[gtk] (146 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/otte/listview

The branch 'wip/otte/listview' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  ad05c25... Add GtkSorter
  346f7c6... Add GtkCustomSorter
  924488a... Add GtkStringSorter
  980bf31... Add GtkMultiSorter
  5b30283... Add GtkNumericSorter
  5566cbc... Redo sort list model with GtkSorter
  cacb969... sortlistmodel: Redo the way we store the items
  f1e2624... sortlistmodel: Make sort stable
  ca5e5eb... sorter: Add tests
  fbb200d... gtk-demo: Make fishbowl info text use bindings
  3ff33d5... builder: Make <lookup> type optional
  5c957fa... builder: Allow <constant> without a type
  3fb6b9a... builder: Allow text content in <lookup>
  cb84c25... builder: Add <binding> tag
  31c9861... gtk: Add a GtkListView skeleton
  8899269... listview: Introduce GtkListItemFactory
  e63fa09... listview: Make widget actually do something
  0028da2... listview: Implement GtkScrollable
  5f1bf88... tests: Add a test for a permanently changing listview
  ff6ab5e... listview: Implement an anchor
  b12d615... listview: Add GtkListItemManager
  f4781f0... listview: Add GtkListItem
  a56140f... listview: Make the listitemmanager stricter
  4ee67df... listview: Change change management
  b36987a... tests: Make animating listview do random resorts
  ed6a569... listitem: Add gtk_list_item_get_position()
  2501240... listview: Change how binding is done
  0eef6df... listview: Change anchor handling again
  6209847... listview: Only allocate necesary rows
  ec2c793... testlistview: Show the row number
  129b27b... testlistview: Create widgets only once
  90fb844... listitemmanager: Switch from "insert_before" to "insert_aft
  32d4bd7... listlistmodel: Add gtk_list_list_model_item_moved()
  f44fe67... listview: Try to keep the list items in order when scrollin
  fdfbf33... listview: Add selection properties to ListItem
  26fb202... listview: Reset listitems' CSS animations when rebinding
  cb22fc9... listview: Add initial support for displaying selections
  7d9d59a... listitem: Add a press gesture to select the item
  611564c... gtk: Add a GtkGridView skeleton
  e17d706... gridview: Add API for setting number of columns
  684e76f... wayland: Remove function declaration for nonexisting functi
  7478daf... listitemmanager: Move list of listitems here
  673cb9e... gridview: Implement GtkScrollable
  c3623ac... listitemmanager: Simplify
  b0d5e87... listitemmanager: Add trackers
  39417bb... listview: Add gtk_list_view_set_show_separators()
  17379c5... listitemfactory: Sanitize APIs
  d9ff17a... listitemfactory: vfuncify
  5fcf846... listitemfactory: Split implementation out
  c032224... listitemfactory: Add a factory for ui files
  1d4ab25... testlistview: Port to directory list
  b5c4248... testlistview: Load icons async
  5f2f2de... listview: Add list.scroll_to_item action
  3e195b6... listview: Implement extending selections
  a0aa3d8... tests: Add a rough form of multiselection
  39aee32... listview: Implement GtkOrientable
  f3b51a9... gtk-demo: Add a rough start at a Weather demo
  bb963a9... listview: Expose GtkListItemFactory APIs
  7f53943... gridview: Add factory handling
  9390898... gridview: Implement GtkOrientable
  4609c93... listview: Pass the CSS name of listitems to the manager
  da5dcd5... gridview: Actually do something
  d565993... Add GtkTreeExpander
  a235964... demo: Add a GSettings tree demo
  8c4b9d5... inspector: Use a treeexpander in the recorder
  3222aa7... inspector: Use a GtkTreeExpander in the object tree
  d03d9fe... inspector: Make the recorder node list use a ListView
  0ead027... listitem: Change focus handling
  ec092c5... treeexpander: Implement input support
  7b81d71... listview: Implement activation
  06565eb... listview: Track focus movements and update selection
  ba06a56... listview: Implement (un)select all
  dd8014d... listview: Add a focus tracker
  92bc973... listitem: Add "listitem.select" action and keybindings for 
  a4c9c7a... listview: Add gtk_list_view_get_position_at_y()
  250e4af... listview: Add move keybindings
  00c63cd... listitemfactory: Make the builder factory properly buildabl
  c19412c... builderlistitemfactory: Add scope argument
  35b1d39... builder: Autofill scope property of listitemfactory
  3f57940... gtk-demo: Introduce awards
  04edc42... demo: Use a listview as sidebar
  afb2bb7... listitemmanager: Handle NULL factory
  488f235... widget: Add gtk_widget_get_size()
  7a72975... gridview: Implement anchors and scrolling
  42f1e5b... selectionmodel: Add gtk_selection_model_user_select_item()
  79bacbf... gridview: Implement the list.select-item action
  dbad90e... gridview: Implement minimum row height
  8f53332... gridview: Add activation
  970dfe3... gridview: Implement list.scroll-to action
  5577ad6... gridview: Add a focus tracker
  2b166fa... gridview: Implement (un)select all
  f039bc9... gridview: Add move keybindings
  69eba84... demo: Add a file browser demo
  7d57c24... listview: Port various gridview improvements
  18e8918... gridview: Simplify allocation code
  7a5aa00... Add GtkListBase
  7258902... listbase: Move GtkScrollable implementation
  44e8c65... listbase: Move item manager here
  42a423c... listbase: Move selection handling here
  2e4f7dc... listbase: Move orientable implementation here
  eedb386... Remove gtk_selection_model_user_select_item() again
  2b0c6b3... listbase: Move focus moving keybindings here
  22da615... listbase: Add vfuncs to convert positions to/from coordinat
  461629f... listbase: Take over anchor handling
  597c4d7... wip: Add GtkCoverFlow
  723678f... Add GtkColumnView skeleton
  331595c... gtk-demo: Add a minesweeper demo
  d81c472... columnview: Allow adding/removing columns
  f05acd7... Add GtkSignalListItemFactory
  aebd19b... gtk-demo: Add a Coverflow application launcher
  7c4a68b... builder: Make gtk_builder_extend_with_template() work with 
  8058b2b... listitem: Make this a GObject
  6586d79... listitemfactory: Reorganize vfuncs
  3e3e685... listitemfactory: Simplify
  49750b3... listitemwidget: Add a private struct
  4b191b8... listitem: Move position/item/selected tracking to widget
  b0f77c5... listitemwidget: Lazily create listitems
  0b90a97... columnview: Add listitems for the columns
  9a2cec9... columnview: Implement GtkScrollable
  eceeb9f... widget: Add a hook for resizes
  13634af... columnview: Add GtkColumnViewCell
  e8fed66... inspector: Port object tree to GtkColumnView
  61b60d8... columnview: Fix styling with Adwaita
  70f9adb... constraint-editor: Don't poke around in widget internals
  3556138... columnview: Add a custom LayoutManager
  755d0f7... tests: Add testcolumnview
  030fbdf... columnview: Add header
  ab941f7... inspector: Remove private struct from controllers
  594fa33... inspector: Make Controller page a GtkWidget
  5611780... inspector: Remove private struct for prop editor
  eb1b696... xxx: Add a hack to make paintables transform to/from object
  2251201... gtk-demo: Add a Clocks demo
  40043b8... widget: Do parent_class handling properly
  790ebc8... expression: Allow passing a this object to bind()
  28efe3a... Add some tests for expression binding
  02b4ee6... fontchooserwidget: Port to listmodels
  87ad0b7... docs: Reorganize list widgets in their own chapter
  51506e3... builder-tool: Pass through CDATA where it makes sense
  fa4ce39... listitemwidget: Add single-click-activate
  6187aca... listview: Add single-click-activate
  41ba352... columnview: Add sorting
  68885a3... column view title: Show sort indicators
  4d8202a... testcolumnview: Add sorters
  63e8c76... Add GtkTreeListRowSorter
  93fb745... testsuite: Add tests for GtkTreeListSorter
  7465b6c... gtk-builder-tool: Minimally validate <binding>

Commits added to the branch:

  a1e7b7d... Add GtkSorter
  76848e6... Add GtkCustomSorter
  4e61f0a... Add GtkStringSorter
  a0dedf0... Add GtkMultiSorter
  a7be28f... Add GtkNumericSorter
  64d7915... Redo sort list model with GtkSorter
  cc484dc... sortlistmodel: Redo the way we store the items
  8e4c2de... sortlistmodel: Make sort stable
  ac858de... sorter: Add tests
  80d5988... gtk-demo: Make fishbowl info text use bindings
  35fb50c... builder: Make <lookup> type optional
  f6ce8b4... builder: Allow <constant> without a type
  bc67d03... builder: Allow text content in <lookup>
  ee3d755... builder: Add <binding> tag
  9fb4c51... gtk: Add a GtkListView skeleton
  93e68a8... listview: Introduce GtkListItemFactory
  8271858... listview: Make widget actually do something
  106b647... listview: Implement GtkScrollable
  f072fbb... tests: Add a test for a permanently changing listview
  9703e17... listview: Implement an anchor
  540ffa3... listview: Add GtkListItemManager
  4a77c11... listview: Add GtkListItem
  d9adfa1... listview: Make the listitemmanager stricter
  8e23544... listview: Change change management
  79039f3... tests: Make animating listview do random resorts
  789bd72... listitem: Add gtk_list_item_get_position()
  aaa214d... listview: Change how binding is done
  297ea55... listview: Change anchor handling again
  56227fa... listview: Only allocate necesary rows
  28cb544... testlistview: Show the row number
  fca1d66... testlistview: Create widgets only once
  1399ecc... listitemmanager: Switch from "insert_before" to "insert_aft
  d4c3946... listlistmodel: Add gtk_list_list_model_item_moved()
  1ae6245... listview: Try to keep the list items in order when scrollin
  7057e41... listview: Add selection properties to ListItem
  b97fe51... listview: Reset listitems' CSS animations when rebinding
  e1a4092... listview: Add initial support for displaying selections
  8c51c04... listitem: Add a press gesture to select the item
  c09ebb9... gtk: Add a GtkGridView skeleton
  ccc411b... gridview: Add API for setting number of columns
  bce8fa7... wayland: Remove function declaration for nonexisting functi
  df0b2da... listitemmanager: Move list of listitems here
  128b3ed... gridview: Implement GtkScrollable
  105009e... listitemmanager: Simplify
  0b01c81... listitemmanager: Add trackers
  0e954ba... listview: Add gtk_list_view_set_show_separators()
  e8bf3f5... listitemfactory: Sanitize APIs
  cd618bb... listitemfactory: vfuncify
  48ec9fe... listitemfactory: Split implementation out
  f9dad89... listitemfactory: Add a factory for ui files
  30d3699... testlistview: Port to directory list
  cc92bde... testlistview: Load icons async
  cb301dd... listview: Add list.scroll_to_item action
  7264f6a... listview: Implement extending selections
  de9cf59... tests: Add a rough form of multiselection
  cd055f2... listview: Implement GtkOrientable
  06e2f34... gtk-demo: Add a rough start at a Weather demo
  7aef013... listview: Expose GtkListItemFactory APIs
  bbb9971... gridview: Add factory handling
  04374fa... gridview: Implement GtkOrientable
  cedb58c... listview: Pass the CSS name of listitems to the manager
  c4bdce8... gridview: Actually do something
  def6b9a... Add GtkTreeExpander
  9f8149a... demo: Add a GSettings tree demo
  a15cc64... inspector: Use a treeexpander in the recorder
  f30c599... inspector: Use a GtkTreeExpander in the object tree
  3436cf4... inspector: Make the recorder node list use a ListView
  26c611e... listitem: Change focus handling
  9200e6c... treeexpander: Implement input support
  9017f08... listview: Implement activation
  9caf209... listview: Track focus movements and update selection
  1db741d... listview: Implement (un)select all
  6491ef8... listview: Add a focus tracker
  c5d6e2f... listitem: Add "listitem.select" action and keybindings for 
  3dca62d... listview: Add gtk_list_view_get_position_at_y()
  86b447f... listview: Add move keybindings
  9202cb7... listitemfactory: Make the builder factory properly buildabl
  7f3cdf3... builderlistitemfactory: Add scope argument
  df40e8f... builder: Autofill scope property of listitemfactory
  d91e3da... gtk-demo: Introduce awards
  e442974... demo: Use a listview as sidebar
  1fcb634... listitemmanager: Handle NULL factory
  71dd221... widget: Add gtk_widget_get_size()
  f973fd2... gridview: Implement anchors and scrolling
  5cc87d4... selectionmodel: Add gtk_selection_model_user_select_item()
  eb7c489... gridview: Implement the list.select-item action
  2395b4b... gridview: Implement minimum row height
  db2bdaa... gridview: Add activation
  8de16d6... gridview: Implement list.scroll-to action
  97a0542... gridview: Add a focus tracker
  224fb16... gridview: Implement (un)select all
  a5f92b0... gridview: Add move keybindings
  64c6719... demo: Add a file browser demo
  fdf83c1... listview: Port various gridview improvements
  8b48666... gridview: Simplify allocation code
  8dde133... Add GtkListBase
  2a9ea2c... listbase: Move GtkScrollable implementation
  188042a... listbase: Move item manager here
  bbd7968... listbase: Move selection handling here
  e9fe80c... listbase: Move orientable implementation here
  06df96a... Remove gtk_selection_model_user_select_item() again
  3023d05... listbase: Move focus moving keybindings here
  03ab123... listbase: Add vfuncs to convert positions to/from coordinat
  1a39b8b... listbase: Take over anchor handling
  f4d5116... wip: Add GtkCoverFlow
  6486900... Add GtkColumnView skeleton
  a714fb4... gtk-demo: Add a minesweeper demo
  b6186ba... columnview: Allow adding/removing columns
  784e52e... Add GtkSignalListItemFactory
  92f05f1... gtk-demo: Add a Coverflow application launcher
  85f87a3... builder: Make gtk_builder_extend_with_template() work with 
  c61eb54... listitem: Make this a GObject
  d475b3e... listitemfactory: Reorganize vfuncs
  5feb2e6... listitemfactory: Simplify
  528e099... listitemwidget: Add a private struct
  f4f09ec... listitem: Move position/item/selected tracking to widget
  26f9b2a... listitemwidget: Lazily create listitems
  6aab151... columnview: Add listitems for the columns
  b2c9227... columnview: Implement GtkScrollable
  8d4fb3c... widget: Add a hook for resizes
  33bb163... columnview: Add GtkColumnViewCell
  3f4bf78... inspector: Port object tree to GtkColumnView
  450b863... columnview: Fix styling with Adwaita
  2c7ba96... constraint-editor: Don't poke around in widget internals
  0f1a914... columnview: Add a custom LayoutManager
  353c5f7... tests: Add testcolumnview
  0c73a09... columnview: Add header
  ac7ee46... inspector: Remove private struct from controllers
  0816093... inspector: Make Controller page a GtkWidget
  cb187f0... inspector: Remove private struct for prop editor
  cf4c150... xxx: Add a hack to make paintables transform to/from object
  f150595... gtk-demo: Add a Clocks demo
  63c4360... widget: Do parent_class handling properly
  b61b6cf... expression: Allow passing a this object to bind()
  2bc4a47... Add some tests for expression binding
  46de1bf... fontchooserwidget: Port to listmodels
  d8428ae... docs: Reorganize list widgets in their own chapter
  8946aea... builder-tool: Pass through CDATA where it makes sense
  bf2a53d... listitemwidget: Add single-click-activate
  16bbce0... listview: Add single-click-activate
  357c407... columnview: Add sorting
  e759c49... column view title: Show sort indicators
  ba3cd33... testcolumnview: Add sorters
  3e319cf... Add GtkTreeListRowSorter
  40b7818... testsuite: Add tests for GtkTreeListSorter
  5264047... gtk-builder-tool: Minimally validate <binding>

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