[gimp] libgimpwidgets: make GimpScaleEntry a child class of GimpLabelSpin.

commit 079d8fd7f28e13baceb53f8f77f1ea154e500ff6
Author: Jehan <jehan girinstud io>
Date:   Thu Nov 5 17:30:20 2020 +0100

    libgimpwidgets: make GimpScaleEntry a child class of GimpLabelSpin.

 libgimpwidgets/gimpscaleentry.c | 653 ++++++----------------------------------
 libgimpwidgets/gimpscaleentry.h |  16 +-
 2 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 577 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libgimpwidgets/gimpscaleentry.c b/libgimpwidgets/gimpscaleentry.c
index 45436f9b55..9b4c72e6ce 100644
--- a/libgimpwidgets/gimpscaleentry.c
+++ b/libgimpwidgets/gimpscaleentry.c
@@ -42,48 +42,17 @@
  * mnemonic on the #GtkSpinButton.
-  PROP_0,
 typedef struct _GimpScaleEntryPrivate
-  GtkWidget     *label;
-  GtkWidget     *spinbutton;
   GtkWidget     *scale;
   GBinding      *binding;
-  GtkAdjustment *spin_adjustment;
   gboolean       logarithmic;
+  gboolean       limit_scale;
 } GimpScaleEntryPrivate;
 static void       gimp_scale_entry_constructed       (GObject       *object);
-static void       gimp_scale_entry_set_property      (GObject       *object,
-                                                      guint          property_id,
-                                                      const GValue  *value,
-                                                      GParamSpec    *pspec);
-static void       gimp_scale_entry_get_property      (GObject       *object,
-                                                      guint          property_id,
-                                                      GValue        *value,
-                                                      GParamSpec    *pspec);
-static void       gimp_scale_entry_update_spin_width (GimpScaleEntry *entry);
-static void       gimp_scale_entry_update_steps      (GimpScaleEntry *entry);
 static gboolean   gimp_scale_entry_linear_to_log     (GBinding     *binding,
                                                       const GValue *from_value,
@@ -93,99 +62,21 @@ static gboolean   gimp_scale_entry_log_to_linear     (GBinding     *binding,
                                                       const GValue *from_value,
                                                       GValue       *to_value,
                                                       gpointer      user_data);
+void              gimp_scale_entry_configure         (GimpScaleEntry *entry);
-G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (GimpScaleEntry, gimp_scale_entry, GTK_TYPE_GRID)
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (GimpScaleEntry, gimp_scale_entry, GIMP_TYPE_LABEL_SPIN)
 #define parent_class gimp_scale_entry_parent_class
-static guint gimp_scale_entry_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
 static void
 gimp_scale_entry_class_init (GimpScaleEntryClass *klass)
   GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
-  gimp_scale_entry_signals[VALUE_CHANGED] =
-    g_signal_new ("value-changed",
-                  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass),
-                  G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-                  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GimpScaleEntryClass, value_changed),
-                  NULL, NULL, NULL,
-                  G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
   object_class->constructed  = gimp_scale_entry_constructed;
-  object_class->set_property = gimp_scale_entry_set_property;
-  object_class->get_property = gimp_scale_entry_get_property;
   klass->new_range_widget    = NULL;
-  /**
-   * GimpScaleEntry:label:
-   *
-   * Since: 3.0
-   **/
-  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_LABEL,
-                                   g_param_spec_string ("label",
-                                                        "Label text",
-                                                        "The text of the label part of this widget",
-                                                        NULL,
-                                                        GIMP_PARAM_READWRITE));
-  /**
-   * GimpScaleEntry:value:
-   *
-   * Since: 3.0
-   **/
-  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_VALUE,
-                                   g_param_spec_double ("value", NULL,
-                                                        "Current value",
-                                                        -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 1.0,
-                                                        GIMP_PARAM_READWRITE));
-  /**
-   * GimpScaleEntry:lower:
-   *
-   * The lower bound of the widget. If the spin button and the scale
-   * widgets have different limits (see gimp_scale_entry_set_bounds()),
-   * this corresponds to the spin button lower value.
-   *
-   * Since: 3.0
-   **/
-  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_LOWER,
-                                   g_param_spec_double ("lower", NULL,
-                                                        "Minimum value",
-                                                        -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 1.0,
-                                                        GIMP_PARAM_READWRITE |
-                                                        G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT));
-  /**
-   * GimpScaleEntry:upper:
-   *
-   * The upper bound of the widget. If the spin button and the scale
-   * widgets have different limits (see gimp_scale_entry_set_bounds()),
-   * this corresponds to the spin button upper value.
-   *
-   * Since: 3.0
-   **/
-  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_UPPER,
-                                   g_param_spec_double ("upper", NULL,
-                                                        "Max value",
-                                                        -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-                                                        GIMP_PARAM_READWRITE |
-                                                        G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT));
-  /**
-   * GimpScaleEntry:digits:
-   *
-   * Since: 3.0
-   **/
-  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DIGITS,
-                                   g_param_spec_uint ("digits", NULL,
-                                                      "The number of decimal places to display",
-                                                      0, G_MAXUINT, 2,
-                                                      GIMP_PARAM_READWRITE));
 static void
@@ -193,13 +84,7 @@ gimp_scale_entry_init (GimpScaleEntry *entry)
   GimpScaleEntryPrivate *priv  = gimp_scale_entry_get_instance_private (entry);
-  /* The main adjustment (the scale adjustment in particular might be
-   * smaller). We want it to exist at init so that construction
-   * properties can apply (default values are bogus but should be
-   * properly overrided with expected values if the object was created
-   * with gimp_scale_entry_new().
-   */
-  priv->spin_adjustment = gtk_adjustment_new (0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 1.0, 10.0, 0.0);
+  priv->limit_scale = FALSE;
 static void
@@ -209,23 +94,19 @@ gimp_scale_entry_constructed (GObject *object)
   GimpScaleEntry        *entry = GIMP_SCALE_ENTRY (object);
   GimpScaleEntryPrivate *priv  = gimp_scale_entry_get_instance_private (entry);
   GtkAdjustment         *scale_adjustment;
+  GtkAdjustment         *spin_adjustment;
+  GtkWidget             *spinbutton;
-  /* Label */
-  priv->label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (NULL);
-  gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (priv->label), 0.0);
-  /* Spin button */
-  priv->spinbutton = gimp_spin_button_new (priv->spin_adjustment, 2.0, 2.0);
-  gtk_spin_button_set_numeric (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->spinbutton), TRUE);
-  gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (priv->label), priv->spinbutton);
+  G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->constructed (object);
-  /* Scale */
-  scale_adjustment = gtk_adjustment_new (gtk_adjustment_get_value (priv->spin_adjustment),
-                                         gtk_adjustment_get_lower (priv->spin_adjustment),
-                                         gtk_adjustment_get_upper (priv->spin_adjustment),
-                                         gtk_adjustment_get_step_increment (priv->spin_adjustment),
-                                         gtk_adjustment_get_page_increment (priv->spin_adjustment),
-                                         gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (priv->spin_adjustment));
+  spinbutton = gimp_label_spin_get_spin_button (GIMP_LABEL_SPIN (entry));
+  spin_adjustment = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (spinbutton));
+  scale_adjustment = gtk_adjustment_new (gtk_adjustment_get_value (spin_adjustment),
+                                         gtk_adjustment_get_lower (spin_adjustment),
+                                         gtk_adjustment_get_upper (spin_adjustment),
+                                         gtk_adjustment_get_step_increment (spin_adjustment),
+                                         gtk_adjustment_get_page_increment (spin_adjustment),
+                                         gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (spin_adjustment));
   klass = GIMP_SCALE_ENTRY_GET_CLASS (entry);
   if (klass->new_range_widget)
@@ -238,273 +119,26 @@ gimp_scale_entry_constructed (GObject *object)
       priv->scale = gtk_scale_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, scale_adjustment);
       gtk_scale_set_draw_value (GTK_SCALE (priv->scale), FALSE);
-    }
-  gtk_widget_set_hexpand (priv->scale, TRUE);
-  gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (entry), priv->label,      0, 0, 1, 1);
-  gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (entry), priv->scale,      1, 0, 1, 1);
-  gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (entry), priv->spinbutton, 2, 0, 1, 1);
-  gtk_widget_show (priv->label);
-  gtk_widget_show (priv->scale);
-  gtk_widget_show (priv->spinbutton);
-  priv->binding = g_object_bind_property (G_OBJECT (priv->spin_adjustment),  "value",
-                                          G_OBJECT (scale_adjustment), "value",
-                                          G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL |
-                                          G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE);
-  /* This is important to make this object into a property widget. It
-   * will allow config object to bind the "value" property of this
-   * widget, and therefore be updated automatically.
-   */
-  g_object_bind_property (G_OBJECT (priv->spin_adjustment), "value",
-                          object,                     "value",
-                          G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL |
-                          G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE);
-  gimp_scale_entry_update_spin_width (entry);
-  gimp_scale_entry_update_steps (entry);
-static void
-gimp_scale_entry_set_property (GObject      *object,
-                               guint         property_id,
-                               const GValue *value,
-                               GParamSpec   *pspec)
-  GimpScaleEntry        *entry = GIMP_SCALE_ENTRY (object);
-  GimpScaleEntryPrivate *priv  = gimp_scale_entry_get_instance_private (entry);
-  switch (property_id)
-    {
-    case PROP_LABEL:
-        {
-          /* This should not happen since the property is **not** set with
-           * G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT, hence the label should exist when the
-           * property is first set.
-           */
-          g_return_if_fail (priv->label);
-          gtk_label_set_markup_with_mnemonic (GTK_LABEL (priv->label),
-                                              g_value_get_string (value));
-        }
-      break;
-    case PROP_VALUE:
-        {
-          GtkSpinButton *spinbutton;
-          GtkAdjustment *adj;
-          g_return_if_fail (priv->spinbutton);
-          /* Set on the spin button, because it might have a bigger
-           * range, hence shows the real value.
-           */
-          spinbutton = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->spinbutton);
-          adj = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (spinbutton);
-          /* Avoid looping forever since we have bound this widget's
-           * "value" property with the spin button "value" property.
-           */
-          if (gtk_adjustment_get_value (adj) != g_value_get_double (value))
-            gtk_adjustment_set_value (adj, g_value_get_double (value));
-          g_signal_emit (object, gimp_scale_entry_signals[VALUE_CHANGED], 0);
-        }
-      break;
-    case PROP_LOWER:
-        {
-          gtk_adjustment_set_lower (priv->spin_adjustment,
-                                    g_value_get_double (value));
-          if (priv->scale)
-            {
-              GtkRange *scale = GTK_RANGE (priv->scale);
-              /* If the widget does not exist, it means this is a
-               * pre-constructed property setting.
-               */
-              gtk_adjustment_set_lower (gtk_range_get_adjustment (scale),
-                                        g_value_get_double (value));
-              gimp_scale_entry_update_spin_width (entry);
-              gimp_scale_entry_update_steps (entry);
-            }
-        }
-      break;
-    case PROP_UPPER:
-        {
-          gtk_adjustment_set_upper (priv->spin_adjustment,
-                                    g_value_get_double (value));
-          if (priv->scale)
-            {
-              GtkRange *scale = GTK_RANGE (priv->scale);
-              gtk_adjustment_set_upper (gtk_range_get_adjustment (scale),
-                                        g_value_get_double (value));
-              gimp_scale_entry_update_spin_width (entry);
-              gimp_scale_entry_update_steps (entry);
-            }
-        }
-      break;
-    case PROP_DIGITS:
-        {
-          g_return_if_fail (priv->scale && priv->spinbutton);
-          if (GTK_IS_SCALE (priv->scale))
-            /* Subclasses may set this to any GtkRange, in particular it
-             * may not be a subclass of GtkScale.
-             */
-            gtk_scale_set_digits (GTK_SCALE (priv->scale),
-                                  g_value_get_uint (value));
-          gtk_spin_button_set_digits (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->spinbutton),
-                                      g_value_get_uint (value));
-          gimp_scale_entry_update_spin_width (entry);
-        }
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
-      break;
+      g_object_bind_property (G_OBJECT (spinbutton),  "digits",
+                              G_OBJECT (priv->scale), "digits",
+                              G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL |
+                              G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE);
-static void
-gimp_scale_entry_get_property (GObject    *object,
-                               guint       property_id,
-                               GValue     *value,
-                               GParamSpec *pspec)
-  GimpScaleEntry        *entry      = GIMP_SCALE_ENTRY (object);
-  GimpScaleEntryPrivate *priv       = gimp_scale_entry_get_instance_private (entry);
-  GtkSpinButton         *spinbutton = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->spinbutton);
-  switch (property_id)
-    {
-    case PROP_LABEL:
-      g_value_set_string (value, gtk_label_get_label (GTK_LABEL (priv->label)));
-      break;
-    case PROP_VALUE:
-      g_value_set_double (value, gtk_spin_button_get_value (spinbutton));
-      break;
-    case PROP_LOWER:
-        {
-          GtkAdjustment *adj;
-          adj = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (spinbutton);
-          g_value_set_double (value, gtk_adjustment_get_lower (adj));
-        }
-      break;
-    case PROP_UPPER:
-        {
-          GtkAdjustment *adj;
-          adj = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (spinbutton);
-          g_value_set_double (value, gtk_adjustment_get_upper (adj));
-        }
-      break;
-    case PROP_DIGITS:
-      g_value_set_uint (value, gtk_spin_button_get_digits (spinbutton));
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
-      break;
-    }
-static void
-gimp_scale_entry_update_spin_width (GimpScaleEntry *entry)
-  GimpScaleEntryPrivate *priv  = gimp_scale_entry_get_instance_private (entry);
-  gint                   width = 0;
-  gdouble                lower;
-  gdouble                upper;
-  gint                   digits;
-  g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_SCALE_ENTRY (entry));
-  g_object_get (entry,
-                "lower",  &lower,
-                "upper",  &upper,
-                "digits", &digits,
-                NULL);
-  /* Necessary size to display the max/min integer values, with optional
-   * negative sign.
-   */
-  width = (gint) floor (log10 (upper) + 1) + (upper < 0.0 ? 1 : 0);
-  width = MAX (width, (gint) floor (log10 (lower) + 1) + (lower < 0.0 ? 1 : 0));
-  /* Adding decimal digits and separator. */
-  width += (digits > 0 ? 1 + digits : 0);
-  /* Overlong spin button are useless. */
-  width = MIN (10, width);
-  gtk_entry_set_width_chars (GTK_ENTRY (priv->spinbutton), width);
-static void
-gimp_scale_entry_update_steps (GimpScaleEntry *entry)
-  gdouble lower;
-  gdouble upper;
-  gdouble range;
-  g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_SCALE_ENTRY (entry));
-  g_object_get (entry,
-                "lower",  &lower,
-                "upper",  &upper,
-                NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (upper >= lower);
-  range = upper - lower;
-  if (range > 0 && range <= 1.0)
-    {
-      gdouble places = 10.0;
-      gdouble step;
-      gdouble page;
-      /* Compute some acceptable step and page increments always in the
-       * format `10**-X` where X is the rounded precision.
-       * So for instance:
-       *  0.8 will have increments 0.01 and 0.1.
-       *  0.3 will have increments 0.001 and 0.01.
-       *  0.06 will also have increments 0.001 and 0.01.
-       */
-      while (range * places < 5.0)
-        places *= 10.0;
+  gtk_widget_set_hexpand (priv->scale, TRUE);
+  /* Move the spin button to the right. */
+  gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (entry), g_object_ref (spinbutton));
+  gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (entry), spinbutton, 2, 0, 1, 1);
-      step = 0.1 / places;
-      page = 1.0 / places;
+  gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (entry), priv->scale, 1, 0, 1, 1);
+  gtk_widget_show (priv->scale);
-      gimp_scale_entry_set_increments (entry, step, page);
-    }
-  else if (range <= 2.0)
-    {
-      gimp_scale_entry_set_increments (entry, 0.01, 0.1);
-    }
-  else if (range <= 5.0)
-    {
-      gimp_scale_entry_set_increments (entry, 0.1, 1.0);
-    }
-  else if (range <= 40.0)
-    {
-      gimp_scale_entry_set_increments (entry, 1.0, 2.0);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      gimp_scale_entry_set_increments (entry, 1.0, 10.0);
-    }
+  g_signal_connect_swapped (spin_adjustment, "changed",
+                            G_CALLBACK (gimp_scale_entry_configure),
+                            entry);
+  gimp_scale_entry_configure (entry);
 static gboolean
@@ -585,83 +219,6 @@ gimp_scale_entry_new  (const gchar *text,
   return entry;
- * gimp_scale_entry_set_value:
- * @entry: The #GtkScaleEntry.
- * @value: A new value.
- *
- * This function sets the value shown by @entry.
- **/
-gimp_scale_entry_set_value (GimpScaleEntry *entry,
-                            gdouble         value)
-  g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_SCALE_ENTRY (entry));
-  g_object_set (entry,
-                "value", value,
-                NULL);
- * gimp_scale_entry_get_value:
- * @entry: The #GtkScaleEntry.
- *
- * This function returns the value shown by @entry.
- *
- * Returns: The value currently set.
- **/
-gimp_scale_entry_get_value (GimpScaleEntry *entry)
-  gdouble value;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_SCALE_ENTRY (entry), 0.0);
-  g_object_get (entry,
-                "value", &value,
-                NULL);
-  return value;
- * gimp_scale_entry_get_label:
- * @entry: The #GtkScaleEntry.
- *
- * This function returns the #GtkLabel packed in @entry. This can be
- * useful if you need to customize some aspects of the widget.
- *
- * Returns: (transfer none): The #GtkLabel contained in @entry.
- **/
-GtkWidget *
-gimp_scale_entry_get_label (GimpScaleEntry *entry)
-  GimpScaleEntryPrivate *priv = gimp_scale_entry_get_instance_private (entry);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_SCALE_ENTRY (entry), NULL);
-  return priv->label;
- * gimp_scale_entry_get_spin_button:
- * @entry: The #GtkScaleEntry.
- *
- * This function returns the #GtkSpinButton packed in @entry. This can
- * be useful if you need to customize some aspects of the widget.
- *
- * Returns: (transfer none): The #GtkSpinButton contained in @entry.
- **/
-GtkWidget *
-gimp_scale_entry_get_spin_button (GimpScaleEntry *entry)
-  GimpScaleEntryPrivate *priv = gimp_scale_entry_get_instance_private (entry);
-  g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_SCALE_ENTRY (entry), NULL);
-  return priv->spinbutton;
  * gimp_scale_entry_get_range:
  * @entry: The #GtkScaleEntry.
@@ -697,13 +254,13 @@ gimp_scale_entry_get_range (GimpScaleEntry *entry)
  *               #GtkScale. If %TRUE, both @lower and @upper must be
  *               included in current #GtkSpinButton range.
- * By default the #GtkSpinButton and #GtkScale will have the same range
- * (they will even share their GtkAdjustment). In some case, you want to
- * set a different range. In particular when the finale range is huge,
- * the #GtkScale might become nearly useless as every tiny slider move
- * would dramatically update the value. In this case, it is common to
- * set the #GtkScale to a smaller common range, while the #GtkSpinButton
- * would allow for the full allowed range.
+ * By default the #GtkSpinButton and #GtkScale will have the same range.
+ * In some case, you want to set a different range. In particular when
+ * the finale range is huge, the #GtkScale might become nearly useless
+ * as every tiny slider move would dramatically update the value. In
+ * this case, it is common to set the #GtkScale to a smaller common
+ * range, while the #GtkSpinButton would allow for the full allowed
+ * range.
  * This function allows this. Obviously the #GtkAdjustment of both
  * widgets would be synced but if the set value is out of the #GtkScale
  * range, the slider would simply show at one extreme.
@@ -714,7 +271,7 @@ gimp_scale_entry_get_range (GimpScaleEntry *entry)
  * Note that the step and page increments are updated when the range is
  * updated according to some common usage algorithm which should work if
  * you don't have very specific needs. If you want to customize the step
- * increments yourself, you may call gimp_scale_entry_set_increments()
+ * increments yourself, you may call gimp_label_spin_set_increments()
 gimp_scale_entry_set_bounds (GimpScaleEntry *entry,
@@ -723,7 +280,7 @@ gimp_scale_entry_set_bounds (GimpScaleEntry *entry,
                              gboolean        limit_scale)
   GimpScaleEntryPrivate *priv;
-  GtkSpinButton         *spinbutton;
+  GtkWidget             *spinbutton;
   GtkAdjustment         *spin_adjustment;
   GtkAdjustment         *scale_adjustment;
@@ -731,10 +288,13 @@ gimp_scale_entry_set_bounds (GimpScaleEntry *entry,
   g_return_if_fail (lower <= upper);
   priv             = gimp_scale_entry_get_instance_private (entry);
-  spinbutton       = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->spinbutton);
-  spin_adjustment  = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (spinbutton);
   scale_adjustment = gtk_range_get_adjustment (GTK_RANGE (priv->scale));
+  spinbutton = gimp_label_spin_get_spin_button (GIMP_LABEL_SPIN (entry));
+  spin_adjustment  = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (spinbutton));
+  priv->limit_scale = limit_scale;
   if (limit_scale)
       g_return_if_fail (lower >= gtk_adjustment_get_lower (spin_adjustment) &&
@@ -742,6 +302,8 @@ gimp_scale_entry_set_bounds (GimpScaleEntry *entry,
       gtk_adjustment_set_lower (scale_adjustment, lower);
       gtk_adjustment_set_upper (scale_adjustment, upper);
+      gimp_scale_entry_configure (entry);
   else if (! limit_scale)
@@ -770,41 +332,67 @@ gimp_scale_entry_set_logarithmic (GimpScaleEntry *entry,
                                   gboolean        logarithmic)
   GimpScaleEntryPrivate *priv;
+  g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_SCALE_ENTRY (entry));
+  priv = gimp_scale_entry_get_instance_private (entry);
+  if (logarithmic != priv->logarithmic)
+    {
+      priv->logarithmic = logarithmic;
+      gimp_scale_entry_configure (entry);
+    }
+gimp_scale_entry_configure (GimpScaleEntry *entry)
+  GimpScaleEntryPrivate *priv;
+  GBinding              *binding;
+  GtkWidget             *spinbutton;
   GtkAdjustment         *spin_adj;
   GtkAdjustment         *scale_adj;
-  GBinding              *binding;
+  gdouble                scale_lower;
+  gdouble                scale_upper;
   g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_SCALE_ENTRY (entry));
   priv      = gimp_scale_entry_get_instance_private (entry);
-  spin_adj  = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->spinbutton));
   scale_adj = gtk_range_get_adjustment (GTK_RANGE (priv->scale));
-  if (logarithmic == priv->logarithmic)
-    return;
+  spinbutton = gimp_label_spin_get_spin_button (GIMP_LABEL_SPIN (entry));
+  spin_adj  = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (spinbutton));
   g_clear_object (&priv->binding);
-  if (logarithmic)
+  if (priv->limit_scale)
+    {
+      scale_lower = gtk_adjustment_get_lower (scale_adj);
+      scale_upper = gtk_adjustment_get_upper (scale_adj);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      scale_lower = gtk_adjustment_get_lower (spin_adj);
+      scale_upper = gtk_adjustment_get_upper (spin_adj);
+    }
+  if (priv->logarithmic)
       gdouble correction;
       gdouble log_value, log_lower, log_upper;
       gdouble log_step_increment, log_page_increment;
-      correction = (gtk_adjustment_get_lower (scale_adj) > 0 ?
-                    0 : 0.1 + - gtk_adjustment_get_lower (scale_adj));
+      correction = (scale_lower > 0 ?  0 : 0.1 + - scale_lower);
       log_value = log (gtk_adjustment_get_value (scale_adj) + correction);
-      log_lower = log (gtk_adjustment_get_lower (scale_adj) + correction);
-      log_upper = log (gtk_adjustment_get_upper (scale_adj) + correction);
+      log_lower = log (scale_lower + correction);
+      log_upper = log (scale_upper + correction);
       log_step_increment =
-        (log_upper - log_lower) / ((gtk_adjustment_get_upper (scale_adj) -
-                                    gtk_adjustment_get_lower (scale_adj)) /
-                                   gtk_adjustment_get_step_increment (scale_adj));
+        (log_upper - log_lower) / ((scale_upper - scale_lower) /
+                                   gtk_adjustment_get_step_increment (spin_adj));
       log_page_increment =
-        (log_upper - log_lower) / ((gtk_adjustment_get_upper (scale_adj) -
-                                    gtk_adjustment_get_lower (scale_adj)) /
-                                   gtk_adjustment_get_page_increment (scale_adj));
+        (log_upper - log_lower) / ((scale_upper - scale_lower) /
+                                   gtk_adjustment_get_page_increment (spin_adj));
       gtk_adjustment_configure (scale_adj,
                                 log_value, log_lower, log_upper,
@@ -820,20 +408,9 @@ gimp_scale_entry_set_logarithmic (GimpScaleEntry *entry,
-      gdouble lower, upper;
-      lower = exp (gtk_adjustment_get_lower (scale_adj));
-      upper = exp (gtk_adjustment_get_upper (scale_adj));
-      if (gtk_adjustment_get_lower (spin_adj) <= 0.0)
-        {
-          lower += - 0.1 + gtk_adjustment_get_lower (spin_adj);
-          upper += - 0.1 + gtk_adjustment_get_lower (spin_adj);
-        }
       gtk_adjustment_configure (scale_adj,
                                 gtk_adjustment_get_value (spin_adj),
-                                lower, upper,
+                                scale_lower, scale_upper,
                                 gtk_adjustment_get_step_increment (spin_adj),
                                 gtk_adjustment_get_page_increment (spin_adj),
@@ -844,8 +421,7 @@ gimp_scale_entry_set_logarithmic (GimpScaleEntry *entry,
-  priv->binding     = binding;
-  priv->logarithmic = logarithmic;
+  priv->binding = binding;
@@ -866,56 +442,3 @@ gimp_scale_entry_get_logarithmic (GimpScaleEntry *entry)
   return priv->logarithmic;
- * gimp_scale_entry_set_increments:
- * @entry: the #GimpScaleEntry.
- * @step:  the step increment.
- * @page:  the page increment.
- *
- * Set the step and page increments for both the spin button and the
- * scale. By default, these increment values are automatically computed
- * depending on the range based on common usage. So you will likely not
- * need to run this for most case. Yet if you want specific increments
- * (which the widget cannot guess), you can call this function. If you
- * want even more modularity and have different increments on each
- * widget, use specific functions on gimp_scale_entry_get_spin_button()
- * and gimp_scale_entry_get_range().
- *
- * Note that there is no `get` function because it could not return
- * shared values in case you edited each widget separately.
- * Just use specific functions on the spin button and scale instead if
- * you need to get existing increments.
- */
-gimp_scale_entry_set_increments (GimpScaleEntry *entry,
-                                 gdouble         step,
-                                 gdouble         page)
-  GimpScaleEntryPrivate *priv;
-  GtkSpinButton         *spinbutton;
-  GtkRange              *scale;
-  gdouble                lower;
-  gdouble                upper;
-  g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_SCALE_ENTRY (entry));
-  g_return_if_fail (step < page);
-  priv       = gimp_scale_entry_get_instance_private (entry);
-  spinbutton = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->spinbutton);
-  scale      = GTK_RANGE (priv->scale);
-  gtk_spin_button_get_range (spinbutton, &lower, &upper);
-  g_return_if_fail (upper >= lower);
-  g_return_if_fail (step < upper - lower && page < upper - lower);
-  gtk_adjustment_set_step_increment (gtk_range_get_adjustment (scale), step);
-  gtk_adjustment_set_step_increment (gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (spinbutton), step);
-  gtk_adjustment_set_page_increment (gtk_range_get_adjustment (scale), page);
-  gtk_adjustment_set_page_increment (gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (spinbutton), page);
-  g_object_set (priv->spinbutton,
-                "climb-rate", step,
-                NULL);
diff --git a/libgimpwidgets/gimpscaleentry.h b/libgimpwidgets/gimpscaleentry.h
index b9f1a1edb9..ddc077eb0b 100644
--- a/libgimpwidgets/gimpscaleentry.h
+++ b/libgimpwidgets/gimpscaleentry.h
@@ -25,17 +25,19 @@
 #error "Only <libgimpwidgets/gimpwidgets.h> can be included directly."
+#include <libgimpwidgets/gimplabelspin.h>
 #ifndef __GIMP_SCALE_ENTRY_H__
 #define __GIMP_SCALE_ENTRY_H__
 #define GIMP_TYPE_SCALE_ENTRY (gimp_scale_entry_get_type ())
-G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE (GimpScaleEntry, gimp_scale_entry, GIMP, SCALE_ENTRY, GtkGrid)
+G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE (GimpScaleEntry, gimp_scale_entry, GIMP, SCALE_ENTRY, GimpLabelSpin)
 struct _GimpScaleEntryClass
-  GtkGridClass       parent_class;
+  GimpLabelSpinClass parent_class;
   /*  Signals        */
   void            (* value_changed)    (GimpScaleEntry *entry);
@@ -60,12 +62,6 @@ GtkWidget     * gimp_scale_entry_new             (const gchar *text,
                                                   gdouble      upper,
                                                   guint        digits);
-void            gimp_scale_entry_set_value       (GimpScaleEntry *entry,
-                                                  gdouble         value);
-gdouble         gimp_scale_entry_get_value       (GimpScaleEntry *entry);
-GtkWidget     * gimp_scale_entry_get_label       (GimpScaleEntry *entry);
-GtkWidget     * gimp_scale_entry_get_spin_button (GimpScaleEntry *entry);
 GtkWidget     * gimp_scale_entry_get_range       (GimpScaleEntry *entry);
 void            gimp_scale_entry_set_bounds      (GimpScaleEntry *entry,
@@ -77,10 +73,6 @@ void            gimp_scale_entry_set_logarithmic (GimpScaleEntry *entry,
                                                   gboolean        logarithmic);
 gboolean        gimp_scale_entry_get_logarithmic (GimpScaleEntry *entry);
-void            gimp_scale_entry_set_increments  (GimpScaleEntry *entry,
-                                                  gdouble         step,
-                                                  gdouble         page);

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