[gnome-games] preferences-page-video: Use HdyActionRows instead of CheckMarkItem

commit cc6b369ddd0a29fad8fed7daaeb1e719f6e867c8
Author: Neville <nevilleantony98 gmail com>
Date:   Fri May 8 15:09:40 2020 +0530

    preferences-page-video: Use HdyActionRows instead of CheckMarkItem
    The filter's ListBox used custom ListBoxRows named CheckMarkItem.
    This replaces CheckMarkItem with HdyActionRows with a radio prefix widget.
    Fixes #165

 src/ui/preferences-page-video.vala | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/ui/preferences-page-video.vala b/src/ui/preferences-page-video.vala
index 70e0df2d..b77cbcfb 100644
--- a/src/ui/preferences-page-video.vala
+++ b/src/ui/preferences-page-video.vala
@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ private class Games.PreferencesPageVideo : PreferencesPage {
        public string filter_active {
                set {
                        for (var i = 0; i < filter_names.length; i++) {
-                               var row_item = filter_list_box.get_row_at_index (i);
-                               var checkmark_item = row_item as CheckmarkItem;
-                               checkmark_item.checkmark_visible = (value == filter_names[i]);
+                               filter_radios[i].active = (value == filter_names[i]);
                        _filter_active = value;
@@ -20,19 +18,37 @@ private class Games.PreferencesPageVideo : PreferencesPage {
        // same as video-filters in gschema
        /* Translators: These values are video filters applied to the screen. Smooth
-        * tries to smoothen the pixels, sharp displays the pixels square, and CRT
-        * emulates an old TV */
+       * tries to smoothen the pixels, sharp displays the pixels square, and CRT
+       * emulates an old TV */
        private string[] filter_display_names = { _("Smooth"), _("Sharp"), _("CRT") };
        private string[] filter_names = { "smooth", "sharp", "crt" };
        private Gtk.ListBox filter_list_box;
        private Settings settings;
+       private Gtk.RadioButton filter_radios[3];
        construct {
-               foreach (var filter_display_name in filter_display_names) {
-                       var checkmark_item = new CheckmarkItem (filter_display_name);
-                       filter_list_box.add (checkmark_item);
+               for (var i = 0; i < filter_display_names.length; i++) {
+                       var row = new Hdy.ActionRow ();
+                       row.title = filter_display_names [i];
+                       filter_radios[i] = new Gtk.RadioButton.from_widget (filter_radios[0]);
+                       filter_radios[i].name = filter_names[i];
+                       filter_radios[i].valign = Gtk.Align.CENTER;
+                       filter_radios[i].can_focus = false;
+                       filter_radios[i].toggled.connect ((radio) => {
+                               if (!radio.active)
+                                       return;
+                               filter_active = radio.name;
+                       });
+                       row.add_prefix (filter_radios[i]);
+                       row.activatable_widget = filter_radios[i];
+                       row.show_all ();
+                       filter_list_box.add (row);
                settings = new Settings ("org.gnome.Games");
                settings.bind ("video-filter", this, "filter-active",

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