[foundation-web] Land the mysql compat wrapper

commit 34c40e7b42cf71e193e7737dee6fa2072fab7570
Author: Andrea Veri <averi redhat com>
Date:   Wed May 13 19:31:46 2020 +0200

    Land the mysql compat wrapper

 .../vote/include/mysql_compat.inc.php              | 242 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 242 insertions(+)
diff --git a/foundation.gnome.org/vote/include/mysql_compat.inc.php 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca1c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/foundation.gnome.org/vote/include/mysql_compat.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+* replacement for all mysql functions
+* @version 3
+* @git https://github.com/rubo77/php-mysql-fix
+* Be aware, that this is just a workaround to fix-up some old code and the resulting project
+* will be more vulnerable than if you use the recommended newer mysqli-functions instead.
+* So only If you are sure that this is not setting your server at risk, you can fix your old
+* code by adding this line at the beginning of your old code:
+* see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/37877644/1069083
+if (!function_exists("mysql_connect")){
+  /* warning: fatal error "cannot redeclare" if a function was disabled in php.ini with disable_functions:
+  disable_functions 
+  */
+  define("MYSQL_NUM", MYSQLI_NUM);
+  function mysql_fetch_array($result, $result_type = MYSQL_BOTH){
+    $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, $result_type);
+    return is_null($row) ? false : $row;
+  }
+  function mysql_fetch_assoc($result){
+    $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
+    return is_null($row) ? false : $row;
+  }
+  function mysql_fetch_row($result) {
+    $row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
+    return is_null($row) ? false : $row;
+  }
+  function mysql_fetch_object($result) {
+    $row = mysqli_fetch_object($result);
+    return is_null($row) ? false : $row;
+  }
+  function mysql_connect($host, $username, $password, $new_link = FALSE, $client_flags = 0){
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    $global_link_identifier = mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password);
+    return $global_link_identifier;
+  }
+  function mysql_pconnect($host, $username, $password, $client_flags = 0){
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    $global_link_identifier = mysqli_connect("p:".$host, $username, $password);
+    return $global_link_identifier;
+  }
+  function mysql_select_db($dbname, $link_identifier = null){
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    if($link_identifier == null) {
+      $link_identifier = $global_link_identifier;
+    }
+    return mysqli_select_db($link_identifier, $dbname);
+  }
+  function mysql_ping($link_identifier = null){
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    if($link_identifier == null) {
+      $link_identifier = $global_link_identifier;
+    }
+    return mysqli_ping($link_identifier);
+  }
+  function mysql_query($stmt, $link_identifier = null){
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    if($link_identifier == null) {
+      $link_identifier = $global_link_identifier;
+    }
+    return mysqli_query($link_identifier, $stmt);
+  }
+  function mysql_db_query ($database, $query, $link_identifier = NULL){
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    if($link_identifier == null) {
+      $link_identifier = $global_link_identifier;
+    }
+    mysqli_select_db($link_identifier, $database);
+    return mysqli_query($link_identifier, $query);
+  }
+  function mysql_num_rows($result){
+    return mysqli_num_rows($result);
+  }
+  function mysql_affected_rows($link_identifier = NULL){
+    // TODO: check, if working when called without argument: mysql_affected_rows()
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    if($link_identifier == null) {
+      $link_identifier = $global_link_identifier;
+    }
+    return mysqli_affected_rows($link_identifier);
+  }
+  function mysql_list_tables($dbname, $link_identifier = null){
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    if($link_identifier == null) {
+      $link_identifier = $global_link_identifier;
+    }
+    $sql = "SHOW TABLES FROM $dbname";
+    $result = mysql_query($sql, $link_identifier);
+    return $result;
+  }
+  function mysql_error($link_identifier = null){
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    if($link_identifier == null) {
+      $link_identifier = $global_link_identifier;
+    }
+    return mysqli_error($link_identifier);
+  }
+  function mysql_errno($link_identifier = null){
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    if($link_identifier == null) {
+      $link_identifier = $global_link_identifier;
+    }
+    return mysqli_errno($link_identifier);
+  }
+  function mysql_insert_id($link_identifier = NULL){
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    if($link_identifier == null) {
+      $link_identifier = $global_link_identifier;
+    }
+    return mysqli_insert_id($link_identifier);
+  }
+  function mysql_close($link_identifier = NULL){
+    return true;
+  }
+  function mysql_real_escape_string($unescaped_string, $link_identifier = null){
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    if($link_identifier == null) {
+      $link_identifier = $global_link_identifier;
+    }
+    return mysqli_real_escape_string($link_identifier, $unescaped_string);
+  }
+  function mysql_data_seek($result, $row_number){
+    return mysqli_data_seek($result, $row_number);
+  }
+  function mysql_result($result, $row=0, $col=0){
+    $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($result);
+    if($numrows && $row <= ($numrows-1) && $row >= 0){
+      mysqli_data_seek($result, $row);
+      $resultrow = (is_numeric($col)) ? mysqli_fetch_row($result) : mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
+      if (isset($resultrow[$col])){
+        return $resultrow[$col];
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  function mysql_escape_string($s, $link_identifier = null){
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    if($link_identifier == null) {
+      $link_identifier = $global_link_identifier;
+    }
+    return mysqli_real_escape_string($link_identifier, $s);
+  }
+  function mysql_field_name($result, $i) {
+    return mysqli_fetch_field_direct($result, $i);
+  }
+  function mysql_free_result($result) {
+    return mysqli_free_result($result);
+  }
+  function mysql_get_server_info($link_identifier = null){
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    if($link_identifier == null) {
+      $link_identifier = $global_link_identifier;
+    }
+    return mysqli_get_server_info($link_identifier);
+  }
+  function mysql_set_charset($csname, $link_identifier = null){
+    global $global_link_identifier;
+    if($link_identifier == null) {
+      $link_identifier = $global_link_identifier;
+    }
+    return mysqli_set_charset($link_identifier, $csname);
+  }
+  // aliases 
+  function mysql(...$args){ return mysql_db_query(...$args); }
+  function mysql_createdb(...$args){ return mysql_create_db(...$args); }
+  function mysql_db_name(...$args){ return mysql_result(...$args); }
+  function mysql_dbname(...$args){ return mysql_result(...$args); }
+  function mysql_dropdb(...$args){ return mysql_drop_db(...$args); }
+  function mysql_fieldflags(...$args){ return mysql_field_flags(...$args); }
+  function mysql_fieldlen(...$args){ return mysql_field_len(...$args); }
+  function mysql_fieldname(...$args){ return mysql_field_name(...$args); }
+  function mysql_fieldtable(...$args){ return mysql_field_table(...$args); }
+  function mysql_fieldtype(...$args){ return mysql_field_type(...$args); }
+  function mysql_freeresult(...$args){ return mysql_free_result(...$args); }
+  function mysql_listdbs(...$args){ return mysql_list_dbs(...$args); }
+  function mysql_listfields(...$args){ return mysql_list_fields(...$args); }
+  function mysql_listtables(...$args){ return mysql_list_tables(...$args); }
+  function mysql_numfields(...$args){ return mysql_num_fields(...$args); }
+  function mysql_numrows(...$args){ return mysql_num_rows(...$args); }
+  function mysql_selectdb(...$args){ return mysql_select_db(...$args); }
+  // TODO: those functions are not defined yet:
+  function mysql_client_encoding(){ trigger_error("mysql_client_encoding is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); 
+  function mysql_create_db(){ trigger_error("mysql_create_db is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_drop_db(){ trigger_error("mysql_drop_db is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_fetch_field(){ trigger_error("mysql_fetch_field is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_fetch_lengths(){ trigger_error("mysql_fetch_lengths is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_field_flags(){ trigger_error("mysql_field_flags is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_field_len(){ trigger_error("mysql_field_len is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_field_seek(){ trigger_error("mysql_field_seek is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_field_table(){ trigger_error("mysql_field_table is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_field_type(){ trigger_error("mysql_field_type is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_get_client_info(){ trigger_error("mysql_get_client_info is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); 
+  function mysql_get_host_info(){ trigger_error("mysql_get_host_info is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_get_proto_info(){ trigger_error("mysql_get_proto_info is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_info(){ trigger_error("mysql_info is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_list_dbs(){ trigger_error("mysql_list_dbs is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_list_fields(){ trigger_error("mysql_list_fields is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_list_processes(){ trigger_error("mysql_list_processes is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_num_fields(){ trigger_error("mysql_num_fields is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_tablename(){ trigger_error("mysql_tablename is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_stat(){ trigger_error("mysql_stat is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_thread_id(){ trigger_error("mysql_thread_id is not defined yet", E_USER_ERROR); }
+  function mysql_unbuffered_query(){ trigger_error("mysql_unbuffered_query is not defined yet", 

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