[geary/mjog/rfc822-cleanup: 21/21] Geary.RFC822.Message: Update API for SMTP formatting
- From: Michael Gratton <mjog src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [geary/mjog/rfc822-cleanup: 21/21] Geary.RFC822.Message: Update API for SMTP formatting
- Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 04:53:44 +0000 (UTC)
commit bee1ec4c897ad543b3e38352a99cd2c9800dcd01
Author: Michael Gratton <mike vee net>
Date: Wed May 6 14:44:44 2020 +1000
Geary.RFC822.Message: Update API for SMTP formatting
Remove `Message.without_bcc` ctor since we can now get GMime to exclude
BCC headers when serialising, avoiding the overhead of taking a complete
copy of the message just to strip BCCs.
Rename `get_network_buffer` to `get_rfc822_buffer` to be a bit more
explicit in that's the way to get an actual RFC822 formatted message.
Replace book args with flags, and take a protocol-specific approach
rather than feature-specific, because in the end you're either going to
want all the SMTP formatting quirks or none of them.
Remove custom dot-stuffing support from Smtp.ClientConnection, since it
is redundant.
src/engine/imap/api/imap-folder-session.vala | 2 +-
src/engine/outbox/outbox-folder.vala | 2 +-
src/engine/rfc822/rfc822-message.vala | 90 ++++++++++++++++++----------
src/engine/smtp/smtp-client-connection.vala | 49 +++++----------
src/engine/smtp/smtp-client-session.vala | 6 +-
test/engine/rfc822/rfc822-message-test.vala | 50 +++++++++++++---
6 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/engine/imap/api/imap-folder-session.vala b/src/engine/imap/api/imap-folder-session.vala
index e0e376870..b7c42a862 100644
--- a/src/engine/imap/api/imap-folder-session.vala
+++ b/src/engine/imap/api/imap-folder-session.vala
@@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ private class Geary.Imap.FolderSession : Geary.Imap.SessionObject {
MailboxSpecifier mailbox = session.get_mailbox_for_path(this.folder.path);
AppendCommand cmd = new AppendCommand(
- mailbox, msg_flags, internaldate, message.get_network_buffer(false)
+ mailbox, msg_flags, internaldate, message.get_rfc822_buffer()
Gee.Map<Command, StatusResponse> responses = yield exec_commands_async(
diff --git a/src/engine/outbox/outbox-folder.vala b/src/engine/outbox/outbox-folder.vala
index 6b5217b18..8a0835562 100644
--- a/src/engine/outbox/outbox-folder.vala
+++ b/src/engine/outbox/outbox-folder.vala
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public class Geary.Outbox.Folder :
// save in database ready for SMTP, but without dot-stuffing
Db.Statement stmt = cx.prepare(
"INSERT INTO SmtpOutboxTable (message, ordering) VALUES (?, ?)");
- stmt.bind_string_buffer(0, rfc822.get_network_buffer(false));
+ stmt.bind_string_buffer(0, rfc822.get_rfc822_buffer());
stmt.bind_int64(1, ordering);
int64 new_id = stmt.exec_insert(cancellable);
diff --git a/src/engine/rfc822/rfc822-message.vala b/src/engine/rfc822/rfc822-message.vala
index fae87da24..1c780e062 100644
--- a/src/engine/rfc822/rfc822-message.vala
+++ b/src/engine/rfc822/rfc822-message.vala
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
public class Geary.RFC822.Message : BaseObject, EmailHeaderSet {
* Callback for including non-text MIME entities in message bodies.
@@ -30,11 +31,36 @@ public class Geary.RFC822.Message : BaseObject, EmailHeaderSet {
public delegate string? InlinePartReplacer(Part part);
private const string HEADER_IN_REPLY_TO = "In-Reply-To";
private const string HEADER_REFERENCES = "References";
private const string HEADER_MAILER = "X-Mailer";
private const string HEADER_BCC = "Bcc";
+ /** Options to use when serialising a message in RFC 822 format. */
+ [Flags]
+ public enum RFC822FormatOptions {
+ /** Format for RFC 822 in general. */
+ /**
+ * The message should be serialised for transmission via SMTP.
+ *
+ * SMTP imposes both operational and data-format requirements
+ * on RFC 822 style messages. In particular, BCC headers
+ * should not be included since they will expose BCC
+ * recipients, and lines must be dot-stuffed so as to avoid
+ * terminating the message early if a line starting with a `.`
+ * is encountered.
+ *
+ * See [[http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5321#section-4.5.2]]
+ */
+ }
// Internal note: If a header field is added here, it *must* be
// set in Message.from_gmime_message(), below.
@@ -440,22 +466,6 @@ public class Geary.RFC822.Message : BaseObject, EmailHeaderSet {
- // Makes a copy of the given message without the BCC fields. This is used for sending the email
- // without sending the BCC headers to all recipients.
- public Message.without_bcc(Message email) throws GLib.Error {
- // GMime doesn't make it easy to get a copy of the body of a message. It's easy to
- // make a new message and add in all the headers, but calling set_mime_part() with
- // the existing one's get_mime_part() result yields a double Content-Type header in
- // the *original* message. Clearly the objects aren't meant to be used like that.
- // Barring any better way to clone a message, which I couldn't find by looking at
- // the docs, we just dump out the old message to a buffer and read it back in to
- // create the new object. Kinda sucks, but our hands are tied.
- this.from_buffer(email.message_to_memory_buffer(false, false));
- this.message.remove_header(HEADER_BCC);
- this.bcc = null;
- }
private GMime.Object? coalesce_related(Gee.List<GMime.Object> parts,
string type) {
GMime.Object? part = coalesce_parts(parts, "related");
@@ -649,22 +659,21 @@ public class Geary.RFC822.Message : BaseObject, EmailHeaderSet {
- * Returns the {@link Message} as a {@link Memory.Buffer} suitable for in-memory use (i.e.
- * with native linefeed characters).
+ * Serialises the message using native (i.e. LF) line endings.
public Memory.Buffer get_native_buffer() throws Error {
- return message_to_memory_buffer(false, false);
+ return message_to_memory_buffer(false, NONE);
- * Returns the {@link Message} as a {@link Memory.Buffer} suitable for transmission or
- * storage (i.e. using protocol-specific linefeeds).
+ * Serialises the message using RFC 822 (i.e. CRLF) line endings.
- * The buffer can also be dot-stuffed if required. See
- * [[http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2821#section-4.5.2]]
+ * Returns the message as a memory buffer suitable for network
+ * transmission and interoperability with other RFC 822 consumers.
- public Memory.Buffer get_network_buffer(bool dotstuffed) throws Error {
- return message_to_memory_buffer(true, dotstuffed);
+ public Memory.Buffer get_rfc822_buffer(RFC822FormatOptions options = NONE)
+ throws Error {
+ return message_to_memory_buffer(true, options);
@@ -1084,7 +1093,7 @@ public class Geary.RFC822.Message : BaseObject, EmailHeaderSet {
private Memory.Buffer message_to_memory_buffer(bool encode_lf,
- bool stuff_smtp)
+ RFC822FormatOptions options)
throws Error {
ByteArray byte_array = new ByteArray();
GMime.StreamMem stream = new GMime.StreamMem.with_byte_array(byte_array);
@@ -1096,18 +1105,33 @@ public class Geary.RFC822.Message : BaseObject, EmailHeaderSet {
} else {
stream_filter.add(new GMime.FilterDos2Unix(false));
- if (stuff_smtp) {
+ if (RFC822FormatOptions.SMTP_FORMAT in options) {
stream_filter.add(new GMime.FilterSmtpData());
- if (message.write_to_stream(Geary.RFC822.get_format_options(), stream_filter) < 0)
- throw new Error.FAILED("Unable to write RFC822 message to filter stream");
+ var format = Geary.RFC822.get_format_options();
+ if (RFC822FormatOptions.SMTP_FORMAT in options) {
+ format = format.clone();
+ format.add_hidden_header("Bcc");
+ }
+ if (message.write_to_stream(format, stream_filter) < 0) {
+ throw new Error.FAILED(
+ "Unable to write RFC822 message to filter stream"
+ );
+ }
- if (stream_filter.flush() != 0)
- throw new Error.FAILED("Unable to flush RFC822 message to memory stream");
+ if (stream_filter.flush() != 0) {
+ throw new Error.FAILED(
+ "Unable to flush RFC822 message to memory stream"
+ );
+ }
- if (stream.flush() != 0)
- throw new Error.FAILED("Unable to flush RFC822 message to memory buffer");
+ if (stream.flush() != 0) {
+ throw new Error.FAILED(
+ "Unable to flush RFC822 message to memory buffer"
+ );
+ }
return new Memory.ByteBuffer.from_byte_array(byte_array);
diff --git a/src/engine/smtp/smtp-client-connection.vala b/src/engine/smtp/smtp-client-connection.vala
index bc0e93106..5851aff73 100644
--- a/src/engine/smtp/smtp-client-connection.vala
+++ b/src/engine/smtp/smtp-client-connection.vala
@@ -119,47 +119,28 @@ internal class Geary.Smtp.ClientConnection : BaseObject, Logging.Source {
* Returns the final Response of the transaction. If the ResponseCode is not a successful
* completion, the message should not be considered sent.
- public async Response send_data_async(Memory.Buffer data, bool already_dotstuffed,
- Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error {
+ public async Response send_data_async(Memory.Buffer data,
+ GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null)
+ throws GLib.Error {
// In the case of DATA, want to receive an intermediate response code, specifically 354
Response response = yield transaction_async(new Request(Command.DATA), cancellable);
- if (!response.code.is_start_data())
- return response;
- debug("SMTP Data: <%z>", data.size);
- if (!already_dotstuffed) {
- // By using DataStreamNewlineType.ANY, we're assured to get each line and convert to
- // a proper line terminator for SMTP
- DataInputStream dins = new DataInputStream(data.get_input_stream());
- dins.set_newline_type(DataStreamNewlineType.ANY);
- // Read each line and dot-stuff if necessary
- for (;;) {
- size_t length;
- string? line = yield dins.read_line_async(Priority.DEFAULT, cancellable, out length);
- if (line == null)
- break;
- // stuffing
- if (line[0] == '.')
- yield Stream.write_string_async(douts, ".", cancellable);
- yield Stream.write_string_async(douts, line, cancellable);
- yield Stream.write_string_async(douts, DataFormat.LINE_TERMINATOR, cancellable);
- }
- } else {
+ if (response.code.is_start_data()) {
+ debug("SMTP Data: <%z>", data.size);
// ready to go, send and commit
- yield Stream.write_all_async(douts, data, cancellable);
- }
+ yield Stream.write_all_async(this.douts, data, cancellable);
- // terminate buffer and flush to server
- yield Stream.write_string_async(douts, DataFormat.DATA_TERMINATOR, cancellable);
- yield douts.flush_async(Priority.DEFAULT, cancellable);
+ // terminate buffer and flush to server
+ yield Stream.write_string_async(
+ this.douts, DataFormat.DATA_TERMINATOR, cancellable
+ );
+ yield this.douts.flush_async(Priority.DEFAULT, cancellable);
- return yield recv_response_async(cancellable);
+ response = yield recv_response_async(cancellable);
+ }
+ return response;
public async void send_request_async(Request request, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error {
diff --git a/src/engine/smtp/smtp-client-session.vala b/src/engine/smtp/smtp-client-session.vala
index 9e60a624c..33069afde 100644
--- a/src/engine/smtp/smtp-client-session.vala
+++ b/src/engine/smtp/smtp-client-session.vala
@@ -214,9 +214,9 @@ public class Geary.Smtp.ClientSession : BaseObject, Logging.Source {
yield send_rcpts_async(addrlist, cancellable);
- Geary.RFC822.Message email_copy = new Geary.RFC822.Message.without_bcc(email);
- response = yield cx.send_data_async(email_copy.get_network_buffer(true), true,
- cancellable);
+ response = yield cx.send_data_async(
+ email.get_rfc822_buffer(), cancellable
+ );
if (!response.code.is_success_completed())
response.throw_error("Unable to send message");
diff --git a/test/engine/rfc822/rfc822-message-test.vala b/test/engine/rfc822/rfc822-message-test.vala
index cb4bde342..478d56339 100644
--- a/test/engine/rfc822/rfc822-message-test.vala
+++ b/test/engine/rfc822/rfc822-message-test.vala
@@ -59,9 +59,10 @@ This is the second line.
add_test("get_searchable_recipients", get_searchable_recipients);
add_test("from_composed_email", from_composed_email);
add_test("from_composed_email_inline_attachments", from_composed_email_inline_attachments);
- add_test("get_network_buffer", get_network_buffer);
- add_test("get_network_buffer_dot_stuff", get_network_buffer_dot_stuff);
- add_test("get_network_buffer_long_ascii_line", get_network_buffer_long_ascii_line);
+ add_test("get_rfc822_buffer", get_rfc822_buffer);
+ add_test("get_rfc822_buffer_dot_stuff", get_rfc822_buffer_dot_stuff);
+ add_test("get_rfc822_buffer_no_bcc", get_rfc822_buffer_no_bcc);
+ add_test("get_rfc822_buffer_long_ascii_line", get_rfc822_buffer_long_ascii_line);
public void basic_message_from_buffer() throws GLib.Error {
@@ -210,13 +211,13 @@ This is the second line.
assert_true(searchable.contains("Jane Doe BCC <jdoe_bcc somewhere tld>"), "Expected bcc address");
- public void get_network_buffer() throws GLib.Error {
+ public void get_rfc822_buffer() throws GLib.Error {
Message test = resource_to_message(BASIC_TEXT_PLAIN);
- Memory.Buffer buffer = test.get_network_buffer(true);
+ Memory.Buffer buffer = test.get_rfc822_buffer(NONE);
assert_true(buffer.to_string() == NETWORK_BUFFER_EXPECTED, "Network buffer differs");
- public void get_network_buffer_dot_stuff() throws GLib.Error {
+ public void get_rfc822_buffer_dot_stuff() throws GLib.Error {
RFC822.MailboxAddress to = new RFC822.MailboxAddress(
"Test", "test example com"
@@ -235,11 +236,42 @@ This is the second line.
Geary.RFC822.Message message = message_from_composed_email.end(async_result());
- string message_data = message.get_network_buffer(true).to_string();
+ string message_data = message.get_rfc822_buffer(SMTP_FORMAT).to_string();
- public void get_network_buffer_long_ascii_line() throws GLib.Error {
+ public void get_rfc822_buffer_no_bcc() throws GLib.Error {
+ RFC822.MailboxAddress to = new RFC822.MailboxAddress(
+ "Test", "test example com"
+ );
+ RFC822.MailboxAddress bcc = new RFC822.MailboxAddress(
+ "BCC", "bcc example com"
+ );
+ RFC822.MailboxAddress from = new RFC822.MailboxAddress(
+ "Sender", "sender example com"
+ );
+ Geary.ComposedEmail composed = new Geary.ComposedEmail(
+ new GLib.DateTime.now_local(),
+ new Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddresses.single(from)
+ ).set_to(
+ new Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddresses.single(to)
+ ).set_bcc(
+ new Geary.RFC822.MailboxAddresses.single(bcc)
+ );
+ composed.body_text = "\nbody\n";
+ this.message_from_composed_email.begin(
+ composed,
+ this.async_completion
+ );
+ Geary.RFC822.Message message = message_from_composed_email.end(async_result());
+ string message_data = message.get_rfc822_buffer(SMTP_FORMAT).to_string();
+ assert_true("To: Test <test example com>\r\n" in message_data);
+ assert_false("bcc" in message_data.down());
+ }
+ public void get_rfc822_buffer_long_ascii_line() throws GLib.Error {
RFC822.MailboxAddress to = new RFC822.MailboxAddress(
"Test", "test example com"
@@ -265,7 +297,7 @@ This is the second line.
Geary.RFC822.Message message = message_from_composed_email.end(async_result());
- string message_data = message.get_network_buffer(true).to_string();
+ string message_data = message.get_rfc822_buffer(SMTP_FORMAT).to_string();
foreach (var line in message_data.split("\n")) {
assert_true(line.length < 1000, line);
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