[adwaita-icon-theme] symbolic: update microphone icons

commit 885d4bdc833803de1d66685c03ed3d5f20a922fe
Author: Sam Hewitt <sam snwh org>
Date:   Tue Mar 17 14:28:00 2020 -0400

    symbolic: update microphone icons

 .../devices/audio-input-microphone-symbolic.svg    |   4 +-
 .../status/microphone-disabled-symbolic.svg        |   4 +-
 .../microphone-hardware-disabled-symbolic.svg      |   4 +-
 .../microphone-sensitivity-high-symbolic.svg       |   8 +-
 .../status/microphone-sensitivity-low-symbolic.svg |   9 +-
 .../microphone-sensitivity-medium-symbolic.svg     |   9 +-
 .../microphone-sensitivity-muted-symbolic.svg      |   7 +-
 render-symbolic.rb                                 |   2 +-
 src/symbolic/gnome-stencils.svg                    | 245 ++++++++++++++++++---
 9 files changed, 255 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-input-microphone-symbolic.svg 
index 1d3807c0..cd7afe8a 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-input-microphone-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-input-microphone-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
-<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; width="16" height="16"><path d="M3.5 5a.5.5 0 00-.5.5v2.969a4.516 
4.516 0 003 4.25V14H4c-.565 0-1 .49-1 1v1h9v-1c0-.584-.476-1-1-1H9v-1.281a4.516 4.516 0 003-4.25V5.5a.5.5 0 
00-1 0c0 . 3.521 0 017.501 12C5.547 12 4 10.433 4 8.469V5.5a.5.5 0 
00-.5-.5zm4-4.013c1.385 0 2.5 1.115 2.5 2.5V8.5C10 9.885 8.885 11 7.5 11A2.495 2.495 0 015 8.5V3.487c0-1.385 
1.115-2.5 2.5-2.5z" 
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\ No newline at end of file
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; width="16" height="16">
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0,-1.662 -1.338,-3 -3,-3 z m -6,6 v 2.00977 c 0,2.96574 2.165383,5.4238 5,5.90039 V 344 h 2 v -2.08984 c 
2.834617,-0.47659 5,-2.93465 5,-5.90039 V 334 h -1.5 v 2.00977 c 0,2.50009 -1.993312,4.49023 -4.5,4.49023 
-2.506688,0 -4.5,-1.99014 -4.5,-4.49023 V 334 Z" 
 color="#000" font-weight="400" font-family="sans-serif" overflow="visible" fill="#2e3436" 
transform="translate(-32 -328)"/>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-disabled-symbolic.svg 
index 31287cd9..072b9dd5 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-disabled-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-disabled-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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4.688c.192-.355.312-.757.312-1.19V3.486c0-1.385-1.115-2.5-2.5-2.5zm4 4.012a.5.5 0 00-.5.5c0 
. 3.52 0 01-.596 1.97l.692.691A4.47 4.47 0 0012 8.467V5.498a.5.5 0 
00-.5-.5zm-8.498.48L3 5.5v2.969a4.516 4.516 0 003 4.25V14H4c-.565 0-1 .49-1 
1v1h9v-1c0-.584-.476-1-1-1H9v-1.281c.293-.105.574-.24.84-.403l-.711-.71c-.503.26-1.061.395-1.627.394C5.548 12 
4 10.433 4 8.469V6.477zM5 7.478V8.5A2.495 2.495 0 007.5 11c.305 0 .593-.061.863-.16z"/>
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223,236.73965 223,236 v -5 c 0,-1.662 -1.338,-3 -3,-3 z m -6,6 v 2.00977 c 0,2.96574 2.16538,5.4238 5,5.90039 
V 244 h 2 v -2.08984 c 0.64598,-0.10861 1.24984,-0.33194 1.80859,-0.62891 l -1.11132,-1.11133 C 
221.17391,240.38 220.60353,240.5 220,240.5 c -2.50669,0 -4.5,-1.99014 -4.5,-4.49023 V 234 Z m 10.5,0 v 
2.00977 c 0,1.15729 -0.44099,2.19439 -1.14844,2.98632 l 1.05274,1.05274 C 225.38802,238.9836 226,237.57264 
226,236.00977 V 234 Z m -7.5,1.47266 V 236 c 0,1.662 1.338,3 3,3 0.16422,0 0.3216,-0.0237 0.47852,-0.0488 z" 
 hape-padding:0;isolation:auto;mix-blend-mode:normal;solid-color:#000;solid-opacity:1" color="#000" 
font-weight="400" font-family="sans-serif" overflow="visible" transform="translate(-212 -228)"/>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-hardware-disabled-symbolic.svg 
index 6119e2a3..8da5ee8a 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-hardware-disabled-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-hardware-disabled-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; width="16" height="16">
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-        <path d="m 219.5,248.98633 c -1.385,0 -2.5,1.115 -2.5,2.5 V 255 h 5 v -3.51367 c 0,-1.385 
-1.115,-2.5 -2.5,-2.5 z M 215.5,253 c -0.27614,0 -0.5,0.22386 -0.5,0.5 v 1.5 h 1 v -1.5 c 0,-0.27614 
-0.22386,-0.5 -0.5,-0.5 z m 8,0 c -0.27614,0 -0.5,0.22386 -0.5,0.5 0,0.069 0.006,0.12768 0.0312,0.1875 V 255 
H 224 v -1.5 c 0,-0.27614 -0.22386,-0.5 -0.5,-0.5 z m -6.78125,7 c 0.38355,0.30352 0.81256,0.55047 
1.28125,0.71875 V 262 h -2 c -0.56475,0 -1,0.49007 -1,1 v 1 H 215.84375 218 223 223.0937 224 v -1 c 
-6e-5,-0.58435 -0.47642,-0.99995 -1,-1 h -2 v -1.28125 c 0.46869,-0.16828 0.8977,-0.41523 1.28125,-0.71875 H 
219.5 Z" 
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transform="translate(-212 -248)"/>
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+        <path d="m 220,248 c -1.662,0 -3,1.338 -3,3 v 4 h 6 v -4 c 0,-1.662 -1.338,-3 -3,-3 z m -6,6 v 1 h 
1.5 v -1 z m 10.5,0 v 1 h 1.5 v -1 z m -8.95312,6 c 0.88748,0.98341 2.08853,1.68073 3.45312,1.91016 V 264 h 2 
v -2.08984 c 1.36459,-0.22943 2.56564,-0.92675 3.45312,-1.91016 h -2.41406 c -0.61304,0.30957 -1.29807,0.5 
-2.03906,0.5 -0.74099,0 -1.42602,-0.19043 -2.03906,-0.5 z" 
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transform="translate(-212 -248)"/>
+        <path d="m 212,256.00012 h 16.00001 V 259 H 212 Z" transform="translate(-212 -248)"/>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-high-symbolic.svg 
index e4cfbf32..30b3128a 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-high-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-high-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,7 @@
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fill="#474747"><path d="M5.5.987c1.385 0 2.5 1.115 2.5 2.5V8.5C8 9.885 6.885 11 5.5 11A2.495 2.495 0 013 
8.5V3.487c0-1.385 1.115-2.5 2.5-2.5z" style="marker:none" color="#bebebe" overflow="visible"/><path 
transform="matrix(.99397 0 0 1 -22.293 -275.486)" clip-path="url(#a)" d="M27.969 273.629a4.535 4.535 0 
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\ No newline at end of file
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-5 c 0,-1.662 1.338,-3 3,-3 z" transform="translate(-112 32)"/>
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6,-5.990234 V -26 h -1.5 v 2.009766 c 0,2.500097 -1.99331,4.490234 -4.5,4.490234 -2.50669,0 -4.5,-1.990137 
-4.5,-4.490234 V -26 Z" 
 color="#000" font-weight="400" font-family="sans-serif" overflow="visible" transform="translate(-112 32)"/>
+    </g>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-low-symbolic.svg 
index 5d08b69d..6b518e36 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-low-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-low-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,8 @@
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3.53 3.51 3.51 0 01-3.529-3.53v-5.807a3.51 3.51 0 013.53-3.53z" style="line-height:normal;font-variant-lig
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01-. 0 01-.5-.5.5.5 0 01.5-.5.5.5 0 01.5.5zm8 0a.5.5 0 01-. 0 01-.5-.5.5.5 0 01.5-.5.5.5 0 
01.5.5z" style="marker:none" color="#bebebe" overflow="visible"/><path d="M2 14a1 1 0 100 2h7a1 1 0 100-2z" 
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\ No newline at end of file
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0,-1.662 -1.338,-3 -3,-3 z m 0,2 c 0.554,0 1,0.446 1,1 v 5 c 0,0.554 -0.446,1 -1,1 -0.554,0 -1,-0.446 -1,-1 v 
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6,-5.990234 V -26 h -1.5 v 2.009766 c 0,2.500097 -1.99331,4.490234 -4.5,4.490234 -2.50669,0 -4.5,-1.990137 
-4.5,-4.490234 V -26 Z" 
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+        <path d="m 157,-25 v 1 c 0,1.662 1.338,3 3,3 1.662,0 3,-1.338 3,-3 v -1 z" transform="translate(-152 
+    </g>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-medium-symbolic.svg 
index 40e022c4..63ff375f 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-medium-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-medium-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,8 @@
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3.53 3.51 3.51 0 01-3.529-3.53v-5.807a3.51 3.51 0 013.53-3.53z" style="line-height:normal;f
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\ No newline at end of file
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0,-1.662 -1.338,-3 -3,-3 z m 0,2 c 0.554,0 1,0.446 1,1 v 5 c 0,0.554 -0.446,1 -1,1 -0.554,0 -1,-0.446 -1,-1 v 
-5 c 0,-0.554 0.446,-1 1,-1 z" opacity=".35" transform="translate(-132 32)"/>
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-4.5,-4.490234 V -26 Z" 
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-muted-symbolic.svg 
index 1492be77..eee93792 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-muted-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-muted-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,6 @@
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2,-0.775391 V -22 h 0.22461 C 182.70179,-22.530877 183,-23.226703 183,-24 v -5 c 0,-1.662 -1.338,-3 -3,-3 z m 
0,2 c 0.554,0 1,0.446 1,1 v 5 c 0,0.554 -0.446,1 -1,1 -0.554,0 -1,-0.446 -1,-1 v -5 c 0,-0.554 0.446,-1 1,-1 
z m -6,4 v 2.009766 c 0,2.965746 2.16538,5.423806 5,5.90039 V -16 h 2 v -2.089844 c 0.34423,-0.05788 
0.67819,-0.14804 1,-0.261718 v -1.626954 c -0.60326,0.297084 -1.27508,0.478516 -2,0.478516 -2.50669,0 
-4.5,-1.990137 -4.5,-4.490234 V -26 Z m 10.5,0 v 2.009766 c 0,0.721017 -0.18244,1.38955 -0.47852,1.990234 h 
1.62891 C 185.87165,-22.623635 186,-23.290791 186,-23.990234 V -26 Z" 
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-1.0625,-1.0625 z" style="marker:none" color="#bebebe" overflow="visible" transform="translate(-172 32)"/>
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diff --git a/render-symbolic.rb b/render-symbolic.rb
index abb47cf2..9cb28dd4 100755
--- a/render-symbolic.rb
+++ b/render-symbolic.rb
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ PREFIX32 = "Adwaita/scalable-up-to-32" # dirty but it allows rendering those up-
 # SVGO is a Node.js SVG optimization tool install with 'sudo npm install -g svgo'
 # script will skip if SVGO is not present
-# SVGO = '/usr/local/bin/svgo' # it gets put here on some distros
 SVGO = '/usr/bin/svgo'
+# SVGO = '/usr/local/bin/svgo' # it gets put here on some distros
 def chopSVG(icon)
        FileUtils.mkdir_p(icon[:dir]) unless File.exists?(icon[:dir])
diff --git a/src/symbolic/gnome-stencils.svg b/src/symbolic/gnome-stencils.svg
index 23a4bb4a..8b56f454 100644
--- a/src/symbolic/gnome-stencils.svg
+++ b/src/symbolic/gnome-stencils.svg
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+       transform="translate(-108.0002,-308)">
@@ -2617,9 +2617,9 @@
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+       transform="translate(-88.0002,-308)"
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-1,-0.447715 -1,-1 0,-0.552285 0.447715,-1 1,-1 z"
@@ -2789,9 +2789,9 @@
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+       inkscape:label="microphone-sensitivity-high-old"
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292.98633 z M 223.5 296.99805 C 223.22386 296.99805 223 297.22191 223 297.49805 C 223 297.56705 223.00605 
297.62573 223.03125 297.68555 L 223.03125 300.4668 C 223.03125 301.19864 222.81159 301.87448 222.43555 
302.43555 L 223.12695 303.12695 C 223.67401 302.38265 224 301.46597 224 300.4668 L 224 297.49805 C 224 
297.22191 223.77614 296.99805 223.5 296.99805 z M 215.00195 297.47852 C 215.00114 297.48552 215.001 297.493 
215 297.5 L 215 300.46875 C 215.002 302.37696 216.20253 304.07817 218 304.71875 L 218 306 L 216 306 C 215.435 
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303.86569 220.06807 304.00137 219.501
 95 304 C
  217.54795 304 216 302.43275 216 300.46875 L 216 298.47656 L 215.00195 297.47852 z M 217 299.47656 L 217 
300.5 C 216.997 301.88186 218.11814 303.00277 219.5 303 C 219.805 303 220.09328 302.93884 220.36328 302.83984 
L 217 299.47656 z "
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0.002,1.90821 1.20253,3.60942 3,4.25 V 306 h -2 c -0.565,0 -1,0.49 -1,1 v 1 h 9 v -1 c 0,-0.584 -0.476,-1 
-1,-1 h -2 v -1.28125 c 0.29315,-0.10501 0.57448,-0.23941 0.83984,-0.40234 l -0.71093,-0.71094 c 
-0.50277,0.26022 -1.06084,0.3959 -1.62696,0.39453 C 217.54795,304 216,302.43275 216,300.46875 v -1.99219 z M 
217,299.47656 V 300.5 c -0.003,1.38186 1.11814,2.50277 2.5,2.5 0.305,0 0.59328,-0.0612 0.86328,-0.16016 z"
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-0.5,-0.5 z m 8,0 c -0.27614,0 -0.5,0.22386 -0.5,0.5 0,0.069 0.006,0.12768 0.0312,0.1875 V 255 h 0.9688 v 
-1.5 c 0,-0.27614 -0.22386,-0.5 -0.5,-0.5 z m -6.78125,7 c 0.38355,0.30352 0.81256,0.55047 1.28125,0.71875 V 
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161 40.554 160.554 41 160 41 C 159.446 41 159 40.554 159 40 L 159 35 C 159 34.446 159.446 34 160 34 z "
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C 183 33.338 181.662 32 180 32 z M 180 34 C 180.554 34 181 34.446 181 35 L 181 40 C 181 40.554 180.554 41 180 
41 C 179.446 41 179 40.554 179 40 L 179 35 C 179 34.446 179.446 34 180 34 z M 174 38 L 174 40.009766 C 174 
42.975512 176.16538 45.433572 179 45.910156 L 179 48 L 181 48 L 181 45.910156 C 181.34423 45.852281 181.67819 
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223,236 v -5 c 0,-1.662 -1.338,-3 -3,-3 z m -6,6 v 2.00977 c 0,2.96574 2.16538,5.4238 5,5.90039 V 244 h 2 v 
-2.08984 c 0.64598,-0.10861 1.24984,-0.33194 1.80859,-0.62891 l -1.11132,-1.11133 C 221.17391,240.38 
220.60353,240.5 220,240.5 c -2.50669,0 -4.5,-1.99014 -4.5,-4.49023 V 234 Z m 10.5,0 v 2.00977 c 0,1.15729 
-0.44099,2.19439 -1.14844,2.98632 l 1.05274,1.05274 C 225.38802,238.9836 226,237.57264 226,236.00977 V 234 Z 
m -7.5,1.47266 V 236 c 0,1.662 1.338,3 3,3 0.16422,0 0.3216,-0.0237 0.47852,-0.0488 z"
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@@ -11570,21 +11744,21 @@
-       transform="translate(12.0002,52)"
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-       style="display:inline;">
+       inkscape:label="audio-input-microphone-old"
+       style="display:inline">
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244 h -2 c -0.56475,0 -1,0.49007 -1,1 v 1 h 0.84375 2.15625 5 0.0937 0.90625 v -1 c -6e-5,-0.58435 
-0.47642,-0.99995 -1,-1 h -2 v -1.28125 c 1.74199,-0.62545 3,-2.28162 3,-4.25 V 235.5 c 0,-0.27614 
-0.22386,-0.5 -0.5,-0.5 -0.27614,0 -0.5,0.22386 -0.5,0.5 0,0.069 0.006,0.12768 0.0312,0.1875 v 2.78125 c 
0,1.96415 -1.57895,3.53125 -3.53125,3.53125 -1.9523,0 -3.5,-1.5671 -3.5,-3.53125 V 235.5 c 0,-0.27614 
-0.22386,-0.5 -0.5,-0.5 z m 3.9998,-4.01288 c 1.385,0 2.5,1.115 2.5,2.5 V 238.5 c 0,1.385 -1.115,2.5 -2.5,2.5 
-1.385,0 -2.5,-1.115 -2.5,-2.5 v -5.01288 c 0,-1.385 1.115,-2.5 2.5,-2.5 z"
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405.43357 39 405.91016 L 39 408 L 41 408 L 41 405.91016 C 43.834617 405.43357 46 402.97551 46 400.00977 L 46 
398 L 44.5 398 L 44.5 400.00977 C 44.5 402.50986 42.506688 404.5 40 404.5 C 37.493312 404.5 35.5 402.50986 
35.5 400.00977 L 35.5 398 L 34 398 z "
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