[gtk] (106 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/matthiasc/shortcut

The branch 'wip/matthiasc/shortcut' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  ab7d964... bindings: Replace GtkBindingArg arguments with GVariant
  84742de... bindings: Add gtk_binding_entry_add_signal_variant()
  5c31e5e... bindings: Parse into GVariantBuilder directly
  db733aa... bindings: Make gtk_binding_parse_signal() use GVariantBuild
  eb9ce89... shortcutcontroller: Introduce
  d0ee18e... bindings: Split out function to invoke an action signal
  91f38f6... gtk: Add GtkShortcut
  e14c9e1... widget: Add gtk_widget_class_add_shortcut()
  f2270bb... bindings: Add more variant types
  2f74295... window: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  ee872b2... shortcut: Add GtkShortcutTrigger
  6bf3f13... trigger: Add an alternative trigger
  8b9669f... assistant: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  e3eda46... combobox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  0dba870... shortcut: Add gtk_shortcut_set_callback()
  3305cb2... bindings: Export action activation internally
  08d22cc... shortcut: Add action activation
  a721468... Allow installing bindings bound to actions
  5124869... text: Port to widget shortcuts
  c91fb25... dialog: Port binding to use shortcuts
  6cbc99c... widget: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  cd00da2... treeview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  94662b5... shortcutcontroller: Add private API for running class short
  10978f1... shortcutcontroller: Add gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcu
  bba3f2f... filechooserwidget: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  b8f40fd... textview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  7dfb28f... spinbutton: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  2cf26b0... paned: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  6ecdad0... flowbox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  4dd6a71... shortcutswindow: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  18ac3a6... shortcutssection: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  d157ebd... searchentry: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  7511425... scrolledwindow: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  fdeaee3... scalebutton: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  77b7a95... scale: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  dcf7dbd... notebook: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  80b3dcb... listbox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  052f3f9... label: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  f3920b2... infobar: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  8f2e4f4... iconview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  a508e44... widget: Add private accessor to event controllers
  9a91cea... combobox: Redo key event forwarding hack
  8d22efb... treeview: Redo event forwarding hack
  ded3353... accelgroup: Actually have a default mod mask
  d2f072d... entry: Remove unused include
  53e3485... passwordentry: Remove unused include
  bacc580... popovermenu: Port to shortcuts
  b02dda2... popover: Remove unused include
  a21a445... Remove bindings activation from GtkEventControllerKey
  5879d2f... event controller focus: drop include
  d51bc21... gtk: Remove bindings
  b4a2894... accellabel: Get rid of class variables
  f3d69e9... accellabel: Move gtk_accelerator_get_label() code
  3b167ee... accelgroup: Add gtk_accel_group_print_label()
  70cc324... shortcuttrigger: Add gtk_shortcut_trigger_to_label()
  17bc0fa... shortcutcontroller: Add GtkShortcutScope
  742e3df... gtk-demo: Add a dumb demo for shortcut triggers
  62d2836... gdk: Remove GDK_RELEASE_MASK
  fb061df... window: Get rid of public APIs that shouldn't be
  f31e559... window: Put F10 accelerator into its own shortcut controlle
  55ed267... shortcuttrigger: Add support for mnemonics
  4a599cf... shortcut: Add gtk_shortcut_set_mnemonic_activate()
  a2257f8... label: Implement mnemonics using shortcuts
  8e32489... Add GtkShortcutManager
  fdb632e... window: Remove all old mnemonic handling API
  07b49f2... Remove GtkMnemonicHash
  f175d22... gtk: Remove accel paths
  ec453b8... gtk: Remove GtkAccelMap
  39828dd... accelgroup: Remove unneeded APIs
  ddd67c6... shortcut: Add GtkShortcutAction
  3d6e52b... shortcut: Change the API for creating shortcuts
  e0d5edc... gtk-demo: Port the sliding puzzle demo to shortcuts
  a9a4aa2... shortcutcontroller: Implement GListModel
  bca21ad... shortcutcontroller: Add gtk_shortcut_controller_new_for_mod
  85ba0cc... widget: Keep keybindings as a GListStore
  04a1a35... shortcutaction: Add gtk_shortcut_action_to_string()
  e4acb27... shortcuts: Mananage managed shortcuts with a custom model
  19d32fe... shortcuttrigger: Add hash(), equal(), and compare() functio
  c742c88... accelerators: Make gtk_accelerator_parse() return TRUE/FALS
  ffcdaf5... accel: Add display arg to gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycod
  e64a8ee... application: Replace accelerator handling with shortcuts
  4f8469e... shortcuttrigger: Add gtk_shortcut_triger_new_parse_string()
  81cc91e... shortcutaction: INtegrate with GtkBuilder property parsing
  8a7324d... shortcutcontroller: Implement GtkBuildable
  abdec2f... testgtk: Port keyval example to shortcut controllers
  4f2c06b... doc tools: Create AccelLabel image without using GtkAccelGr
  2acbc2d... widget: Remove gtk_widget_add_accelerator()
  db60c66... testsuite: Remove GtkAccelGroup usage
  3e09c86... testmenubutton: Don't create a GtkAccelGroup
  9b83bf0... accels: Remove GtkAccelGroup
  7c04b46... filechooser: Trigger the location popup via bindings
  967a53e... Move shortcut manager initialization code
  7ac4801... shortcutmanager: Name the controllers
  d99edbc... window: Name the the controllers
  165e976... widget: Name the controllers
  dc1e78d... Only create a class shortcut controller if we have shortcut
  108254c... inspector: Show shortcuts
  70ba860... Print mnemonic triggers clearly
  dce2816... Use an action for the context menu keybinding
  13bddfd... Fix focus in popovers

Commits added to the branch:

  5343ec3... imcontextwayland: Honour len argument in gtk_im_context_way (*)
  5bf51ad... Merge branch 'respect-text-len-gtk4' into 'master' (*)
  5d4b46b... Merge branch 'emoji-chooser-fixes' into 'master' (*)
  4359926... Adwaita: dark switches/check/radios (*)
  826f237... Merge branch 'wip/jimmac/adwaitadark-lighten-switches' (*)
  8fab4ce... Assorted migration guide updates (*)
  ff80c28... bindings: Replace GtkBindingArg arguments with GVariant
  e503b79... bindings: Add gtk_binding_entry_add_signal_variant()
  bf67805... bindings: Parse into GVariantBuilder directly
  0d1cf94... bindings: Make gtk_binding_parse_signal() use GVariantBuild
  0787cf4... shortcutcontroller: Introduce
  c44c90e... bindings: Split out function to invoke an action signal
  93cd27c... gtk: Add GtkShortcut
  2c0b516... widget: Add gtk_widget_class_add_shortcut()
  02e0f13... bindings: Add more variant types
  5e48de3... window: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  2b5f9f3... shortcut: Add GtkShortcutTrigger
  d72ba4e... trigger: Add an alternative trigger
  0ecd6e2... assistant: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  34feb08... combobox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  2305f0c... shortcut: Add gtk_shortcut_set_callback()
  60770d0... bindings: Export action activation internally
  7887589... shortcut: Add action activation
  9a5c3bc... Allow installing bindings bound to actions
  59f6074... text: Port to widget shortcuts
  3b5624e... dialog: Port binding to use shortcuts
  51d254c... widget: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  e7763d1... treeview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  76bfc39... shortcutcontroller: Add private API for running class short
  c1312d2... shortcutcontroller: Add gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcu
  c641ae8... filechooserwidget: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  e361a4c... textview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  459fea5... spinbutton: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  5da4935... paned: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  9062c3d... flowbox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  262e3d3... shortcutswindow: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  a9aa9b8... shortcutssection: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  acde87f... searchentry: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  94a1dfc... scrolledwindow: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  21b8474... scalebutton: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  4b98641... scale: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  6d29111... notebook: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  fdeac50... listbox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  59946e8... label: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  b8af58b... infobar: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  d53f869... iconview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  82b6a30... widget: Add private accessor to event controllers
  ef45a66... combobox: Redo key event forwarding hack
  e777299... treeview: Redo event forwarding hack
  40e71c2... accelgroup: Actually have a default mod mask
  bafd735... entry: Remove unused include
  4dbf670... passwordentry: Remove unused include
  d139df5... popovermenu: Port to shortcuts
  cb1be14... popover: Remove unused include
  c4f7846... Remove bindings activation from GtkEventControllerKey
  4807e45... event controller focus: drop include
  684a946... gtk: Remove bindings
  978ad94... accellabel: Get rid of class variables
  33e00bc... accellabel: Move gtk_accelerator_get_label() code
  3f225a8... accelgroup: Add gtk_accel_group_print_label()
  d6570f4... shortcuttrigger: Add gtk_shortcut_trigger_to_label()
  19370e4... shortcutcontroller: Add GtkShortcutScope
  1e129c5... gtk-demo: Add a dumb demo for shortcut triggers
  c3e407f... gdk: Remove GDK_RELEASE_MASK
  bacd92e... window: Get rid of public APIs that shouldn't be
  b6a51a7... window: Put F10 accelerator into its own shortcut controlle
  275cc08... shortcuttrigger: Add support for mnemonics
  6a1d642... shortcut: Add gtk_shortcut_set_mnemonic_activate()
  b9a5587... label: Implement mnemonics using shortcuts
  1ef3375... Add GtkShortcutManager
  1040722... window: Remove all old mnemonic handling API
  29884e0... Remove GtkMnemonicHash
  d73a828... gtk: Remove accel paths
  d04e853... gtk: Remove GtkAccelMap
  2d666f3... accelgroup: Remove unneeded APIs
  aee4eaa... shortcut: Add GtkShortcutAction
  9d33667... shortcut: Change the API for creating shortcuts
  0b7e737... gtk-demo: Port the sliding puzzle demo to shortcuts
  37436b6... shortcutcontroller: Implement GListModel
  05fd7e3... shortcutcontroller: Add gtk_shortcut_controller_new_for_mod
  1c032e9... widget: Keep keybindings as a GListStore
  e6682a5... shortcutaction: Add gtk_shortcut_action_to_string()
  f08bf2a... shortcuts: Mananage managed shortcuts with a custom model
  bd8335f... shortcuttrigger: Add hash(), equal(), and compare() functio
  55978d4... accelerators: Make gtk_accelerator_parse() return TRUE/FALS
  eb5f8b1... accel: Add display arg to gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycod
  ef19f8a... application: Replace accelerator handling with shortcuts
  fe0c2f9... shortcuttrigger: Add gtk_shortcut_triger_new_parse_string()
  694672b... shortcutaction: INtegrate with GtkBuilder property parsing
  b101ae7... shortcutcontroller: Implement GtkBuildable
  94eee72... testgtk: Port keyval example to shortcut controllers
  b680c86... doc tools: Create AccelLabel image without using GtkAccelGr
  0d4a178... widget: Remove gtk_widget_add_accelerator()
  7d00787... testsuite: Remove GtkAccelGroup usage
  e3500e5... testmenubutton: Don't create a GtkAccelGroup
  538cf59... accels: Remove GtkAccelGroup
  0ac5d06... filechooser: Trigger the location popup via bindings
  06657cc... Move shortcut manager initialization code
  1d53804... shortcutmanager: Name the controllers
  fbfd37f... window: Name the the controllers
  70c4eb7... widget: Name the controllers
  de00f05... Only create a class shortcut controller if we have shortcut
  786a232... inspector: Show shortcuts
  7d88d9f... Print mnemonic triggers clearly
  5a357e7... popover: Add keynav keybindings
  5826e29... Use an action for the context menu keybinding

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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