[vala] (7 commits) ...codegen: Improve handling of "array_length_type" attribute

Summary of changes:

  11b0fec... posix: Add pathconf and fpathconf bindings (*)
  27b727b... vala: Improve copy of required attributes from delegate to  (*)
  886e5ff... vala: Inherit lambda parameter attributes from delegate (*)
  d33e9fb... codegen: Use correctly typed array-length variable for prop (*)
  76ba3c3... codegen: Use correctly typed array-length variable for dele (*)
  2684574... codegen: Inherit "array_length_type" from (base-/base-inter (*)
  5a97fa5... codegen: Improve handling of "array_length_type" attribute (*)

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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