[gtk] Created tag 3.98.1

The unsigned tag '3.98.1' was created.

Tagger: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date: 1584842608 -0400


Changes since the last tag '3.98.0':

Alexander Larsson (26):
      gl: Don't require too large texture for offsreen ops
      gsk: Fix angle normalization
      revealer: Fix child size allocation at small scales
      GskGLRenderer: Share programs between different renderers in same display
      profiler: Always mark events with the kind
      Add gdk_profiler_add_markf() to do printf formating
      Use the new gdk_profiler_add_markf() function
      fixup! Add gdk_profiler_add_markf() to do printf formating
      Use markf in one more place
      Convert all profiler times from nsec to usec
      profiler: Make profiler-is-running a macro
      profiler: Add _end_mark() version of _add_mark()
      builder: Don't add profiler marks for short parses
      icon theme: Don't add profiler marks for short async icon loads
      profiler: Add profiler marks for when surfaces are mapped and unmapped
      profiler: Clean up profiler marks for frameclock
      profiler: Add G_GNUC_PRINTF markers to silence warnings
      profile: Use separate names for frameclock marks instead of using details
      Merge branch 'wip/tbaederr/fallthrough' into 'master'
      broadway: Handle browser hidpi scale factor
      broadway: Fix image updates for firefox
      broadway: Ensure images are decoded, not only loaded
      broadway: Correctly track surface visibility in client
      broadway: Track surface position correctly
      broadway: Keep popups above their parent
      broadway: Inherit frame clock from parent surface

Alexandr Miloslavskiy (1):
      gkimmulticontext: Fix crash due to leaked signal handler

Antenore Gatta (1):
      gdk_monitor_get_model: Fix a typo in the function documentation

Bastien Nocera (4):
      filechooser: Fix crash when file has no content-type
      filechooser: Fallback if content-type unavailable
      Merge branch 'wip/hadess/fix-remote-filechooser-main' into 'master'
      filechoosernativeportal: Allowing selecting folder(s)

Benjamin Otte (228):
      testsuite: Remove accidentally checked in file
      testsuite: Don't destroy surfaces that are still used
      testsuite: Don't use gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle()
      roundedrect: Fix gsk_rounded_rect_intersects_rect()
      roundedrect: Fix inlining of graphene functions
      testsuite: Add tests for rounded rect code
      rendernode: Avoid rounding errors
      cairoblur: Move the check for early exit
      gsk: Add a utility function for rectangles
      gsk: Clip shadow node before push_group()
      cairoblur: Get rid of gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle() call
      gdk: Remove gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle()
      slicelistmodel: Fix two wrong computations
      reftests: Change popup windows to non-decorated windows
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/for-master' into 'master'
      testsuite: Make a11y tests use regular windows
      testsuite: Turn all CSS test ui files into regular windows
      testsuite: Remove popup property from simplify tools
      widget: Add gtk_widget_get_css_name() API
      builder: Use different construct-only property
      testsuite: Replace popups with toplevels
      window: Remove type argument from gtk_window_new()
      textview: Fix docs typo
      testsuite: Use GtkTextDirection instead of GtkWindowType
      window: Remove GtkWindowType and window->type
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/for-master' into 'master'
      drop: Ensure all relevant formats are available
      dragdest: Use format matching APIs
      wayland: Use a magic mime type for local DND
      tests: Do proper local DND
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/dnd' into 'master'
      widget: Fix typos for css-clases property
      widget: Fix namespacing problem
      drop: Add a state machine for tracking events
      wayland: Destroy the offer on gdk_drop_finish()
      contentprovider: Add gdk_content_provider_new_typed()
      testdnd3: Use GValue dnd
      dnd: Remove gdk_content_provider_new_with_callback()
      dnd: simplify code
      dragdest: Simplify function
      colorbutton, colorswatch: Simplify DND
      dragdest: Make gtk_drop_target_new() args be transfer full
      placessidebar: Don't claim to support text dnd
      contentprovider: Add a union content provider
      dragdest: Handle NULL content formats everywhere
      notebook: Move dnd scrolling via arrows to own drop target
      notebook: Use proper DND
      placessidebar: Modernize DND
      dnd: Port the TreeModel machinery to GValue DND
      tests: Modernize testdnd2
      Remove gdk_content_provider_new_with_formats()
      colorbutton: Fix drag source
      debug: When debug-printing, treat NULL as the default display
      Merge branch 'wip/xdg-popup-async-relayout' into 'master'
      transform: Add optimization for common case
      gdk: Make DRAG_ENTER event take x/y coordinates
      x11: When clearing old Drop, emit LEAVE event
      transform: Make sure the identity transform is equal to NULL
      transform: Don't crash for gsk_transform_transform (id, id)
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/for-master' into 'master'
      surface: Don't take a display argument in gdk_surface_new_popup()
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/for-master' into 'master'
      Ensure all natives request at least a 1px wide surface
      widget: Don't check for natives
      sizerequest: Stop clamping for_size to natural size
      widget: Pull margin computation out of adjust_allocation
      widget: Simplify adjust_allocation()
      events: Use GdkDrop as event sequence
      gtk: Bubble drag events like motion events
      eventcontrollermotion: Fix docs
      Add GtkDropControllerMotion
      testsuite: Check proper notify emissions, too
      Port simple cases to GtkDropControllerMotion
      stackswitcher: Use GdkDropControllerMotion
      main: Don't synthesize crossing events when nothing changed
      surface: Inline function
      drop: Guard variable with correct compiler flags
      device: Inline function into return_if_fail()
      comboboxtext: Inline functions into return_if_fail()
      combobox: Inline variables into return_if_fail()
      filesystemmodel: Guard variable with correct compiler flags
      levelbar: Guard function by right compiler macros
      iconview: Inline variables into return_if_fail()
      scrolledwindow: Inline variable into return_if_fail()
      treeview: Guard code by right compiler macros
      testsuite: Don't use return_if_fail()
      testsuite: Don't use g_return_if_fail()
      treeviewcolumn: Inline variable into return_if_fail()
      tests: Guard variables with necessary macros
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/dnd' into 'master'
      gdk: Remove gdk_surface_register_dnd()
      x11: Register DND atoms with all other atoms
      filechooserwidget: Stop using selection data
      droptarget: Remove selectiondata read functions
      selection: Remove GtkSelectionData
      gdk: Remove gdk_utf8_to_string_target()
      Don't use GdkAtom where const char * is used
      gdk: Remove gdk_text_property_to_utf8_list_for_display()
      device: gdk_device_list_axes() => gdk_device_get_axis_names()
      x11: Get rid of GdkAtom and APIs supporting it.
      wayland: Replace final mention of GdkAtom
      win32: Get rid of GdkAtom
      gdk: Remove GdkAtom
      testsuite: Use g_assert() in tests
      treeview, iconview: Don't return the drop target
      textview: Move drop scrolling to drop motion controller
      notebook: Make dnd page switching a drop controller
      placessidebar: Don't use the GdkDrag
      droptarget: Redo
      gtk-demo: Add a simple peg solitaire DND demo
      colorswatch: Switch to dragged color during dnd
      gdk: Make gdk_drop_status() take preferred action
      dragicon: Add GtkDragIcon::child
      dragicon: Change how to acquire drag icons
      contentformats: Constify some functions
      dragicon: Add gtk_drag_icon_create_widget_for_value()
      dnd: Don't create custom color drag icons
      calendar: Use a drag source
      themes: Set proper foreground color for DND icons
      drop: Remove unused convenience APIs
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/dnd' into 'master'
      dnd: Fix some documentation gotchas
      drop: Don't use g_object_get()
      droptarget: Fast-path local value load
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/for-master' into 'master'
      textview: Fix copy/paste error
      imcontextwayland: Fix copy/paste error
      tests: Add a test for changing the hovered widget
      mountoperation-x11: Fix copy/paste thinko
      build: Add more useful warning flags
      rbtree: Simplify code
      rbtree: Simplify macros
      device: Handle missing axis
      icontheme: Don't crash on icon lookup failure
      notebook: Don't crash on drags not coming from a notebook
      treerbtree: Use for loops
      icontheme: Remove unused parameter
      build: Add -Wnull-dereference
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/for-master' into 'master'
      treeview: Don't initialize variable twice
      testsuite: Avoid passing NULL to strcmp()
      treepath: Use g_renew()
      testtreeview: Fix 19 year old use-after-free
      liststore: Fix gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid()
      applicationaccels: Use g_renew()
      builder-tool: Don't allow property to be both resize and shrink
      cellarea: Be very clear
      treeview: Don't assign value twice.
      reftest: Plug memleak
      pathbar: Don't do the same thing twice.
      stack: Make static analyzer happy
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/for-master' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/ricotz/annotations' into 'master'
      bindings: Replace GtkBindingArg arguments with GVariant
      bindings: Add gtk_binding_entry_add_signal_variant()
      bindings: Parse into GVariantBuilder directly
      bindings: Make gtk_binding_parse_signal() use GVariantBuilder
      shortcutcontroller: Introduce
      bindings: Split out function to invoke an action signal
      gtk: Add GtkShortcut
      widget: Add gtk_widget_class_add_shortcut()
      bindings: Add more variant types
      window: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      trigger: Add an alternative trigger
      assistant: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      combobox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      shortcut: Add gtk_shortcut_set_callback()
      dialog: Port binding to use shortcuts
      widget: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      treeview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      shortcutcontroller: Add private API for running class shortcuts
      shortcutcontroller: Add gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut()
      filechooserwidget: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      textview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      spinbutton: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      paned: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      flowbox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      shortcutswindow: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      shortcutssection: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      searchentry: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      scrolledwindow: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      scalebutton: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      scale: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      notebook: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      listbox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      label: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      infobar: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      iconview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
      combobox: Redo key event forwarding hack
      treeview: Redo event forwarding hack
      accelgroup: Actually have a default mod mask
      gtk: Remove bindings
      accellabel: Get rid of class variables
      accellabel: Move gtk_accelerator_get_label() code
      accelgroup: Add gtk_accel_group_print_label()
      shortcuttrigger: Add gtk_shortcut_trigger_to_label()
      shortcutcontroller: Add GtkShortcutScope
      gtk-demo: Add a dumb demo for shortcut triggers
      gdk: Remove GDK_RELEASE_MASK
      window: Get rid of public APIs that shouldn't be
      window: Put F10 accelerator into its own shortcut controller
      shortcuttrigger: Add support for mnemonics
      shortcut: Add gtk_shortcut_set_mnemonic_activate()
      label: Implement mnemonics using shortcuts
      Remove GtkMnemonicHash
      gtk: Remove accel paths
      accelgroup: Remove unneeded APIs
      shortcut: Add GtkShortcutAction
      shortcut: Change the API for creating shortcuts
      gtk-demo: Port the sliding puzzle demo to shortcuts
      shortcutcontroller: Implement GListModel
      shortcutcontroller: Add gtk_shortcut_controller_new_for_model()
      widget: Keep keybindings as a GListStore
      shortcutaction: Add gtk_shortcut_action_to_string()
      shortcuts: Mananage managed shortcuts with a custom model
      shortcuttrigger: Add hash(), equal(), and compare() functions
      accelerators: Make gtk_accelerator_parse() return TRUE/FALSE
      accel: Add display arg to gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycode()
      application: Replace accelerator handling with shortcuts
      shortcuttrigger: Add gtk_shortcut_triger_new_parse_string()
      shortcutaction: INtegrate with GtkBuilder property parsing
      shortcutcontroller: Implement GtkBuildable
      doc tools: Create AccelLabel image without using GtkAccelGroup
      widget: Remove gtk_widget_add_accelerator()
      testsuite: Remove GtkAccelGroup usage
      testmenubutton: Don't create a GtkAccelGroup
      accels: Remove GtkAccelGroup
      filechooser: Trigger the location popup via bindings

Carlos Garnacho (7):
      gtktexthandle: Refactor and use native surfaces
      gtkwindow: Remove internal popover API
      gtkpopover: Ensure the pointed to rectangle has a minimum w/h
      gtkpopover: Re-present surface if position/pointing-to change while visible
      gtktext: Set magnifier popover on top
      gtktextview: Set magnifier popover on top
      Merge branch 'master_MR1290' into 'master'

Carmen Bianca BAKKER (1):
      Update Esperanto translation

Christian Hergert (4):
      textview: use gdk_event_unref()
      textbtree: short-circuit visibility check when possible
      widget: move class private data to gtkwidgetprivate.h
      widget: fix class private data usage to be _init() safe

Chun-wei Fan (1):
      tests/frame-stats.c: Include stdlib.h

Danial Behzadi (1):
      Update Persian translation

David Hogan (2):
      Fixed OpenGL extension detection for extensions promoted to OpenGL core.
      Fix detection of OpenGL 3.3 core GL_ARB_timer_query.

Dominique Leuenberger (1):
      build: gdk/wayland/cursor depends on wayland-client

Emmanuele Bassi (101):
      ci: Use release builds for Flatpak bundles
      ci: Refactor the CI pipeline
      ci: Replicate the CI image scripts from GLib
      ci: Split the static and shared builds (again)
      Initialise out variable
      ci: Disable ccache
      Fix compiler warnings in the release build
      ci: Add static packages for GLib and PCRE
      ci: Use the new Fedora image
      ci: Remove static build job
      ci: Add missing newline escape
      Declare global counter only in debug builds
      Silence compiler warnings in non-debug builds
      Declare global counters only in debug builds
      ci: Generate the report for the release builds
      ci: Add a style check pass
      vulkan: Handle VK_ERROR_UNKNOWN
      testsuite/gtk: Add xfail tests
      ci: Allow release job to fail
      Merge branch 'ci-jobs' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'share-gl-programs' into 'master'
      ci: Fix linking of the CI assets in the report
      ci: Deploy the API ref before flatpak
      ci: Update flatpak job
      Merge branch 'ci-pages' into 'master'
      Rename the SCSS files for our themes
      Add a notify function to GdkContentProvider
      docs: Match the argument name with its declaration
      Match argument name between declaration and definition
      Fix the function name in the gtk-doc stanza
      gi: Skip gtk_custom_layout_new()
      Remove gtk_style_context_get_parent()
      ci: Re-enable ccache
      ci: Move HTML report meta from header to article
      ci: Put the branch name in the HTML header
      ci: Unexpected passes are failures
      ci: Use result instead of exit code in the JUnit report
      ci: Fix the HTML anchor in the report
      ci: Rearrange the results in the HTML report
      ci: Use per-suite anchors
      Merge branch 'report-fixes' into 'master'
      ci: Allow flatpak jobs to fail
      ci: Remove G_MESSAGES_DEBUG
      Merge branch 'ci-flatpak' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'dialog-headerbar-type-annotation' into 'master'
      ci: Update flatpak jobs
      Merge branch 'ci-flatpak' into 'master'
      Remove filename/URI API from GtkFileChooser
      Drop GtkFileChooser:extra-widget
      Remove overwrite confirmation machinery from GtkFileChooser
      Remove GtkFileChooser:show-hidden
      Remove GtkFileChooser:local-only
      Remove GtkPlacesView:local-only
      Remove GtkPlacesSidebar:local-only
      Remove GtkFileChooserEntry:local-only
      Remove preview widget from GtkFileChooser
      docs: Add migration notes for GtkFileChooser
      ci: Add a separate "docs" stage
      ci: Fix style check script
      ci: Rename the "style-check" phase to "analysis"
      ci: Add clang-analyzer to the fedora build image
      ci: Update all fedora images to v14
      ci: Move style-check to .pre phase
      ci: Update the docker wrapper script
      ci: Add a static analysis job
      Merge branch 'ci-docs' into 'master'
      Remove last instances of GtkFileChooser:show-hidden
      Fix introspection annotation syntax
      Add missing ownership transfer annotations
      Add missing documentation to GdkDevice
      Fix gtk-doc stanza for private symbol
      Add missing ownership transfer annotations
      Merge branch 'remove-show-hidden' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'docs-fixes' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'piotrdrag/placessidebar-typos' into 'master'
      Add missing annotation for GtkIconTheme
      Fix introspection warnings for GtkDragIcon
      Remove incorrect rename-to annotations
      Fix annotation for GtkDropTarget.get_gtypes()
      Merge branch 'doc-fixes' into 'master'
      Fix message for VFL parser errors
      Merge branch 'migration-can-target-docs' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'respect-text-len-gtk4' into 'master'
      bindings: Export action activation internally
      shortcut: Add action activation
      Allow installing bindings bound to actions
      text: Port to widget shortcuts
      widget: Add private accessor to event controllers
      entry: Remove unused include
      passwordentry: Remove unused include
      popovermenu: Port to shortcuts
      popover: Remove unused include
      Remove bindings activation from GtkEventControllerKey
      Add GtkShortcutManager
      window: Remove all old mnemonic handling API
      gtk: Remove GtkAccelMap
      testgtk: Port keyval example to shortcut controllers
      ci: Add dbus-launch to the Docker build
      Merge branch 'ci-dbus-launch' into 'master'

Georges Basile Stavracas Neto (3):
      build: Install gtkemojichooser.h
      Merge branch 'gbsneto/fix-emojichooser-header' into 'master'
      build: Install gtkeventcontrollerfocus.h

Jakub Steiner (3):
      Adwaita: dark switches/check/radios
      Merge branch 'wip/jimmac/adwaitadark-lighten-switches'
      Adwaita: dark switches/check/radios

Jason Francis (1):
      Docs: Refer to GtkWidget::can_target in migration guide

Jonas Ådahl (20):
      popover: Unrealize when autohide prop changes
      tests/popover: Add check box for switching autohide prop
      gdk/surface: Use enum type for surface type
      wayland: Remove position method split
      gdk/wayland/surface: Use dedicated bool for frame callback freezing
      wayland/surface: Add per surface configuration event queues
      wayland: Remove old "gdk-attached-grab-surface" hackery
      wayland: Simplify popup parent discovery
      x11: Make gdk_surface_get_position() return relative position
      gdk: Move GdkGravity to gdktypes.h
      gdk: Move GdkGeometry declaration to gdktypes.h
      wayland: Fix top-most-popup check
      wayland: Simplify logic deciding whether to use xdg_popup
      gdk/surface: Reset position after hiding
      gdk/surface: Replace move_to_rect() with GdkPopupLayout based API
      gdk/popup-layout: Remove leftover struct field
      gdk/wayland: Avoid relayout with the same properties
      docs: Add GdkPopupLayout to gdk4-sections.txt
      wayland/popup: Remove unnecessary checks when mapping popup
      wayland/popup: Emit un-withdrawn event earlier

Krzesimir Nowak (1):
      Fix a typo in gtkplacessidebar.c

Matt Guerrette (1):
      builder-tool: rename show-close-button to show-title-buttons

Matthew Leeds (1):
      gtk: Tweak GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE docs

Matthias Clasen (369):
      Revert "Add the label-wrap-justify reftest to xfails"
      Typo fix
      Merge branch 'fix-revealer-scale' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'fix-angle-normalization' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'handle-max-texture-size' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/baedert/outline-radius' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'mark-events-with-kind' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'cleanup-profiler-marks' into 'master'
      Move performance tests to the right testsuite
      testsuite: Warn if a necessary env var is missing
      Fix the Emoji chooser finalize
      Merge branch 'ci-pages' into 'master'
      popovermenu: Avoid an uninitialized variable
      Remove unused signal enum values
      Merge branch 'wip/baedert/cairo-paint' into 'master'
      Fix flickery hover
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/no-clip-on-draw' into 'master'
      Remove border-half-pixel reftest from xfail
      gsk: Fix the compiler warning differently
      testsuite: Handle icontheme test better
      Make release builds mandatory for ci
      Merge branch 'gi-fixes' into 'master'
      Force-create style contexts in realize
      Merge branch 'master-subtract-base-size' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'zhaoqiang/gtk-To_avoid_compiler_warning'
      testsuite: Stop using gdk_surface_new_temp
      Drop gdk_surface_new_temp
      events: Make proximity and scroll events have tools
      text: Treat Emoji insertion like clipboard
      Merge branch 'text-emoji-history' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/dnd' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/for-master' into 'master'
      icontheme: Update the api
      Merge branch 'icontheme-api' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
      Make a11y testsuite pass
      gdk: Add event constructors
      wayland: Use event constructors
      wayland: Clean up coordinate handling
      Remove root coords from the GdkDrop api
      x11: Stop relying on root coordinates in events
      x11: Stop setting x_root/y_root in events
      broadway: Stop setting x_root/y_root in events
      events: Drop x_root/y_root
      gdk: Use event constructors for dnd
      gdk: Use constructor for grab broken
      main: Use event constructors
      window: Use event constructors
      widget: Port emulation code to constructors
      imcontextsimple: Use event constructors
      main: Use constructors instead of gdk_event_copy + rewriting
      textview: Stop using gdk_event_copy
      wip: Use event constructors in the testsuite
      broadway: Use event constructors
      x11: use event constructors
      x11: Don't generate GDK_DESTROY events
      gtk: Stop handling GDK_DESTROY differently from GDK_DELETE
      events: Drop GDK_DESTROY
      x11: Don't pass a GdkEvent to xsettings filters
      x11: Don't pass a GdkEvent to shape cache filters
      x11: Change the wm protocols filter api
      x11: change event translator interface
      x11: Remove an unnecessary check
      x11: Pass the right surface to the dnd filter
      win32: Use event constructors
      display: Stop using gdk_event_copy
      Drop gdk_event_new and gdk_event_copy
      Stop using g_object_ref/unref on events
      Make GdkEvent a boxed type
      Drop GDK_NOTHING
      Pass translated coordinates outside the event
      Stop using gtk_get_event_target
      tooltip: stop using gtk_get_event_target
      main: Drop gtk_get_event_target
      wip: scrolledwindow stop using targets
      New focus change handling
      Make crossing events handled the same way
      Reinstate filtering for crossing events
      Stop looking at the related target for filtering
      Explicitly pass the target to handle_event
      eventcontroller: Make the target widget available
      gesture: Keep the target widget for events
      Stop using gdk_event_get_target
      main: Stop calling gdk_event_set_target
      events: Drop target and related target
      events: Drop all setters
      Strip const from GdkEvent
      Drop gdk_set/get_show_events
      events: reorganize getters
      Drop gtk_widget_event from API
      Always deliver focus events to toplevels
      x11: Stop using the send_event event field
      x11: Remove some leftover event struct access
      Streamline event structs
      Some event struct packing improvements
      Clean up GdkEventType docs
      Update event docs section
      Update the focus test
      wayland: Fix a release build warning
      win32: Remove some leftover event struct access
      wip: Add more information to crossing events
      Split off GtkEventControllerFocus
      Go back to ::enter/::leave for pointer changes
      Bring back im context focus-in/out
      Stop exporting check_event_sanity
      Keep more event controller api private
      motion controller: Match focus event propagation
      a11y: drop unused code
      gtk: Stop using GdkEventKey
      gtk: Stop using GtkEventButton
      gdk: Drop event structs from the headers
      gtk-demo: Stop using gtk_get_event_widget
      Stop exporting gtk_get_event_widget
      docs: Remove some no-longer existing api
      Merge branch 'readonly-events-1' into 'master'
      profiling: Avoid criticals
      profiling: Avoid one extra printf
      Merge branch 'wip/gdkpopuplayout-section' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/xdg-popup-layout-no-op' into 'master'
      color chooser: Fix fallout from floatification
      Merge branch 'color-float-fix' into 'master'
      Add a warning when a grab fails
      Remove GdkSeatGrabPrepareFunc from headers
      Fix gdk docs build
      x11: Fix a crash in event handling
      Merge branch 'matthiasc/for-master' into 'master'
      Fix a hard-to-spot typo
      Merge branch 'matthiasc/for-master' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/wayland-fix-popup-grabs' into 'master'
      x11: Avoid crashes in dnd
      x11: Keep a ref on GdkDrag objects
      x11: Export gdk_x11_surface_get_root_coords privately
      x11: Fix dnd coordinate handling
      Add detail to gdk_drag_begin docs
      Merge branch 'x11-dnd-fixes' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/dnd' into 'master'
      broadway: Remove SURFACE_IS_TOPLEVEL
      Merge branch 'matthiasc/for-master' into 'master'
      Merge branch '138-gtk4-install-valgrind-suppressions' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/ebassi/filechooser-new' into 'master'
      Fix the build with docs
      Add a getter for GdkAppLaunchContext::display
      device: Add missing getters
      gdk: Drop GdkDevice::input-mode and rename ::input-source
      surface: Add a getter for autohide
      Add missing GdkDrag getters
      Merge branch 'getters-and-setters' into 'master'
      Add gdk_surface_get_mapped
      Replace gdk_surface_is_visible by _get_mapped
      Drop gdk_surface_is_visible
      Merge branch 'surface-get-mapped' into 'master'
      popover: Drop ::relative-to
      Drop rtl variants of media-playback-start
      Merge branch 'kill-popover-relative-to' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'kill-rtl-media-icons' into 'master'
      Rename GtkSpinner::active to ::spinning
      Merge branch 'spinning-spinner' into 'master'
      testsuite: Remove outdated exclusions
      builder-tool: replace some properties
      update testsuite
      Drop the expand property
      Drop the margin property
      Small fixups
      Merge branch 'expand-margin-cleanup' into 'master'
      builder-tool: Fix a thinko
      gesture: Actually track targets
      Merge branch 'matthiasc/for-master' into 'master'
      Fix a leftover occurrence of ::expand
      Merge branch 'matthiasc/for-master' into 'master'
      Avoid a crash in css font features values
      Remove a stray g_object_unref
      Merge branch 'matthiasc/for-master' into 'master'
      inspector: Fix the "Software GL" switch
      Merge branch 'matthiasc/for-master' into 'master'
      Drop device grabs
      Drop gtk_grab_get_current
      Drop gtk_grab_add/remove from public api
      Merge branch 'kill-grabs-2' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'gbsneto/gtkeventcontrollerfocus' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'vfl-error' into 'master'
      disable popover test
      Drop gtk_window_begin_move/resize_drag
      testsuite: Stop using GtkSpinner::active
      testsuite: Update a11y test output
      Simplify surface move/drag api
      wayland: Stop calling frontend surface api
      Move GdkSurface autocleanup declaration
      popuplayout: Add docs
      Introduce GdkPopup
      surface: Implement GdkPopup
      popover: Use GdkPopup
      tooltip: Use GdkPopup
      surface: Drop popup api
      wayland: Stop abusing type hints
      x11: Stop abusing type hints for dnd
      broadway: Stop using gdk_surface_raise
      x11: Stop using gdk_surface_raise
      inspector: Stop raising and lowering windows
      wayland: Stop using gdk_surface_set_geometry_hints
      x11: Stop using gdk_surface_set_geometry_hints
      x11: Stop using gdk_surface_maximize
      surface: Rename gdk_surface_input_shape_combine_region
      wayland: Stop tracking orphan dialogs
      a11y: Stop using type hints
      testsuite: Stop using type-hint
      headerbar: Stop looking at type hints
      shortcutswindow: Stop setting type hints
      Stop setting type hints for dialogs
      x11: Set type hints based on surface type
      window: Drop type hints
      testsuite: Stop using type-hints
      Introduce GdkToplevelLayout
      Introduce GdkToplevel
      window: Use GdkToplevel
      gtk: use toplevel state getter
      x11: Stop using gdk_surface_get_state
      a11y: Stop using gdk_surface_get_state
      demo: stop using gdk_surface_get_state
      testgtk: Stop using gdk_surface_get_state
      wayland: Stop using gdk_surface_set_title
      testgtk: Stop using gdk_surface_set_icon_name
      tests: Stop using gdk_surface_fullscreen
      testgtk: Stop setting decorations and functions
      docs: Stop using gdk_surface_get_decorations
      surface: Drop redundant toplevel api
      Add a GdkDragSurface interface
      gtkdragicon: Use drag surface api
      Drop gdk_surface_show and gdk_surface_resize
      widget: Stop using gdk_surface_set_opacity
      x11: Stop using gdk_surface_set_opacity
      Drop gdk_surface_set_opacity
      wayland: Implement GdkPopup, GdkToplevel and GdkDragSurface
      x11: Implement GdkPopup, GdkToplevel and GdkDragSurface
      broadway: Implement GdkPopup, GdkToplevel and GdkDragSurface
      x11: Only use state of toplevels
      surface: Don't implement subtypes in the frontend
      surface: Stop using surface types
      wayland: Stop using surface types
      x11: Stop using gdk_surface_get_surface_type
      broadway: Stop using surface type
      x11: Stop using surface-type
      wayland: Stop using surface-type
      gdk: Drop surface-type
      x11: Stop using gdk_surface_show
      wayland: Drop dead code
      broadway: Stop using gdk_surface_show
      win32: Stop using gdk_surface_show
      surface: Drop gdk_surface_show
      broadway: Drop some unused vuncs
      x11: Drop some unused vfuncs
      wayland: Drop some unused vfuncs
      win32: Drop some unused vfuncs
      quartz: Drop unused vfuncs
      surface: Drop unused vfuncs
      Move edge-constraints to GdkToplevel
      Move fullscreen-mode to GdkToplevel
      Drop mwm hints from api
      Drop root coordinates from _gdk_device_query_state
      popup: require GdkSurface
      toplevel: require GdkSurface
      surface: document gdk_surface_translate_coordinates
      Fix up gdk docs
      win32: implement subtypes
      win32: Build fixes
      Merge branch 'present-toplevel-2' into 'master'
      a11y: Drop the private from GtkPopoverAccessible
      Merge branch 'popover-accessible-private' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'update-broadway' into 'master'
      wayland: Stop capping cursor scales
      Merge branch 'wayland-max-cursor-scale' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/baedert/test-cflags' into 'master'
      testsuite: Actually run tools tests
      testsuite: Update tools tests
      testsuite: Update the settings test output
      Update the ui file conversion output
      testsuite: Specify the test protocol
      Merge branch 'fix-tools-tests' into 'master'
      x11: Update surface size for popups too
      Merge branch 'x11-resize' into 'master'
      NEWS: Updates
      Update gtk docs
      Small documentation fixes
      Document gdk_toplevel_set_modal
      gdk: Documentation fixes
      window: Drop gtk_window_set_attached_to
      Merge branch 'window-attach' into 'master'
      tests: Stop sticking windows
      window: Drop sticky
      Drop GdkToplevel:sticky
      tests: Stop using keep above/below
      window: Drop keep above/below
      Drop GdkToplevel:keep-above/below
      Drop focus-related properties
      Drop GdkToplevel:accept-focus/:focus-on-map
      Merge branch 'x11-props' into 'master'
      emojichooser: Make the variation picker work again
      Adwaita: Fix focus in emoji chooser
      Merge branch 'emoji-chooser-fixes' into 'master'
      Assorted migration guide updates
      popover: Add keynav keybindings
      Revert "Adwaita: dark switches/check/radios"
      window: Set min size properly
      emojichooser: Fix keynav
      Merge branch 'wip/chergert/textview-fix-gdk_event_unref' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/jimmac/adwaitadark-lighten-switches' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/chergert/speedup-char_is_invisible' into 'master'
      shortcut: Add GtkShortcutTrigger
      popover: Add keynav keybindings
      event controller focus: drop include
      Move shortcut manager initialization code
      shortcutmanager: Name the controllers
      window: Name the the controllers
      widget: Name the controllers
      Only create a class shortcut controller if we have shortcuts
      inspector: Show shortcuts
      Print mnemonic triggers clearly
      Use an action for the context menu keybinding
      emojichooser: Stop using ::popup-menu
      scrollbar: Remove :popup-menu forwarding
      range: Remove ::popup-menu emission
      colorchooser: Stop using ::popup-menu
      gtk-demo: Stop emitting ::popup-menu
      mountoperation: Stop using ::popup-menu
      filechooser: Stop using ::popup-menu
      placesview: Stop using ::popup-menu
      widget: Drop the ::popup-menu signal
      text view: Fix touch selection
      temporarily disable window test
      Fix a compiler warning
      Fix the action test
      Merge branch 'disable-window-test' into 'master'
      Revert "Merge branch 'disable-window-test' into 'master'"
      temporarily disable window test
      Merge branch 'disable-window-test-2' into 'master'
      testsuite: Fix the accessible test
      testsuite: Don't g_print from tests
      gsk: Don't unconditionally spew to stdout
      reftests: Don't run tests with --verbose
      testsuite: Don't exit unsuccessfully when using TAP
      reftests: Fix an xfail to work
      testsuite: Tell meson we use TAP
      testsuite: Fix an a11y test
      Merge branch 'wip/carlosg/text-handle-natives' into 'master'
      testsuite: disable performance tests
      Merge branch 'test-protocol' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/chergert/fix-class-private-data-usage' into 'master'
      texttag: Support overline and hyphenation control
      textlayout: Handle new text tag properties
      textbuffer: Parse overline and hyphenation attributes
      gtk-demo: Allow word breaking in the markup demo
      gtk-demo: Add hyphenation control to the markup demo
      Require pango 1.44.4
      Make overline support conditional
      Merge branch 'new-text-attributes' into 'master'
      inspector: Make picking work again
      x11: Fix key event state translation
      Merge branch 'fix-inspector-key' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'fix-inspector-picking' into 'master'
      portal file chooser: Handle errors
      Merge branch 'portal-chooser-fail' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'portal-dir-chooser' into 'master'
      places sidebar: Fix the popovers
      filechooser: Fix the new folder popover
      filechooser: Fix the file list popover
      file chooser: Fix the rename file popover
      Merge branch 'filechooser-popover-fixes' into 'master'
      a11y: Don't re turn uninitialized memory

Mohammed Sadiq (1):
      Merge branch 'wip/otte/for-master' into 'master'

Nathan Follens (1):
      Update Dutch translation

Philip Chimento (1):
      build: Install Valgrind suppressions files

Piotr Drąg (6):
      Update POTFILES.in
      Update POTFILES.in
      Update POTFILES.in and POTFILES.skip
      placessidebar: Fix a couple of typos and thinkos in menu labels
      Update POTFILES.in
      Update POTFILES.in

Rico Tzschichholz (2):
      Really fix annotation for GtkDropTarget.get_gtypes()
      Fix annotation for GdkContentFormats.get_gtypes()

Robert Ancell (2):
      GtkFileFilter: Add a GObject property for the name
      GtkFileFilter: Don't set the name from the GtkBuilder ID

Robert Mader (1):
      imcontextwayland: Honour len argument in gtk_im_context_wayland_set_surrounding

Sebastian Dröge (1):
      GtkDialog: Add `type Gtk.HeaderBar` annotation to headerbar getter return value

Timm Bäder (89):
      css boxes: Compute inline box from border box
      rendernode: draw() only in node bounds
      rendernode: Don't clip when _draw()ing
      calendar: Document style classes
      calendar: Add style class to today's label
      actionbar: Use a bin layout
      infobar: Don't store close button visibility separately
      testinfobar: Stop using gtk_info_bar_get_content_area()
      Remove gtk_info_bar_get_content_area() uses
      infobar: Remove _get_{action,content}_area()
      widget: Add css-classes property
      range: Avoid rounding errors when allocating highlight
      coloreditor: Scale h value to 360
      Adwaita: Add focus outlines back to scale troughs
      widget: Use get_css_name() in get_property()
      calendar: Emit {next,prev}-{month,year} signals
      Merge branch 'file-filter-name-property' into 'master'
      stack: Add GtkStackPage:visible accessors
      aboutdialog: Use new GtkStackPage API
      aboutdialog: Replace visited_links GList with GPtrArray
      modelbutton: Un-select on mouse leave
      aboutdialog: Clarify docs and fix preconditions
      popvermenu: Clarify css node docs
      spinbutton: Remove manual queue_draw() calls
      docs: Remove dnd_internals.txt
      docs: Remove developers.txt
      docs: Remove focus_tracking.txt
      text: Remove gtk_text_get_im_context()
      filechooserwidget: Remove unused constants
      filechooserwidget: Allow typing a location in recent mode
      filechoosererrorstack: Set a layout manager
      filechooserwidget: Use a proper GtkPopoverMenu
      filechooserwidget: Fold function into only caller
      emojichooser: Add style class to emoji toolbar
      scale: Remove unused member
      scale: Remove useless extra local variable
      colorchooserwidget: Get rid of a gtk_widget_destroy() call
      popovermenu: Avoid a gtk_widget_destroy() call
      emojichooser: Avoid using gtk_widget_destroy()
      popovermenubar: Avoid calling gtk_widget_destroy()
      headerbar: Avoid calling gtk_widget_destroy()
      pathbar: Avoid calling gtk_widget_destroy()
      placessidebar: Avoid calling gtk_widget_destroy()
      placessidebar: Convert popover menu to proper GtkPopoverMenu
      modelbutton: Fix wrong function name in doc comment
      stackswitcher: Avoid calling gtk_widget_destroy()
      shortcutlabel: Remove unnecessary includes
      headerbar: Remove size request on icon button
      headerbar: Replace gtk_widget_destroy() call
      inspector: Remove double borders in recorder
      colorchooser: Fix typo in checkerboard color
      pathbar: Inherit from GtkWidget
      menusectionbox: Avoid a gtk_widget_destroy() call
      range: Clean up compute_slider_position()
      range: Inline function into only caller
      range: Remove an outdated comment
      widget: Remove surface member
      widget: Remove set_csd_input_shape
      popover: Stop using gtk_widget_input_shape_combine_region()
      window: Carry an extra input region
      inspect-button: Use new gtk_window_set_extra_input_region
      widget: Remove gtk_widget_input_shape_combine_region()
      scrolledwindow: Remove useless local variables
      scrolledwindow: Remove an unnecessary cast
      statusbar: Remove _get_message_area() from public API
      Merge branch 'wip/baedert/for-master' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'patch-1' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'patch-1' into 'master'
      Replace fallthrough comments with G_GNUC_FALLTHROUGH
      filechooserwidget: Avoid criticals when in recent mode
      examples: Add common_cflags to build
      tests: Add common_cflags to build
      testuite/gsk: Add common_cflags to build
      testsuite/performance: Add common_cflags to build
      testsuite/gdk: Add common_cflags to build
      testsuite/css: Add common_cflags to build
      testsuite/a11y: Add common_cflags to build
      testsuite/reftests: Add common_cflags to build
      demos/constraint-editor: Add common_cflags to build
      demos/icon-browser: Add common_cflags to build
      demos/node-editor: Add common_cflags to build
      demos/widget-factory: Add common_cflags to build
      padcontroller: Copy action entries
      demos/gtk-demo: Add common_cflags to build
      builder: Make object names a const array
      testsuite/gtk: Add common_cflags to build
      Replace a few more fallthrough comments
      build: Add -Wno-typedef-redefinition to build
      Merge branch 'align-docs-fixes' into 'master'

Vlad Zahorodnii (1):
      gdk: Subtract base size when checking aspect ratio

ZhaoQiang (1):
      Remove some unused variables

sicklylife (4):
      Update Japanese translation
      Update Japanese translation
      Update Japanese translation
      Update Japanese translation

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