[vala-extra-vapis/wip/espeak: 1/4] added vapi for espeak

commit 8e5559f26be5d5c2950c91fa97b8bf3518b225a9
Author: grindhold <grindhold gmx net>
Date:   Mon Jun 22 22:25:05 2020 +0200

    added vapi for espeak

 libespeak.vapi | 198 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 198 insertions(+)
diff --git a/libespeak.vapi b/libespeak.vapi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e03edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libespeak.vapi
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ * Bindings for espeak
+ * Written by Grindhold
+ *
+ * Potential dragons. Thoroughly only tested the functions i need myself which are:
+ *   - Espeak.initialize
+ *   - Espeak.synth
+ *   - Espeak.synchronize
+ *   - Espeak.terminate
+ *   - Espeak.set_language_by_name
+ */
+[CCode (cprefix = "espeak", lower_case_cprefix = "espeak_", cheader_filename = "espeak/speak_lib.h")]
+namespace Espeak {
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_EVENT_TYPE", cprefix="espeakEVENT_")]
+    public enum EventType {
+        WORD,
+        SENTENCE = 2,        // Start of sentence
+        MARK = 3,            // Mark
+        PLAY = 4,            // Audio element
+        END = 5,             // End of sentence or clause
+        MSG_TERMINATED = 6,  // End of message
+        PHONEME = 7,         // Phoneme, if enabled in espeak_Initialize()
+        SAMPLERATE = 8       // internal use, set sample rate
+    }
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_EVENT")]
+    public struct Event {
+        public EventType type;
+        public int text_position;
+        public int length;
+        public int audio_position;
+        public int sample;
+        public void* user_data;
+        [CCode (cname="id.number")]
+        public int id_number;   
+        [CCode (cname="id.name")]
+        public const string id_name;
+        [CCode (cname="id.string")]
+        public char* id_string;  
+    }
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_POSITION_TYPE", cprefix="POS_")]
+    public enum PositionType {
+        CHARACTER,
+        WORD,
+        SENTENCE
+    }
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_AUDIO_OUTPUT", cprefix="AUDIO_OUTPUT_")]
+    public enum AudioOutput {
+        PLAYBACK,
+        RETRIEVAL,
+    }
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_ERROR", cprefix="EE_")]
+    public enum Error {
+        OK,
+        BUFFER_FULL,
+        NOT_FOUND
+    }
+    public const int INITIALIZE_PHONEME_EVENTS;
+    public const int INITIALIZE_PHONEME_IPA;
+    public const int INITIALIZE_DONT_EXIT;
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_Initialize")]
+    public int initialize(AudioOutput output, int buflength, string? path, int options);
+    [CCode (cname="t_espeak_callback")]
+    public delegate int Callback (short* s, int i, Event e);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_SetSynthCallback")]
+    public void set_synth_callback(Callback synth_callback);
+    public delegate int UriCallback(int i, string s1, string s2);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_SetUriCallback")]
+    public void set_uri_callback(UriCallback uri_callback);
+    [CCode (cname="espeakCHARS_AUTO")]
+    public const int CHARS_AUTO;
+    [CCode (cname="espeakCHARS_UTF8")]
+    public const int CHARS_UTF8;
+    [CCode (cname="espeakCHARS_8BIT")]
+    public const int CHARS_8BIT;
+    [CCode (cname="espeakCHARS_WCHAR")]
+    public const int CHARS_WCHAR;
+    [CCode (cname="espeakCHARS_16BIT")]
+    public const int CHARS_16BIT;
+    public const int SSML;
+    public const int PHONEMES;
+    public const int ENDPAUSE;
+    public const int KEEP_NAMEDATA;
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_Synth")]
+    public Error synth(void* text, size_t size, int position, PositionType position_type, uint end_position, 
uint flags, out uint unique_identifier, out void* user_data);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_SynthMark")]
+    public Error synth_mark(void* text, size_t size, string index_mark, uint end_position, uint flags, uint* 
unique_identifier, void* user_data);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_Key")]
+    public Error key(string key_name);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_Char")]
+    public Error @char(int16 character);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_PARAMETER", cprefix="espeak")]
+    public enum Parameter {
+        SILENCE,
+        RATE,
+        VOLUME,
+        PITCH,
+        RANGE,
+        CAPITALS,
+        WORDGAP,
+        OPTIONS,
+        INTONATION,
+        RESERVED1,
+        RESERVED2,
+        EMPHASIS,
+        LINELENGTH,
+        VOICETYPE,
+        [CCode (cname="N_SPEECHPARAM")]
+    }
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_PUNCT_TYPE", cprefix="espeakPUNKT_")]
+    public enum PunctType {
+        NONE,
+        ALL,
+        SOME
+    }
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_SetParameter")]
+    public Error set_parameter(Parameter parameter, int @value, int relative);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_GetParameter")]
+    public Error get_parameter(Parameter parameter, int current);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_SetPunctuationList")]
+    public Error set_punctuation_list(ref int16 punctlist);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_SetPhonemeTrace")]
+    public void set_phoneme_trace(int @value, out GLib.FileStream stream);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_TextToPhonemes")]
+    public string text_to_phonemes(void** textptr,int textmode, int phonememode);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_CompileDictionary")]
+    public void compile_dictionary(string path, GLib.FileStream log, int flags);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_VOICE")]
+    public struct Voice {
+        const string name;
+        const string languages;
+        const string identifier;
+        char gender;
+        char age;
+        char variant;
+        char xxl;
+        int score;
+        void* spare;
+    }
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_ListVoices")]
+    public Voice** list_voices(ref Voice voice_spec);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_SetVoiceByName")]
+    public Error set_voice_by_name(string name);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_setVoiceByProperties")]
+    public Error set_voice_by_properties(ref Voice voice_spec);
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_GetCurrentVoice")]
+    public Voice* get_current_voice();
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_Cancel")]
+    public Error cancel();
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_IsPlaying")]
+    public int is_playing();
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_Synchronize")]
+    public Error synchronize();
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_Terminate")]
+    public Error terminate();
+    [CCode (cname="espeak_Info")]
+    public string info(out string path_data);

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