[perl-cairo] Add Perl bindings for Cairo surface mime type setting/getting and get extents

commit e3cbdc98c0d7e06d6b22ac0824ee3b3bf00227e9
Author: Raymond S Brand <rsbx acm org>
Date:   Sat Oct 31 10:16:25 2020 -0400

    Add Perl bindings for Cairo surface mime type setting/getting and get extents
    Also add an example to exercise the new bindings.

 CairoSurface.xs            |  59 ++++++++++
 MANIFEST                   |   1 +
 examples/mime-unique-id.pl | 281 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/Cairo.pm               |  22 ++++
 t/CairoSurface.t           |  38 +++++-
 5 files changed, 399 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CairoSurface.xs b/CairoSurface.xs
index 11468ec..5780b79 100644
--- a/CairoSurface.xs
+++ b/CairoSurface.xs
@@ -295,6 +295,14 @@ read_func_marshaller (void *closure,
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void
+data_destroy (void *data)
+       SvREFCNT_dec ((SV *) data);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 MODULE = Cairo::Surface        PACKAGE = Cairo::Surface        PREFIX = cairo_surface_
 void DESTROY (cairo_surface_t * surface);
@@ -374,6 +382,41 @@ cairo_content_t cairo_surface_get_content (cairo_surface_t *surface);
+# cairo_status_t cairo_surface_set_mime_data (cairo_surface_t *surface, const char *mime_type, const 
unsigned char *data, unsigned long  length, cairo_destroy_func_t destroy, void *closure);
+cairo_surface_set_mime_data (cairo_surface_t *surface, const char *mime_type, SV *data);
+       const unsigned char *mime_data;
+       unsigned long length;
+    CODE:
+       SvREFCNT_inc (data);
+       mime_data = (const unsigned char *) SvPV(data, length);
+       RETVAL = cairo_surface_set_mime_data (surface, mime_type, mime_data, length, data_destroy, data);
+    OUTPUT:
+       RETVAL
+# void cairo_surface_get_mime_data (cairo_surface_t *surface, const char *mime_type, const unsigned char 
**data, unsigned long *length);
+SV *
+cairo_surface_get_mime_data (cairo_surface_t *surface, const char *mime_type);
+       const unsigned char *data;
+       unsigned long length;
+    CODE:
+       cairo_surface_get_mime_data (surface, mime_type, &data, &length);
+       RETVAL = newSVpvn ((const char *) data, length);
+    OUTPUT:
+       RETVAL
+cairo_bool_t cairo_surface_supports_mime_type (cairo_surface_t *surface, const char *mime_type);
 cairo_status_t cairo_surface_write_to_png (cairo_surface_t *surface, const char *filename);
@@ -765,6 +808,22 @@ cairo_recording_surface_create (class, cairo_content_t content, cairo_rectangle_
 void cairo_recording_surface_ink_extents (cairo_surface_t *surface, OUTLIST double x0, OUTLIST double y0, 
OUTLIST double width, OUTLIST double height);
+# cairo_bool_t cairo_recording_surface_get_extents (cairo_surface_t *surface, cairo_rectangle_t *extents);
+cairo_rectangle_t *
+cairo_recording_surface_get_extents (cairo_surface_t *surface)
+       cairo_bool_t status;
+       cairo_rectangle_t rect;
+    CODE:
+       status = cairo_recording_surface_get_extents (surface, &rect);
+       RETVAL = status ? &rect : NULL;
+    OUTPUT:
+       RETVAL
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index 83b5019..a76ca7c 100644
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ ChangeLog.pre-git
diff --git a/examples/mime-unique-id.pl b/examples/mime-unique-id.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..131ddbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/mime-unique-id.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# Adapted and translated to Perl from the test/mime-unique-id.c file in the
+# Cairo (version 1.17.3) source repository.
+# Check that source surfaces with same CAIRO_MIME_TYPE_UNIQUE_ID are
+# embedded only once in PDF/PS.
+# To exercise all the surface embedding code in PDF, four types of
+# source surfaces are painted on each page, each with its own UNIQUE_ID:
+# - an image surface
+# - a recording surface with a jpeg mime attached
+# - a bounded recording surface
+# - an unbounded recording surface.
+# Four pages are generated. Each source is clipped starting with the
+# smallest area on the first page increasing to the unclipped size on
+# the last page. This is to ensure the output does not embed the
+# source clipped to a smaller size than used on subsequent pages.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cairo;
+use Fcntl;
+use feature 'say';
+use constant
+       {
+       NUM_PAGES               => 4,
+       WIDTH                   => 275,
+       HEIGHT                  => 275,
+       RECORDING_SIZE          => 800,
+       TILE_SIZE               => 40,
+       PNG_FILENAME            => 'romedalen.png',
+       JPG_FILENAME            => 'romedalen.jpg',
+       OUTPUT_FILENAME         => 'mime-unique-id.perl.pdf',
+       M_PI                    => 3.1415926,
+       CAIRO_MIME_TYPE_JPEG            => 'image/jpeg',
+       CAIRO_MIME_TYPE_UNIQUE_ID       => 'application/x-cairo.uuid',
+       };
+sub create_image_surface
+       {
+       my $surface = Cairo::ImageSurface->create_from_png(PNG_FILENAME);
+       my $status = $surface->status();
+       if ($status ne 'success')
+               {
+               say $surface->status();
+               die;
+               }
+       $surface->set_mime_data(CAIRO_MIME_TYPE_UNIQUE_ID, PNG_FILENAME);
+       $surface->set_mime_data(CAIRO_MIME_TYPE_UNIQUE_ID, 'image');
+       return $surface;
+       }
+sub create_recording_surface_with_mime_jpg
+       {
+       my $surface = Cairo::RecordingSurface->create('alpha', {x => 0, y => 0, width => 1, height => 1});
+       if ($surface->status() ne 'success')
+               {
+               say $surface->status();
+               die;
+               }
+       my ($FH, $want, $data);
+       unless (sysopen($FH, JPG_FILENAME, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY))
+               {
+               die;
+               }
+       $want = -s $FH;
+       $data = '';
+       while (1)
+               {
+               my $rc = sysread($FH, $data, $want, length($data));
+                       die unless defined $rc;
+               last if $rc == 0;
+               $want -= $rc;
+               last if $want <= 0;
+               }
+       close($FH);
+       $surface->set_mime_data(CAIRO_MIME_TYPE_JPEG, $data);
+       if ($surface->status() ne 'success')
+               {
+               say $surface->status();
+               die;
+               }
+       $surface->set_mime_data(CAIRO_MIME_TYPE_UNIQUE_ID, 'jpeg');
+       if ($surface->status() ne 'success')
+               {
+               say $surface->status();
+               die;
+               }
+       return $surface;
+       }
+sub draw_tile
+       {
+       my ($cr) = @_;
+       $cr->move_to(10+5, 10);
+       $cr->arc(10, 10, 5, 0, 2*M_PI);
+       $cr->close_path();
+       $cr->set_source_rgb(1, 0, 0);
+       $cr->fill();
+       $cr->move_to(30, 10-10*0.43);
+       $cr->line_to(25, 10+10*0.43);
+       $cr->line_to(35, 10+10*0.43);
+       $cr->close_path();
+       $cr->set_source_rgb(0, 1, 0);
+       $cr->fill();
+       $cr->rectangle(5, 25, 10, 10);
+       $cr->set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0);
+       $cr->fill();
+       $cr->save();
+       $cr->translate(30, 30);
+       $cr->rotate(M_PI/4.0);
+       $cr->rectangle(-5, -5, 10, 10);
+       $cr->set_source_rgb(1, 0, 1);
+       $cr->fill();
+       $cr->restore();
+       }
+sub create_recording_surface
+       {
+       my ($bounded) = @_;
+       my ($surface, $start, $size);
+       if ($bounded)
+               {
+               $surface = Cairo::RecordingSurface->create('alpha', {x => 0, y => 0, width => RECORDING_SIZE, 
height => RECORDING_SIZE});
+               ($start, $size) = (0, RECORDING_SIZE);
+               }
+       else
+               {
+               $surface = Cairo::RecordingSurface->create('alpha', undef);
+               ($start, $size) = (RECORDING_SIZE/2, RECORDING_SIZE*2);
+               }
+       # Draw each tile instead of creating a cairo pattern to make size
+       # of the emitted recording as large as possible.
+       my ($cr) = Cairo::Context->create($surface);
+       $cr->set_source_rgb(1, 1, 0);
+       $cr->paint();
+       my $ctm = $cr->get_matrix();
+       for (my $y = $start; $y < $size; $y += TILE_SIZE)
+               {
+               for (my $x = $start; $x < $size; $x += TILE_SIZE)
+                       {
+                       draw_tile($cr);
+                       $cr->translate(TILE_SIZE, 0);
+                       }
+               $ctm->translate(0, TILE_SIZE);
+               $cr->set_matrix($ctm);
+               }
+       $cr = undef;
+       $surface->set_mime_data(CAIRO_MIME_TYPE_UNIQUE_ID, $bounded ? 'recording bounded' : 'recording 
+       if ($surface->status() ne 'success')
+               {
+               say $surface->status();
+               die;
+               }
+       return $surface;
+       }
+# Draw @source scaled to fit @rect and clipped to a rectangle
+# @clip_margin units smaller on each side.  @rect will be stroked
+# with a solid line and the clip rect stroked with a dashed line.
+sub draw_surface
+       {
+       my ($cr, $source, $rect, $clip_margin) = @_;
+       my ($width, $height);
+       my $type = $source->get_type();
+       if ($type eq 'image')
+               {
+               $width = $source->get_width();
+               $height = $source->get_height();
+               }
+       elsif (defined(my $extents = $source->get_extents()))
+               {
+               $width = $$extents{width};
+               $height = $$extents{height};
+               }
+       else
+               {
+               $width = RECORDING_SIZE;
+               $height = RECORDING_SIZE;
+               }
+       $cr->save();
+       $cr->rectangle($$rect{x}, $$rect{y}, $$rect{width}, $$rect{height});
+       $cr->stroke();
+       $cr->rectangle($$rect{x}+$clip_margin, $$rect{y}+$clip_margin, $$rect{width}-$clip_margin*2, 
+       $cr->set_dash(0, 2, 2);
+       $cr->stroke_preserve();
+       $cr->clip();
+       $cr->translate($$rect{x}, $$rect{y});
+       $cr->scale($$rect{width}/$width, $$rect{height}/$height);
+       $cr->set_source_surface($source, 0, 0);
+       $cr->paint();
+       $cr->restore();
+       }
+sub draw_pages
+       {
+       my ($surface) = @_;
+       my $cr = Cairo::Context->create($surface);
+       # Draw the image and recording surface on each page. The sources
+       # are clipped starting with a small clip area on the first page
+       # and increasing to the source size on last page to ensure the
+       # embedded source is not clipped to the area used on the first
+       # page.
+       #
+       # The sources are created each time they are used to ensure
+       # CAIRO_MIME_TYPE_UNIQUE_ID is tested.
+       for (my $i=0; $i<NUM_PAGES; $i++)
+               {
+               my $clip_margin = (NUM_PAGES-$i-1)*5;
+               my $source = create_image_surface();
+               draw_surface($cr, $source, {x => 25, y => 25, width => 100, height => 100,}, $clip_margin);
+               $source = undef;
+               $source = create_recording_surface_with_mime_jpg();
+               draw_surface($cr, $source, {x => 150, y => 25, width => 100, height => 100,}, $clip_margin);
+               $source = undef;
+               $source = create_recording_surface(1);
+               draw_surface($cr, $source, {x => 25, y => 150, width => 100, height => 100,}, $clip_margin);
+               $source = undef;
+               $source = create_recording_surface(0);
+               draw_surface($cr, $source, {x => 150, y => 150, width => 100, height => 100,}, $clip_margin);
+               $source = undef;        # REQUIRED!
+               $cr->show_page();
+               }
+       $cr = undef;
+       }
+my $surface = Cairo::PdfSurface->create(OUTPUT_FILENAME, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
+if ($surface->status() ne 'success')
+       {
+       say $surface->status();
+       die;
+       }
diff --git a/lib/Cairo.pm b/lib/Cairo.pm
index c98a247..197bb9a 100644
--- a/lib/Cairo.pm
+++ b/lib/Cairo.pm
@@ -1369,6 +1369,20 @@ For hysterical reasons, you can also use the following syntax:
 =item $type = $surface->get_type [1.2]
+=item $surface->set_mime_data ($mime_type, $mime_data) [1.10]
+=item $mime_data = $surface->get_mime_data ($mime_type) [1.10]
+=item $bool = $surface->supports_mime_type ($mime_type) [1.12]
+=item $mime_type: string
+=item $mime_data: binary data string
 =item $status = $surface->copy_page [1.6]
@@ -1695,6 +1709,14 @@ For hysterical reasons, you can also use the following syntax:
 =item ($x0, $y0, $width, $height) = $surface->ink_extents [1.10]
+=item $extents_ref = $surface->get_extents [1.12]
+=item $extents_ref: I<Cairo::Rectangle> reference
diff --git a/t/CairoSurface.t b/t/CairoSurface.t
index c48f1cf..4fb8b34 100644
--- a/t/CairoSurface.t
+++ b/t/CairoSurface.t
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use warnings;
 use Config; # for byteorder
-use Test::More tests => 89;
+use Test::More tests => 96;
 use constant IMG_WIDTH => 256;
 use constant IMG_HEIGHT => 256;
@@ -268,6 +268,29 @@ SKIP: {
                like (Cairo::PdfSurface->version_to_string('1-4'), qr/1\.4/);
+       SKIP: {
+               skip 'new stuff', 3
+                       unless Cairo::VERSION >= Cairo::VERSION_ENCODE (1, 10, 0);
+               my $mime_data = 'mime data for {set,get}_mime_data';
+               is ($surf->set_mime_data('image/jpeg', $mime_data), 'success');
+               my $recovered_mime_data = $surf->get_mime_data('unset mime type');
+               is ($recovered_mime_data, undef);
+               $recovered_mime_data = $surf->get_mime_data('image/jpeg');
+               is ($recovered_mime_data, $mime_data);
+               }
+       SKIP: {
+               skip 'new stuff', 2
+                       unless Cairo::VERSION >= Cairo::VERSION_ENCODE (1, 12, 0);
+               is ($surf->supports_mime_type('image/jpeg'), 1);
+               is ($surf->supports_mime_type('unsupported mime type'), 0);
+       }
        SKIP: {
                skip 'new stuff', 1
                        unless Cairo::VERSION >= Cairo::VERSION_ENCODE (1, 16, 0);
@@ -392,7 +415,7 @@ SKIP: {
 SKIP: {
-       skip 'svg surface', 5
+       skip 'recording surface', 7
                unless Cairo::HAS_RECORDING_SURFACE;
        my $surf = Cairo::RecordingSurface->create (
@@ -411,4 +434,15 @@ SKIP: {
        $surf = Cairo::RecordingSurface->create ('color', undef);
        isa_ok ($surf, 'Cairo::RecordingSurface');
        isa_ok ($surf, 'Cairo::Surface');
+       SKIP: {
+               skip 'get_extents', 2
+                       unless Cairo::VERSION >= Cairo::VERSION_ENCODE (1, 12, 0);
+               $surf = Cairo::RecordingSurface->create ('color', undef);
+               is ($surf->get_extents(), undef);
+               $surf =  Cairo::RecordingSurface->create ('color', {x => 5, y => 10, width => 15, height => 
+               is_deeply ($surf->get_extents(), {x => 5, y => 10, width => 15, height => 20});
+       }

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