[gnome-music] (90 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/mschraal/gtk4

The branch 'wip/mschraal/gtk4' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  9b21d92... Set GTK to version 4
  1badb56... Replace Gfm with GTK listmodels
  182dca4... Stop using libdazzle
  472a310... songwidget: Disable/remove EventBox
  d176b5b... albumwidget: Remove EventBox
  c4a1a26... searchheaderbar: Remove Gd usage
  312daf5... application: Fix style context provider
  624d2ed... window: Disable window placement
  add2bcd... data/ui: HeaderBar fixes
  801a118... SelectionBarMenuButton.ui: Fixup
  89dc521... AppMenu.ui: Cleanup
  05bb75b... headerbar: show-close-button -> show-title-buttons
  8e66bef... SearchHeaderBar.ui: Cleanup
  3d71f28... data/ui: PlayerToolbar cleanup & GTK4 fixes
  84ab61b... smoothscale: StyleContext getter does not need state
  d3f57b9... art: Disable surface usage
  10bfbc7... coverstack: Remove show_all
  64cc327... smoothscale: Remove gesturemultipress -> gestureclick
  30d9014... playertoolbar: Adapt set_from_icon_name API
  e917adc... EmptyView.ui: Cleanup
  f9c7a28... mediakeys: Fix controller
  3f5cc5e... grltrackerwrapper: Add Gtk import instead of Gfm
  6f7c948... window: Gesture 'fixes'
  2406cce... AlbumWidget.ui: Cleanup
  b17351f... albumsview: get_allocated_size -> get_allocation
  e2a2646... starhandlerwidget: Unbreak some iconsize stuff
  5c04030... playlistcontrols: Cleanup & disable some event stuff
  4bbe63a... playlistcontextmenu: Disable bind_model
  67a9aeb... data/ui: Cleanup SearchView
  b26c0b9... songwidget: Cleanup & break
  eae6212... artistalbumwidget: Cleanup
  bdb8b93... coverstack: Disable art
  000140e... coredisc: Gfm -> Gtk import
  837ff94... albumartcache: More surface mess
  e420072... albumartcache: More surface
  6b3f9ee... data/ui: Cleanup DiscBox
  f572ce6... disclistboxwidget: Disable song widget event
  156d418... disclistboxwidget: Make song_widget click controller somewh
  55eb8ae... window: Fix event controllers
  47c513b... mediakeys: Fix event controller
  5244496... smoothscale: Fix event controller
  c105967... AlbumWidget.ui: Fix running length label position
  4d125bf... WIP: covers: CoverPaintable
  709ff17... IconTheme gtk4 fixes *incomplete*
  dc1bd69... data/ui: AppMenu GTK4 fixes
  78743b2... flatpak: Add pygobject + template branch
  4e25bec... data/ui: SelectionBarMenuButton remove relief
  5951fab... data/ui: NotificationsPopup remove ShadowType
  905ad9d... data/ui: LoadingNotification use spinning property
  30c0147... window: Disable media keys for now
  7fb97a1... data/ui: Fix AlbumsViews margins
  17cb543... data/ui: AlbumWidget remove deprecated ShadowType
  7590cb5... artisttile: Fix margins for GTK 4
  91cdcfc... data/ui: PlaylistControls remove is-focus
  edd65d6... data/ui: PlaylistsWidget margins fix
  e256105... playlistswidget: Disable ctrlr
  d3897fc... playlistcontextmenu: Replace relative-to with set_parent
  39faf3e... data/ui: Fix PlaylistTile margins
  61027bf... playlistswidget: Disable some signals to make it work sligh
  0a8a7f7... songwidget: Disable DnD
  3ca703e... data/ui: Remove visible property from ArtistTile
  c7aa20e... data/ui: Remove visibility property from DiscBox
  7bffe09... Correctly reveal PlayerToolbar
  7cda229... playlistdialog.ui: remove type hint
  2080934... playlistdialog: assorted fixes
  9119b67... playlistdialog: Fix visibility
  51e0427... playlistdialogrow.ui: Fix margins for GTK4
  8f16369... searchview: Disable button-release-event spam
  978f686... Port listmodels to sorters and filters
  a025c6e... window: Remove Stack homogenous
  1383a87... notificationspopup: Work around Grid changes
  9c077da... headerbars: Fix title widget
  9f6271f... albumsview: add -> add_named
  d82682e... disclistboxwidget: row.add -> row.props.child =
  c682a84... songsview: gesturemultipress->gestureclick
  16999a7... albumsview: Disable on-demand cover loading
  b3186a5... albumsview: Fix select all/none
  383b95c... artistalbumswidget: Adapt to Container changes
  0681965... playlistsview: Adapt to Container removal
  c863083... searchview: Disable some deprecated stuff for now
  e678106... searchview: Adapt to Container removal

Commits added to the branch:

  5cb3126... window: Prevent creating new views if already loaded (*)
  e7a37b4... coredisc: Add callback error check (*)
  c2b5a1c... grltrackerwrapper: Remove unneeded arguments (*)
  29c5bd1... songwidget: Define song_number property (*)
  f195268... songwidget: Bind coresong properties (*)
  929e6ba... Update Kazakh translation (*)
  0de800a... Set GTK to version 4
  86093e1... Replace Gfm with GTK listmodels
  e29cc6b... Stop using libdazzle
  e0856b7... songwidget: Disable/remove EventBox
  938cfb8... albumwidget: Remove EventBox
  cb2709a... searchheaderbar: Remove Gd usage
  9d1a41c... application: Fix style context provider
  af9ebca... window: Disable window placement
  21a8387... data/ui: HeaderBar fixes
  bed3ec8... SelectionBarMenuButton.ui: Fixup
  205b154... AppMenu.ui: Cleanup
  08fcb57... headerbar: show-close-button -> show-title-buttons
  76a66b3... SearchHeaderBar.ui: Cleanup
  9c93f78... data/ui: PlayerToolbar cleanup & GTK4 fixes
  9ac524b... smoothscale: StyleContext getter does not need state
  6ee822b... art: Disable surface usage
  a040196... coverstack: Remove show_all
  6ac816e... smoothscale: Remove gesturemultipress -> gestureclick
  6a63d2e... playertoolbar: Adapt set_from_icon_name API
  fc724e5... EmptyView.ui: Cleanup
  5055a4a... mediakeys: Fix controller
  5357471... grltrackerwrapper: Add Gtk import instead of Gfm
  a4f8d2f... window: Gesture 'fixes'
  d05a3b3... AlbumWidget.ui: Cleanup
  84b7d77... albumsview: get_allocated_size -> get_allocation
  7654427... starhandlerwidget: Unbreak some iconsize stuff
  a334718... playlistcontrols: Cleanup & disable some event stuff
  8050899... playlistcontextmenu: Disable bind_model
  11cf45e... data/ui: Cleanup SearchView
  cbc0c2c... songwidget: Cleanup & break
  41257a5... artistalbumwidget: Cleanup
  58d05d7... coverstack: Disable art
  fbf84ba... coredisc: Gfm -> Gtk import
  081de8e... albumartcache: More surface mess
  c6b2195... albumartcache: More surface
  499e856... data/ui: Cleanup DiscBox
  f2c84d3... disclistboxwidget: Disable song widget event
  aaab0bb... disclistboxwidget: Make song_widget click controller somewh
  b61d6ff... window: Fix event controllers
  102b7f0... mediakeys: Fix event controller
  2bfeeb0... smoothscale: Fix event controller
  c85500e... AlbumWidget.ui: Fix running length label position
  c0c9b47... WIP: covers: CoverPaintable
  a621d44... IconTheme gtk4 fixes *incomplete*
  8a51815... data/ui: AppMenu GTK4 fixes
  99abf71... flatpak: Add pygobject + template branch
  a455fdf... data/ui: SelectionBarMenuButton remove relief
  40eae2c... data/ui: NotificationsPopup remove ShadowType
  fda8de0... data/ui: LoadingNotification use spinning property
  7b46dd5... window: Disable media keys for now
  b65a79c... data/ui: Fix AlbumsViews margins
  ba4b15a... data/ui: AlbumWidget remove deprecated ShadowType
  6c7ff0d... artisttile: Fix margins for GTK 4
  e58281a... data/ui: PlaylistControls remove is-focus
  5a8205b... data/ui: PlaylistsWidget margins fix
  186adc6... playlistswidget: Disable ctrlr
  12a7766... playlistcontextmenu: Replace relative-to with set_parent
  52cd1d6... data/ui: Fix PlaylistTile margins
  20119a2... playlistswidget: Disable some signals to make it work sligh
  e97d3eb... songwidget: Disable DnD
  1eb5025... data/ui: Remove visible property from ArtistTile
  83b4e45... data/ui: Remove visibility property from DiscBox
  983982e... Correctly reveal PlayerToolbar
  d41bf46... playlistdialog.ui: remove type hint
  b001641... playlistdialog: assorted fixes
  f662389... playlistdialog: Fix visibility
  a464fa8... playlistdialogrow.ui: Fix margins for GTK4
  9461db6... searchview: Disable button-release-event spam
  b121264... Port listmodels to sorters and filters
  245412d... window: Remove Stack homogenous
  d4561b7... notificationspopup: Work around Grid changes
  d7b68f0... headerbars: Fix title widget
  0a0f4e4... albumsview: add -> add_named
  bff6359... disclistboxwidget: row.add -> row.props.child =
  f720699... songsview: gesturemultipress->gestureclick
  77f17b8... albumsview: Disable on-demand cover loading
  fc0de92... albumsview: Fix select all/none
  766d1e6... artistalbumswidget: Adapt to Container changes
  e793237... playlistsview: Adapt to Container removal
  11b5ffd... searchview: Disable some deprecated stuff for now
  2910fc3... searchview: Adapt to Container removal
  3fdcd33... data/ui: Correct gesture use in AlbumsView
  ad34108... data/ui: Correct gesture controller in SongsView
  861fe3c... data/ui: Remove has-focus property form PlaylistControls

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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