[gedit/gnome-3-36] Remove network monitor, buggy implementation with the GtkInfoBar

commit 764f9c67f9351574d292956a5512e5e30715fd34
Author: Sébastien Wilmet <swilmet gnome org>
Date:   Sat Mar 14 11:08:11 2020 +0100

    Remove network monitor, buggy implementation with the GtkInfoBar
    The feature was:
    When having remote files opened in gedit, an infobar was shown when the
    network was no longer available. When the network was again available,
    the infobar was hidden.
    With the way GeditTab is implemented, there can be maximum *one* infobar
    shown at a time! So if there is already another infobar shown, it gets
    destroyed by the network infobar. Or it gets destroyed when the network
    is again available. The problem is that the *other* infobar may be
    important in order to bring back the tab in the desired state (editable
    text, being able to save the document, etc).
    An easy way to reproduce the problem (before this commit):
    1. Open an https:// URL.
    2. Open a second gedit window and open in it the same https:// URL -> it
    shows an infobar to choose whether to keep the document read-only or to
    edit anyway.
    3. Disconnect the network.
    -> the network connectivity infobar has overwritten the infobar to
    choose whether to edit the second document.
    There are many other situations where this is problematic (see how many
    different infobars there are in the gedit codebase).
    When GeditTab will be ported to TeplTab, it will be possible to bring
    back the feature because with TeplTab it's possible to show several

 gedit/gedit-app.c               | 45 ---------------------------
 gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c | 69 -----------------------------------------
 gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.h |  2 --
 gedit/gedit-tab-private.h       |  3 --
 gedit/gedit-tab.c               | 47 ----------------------------
 5 files changed, 166 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gedit/gedit-app.c b/gedit/gedit-app.c
index 742b8a105..0889ee5c5 100644
--- a/gedit/gedit-app.c
+++ b/gedit/gedit-app.c
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
 #include "gedit-commands.h"
 #include "gedit-preferences-dialog.h"
 #include "gedit-tab.h"
-#include "gedit-tab-private.h"
 #define GEDIT_PAGE_SETUP_FILE          "gedit-page-setup"
 #define GEDIT_PRINT_SETTINGS_FILE      "gedit-print-settings"
@@ -73,7 +72,6 @@ typedef struct
        GMenuModel        *line_col_menu;
        PeasExtensionSet  *extensions;
-       GNetworkMonitor   *monitor;
        /* command line parsing */
        gboolean new_window;
@@ -1382,55 +1380,12 @@ load_print_settings (GeditApp *app)
-static void
-get_network_available (GNetworkMonitor *monitor,
-                      gboolean         available,
-                      GeditApp        *app)
-       gboolean enable;
-       GList *windows, *w;
-       enable = g_network_monitor_get_network_available (monitor);
-       windows = gtk_application_get_windows (GTK_APPLICATION (app));
-       for (w = windows; w != NULL; w = w->next)
-       {
-               GeditWindow *window = GEDIT_WINDOW (w->data);
-               if (GEDIT_IS_WINDOW (window))
-               {
-                       GList *tabs, *t;
-                       tabs = _gedit_window_get_all_tabs (window);
-                       for (t = tabs; t != NULL; t = t->next)
-                       {
-                               _gedit_tab_set_network_available (GEDIT_TAB (t->data),
-                                                                 enable);
-                       }
-                       g_list_free (tabs);
-               }
-       }
 static void
 gedit_app_init (GeditApp *app)
-       GeditAppPrivate *priv;
-       priv = gedit_app_get_instance_private (app);
        g_set_application_name ("gedit");
        gtk_window_set_default_icon_name ("gedit");
-       priv->monitor = g_network_monitor_get_default ();
-       g_signal_connect (priv->monitor,
-                         "network-changed",
-                         G_CALLBACK (get_network_available),
-                         app);
        g_application_add_main_option_entries (G_APPLICATION (app), options);
diff --git a/gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c b/gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c
index 382dd5c07..42b979442 100644
--- a/gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c
+++ b/gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c
@@ -403,75 +403,6 @@ create_combo_box (GtkWidget *info_bar,
        gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-GtkWidget *
-gedit_network_unavailable_info_bar_new (GFile *location)
-       GtkWidget *info_bar;
-       GtkWidget *hbox_content;
-       GtkWidget *vbox;
-       gchar *primary_markup;
-       gchar *secondary_markup;
-       GtkWidget *primary_label;
-       GtkWidget *secondary_label;
-       gchar *primary_text;
-       const gchar *secondary_text;
-       gchar *full_formatted_uri;
-       gchar *uri_for_display;
-       gchar *temp_uri_for_display;
-       g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_FILE (location), NULL);
-       full_formatted_uri = g_file_get_parse_name (location);
-       temp_uri_for_display = tepl_utils_str_middle_truncate (full_formatted_uri,
-                                                              MAX_URI_IN_DIALOG_LENGTH);
-       g_free (full_formatted_uri);
-       uri_for_display = g_markup_printf_escaped ("<i>%s</i>", temp_uri_for_display);
-       g_free (temp_uri_for_display);
-       info_bar = gtk_info_bar_new ();
-       gtk_info_bar_set_show_close_button (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar), TRUE);
-       gtk_info_bar_set_message_type (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar),
-                                      GTK_MESSAGE_WARNING);
-       hbox_content = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 8);
-       vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 6);
-       gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox_content), vbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-       primary_text = g_strdup_printf (_("The location “%s” is not currently reachable."),
-                                       uri_for_display);
-       g_free (uri_for_display);
-       primary_markup = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>", primary_text);
-       g_free (primary_text);
-       primary_label = gtk_label_new (primary_markup);
-       g_free (primary_markup);
-       gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), primary_label, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-       gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (primary_label), TRUE);
-       gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (primary_label), TRUE);
-       gtk_widget_set_halign (primary_label, GTK_ALIGN_START);
-       gtk_widget_set_can_focus (primary_label, TRUE);
-       gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (primary_label), TRUE);
-       secondary_text = _("Your system is offline. Check your network.");
-       secondary_markup = g_strdup_printf ("<small>%s</small>",
-                                           secondary_text);
-       secondary_label = gtk_label_new (secondary_markup);
-       g_free (secondary_markup);
-       gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), secondary_label, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-       gtk_widget_set_can_focus (secondary_label, TRUE);
-       gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (secondary_label), TRUE);
-       gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (secondary_label), TRUE);
-       gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (secondary_label), TRUE);
-       gtk_widget_set_halign (secondary_label, GTK_ALIGN_START);
-       gtk_widget_show_all (hbox_content);
-       set_contents (info_bar, hbox_content);
-       return info_bar;
 static GtkWidget *
 create_conversion_error_info_bar (const gchar *primary_text,
                                  const gchar *secondary_text,
diff --git a/gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.h b/gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.h
index 44b9b8b4c..9784652c7 100644
--- a/gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.h
+++ b/gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.h
@@ -55,8 +55,6 @@ GtkWidget     *gedit_externally_modified_info_bar_new                 (GFile               
 GtkWidget      *gedit_invalid_character_info_bar_new                   (GFile               *location);
-GtkWidget      *gedit_network_unavailable_info_bar_new                 (GFile               *location);
 #endif  /* GEDIT_IO_ERROR_INFO_BAR_H  */
diff --git a/gedit/gedit-tab-private.h b/gedit/gedit-tab-private.h
index 7559bf1f6..1b84f13d1 100644
--- a/gedit/gedit-tab-private.h
+++ b/gedit/gedit-tab-private.h
@@ -74,9 +74,6 @@ gboolean       _gedit_tab_get_can_close               (GeditTab                 *tab);
 GeditViewFrame *_gedit_tab_get_view_frame              (GeditTab                 *tab);
-void            _gedit_tab_set_network_available       (GeditTab            *tab,
-                                                        gboolean            enable);
 #endif  /* GEDIT_TAB_PRIVATE_H */
diff --git a/gedit/gedit-tab.c b/gedit/gedit-tab.c
index 9aa5964d3..c82803bc5 100644
--- a/gedit/gedit-tab.c
+++ b/gedit/gedit-tab.c
@@ -1300,53 +1300,6 @@ on_drop_uris (GeditView  *view,
        g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (tab), signals[DROP_URIS], 0, uri_list);
-static void
-network_available_warning_info_bar_response (GtkWidget *info_bar,
-                                            gint       response_id,
-                                            GeditTab  *tab)
-       if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE)
-       {
-               gtk_widget_hide (info_bar);
-       }
-_gedit_tab_set_network_available (GeditTab *tab,
-                                 gboolean  enable)
-       GeditDocument *doc;
-       GtkSourceFile *file;
-       GFile *location;
-       g_return_if_fail (GEDIT_IS_TAB (tab));
-       doc = gedit_tab_get_document (tab);
-       file = gedit_document_get_file (doc);
-       location = gtk_source_file_get_location (file);
-       if (gtk_source_file_is_local (file) || location == NULL)
-       {
-               return;
-       }
-       if (enable)
-       {
-               set_info_bar (tab, NULL, GTK_RESPONSE_NONE);
-       }
-       else
-       {
-               GtkWidget *info_bar = gedit_network_unavailable_info_bar_new (location);
-               g_signal_connect (info_bar,
-                                 "response",
-                                 G_CALLBACK (network_available_warning_info_bar_response),
-                                 tab);
-               set_info_bar (tab, info_bar, GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE);
-       }
 static void
 gedit_tab_init (GeditTab *tab)

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