay"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_bytestring"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_string"
+            elif self.signature == "as":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "const gchar *const *"
+                self.ctype_in = "const gchar *const *"
+                self.ctype_in_dup = "gchar **"
+                self.ctype_out = "gchar ***"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_STRV"
+                self.free_func = "g_strfreev"
+                self.format_in = "^as"
+                self.format_out = "^as"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_strv"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_boxed"
+                self.array_annotation = "(array zero-terminated=1)"
+            elif self.signature == "ao":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "const gchar *const *"
+                self.ctype_in = "const gchar *const *"
+                self.ctype_in_dup = "gchar **"
+                self.ctype_out = "gchar ***"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_STRV"
+                self.free_func = "g_strfreev"
+                self.format_in = "^ao"
+                self.format_out = "^ao"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_objv"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_boxed"
+                self.array_annotation = "(array zero-terminated=1)"
+            elif self.signature == "aay":
+                self.ctype_in_g = "const gchar *const *"
+                self.ctype_in = "const gchar *const *"
+                self.ctype_in_dup = "gchar **"
+                self.ctype_out = "gchar ***"
+                self.gtype = "G_TYPE_STRV"
+                self.free_func = "g_strfreev"
+                self.format_in = "^aay"
+                self.format_out = "^aay"
+                self.gvariant_get = "g_variant_get_bytestring_array"
+                self.gvalue_get = "g_value_get_boxed"
+                self.array_annotation = "(array zero-terminated=1)"
         for a in self.annotations:
             a.post_process(interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, self)
 class Method:
     def __init__(self, name, h_type_implies_unix_fd=True):
         self.name = name
@@ -258,12 +270,14 @@ class Method:
         self.in_args = []
         self.out_args = []
         self.annotations = []
-        self.doc_string = ''
-        self.since = ''
+        self.doc_string = ""
+        self.since = ""
         self.deprecated = False
         self.unix_fd = False
-    def post_process(self, interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, containing_iface):
+    def post_process(
+        self, interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, containing_iface
+    ):
         if len(self.doc_string) == 0:
             self.doc_string = utils.lookup_docs(self.annotations)
         if len(self.since) == 0:
@@ -272,47 +286,55 @@ class Method:
                 self.since = containing_iface.since
         name = self.name
-        overridden_name = utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, 'org.gtk.GDBus.C.Name')
+        overridden_name = utils.lookup_annotation(
+            self.annotations, "org.gtk.GDBus.C.Name"
+        )
         if utils.is_ugly_case(overridden_name):
             self.name_lower = overridden_name.lower()
             if overridden_name:
                 name = overridden_name
-            self.name_lower = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(name).lower().replace('-', '_')
-        self.name_hyphen = self.name_lower.replace('_', '-')
+            self.name_lower = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(name).lower().replace("-", "_")
+        self.name_hyphen = self.name_lower.replace("_", "-")
         arg_count = 0
         for a in self.in_args:
             a.post_process(interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, arg_count)
             arg_count += 1
-            if self.h_type_implies_unix_fd and 'h' in a.signature:
+            if self.h_type_implies_unix_fd and "h" in a.signature:
                 self.unix_fd = True
         for a in self.out_args:
             a.post_process(interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, arg_count)
             arg_count += 1
-            if self.h_type_implies_unix_fd and 'h' in a.signature:
+            if self.h_type_implies_unix_fd and "h" in a.signature:
                 self.unix_fd = True
-        if utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated') == 'true':
+        if (
+            utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated")
+            == "true"
+        ):
             self.deprecated = True
-        if utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, 'org.gtk.GDBus.C.UnixFD'):
+        if utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, "org.gtk.GDBus.C.UnixFD"):
             self.unix_fd = True
         for a in self.annotations:
             a.post_process(interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, self)
 class Signal:
     def __init__(self, name):
         self.name = name
         self.args = []
         self.annotations = []
-        self.doc_string = ''
-        self.since = ''
+        self.doc_string = ""
+        self.since = ""
         self.deprecated = False
-    def post_process(self, interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, containing_iface):
+    def post_process(
+        self, interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, containing_iface
+    ):
         if len(self.doc_string) == 0:
             self.doc_string = utils.lookup_docs(self.annotations)
         if len(self.since) == 0:
@@ -321,51 +343,59 @@ class Signal:
                 self.since = containing_iface.since
         name = self.name
-        overridden_name = utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, 'org.gtk.GDBus.C.Name')
+        overridden_name = utils.lookup_annotation(
+            self.annotations, "org.gtk.GDBus.C.Name"
+        )
         if utils.is_ugly_case(overridden_name):
             self.name_lower = overridden_name.lower()
             if overridden_name:
                 name = overridden_name
-            self.name_lower = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(name).lower().replace('-', '_')
-        self.name_hyphen = self.name_lower.replace('_', '-')
+            self.name_lower = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(name).lower().replace("-", "_")
+        self.name_hyphen = self.name_lower.replace("_", "-")
         arg_count = 0
         for a in self.args:
             a.post_process(interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, arg_count)
             arg_count += 1
-        if utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated') == 'true':
+        if (
+            utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated")
+            == "true"
+        ):
             self.deprecated = True
         for a in self.annotations:
             a.post_process(interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, self)
 class Property:
     def __init__(self, name, signature, access):
         self.name = name
         self.signature = signature
         self.access = access
         self.annotations = []
-        self.arg = Arg('value', self.signature)
+        self.arg = Arg("value", self.signature)
         self.arg.annotations = self.annotations
         self.readable = False
         self.writable = False
-        if self.access == 'readwrite':
+        if self.access == "readwrite":
             self.readable = True
             self.writable = True
-        elif self.access == 'read':
+        elif self.access == "read":
             self.readable = True
-        elif self.access == 'write':
+        elif self.access == "write":
             self.writable = True
             print_error('Invalid access type "{}"'.format(self.access))
-        self.doc_string = ''
-        self.since = ''
+        self.doc_string = ""
+        self.since = ""
         self.deprecated = False
         self.emits_changed_signal = True
-    def post_process(self, interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, containing_iface):
+    def post_process(
+        self, interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, containing_iface
+    ):
         if len(self.doc_string) == 0:
             self.doc_string = utils.lookup_docs(self.annotations)
         if len(self.since) == 0:
@@ -374,23 +404,28 @@ class Property:
                 self.since = containing_iface.since
         name = self.name
-        overridden_name = utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, 'org.gtk.GDBus.C.Name')
+        overridden_name = utils.lookup_annotation(
+            self.annotations, "org.gtk.GDBus.C.Name"
+        )
         if utils.is_ugly_case(overridden_name):
             self.name_lower = overridden_name.lower()
             if overridden_name:
                 name = overridden_name
-            self.name_lower = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(name).lower().replace('-', '_')
-        self.name_hyphen = self.name_lower.replace('_', '-')
+            self.name_lower = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(name).lower().replace("-", "_")
+        self.name_hyphen = self.name_lower.replace("_", "-")
         # don't clash with the GType getter, e.g.: GType foo_bar_get_type (void); G_GNUC_CONST
-        if self.name_lower == 'type':
-            self.name_lower = 'type_'
+        if self.name_lower == "type":
+            self.name_lower = "type_"
         # recalculate arg
         self.arg.annotations = self.annotations
         self.arg.post_process(interface_prefix, cns, cns_upper, cns_lower, 0)
-        if utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated') == 'true':
+        if (
+            utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated")
+            == "true"
+        ):
             self.deprecated = True
         for a in self.annotations:
@@ -399,9 +434,12 @@ class Property:
         # FIXME: for now we only support 'false' and 'const' on the signal itself, see #674913 and
         # http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#introspection-format
         # for details
-        if utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal') in 
('false', 'const'):
+        if utils.lookup_annotation(
+            self.annotations, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal"
+        ) in ("false", "const"):
             self.emits_changed_signal = False
 class Interface:
     def __init__(self, name):
         self.name = name
@@ -409,9 +447,9 @@ class Interface:
         self.signals = []
         self.properties = []
         self.annotations = []
-        self.doc_string = ''
-        self.doc_string_brief = ''
-        self.since = ''
+        self.doc_string = ""
+        self.doc_string_brief = ""
+        self.since = ""
         self.deprecated = False
     def post_process(self, interface_prefix, c_namespace):
@@ -424,21 +462,23 @@ class Interface:
         if len(c_namespace) > 0:
             if utils.is_ugly_case(c_namespace):
-                cns = c_namespace.replace('_', '')
-                cns_upper = c_namespace.upper() + '_'
-                cns_lower = c_namespace.lower() + '_'
+                cns = c_namespace.replace("_", "")
+                cns_upper = c_namespace.upper() + "_"
+                cns_lower = c_namespace.lower() + "_"
                 cns = c_namespace
-                cns_upper = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(c_namespace).upper() + '_'
-                cns_lower = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(c_namespace).lower() + '_'
+                cns_upper = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(c_namespace).upper() + "_"
+                cns_lower = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(c_namespace).lower() + "_"
-            cns = ''
-            cns_upper = ''
-            cns_lower = ''
+            cns = ""
+            cns_upper = ""
+            cns_lower = ""
-        overridden_name = utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, 'org.gtk.GDBus.C.Name')
+        overridden_name = utils.lookup_annotation(
+            self.annotations, "org.gtk.GDBus.C.Name"
+        )
         if utils.is_ugly_case(overridden_name):
-            name = overridden_name.replace('_', '')
+            name = overridden_name.replace("_", "")
             name_with_ns = cns + name
             self.name_without_prefix = name
             self.camel_name = name_with_ns
@@ -446,25 +486,28 @@ class Interface:
             self.name_lower = cns_lower + overridden_name.lower()
             self.name_upper = overridden_name.upper()
-            #print_error('handle Ugly_Case "{}"'.format(overridden_name))
+            # print_error('handle Ugly_Case "{}"'.format(overridden_name))
             if overridden_name:
                 name = overridden_name
                 name = self.name
                 if name.startswith(interface_prefix):
-                    name = name[len(interface_prefix):]
+                    name = name[len(interface_prefix) :]
             self.name_without_prefix = name
             name = utils.strip_dots(name)
-            name_with_ns = utils.strip_dots(cns + '.' + name)
+            name_with_ns = utils.strip_dots(cns + "." + name)
             self.camel_name = name_with_ns
             self.ns_upper = cns_upper
             self.name_lower = cns_lower + utils.camel_case_to_uscore(name)
             self.name_upper = utils.camel_case_to_uscore(name).upper()
-        self.name_hyphen = self.name_upper.lower().replace('_', '-')
+        self.name_hyphen = self.name_upper.lower().replace("_", "-")
-        if utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated') == 'true':
+        if (
+            utils.lookup_annotation(self.annotations, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated")
+            == "true"
+        ):
             self.deprecated = True
         for m in self.methods:
diff --git a/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/parser.py b/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/parser.py
index 7dcc73558..d5aa0bfb5 100644
--- a/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/parser.py
+++ b/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/parser.py
@@ -25,16 +25,17 @@ import xml.parsers.expat
 from . import dbustypes
 from .utils import print_error
 class DBusXMLParser:
-    STATE_TOP = 'top'
-    STATE_NODE = 'node'
-    STATE_INTERFACE = 'interface'
-    STATE_METHOD = 'method'
-    STATE_SIGNAL = 'signal'
-    STATE_PROPERTY = 'property'
-    STATE_ARG = 'arg'
-    STATE_ANNOTATION = 'annotation'
-    STATE_IGNORED = 'ignored'
+    STATE_TOP = "top"
+    STATE_NODE = "node"
+    STATE_INTERFACE = "interface"
+    STATE_METHOD = "method"
+    STATE_SIGNAL = "signal"
+    STATE_PROPERTY = "property"
+    STATE_ARG = "arg"
+    STATE_ANNOTATION = "annotation"
+    STATE_IGNORED = "ignored"
     def __init__(self, xml_data, h_type_implies_unix_fd=True):
         self._parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
@@ -51,21 +52,22 @@ class DBusXMLParser:
         self._cur_object = None
         self._cur_object_stack = []
-        self.doc_comment_last_symbol = ''
+        self.doc_comment_last_symbol = ""
         self._h_type_implies_unix_fd = h_type_implies_unix_fd
-    COMMENT_STATE_BEGIN = 'begin'
-    COMMENT_STATE_PARAMS = 'params'
-    COMMENT_STATE_BODY = 'body'
-    COMMENT_STATE_SKIP = 'skip'
+    COMMENT_STATE_BEGIN = "begin"
+    COMMENT_STATE_PARAMS = "params"
+    COMMENT_STATE_BODY = "body"
+    COMMENT_STATE_SKIP = "skip"
     def handle_comment(self, data):
-        comment_state = DBusXMLParser.COMMENT_STATE_BEGIN;
-        lines = data.split('\n')
-        symbol = ''
-        body = ''
+        comment_state = DBusXMLParser.COMMENT_STATE_BEGIN
+        lines = data.split("\n")
+        symbol = ""
+        body = ""
         in_para = False
         params = {}
         for line in lines:
@@ -73,59 +75,59 @@ class DBusXMLParser:
             line = line.lstrip()
             if comment_state == DBusXMLParser.COMMENT_STATE_BEGIN:
                 if len(line) > 0:
-                    colon_index = line.find(': ')
+                    colon_index = line.find(": ")
                     if colon_index == -1:
-                        if line.endswith(':'):
-                            symbol = line[0:len(line)-1]
+                        if line.endswith(":"):
+                            symbol = line[0 : len(line) - 1]
                             comment_state = DBusXMLParser.COMMENT_STATE_PARAMS
                             comment_state = DBusXMLParser.COMMENT_STATE_SKIP
                         symbol = line[0:colon_index]
-                        rest_of_line = line[colon_index+2:].strip()
+                        rest_of_line = line[colon_index + 2 :].strip()
                         if len(rest_of_line) > 0:
-                            body += '<para>' + rest_of_line + '</para>'
+                            body += "<para>" + rest_of_line + "</para>"
                         comment_state = DBusXMLParser.COMMENT_STATE_PARAMS
             elif comment_state == DBusXMLParser.COMMENT_STATE_PARAMS:
-                if line.startswith('@'):
-                    colon_index = line.find(': ')
+                if line.startswith("@"):
+                    colon_index = line.find(": ")
                     if colon_index == -1:
                         comment_state = DBusXMLParser.COMMENT_STATE_BODY
                         if not in_para:
-                            body += '<para>'
+                            body += "<para>"
                             in_para = True
-                        body += orig_line + '\n'
+                        body += orig_line + "\n"
                         param = line[1:colon_index]
-                        docs = line[colon_index + 2:]
+                        docs = line[colon_index + 2 :]
                         params[param] = docs
                     comment_state = DBusXMLParser.COMMENT_STATE_BODY
                     if len(line) > 0:
                         if not in_para:
-                            body += '<para>'
+                            body += "<para>"
                             in_para = True
-                        body += orig_line + '\n'
+                        body += orig_line + "\n"
             elif comment_state == DBusXMLParser.COMMENT_STATE_BODY:
                 if len(line) > 0:
                     if not in_para:
-                        body += '<para>'
+                        body += "<para>"
                         in_para = True
-                    body += orig_line + '\n'
+                    body += orig_line + "\n"
                     if in_para:
-                        body += '</para>'
+                        body += "</para>"
                         in_para = False
         if in_para:
-            body += '</para>'
+            body += "</para>"
-        if symbol != '':
+        if symbol != "":
             self.doc_comment_last_symbol = symbol
             self.doc_comment_params = params
             self.doc_comment_body = body
     def handle_char_data(self, data):
-        #print 'char_data=%s'%data
+        # print 'char_data=%s'%data
     def handle_start_element(self, name, attrs):
@@ -141,77 +143,76 @@ class DBusXMLParser:
         elif self.state == DBusXMLParser.STATE_NODE:
             if name == DBusXMLParser.STATE_INTERFACE:
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_INTERFACE
-                iface = dbustypes.Interface(attrs['name'])
+                iface = dbustypes.Interface(attrs["name"])
                 self._cur_object = iface
             elif name == DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION:
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION
-                anno = dbustypes.Annotation(attrs['name'], attrs['value'])
+                anno = dbustypes.Annotation(attrs["name"], attrs["value"])
                 self._cur_object = anno
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_IGNORED
             # assign docs, if any
-            if 'name' in attrs and self.doc_comment_last_symbol == attrs['name']:
+            if "name" in attrs and self.doc_comment_last_symbol == attrs["name"]:
                 self._cur_object.doc_string = self.doc_comment_body
-                if 'short_description' in self.doc_comment_params:
-                    short_description = self.doc_comment_params['short_description']
+                if "short_description" in self.doc_comment_params:
+                    short_description = self.doc_comment_params["short_description"]
                     self._cur_object.doc_string_brief = short_description
-                if 'since' in self.doc_comment_params:
-                    self._cur_object.since = \
-                        self.doc_comment_params['since'].strip()
+                if "since" in self.doc_comment_params:
+                    self._cur_object.since = self.doc_comment_params["since"].strip()
         elif self.state == DBusXMLParser.STATE_INTERFACE:
             if name == DBusXMLParser.STATE_METHOD:
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_METHOD
-                method = dbustypes.Method(attrs['name'],
-                                          h_type_implies_unix_fd=self._h_type_implies_unix_fd)
+                method = dbustypes.Method(
+                    attrs["name"], h_type_implies_unix_fd=self._h_type_implies_unix_fd
+                )
                 self._cur_object = method
             elif name == DBusXMLParser.STATE_SIGNAL:
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_SIGNAL
-                signal = dbustypes.Signal(attrs['name'])
+                signal = dbustypes.Signal(attrs["name"])
                 self._cur_object = signal
             elif name == DBusXMLParser.STATE_PROPERTY:
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_PROPERTY
-                prop = dbustypes.Property(attrs['name'], attrs['type'], attrs['access'])
+                prop = dbustypes.Property(attrs["name"], attrs["type"], attrs["access"])
                 self._cur_object = prop
             elif name == DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION:
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION
-                anno = dbustypes.Annotation(attrs['name'], attrs['value'])
+                anno = dbustypes.Annotation(attrs["name"], attrs["value"])
                 self._cur_object = anno
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_IGNORED
             # assign docs, if any
-            if 'name' in attrs and self.doc_comment_last_symbol == attrs['name']:
+            if "name" in attrs and self.doc_comment_last_symbol == attrs["name"]:
                 self._cur_object.doc_string = self.doc_comment_body
-                if 'since' in self.doc_comment_params:
-                    self._cur_object.since = \
-                        self.doc_comment_params['since'].strip()
+                if "since" in self.doc_comment_params:
+                    self._cur_object.since = self.doc_comment_params["since"].strip()
         elif self.state == DBusXMLParser.STATE_METHOD:
             if name == DBusXMLParser.STATE_ARG:
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_ARG
                 arg_name = None
-                if 'name' in attrs:
-                    arg_name = attrs['name']
-                arg = dbustypes.Arg(arg_name, attrs['type'])
-                direction = attrs.get('direction', 'in')
-                if direction == 'in':
+                if "name" in attrs:
+                    arg_name = attrs["name"]
+                arg = dbustypes.Arg(arg_name, attrs["type"])
+                direction = attrs.get("direction", "in")
+                if direction == "in":
-                elif direction == 'out':
+                elif direction == "out":
                     print_error('Invalid direction "{}"'.format(direction))
                 self._cur_object = arg
             elif name == DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION:
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION
-                anno = dbustypes.Annotation(attrs['name'], attrs['value'])
+                anno = dbustypes.Annotation(attrs["name"], attrs["value"])
                 self._cur_object = anno
@@ -219,26 +220,27 @@ class DBusXMLParser:
             # assign docs, if any
             if self.doc_comment_last_symbol == old_cur_object.name:
-                if 'name' in attrs and attrs['name'] in self.doc_comment_params:
-                    doc_string = self.doc_comment_params[attrs['name']]
+                if "name" in attrs and attrs["name"] in self.doc_comment_params:
+                    doc_string = self.doc_comment_params[attrs["name"]]
                     if doc_string != None:
                         self._cur_object.doc_string = doc_string
-                    if 'since' in self.doc_comment_params:
-                        self._cur_object.since = \
-                            self.doc_comment_params['since'].strip()
+                    if "since" in self.doc_comment_params:
+                        self._cur_object.since = self.doc_comment_params[
+                            "since"
+                        ].strip()
         elif self.state == DBusXMLParser.STATE_SIGNAL:
             if name == DBusXMLParser.STATE_ARG:
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_ARG
                 arg_name = None
-                if 'name' in attrs:
-                    arg_name = attrs['name']
-                arg = dbustypes.Arg(arg_name, attrs['type'])
+                if "name" in attrs:
+                    arg_name = attrs["name"]
+                arg = dbustypes.Arg(arg_name, attrs["type"])
                 self._cur_object = arg
             elif name == DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION:
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION
-                anno = dbustypes.Annotation(attrs['name'], attrs['value'])
+                anno = dbustypes.Annotation(attrs["name"], attrs["value"])
                 self._cur_object = anno
@@ -246,18 +248,19 @@ class DBusXMLParser:
             # assign docs, if any
             if self.doc_comment_last_symbol == old_cur_object.name:
-                if 'name' in attrs and attrs['name'] in self.doc_comment_params:
-                    doc_string = self.doc_comment_params[attrs['name']]
+                if "name" in attrs and attrs["name"] in self.doc_comment_params:
+                    doc_string = self.doc_comment_params[attrs["name"]]
                     if doc_string != None:
                         self._cur_object.doc_string = doc_string
-                    if 'since' in self.doc_comment_params:
-                        self._cur_object.since = \
-                            self.doc_comment_params['since'].strip()
+                    if "since" in self.doc_comment_params:
+                        self._cur_object.since = self.doc_comment_params[
+                            "since"
+                        ].strip()
         elif self.state == DBusXMLParser.STATE_PROPERTY:
             if name == DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION:
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION
-                anno = dbustypes.Annotation(attrs['name'], attrs['value'])
+                anno = dbustypes.Annotation(attrs["name"], attrs["value"])
                 self._cur_object = anno
@@ -266,7 +269,7 @@ class DBusXMLParser:
         elif self.state == DBusXMLParser.STATE_ARG:
             if name == DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION:
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION
-                anno = dbustypes.Annotation(attrs['name'], attrs['value'])
+                anno = dbustypes.Annotation(attrs["name"], attrs["value"])
                 self._cur_object = anno
@@ -275,14 +278,18 @@ class DBusXMLParser:
         elif self.state == DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION:
             if name == DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION:
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_ANNOTATION
-                anno = dbustypes.Annotation(attrs['name'], attrs['value'])
+                anno = dbustypes.Annotation(attrs["name"], attrs["value"])
                 self._cur_object = anno
                 self.state = DBusXMLParser.STATE_IGNORED
-            print_error('Unhandled state "{}" while entering element with name "{}"'.format(self.state, 
+            print_error(
+                'Unhandled state "{}" while entering element with name "{}"'.format(
+                    self.state, name
+                )
+            )
@@ -291,6 +298,7 @@ class DBusXMLParser:
         self.state = self.state_stack.pop()
         self._cur_object = self._cur_object_stack.pop()
 def parse_dbus_xml(xml_data, h_type_implies_unix_fd):
     parser = DBusXMLParser(xml_data, h_type_implies_unix_fd)
     return parser.parsed_interfaces
diff --git a/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/utils.py b/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/utils.py
index 95ba107d3..af78e888b 100644
--- a/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/utils.py
+++ b/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/utils.py
@@ -25,47 +25,55 @@ import sys
 # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
 class Color:
-    '''ANSI Terminal colors'''
-    GREEN = '\033[1;32m'
-    BLUE = '\033[1;34m'
-    YELLOW = '\033[1;33m'
-    RED = '\033[1;31m'
-    END = '\033[0m'
-def print_color(msg, color=Color.END, prefix='MESSAGE'):
-    '''Print a string with a color prefix'''
+    """ANSI Terminal colors"""
+    GREEN = "\033[1;32m"
+    BLUE = "\033[1;34m"
+    YELLOW = "\033[1;33m"
+    RED = "\033[1;31m"
+    END = "\033[0m"
+def print_color(msg, color=Color.END, prefix="MESSAGE"):
+    """Print a string with a color prefix"""
     if os.isatty(sys.stderr.fileno()):
-        real_prefix = '{start}{prefix}{end}'.format(start=color, prefix=prefix, end=Color.END)
+        real_prefix = "{start}{prefix}{end}".format(
+            start=color, prefix=prefix, end=Color.END
+        )
         real_prefix = prefix
-    sys.stderr.write('{prefix}: {msg}\n'.format(prefix=real_prefix, msg=msg))
+    sys.stderr.write("{prefix}: {msg}\n".format(prefix=real_prefix, msg=msg))
 def print_error(msg):
-    '''Print an error, and terminate'''
-    print_color(msg, color=Color.RED, prefix='ERROR')
+    """Print an error, and terminate"""
+    print_color(msg, color=Color.RED, prefix="ERROR")
 def print_warning(msg, fatal=False):
-    '''Print a warning, and optionally terminate'''
+    """Print a warning, and optionally terminate"""
     if fatal:
         color = Color.RED
-        prefix = 'ERROR'
+        prefix = "ERROR"
         color = Color.YELLOW
-        prefix = 'WARNING'
+        prefix = "WARNING"
     print_color(msg, color, prefix)
     if fatal:
 def print_info(msg):
-    '''Print a message'''
-    print_color(msg, color=Color.GREEN, prefix='INFO')
+    """Print a message"""
+    print_color(msg, color=Color.GREEN, prefix="INFO")
 def strip_dots(s):
-    ret = ''
+    ret = ""
     force_upper = False
     for c in s:
-        if c == '.':
+        if c == ".":
             force_upper = True
             if force_upper:
@@ -75,19 +83,21 @@ def strip_dots(s):
                 ret += c
     return ret
 def dots_to_hyphens(s):
-    return s.replace('.', '-')
+    return s.replace(".", "-")
 def camel_case_to_uscore(s):
-    ret = ''
+    ret = ""
     insert_uscore = False
     prev_was_lower = False
-    initial = True;
+    initial = True
     for c in s:
         # Keep initial underscores in camel case
-        if initial and c == '_':
-            ret += '_'
-            continue;
+        if initial and c == "_":
+            ret += "_"
+            continue
         initial = False
         if c.isupper():
@@ -97,16 +107,18 @@ def camel_case_to_uscore(s):
             prev_was_lower = True
         if insert_uscore:
-            ret += '_'
+            ret += "_"
         ret += c.lower()
         insert_uscore = False
     return ret
 def is_ugly_case(s):
-    if s and s.find('_') > 0:
+    if s and s.find("_") > 0:
         return True
     return False
 def lookup_annotation(annotations, key):
     if annotations:
         for a in annotations:
@@ -114,35 +126,39 @@ def lookup_annotation(annotations, key):
                 return a.value
     return None
 def lookup_docs(annotations):
-    s = lookup_annotation(annotations, 'org.gtk.GDBus.DocString')
+    s = lookup_annotation(annotations, "org.gtk.GDBus.DocString")
     if s is None:
-        return ''
+        return ""
         return s
 def lookup_since(annotations):
-    s = lookup_annotation(annotations, 'org.gtk.GDBus.Since')
+    s = lookup_annotation(annotations, "org.gtk.GDBus.Since")
     if s is None:
-        return ''
+        return ""
         return s
 def lookup_brief_docs(annotations):
-    s = lookup_annotation(annotations, 'org.gtk.GDBus.DocString.Short')
+    s = lookup_annotation(annotations, "org.gtk.GDBus.DocString.Short")
     if s is None:
-        return ''
+        return ""
         return s
 def version_cmp_key(key):
     # If the 'since' version is 'UNRELEASED', compare higher than anything else
     # If it is empty put a 0 in its place as this will
     # allow LooseVersion to work and will always compare lower.
-    if key[0] == 'UNRELEASED':
-        v = '9999'
+    if key[0] == "UNRELEASED":
+        v = "9999"
     elif key[0]:
         v = str(key[0])
-        v = '0'
+        v = "0"
     return (distutils.version.LooseVersion(v), key[1])
diff --git a/gio/gio-querymodules-wrapper.py b/gio/gio-querymodules-wrapper.py
index 8960540b4..351700d39 100644
--- a/gio/gio-querymodules-wrapper.py
+++ b/gio/gio-querymodules-wrapper.py
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ import os
 import subprocess
 import sys
-if not os.environ.get('DESTDIR'):
-  print('GIO module cache creation...')
-  subprocess.call([sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]])
+if not os.environ.get("DESTDIR"):
+    print("GIO module cache creation...")
+    subprocess.call([sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]])
diff --git a/gio/tests/codegen.py b/gio/tests/codegen.py
index 51de0ede4..8dbfc2245 100644
--- a/gio/tests/codegen.py
+++ b/gio/tests/codegen.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import unittest
 import taptestrunner
-Result = collections.namedtuple('Result', ('info', 'out', 'err', 'subs'))
+Result = collections.namedtuple("Result", ("info", "out", "err", "subs"))
 class TestCodegen(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -47,22 +47,27 @@ class TestCodegen(unittest.TestCase):
     parsing and generation code of gdbus-codegen into separate unit tests, and
     just test command line behaviour in this integration test.
     # Track the cwd, we want to back out to that to clean up our tempdir
-    cwd = ''
+    cwd = ""
     def setUp(self):
         self.timeout_seconds = 10  # seconds per test
         self.tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
         self.cwd = os.getcwd()
-        print('tmpdir:', self.tmpdir.name)
-        if 'G_TEST_BUILDDIR' in os.environ:
-            self.__codegen = \
-                os.path.join(os.environ['G_TEST_BUILDDIR'], '..',
-                             'gdbus-2.0', 'codegen', 'gdbus-codegen')
+        print("tmpdir:", self.tmpdir.name)
+        if "G_TEST_BUILDDIR" in os.environ:
+            self.__codegen = os.path.join(
+                os.environ["G_TEST_BUILDDIR"],
+                "..",
+                "gdbus-2.0",
+                "codegen",
+                "gdbus-codegen",
+            )
-            self.__codegen = shutil.which('gdbus-codegen')
-        print('codegen:', self.__codegen)
+            self.__codegen = shutil.which("gdbus-codegen")
+        print("codegen:", self.__codegen)
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -73,201 +78,200 @@ class TestCodegen(unittest.TestCase):
         # shebang lines are not supported on native
         # Windows consoles
-        if os.name == 'nt':
+        if os.name == "nt":
             argv.insert(0, sys.executable)
-        print('Running:', argv)
+        print("Running:", argv)
         env = os.environ.copy()
-        env['LC_ALL'] = 'C.UTF-8'
-        print('Environment:', env)
+        env["LC_ALL"] = "C.UTF-8"
+        print("Environment:", env)
         # We want to ensure consistent line endings...
-        info = subprocess.run(argv, timeout=self.timeout_seconds,
-                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                              stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-                              env=env,
-                              universal_newlines=True)
+        info = subprocess.run(
+            argv,
+            timeout=self.timeout_seconds,
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+            env=env,
+            universal_newlines=True,
+        )
         out = info.stdout.strip()
         err = info.stderr.strip()
         # Known substitutions for standard boilerplate
         subs = {
-            'standard_top_comment':
-                '/*\n'
-                ' * This file is generated by gdbus-codegen, do not modify it.\n'
-                ' *\n'
-                ' * The license of this code is the same as for the D-Bus interface description\n'
-                ' * it was derived from. Note that it links to GLib, so must comply with the\n'
-                ' * LGPL linking clauses.\n'
-                ' */',
-            'standard_config_h_include':
-                '#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H\n'
-                '#  include "config.h"\n'
-                '#endif',
-            'standard_header_includes':
-                '#include <string.h>\n'
-                '#ifdef G_OS_UNIX\n'
-                '#  include <gio/gunixfdlist.h>\n'
-                '#endif',
-            'standard_typedefs_and_helpers':
-                'typedef struct\n'
-                '{\n'
-                '  GDBusArgInfo parent_struct;\n'
-                '  gboolean use_gvariant;\n'
-                '} _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo;\n'
-                '\n'
-                'typedef struct\n'
-                '{\n'
-                '  GDBusMethodInfo parent_struct;\n'
-                '  const gchar *signal_name;\n'
-                '  gboolean pass_fdlist;\n'
-                '} _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo;\n'
-                '\n'
-                'typedef struct\n'
-                '{\n'
-                '  GDBusSignalInfo parent_struct;\n'
-                '  const gchar *signal_name;\n'
-                '} _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo;\n'
-                '\n'
-                'typedef struct\n'
-                '{\n'
-                '  GDBusPropertyInfo parent_struct;\n'
-                '  const gchar *hyphen_name;\n'
-                '  guint use_gvariant : 1;\n'
-                '  guint emits_changed_signal : 1;\n'
-                '} _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo;\n'
-                '\n'
-                'typedef struct\n'
-                '{\n'
-                '  GDBusInterfaceInfo parent_struct;\n'
-                '  const gchar *hyphen_name;\n'
-                '} _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo;\n'
-                '\n'
-                'typedef struct\n'
-                '{\n'
-                '  const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n'
-                '  guint prop_id;\n'
-                '  GValue orig_value; /* the value before the change */\n'
-                '} ChangedProperty;\n'
-                '\n'
-                'static void\n'
-                '_changed_property_free (ChangedProperty *data)\n'
-                '{\n'
-                '  g_value_unset (&data->orig_value);\n'
-                '  g_free (data);\n'
-                '}\n'
-                '\n'
-                'static gboolean\n'
-                '_g_strv_equal0 (gchar **a, gchar **b)\n'
-                '{\n'
-                '  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n'
-                '  guint n;\n'
-                '  if (a == NULL && b == NULL)\n'
-                '    {\n'
-                '      ret = TRUE;\n'
-                '      goto out;\n'
-                '    }\n'
-                '  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)\n'
-                '    goto out;\n'
-                '  if (g_strv_length (a) != g_strv_length (b))\n'
-                '    goto out;\n'
-                '  for (n = 0; a[n] != NULL; n++)\n'
-                '    if (g_strcmp0 (a[n], b[n]) != 0)\n'
-                '      goto out;\n'
-                '  ret = TRUE;\n'
-                'out:\n'
-                '  return ret;\n'
-                '}\n'
-                '\n'
-                'static gboolean\n'
-                '_g_variant_equal0 (GVariant *a, GVariant *b)\n'
-                '{\n'
-                '  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n'
-                '  if (a == NULL && b == NULL)\n'
-                '    {\n'
-                '      ret = TRUE;\n'
-                '      goto out;\n'
-                '    }\n'
-                '  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)\n'
-                '    goto out;\n'
-                '  ret = g_variant_equal (a, b);\n'
-                'out:\n'
-                '  return ret;\n'
-                '}\n'
-                '\n'
-                'G_GNUC_UNUSED static gboolean\n'
-                '_g_value_equal (const GValue *a, const GValue *b)\n'
-                '{\n'
-                '  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n'
-                '  g_assert (G_VALUE_TYPE (a) == G_VALUE_TYPE (b));\n'
-                '  switch (G_VALUE_TYPE (a))\n'
-                '    {\n'
-                '      case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:\n'
-                '        ret = (g_value_get_boolean (a) == g_value_get_boolean (b));\n'
-                '        break;\n'
-                '      case G_TYPE_UCHAR:\n'
-                '        ret = (g_value_get_uchar (a) == g_value_get_uchar (b));\n'
-                '        break;\n'
-                '      case G_TYPE_INT:\n'
-                '        ret = (g_value_get_int (a) == g_value_get_int (b));\n'
-                '        break;\n'
-                '      case G_TYPE_UINT:\n'
-                '        ret = (g_value_get_uint (a) == g_value_get_uint (b));\n'
-                '        break;\n'
-                '      case G_TYPE_INT64:\n'
-                '        ret = (g_value_get_int64 (a) == g_value_get_int64 (b));\n'
-                '        break;\n'
-                '      case G_TYPE_UINT64:\n'
-                '        ret = (g_value_get_uint64 (a) == g_value_get_uint64 (b));\n'
-                '        break;\n'
-                '      case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:\n'
-                '        {\n'
-                '          /* Avoid -Wfloat-equal warnings by doing a direct bit compare */\n'
-                '          gdouble da = g_value_get_double (a);\n'
-                '          gdouble db = g_value_get_double (b);\n'
-                '          ret = memcmp (&da, &db, sizeof (gdouble)) == 0;\n'
-                '        }\n'
-                '        break;\n'
-                '      case G_TYPE_STRING:\n'
-                '        ret = (g_strcmp0 (g_value_get_string (a), g_value_get_string (b)) == 0);\n'
-                '        break;\n'
-                '      case G_TYPE_VARIANT:\n'
-                '        ret = _g_variant_equal0 (g_value_get_variant (a), g_value_get_variant (b));\n'
-                '        break;\n'
-                '      default:\n'
-                '        if (G_VALUE_TYPE (a) == G_TYPE_STRV)\n'
-                '          ret = _g_strv_equal0 (g_value_get_boxed (a), g_value_get_boxed (b));\n'
-                '        else\n'
-                '          g_critical ("_g_value_equal() does not handle type %s", g_type_name (G_VALUE_TYPE 
-                '        break;\n'
-                '    }\n'
-                '  return ret;\n'
-                '}',
+            "standard_top_comment": "/*\n"
+            " * This file is generated by gdbus-codegen, do not modify it.\n"
+            " *\n"
+            " * The license of this code is the same as for the D-Bus interface description\n"
+            " * it was derived from. Note that it links to GLib, so must comply with the\n"
+            " * LGPL linking clauses.\n"
+            " */",
+            "standard_config_h_include": "#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H\n"
+            '#  include "config.h"\n'
+            "#endif",
+            "standard_header_includes": "#include <string.h>\n"
+            "#ifdef G_OS_UNIX\n"
+            "#  include <gio/gunixfdlist.h>\n"
+            "#endif",
+            "standard_typedefs_and_helpers": "typedef struct\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GDBusArgInfo parent_struct;\n"
+            "  gboolean use_gvariant;\n"
+            "} _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "typedef struct\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GDBusMethodInfo parent_struct;\n"
+            "  const gchar *signal_name;\n"
+            "  gboolean pass_fdlist;\n"
+            "} _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "typedef struct\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GDBusSignalInfo parent_struct;\n"
+            "  const gchar *signal_name;\n"
+            "} _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "typedef struct\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GDBusPropertyInfo parent_struct;\n"
+            "  const gchar *hyphen_name;\n"
+            "  guint use_gvariant : 1;\n"
+            "  guint emits_changed_signal : 1;\n"
+            "} _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "typedef struct\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  GDBusInterfaceInfo parent_struct;\n"
+            "  const gchar *hyphen_name;\n"
+            "} _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "typedef struct\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n"
+            "  guint prop_id;\n"
+            "  GValue orig_value; /* the value before the change */\n"
+            "} ChangedProperty;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "static void\n"
+            "_changed_property_free (ChangedProperty *data)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  g_value_unset (&data->orig_value);\n"
+            "  g_free (data);\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n"
+            "static gboolean\n"
+            "_g_strv_equal0 (gchar **a, gchar **b)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n"
+            "  guint n;\n"
+            "  if (a == NULL && b == NULL)\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            "      ret = TRUE;\n"
+            "      goto out;\n"
+            "    }\n"
+            "  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)\n"
+            "    goto out;\n"
+            "  if (g_strv_length (a) != g_strv_length (b))\n"
+            "    goto out;\n"
+            "  for (n = 0; a[n] != NULL; n++)\n"
+            "    if (g_strcmp0 (a[n], b[n]) != 0)\n"
+            "      goto out;\n"
+            "  ret = TRUE;\n"
+            "out:\n"
+            "  return ret;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n"
+            "static gboolean\n"
+            "_g_variant_equal0 (GVariant *a, GVariant *b)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n"
+            "  if (a == NULL && b == NULL)\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            "      ret = TRUE;\n"
+            "      goto out;\n"
+            "    }\n"
+            "  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)\n"
+            "    goto out;\n"
+            "  ret = g_variant_equal (a, b);\n"
+            "out:\n"
+            "  return ret;\n"
+            "}\n"
+            "\n"
+            "G_GNUC_UNUSED static gboolean\n"
+            "_g_value_equal (const GValue *a, const GValue *b)\n"
+            "{\n"
+            "  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n"
+            "  g_assert (G_VALUE_TYPE (a) == G_VALUE_TYPE (b));\n"
+            "  switch (G_VALUE_TYPE (a))\n"
+            "    {\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:\n"
+            "        ret = (g_value_get_boolean (a) == g_value_get_boolean (b));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_UCHAR:\n"
+            "        ret = (g_value_get_uchar (a) == g_value_get_uchar (b));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_INT:\n"
+            "        ret = (g_value_get_int (a) == g_value_get_int (b));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_UINT:\n"
+            "        ret = (g_value_get_uint (a) == g_value_get_uint (b));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_INT64:\n"
+            "        ret = (g_value_get_int64 (a) == g_value_get_int64 (b));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_UINT64:\n"
+            "        ret = (g_value_get_uint64 (a) == g_value_get_uint64 (b));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:\n"
+            "        {\n"
+            "          /* Avoid -Wfloat-equal warnings by doing a direct bit compare */\n"
+            "          gdouble da = g_value_get_double (a);\n"
+            "          gdouble db = g_value_get_double (b);\n"
+            "          ret = memcmp (&da, &db, sizeof (gdouble)) == 0;\n"
+            "        }\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_STRING:\n"
+            "        ret = (g_strcmp0 (g_value_get_string (a), g_value_get_string (b)) == 0);\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case G_TYPE_VARIANT:\n"
+            "        ret = _g_variant_equal0 (g_value_get_variant (a), g_value_get_variant (b));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      default:\n"
+            "        if (G_VALUE_TYPE (a) == G_TYPE_STRV)\n"
+            "          ret = _g_strv_equal0 (g_value_get_boxed (a), g_value_get_boxed (b));\n"
+            "        else\n"
+            '          g_critical ("_g_value_equal() does not handle type %s", g_type_name (G_VALUE_TYPE 
+            "        break;\n"
+            "    }\n"
+            "  return ret;\n"
+            "}",
         result = Result(info, out, err, subs)
-        print('Output:', result.out)
+        print("Output:", result.out)
         return result
     def runCodegenWithInterface(self, interface_contents, *args):
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tmpdir.name,
-                                         suffix='.xml',
-                                         delete=False) as interface_file:
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+            dir=self.tmpdir.name, suffix=".xml", delete=False
+        ) as interface_file:
             # Write out the interface.
-            interface_file.write(interface_contents.encode('utf-8'))
-            print(interface_file.name + ':', interface_contents)
+            interface_file.write(interface_contents.encode("utf-8"))
+            print(interface_file.name + ":", interface_contents)
             return self.runCodegen(interface_file.name, *args)
     def test_help(self):
         """Test the --help argument."""
-        result = self.runCodegen('--help')
-        self.assertIn('usage: gdbus-codegen', result.out)
+        result = self.runCodegen("--help")
+        self.assertIn("usage: gdbus-codegen", result.out)
     def test_no_args(self):
         """Test running with no arguments at all."""
@@ -276,11 +280,10 @@ class TestCodegen(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_empty_interface_header(self):
         """Test generating a header with an empty interface file."""
-        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface('',
-                                              '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                              '--header')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertEqual('''{standard_top_comment}
+        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface("", "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--header")
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            """{standard_top_comment}
 #ifndef __STDOUT__
 #define __STDOUT__
@@ -292,16 +295,18 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
-#endif /* __STDOUT__ */'''.format(**result.subs),
-                         result.out.strip())
+#endif /* __STDOUT__ */""".format(
+                **result.subs
+            ),
+            result.out.strip(),
+        )
     def test_empty_interface_body(self):
         """Test generating a body with an empty interface file."""
-        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface('',
-                                              '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                              '--body')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertEqual('''{standard_top_comment}
+        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface("", "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--body")
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            """{standard_top_comment}
@@ -309,12 +314,15 @@ G_END_DECLS
-                         result.out.strip())
+                **result.subs
+            ),
+            result.out.strip(),
+        )
     def test_reproducible(self):
         """Test builds are reproducible regardless of file ordering."""
-        xml_contents1 = '''
+        xml_contents1 = """
           <interface name="com.acme.Coyote">
             <method name="Run"/>
@@ -324,40 +332,49 @@ G_END_DECLS
             <property name="Mood" type="s" access="read"/>
-        '''
+        """
-        xml_contents2 = '''
+        xml_contents2 = """
           <interface name="org.project.Bar.Frobnicator">
             <method name="RandomMethod"/>
-        '''
+        """
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tmpdir.name,
-                                         suffix='1.xml', delete=False) as xml_file1, \
-             tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tmpdir.name,
-                                         suffix='2.xml', delete=False) as xml_file2:
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+            dir=self.tmpdir.name, suffix="1.xml", delete=False
+        ) as xml_file1, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+            dir=self.tmpdir.name, suffix="2.xml", delete=False
+        ) as xml_file2:
             # Write out the interfaces.
-            xml_file1.write(xml_contents1.encode('utf-8'))
-            xml_file2.write(xml_contents2.encode('utf-8'))
+            xml_file1.write(xml_contents1.encode("utf-8"))
+            xml_file2.write(xml_contents2.encode("utf-8"))
             # Repeat this for headers and bodies.
-            for header_or_body in ['--header', '--body']:
+            for header_or_body in ["--header", "--body"]:
                 # Run gdbus-codegen with the interfaces in one order, and then
                 # again in another order.
-                result1 = self.runCodegen(xml_file1.name, xml_file2.name,
-                                          '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                          header_or_body)
-                self.assertEqual('', result1.err)
-                result2 = self.runCodegen(xml_file2.name, xml_file1.name,
-                                          '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                          header_or_body)
-                self.assertEqual('', result2.err)
+                result1 = self.runCodegen(
+                    xml_file1.name,
+                    xml_file2.name,
+                    "--output",
+                    "/dev/stdout",
+                    header_or_body,
+                )
+                self.assertEqual("", result1.err)
+                result2 = self.runCodegen(
+                    xml_file2.name,
+                    xml_file1.name,
+                    "--output",
+                    "/dev/stdout",
+                    header_or_body,
+                )
+                self.assertEqual("", result2.err)
                 # The output should be the same.
                 self.assertEqual(result1.out, result2.out)
@@ -365,94 +382,108 @@ G_END_DECLS
     def test_glib_min_required_invalid(self):
         """Test running with an invalid --glib-min-required."""
         with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
-            self.runCodegenWithInterface('',
-                                         '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                         '--body',
-                                         '--glib-min-required', 'hello mum')
+            self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+                "",
+                "--output",
+                "/dev/stdout",
+                "--body",
+                "--glib-min-required",
+                "hello mum",
+            )
     def test_glib_min_required_too_low(self):
         """Test running with a --glib-min-required which is too low (and hence
         probably a typo)."""
         with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
-            self.runCodegenWithInterface('',
-                                         '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                         '--body',
-                                         '--glib-min-required', '2.6')
+            self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+                "", "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--body", "--glib-min-required", "2.6"
+            )
     def test_glib_min_required_major_only(self):
         """Test running with a --glib-min-required which contains only a major version."""
-        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface('',
-                                              '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                              '--header',
-                                              '--glib-min-required', '3',
-                                              '--glib-max-allowed', '3.2')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertNotEqual('', result.out.strip())
+        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+            "",
+            "--output",
+            "/dev/stdout",
+            "--header",
+            "--glib-min-required",
+            "3",
+            "--glib-max-allowed",
+            "3.2",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertNotEqual("", result.out.strip())
     def test_glib_min_required_with_micro(self):
         """Test running with a --glib-min-required which contains a micro version."""
-        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface('',
-                                              '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                              '--header',
-                                              '--glib-min-required', '2.46.2')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertNotEqual('', result.out.strip())
+        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+            "", "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--header", "--glib-min-required", "2.46.2"
+        )
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertNotEqual("", result.out.strip())
     def test_glib_max_allowed_too_low(self):
         """Test running with a --glib-max-allowed which is too low (and hence
         probably a typo)."""
         with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
-            self.runCodegenWithInterface('',
-                                         '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                         '--body',
-                                         '--glib-max-allowed', '2.6')
+            self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+                "", "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--body", "--glib-max-allowed", "2.6"
+            )
     def test_glib_max_allowed_major_only(self):
         """Test running with a --glib-max-allowed which contains only a major version."""
-        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface('',
-                                              '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                              '--header',
-                                              '--glib-max-allowed', '3')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertNotEqual('', result.out.strip())
+        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+            "", "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--header", "--glib-max-allowed", "3"
+        )
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertNotEqual("", result.out.strip())
     def test_glib_max_allowed_with_micro(self):
         """Test running with a --glib-max-allowed which contains a micro version."""
-        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface('',
-                                              '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                              '--header',
-                                              '--glib-max-allowed', '2.46.2')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertNotEqual('', result.out.strip())
+        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+            "", "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--header", "--glib-max-allowed", "2.46.2"
+        )
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertNotEqual("", result.out.strip())
     def test_glib_max_allowed_unstable(self):
         """Test running with a --glib-max-allowed which is unstable. It should
         be rounded up to the next stable version number, and hence should not
         end up less than --glib-min-required."""
-        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface('',
-                                              '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                              '--header',
-                                              '--glib-max-allowed', '2.63',
-                                              '--glib-min-required', '2.64')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertNotEqual('', result.out.strip())
+        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+            "",
+            "--output",
+            "/dev/stdout",
+            "--header",
+            "--glib-max-allowed",
+            "2.63",
+            "--glib-min-required",
+            "2.64",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertNotEqual("", result.out.strip())
     def test_glib_max_allowed_less_than_min_required(self):
         """Test running with a --glib-max-allowed which is less than
         with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
-            self.runCodegenWithInterface('',
-                                         '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                         '--body',
-                                         '--glib-max-allowed', '2.62',
-                                         '--glib-min-required', '2.64')
+            self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+                "",
+                "--output",
+                "/dev/stdout",
+                "--body",
+                "--glib-max-allowed",
+                "2.62",
+                "--glib-min-required",
+                "2.64",
+            )
     def test_unix_fd_types_and_annotations(self):
         """Test an interface with `h` arguments, no annotation, and GLib < 2.64.
         See issue #1726.
-        interface_xml = '''
+        interface_xml = """
               <interface name="FDPassing">
                 <method name="HelloFD">
@@ -470,71 +501,87 @@ G_END_DECLS
                   <arg name="files" type="a{sh}" direction="in"/>
-            </node>'''
+            </node>"""
         # Try without specifying --glib-min-required.
-        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(interface_xml,
-                                              '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                              '--header')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count('GUnixFDList'), 6)
+        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+            interface_xml, "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--header"
+        )
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("GUnixFDList"), 6)
         # Specify an old --glib-min-required.
-        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(interface_xml,
-                                              '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                              '--header',
-                                              '--glib-min-required', '2.32')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count('GUnixFDList'), 6)
+        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+            interface_xml,
+            "--output",
+            "/dev/stdout",
+            "--header",
+            "--glib-min-required",
+            "2.32",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("GUnixFDList"), 6)
         # Specify a --glib-min-required ≥ 2.64. There should be more
         # mentions of `GUnixFDList` now, since the annotation is not needed to
         # trigger its use.
-        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(interface_xml,
-                                              '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                              '--header',
-                                              '--glib-min-required', '2.64')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count('GUnixFDList'), 18)
+        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+            interface_xml,
+            "--output",
+            "/dev/stdout",
+            "--header",
+            "--glib-min-required",
+            "2.64",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("GUnixFDList"), 18)
     def test_call_flags_and_timeout_method_args(self):
         """Test that generated method call functions have @call_flags and
         @timeout_msec args if and only if GLib >= 2.64.
-        interface_xml = '''
+        interface_xml = """
               <interface name="org.project.UsefulInterface">
                 <method name="UsefulMethod"/>
-            </node>'''
+            </node>"""
         # Try without specifying --glib-min-required.
-        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(interface_xml,
-                                              '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                              '--header')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count('GDBusCallFlags call_flags,'), 0)
-        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count('gint timeout_msec,'), 0)
+        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+            interface_xml, "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--header"
+        )
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("GDBusCallFlags call_flags,"), 0)
+        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("gint timeout_msec,"), 0)
         # Specify an old --glib-min-required.
-        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(interface_xml,
-                                              '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                              '--header',
-                                              '--glib-min-required', '2.32')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count('GDBusCallFlags call_flags,'), 0)
-        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count('gint timeout_msec,'), 0)
+        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+            interface_xml,
+            "--output",
+            "/dev/stdout",
+            "--header",
+            "--glib-min-required",
+            "2.32",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("GDBusCallFlags call_flags,"), 0)
+        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("gint timeout_msec,"), 0)
         # Specify a --glib-min-required ≥ 2.64. The two arguments should be
         # present for both the async and sync method call functions.
-        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(interface_xml,
-                                              '--output', '/dev/stdout',
-                                              '--header',
-                                              '--glib-min-required', '2.64')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count('GDBusCallFlags call_flags,'), 2)
-        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count('gint timeout_msec,'), 2)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
+            interface_xml,
+            "--output",
+            "/dev/stdout",
+            "--header",
+            "--glib-min-required",
+            "2.64",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("GDBusCallFlags call_flags,"), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("gint timeout_msec,"), 2)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/gio/tests/gen-big-test-resource.py b/gio/tests/gen-big-test-resource.py
index e031a0a08..8e5e61efe 100644
--- a/gio/tests/gen-big-test-resource.py
+++ b/gio/tests/gen-big-test-resource.py
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ import string
 import sys
 if len(sys.argv) != 2:
-    raise SystemExit('Usage: %s <output-file>' % sys.argv[0])
+    raise SystemExit("Usage: %s <output-file>" % sys.argv[0])
-with open(sys.argv[1], 'w', newline='\n') as f:
+with open(sys.argv[1], "w", newline="\n") as f:
     for count in range(12):
         for c in string.ascii_lowercase:
             f.write("%s\n" % (c * 100))
diff --git a/gio/tests/gengiotypefuncs.py b/gio/tests/gengiotypefuncs.py
index 47219f357..4585d29ae 100644
--- a/gio/tests/gengiotypefuncs.py
+++ b/gio/tests/gengiotypefuncs.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import sys
 import re
 import os
-debug = os.getenv('GIO_GENTYPEFUNCS_DEBUG') is not None
+debug = os.getenv("GIO_GENTYPEFUNCS_DEBUG") is not None
 out_file = sys.argv[1]
 in_files = sys.argv[2:]
@@ -13,32 +13,37 @@ in_files = sys.argv[2:]
 funcs = []
-if debug: print ('Output file: ', out_file)
+if debug:
+    print("Output file: ", out_file)
-if debug: print (len(in_files), 'input files')
+if debug:
+    print(len(in_files), "input files")
 for filename in in_files:
-  if debug: print ('Input file: ', filename)
-  with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
-    for line in f:
-      line = line.rstrip(b'\n').rstrip(b'\r')
-      # print line
-      match = re.search(b'\bg_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*_get_type\b', line)
-      if match:
-        func = match.group(0)
-        if not func in funcs:
-          funcs.append(func)
-          if debug: print ('Found ', func)
+    if debug:
+        print("Input file: ", filename)
+    with open(filename, "rb") as f:
+        for line in f:
+            line = line.rstrip(b"\n").rstrip(b"\r")
+            # print line
+            match = re.search(b"\bg_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*_get_type\b", line)
+            if match:
+                func = match.group(0)
+                if not func in funcs:
+                    funcs.append(func)
+                    if debug:
+                        print("Found ", func)
 funcs = sorted(funcs)
 for f in funcs:
-  if f not in ['g_io_extension_get_type', 'g_settings_backend_get_type']:
-    file_output += '*tp++ = {0} ();\n'.format(f)
+    if f not in ["g_io_extension_get_type", "g_settings_backend_get_type"]:
+        file_output += "*tp++ = {0} ();\n".format(f)
-if debug: print (len(funcs), 'functions')
+if debug:
+    print(len(funcs), "functions")
 ofile = open(out_file, "w")
diff --git a/gio/tests/static-link.py b/gio/tests/static-link.py
index e0a064a7a..8bd26359b 100755
--- a/gio/tests/static-link.py
+++ b/gio/tests/static-link.py
@@ -23,29 +23,33 @@ import sys
 import tempfile
 import subprocess
-if not 'GLIB_TEST_COMPILATION' in os.environ:
-  print('''Test disabled because GLIB_TEST_COMPILATION is not set in the env.
+if not "GLIB_TEST_COMPILATION" in os.environ:
+    print(
+        """Test disabled because GLIB_TEST_COMPILATION is not set in the env.
 If you wish to run this test, set GLIB_TEST_COMPILATION=1 in the env,
 and make sure you have glib build dependencies installed, including
-  sys.exit(77)
+    )
+    sys.exit(77)
 if len(sys.argv) != 2:
-  print('Usage: {} <gio-2.0.pc dir>'.format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
-  sys.exit(1)
+    print("Usage: {} <gio-2.0.pc dir>".format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
+    sys.exit(1)
 test_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as builddir:
-  env = os.environ.copy()
-  env['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = sys.argv[1]
-  sourcedir = os.path.join(test_dir, 'static-link')
+    env = os.environ.copy()
+    env["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"] = sys.argv[1]
+    sourcedir = os.path.join(test_dir, "static-link")
-  # Ensure we can static link and run a test app
-  subprocess.check_call(['meson', sourcedir, builddir], env=env)
-  subprocess.check_call(['ninja', '-C', builddir, 'test'], env=env)
-  # FIXME: This probably only works on Linux
-  out = subprocess.check_output(['ldd', os.path.join(builddir, 'test-static-link')], env=env).decode()
-  if 'libgio' in out:
-    print('test-static-link is dynamically linked on libgio')
-    exit(1)
+    # Ensure we can static link and run a test app
+    subprocess.check_call(["meson", sourcedir, builddir], env=env)
+    subprocess.check_call(["ninja", "-C", builddir, "test"], env=env)
+    # FIXME: This probably only works on Linux
+    out = subprocess.check_output(
+        ["ldd", os.path.join(builddir, "test-static-link")], env=env
+    ).decode()
+    if "libgio" in out:
+        print("test-static-link is dynamically linked on libgio")
+        exit(1)
diff --git a/gio/tests/taptestrunner.py b/gio/tests/taptestrunner.py
index 261496197..af53db43e 100644
--- a/gio/tests/taptestrunner.py
+++ b/gio/tests/taptestrunner.py
@@ -31,146 +31,155 @@ import base64
 from io import StringIO
 # Log modes
-class LogMode(object) :
-  LogToError, LogToDiagnostics, LogToYAML, LogToAttachment = range(4)
+class LogMode(object):
+    LogToError, LogToDiagnostics, LogToYAML, LogToAttachment = range(4)
 class TAPTestResult(unittest.TestResult):
-  def __init__(self, output_stream, error_stream, message_log, test_output_log):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).__init__(self, output_stream)
-    self.output_stream = output_stream
-    self.error_stream = error_stream
-    self.orig_stdout = None
-    self.orig_stderr = None
-    self.message = None
-    self.test_output = None
-    self.message_log = message_log
-    self.test_output_log = test_output_log
-    self.output_stream.write("TAP version 13\n")
-    self._set_streams()
-  def printErrors(self):
-    self.print_raw("1..%d\n" % self.testsRun)
-    self._reset_streams()
-  def _set_streams(self):
-    self.orig_stdout = sys.stdout
-    self.orig_stderr = sys.stderr
-    if self.message_log == LogMode.LogToError:
-      self.message = self.error_stream
-    else:
-      self.message = StringIO()
-    if self.test_output_log == LogMode.LogToError:
-      self.test_output = self.error_stream
-    else:
-      self.test_output = StringIO()
-    if self.message_log == self.test_output_log:
-      self.test_output = self.message
-    sys.stdout = sys.stderr = self.test_output
-  def _reset_streams(self):
-    sys.stdout = self.orig_stdout
-    sys.stderr = self.orig_stderr
-  def print_raw(self, text):
-    self.output_stream.write(text)
-    self.output_stream.flush()
-  def print_result(self, result, test, directive = None):
-    self.output_stream.write("%s %d %s" % (result, self.testsRun, test.id()))
-    if directive:
-      self.output_stream.write(" # " + directive)
-    self.output_stream.write("\n")
-    self.output_stream.flush()
-  def ok(self, test, directive = None):
-    self.print_result("ok", test, directive)
-  def not_ok(self, test):
-    self.print_result("not ok", test)
-  def startTest(self, test):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).startTest(test)
-  def stopTest(self, test):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).stopTest(test)
-    if self.message_log == self.test_output_log:
-      logs = [(self.message_log, self.message, "output")]
-    else:
-      logs = [
-          (self.test_output_log, self.test_output, "test_output"),
-          (self.message_log, self.message, "message")
-      ]
-    for log_mode, log, log_name in logs:
-      if log_mode != LogMode.LogToError:
-        output = log.getvalue()
-        if len(output):
-          if log_mode == LogMode.LogToYAML:
-            self.print_raw("  ---\n")
-            self.print_raw("    " + log_name + ": |\n")
-            self.print_raw("      " + output.rstrip().replace("\n", "\n      ") + "\n")
-            self.print_raw("  ...\n")
-          elif log_mode == LogMode.LogToAttachment:
-            self.print_raw("  ---\n")
-            self.print_raw("    " + log_name + ":\n")
-            self.print_raw("      File-Name: " + log_name + ".txt\n")
-            self.print_raw("      File-Type: text/plain\n")
-            self.print_raw("      File-Content: " + base64.b64encode(output) + "\n")
-            self.print_raw("  ...\n")
-          else:
-            self.print_raw("# " + output.rstrip().replace("\n", "\n# ") + "\n")
-        # Truncate doesn't change the current stream position.
-        # Seek to the beginning to avoid extensions on subsequent writes.
-        log.seek(0)
-        log.truncate(0)
-  def addSuccess(self, test):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).addSuccess(test)
-    self.ok(test)
-  def addError(self, test, err):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).addError(test, err)
-    self.message.write(self.errors[-1][1] + "\n")
-    self.not_ok(test)
-  def addFailure(self, test, err):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).addFailure(test, err)
-    self.message.write(self.failures[-1][1] + "\n")
-    self.not_ok(test)
-  def addSkip(self, test, reason):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).addSkip(test, reason)
-    self.ok(test, "SKIP " + reason)
-  def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).addExpectedFailure(test, err)
-    self.ok(test)
-  def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).addUnexpectedSuccess(test)
-    self.message.write("Unexpected success" + "\n")
-    self.not_ok(test)
+    def __init__(self, output_stream, error_stream, message_log, test_output_log):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).__init__(self, output_stream)
+        self.output_stream = output_stream
+        self.error_stream = error_stream
+        self.orig_stdout = None
+        self.orig_stderr = None
+        self.message = None
+        self.test_output = None
+        self.message_log = message_log
+        self.test_output_log = test_output_log
+        self.output_stream.write("TAP version 13\n")
+        self._set_streams()
+    def printErrors(self):
+        self.print_raw("1..%d\n" % self.testsRun)
+        self._reset_streams()
+    def _set_streams(self):
+        self.orig_stdout = sys.stdout
+        self.orig_stderr = sys.stderr
+        if self.message_log == LogMode.LogToError:
+            self.message = self.error_stream
+        else:
+            self.message = StringIO()
+        if self.test_output_log == LogMode.LogToError:
+            self.test_output = self.error_stream
+        else:
+            self.test_output = StringIO()
+        if self.message_log == self.test_output_log:
+            self.test_output = self.message
+        sys.stdout = sys.stderr = self.test_output
+    def _reset_streams(self):
+        sys.stdout = self.orig_stdout
+        sys.stderr = self.orig_stderr
+    def print_raw(self, text):
+        self.output_stream.write(text)
+        self.output_stream.flush()
+    def print_result(self, result, test, directive=None):
+        self.output_stream.write("%s %d %s" % (result, self.testsRun, test.id()))
+        if directive:
+            self.output_stream.write(" # " + directive)
+        self.output_stream.write("\n")
+        self.output_stream.flush()
+    def ok(self, test, directive=None):
+        self.print_result("ok", test, directive)
+    def not_ok(self, test):
+        self.print_result("not ok", test)
+    def startTest(self, test):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).startTest(test)
+    def stopTest(self, test):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).stopTest(test)
+        if self.message_log == self.test_output_log:
+            logs = [(self.message_log, self.message, "output")]
+        else:
+            logs = [
+                (self.test_output_log, self.test_output, "test_output"),
+                (self.message_log, self.message, "message"),
+            ]
+        for log_mode, log, log_name in logs:
+            if log_mode != LogMode.LogToError:
+                output = log.getvalue()
+                if len(output):
+                    if log_mode == LogMode.LogToYAML:
+                        self.print_raw("  ---\n")
+                        self.print_raw("    " + log_name + ": |\n")
+                        self.print_raw(
+                            "      " + output.rstrip().replace("\n", "\n      ") + "\n"
+                        )
+                        self.print_raw("  ...\n")
+                    elif log_mode == LogMode.LogToAttachment:
+                        self.print_raw("  ---\n")
+                        self.print_raw("    " + log_name + ":\n")
+                        self.print_raw("      File-Name: " + log_name + ".txt\n")
+                        self.print_raw("      File-Type: text/plain\n")
+                        self.print_raw(
+                            "      File-Content: " + base64.b64encode(output) + "\n"
+                        )
+                        self.print_raw("  ...\n")
+                    else:
+                        self.print_raw(
+                            "# " + output.rstrip().replace("\n", "\n# ") + "\n"
+                        )
+                # Truncate doesn't change the current stream position.
+                # Seek to the beginning to avoid extensions on subsequent writes.
+                log.seek(0)
+                log.truncate(0)
+    def addSuccess(self, test):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).addSuccess(test)
+        self.ok(test)
+    def addError(self, test, err):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).addError(test, err)
+        self.message.write(self.errors[-1][1] + "\n")
+        self.not_ok(test)
+    def addFailure(self, test, err):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).addFailure(test, err)
+        self.message.write(self.failures[-1][1] + "\n")
+        self.not_ok(test)
+    def addSkip(self, test, reason):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).addSkip(test, reason)
+        self.ok(test, "SKIP " + reason)
+    def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).addExpectedFailure(test, err)
+        self.ok(test)
+    def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).addUnexpectedSuccess(test)
+        self.message.write("Unexpected success" + "\n")
+        self.not_ok(test)
 class TAPTestRunner(object):
-  def __init__(self,
-      message_log = LogMode.LogToYAML,
-      test_output_log = LogMode.LogToDiagnostics,
-      output_stream = sys.stdout, error_stream = sys.stderr):
-    self.output_stream = output_stream
-    self.error_stream = error_stream
-    self.message_log = message_log
-    self.test_output_log = test_output_log
-  def run(self, test):
-    result = TAPTestResult(
-        self.output_stream,
-        self.error_stream,
-        self.message_log,
-        self.test_output_log)
-    test(result)
-    result.printErrors()
-    return result
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        message_log=LogMode.LogToYAML,
+        test_output_log=LogMode.LogToDiagnostics,
+        output_stream=sys.stdout,
+        error_stream=sys.stderr,
+    ):
+        self.output_stream = output_stream
+        self.error_stream = error_stream
+        self.message_log = message_log
+        self.test_output_log = test_output_log
+    def run(self, test):
+        result = TAPTestResult(
+            self.output_stream,
+            self.error_stream,
+            self.message_log,
+            self.test_output_log,
+        )
+        test(result)
+        result.printErrors()
+        return result
diff --git a/glib/glib_gdb.py b/glib/glib_gdb.py
index fd8baf58c..fc5113563 100644
--- a/glib/glib_gdb.py
+++ b/glib/glib_gdb.py
@@ -5,47 +5,55 @@ if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
     long = int
 # This is not quite right, as local vars may override symname
-def read_global_var (symname):
+def read_global_var(symname):
     return gdb.selected_frame().read_var(symname)
-def g_quark_to_string (quark):
+def g_quark_to_string(quark):
     if quark is None:
         return None
     quark = long(quark)
     if quark == 0:
         return None
-        val = read_global_var ("quarks")
-        max_q = long(read_global_var ("quark_seq_id"))
+        val = read_global_var("quarks")
+        max_q = long(read_global_var("quark_seq_id"))
-            val = read_global_var ("g_quarks")
-            max_q = long(read_global_var ("g_quark_seq_id"))
+            val = read_global_var("g_quarks")
+            max_q = long(read_global_var("g_quark_seq_id"))
-            return None;
+            return None
     if quark < max_q:
         return val[quark].string()
     return None
 # We override the node printers too, so that node->next is not expanded
 class GListNodePrinter:
     "Prints a GList node"
-    def __init__ (self, val):
+    def __init__(self, val):
         self.val = val
-    def to_string (self):
-        return "{data=%s, next=0x%x, prev=0x%x}" % (str(self.val["data"]), long(self.val["next"]), 
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "{data=%s, next=0x%x, prev=0x%x}" % (
+            str(self.val["data"]),
+            long(self.val["next"]),
+            long(self.val["prev"]),
+        )
 class GSListNodePrinter:
     "Prints a GSList node"
-    def __init__ (self, val):
+    def __init__(self, val):
         self.val = val
-    def to_string (self):
+    def to_string(self):
         return "{data=%s, next=0x%x}" % (str(self.val["data"]), long(self.val["next"]))
 class GListPrinter:
     "Prints a GList"
@@ -61,27 +69,28 @@ class GListPrinter:
         def next(self):
             if self.link == 0:
                 raise StopIteration
-            data = self.link['data']
-            self.link = self.link['next']
+            data = self.link["data"]
+            self.link = self.link["next"]
             count = self.count
             self.count = self.count + 1
-            return ('[%d]' % count, data)
+            return ("[%d]" % count, data)
         __next__ = next
-    def __init__ (self, val, listtype):
+    def __init__(self, val, listtype):
         self.val = val
         self.listtype = listtype
     def children(self):
         return self._iterator(self.val, self.listtype)
-    def to_string (self):
-        return  "0x%x" % (long(self.val))
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "0x%x" % (long(self.val))
-    def display_hint (self):
+    def display_hint(self):
         return "array"
 class GHashPrinter:
     "Prints a GHashTable"
@@ -90,7 +99,9 @@ class GHashPrinter:
             def __init__(self, ptr, big_items):
                 self._big_items = big_items
                 self._gpointer_type = gdb.lookup_type("gpointer")
-                item_type = self._gpointer_type if self._big_items else gdb.lookup_type("guint")
+                item_type = (
+                    self._gpointer_type if self._big_items else gdb.lookup_type("guint")
+                )
                 self._items = ptr.cast(item_type.pointer())
@@ -124,18 +135,18 @@ class GHashPrinter:
                 self.value = None
                 return v
             while long(self.pos) < long(self.size):
-                if long (self.hashes[self.pos]) >= 2:
+                if long(self.hashes[self.pos]) >= 2:
                     key = self.keys[self.pos]
                     val = self.values[self.pos]
                     if self.keys_are_strings:
-                        key = key.cast (gdb.lookup_type("char").pointer())
+                        key = key.cast(gdb.lookup_type("char").pointer())
                     # Queue value for next result
-                    self.value = ('[%dv]'% (self.pos), val)
+                    self.value = ("[%dv]" % (self.pos), val)
                     # Increment pos and return key
-                    key = ('[%dk]'% (self.pos), key)
+                    key = ("[%dk]" % (self.pos), key)
                     self.pos += 1
                     return key
@@ -144,33 +155,38 @@ class GHashPrinter:
         __next__ = next
-    def __init__ (self, val):
+    def __init__(self, val):
         self.val = val
         self.keys_are_strings = False
-            string_hash = read_global_var ("g_str_hash")
+            string_hash = read_global_var("g_str_hash")
             string_hash = None
-        if self.val != 0 and string_hash != None and self.val["hash_func"] == string_hash:
+        if (
+            self.val != 0
+            and string_hash != None
+            and self.val["hash_func"] == string_hash
+        ):
             self.keys_are_strings = True
     def children(self):
         return self._iterator(self.val, self.keys_are_strings)
-    def to_string (self):
-        return  "0x%x" % (long(self.val))
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "0x%x" % (long(self.val))
-    def display_hint (self):
+    def display_hint(self):
         return "map"
-def pretty_printer_lookup (val):
+def pretty_printer_lookup(val):
     # None yet, want things like hash table and list
     type = val.type.unqualified()
     # If it points to a reference, get the reference.
     if type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_REF:
-        type = type.target ()
+        type = type.target()
     if type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR:
         type = type.target().unqualified()
@@ -189,52 +205,54 @@ def pretty_printer_lookup (val):
             return GListPrinter(val, "GSList")
     return None
-def register (obj):
+def register(obj):
     if obj is None:
         obj = gdb
-class ForeachCommand (gdb.Command):
+class ForeachCommand(gdb.Command):
     """Foreach on list"""
-    def __init__ (self):
-        super (ForeachCommand, self).__init__ ("gforeach",
-                                               gdb.COMMAND_DATA,
-                                               gdb.COMPLETE_SYMBOL)
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(ForeachCommand, self).__init__(
+            "gforeach", gdb.COMMAND_DATA, gdb.COMPLETE_SYMBOL
+        )
-    def valid_name (self, name):
+    def valid_name(self, name):
         if not name[0].isalpha():
             return False
         return True
-    def parse_args (self, arg):
+    def parse_args(self, arg):
         i = arg.find(" ")
         if i <= 0:
-            raise Exception ("No var specified")
+            raise Exception("No var specified")
         var = arg[:i]
         if not self.valid_name(var):
-            raise Exception ("Invalid variable name")
+            raise Exception("Invalid variable name")
-        while i < len (arg) and arg[i].isspace():
+        while i < len(arg) and arg[i].isspace():
             i = i + 1
-        if arg[i:i+2] != "in":
-            raise Exception ("Invalid syntax, missing in")
+        if arg[i : i + 2] != "in":
+            raise Exception("Invalid syntax, missing in")
         i = i + 2
-        while i < len (arg) and arg[i].isspace():
+        while i < len(arg) and arg[i].isspace():
             i = i + 1
-        colon = arg.find (":", i)
+        colon = arg.find(":", i)
         if colon == -1:
-            raise Exception ("Invalid syntax, missing colon")
+            raise Exception("Invalid syntax, missing colon")
         val = arg[i:colon]
         colon = colon + 1
-        while colon < len (arg) and arg[colon].isspace():
+        while colon < len(arg) and arg[colon].isspace():
             colon = colon + 1
         command = arg[colon:]
@@ -242,25 +260,25 @@ class ForeachCommand (gdb.Command):
         return (var, val, command)
     def do_iter(self, arg, item, command):
-        item = item.cast (gdb.lookup_type("void").pointer())
+        item = item.cast(gdb.lookup_type("void").pointer())
         item = long(item)
-        to_eval = "set $%s = (void *)0x%x\n"%(arg, item)
+        to_eval = "set $%s = (void *)0x%x\n" % (arg, item)
-    def slist_iterator (self, arg, container, command):
-        l = container.cast (gdb.lookup_type("GSList").pointer())
+    def slist_iterator(self, arg, container, command):
+        l = container.cast(gdb.lookup_type("GSList").pointer())
         while long(l) != 0:
-            self.do_iter (arg, l["data"], command)
+            self.do_iter(arg, l["data"], command)
             l = l["next"]
-    def list_iterator (self, arg, container, command):
-        l = container.cast (gdb.lookup_type("GList").pointer())
+    def list_iterator(self, arg, container, command):
+        l = container.cast(gdb.lookup_type("GList").pointer())
         while long(l) != 0:
-            self.do_iter (arg, l["data"], command)
+            self.do_iter(arg, l["data"], command)
             l = l["next"]
-    def pick_iterator (self, container):
+    def pick_iterator(self, container):
         t = container.type.unqualified()
         if t.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR:
             t = t.target().unqualified()
@@ -269,12 +287,13 @@ class ForeachCommand (gdb.Command):
                 return self.slist_iterator
             if t == "GList":
                 return self.list_iterator
-        raise Exception("Invalid container type %s"%(str(container.type)))
+        raise Exception("Invalid container type %s" % (str(container.type)))
-    def invoke (self, arg, from_tty):
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
         (var, container, command) = self.parse_args(arg)
-        container = gdb.parse_and_eval (container)
+        container = gdb.parse_and_eval(container)
         func = self.pick_iterator(container)
         func(var, container, command)
-ForeachCommand ()
diff --git a/glib/update-gtranslit.py b/glib/update-gtranslit.py
index 159876b6c..464fb7655 100755
--- a/glib/update-gtranslit.py
+++ b/glib/update-gtranslit.py
@@ -10,15 +10,16 @@ localedir = sys.argv[1]
 # returns true if the name looks like a POSIX locale name
 def looks_like_locale(name):
-    name, _, variant = name.partition('@')
+    name, _, variant = name.partition("@")
-    if '_' not in name:
+    if "_" not in name:
         return False
-    lang, _, land = name.partition('_')
+    lang, _, land = name.partition("_")
     return len(lang) == 2 or len(lang) == 3 and len(land) == 2
 # handles <U1234> style escapes
 def unescape(string):
     chunks = []
@@ -27,27 +28,29 @@ def unescape(string):
     i = 0
     while i < n:
-        start_escape = string.find('<', i)
+        start_escape = string.find("<", i)
         if start_escape == -1:
-        assert string[start_escape:start_escape + 2] == '<U'
+        assert string[start_escape : start_escape + 2] == "<U"
         start_escape += 2
-        end_escape = string.find('>', start_escape)
+        end_escape = string.find(">", start_escape)
         assert end_escape != -1
         chunks.append(chr(int(string[start_escape:end_escape], 16)))
         i = end_escape + 1
-    return ''.join(chunks)
+    return "".join(chunks)
 # Checks if a string is ascii
 def is_ascii(string):
     return all(ord(c) < 0x80 for c in string)
 # A Mapping is a map from non-ascii strings to ascii strings.
 # It corresponds to a sequence of one or more mapping lines:
@@ -68,25 +71,25 @@ class Mapping:
     # dictionary, with the origin string as the key.  In the case of
     # IGNORE, stores the empty string.
     def consider_mapping_line(self, line):
-        key, value, rest = (line + ' % comment').split(maxsplit=2)
+        key, value, rest = (line + " % comment").split(maxsplit=2)
         key = unescape(key)
-        for alternative in value.split(';'):
+        for alternative in value.split(";"):
             if alternative[0] == '"' and alternative[-1] == '"':
                 unescaped = unescape(alternative[1:-1])
                 if is_ascii(unescaped):
                     self.mapping[key] = unescaped
-            elif alternative[0] == '<' and alternative[-1] == '>':
+            elif alternative[0] == "<" and alternative[-1] == ">":
                 unescaped = unescape(alternative)
                 if is_ascii(unescaped):
                     self.mapping[key] = unescaped
-            elif alternative == 'IGNORE':
-                self.mapping[key] = ''
+            elif alternative == "IGNORE":
+                self.mapping[key] = ""
     # Performs a normal dictionary merge, but ensures that there are no
@@ -109,6 +112,7 @@ class Mapping:
         return self.serialised
 # A Chain is a sequence of mappings and chains.
 # A chain contains another chain whenever "copy" or "include" is
@@ -135,16 +139,16 @@ class Chain:
         in_lc_ctype = False
         in_translit = False
-        fp = open(filename, encoding='ascii', errors='surrogateescape')
+        fp = open(filename, encoding="ascii", errors="surrogateescape")
         for line in fp:
             line = line.strip()
             if in_lc_ctype:
-                if line == 'END LC_CTYPE':
+                if line == "END LC_CTYPE":
-                if line.startswith('copy') or line.startswith('include'):
+                if line.startswith("copy") or line.startswith("include"):
                     if current_mapping:
@@ -155,29 +159,29 @@ class Chain:
                     current_mapping = None
-                elif line == 'translit_start':
+                elif line == "translit_start":
                     in_translit = True
-                elif line == 'translit_end':
+                elif line == "translit_end":
                     in_translit = False
-                elif in_translit and line.startswith('<U'):
+                elif in_translit and line.startswith("<U"):
                     if not current_mapping:
                         current_mapping = Mapping()
-                elif line == '' or line.startswith('%'):
+                elif line == "" or line.startswith("%"):
-                elif 'default_missing <U003F>':
+                elif "default_missing <U003F>":
                 elif in_translit:
-                    print('unknown line:', line)
+                    print("unknown line:", line)
                     assert False
-            elif line == 'LC_CTYPE':
+            elif line == "LC_CTYPE":
                 in_lc_ctype = True
         if current_mapping:
@@ -199,7 +203,9 @@ class Chain:
             i = 0
             while i < len(self.chain) - 1:
-                if isinstance(self.chain[i], Mapping) and isinstance(self.chain[i + 1], Mapping):
+                if isinstance(self.chain[i], Mapping) and isinstance(
+                    self.chain[i + 1], Mapping
+                ):
                     # We have two mappings in a row.  Try to merge them.
                     self.chain[i].merge_mapping(self.chain[i + 1])
                     del self.chain[i + 1]
@@ -215,8 +221,11 @@ class Chain:
         return self.serialised
 # Chain cache -- allows sharing of common chains
 chains = {}
 def get_chain(name):
     if not name in chains:
         chains[name] = Chain(name)
@@ -227,10 +236,11 @@ def get_chain(name):
 # Remove the country name from a locale, preserving variant
 # eg: 'sr_RS@latin' -> 'sr@latin'
 def remove_country(string):
-    base, at, variant = string.partition('@')
-    lang, _, land = base.partition('_')
+    base, at, variant = string.partition("@")
+    lang, _, land = base.partition("_")
     return lang + at + variant
 def encode_range(start, end):
     assert start <= end
     length = end - start
@@ -244,8 +254,10 @@ def encode_range(start, end):
     return result
 def c_pair_array(array):
-    return '{ ' + ', '.join ('{ %u, %u }' % pair for pair in array) + ' };'
+    return "{ " + ", ".join("{ %u, %u }" % pair for pair in array) + " };"
 class Serialiser:
     def __init__(self):
@@ -284,7 +296,9 @@ class Serialiser:
         languages = list(set(remove_country(locale) for locale in self.locales))
         for language in languages:
-            locales = [locale for locale in self.locales if remove_country(locale) == language]
+            locales = [
+                locale for locale in self.locales if remove_country(locale) == language
+            ]
             item_id = self.locales[locales[0]]
             if all(self.locales[locale] == item_id for locale in locales):
@@ -294,8 +308,8 @@ class Serialiser:
         # Check if a variant is the same as the non-variant form
         # eg: 'de@euro' and 'de'
-        for variant in list(locale for locale in self.locales if '@' in locale):
-            base, _, _ = variant.partition('@')
+        for variant in list(locale for locale in self.locales if "@" in locale):
+            base, _, _ = variant.partition("@")
             if base in self.locales and self.locales[base] == self.locales[variant]:
                 del self.locales[variant]
@@ -305,19 +319,19 @@ class Serialiser:
                 del self.locales[locale]
     def to_c(self):
-        src_table = ''
-        ascii_table = ''
+        src_table = ""
+        ascii_table = ""
         mappings_table = []
         mapping_ranges = []
         chains_table = []
         chain_starts = []
-        locale_names = ''
+        locale_names = ""
         locale_index = []
         max_lookup = 0
         max_localename = 0
         for mapping in self.mappings:
-            mapping_ranges.append ((len(mappings_table), len(mapping)))
+            mapping_ranges.append((len(mappings_table), len(mapping)))
             for key in sorted(mapping):
                 if len(key) == 1 and ord(key[0]) < 0x8000:
@@ -326,7 +340,7 @@ class Serialiser:
                     existing = src_table.find(key)
                     if existing == -1:
                         start = len(src_table)
-                        assert all(ord(c) <= 0x10ffff for c in key)
+                        assert all(ord(c) <= 0x10FFFF for c in key)
                         src_table += key
                         src_range = encode_range(start, len(src_table))
                         max_lookup = max(max_lookup, len(key))
@@ -346,7 +360,7 @@ class Serialiser:
                         ascii_range = encode_range(existing, existing + len(value))
-                mappings_table.append ((src_range, ascii_range))
+                mappings_table.append((src_range, ascii_range))
             mapping_end = len(mappings_table)
@@ -354,15 +368,15 @@ class Serialiser:
             for item_id in reversed(chain):
-                assert item_id < 0xff
+                assert item_id < 0xFF
-            chains_table.append(0xff)
+            chains_table.append(0xFF)
         for locale in sorted(self.locales):
             max_localename = max(max_localename, len(locale))
             name_offset = len(locale_names)
-            assert all(ord(c) <= 0x7f for c in locale)
-            locale_names += (locale + '\0')
+            assert all(ord(c) <= 0x7F for c in locale)
+            locale_names += locale + "\0"
             item_id = self.locales[locale]
@@ -370,30 +384,60 @@ class Serialiser:
             assert item_id < 256
             locale_index.append((name_offset, item_id))
-        print('/* Generated by update-gtranslit.py */')
-        print('#define MAX_KEY_SIZE', max_lookup)
-        print('#define MAX_LOCALE_NAME', max_localename)
-        print('static const gunichar src_table[] = {', ', '.join(str(ord(c)) for c in src_table), '};')
+        print("/* Generated by update-gtranslit.py */")
+        print("#define MAX_KEY_SIZE", max_lookup)
+        print("#define MAX_LOCALE_NAME", max_localename)
+        print(
+            "static const gunichar src_table[] = {",
+            ", ".join(str(ord(c)) for c in src_table),
+            "};",
+        )
         # cannot do this in plain ascii because of trigraphs... :(
-        print('static const gchar ascii_table[] = {', ', '.join(str(ord(c)) for c in ascii_table), '};')
-        print('static const struct mapping_entry mappings_table[] =', c_pair_array (mappings_table))
-        print('static const struct mapping_range mapping_ranges[] =', c_pair_array (mapping_ranges))
-        print('static const guint8 chains_table[] = {', ', '.join(str(i) for i in chains_table), '};')
-        print('static const guint8 chain_starts[] = {', ', '.join(str(i) for i in chain_starts), '};')
-        print('static const gchar locale_names[] = "' + locale_names.replace('\0', '\\0') + '";')
-        print('static const struct locale_entry locale_index[] = ', c_pair_array (locale_index))
-        print('static const guint8 default_item_id = %u;' % (self.default,))
+        print(
+            "static const gchar ascii_table[] = {",
+            ", ".join(str(ord(c)) for c in ascii_table),
+            "};",
+        )
+        print(
+            "static const struct mapping_entry mappings_table[] =",
+            c_pair_array(mappings_table),
+        )
+        print(
+            "static const struct mapping_range mapping_ranges[] =",
+            c_pair_array(mapping_ranges),
+        )
+        print(
+            "static const guint8 chains_table[] = {",
+            ", ".join(str(i) for i in chains_table),
+            "};",
+        )
+        print(
+            "static const guint8 chain_starts[] = {",
+            ", ".join(str(i) for i in chain_starts),
+            "};",
+        )
+        print(
+            'static const gchar locale_names[] = "'
+            + locale_names.replace("\0", "\\0")
+            + '";'
+        )
+        print(
+            "static const struct locale_entry locale_index[] = ",
+            c_pair_array(locale_index),
+        )
+        print("static const guint8 default_item_id = %u;" % (self.default,))
     def dump(self):
 locales = []
 for name in os.listdir(localedir):
     if looks_like_locale(name):
         chain = get_chain(name)
-        locales.append (chain)
+        locales.append(chain)
         chain.links += 1
 serialiser = Serialiser()
@@ -401,8 +445,8 @@ serialiser = Serialiser()
 for locale in locales:
     serialiser.add_locale(locale.name, locale.serialise(serialiser))
-i18n = get_chain('i18n').serialise(serialiser)
-combining = get_chain('translit_combining').serialise(serialiser)
+i18n = get_chain("i18n").serialise(serialiser)
+combining = get_chain("translit_combining").serialise(serialiser)
 serialiser.add_default(serialiser.add_chain([i18n, combining]))
diff --git a/gobject/gobject_gdb.py b/gobject/gobject_gdb.py
index 263ac78b6..4bc03357d 100644
--- a/gobject/gobject_gdb.py
+++ b/gobject/gobject_gdb.py
@@ -7,25 +7,28 @@ if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
     long = int
     import itertools
     map = itertools.imap
 # FrameDecorator is new in gdb 7.7, so we adapt to its absence.
     import gdb.FrameDecorator
     FrameDecorator = gdb.FrameDecorator.FrameDecorator
 except ImportError:
 # This is not quite right, as local vars may override symname
-def read_global_var (symname):
+def read_global_var(symname):
     return gdb.selected_frame().read_var(symname)
-def g_type_to_typenode (gtype):
-    def lookup_fundamental_type (typenode):
+def g_type_to_typenode(gtype):
+    def lookup_fundamental_type(typenode):
         if typenode == 0:
             return None
-        val = read_global_var ("static_fundamental_type_nodes")
+        val = read_global_var("static_fundamental_type_nodes")
         if val is None:
             return None
         return val[typenode >> 2].address
@@ -33,19 +36,21 @@ def g_type_to_typenode (gtype):
     gtype = long(gtype)
     typenode = gtype - gtype % 4
     if typenode > (255 << 2):
-        typenode = gdb.Value(typenode).cast (gdb.lookup_type("TypeNode").pointer())
+        typenode = gdb.Value(typenode).cast(gdb.lookup_type("TypeNode").pointer())
-        typenode = lookup_fundamental_type (typenode)
+        typenode = lookup_fundamental_type(typenode)
     return typenode
-def g_type_to_name (gtype):
+def g_type_to_name(gtype):
     typenode = g_type_to_typenode(gtype)
     if typenode != None:
-        return glib_gdb.g_quark_to_string (typenode["qname"])
+        return glib_gdb.g_quark_to_string(typenode["qname"])
     return None
-def is_g_type_instance (val):
-    def is_g_type_instance_helper (type):
+def is_g_type_instance(val):
+    def is_g_type_instance_helper(type):
         if str(type) == "GTypeInstance":
             return True
@@ -56,7 +61,7 @@ def is_g_type_instance (val):
             return False
         fields = type.fields()
-        if len (fields) < 1:
+        if len(fields) < 1:
             return False
         first_field = fields[0]
@@ -66,51 +71,55 @@ def is_g_type_instance (val):
     if type.code != gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR:
         return False
     type = type.target()
-    return is_g_type_instance_helper (type)
+    return is_g_type_instance_helper(type)
-def g_type_name_from_instance (instance):
+def g_type_name_from_instance(instance):
     if long(instance) != 0:
-            inst = instance.cast (gdb.lookup_type("GTypeInstance").pointer())
+            inst = instance.cast(gdb.lookup_type("GTypeInstance").pointer())
             klass = inst["g_class"]
             gtype = klass["g_type"]
-            name = g_type_to_name (gtype)
+            name = g_type_to_name(gtype)
             return name
         except RuntimeError:
     return None
 class GTypePrettyPrinter:
     "Prints a GType instance pointer"
-    def __init__ (self, val):
+    def __init__(self, val):
         self.val = val
-    def to_string (self):
-        name = g_type_name_from_instance (self.val)
+    def to_string(self):
+        name = g_type_name_from_instance(self.val)
         if name:
-            return ("0x%x [%s]")% (long(self.val), name)
-        return  ("0x%x") % (long(self.val))
+            return ("0x%x [%s]") % (long(self.val), name)
+        return ("0x%x") % (long(self.val))
-def is_g_type_class_instance (val):
+def is_g_type_class_instance(val):
     type = val.type
     if type.code != gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR:
         return False
     return str(type.target()) == "GTypeClass"
 class GTypeHandlePrettyPrinter:
     "Prints a GType instance"
-    def __init__ (self, val, hint = ""):
+    def __init__(self, val, hint=""):
         self.val = val
         self.hint = hint
-    def to_string (self):
+    def to_string(self):
         typenode = g_type_to_typenode(self.val)
         if typenode != None:
-            name = glib_gdb.g_quark_to_string (typenode["qname"])
-            s = ("0x%x [%s%s")% (long(self.val), self.hint, name)
-            for i in range (1, int(typenode["n_supers"])):
+            name = glib_gdb.g_quark_to_string(typenode["qname"])
+            s = ("0x%x [%s%s") % (long(self.val), self.hint, name)
+            for i in range(1, int(typenode["n_supers"])):
                 node = g_type_to_typenode(typenode["supers"][i])
                 if node:
                     name = glib_gdb.g_quark_to_string(node["qname"])
@@ -119,163 +128,170 @@ class GTypeHandlePrettyPrinter:
                 s += "/" + name
             return s + "]"
-            return  ("0x%x") % (long(self.val))
+            return ("0x%x") % (long(self.val))
-def pretty_printer_lookup (val):
-    if is_g_type_instance (val):
-        return GTypePrettyPrinter (val)
+def pretty_printer_lookup(val):
+    if is_g_type_instance(val):
+        return GTypePrettyPrinter(val)
     if str(val.type) == "GType":
-        return GTypeHandlePrettyPrinter (val)
-    if is_g_type_class_instance (val):
-        return GTypeHandlePrettyPrinter (val["g_type"], "g_type: ")
+        return GTypeHandlePrettyPrinter(val)
+    if is_g_type_class_instance(val):
+        return GTypeHandlePrettyPrinter(val["g_type"], "g_type: ")
     return None
-def get_signal_name (id):
+def get_signal_name(id):
     if id is None:
         return None
     id = long(id)
     if id == 0:
         return None
-    val = read_global_var ("g_signal_nodes")
-    max_s = read_global_var ("g_n_signal_nodes")
+    val = read_global_var("g_signal_nodes")
+    max_s = read_global_var("g_n_signal_nodes")
     max_s = long(max_s)
     if id < max_s:
         return val[id]["name"].string()
     return None
 def frame_name(frame):
     return str(frame.function())
 def frame_var(frame, var):
     return frame.inferior_frame().read_var(var)
 class SignalFrame(FrameDecorator):
-    def __init__ (self, frames):
+    def __init__(self, frames):
         FrameDecorator.__init__(self, frames[-1])
         self.frame = frames[-1]
         self.frames = frames
-    def name (self):
+    def name(self):
         return "signal-emission"
-    def read_var (self, frame, name, array = None):
+    def read_var(self, frame, name, array=None):
-            v = frame_var (frame, name)
+            v = frame_var(frame, name)
             if v is None or v.is_optimized_out:
                 return None
             if array != None:
-                array.append (v)
+                array.append(v)
             return v
         except ValueError:
             return None
-    def read_object (self, frame, name, array = None):
+    def read_object(self, frame, name, array=None):
-            v = frame_var (frame, name)
+            v = frame_var(frame, name)
             if v is None or v.is_optimized_out:
                 return None
-            v = v.cast (gdb.lookup_type("GObject").pointer())
+            v = v.cast(gdb.lookup_type("GObject").pointer())
             # Ensure this is a somewhat correct object pointer
-            if v != None and g_type_name_from_instance (v):
+            if v != None and g_type_name_from_instance(v):
                 if array != None:
-                    array.append (v)
+                    array.append(v)
                 return v
             return None
         except ValueError:
             return None
-    def append (self, array, obj):
+    def append(self, array, obj):
         if obj != None:
-            array.append (obj)
+            array.append(obj)
-    def or_join_array (self, array):
+    def or_join_array(self, array):
         if len(array) == 0:
             return "???"
-            return ' or '.join(set(map(str, array)))
+            return " or ".join(set(map(str, array)))
     def get_detailed_signal_from_frame(self, frame, signal):
-        detail = self.read_var (frame, "detail")
-        detail = glib_gdb.g_quark_to_string (detail)
+        detail = self.read_var(frame, "detail")
+        detail = glib_gdb.g_quark_to_string(detail)
         if detail is not None:
             return signal + ":" + detail
             return detail
-    def function (self):
+    def function(self):
         instances = []
         signals = []
         for frame in self.frames:
             name = frame_name(frame)
             if name == "signal_emit_unlocked_R":
-                self.read_object (frame, "instance", instances)
-                node = self.read_var (frame, "node")
+                self.read_object(frame, "instance", instances)
+                node = self.read_var(frame, "node")
                 if node:
                     signal = node["name"].string()
                     signal = self.get_detailed_signal_from_frame(frame, signal)
                     self.append(signals, signal)
             if name == "g_signal_emitv":
-                instance_and_params = self.read_var (frame, "instance_and_params")
+                instance_and_params = self.read_var(frame, "instance_and_params")
                 if instance_and_params:
-                    instance = instance_and_params[0]["v_pointer"].cast (gdb.Type("GObject").pointer())
-                    self.append (instances, instance)
-                id = self.read_var (frame, "signal_id")
-                signal = get_signal_name (id)
+                    instance = instance_and_params[0]["v_pointer"].cast(
+                        gdb.Type("GObject").pointer()
+                    )
+                    self.append(instances, instance)
+                id = self.read_var(frame, "signal_id")
+                signal = get_signal_name(id)
                 if signal:
                     signal = self.get_detailed_signal_from_frame(frame, signal)
-                    self.append (signals, signal)
+                    self.append(signals, signal)
             if name == "g_signal_emit_valist" or name == "g_signal_emit":
-                self.read_object (frame, "instance", instances)
-                id = self.read_var (frame, "signal_id")
-                signal = get_signal_name (id)
+                self.read_object(frame, "instance", instances)
+                id = self.read_var(frame, "signal_id")
+                signal = get_signal_name(id)
                 if signal:
                     signal = self.get_detailed_signal_from_frame(frame, signal)
-                    self.append (signals, signal)
+                    self.append(signals, signal)
             if name == "g_signal_emit_by_name":
-                self.read_object (frame, "instance", instances)
-                self.read_var (frame, "detailed_signal", signals)
+                self.read_object(frame, "instance", instances)
+                self.read_var(frame, "detailed_signal", signals)
-        instance = self.or_join_array (instances)
-        signal = self.or_join_array (signals)
+        instance = self.or_join_array(instances)
+        signal = self.or_join_array(signals)
-        return "<emit signal %s on instance %s>" %  (signal, instance)
+        return "<emit signal %s on instance %s>" % (signal, instance)
-    def elided (self):
+    def elided(self):
         return self.frames[0:-1]
-    def describe (self, stream, full):
-        stream.write (" " + self.function () + "\n")
+    def describe(self, stream, full):
+        stream.write(" " + self.function() + "\n")
 class GFrameDecorator:
-    def __init__ (self, iter):
+    def __init__(self, iter):
         self.queue = []
         self.iter = iter
-    def __iter__ (self):
+    def __iter__(self):
         return self
-    def fill (self):
+    def fill(self):
         while len(self.queue) <= 8:
                 f = next(self.iter)
-                self.queue.append (f)
+                self.queue.append(f)
             except StopIteration:
-    def find_signal_emission (self):
-        for i in range (min (len(self.queue), 3)):
+    def find_signal_emission(self):
+        for i in range(min(len(self.queue), 3)):
             if frame_name(self.queue[i]) == "signal_emit_unlocked_R":
                 return i
         return -1
-    def next (self):
+    def next(self):
         # Ensure we have enough frames for a full signal emission
@@ -283,24 +299,26 @@ class GFrameDecorator:
         if len(self.queue) == 0:
             raise StopIteration
-        emission = self.find_signal_emission ()
+        emission = self.find_signal_emission()
         if emission > 0:
             start = emission
             while True:
                 if start == 0:
-                prev_name = frame_name(self.queue[start-1])
+                prev_name = frame_name(self.queue[start - 1])
                 if prev_name.find("_marshal_") >= 0 or prev_name == "g_closure_invoke":
                     start = start - 1
             end = emission + 1
             while end < len(self.queue):
-                if frame_name(self.queue[end]) in ["g_signal_emitv",
-                                                   "g_signal_emit_valist",
-                                                   "g_signal_emit",
-                                                   "g_signal_emit_by_name",
-                                                   "_g_closure_invoke_va"]:
+                if frame_name(self.queue[end]) in [
+                    "g_signal_emitv",
+                    "g_signal_emit_valist",
+                    "g_signal_emit",
+                    "g_signal_emit_by_name",
+                    "_g_closure_invoke_va",
+                ]:
                     end = end + 1
@@ -311,18 +329,20 @@ class GFrameDecorator:
         return self.queue.pop(0)
-    def __next__ (self):
+    def __next__(self):
         return self.next()
 class GFrameFilter(object):
-    name = 'glib'
+    name = "glib"
     enabled = True
     priority = 100
     def filter(self, iterator):
         return GFrameDecorator(iterator)
-def register (obj):
+def register(obj):
     if obj is None:
         obj = gdb
diff --git a/gobject/tests/genmarshal.py b/gobject/tests/genmarshal.py
index 46d9063e3..1ee283ca9 100644
--- a/gobject/tests/genmarshal.py
+++ b/gobject/tests/genmarshal.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import unittest
 import taptestrunner
-Result = collections.namedtuple('Result', ('info', 'out', 'err', 'subs'))
+Result = collections.namedtuple("Result", ("info", "out", "err", "subs"))
 class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -47,22 +47,23 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
     parsing and generation code out into a library and unit test that, and
     convert this test to just check command line behaviour.
     # Track the cwd, we want to back out to that to clean up our tempdir
-    cwd = ''
+    cwd = ""
     def setUp(self):
         self.timeout_seconds = 10  # seconds per test
         self.tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
         self.cwd = os.getcwd()
-        print('tmpdir:', self.tmpdir.name)
-        if 'G_TEST_BUILDDIR' in os.environ:
-            self.__genmarshal = \
-                os.path.join(os.environ['G_TEST_BUILDDIR'], '..',
-                             'glib-genmarshal')
+        print("tmpdir:", self.tmpdir.name)
+        if "G_TEST_BUILDDIR" in os.environ:
+            self.__genmarshal = os.path.join(
+                os.environ["G_TEST_BUILDDIR"], "..", "glib-genmarshal"
+            )
-            self.__genmarshal = shutil.which('glib-genmarshal')
-        print('genmarshal:', self.__genmarshal)
+            self.__genmarshal = shutil.which("glib-genmarshal")
+        print("genmarshal:", self.__genmarshal)
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -73,48 +74,53 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
         # shebang lines are not supported on native
         # Windows consoles
-        if os.name == 'nt':
+        if os.name == "nt":
             argv.insert(0, sys.executable)
-        print('Running:', argv)
+        print("Running:", argv)
         env = os.environ.copy()
-        env['LC_ALL'] = 'C.UTF-8'
-        print('Environment:', env)
+        env["LC_ALL"] = "C.UTF-8"
+        print("Environment:", env)
         # We want to ensure consistent line endings...
-        info = subprocess.run(argv, timeout=self.timeout_seconds,
-                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                              stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-                              env=env,
-                              universal_newlines=True)
+        info = subprocess.run(
+            argv,
+            timeout=self.timeout_seconds,
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+            env=env,
+            universal_newlines=True,
+        )
         out = info.stdout.strip()
         err = info.stderr.strip()
         # Known substitutions for standard boilerplate
         subs = {
-            'standard_top_comment':
-                'This file is generated by glib-genmarshal, do not modify '
-                'it. This code is licensed under the same license as the '
-                'containing project. Note that it links to GLib, so must '
-                'comply with the LGPL linking clauses.',
-            'standard_top_pragma': dedent(
-                '''
+            "standard_top_comment": "This file is generated by glib-genmarshal, do not modify "
+            "it. This code is licensed under the same license as the "
+            "containing project. Note that it links to GLib, so must "
+            "comply with the LGPL linking clauses.",
+            "standard_top_pragma": dedent(
+                """
                 #ifndef __G_CCLOSURE_USER_MARSHAL_MARSHAL_H__
                 #define __G_CCLOSURE_USER_MARSHAL_MARSHAL_H__
-                ''').strip(),
-            'standard_bottom_pragma': dedent(
-                '''
+                """
+            ).strip(),
+            "standard_bottom_pragma": dedent(
+                """
                 #endif /* __G_CCLOSURE_USER_MARSHAL_MARSHAL_H__ */
-                ''').strip(),
-            'standard_includes': dedent(
-                '''
+                """
+            ).strip(),
+            "standard_includes": dedent(
+                """
                 #include <glib-object.h>
-                ''').strip(),
-            'standard_marshal_peek_defines': dedent(
-                '''
+                """
+            ).strip(),
+            "standard_marshal_peek_defines": dedent(
+                """
                 #ifdef G_ENABLE_DEBUG
                 #define g_marshal_value_peek_boolean(v)  g_value_get_boolean (v)
                 #define g_marshal_value_peek_char(v)     g_value_get_schar (v)
@@ -160,54 +166,53 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
                 #define g_marshal_value_peek_object(v)   (v)->data[0].v_pointer
                 #define g_marshal_value_peek_variant(v)  (v)->data[0].v_pointer
                 #endif /* !G_ENABLE_DEBUG */
-                ''').strip(),
+                """
+            ).strip(),
         result = Result(info, out, err, subs)
-        print('Output:', result.out)
+        print("Output:", result.out)
         return result
     def runGenmarshalWithList(self, list_contents, *args):
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tmpdir.name,
-                                         suffix='.list',
-                                         delete=False) as list_file:
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+            dir=self.tmpdir.name, suffix=".list", delete=False
+        ) as list_file:
             # Write out the list.
-            list_file.write(list_contents.encode('utf-8'))
-            print(list_file.name + ':', list_contents)
+            list_file.write(list_contents.encode("utf-8"))
+            print(list_file.name + ":", list_contents)
-            header_result = self.runGenmarshal(list_file.name,
-                                               '--header', *args)
-            body_result = self.runGenmarshal(list_file.name,
-                                             '--body', *args)
+            header_result = self.runGenmarshal(list_file.name, "--header", *args)
+            body_result = self.runGenmarshal(list_file.name, "--body", *args)
-            header_result.subs['list_path'] = list_file.name
-            body_result.subs['list_path'] = list_file.name
+            header_result.subs["list_path"] = list_file.name
+            body_result.subs["list_path"] = list_file.name
             return (header_result, body_result)
     def test_help(self):
         """Test the --help argument."""
-        result = self.runGenmarshal('--help')
-        self.assertIn('usage: glib-genmarshal', result.out)
+        result = self.runGenmarshal("--help")
+        self.assertIn("usage: glib-genmarshal", result.out)
     def test_no_args(self):
         """Test running with no arguments at all."""
         result = self.runGenmarshal()
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertEqual('', result.out)
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertEqual("", result.out)
     def test_empty_list(self):
         """Test running with an empty list."""
-        (header_result, body_result) = \
-            self.runGenmarshalWithList('', '--quiet')
+        (header_result, body_result) = self.runGenmarshalWithList("", "--quiet")
-        self.assertEqual('', header_result.err)
-        self.assertEqual('', body_result.err)
+        self.assertEqual("", header_result.err)
+        self.assertEqual("", body_result.err)
-        self.assertEqual(dedent(
-            '''
+        self.assertEqual(
+            dedent(
+                """
             /* {standard_top_comment} */
@@ -219,28 +224,39 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
-            ''').strip().format(**header_result.subs),
-            header_result.out.strip())
-        self.assertEqual(dedent(
-            '''
+            """
+            )
+            .strip()
+            .format(**header_result.subs),
+            header_result.out.strip(),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            dedent(
+                """
             /* {standard_top_comment} */
-            ''').strip().format(**body_result.subs),
-            body_result.out.strip())
+            """
+            )
+            .strip()
+            .format(**body_result.subs),
+            body_result.out.strip(),
+        )
     def test_void_boolean(self):
         """Test running with a basic VOID:BOOLEAN list."""
-        (header_result, body_result) = \
-            self.runGenmarshalWithList('VOID:BOOLEAN', '--quiet')
+        (header_result, body_result) = self.runGenmarshalWithList(
+            "VOID:BOOLEAN", "--quiet"
+        )
-        self.assertEqual('', header_result.err)
-        self.assertEqual('', body_result.err)
+        self.assertEqual("", header_result.err)
+        self.assertEqual("", body_result.err)
-        self.assertEqual(dedent(
-            '''
+        self.assertEqual(
+            dedent(
+                """
             /* {standard_top_comment} */
@@ -255,28 +271,39 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
-            ''').strip().format(**header_result.subs),
-            header_result.out.strip())
-        self.assertEqual(dedent(
-            '''
+            """
+            )
+            .strip()
+            .format(**header_result.subs),
+            header_result.out.strip(),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            dedent(
+                """
             /* {standard_top_comment} */
-            ''').strip().format(**body_result.subs),
-            body_result.out.strip())
+            """
+            )
+            .strip()
+            .format(**body_result.subs),
+            body_result.out.strip(),
+        )
     def test_void_boolean_int64(self):
         """Test running with a non-trivial VOID:BOOLEAN,INT64 list."""
-        (header_result, body_result) = \
-            self.runGenmarshalWithList('VOID:BOOLEAN,INT64', '--quiet')
+        (header_result, body_result) = self.runGenmarshalWithList(
+            "VOID:BOOLEAN,INT64", "--quiet"
+        )
-        self.assertEqual('', header_result.err)
-        self.assertEqual('', body_result.err)
+        self.assertEqual("", header_result.err)
+        self.assertEqual("", body_result.err)
-        self.assertEqual(dedent(
-            '''
+        self.assertEqual(
+            dedent(
+                """
             /* {standard_top_comment} */
@@ -297,11 +324,16 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
-            ''').strip().format(**header_result.subs),
-            header_result.out.strip())
-        self.assertEqual(dedent(
-            '''
+            """
+            )
+            .strip()
+            .format(**header_result.subs),
+            header_result.out.strip(),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            dedent(
+                """
             /* {standard_top_comment} */
@@ -343,8 +375,12 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
                         g_marshal_value_peek_int64 (param_values + 2),
-            ''').strip().format(**body_result.subs),
-            body_result.out.strip())
+            """
+            )
+            .strip()
+            .format(**body_result.subs),
+            body_result.out.strip(),
+        )
     def test_void_variant_nostdinc_valist_marshaller(self):
         """Test running with a basic VOID:VARIANT list, but without the
@@ -353,15 +389,16 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
         See issue #1793.
-        (header_result, body_result) = \
-            self.runGenmarshalWithList('VOID:VARIANT', '--quiet', '--nostdinc',
-                                       '--valist-marshaller')
+        (header_result, body_result) = self.runGenmarshalWithList(
+            "VOID:VARIANT", "--quiet", "--nostdinc", "--valist-marshaller"
+        )
-        self.assertEqual('', header_result.err)
-        self.assertEqual('', body_result.err)
+        self.assertEqual("", header_result.err)
+        self.assertEqual("", body_result.err)
-        self.assertEqual(dedent(
-            '''
+        self.assertEqual(
+            dedent(
+                """
             /* {standard_top_comment} */
@@ -388,11 +425,16 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
-            ''').strip().format(**header_result.subs),
-            header_result.out.strip())
-        self.assertEqual(dedent(
-            '''
+            """
+            )
+            .strip()
+            .format(**header_result.subs),
+            header_result.out.strip(),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            dedent(
+                """
             /* {standard_top_comment} */
@@ -474,8 +516,12 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
               if ((param_types[0] & G_SIGNAL_TYPE_STATIC_SCOPE) == 0 && arg0 != NULL)
                 g_variant_unref (arg0);
-            ''').strip().format(**body_result.subs),
-            body_result.out.strip())
+            """
+            )
+            .strip()
+            .format(**body_result.subs),
+            body_result.out.strip(),
+        )
     def test_void_string_nostdinc(self):
         """Test running with a basic VOID:STRING list, but without the
@@ -485,15 +531,16 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
         See issue #1792.
-        (header_result, body_result) = \
-            self.runGenmarshalWithList('VOID:STRING', '--quiet', '--nostdinc',
-                                       '--valist-marshaller')
+        (header_result, body_result) = self.runGenmarshalWithList(
+            "VOID:STRING", "--quiet", "--nostdinc", "--valist-marshaller"
+        )
-        self.assertEqual('', header_result.err)
-        self.assertEqual('', body_result.err)
+        self.assertEqual("", header_result.err)
+        self.assertEqual("", body_result.err)
-        self.assertEqual(dedent(
-            '''
+        self.assertEqual(
+            dedent(
+                """
             /* {standard_top_comment} */
@@ -520,11 +567,16 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
-            ''').strip().format(**header_result.subs),
-            header_result.out.strip())
-        self.assertEqual(dedent(
-            '''
+            """
+            )
+            .strip()
+            .format(**header_result.subs),
+            header_result.out.strip(),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            dedent(
+                """
             /* {standard_top_comment} */
@@ -606,8 +658,12 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
               if ((param_types[0] & G_SIGNAL_TYPE_STATIC_SCOPE) == 0 && arg0 != NULL)
                 g_free (arg0);
-            ''').strip().format(**body_result.subs),
-            body_result.out.strip())
+            """
+            )
+            .strip()
+            .format(**body_result.subs),
+            body_result.out.strip(),
+        )
     def test_void_param_nostdinc(self):
         """Test running with a basic VOID:PARAM list, but without the
@@ -618,15 +674,16 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
         See issue #1792.
         self.maxDiff = None  # TODO
-        (header_result, body_result) = \
-            self.runGenmarshalWithList('VOID:PARAM', '--quiet', '--nostdinc',
-                                       '--valist-marshaller')
+        (header_result, body_result) = self.runGenmarshalWithList(
+            "VOID:PARAM", "--quiet", "--nostdinc", "--valist-marshaller"
+        )
-        self.assertEqual('', header_result.err)
-        self.assertEqual('', body_result.err)
+        self.assertEqual("", header_result.err)
+        self.assertEqual("", body_result.err)
-        self.assertEqual(dedent(
-            '''
+        self.assertEqual(
+            dedent(
+                """
             /* {standard_top_comment} */
@@ -653,11 +710,16 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
-            ''').strip().format(**header_result.subs),
-            header_result.out.strip())
-        self.assertEqual(dedent(
-            '''
+            """
+            )
+            .strip()
+            .format(**header_result.subs),
+            header_result.out.strip(),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            dedent(
+                """
             /* {standard_top_comment} */
@@ -739,9 +801,13 @@ class TestGenmarshal(unittest.TestCase):
               if ((param_types[0] & G_SIGNAL_TYPE_STATIC_SCOPE) == 0 && arg0 != NULL)
                 g_param_spec_unref (arg0);
-            ''').strip().format(**body_result.subs),
-            body_result.out.strip())
+            """
+            )
+            .strip()
+            .format(**body_result.subs),
+            body_result.out.strip(),
+        )
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/gobject/tests/mkenums.py b/gobject/tests/mkenums.py
index 22a100505..ae0c683e0 100644
--- a/gobject/tests/mkenums.py
+++ b/gobject/tests/mkenums.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import unittest
 import taptestrunner
-Result = collections.namedtuple('Result', ('info', 'out', 'err', 'subs'))
+Result = collections.namedtuple("Result", ("info", "out", "err", "subs"))
 class TestMkenums(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ class TestMkenums(unittest.TestCase):
     parsing and generation code out into a library and unit test that, and
     convert this test to just check command line behaviour.
     # Track the cwd, we want to back out to that to clean up our tempdir
-    cwd = ''
+    cwd = ""
     rspfile = False
     def setUp(self):
@@ -56,14 +57,14 @@ class TestMkenums(unittest.TestCase):
         self.tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
         self.cwd = os.getcwd()
-        print('tmpdir:', self.tmpdir.name)
-        if 'G_TEST_BUILDDIR' in os.environ:
-            self.__mkenums = \
-                os.path.join(os.environ['G_TEST_BUILDDIR'], '..',
-                             'glib-mkenums')
+        print("tmpdir:", self.tmpdir.name)
+        if "G_TEST_BUILDDIR" in os.environ:
+            self.__mkenums = os.path.join(
+                os.environ["G_TEST_BUILDDIR"], "..", "glib-mkenums"
+            )
-            self.__mkenums = shutil.which('glib-mkenums')
-        print('rspfile: {}, mkenums:'.format(self.rspfile), self.__mkenums)
+            self.__mkenums = shutil.which("glib-mkenums")
+        print("rspfile: {}, mkenums:".format(self.rspfile), self.__mkenums)
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -71,10 +72,12 @@ class TestMkenums(unittest.TestCase):
     def _write_rspfile(self, argv):
         import shlex
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tmpdir.name, mode='w',
-                                         delete=False) as f:
-            contents = ' '.join([shlex.quote(arg) for arg in argv])
-            print('Response file contains:', contents)
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+            dir=self.tmpdir.name, mode="w", delete=False
+        ) as f:
+            contents = " ".join([shlex.quote(arg) for arg in argv])
+            print("Response file contains:", contents)
             return f.name
@@ -82,60 +85,62 @@ class TestMkenums(unittest.TestCase):
     def runMkenums(self, *args):
         if self.rspfile:
             rspfile = self._write_rspfile(args)
-            args = ['@' + rspfile]
+            args = ["@" + rspfile]
         argv = [self.__mkenums]
         # shebang lines are not supported on native
         # Windows consoles
-        if os.name == 'nt':
+        if os.name == "nt":
             argv.insert(0, sys.executable)
-        print('Running:', argv)
+        print("Running:", argv)
         env = os.environ.copy()
-        env['LC_ALL'] = 'C.UTF-8'
-        print('Environment:', env)
+        env["LC_ALL"] = "C.UTF-8"
+        print("Environment:", env)
         # We want to ensure consistent line endings...
-        info = subprocess.run(argv, timeout=self.timeout_seconds,
-                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                              stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-                              env=env,
-                              universal_newlines=True)
+        info = subprocess.run(
+            argv,
+            timeout=self.timeout_seconds,
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+            env=env,
+            universal_newlines=True,
+        )
         out = info.stdout.strip()
         err = info.stderr.strip()
         # Known substitutions for standard boilerplate
         subs = {
-            'standard_top_comment':
-                'This file is generated by glib-mkenums, do not modify '
-                'it. This code is licensed under the same license as the '
-                'containing project. Note that it links to GLib, so must '
-                'comply with the LGPL linking clauses.',
-            'standard_bottom_comment': 'Generated data ends here'
+            "standard_top_comment": "This file is generated by glib-mkenums, do not modify "
+            "it. This code is licensed under the same license as the "
+            "containing project. Note that it links to GLib, so must "
+            "comply with the LGPL linking clauses.",
+            "standard_bottom_comment": "Generated data ends here",
         result = Result(info, out, err, subs)
-        print('Output:', result.out)
+        print("Output:", result.out)
         return result
     def runMkenumsWithTemplate(self, template_contents, *args):
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tmpdir.name,
-                                         suffix='.template',
-                                         delete=False) as template_file:
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+            dir=self.tmpdir.name, suffix=".template", delete=False
+        ) as template_file:
             # Write out the template.
-            template_file.write(template_contents.encode('utf-8'))
-            print(template_file.name + ':', template_contents)
+            template_file.write(template_contents.encode("utf-8"))
+            print(template_file.name + ":", template_contents)
-            return self.runMkenums('--template', template_file.name, *args)
+            return self.runMkenums("--template", template_file.name, *args)
     def runMkenumsWithAllSubstitutions(self, *args):
-        '''Run glib-mkenums with a template which outputs all substitutions.'''
-        template_contents = '''
+        """Run glib-mkenums with a template which outputs all substitutions."""
+        template_contents = """
 /*** BEGIN file-header ***/
 /*** END file-header ***/
@@ -203,51 +208,66 @@ comment: @comment@
 /*** BEGIN file-tail ***/
 /*** END file-tail ***/
         return self.runMkenumsWithTemplate(template_contents, *args)
-    def runMkenumsWithHeader(self, h_contents, encoding='utf-8'):
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tmpdir.name,
-                                         suffix='.h',
-                                         delete=False) as h_file:
+    def runMkenumsWithHeader(self, h_contents, encoding="utf-8"):
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+            dir=self.tmpdir.name, suffix=".h", delete=False
+        ) as h_file:
             # Write out the header to be scanned.
-            print(h_file.name + ':', h_contents)
+            print(h_file.name + ":", h_contents)
             # Run glib-mkenums with a template which outputs all substitutions.
             result = self.runMkenumsWithAllSubstitutions(h_file.name)
             # Known substitutions for generated filenames.
-            result.subs.update({
-                'filename': h_file.name,
-                'basename': os.path.basename(h_file.name),
-            })
+            result.subs.update(
+                {"filename": h_file.name, "basename": os.path.basename(h_file.name),}
+            )
             return result
-    def assertSingleEnum(self, result, enum_name_camel, enum_name_lower,
-                         enum_name_upper, enum_name_short, enum_prefix,
-                         enum_since, type_lower, type_camel, type_upper,
-                         value_name, value_nick, value_num):
+    def assertSingleEnum(
+        self,
+        result,
+        enum_name_camel,
+        enum_name_lower,
+        enum_name_upper,
+        enum_name_short,
+        enum_prefix,
+        enum_since,
+        type_lower,
+        type_camel,
+        type_upper,
+        value_name,
+        value_nick,
+        value_num,
+    ):
         """Assert that out (from runMkenumsWithHeader()) contains a single
            enum and value matching the given arguments."""
-        subs = dict({
-            'enum_name_camel': enum_name_camel,
-            'enum_name_lower': enum_name_lower,
-            'enum_name_upper': enum_name_upper,
-            'enum_name_short': enum_name_short,
-            'enum_prefix': enum_prefix,
-            'enum_since': enum_since,
-            'type_lower': type_lower,
-            'type_camel': type_camel,
-            'type_upper': type_upper,
-            'value_name': value_name,
-            'value_nick': value_nick,
-            'value_num': value_num,
-        }, **result.subs)
-        self.assertEqual('''
+        subs = dict(
+            {
+                "enum_name_camel": enum_name_camel,
+                "enum_name_lower": enum_name_lower,
+                "enum_name_upper": enum_name_upper,
+                "enum_name_short": enum_name_short,
+                "enum_prefix": enum_prefix,
+                "enum_since": enum_since,
+                "type_lower": type_lower,
+                "type_camel": type_camel,
+                "type_upper": type_upper,
+                "value_name": value_name,
+                "value_nick": value_nick,
+                "value_num": value_num,
+            },
+            **result.subs
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            """
 comment: {standard_top_comment}
@@ -297,38 +317,51 @@ file-tail
 comment: {standard_bottom_comment}
-'''.format(**subs).strip(), result.out)
+                **subs
+            ).strip(),
+            result.out,
+        )
     def test_help(self):
         """Test the --help argument."""
-        result = self.runMkenums('--help')
-        self.assertIn('usage: glib-mkenums', result.out)
+        result = self.runMkenums("--help")
+        self.assertIn("usage: glib-mkenums", result.out)
     def test_no_args(self):
         """Test running with no arguments at all."""
         result = self.runMkenums()
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertEqual('''/* {standard_top_comment} */
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            """/* {standard_top_comment} */
-/* {standard_bottom_comment} */'''.format(**result.subs),
-                          result.out.strip())
+/* {standard_bottom_comment} */""".format(
+                **result.subs
+            ),
+            result.out.strip(),
+        )
     def test_empty_template(self):
         """Test running with an empty template and no header files."""
-        result = self.runMkenumsWithTemplate('')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertEqual('''/* {standard_top_comment} */
+        result = self.runMkenumsWithTemplate("")
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            """/* {standard_top_comment} */
-/* {standard_bottom_comment} */'''.format(**result.subs),
-                          result.out.strip())
+/* {standard_bottom_comment} */""".format(
+                **result.subs
+            ),
+            result.out.strip(),
+        )
     def test_no_headers(self):
         """Test running with a complete template, but no header files."""
         result = self.runMkenumsWithAllSubstitutions()
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertEqual('''
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            """
 comment: {standard_top_comment}
@@ -338,13 +371,18 @@ file-tail
 comment: {standard_bottom_comment}
-'''.format(**result.subs).strip(), result.out)
+                **result.subs
+            ).strip(),
+            result.out,
+        )
     def test_empty_header(self):
         """Test an empty header."""
-        result = self.runMkenumsWithHeader('')
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertEqual('''
+        result = self.runMkenumsWithHeader("")
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            """
 comment: {standard_top_comment}
@@ -354,94 +392,134 @@ file-tail
 comment: {standard_bottom_comment}
-'''.format(**result.subs).strip(), result.out)
+                **result.subs
+            ).strip(),
+            result.out,
+        )
     def test_enum_name(self):
         """Test typedefs with an enum and a typedef name. Bug #794506."""
-        h_contents = '''
+        h_contents = """
         typedef enum _SomeEnumIdentifier {
         } SomeEnumIdentifier;
-        '''
+        """
         result = self.runMkenumsWithHeader(h_contents)
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertSingleEnum(result, 'SomeEnumIdentifier',
-                              'some_enum_identifier', 'SOME_ENUM_IDENTIFIER',
-                              'ENUM_IDENTIFIER', 'SOME', '', 'enum', 'Enum',
-                              'ENUM', 'ENUM_VALUE', 'value', '0')
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertSingleEnum(
+            result,
+            "SomeEnumIdentifier",
+            "some_enum_identifier",
+            "SOME_ENUM_IDENTIFIER",
+            "ENUM_IDENTIFIER",
+            "SOME",
+            "",
+            "enum",
+            "Enum",
+            "ENUM",
+            "ENUM_VALUE",
+            "value",
+            "0",
+        )
     def test_non_utf8_encoding(self):
         """Test source files with non-UTF-8 encoding. Bug #785113."""
-        h_contents = '''
+        h_contents = """
         /* Copyright © La Peña */
         typedef enum {
         } SomeEnumIdentifier;
-        '''
-        result = self.runMkenumsWithHeader(h_contents, encoding='iso-8859-1')
-        self.assertIn('WARNING: UnicodeWarning: ', result.err)
-        self.assertSingleEnum(result, 'SomeEnumIdentifier',
-                              'some_enum_identifier', 'SOME_ENUM_IDENTIFIER',
-                              'ENUM_IDENTIFIER', 'SOME', '', 'enum', 'Enum',
-                              'ENUM', 'ENUM_VALUE', 'value', '0')
+        """
+        result = self.runMkenumsWithHeader(h_contents, encoding="iso-8859-1")
+        self.assertIn("WARNING: UnicodeWarning: ", result.err)
+        self.assertSingleEnum(
+            result,
+            "SomeEnumIdentifier",
+            "some_enum_identifier",
+            "SOME_ENUM_IDENTIFIER",
+            "ENUM_IDENTIFIER",
+            "SOME",
+            "",
+            "enum",
+            "Enum",
+            "ENUM",
+            "ENUM_VALUE",
+            "value",
+            "0",
+        )
     def test_reproducible(self):
         """Test builds are reproducible regardless of file ordering.
         Bug #691436."""
-        template_contents = 'template'
+        template_contents = "template"
-        h_contents1 = '''
+        h_contents1 = """
         typedef enum {
         } Header1;
-        '''
+        """
-        h_contents2 = '''
+        h_contents2 = """
         typedef enum {
         } Header2;
-        '''
+        """
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tmpdir.name,
-                                         suffix='1.h', delete=False) as h_file1, \
-                tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tmpdir.name,
-                                            suffix='2.h', delete=False) as h_file2:
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+            dir=self.tmpdir.name, suffix="1.h", delete=False
+        ) as h_file1, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+            dir=self.tmpdir.name, suffix="2.h", delete=False
+        ) as h_file2:
             # Write out the headers.
-            h_file1.write(h_contents1.encode('utf-8'))
-            h_file2.write(h_contents2.encode('utf-8'))
+            h_file1.write(h_contents1.encode("utf-8"))
+            h_file2.write(h_contents2.encode("utf-8"))
             # Run glib-mkenums with the headers in one order, and then again
             # in another order.
-            result1 = self.runMkenumsWithTemplate(template_contents,
-                                                  h_file1.name, h_file2.name)
-            self.assertEqual('', result1.err)
+            result1 = self.runMkenumsWithTemplate(
+                template_contents, h_file1.name, h_file2.name
+            )
+            self.assertEqual("", result1.err)
-            result2 = self.runMkenumsWithTemplate(template_contents,
-                                                  h_file2.name, h_file1.name)
-            self.assertEqual('', result2.err)
+            result2 = self.runMkenumsWithTemplate(
+                template_contents, h_file2.name, h_file1.name
+            )
+            self.assertEqual("", result2.err)
             # The output should be the same.
             self.assertEqual(result1.out, result2.out)
     def test_no_nick(self):
         """Test trigraphs with a desc but no nick. Issue #1360."""
-        h_contents = '''
+        h_contents = """
         typedef enum {
           GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST = 0,   /*< desc="nearest"      >*/
         } GeglSamplerType;
-        '''
+        """
         result = self.runMkenumsWithHeader(h_contents)
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertSingleEnum(result, 'GeglSamplerType',
-                              'gegl_sampler_type', 'GEGL_SAMPLER_TYPE',
-                              'SAMPLER_TYPE', 'GEGL', '', 'enum', 'Enum',
-                              'ENUM', 'GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST', 'nearest', '0')
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertSingleEnum(
+            result,
+            "GeglSamplerType",
+            "gegl_sampler_type",
+            "GEGL_SAMPLER_TYPE",
+            "SAMPLER_TYPE",
+            "GEGL",
+            "",
+            "enum",
+            "Enum",
+            "ENUM",
+            "GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST",
+            "nearest",
+            "0",
+        )
     def test_filename_basename_in_fhead_ftail(self):
-        template_contents = '''
+        template_contents = """
 /*** BEGIN file-header ***/
 filename: @filename@
@@ -457,18 +535,21 @@ comment: @comment@
 filename: @filename@
 basename: @basename@
-/*** END file-tail ***/'''
+/*** END file-tail ***/"""
         result = self.runMkenumsWithTemplate(template_contents)
-                '''
+                """
                 WARNING: @filename@ used in file-header section.
                 WARNING: @basename@ used in file-header section.
                 WARNING: @filename@ used in file-tail section.
                 WARNING: @basename@ used in file-tail section.
-                ''').strip(),
-            result.err)
-        self.assertEqual('''
+                """
+            ).strip(),
+            result.err,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            """
 comment: {standard_top_comment}
@@ -482,27 +563,44 @@ basename: @basename@
 comment: {standard_bottom_comment}
-'''.format(**result.subs).strip(), result.out)
+                **result.subs
+            ).strip(),
+            result.out,
+        )
     def test_since(self):
         """Test user-provided 'since' version handling
-        h_contents = '''
+        h_contents = """
         typedef enum { /*< since=1.0 >*/
         } QmiWmsMessageProtocol;
-        '''
+        """
         result = self.runMkenumsWithHeader(h_contents)
-        self.assertEqual('', result.err)
-        self.assertSingleEnum(result, 'QmiWmsMessageProtocol',
-                              'qmi_wms_message_protocol', 'QMI_WMS_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL',
-                              'WMS_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL', 'QMI', '1.0', 'enum', 'Enum',
-                              'ENUM', 'QMI_WMS_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_CDMA', 'cdma', '0')
+        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
+        self.assertSingleEnum(
+            result,
+            "QmiWmsMessageProtocol",
+            "qmi_wms_message_protocol",
+            "WMS_MESSAGE_PROTOCOL",
+            "QMI",
+            "1.0",
+            "enum",
+            "Enum",
+            "ENUM",
+            "cdma",
+            "0",
+        )
 class TestRspMkenums(TestMkenums):
-    '''Run all tests again in @rspfile mode'''
+    """Run all tests again in @rspfile mode"""
     rspfile = True
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/gobject/tests/taptestrunner.py b/gobject/tests/taptestrunner.py
index 261496197..af53db43e 100644
--- a/gobject/tests/taptestrunner.py
+++ b/gobject/tests/taptestrunner.py
@@ -31,146 +31,155 @@ import base64
 from io import StringIO
 # Log modes
-class LogMode(object) :
-  LogToError, LogToDiagnostics, LogToYAML, LogToAttachment = range(4)
+class LogMode(object):
+    LogToError, LogToDiagnostics, LogToYAML, LogToAttachment = range(4)
 class TAPTestResult(unittest.TestResult):
-  def __init__(self, output_stream, error_stream, message_log, test_output_log):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).__init__(self, output_stream)
-    self.output_stream = output_stream
-    self.error_stream = error_stream
-    self.orig_stdout = None
-    self.orig_stderr = None
-    self.message = None
-    self.test_output = None
-    self.message_log = message_log
-    self.test_output_log = test_output_log
-    self.output_stream.write("TAP version 13\n")
-    self._set_streams()
-  def printErrors(self):
-    self.print_raw("1..%d\n" % self.testsRun)
-    self._reset_streams()
-  def _set_streams(self):
-    self.orig_stdout = sys.stdout
-    self.orig_stderr = sys.stderr
-    if self.message_log == LogMode.LogToError:
-      self.message = self.error_stream
-    else:
-      self.message = StringIO()
-    if self.test_output_log == LogMode.LogToError:
-      self.test_output = self.error_stream
-    else:
-      self.test_output = StringIO()
-    if self.message_log == self.test_output_log:
-      self.test_output = self.message
-    sys.stdout = sys.stderr = self.test_output
-  def _reset_streams(self):
-    sys.stdout = self.orig_stdout
-    sys.stderr = self.orig_stderr
-  def print_raw(self, text):
-    self.output_stream.write(text)
-    self.output_stream.flush()
-  def print_result(self, result, test, directive = None):
-    self.output_stream.write("%s %d %s" % (result, self.testsRun, test.id()))
-    if directive:
-      self.output_stream.write(" # " + directive)
-    self.output_stream.write("\n")
-    self.output_stream.flush()
-  def ok(self, test, directive = None):
-    self.print_result("ok", test, directive)
-  def not_ok(self, test):
-    self.print_result("not ok", test)
-  def startTest(self, test):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).startTest(test)
-  def stopTest(self, test):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).stopTest(test)
-    if self.message_log == self.test_output_log:
-      logs = [(self.message_log, self.message, "output")]
-    else:
-      logs = [
-          (self.test_output_log, self.test_output, "test_output"),
-          (self.message_log, self.message, "message")
-      ]
-    for log_mode, log, log_name in logs:
-      if log_mode != LogMode.LogToError:
-        output = log.getvalue()
-        if len(output):
-          if log_mode == LogMode.LogToYAML:
-            self.print_raw("  ---\n")
-            self.print_raw("    " + log_name + ": |\n")
-            self.print_raw("      " + output.rstrip().replace("\n", "\n      ") + "\n")
-            self.print_raw("  ...\n")
-          elif log_mode == LogMode.LogToAttachment:
-            self.print_raw("  ---\n")
-            self.print_raw("    " + log_name + ":\n")
-            self.print_raw("      File-Name: " + log_name + ".txt\n")
-            self.print_raw("      File-Type: text/plain\n")
-            self.print_raw("      File-Content: " + base64.b64encode(output) + "\n")
-            self.print_raw("  ...\n")
-          else:
-            self.print_raw("# " + output.rstrip().replace("\n", "\n# ") + "\n")
-        # Truncate doesn't change the current stream position.
-        # Seek to the beginning to avoid extensions on subsequent writes.
-        log.seek(0)
-        log.truncate(0)
-  def addSuccess(self, test):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).addSuccess(test)
-    self.ok(test)
-  def addError(self, test, err):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).addError(test, err)
-    self.message.write(self.errors[-1][1] + "\n")
-    self.not_ok(test)
-  def addFailure(self, test, err):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).addFailure(test, err)
-    self.message.write(self.failures[-1][1] + "\n")
-    self.not_ok(test)
-  def addSkip(self, test, reason):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).addSkip(test, reason)
-    self.ok(test, "SKIP " + reason)
-  def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).addExpectedFailure(test, err)
-    self.ok(test)
-  def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test):
-    super(TAPTestResult, self).addUnexpectedSuccess(test)
-    self.message.write("Unexpected success" + "\n")
-    self.not_ok(test)
+    def __init__(self, output_stream, error_stream, message_log, test_output_log):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).__init__(self, output_stream)
+        self.output_stream = output_stream
+        self.error_stream = error_stream
+        self.orig_stdout = None
+        self.orig_stderr = None
+        self.message = None
+        self.test_output = None
+        self.message_log = message_log
+        self.test_output_log = test_output_log
+        self.output_stream.write("TAP version 13\n")
+        self._set_streams()
+    def printErrors(self):
+        self.print_raw("1..%d\n" % self.testsRun)
+        self._reset_streams()
+    def _set_streams(self):
+        self.orig_stdout = sys.stdout
+        self.orig_stderr = sys.stderr
+        if self.message_log == LogMode.LogToError:
+            self.message = self.error_stream
+        else:
+            self.message = StringIO()
+        if self.test_output_log == LogMode.LogToError:
+            self.test_output = self.error_stream
+        else:
+            self.test_output = StringIO()
+        if self.message_log == self.test_output_log:
+            self.test_output = self.message
+        sys.stdout = sys.stderr = self.test_output
+    def _reset_streams(self):
+        sys.stdout = self.orig_stdout
+        sys.stderr = self.orig_stderr
+    def print_raw(self, text):
+        self.output_stream.write(text)
+        self.output_stream.flush()
+    def print_result(self, result, test, directive=None):
+        self.output_stream.write("%s %d %s" % (result, self.testsRun, test.id()))
+        if directive:
+            self.output_stream.write(" # " + directive)
+        self.output_stream.write("\n")
+        self.output_stream.flush()
+    def ok(self, test, directive=None):
+        self.print_result("ok", test, directive)
+    def not_ok(self, test):
+        self.print_result("not ok", test)
+    def startTest(self, test):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).startTest(test)
+    def stopTest(self, test):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).stopTest(test)
+        if self.message_log == self.test_output_log:
+            logs = [(self.message_log, self.message, "output")]
+        else:
+            logs = [
+                (self.test_output_log, self.test_output, "test_output"),
+                (self.message_log, self.message, "message"),
+            ]
+        for log_mode, log, log_name in logs:
+            if log_mode != LogMode.LogToError:
+                output = log.getvalue()
+                if len(output):
+                    if log_mode == LogMode.LogToYAML:
+                        self.print_raw("  ---\n")
+                        self.print_raw("    " + log_name + ": |\n")
+                        self.print_raw(
+                            "      " + output.rstrip().replace("\n", "\n      ") + "\n"
+                        )
+                        self.print_raw("  ...\n")
+                    elif log_mode == LogMode.LogToAttachment:
+                        self.print_raw("  ---\n")
+                        self.print_raw("    " + log_name + ":\n")
+                        self.print_raw("      File-Name: " + log_name + ".txt\n")
+                        self.print_raw("      File-Type: text/plain\n")
+                        self.print_raw(
+                            "      File-Content: " + base64.b64encode(output) + "\n"
+                        )
+                        self.print_raw("  ...\n")
+                    else:
+                        self.print_raw(
+                            "# " + output.rstrip().replace("\n", "\n# ") + "\n"
+                        )
+                # Truncate doesn't change the current stream position.
+                # Seek to the beginning to avoid extensions on subsequent writes.
+                log.seek(0)
+                log.truncate(0)
+    def addSuccess(self, test):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).addSuccess(test)
+        self.ok(test)
+    def addError(self, test, err):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).addError(test, err)
+        self.message.write(self.errors[-1][1] + "\n")
+        self.not_ok(test)
+    def addFailure(self, test, err):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).addFailure(test, err)
+        self.message.write(self.failures[-1][1] + "\n")
+        self.not_ok(test)
+    def addSkip(self, test, reason):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).addSkip(test, reason)
+        self.ok(test, "SKIP " + reason)
+    def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).addExpectedFailure(test, err)
+        self.ok(test)
+    def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test):
+        super(TAPTestResult, self).addUnexpectedSuccess(test)
+        self.message.write("Unexpected success" + "\n")
+        self.not_ok(test)
 class TAPTestRunner(object):
-  def __init__(self,
-      message_log = LogMode.LogToYAML,
-      test_output_log = LogMode.LogToDiagnostics,
-      output_stream = sys.stdout, error_stream = sys.stderr):
-    self.output_stream = output_stream
-    self.error_stream = error_stream
-    self.message_log = message_log
-    self.test_output_log = test_output_log
-  def run(self, test):
-    result = TAPTestResult(
-        self.output_stream,
-        self.error_stream,
-        self.message_log,
-        self.test_output_log)
-    test(result)
-    result.printErrors()
-    return result
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        message_log=LogMode.LogToYAML,
+        test_output_log=LogMode.LogToDiagnostics,
+        output_stream=sys.stdout,
+        error_stream=sys.stderr,
+    ):
+        self.output_stream = output_stream
+        self.error_stream = error_stream
+        self.message_log = message_log
+        self.test_output_log = test_output_log
+    def run(self, test):
+        result = TAPTestResult(
+            self.output_stream,
+            self.error_stream,
+            self.message_log,
+            self.test_output_log,
+        )
+        test(result)
+        result.printErrors()
+        return result
diff --git a/tests/gen-casefold-txt.py b/tests/gen-casefold-txt.py
index 3c55828d3..e7bafa0ba 100755
--- a/tests/gen-casefold-txt.py
+++ b/tests/gen-casefold-txt.py
@@ -29,14 +29,16 @@ import argparse
 def main(argv):
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description="Generate test cases for casefolding from Unicode data")
+        description="Generate test cases for casefolding from Unicode data"
+    )
     args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
     version = getattr(args, "UNICODE-VERSION")
     filename = getattr(args, "CaseFolding.txt")
-    print("""\
+    print(
+        """\
 # Test cases generated from Unicode {} data
 # by gen-casefold-txt.py. Do not edit.
@@ -45,7 +47,10 @@ def main(argv):
 # Now the automatic tests
+            version
+        )
+    )
     # Names of fields in the CaseFolding table
     CODE, STATUS, MAPPING = range(3)
@@ -60,8 +65,9 @@ AaBbCc@@\taabbcc@@
             fields = [f.strip() for f in line.split(";", 3)[:3]]
             if len(fields) != 3:
                 raise SystemExit(
-                    "Entry for %s has wrong number of fields (%d)" % (
-                        fields[CODE], len(fields)))
+                    "Entry for %s has wrong number of fields (%d)"
+                    % (fields[CODE], len(fields))
+                )
             status = fields[STATUS]
             # skip simple and Turkic mappings
@@ -69,8 +75,7 @@ AaBbCc@@\taabbcc@@
             code = chr(int(fields[CODE], 16))
-            values = "".join(
-                [chr(int(v, 16)) for v in fields[MAPPING].split()])
+            values = "".join([chr(int(v, 16)) for v in fields[MAPPING].split()])
             print("{}\t{}".format(code, values))
diff --git a/tests/gen-casemap-txt.py b/tests/gen-casemap-txt.py
index 98f6bc969..e7009db68 100755
--- a/tests/gen-casemap-txt.py
+++ b/tests/gen-casemap-txt.py
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ import argparse
 def main(argv):
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description="Generate test cases for case mapping from Unicode data")
+        description="Generate test cases for case mapping from Unicode data"
+    )
@@ -39,9 +40,23 @@ def main(argv):
     filename_casing = getattr(args, "SpecialCasing.txt")
     # Names of fields in Unicode data table.
-        COMMENT, UPPER, LOWER, TITLE = range(15)
+    (
+        CODE,
+        NAME,
+        CATEGORY,
+        DIGIT_VALUE,
+        MIRRORED,
+        OLD_NAME,
+        COMMENT,
+        UPPER,
+        LOWER,
+        TITLE,
+    ) = range(15)
     # Names of fields in the SpecialCasing table
@@ -78,8 +93,9 @@ def main(argv):
             fields = [f.strip() for f in line.split(";")]
             if len(fields) != 15:
                 raise SystemExit(
-                    "Entry for %s has wrong number of fields (%d)" % (
-                        fields[CODE], len(fields)))
+                    "Entry for %s has wrong number of fields (%d)"
+                    % (fields[CODE], len(fields))
+                )
             code = int(fields[CODE], 16)
@@ -92,8 +108,23 @@ def main(argv):
                     # The gap represents undefined characters.  Only the type
                     # matters.
-                    gfields = ['', '', 'Cn', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
-                               '', '', '', '']
+                    gfields = [
+                        "",
+                        "",
+                        "Cn",
+                        "0",
+                        "",
+                        "",
+                        "",
+                        "",
+                        "",
+                        "",
+                        "",
+                        "",
+                        "",
+                        "",
+                        "",
+                    ]
                 last_code += 1
                 while last_code < code:
@@ -117,8 +148,9 @@ def main(argv):
             fields = [f.strip() for f in line.split(";")]
             if len(fields) not in (4, 5):
                 raise SystemExit(
-                    "Entry for %s has wrong number of fields (%d)" % (
-                        fields[CASE_CODE], len(fields)))
+                    "Entry for %s has wrong number of fields (%d)"
+                    % (fields[CASE_CODE], len(fields))
+                )
             if len(fields) == 5:
                 # Ignore conditional special cases - we'll handle them manually
@@ -134,7 +166,8 @@ def main(argv):
 def print_tests(version, upper, title, lower):
-    print("""\
+    print(
+        """\
 # Test cases generated from Unicode {} data
 # by gen-casemap-txt.py. Do not edit.
@@ -181,9 +214,12 @@ lt_LT.UTF-8\t\u012e\u0301\t\u012f\u0307\u0301\t\u012e\u0301\t\u012e\u0301\t # LA
 \ta\ufb04\ta\ufb04\tAffl\tAFFL\t# FB04
 # Now the automatic tests
+            version
+        )
+    )
-    for i in range(0x10ffff):
+    for i in range(0x10FFFF):
         if i == 0x3A3:
             # Greek sigma needs special tests

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