[balsa/popover] Various: Port menus to GtkPopover

commit 0156cc2fa4eecd624f45291ed98083eac7d6b6c7
Author: Peter Bloomfield <PeterBloomfield bellsouth net>
Date:   Mon May 11 22:55:33 2020 -0400

    Various: Port menus to GtkPopover

 src/balsa-mblist.c            |  26 +--
 src/balsa-mime-widget-image.c |   9 +-
 src/balsa-mime-widget-text.c  |   2 +-
 src/mailbox-node.c            | 438 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 src/mailbox-node.h            |   3 +-
 src/sendmsg-window.c          |  10 -
 6 files changed, 311 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/balsa-mblist.c b/src/balsa-mblist.c
index e16234cd6..d3d446435 100644
--- a/src/balsa-mblist.c
+++ b/src/balsa-mblist.c
@@ -722,18 +722,22 @@ bmbl_do_popup(GtkTreeView * tree_view, GtkTreePath * path,
-    menu = balsa_mailbox_node_get_context_menu(mbnode);
-    g_object_ref(menu);
-    g_object_ref_sink(menu);
-    if (event)
-        gtk_menu_popup_at_pointer(GTK_MENU(menu), (GdkEvent *) event);
-    else
-        gtk_menu_popup_at_widget(GTK_MENU(menu), GTK_WIDGET(tree_view),
-                                 GDK_GRAVITY_CENTER, GDK_GRAVITY_CENTER,
-                                 NULL);
-    g_object_unref(menu);
+    menu = balsa_mailbox_node_get_context_menu(mbnode, GTK_WIDGET(tree_view));
+    if (event != NULL && gdk_event_triggers_context_menu((GdkEvent *) event)) {
+        GdkRectangle rectangle;
+        /* Pop up above the pointer */
+        rectangle.x = event->x;
+        rectangle.width = 0;
+        rectangle.y = event->y;
+        rectangle.height = 0;
+        gtk_popover_set_pointing_to(GTK_POPOVER(menu), &rectangle);
+    }
+    gtk_popover_popup(GTK_POPOVER(menu));
-    if (mbnode)
+    if (mbnode != NULL)
diff --git a/src/balsa-mime-widget-image.c b/src/balsa-mime-widget-image.c
index 64289484b..e5cf31f60 100644
--- a/src/balsa-mime-widget-image.c
+++ b/src/balsa-mime-widget-image.c
@@ -141,13 +141,14 @@ img_check_size(BalsaMimeWidgetImage * mwi)
 static gboolean
 balsa_image_button_press_cb(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventButton * event,
-                            GtkMenu * menu)
+                            GtkPopover * menu)
     if (gdk_event_triggers_context_menu((GdkEvent *) event)) {
-        gtk_menu_popup_at_pointer(menu, (GdkEvent *) event);
+        gtk_popover_popup(menu);
         return TRUE;
-    } else
-        return FALSE;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
 static void
diff --git a/src/balsa-mime-widget-text.c b/src/balsa-mime-widget-text.c
index 2a242426e..be62eeddd 100644
--- a/src/balsa-mime-widget-text.c
+++ b/src/balsa-mime-widget-text.c
@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ bmwt_populate_popup_menu(BalsaMessage * bm,
     open_menu = g_menu_new();
-    libbalsa_vfs_fill_menu_by_content_type(open_menu, "text/plain",
+    libbalsa_vfs_fill_menu_by_content_type(open_menu, "text/html",
     submenu = gtk_menu_new_from_model(G_MENU_MODEL(open_menu));
diff --git a/src/mailbox-node.c b/src/mailbox-node.c
index 72e960ac7..d572e9356 100644
--- a/src/mailbox-node.c
+++ b/src/mailbox-node.c
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ static guint balsa_mailbox_node_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
 struct _BalsaMailboxNode {
     GObject object;
     BalsaMailboxNode *parent; /* NULL for root-level folders & mailboxes */
     LibBalsaMailbox *mailbox; /* != NULL for leaves only */
     gchar *name;       /* used for folders, i.e. when mailbox == NULL */
@@ -101,6 +102,9 @@ struct _BalsaMailboxNode {
     int delim; /* IMAP delimiter so that we do not need to check it
                 * too often. */
+    GtkWidget *context_menu;
+    GtkWidget *relative_to;
     unsigned subscribed:1;     /* Used only by remote */
     unsigned list_inbox:1;     /* Used only by remote */
     unsigned scanned:1;        /* IMAP flag */
@@ -859,224 +863,358 @@ bmbn_scan_children_idle(BalsaMailboxNode ** mbnode)
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Context menu, helpers, and callbacks.
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+balsa_mailbox_node_is_imap(const BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
+    return (mbnode != NULL) &&
+            (mbnode->server != NULL) &&
+            (strcmp(libbalsa_server_get_protocol(mbnode->server), "imap") == 0);
 static void
-add_menu_entry(GtkWidget * menu, const gchar * label, GCallback cb,
-              BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+add_mbox_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                   GVariant      *parameter,
+                   gpointer       user_data)
-    GtkWidget *menuitem;
+    mailbox_conf_add_mbox_cb(NULL, user_data);
-    menuitem = label ? gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(label)
-       : gtk_separator_menu_item_new();
+static void
+add_maildir_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                      GVariant      *parameter,
+                      gpointer       user_data)
+    mailbox_conf_add_maildir_cb(NULL, user_data);
-    if (cb)
-       g_signal_connect(menuitem, "activate",
-                        G_CALLBACK(cb), mbnode);
+static void
+add_mh_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                 GVariant      *parameter,
+                 gpointer       user_data)
+    mailbox_conf_add_mh_cb(NULL, user_data);
-    gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), menuitem);
-    gtk_widget_show(menuitem);
+static void
+add_imap_folder_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                          GVariant      *parameter,
+                          gpointer       user_data)
+    folder_conf_add_imap_cb(NULL, user_data);
 static void
-mb_open_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+add_imap_subfolder_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                             GVariant      *parameter,
+                             gpointer       user_data)
-    g_return_if_fail(LIBBALSA_IS_MAILBOX(mbnode->mailbox));
-    balsa_mblist_open_mailbox(mbnode->mailbox);
+    folder_conf_add_imap_sub_cb(NULL, user_data);
 static void
-mb_close_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+rescan_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                 GVariant      *parameter,
+                 gpointer       user_data)
-    g_return_if_fail(LIBBALSA_IS_MAILBOX(mbnode->mailbox));
-    balsa_window_close_mbnode(balsa_app.main_window, mbnode);
+    BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode = user_data;
+    gchar *current_mailbox_url;
+    GPtrArray *url_array;
+    current_mailbox_url = g_strdup(balsa_app.current_mailbox_url);
+    balsa_mailbox_node_rescan(mbnode);
+    /* Reopen mailboxes */
+    url_array = g_ptr_array_new();
+    if (current_mailbox_url)
+        g_ptr_array_add(url_array, current_mailbox_url);
+    balsa_add_open_mailbox_urls(url_array);
+    g_ptr_array_add(url_array, NULL);
+    balsa_open_mailbox_list((gchar **) g_ptr_array_free(url_array, FALSE));
 static void
-mb_conf_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+show_properties_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                          GVariant      *parameter,
+                          gpointer       user_data)
+    BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode = user_data;
 static void
-mb_del_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+delete_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                 GVariant      *parameter,
+                 gpointer       user_data)
-    if(mbnode->mailbox)
-       mailbox_conf_delete(mbnode);
-    else folder_conf_delete(mbnode);
+    BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode = user_data;
+    if (mbnode->mailbox != NULL)
+        mailbox_conf_delete(mbnode);
+    else
+        folder_conf_delete(mbnode);
 static void
-mb_inbox_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+context_menu_set_enabled(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
-    g_return_if_fail(LIBBALSA_IS_MAILBOX(mbnode->mailbox));
-    config_mailbox_set_as_special(mbnode->mailbox, SPECIAL_INBOX);
+    gboolean is_open;
+    GActionGroup *action_group;
+    GActionMap *action_map;
+    GAction *action;
+    action_group = gtk_widget_get_action_group(mbnode->relative_to, "mbnode");
+    action_map = G_ACTION_MAP(action_group);
+    is_open = MAILBOX_OPEN(mbnode->mailbox);
+    action = g_action_map_lookup_action(action_map, "open");
+    g_simple_action_set_enabled(G_SIMPLE_ACTION(action), !is_open);
+    action = g_action_map_lookup_action(action_map, "close");
+    g_simple_action_set_enabled(G_SIMPLE_ACTION(action), is_open);
 static void
-mb_sentbox_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+open_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+               GVariant      *parameter,
+               gpointer       user_data)
-    g_return_if_fail(LIBBALSA_IS_MAILBOX(mbnode->mailbox));
-    config_mailbox_set_as_special(mbnode->mailbox, SPECIAL_SENT);
+    BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode = user_data;
+    balsa_mblist_open_mailbox(mbnode->mailbox);
+    context_menu_set_enabled(mbnode);
 static void
-mb_trash_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+close_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                GVariant      *parameter,
+                gpointer       user_data)
-    g_return_if_fail(LIBBALSA_IS_MAILBOX(mbnode->mailbox));
-    config_mailbox_set_as_special(mbnode->mailbox, SPECIAL_TRASH);
+    BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode = user_data;
+    balsa_window_close_mbnode(balsa_app.main_window, mbnode);
+    context_menu_set_enabled(mbnode);
 static void
-mb_draftbox_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mark_as_inbox_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                        GVariant      *parameter,
+                        gpointer       user_data)
-    g_return_if_fail(LIBBALSA_IS_MAILBOX(mbnode->mailbox));
-    config_mailbox_set_as_special(mbnode->mailbox, SPECIAL_DRAFT);
+    BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode = user_data;
+    config_mailbox_set_as_special(mbnode->mailbox, SPECIAL_INBOX);
 static void
-mb_rescan_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mark_as_sentbox_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                          GVariant      *parameter,
+                          gpointer       user_data)
-    gchar *current_mailbox_url;
-    GPtrArray *url_array;
+    BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode = user_data;
-    current_mailbox_url = g_strdup(balsa_app.current_mailbox_url);
-    balsa_mailbox_node_rescan(mbnode);
+    config_mailbox_set_as_special(mbnode->mailbox, SPECIAL_SENT);
-    /* Reopen mailboxes */
-    url_array = g_ptr_array_new();
-    if (current_mailbox_url)
-        g_ptr_array_add(url_array, current_mailbox_url);
-    balsa_add_open_mailbox_urls(url_array);
-    g_ptr_array_add(url_array, NULL);
-    balsa_open_mailbox_list((gchar **) g_ptr_array_free(url_array, FALSE));
+static void
+mark_as_trash_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                        GVariant      *parameter,
+                        gpointer       user_data)
+    BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode = user_data;
+    config_mailbox_set_as_special(mbnode->mailbox, SPECIAL_TRASH);
 static void
-mb_filter_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mark_as_draftbox_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                           GVariant      *parameter,
+                           gpointer       user_data)
-    if (mbnode->mailbox)
-        filters_run_dialog(mbnode->mailbox,
-                           GTK_WINDOW(balsa_app.main_window));
-    else
-       /* FIXME : Perhaps should we be able to apply filters on
-          folders (ie recurse on all mailboxes in it), but there are
-          problems of infinite recursion (when one mailbox being
-          filtered is also the destination of the filter action (eg a
-          copy)). So let's see that later :) */
-       g_print("You can apply filters only on mailbox\n");
+    BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode = user_data;
+    config_mailbox_set_as_special(mbnode->mailbox, SPECIAL_DRAFT);
 static void
-mb_empty_trash_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+empty_trash_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                      GVariant      *parameter,
+                      gpointer       user_data)
-balsa_mailbox_node_is_imap(const BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
+static void
+filters_activated(GSimpleAction *action,
+                  GVariant      *parameter,
+                  gpointer       user_data)
-       return (mbnode != NULL) &&
-               (mbnode->server != NULL) &&
-               (strcmp(libbalsa_server_get_protocol(mbnode->server), "imap") == 0);
+    BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode = user_data;
+    if (mbnode->mailbox != NULL) {
+        filters_run_dialog(mbnode->mailbox,
+                           GTK_WINDOW(balsa_app.main_window));
+    } else {
+        /* FIXME : Perhaps should we be able to apply filters on
+           folders (ie recurse on all mailboxes in it), but there are
+           problems of infinite recursion (when one mailbox being
+           filtered is also the destination of the filter action (eg a
+           copy)). So let's see that later :) */
+        g_print("You can apply filters only on mailbox\n");
+    }
-GtkWidget *
-balsa_mailbox_node_get_context_menu(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
-    GtkWidget *menu;
-    GtkWidget *submenu;
-    GtkWidget *menuitem;
+static GtkWidget *
+create_context_menu(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode,
+                    GtkWidget        *relative_to)
+    static const GActionEntry entries[] = {
+        {"add-mbox", add_mbox_activated},
+        {"add-maildir", add_maildir_activated},
+        {"add-mh", add_mh_activated},
+        {"add-imap-folder", add_imap_folder_activated},
+        {"add-imap-subfolder", add_imap_subfolder_activated},
+        {"rescan", rescan_activated},
+        {"show-properties", show_properties_activated},
+        {"delete", delete_activated},
+        {"open", open_activated},
+        {"close", close_activated},
+        {"mark-as-inbox", mark_as_inbox_activated},
+        {"mark-as-sentbox", mark_as_sentbox_activated},
+        {"mark-as-trash", mark_as_trash_activated},
+        {"mark-as-draftbox", mark_as_draftbox_activated},
+        {"empty-trash", empty_trash_activated},
+        {"filters", filters_activated},
+    };
+    GSimpleActionGroup *simple;
+    GMenu *menu;
+    GMenu *submenu;
+    GMenu *section;
     LibBalsaMailbox *mailbox;
     gboolean special;
+    GtkWidget *context_menu;
+    simple = g_simple_action_group_new();
+    g_action_map_add_action_entries(G_ACTION_MAP(simple),
+                                    entries,
+                                    G_N_ELEMENTS(entries),
+                                    mbnode);
+    gtk_widget_insert_action_group(GTK_WIDGET(relative_to),
+                                   "mbnode",
+                                   G_ACTION_GROUP(simple));
+    g_object_unref(simple);
+    menu = g_menu_new();
+    /* "New" submenu */
+    submenu = g_menu_new();
+    g_menu_append(submenu, _("Local _mbox mailbox…"), "mbnode.add-mbox");
+    g_menu_append(submenu, _("Local Mail_dir mailbox…"), "mbnode.add-maildir");
+    g_menu_append(submenu, _("Local M_H mailbox…"), "mbnode.add-mh");
+    section = g_menu_new();
+    g_menu_append(section, _("Remote IMAP _folder…"), "mbnode.add-imap-folder");
+    if (balsa_mailbox_node_is_imap(mbnode))
+        g_menu_append(section, _("Remote IMAP _subfolder…"), "mbnode.add-imap-subfolder");
+    g_menu_append_section(submenu, NULL, G_MENU_MODEL(section));
+    g_object_unref(section);
-    /*  g_return_val_if_fail(mailbox != NULL, NULL); */
-    menu = gtk_menu_new();
-    /* it's a single-use menu, so we must destroy it when we're done */
-    g_signal_connect(menu, "selection-done",
-                     G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_destroy), NULL);
-    submenu = gtk_menu_new();
-    add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Local _mbox mailbox…"),  
-                  G_CALLBACK(mailbox_conf_add_mbox_cb), NULL);
-    add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Local Mail_dir mailbox…"), 
-                  G_CALLBACK(mailbox_conf_add_maildir_cb), NULL);
-    add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Local M_H mailbox…"),
-                  G_CALLBACK(mailbox_conf_add_mh_cb), NULL);
-    add_menu_entry(submenu, NULL, NULL, mbnode);
-    add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Remote IMAP _folder…"), 
-                  G_CALLBACK(folder_conf_add_imap_cb), NULL);
-    if (balsa_mailbox_node_is_imap(mbnode)) {
-       add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Remote IMAP _subfolder…"),
-                  G_CALLBACK(folder_conf_add_imap_sub_cb), mbnode);
-    }
-    gtk_widget_show(submenu);
     /* Translators: popup menu item "New" mailbox or folder */
-    menuitem = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(C_("mailbox", "_New"));
-    gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(menuitem), submenu);
-    gtk_widget_show(menuitem);
-    gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), menuitem);
-    if(mbnode == NULL) {/* clicked on the empty space */
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Rescan"), G_CALLBACK(mb_rescan_cb), 
-                       NULL);
-       return menu;
+    g_menu_append_submenu(menu, C_("mailbox", "_New"), G_MENU_MODEL(submenu));
+    g_object_unref(submenu);
+    section = g_menu_new();
+    if (mbnode == NULL) {/* clicked on the empty space */
+        g_menu_append(section, _("_Rescan"), "mbnode.rescan");
+    } else {
+        mbnode->relative_to = relative_to;
+        /* If we didn't click on a mailbox node then there is only one option. */
+        if (g_signal_has_handler_pending(mbnode,
+                                         balsa_mailbox_node_signals
+                                         [SHOW_PROP_DIALOG], 0, FALSE))
+            g_menu_append(section, _("_Properties…"), "mbnode.show-properties");
+        if (g_signal_has_handler_pending(mbnode,
+                                         balsa_mailbox_node_signals[APPEND_SUBTREE],
+                                         0, FALSE))
+            g_menu_append(section, _("_Rescan"), "mbnode.rescan");
+        if (mbnode->config_prefix != NULL)
+            g_menu_append(section, _("_Delete"), "mbnode.delete");
+        if ((mailbox = mbnode->mailbox) != NULL) {
+            g_menu_append(section, _("_Open"), "mbnode.open");
+            g_menu_append(section, _("_Close"), "mbnode.close");
+            context_menu_set_enabled(mbnode);
+            special = (   mailbox == balsa_app.inbox
+                       || mailbox == balsa_app.sentbox
+                       || mailbox == balsa_app.draftbox
+                       || mailbox == balsa_app.outbox
+                       || mailbox == balsa_app.trash);
+            if (!special && !mbnode->config_prefix)
+                g_menu_append(section, _("_Delete"), "mbnode.delete");
+            if (!special) {
+                g_menu_append_section(menu, NULL, G_MENU_MODEL(section));
+                g_object_unref(section);
+                section = g_menu_new();
+                g_menu_append(section, _("Mark as _Inbox"), "mbnode.mark-as-inbox");
+                g_menu_append(section, _("_Mark as Sentbox"), "mbnode.mark-as-sentbox");
+                g_menu_append(section, _("Mark as _Trash"), "mbnode.mark-as-trash");
+                g_menu_append(section, _("Mark as D_raftbox"), "mbnode.mark-as-draftbox");
+            } else if (mailbox == balsa_app.trash) {
+                g_menu_append(section, _("_Empty trash"), "mbnode.empty-trash");
+            }
+            /* FIXME : No test on mailbox type is made yet, should we ? */
+            g_menu_append_section(menu, NULL, G_MENU_MODEL(section));
+            g_object_unref(section);
+            section = g_menu_new();
+            g_menu_append(section, _("_Edit/Apply filters"), "mbnode.filters");
+                           // G_CALLBACK(mb_filter_cb), mbnode);
+        }
-    /* If we didn't click on a mailbox node then there is only one option. */
-    add_menu_entry(menu, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-    if (g_signal_has_handler_pending(mbnode,
-                                     balsa_mailbox_node_signals
-                                     [SHOW_PROP_DIALOG], 0, FALSE))
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Properties…"),
-                       G_CALLBACK(mb_conf_cb), mbnode);
+    g_menu_append_section(menu, NULL, G_MENU_MODEL(section));
+    g_object_unref(section);
-    if (g_signal_has_handler_pending(mbnode,
-                                    balsa_mailbox_node_signals
-                                    [APPEND_SUBTREE], 0, FALSE))
-       add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Rescan"),
-                      G_CALLBACK(mb_rescan_cb), mbnode);
+    context_menu = gtk_popover_new_from_model(relative_to, G_MENU_MODEL(menu));
+    g_object_unref(menu);
-    if (mbnode->config_prefix)
-       add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Delete"), G_CALLBACK(mb_del_cb),  mbnode);
+    return context_menu;
-    if (!(mailbox = mbnode->mailbox))
-        return menu;
+GtkWidget *
+balsa_mailbox_node_get_context_menu(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode,
+                                    GtkWidget        *relative_to)
+    GtkWidget *context_menu;
-    if (!MAILBOX_OPEN(mailbox))
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Open"),  G_CALLBACK(mb_open_cb),  mbnode);
-    else
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Close"), G_CALLBACK(mb_close_cb), mbnode);
-    special = (   mailbox == balsa_app.inbox
-               || mailbox == balsa_app.sentbox
-               || mailbox == balsa_app.draftbox
-               || mailbox == balsa_app.outbox
-               || mailbox == balsa_app.trash);
-    if (!special && !mbnode->config_prefix)
-       add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Delete"), G_CALLBACK(mb_del_cb),  mbnode);
-    if (!special) {
-        add_menu_entry(menu, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("Mark as _Inbox"),    
-                       G_CALLBACK(mb_inbox_cb),    mbnode);
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Mark as Sentbox"), 
-                       G_CALLBACK(mb_sentbox_cb),  mbnode);
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("Mark as _Trash"),    
-                       G_CALLBACK(mb_trash_cb),    mbnode);
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("Mark as D_raftbox"),
-                       G_CALLBACK(mb_draftbox_cb), mbnode);
-    } else if (mailbox == balsa_app.trash)
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Empty trash"),    
-                       G_CALLBACK(mb_empty_trash_cb), mbnode);
-    /* FIXME : No test on mailbox type is made yet, should we ? */
-    add_menu_entry(menu, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-    add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Edit/Apply filters"), 
-                   G_CALLBACK(mb_filter_cb), mbnode);
-    return menu;
+    if (mbnode == NULL) {
+        static GtkWidget *null_context_menu;
+        if (null_context_menu == NULL) {
+            null_context_menu =
+                create_context_menu(NULL, relative_to);
+        }
+        context_menu = null_context_menu;
+    } else {
+        if (mbnode->context_menu == NULL) {
+            mbnode->context_menu =
+                create_context_menu(mbnode, relative_to);
+        }
+        context_menu = mbnode->context_menu;
+    }
+    return context_menu;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/mailbox-node.h b/src/mailbox-node.h
index ef68b8c66..6683af0a3 100644
--- a/src/mailbox-node.h
+++ b/src/mailbox-node.h
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ BalsaMailboxNode *balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap_folder(LibBalsaServer* s,
                                                     const char*p);
 BalsaMailboxNode *balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_config(const gchar* prefix);
-GtkWidget *balsa_mailbox_node_get_context_menu(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode);
+GtkWidget *balsa_mailbox_node_get_context_menu(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode,
+                                               GtkWidget        *relative_to);
 void balsa_mailbox_node_show_prop_dialog(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode);
 void balsa_mailbox_node_append_subtree(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode);
 void balsa_mailbox_node_load_config(BalsaMailboxNode* mn, const gchar* prefix);
diff --git a/src/sendmsg-window.c b/src/sendmsg-window.c
index 3ec8bc24b..cfe79e71b 100644
--- a/src/sendmsg-window.c
+++ b/src/sendmsg-window.c
@@ -1801,22 +1801,12 @@ add_attachment(BalsaSendmsg * bsmsg, const gchar *filename,
-    if (can_inline || !is_a_temp_file) {
-        /* Need a separator */
-        menu_item = gtk_separator_menu_item_new();
-        gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(attach_data->popup_menu), menu_item);
-    }
     /* an attachment can be removed */
     section = g_menu_new();
     g_menu_append(section, _("Remove"), "attachment.remove");
     g_menu_append_section(menu, NULL, G_MENU_MODEL(section));
-    /* Insert another separator */
-    menu_item = gtk_separator_menu_item_new();
-    gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(attach_data->popup_menu), menu_item);
     /* add the usual vfs menu so the user can inspect what (s)he actually
        attached... (only for non-message attachments) */
     if (!is_fwd_message) {

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