[geary/mjog/search-update: 18/29] Geary.SearchQuery: Allow client apps to build search queries

commit 04f3559796125317cda3e086cf209a619949211a
Author: Michael Gratton <mike vee net>
Date:   Mon Dec 16 23:17:55 2019 +1100

    Geary.SearchQuery: Allow client apps to build search queries
    Adds classes that allow building arbitrary query expressions and require
    an instance to be provided to Geary.SearchQuery, to be set as a
    This enables query expressions to be parsed by clients instead of the
    engine, in which ever whay they choose.

 .../application/application-main-window.vala       |   7 +-
 .../conversation-viewer/conversation-viewer.vala   |   7 +-
 src/client/util/util-email.vala                    | 578 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/engine/api/geary-account.vala                  |  24 +-
 src/engine/api/geary-search-query.vala             | 280 +++++++++-
 src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-search-query.vala       |   6 +-
 .../imap-engine/imap-engine-generic-account.vala   |  11 +-
 test/client/util/util-email-test.vala              | 354 ++++++++++++-
 test/mock/mock-account.vala                        |  12 +-
 test/mock/mock-search-query.vala                   |   5 +-
 10 files changed, 1228 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/client/application/application-main-window.vala 
index 90d5b249e..b5e7be785 100644
--- a/src/client/application/application-main-window.vala
+++ b/src/client/application/application-main-window.vala
@@ -956,11 +956,14 @@ public class Application.MainWindow :
                 this.previous_non_search_folder = this.selected_folder;
-            var strategy = this.application.config.get_search_strategy();
             try {
+                var expr_factory = new Util.Email.SearchExpressionFactory(
+                    this.application.config.get_search_strategy(),
+                    context.account.information
+                );
                 var query = yield context.account.new_search_query(
+                    expr_factory.parse_query(query_text),
-                    strategy,
diff --git a/src/client/conversation-viewer/conversation-viewer.vala 
index a5098764f..cc115e6d1 100644
--- a/src/client/conversation-viewer/conversation-viewer.vala
+++ b/src/client/conversation-viewer/conversation-viewer.vala
@@ -429,10 +429,13 @@ public class ConversationViewer : Gtk.Stack, Geary.BaseInterface {
             // opening every message in the conversation as soon as
             // the user presses a key
             if (text.length >= 2) {
-                var strategy = this.config.get_search_strategy();
+                var expr_factory = new Util.Email.SearchExpressionFactory(
+                    this.config.get_search_strategy(),
+                    account.information
+                );
                 query = yield account.new_search_query(
+                    expr_factory.parse_query(text),
-                    strategy,
diff --git a/src/client/util/util-email.vala b/src/client/util/util-email.vala
index 4a1754a70..554dbe72b 100644
--- a/src/client/util/util-email.vala
+++ b/src/client/util/util-email.vala
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-/* Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc.
+ * Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc.
+ * Copyright 2019 Michael Gratton <mike vee net>
  * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * (version 2.1 or later).  See the COPYING file in this distribution.
+ * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
 namespace Util.Email {
@@ -312,3 +314,575 @@ namespace Util.Email {
+ * Parses a human-entered email query string as a query expression.
+ *
+ * @see Geary.SearchQuery.Term
+ */
+public class Util.Email.SearchExpressionFactory : Geary.BaseObject {
+    private const unichar OPERATOR_SEPARATOR = ':';
+    private const string OPERATOR_TEMPLATE = "%s:%s";
+    private delegate Geary.SearchQuery.Term? OperatorFactory(
+        string value,
+        bool is_quoted
+    );
+    private class FactoryContext {
+        public unowned OperatorFactory factory;
+        public FactoryContext(OperatorFactory factory) {
+            this.factory = factory;
+        }
+    }
+    private class Tokeniser {
+        // These characters are chosen for being commonly used to
+        // continue a single word (such as extended last names,
+        // i.e. "Lars-Eric") or in terms commonly searched for in an
+        // email client, i.e. unadorned mailbox addresses.  Note that
+        // characters commonly used for wildcards or that would be
+        // interpreted as wildcards by SQLite are not included here.
+        private const unichar[] CONTINUATION_CHARS = {
+            '-', '_', '.', '@'
+        };
+        public bool has_next {
+            get { return (this.current_pos < this.query.length); }
+        }
+        public bool is_at_word {
+            get { return (this.attrs[this.current_c].is_word_start == 1); }
+        }
+        public bool is_at_quote {
+            get { return (this.c == '"'); }
+        }
+        public unichar current_character { get { return this.c; } }
+        private string query;
+        private int current_pos = -1;
+        private int next_pos = 0;
+        private unichar c = 0;
+        private int current_c = -1;
+        private Pango.LogAttr[] attrs;
+        public Tokeniser(string query, Pango.Language language) {
+            this.query = query;
+            // Break up search string into individual words and/or
+            // operators. Can't simply break on space or non-alphanumeric
+            // chars since some languages don't use spaces, so use Pango
+            // for its support for the Unicode UAX #29 word boundary spec.
+            this.attrs = new Pango.LogAttr[query.char_count() + 1];
+            Pango.get_log_attrs(
+                query, query.length, -1, language, this.attrs
+            );
+            consume_char();
+        }
+        public void consume_char() {
+            var current_pos = this.next_pos;
+            if (this.query.get_next_char(ref this.next_pos, out this.c)) {
+                this.current_c++;
+            }
+            this.current_pos = current_pos;
+        }
+        public void skip_to_next() {
+            while (this.has_next && !this.is_at_quote && !this.is_at_word) {
+                consume_char();
+            }
+        }
+        public string consume_word() {
+            var start = this.current_pos;
+            // the attr.is_word_end value applies to the first char
+            // after then end of a word, so need to move one past the
+            // end of the current word to determine where it ends
+            consume_char();
+            while (this.has_next &&
+                   (this.c in CONTINUATION_CHARS ||
+                    this.attrs[this.current_c].is_word_end != 1)) {
+                consume_char();
+            }
+            return this.query.slice(start, this.current_pos);
+        }
+        public string consume_quote() {
+            consume_char(); // skip the leading quote
+            var start = this.current_pos;
+            var last_c = this.c;
+            while (this.has_next && (this.c != '"' || last_c == '\\')) {
+                consume_char();
+            }
+            var quote = this.query.slice(start, this.current_pos);
+            consume_char(); // skip the trailing quote
+            return quote;
+        }
+    }
+    public Geary.SearchQuery.Strategy default_strategy { get; private set; }
+    public Geary.AccountInformation account { get; private set; }
+    public Pango.Language language {
+        get; set; default = Pango.Language.get_default();
+    }
+    // Maps of localised search operator names and values to their
+    // internal forms
+    private Gee.Map<string,FactoryContext> text_operators =
+            new Gee.HashMap<string,FactoryContext>();
+    private Gee.Map<string,FactoryContext> boolean_operators =
+            new Gee.HashMap<string,FactoryContext>();
+    private Gee.Set<string> search_op_to_me = new Gee.HashSet<string>();
+    private Gee.Set<string> search_op_from_me = new Gee.HashSet<string>();
+    public SearchExpressionFactory(Geary.SearchQuery.Strategy default_strategy,
+                                   Geary.AccountInformation account) {
+        this.default_strategy = default_strategy;
+        this.account = account;
+        construct_factories();
+    }
+    /** Constructs a search expression from the given query string. */
+    public Gee.List<Geary.SearchQuery.Term> parse_query(string query) {
+        var operands = new Gee.LinkedList<Geary.SearchQuery.Term>();
+        var tokens = new Tokeniser(query, this.language);
+        while (tokens.has_next) {
+            if (tokens.is_at_word) {
+                Geary.SearchQuery.Term? op = null;
+                var word = tokens.consume_word();
+                if (tokens.current_character == OPERATOR_SEPARATOR &&
+                    tokens.has_next) {
+                    op = new_extended_operator(word, tokens);
+                }
+                if (op == null) {
+                    op = new_text_all_operator(word, false);
+                }
+                operands.add(op);
+            } else if (tokens.is_at_quote) {
+                operands.add(
+                    new_text_all_operator(tokens.consume_quote(), true)
+                );
+            } else {
+                tokens.skip_to_next();
+            }
+        }
+        return operands;
+    }
+    private Geary.SearchQuery.Term? new_extended_operator(string name,
+                                                          Tokeniser tokens) {
+        Geary.SearchQuery.Term? op = null;
+        // consume the ':'
+        tokens.consume_char();
+        bool is_quoted = false;
+        string? value = null;
+        if (tokens.is_at_word) {
+            value = tokens.consume_word();
+        } else if (tokens.is_at_quote) {
+            value = tokens.consume_quote();
+            is_quoted = true;
+        }
+        FactoryContext? context = null;
+        if (value != null) {
+            context = this.text_operators[name];
+            if (context == null) {
+                context = this.boolean_operators[
+                    OPERATOR_TEMPLATE.printf(name, value)
+                ];
+            }
+        }
+        if (context != null) {
+            op = context.factory(value, is_quoted);
+        }
+        if (op == null) {
+            // Still no operator, so the name or value must have been
+            // invalid. Repair by treating each as separate ops, if
+            // present.
+            var term = (
+                value == null
+                ? "%s:".printf(name)
+                : "%s:%s".printf(name, value)
+            );
+            op = new_text_all_operator(term, false);
+        }
+        return op;
+    }
+    private inline Geary.SearchQuery.Strategy get_matching_strategy(bool is_quoted) {
+        return (
+            is_quoted
+            ? Geary.SearchQuery.Strategy.EXACT
+            : this.default_strategy
+        );
+    }
+    private Gee.List<string> get_account_addresses() {
+        Gee.List<Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress>? mailboxes =
+            this.account.sender_mailboxes;
+        var addresses = new Gee.LinkedList<string>();
+        if (mailboxes != null) {
+            foreach (var mailbox in mailboxes) {
+                addresses.add(mailbox.address);
+            }
+        }
+        return addresses;
+    }
+    private void construct_factories() {
+        // Maps of possibly translated search operator names and values
+        // to English/internal names and values. We include the
+        // English version anyway so that when translations provide a
+        // localised version of the operator names but have not also
+        // translated the user manual, the English version in the
+        // manual still works.
+        // Text operators
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        FactoryContext attachment_name = new FactoryContext(
+            this.new_text_attachment_name_operator
+        );
+        this.text_operators.set("attachment", attachment_name);
+        /// Translators: Can be typed in the search box like
+        /// "attachment:file.txt" to find messages with attachments
+        /// with a particular name.
+        ///
+        /// The translated string must be a single word (use '-', '_'
+        /// or similar to combine words into one), should be short,
+        /// and also match the translation in "search.page" of the
+        /// Geary User Guide.
+        this.text_operators.set(C_("Search operator", "attachment"),
+                                attachment_name);
+        FactoryContext bcc = new FactoryContext(this.new_text_bcc_operator);
+        this.text_operators.set("bcc", bcc);
+        /// Translators: Can be typed in the search box like
+        /// "bcc:johndoe example com" to find messages bcc'd to a
+        /// particular person.
+        ///
+        /// The translated string must be a single word (use '-', '_'
+        /// or similar to combine words into one), should be short,
+        /// and also match the translation in "search.page" of the
+        /// Geary User Guide.
+        this.text_operators.set(C_("Search operator", "bcc"), bcc);
+        FactoryContext body = new FactoryContext(this.new_text_body_operator);
+        this.text_operators.set("body", body);
+        /// Translators: Can be typed in the search box like
+        /// "body:word" to find "word" only if it occurs in the body
+        /// of a message.
+        ///
+        /// The translated string must be a single word (use '-', '_'
+        /// or similar to combine words into one), should be short,
+        /// and also match the translation in "search.page" of the
+        /// Geary User Guide.
+        this.text_operators.set(C_("Search operator", "body"), body);
+        FactoryContext cc = new FactoryContext(this.new_text_cc_operator);
+        this.text_operators.set("cc", cc);
+        /// Translators: Can be typed in the search box like
+        /// "cc:johndoe example com" to find messages cc'd to a
+        /// particular person.
+        ///
+        /// The translated string must be a single word (use '-', '_'
+        /// or similar to combine words into one), should be short,
+        /// and also match the translation in "search.page" of the
+        /// Geary User Guide.
+        this.text_operators.set(C_("Search operator", "cc"), cc);
+        FactoryContext from = new FactoryContext(this.new_text_from_operator);
+        this.text_operators.set("from", from);
+        /// Translators: Can be typed in the search box like
+        /// "from:johndoe example com" to find messages from a
+        /// particular sender.
+        ///
+        /// The translated string must be a single word (use '-', '_'
+        /// or similar to combine words into one), should be short,
+        /// and also match the translation in "search.page" of the
+        /// Geary User Guide.
+        this.text_operators.set(C_("Search operator", "from"), from);
+        FactoryContext subject = new FactoryContext(
+            this.new_text_subject_operator
+        );
+        this.text_operators.set("subject", subject);
+        /// Translators: Can be typed in the search box like
+        /// "subject:word" to find "word" only if it occurs in the
+        /// subject of a message.
+        ///
+        /// The translated string must be a single word (use '-', '_'
+        /// or similar to combine words into one), should be short,
+        /// and also match the translation in "search.page" of the
+        /// Geary User Guide.
+        this.text_operators.set(C_("Search operator", "subject"), subject);
+        FactoryContext to = new FactoryContext(this.new_text_to_operator);
+        this.text_operators.set("to", to);
+        /// Translators: Can be typed in the search box like
+        /// "to:johndoe example com" to find messages received by a
+        /// particular person.
+        ///
+        /// The translated string must be a single word (use '-', '_'
+        /// or similar to combine words into one), should be short,
+        /// and also match the translation in "search.page" of the
+        /// Geary User Guide.
+        this.text_operators.set(C_("Search operator", "to"), to);
+        /// Translators: Can be typed in the search box after "to:",
+        /// "cc:" and "bcc:" e.g.: "to:me". Matches conversations that
+        /// are addressed to the user.
+        ///
+        /// The translated string must be a single word (use '-', '_'
+        /// or similar to combine words into one), should be short,
+        /// and also match the translation in "search.page" of the
+        /// Geary User Guide.
+        this.search_op_to_me.add(
+            C_("Search operator value - mail addressed to the user", "me")
+        );
+        this.search_op_to_me.add("me");
+        /// Translators: Can be typed in the search box after "from:"
+        /// i.e.: "from:me". Matches conversations were sent by the
+        /// user.
+        ///
+        /// The translated string must be a single word (use '-', '_'
+        /// or similar to combine words into one), should be short,
+        /// and also match the translation in "search.page" of the
+        /// Geary User Guide.
+        this.search_op_from_me.add(
+            C_("Search operator value - mail sent by the user", "me")
+        );
+        this.search_op_from_me.add("me");
+        // Boolean operators
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        /// Translators: Can be typed in the search box like
+        /// "is:unread" to find messages that are read, unread, or
+        /// starred.
+        ///
+        /// The translated string must be a single word (use '-', '_'
+        /// or similar to combine words into one), should be short,
+        /// and also match the translation in "search.page" of the
+        /// Geary User Guide.
+        string bool_is_name = C_("Search operator", "is");
+        /// Translators: Can be typed in the search box after "is:"
+        /// i.e.: "is:unread". Matches conversations that are flagged
+        /// unread.
+        ///
+        /// The translated string must be a single word (use '-', '_'
+        /// or similar to combine words into one), should be short,
+        /// and also match the translation in "search.page" of the
+        /// Geary User Guide.
+        string bool_is_unread_value = C_("'is:' search operator value", "unread");
+        /// Translators: Can be typed in the search box after "is:"
+        /// i.e.: "is:read". Matches conversations that are flagged as
+        /// read.
+        ///
+        /// The translated string must be a single word (use '-', '_'
+        /// or similar to combine words into one), should be short,
+        /// and also match the translation in "search.page" of the
+        /// Geary User Guide.
+        string bool_is_read_value = C_("'is:' search operator value", "read");
+        /// Translators: Can be typed in the search box after "is:"
+        /// i.e.: "is:starred". Matches conversations that are flagged
+        /// as starred.
+        ///
+        /// The translated string must be a single word (use '-', '_'
+        /// or similar to combine words into one), should be short,
+        /// and also match the translation in "search.page" of the
+        /// Geary User Guide.
+        string bool_is_starred_value = C_("'is:' search operator value", "starred");
+        FactoryContext is_unread = new FactoryContext(
+            this.new_boolean_unread_operator
+        );
+        this.boolean_operators.set("is:unread", is_unread);
+        this.boolean_operators.set(
+            OPERATOR_TEMPLATE.printf(
+                bool_is_name, bool_is_unread_value
+            ), is_unread
+        );
+        FactoryContext is_read = new FactoryContext(
+            this.new_boolean_read_operator
+        );
+        this.boolean_operators.set("is:read", is_read);
+        this.boolean_operators.set(
+            OPERATOR_TEMPLATE.printf(
+                bool_is_name, bool_is_read_value
+            ), is_read
+        );
+        FactoryContext is_starred = new FactoryContext(
+            this.new_boolean_starred_operator
+        );
+        this.boolean_operators.set("is:starred", is_starred);
+        this.boolean_operators.set(
+            OPERATOR_TEMPLATE.printf(
+                bool_is_name, bool_is_starred_value
+            ), is_starred
+        );
+    }
+    private Geary.SearchQuery.Term? new_text_all_operator(
+        string value, bool is_quoted
+    ) {
+        return new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm(
+            ALL, get_matching_strategy(is_quoted), value
+        );
+    }
+    private Geary.SearchQuery.Term? new_text_attachment_name_operator(
+        string value, bool is_quoted
+    ) {
+        return new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm(
+            ATTACHMENT_NAME, get_matching_strategy(is_quoted), value
+        );
+    }
+    private Geary.SearchQuery.Term? new_text_bcc_operator(
+        string value, bool is_quoted
+    ) {
+        Geary.SearchQuery.Term? op = null;
+        if (!is_quoted && value in this.search_op_to_me) {
+            op = new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm.disjunction(
+                BCC, EXACT, get_account_addresses()
+            );
+        } else {
+            op = new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm(
+                BCC, EXACT, value
+            );
+        }
+        return op;
+    }
+    private Geary.SearchQuery.Term? new_text_body_operator(
+        string value, bool is_quoted
+    ) {
+        return new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm(
+            BODY, get_matching_strategy(is_quoted), value
+        );
+    }
+    private Geary.SearchQuery.Term? new_text_cc_operator(
+        string value, bool is_quoted
+    ) {
+        Geary.SearchQuery.Term? op = null;
+        if (!is_quoted && value in this.search_op_to_me) {
+            op = new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm.disjunction(
+                CC, EXACT, get_account_addresses()
+            );
+        } else {
+            op = new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm(
+                CC, get_matching_strategy(is_quoted), value
+            );
+        }
+        return op;
+    }
+    private Geary.SearchQuery.Term? new_text_from_operator(
+        string value, bool is_quoted
+    ) {
+        Geary.SearchQuery.Term? op = null;
+        if (!is_quoted && value in this.search_op_from_me) {
+            op = new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm.disjunction(
+                FROM, EXACT, get_account_addresses()
+            );
+        } else {
+            op = new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm(FROM, EXACT, value);
+        }
+        return op;
+    }
+    private Geary.SearchQuery.Term? new_text_subject_operator(
+        string value, bool is_quoted
+    ) {
+        return new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm(
+            SUBJECT, get_matching_strategy(is_quoted), value
+        );
+    }
+    private Geary.SearchQuery.Term? new_text_to_operator(
+        string value, bool is_quoted
+    ) {
+        Geary.SearchQuery.Term? op = null;
+        if (!is_quoted && value in this.search_op_to_me) {
+            op = new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm.disjunction(
+                TO, EXACT, get_account_addresses()
+            );
+        } else {
+            op = new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm(
+                TO, EXACT, value
+            );
+        }
+        return op;
+    }
+    private Geary.SearchQuery.Term? new_boolean_unread_operator(
+        string value, bool is_quoted
+    ) {
+        Geary.SearchQuery.Term? op = null;
+        if (!is_quoted) {
+            op = new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailFlagTerm(Geary.EmailFlags.UNREAD);
+        }
+        return op;
+    }
+    private Geary.SearchQuery.Term? new_boolean_read_operator(
+        string value, bool is_quoted
+    ) {
+        Geary.SearchQuery.Term? op = null;
+        if (!is_quoted) {
+            op = new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailFlagTerm(Geary.EmailFlags.UNREAD);
+            op.is_negated = true;
+        }
+        return op;
+    }
+    private Geary.SearchQuery.Term? new_boolean_starred_operator(
+        string value, bool is_quoted
+    ) {
+        Geary.SearchQuery.Term? op = null;
+        if (!is_quoted) {
+            op = new Geary.SearchQuery.EmailFlagTerm(Geary.EmailFlags.FLAGGED);
+        }
+        return op;
+    }
diff --git a/src/engine/api/geary-account.vala b/src/engine/api/geary-account.vala
index d81661cae..6bba6b90c 100644
--- a/src/engine/api/geary-account.vala
+++ b/src/engine/api/geary-account.vala
@@ -512,23 +512,13 @@ public abstract class Geary.Account : BaseObject, Logging.Source {
     ) throws GLib.Error;
-     * Create a new {@link SearchQuery} for this {@link Account}.
-     *
-     * See {@link Geary.SearchQuery.Strategy} for more information about how its interpreted by the
-     * Engine.  In particular, note that it's an advisory parameter only and may have no effect,
-     * especially on server searches.  However, it may also have a dramatic effect on what search
-     * results are returned and so should be used with some caution.  Whether this parameter is
-     * user-configurable, available through GSettings or another configuration mechanism, or simply
-     * baked into the caller's code is up to the caller.  CONSERVATIVE is designed to be a good
-     * default.
-     *
-     * The resulting object can only be used with calls into this
-     * account instance.
-     */
-    public abstract async SearchQuery new_search_query(string query,
-                                                       SearchQuery.Strategy strategy,
-                                                       GLib.Cancellable? cancellable)
-        throws GLib.Error;
+     * Create a new search query for this account.
+     */
+    public abstract async SearchQuery new_search_query(
+        Gee.List<SearchQuery.Term> expression,
+        string text,
+        GLib.Cancellable? cancellable
+    ) throws GLib.Error;
      * Performs a search with the given query.  Optionally, a list of folders not to search
diff --git a/src/engine/api/geary-search-query.vala b/src/engine/api/geary-search-query.vala
index 0a15ff2ea..84f686b91 100644
--- a/src/engine/api/geary-search-query.vala
+++ b/src/engine/api/geary-search-query.vala
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc.
- * Copyright 2019 Michael Gratton <mike vee met>
+ * Copyright © 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy Inc.
+ * Copyright © 2019-2020 Michael Gratton <mike vee met>
  * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
  * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution.
@@ -13,6 +13,16 @@
  * Account.new_search_query} and then passed to search methods on
  * {@link Account} or {@link App.SearchFolder}.
+ * Actual search queries are specified by the given {@link
+ * expression}, which is a list of {@link Term}. The expression
+ * denotes the conjunction of all given terms, that is, each term is
+ * combined by a Boolean AND function. While the order of the terms is
+ * not important, the expression should attempt to reflect the
+ * free-text search query it was built from (if any). A more
+ * expressive language is not supported since it is designed to work
+ * with both the Engine's built-in full text search system as well as
+ * other server-based systems, including IMAP.
+ *
  * @see Account.new_search_query
  * @see Account.local_search_async
  * @see Account.get_search_matches_async
@@ -54,36 +64,272 @@ public abstract class Geary.SearchQuery : BaseObject {
          * Search for all textual variants, i.e. "the sky's the limit."
-        HORIZON
+        HORIZON;
+        /** Determines if stemming may be used for an operator. */
+        internal bool is_stemming_enabled() {
+            return this != EXACT;
+        }
+        /**
+         * The minimum term length before stemming is allowed.
+         *
+         * This prevents short words that might be stemmed from being stemmed.
+         */
+        internal int get_min_term_length_for_stemming() {
+            var min = 0;
+            switch (this) {
+            case EXACT:
+                min = int.MAX;
+                break;
+            case CONSERVATIVE:
+                min = 6;
+                break;
+            case AGGRESSIVE:
+                min = 4;
+                break;
+            case HORIZON:
+                min = 0;
+                break;
+            }
+            return min;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Maximum difference in lengths between term and stemmed variant.
+         *
+         * This prevents long words from being stemmed to much shorter
+         * words (which creates opportunities for greedy matching).
+         */
+        internal int get_max_difference_term_stem_lengths() {
+            var max = 0;
+            switch (this) {
+            case EXACT:
+                max = 0;
+                break;
+            case CONSERVATIVE:
+                max = 2;
+                break;
+            case AGGRESSIVE:
+                max = 4;
+                break;
+            case HORIZON:
+                max =int.MAX;
+                break;
+            }
+            return max;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Maximum difference in lengths between a matched word and the stemmed variant it matched
+         * against.
+         *
+         * This prevents long words being matched to short stem
+         * variants (which creates opportunities for greedy matching).
+         */
+        internal int get_max_difference_match_stem_lengths() {
+            var max = 0;
+            switch (this) {
+            case EXACT:
+                max = 0;
+                break;
+            case CONSERVATIVE:
+                max = 2;
+                break;
+            case AGGRESSIVE:
+                max = 3;
+                break;
+            case HORIZON:
+                max = int.MAX;
+                break;
+            }
+            return max;
+        }
-    /** The account that owns this query. */
-    public Account owner { get; private set; }
+    /**
+     * Parent class for terms that make up a search query's expression.
+     *
+     * @see SearchQuery.expression
+     */
+    public abstract class Term : BaseObject {
+        /** Determines opposite of the term is matched. */
+        public bool is_negated { get; set; default = false; }
+        /** Returns a string representation, for debugging. */
+        public abstract string to_string();
+    }
-     * The original search text.
+     * A term that matches text properties of an email.
+     */
+    public class EmailTextTerm : Term {
+        /**
+         * Supported text email properties that can be queried.
+         *
+         * @see EmailTextTerm
+         */
+        public enum Property {
+            /** Search for a term in all supported properties. */
+            ALL,
+            /** Search for a term in the To field. */
+            TO,
+            /** Search for a term in the Cc field. */
+            CC,
+            /** Search for a term in the Bcc field. */
+            BCC,
+            /** Search for a term in the From field. */
+            FROM,
+            /** Search for a term in the email subject. */
+            SUBJECT,
+            /** Search for a term in the email body. */
+            BODY,
+            /** Search for a term in email attachment names. */
+            ATTACHMENT_NAME;
+        }
+        /** The email property this term applies to. */
+        public Property target { get; private set; }
+        /** The strategy used for matching the given terms. */
+        public Strategy matching_strategy { get; private set; }
+        /**
+         * The strings to match against the given target.
+         *
+         * If more than one term is given, they are treated as the
+         * disjunction of all, that is they are combined using the
+         * Boolean OR function.
+         */
+        public Gee.List<string> terms {
+            get; private set; default = new Gee.ArrayList<string>();
+        }
+        public EmailTextTerm(Property target,
+                             Strategy matching_strategy,
+                             string term) {
+            this.target = target;
+            this.matching_strategy = matching_strategy;
+            this.terms.add(term);
+        }
+        public EmailTextTerm.disjunction(Property target,
+                                         Strategy matching_strategy,
+                                         Gee.List<string> terms) {
+            this.target = target;
+            this.matching_strategy = matching_strategy;
+            this.terms.add_all(terms);
+        }
+        public override string to_string() {
+            var builder = new GLib.StringBuilder();
+            if (this.is_negated) {
+                builder.append_c('!');
+            }
+            builder.append(
+                ObjectUtils.to_enum_nick(
+                    typeof(Property), this.target).up()
+            );
+            builder.append_c(':');
+            builder.append(
+                ObjectUtils.to_enum_nick(
+                    typeof(Strategy), this.matching_strategy
+                ).up()
+            );
+            builder.append_c('(');
+            var iter = this.terms.iterator();
+            if (iter.next()) {
+                builder.append(iter.get().to_string());
+            }
+            while (iter.next()) {
+                builder.append_c(',');
+                builder.append(iter.get().to_string());
+            }
+            builder.append_c(')');
+            return builder.str;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * A term that matches a given flag in an email.
+     */
+    public class EmailFlagTerm : Term {
+        public NamedFlag value { get; private set; }
+        public EmailFlagTerm(NamedFlag value) {
+            this.value = value;
+        }
+        public override string to_string() {
+            return "%s(%s)".printf(
+                this.is_negated ? "!" : "",
+                this.value.to_string()
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * A read-only list of search terms to be evaluated.
-     * This is used mostly for debugging.
+     * Each given term is used in a conjunction, that is combined
+     * using a Boolean `AND` operator.
-    public string raw { get; private set; }
+    public Gee.List<Term> expression { get; private set; }
+    private Gee.List<Term> _rw_expression = new Gee.ArrayList<Term>();
-     * The selected {@link Strategy} quality.
+     * The original search text, if any.
+     *
+     * This is used mostly for debugging.
-    public Strategy strategy { get; private set; }
+    public string raw { get; private set; }
-    protected SearchQuery(Account owner,
-                          string raw,
-                          Strategy strategy) {
-        this.owner = owner;
+    protected SearchQuery(Gee.Collection<Term> expression,
+                          string raw) {
+        this._rw_expression.add_all(expression);
+        this.expression = this._rw_expression.read_only_view;
         this.raw = raw;
-        this.strategy = strategy;
     public string to_string() {
-        return "\"%s\" (%s)".printf(this.raw, this.strategy.to_string());
+        var builder = new GLib.StringBuilder();
+        builder.append_printf("\"%s\": ", this.raw);
+        var iter = this.expression.iterator();
+        if (iter.next()) {
+            builder.append(iter.get().to_string());
+        }
+        while (iter.next()) {
+            builder.append_c(',');
+            builder.append(iter.get().to_string());
+        }
+        return builder.str;
diff --git a/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-search-query.vala b/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-search-query.vala
index 78f4eda33..21dee990c 100644
--- a/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-search-query.vala
+++ b/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-search-query.vala
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.SearchQuery : Geary.SearchQuery {
+    private Geary.SearchQuery.Strategy strategy;
     // Maps of localised search operator names and values to their
     // internal forms
@@ -323,10 +324,11 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.SearchQuery : Geary.SearchQuery {
     public async SearchQuery(Geary.Account owner,
                              ImapDB.Account local,
-                             string query,
+                             Gee.Collection<Geary.SearchQuery.Term> expression,
+                             string raw,
                              Geary.SearchQuery.Strategy strategy,
                              GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) {
-        base(owner, query, strategy);
+        base(expression, raw);
         this.account = local;
         this.stemmer = new SnowBall.Stemmer(find_appropriate_search_stemmer());
diff --git a/src/engine/imap-engine/imap-engine-generic-account.vala 
index ef1ba7b4d..070246586 100644
--- a/src/engine/imap-engine/imap-engine-generic-account.vala
+++ b/src/engine/imap-engine/imap-engine-generic-account.vala
@@ -572,12 +572,13 @@ private abstract class Geary.ImapEngine.GenericAccount : Geary.Account {
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
-    public override async SearchQuery new_search_query(string query,
-                                                       SearchQuery.Strategy strategy,
-                                                       GLib.Cancellable? cancellable)
-        throws GLib.Error {
+    public override async SearchQuery new_search_query(
+        Gee.List<SearchQuery.Term> expression,
+        string text,
+        GLib.Cancellable? cancellable
+    ) throws GLib.Error {
         return yield new ImapDB.SearchQuery(
-            this, local, query, strategy, cancellable
+            this, this.local, expression, text, EXACT, cancellable
diff --git a/test/client/util/util-email-test.vala b/test/client/util/util-email-test.vala
index fb3c365f5..01605480c 100644
--- a/test/client/util/util-email-test.vala
+++ b/test/client/util/util-email-test.vala
@@ -7,14 +7,45 @@
 public class Util.Email.Test : TestCase {
+    private Application.Configuration? config = null;
+    private Geary.AccountInformation? account = null;
     public Test() {
-        base("UtilEmailTest");
+        base("Util.Email.Test");
         add_test("null_originator", null_originator);
         add_test("from_originator", from_originator);
         add_test("sender_originator", sender_originator);
         add_test("reply_to_originator", reply_to_originator);
         add_test("reply_to_via_originator", reply_to_via_originator);
         add_test("plain_via_originator", plain_via_originator);
+        add_test("empty_search_query", empty_search_query);
+        add_test("plain_search_terms", plain_search_terms);
+        add_test("continuation_search_terms", continuation_search_terms);
+        add_test("i18n_search_terms", i18n_search_terms);
+        add_test("multiple_search_terms", multiple_search_terms);
+        add_test("quoted_search_terms", quoted_search_terms);
+        add_test("text_op_terms", text_op_terms);
+        add_test("text_op_single_me_terms", text_op_single_me_terms);
+        add_test("text_op_multiple_me_terms", text_op_multiple_me_terms);
+        add_test("boolean_op_terms", boolean_op_terms);
+        add_test("invalid_op_terms", invalid_op_terms);
+    }
+    public override void set_up() {
+        this.config = new Application.Configuration(Application.Client.SCHEMA_ID);
+        this.account = new Geary.AccountInformation(
+            "test",
+            OTHER,
+            new Mock.CredentialsMediator(),
+            new Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress("test", "test example com")
+        );
+    }
+    public override void tear_down() {
+        this.config = null;
+        this.account = null;
     public void null_originator() throws GLib.Error {
@@ -95,6 +126,327 @@ public class Util.Email.Test : TestCase {
         assert_equal(originator.address, "bot example com");
+    public void empty_search_query() throws GLib.Error {
+        var test_article = new SearchExpressionFactory(
+            this.config.get_search_strategy(), this.account
+        );
+        assert_collection(test_article.parse_query("")).is_empty();
+    }
+    public void plain_search_terms() throws GLib.Error {
+        var test_article = new SearchExpressionFactory(
+            this.config.get_search_strategy(), this.account
+        );
+        var simple1 = test_article.parse_query("hello");
+        assert_collection(simple1).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple1[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text1 = simple1[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text1.target == ALL);
+        assert_true(text1.matching_strategy == CONSERVATIVE);
+        assert_collection(text1.terms).size(1).contains("hello");
+        var simple2 = test_article.parse_query("h");
+        assert_collection(simple2).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple2[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text2 = simple2[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_collection(text2.terms).size(1).contains("h");
+        var simple3 = test_article.parse_query(" h");
+        assert_collection(simple3).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple3[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text3 = simple3[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_collection(text3.terms).size(1).contains("h");
+        var simple4 = test_article.parse_query("h ");
+        assert_collection(simple4).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple4[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text4 = simple4[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_collection(text4.terms).size(1).contains("h");
+    }
+    public void continuation_search_terms() throws GLib.Error {
+        var test_article = new SearchExpressionFactory(
+            this.config.get_search_strategy(),
+            this.account
+        );
+        var simple1 = test_article.parse_query("hello-there");
+        assert_collection(simple1).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple1[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text1 = simple1[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_collection(text1.terms).size(1).contains("hello-there");
+        var simple2 = test_article.parse_query("hello-");
+        assert_collection(simple2).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple2[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text2 = simple2[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_collection(text2.terms).size(1).contains("hello-");
+        var simple3 = test_article.parse_query("test example com");
+        assert_collection(simple2).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple3[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text3 = simple3[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_collection(text3.terms).size(1).contains("test example com");
+    }
+    public void i18n_search_terms() throws GLib.Error {
+        var test_article = new SearchExpressionFactory(
+            this.config.get_search_strategy(),
+            this.account
+        );
+        test_article.language = Pango.Language.from_string("th");
+        var multiple = test_article.parse_query("ภาษาไทย");
+        assert_collection(multiple).size(2);
+        assert_true(multiple[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        assert_true(multiple[1] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        assert_collection(
+            ((Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm) multiple[0]).terms
+        ).size(1).contains("ภาษา");
+        assert_collection(
+            ((Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm) multiple[1]).terms
+        ).size(1).contains("ไทย");
+    }
+    public void multiple_search_terms() throws GLib.Error {
+        var test_article = new SearchExpressionFactory(
+            this.config.get_search_strategy(), this.account
+        );
+        var multiple = test_article.parse_query("hello there");
+        assert_collection(multiple).size(2);
+        assert_true(multiple[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        assert_true(multiple[1] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        assert_collection(
+            ((Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm) multiple[0]).terms
+        ).size(1).contains("hello");
+        assert_collection(
+            ((Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm) multiple[1]).terms
+        ).size(1).contains("there");
+    }
+    public void quoted_search_terms() throws GLib.Error {
+        var test_article = new SearchExpressionFactory(
+            this.config.get_search_strategy(), this.account
+        );
+        var simple1 = test_article.parse_query("\"hello\"");
+        assert_collection(simple1).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple1[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text1 = simple1[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text1.target == ALL);
+        assert_true(text1.matching_strategy == EXACT);
+        assert_collection(text1.terms).size(1).contains("hello");
+        var simple2 = test_article.parse_query("\"h\"");
+        assert_collection(simple2).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple2[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text2 = simple2[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_collection(text2.terms).size(1).contains("h");
+        var simple3 = test_article.parse_query(" \"h\"");
+        assert_collection(simple3).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple3[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text3 = simple3[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_collection(text3.terms).size(1).contains("h");
+        var simple4 = test_article.parse_query("\"h");
+        assert_collection(simple4).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple4[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text4 = simple4[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_collection(text4.terms).size(1).contains("h");
+        var simple5 = test_article.parse_query("\"h\" ");
+        assert_collection(simple5).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple5[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text5 = simple5[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_collection(text5.terms).size(1).contains("h");
+        var simple6 = test_article.parse_query("\"hello there\"");
+        assert_collection(simple6).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple6[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text6 = simple6[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_collection(text6.terms).size(1).contains("hello there");
+    }
+    public void text_op_terms() throws GLib.Error {
+        var test_article = new SearchExpressionFactory(
+            this.config.get_search_strategy(), this.account
+        );
+        var simple_body = test_article.parse_query("body:hello");
+        assert_collection(simple_body).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple_body[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text_body = simple_body[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text_body.target == BODY);
+        assert_true(text_body.matching_strategy == CONSERVATIVE);
+        assert_collection(text_body.terms).size(1).contains("hello");
+        var simple_body_quoted = test_article.parse_query("body:\"hello\"");
+        assert_collection(simple_body_quoted).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple_body_quoted[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text_body_quoted = simple_body_quoted[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text_body_quoted.target == BODY);
+        assert_true(text_body_quoted.matching_strategy == EXACT);
+        assert_collection(text_body_quoted.terms).size(1).contains("hello");
+        var simple_attach_name = test_article.parse_query("attachment:hello");
+        assert_collection(simple_attach_name).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple_attach_name[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text_attch_name = simple_attach_name[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text_attch_name.target == ATTACHMENT_NAME);
+        var simple_bcc = test_article.parse_query("bcc:hello");
+        assert_collection(simple_bcc).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple_bcc[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text_bcc = simple_bcc[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text_bcc.target == BCC);
+        var simple_cc = test_article.parse_query("cc:hello");
+        assert_collection(simple_cc).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple_cc[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text_cc = simple_cc[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text_cc.target == CC);
+        var simple_from = test_article.parse_query("from:hello");
+        assert_collection(simple_from).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple_from[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text_from = simple_from[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text_from.target == FROM);
+        var simple_subject = test_article.parse_query("subject:hello");
+        assert_collection(simple_subject).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple_subject[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text_subject = simple_subject[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text_subject.target == SUBJECT);
+        var simple_to = test_article.parse_query("to:hello");
+        assert_collection(simple_to).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple_to[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text_to = simple_to[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text_to.target == TO);
+    }
+    public void text_op_single_me_terms() throws GLib.Error {
+        var test_article = new SearchExpressionFactory(
+            this.config.get_search_strategy(), this.account
+        );
+        var simple_to = test_article.parse_query("to:me");
+        assert_collection(simple_to).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple_to[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text_to = simple_to[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text_to.target == TO);
+        assert_true(text_to.matching_strategy == EXACT);
+        assert_collection(text_to.terms).size(1).contains("test example com");
+        var simple_cc = test_article.parse_query("cc:me");
+        assert_collection(simple_cc).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple_cc[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text_cc = simple_cc[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text_cc.target == CC);
+        assert_true(text_cc.matching_strategy == EXACT);
+        assert_collection(text_cc.terms).size(1).contains("test example com");
+        var simple_bcc = test_article.parse_query("bcc:me");
+        assert_collection(simple_bcc).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple_bcc[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text_bcc = simple_bcc[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text_bcc.target == BCC);
+        assert_true(text_bcc.matching_strategy == EXACT);
+        assert_collection(text_bcc.terms).size(1).contains("test example com");
+        var simple_from = test_article.parse_query("from:me");
+        assert_collection(simple_from).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple_from[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text_from = simple_from[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text_from.target == FROM);
+        assert_true(text_from.matching_strategy == EXACT);
+        assert_collection(text_from.terms).size(1).contains("test example com");
+    }
+    public void text_op_multiple_me_terms() throws GLib.Error {
+        this.account.append_sender(
+            new Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress("test2", "test2 example com")
+        );
+        var test_article = new SearchExpressionFactory(
+            this.config.get_search_strategy(), this.account
+        );
+        var to = test_article.parse_query("to:me");
+        assert_collection(to).size(1);
+        assert_true(to[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text_to = to[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text_to.target == TO);
+        assert_true(text_to.matching_strategy == EXACT);
+        assert_collection(text_to.terms).size(2).contains(
+            "test example com"
+        ).contains(
+            "test example com"
+        );
+    }
+    public void boolean_op_terms() throws GLib.Error {
+        var test_article = new SearchExpressionFactory(
+            this.config.get_search_strategy(), this.account
+        );
+        var simple_unread = test_article.parse_query("is:unread");
+        assert_true(simple_unread[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailFlagTerm);
+        var bool_unread = simple_unread[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailFlagTerm;
+        assert_true(
+            bool_unread.value.equal_to(Geary.EmailFlags.UNREAD), "unread flag"
+        );
+        assert_false(bool_unread.is_negated, "unread negated");
+        var simple_read = test_article.parse_query("is:read");
+        assert_true(simple_read[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailFlagTerm);
+        var bool_read = simple_read[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailFlagTerm;
+        assert_true(
+            bool_read.value.equal_to(Geary.EmailFlags.UNREAD), "read flag"
+        );
+        assert_true(bool_read.is_negated, "read negated");
+        var simple_starred = test_article.parse_query("is:starred");
+        assert_true(simple_starred[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailFlagTerm);
+        var bool_starred = simple_starred[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailFlagTerm;
+        assert_true(
+            bool_starred.value.equal_to(Geary.EmailFlags.FLAGGED), "starred flag"
+        );
+        assert_false(bool_starred.is_negated, "starred negated");
+    }
+    public void invalid_op_terms() throws GLib.Error {
+        var test_article = new SearchExpressionFactory(
+            this.config.get_search_strategy(), this.account
+        );
+        var simple1 = test_article.parse_query("body:");
+        assert_collection(simple1).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple1[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text1 = simple1[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text1.target == ALL);
+        assert_true(text1.matching_strategy == CONSERVATIVE);
+        assert_collection(text1.terms).size(1).contains("body:");
+        var simple2 = test_article.parse_query("blarg:");
+        assert_collection(simple2).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple2[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text2 = simple2[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text2.target == ALL);
+        assert_true(text2.matching_strategy == CONSERVATIVE);
+        assert_collection(text2.terms).size(1).contains("blarg:");
+        var simple3 = test_article.parse_query("blarg:hello");
+        assert_collection(simple3).size(1);
+        assert_true(simple3[0] is Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm);
+        var text3 = simple3[0] as Geary.SearchQuery.EmailTextTerm;
+        assert_true(text3.target == ALL);
+        assert_true(text3.matching_strategy == CONSERVATIVE);
+        assert_collection(text3.terms).size(1).contains("blarg:hello");
+    }
     private Geary.Email new_email(Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress? from,
                                   Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress? sender,
                                   Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddress? reply_to)
diff --git a/test/mock/mock-account.vala b/test/mock/mock-account.vala
index 173b2ecae..2d08314d0 100644
--- a/test/mock/mock-account.vala
+++ b/test/mock/mock-account.vala
@@ -222,12 +222,12 @@ public class Mock.Account : Geary.Account,
-    public override async Geary.SearchQuery
-        new_search_query(string raw,
-                         Geary.SearchQuery.Strategy strategy,
-                         GLib.Cancellable? cancellable)
-        throws GLib.Error {
-        return new SearchQuery(this, raw);
+    public override async Geary.SearchQuery new_search_query(
+        Gee.List<Geary.SearchQuery.Term> expression,
+        string raw,
+        GLib.Cancellable? cancellable
+    ) throws GLib.Error {
+        return new SearchQuery(expression, raw);
     public override async Gee.Collection<Geary.EmailIdentifier>?
diff --git a/test/mock/mock-search-query.vala b/test/mock/mock-search-query.vala
index 6653f96de..310cde7ef 100644
--- a/test/mock/mock-search-query.vala
+++ b/test/mock/mock-search-query.vala
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
 public class Mock.SearchQuery : Geary.SearchQuery {
-    internal SearchQuery(Geary.Account owner, string raw) {
-        base(owner, raw, Geary.SearchQuery.Strategy.EXACT);
+    internal SearchQuery(Gee.List<Geary.SearchQuery.Term> expression,
+                         string raw) {
+        base(expression, raw);

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