[gtk/drop-entry-completion-actions] entrycompletion: Drop action support

commit 2798350cdffa1ee709cd3897449975a4531b9e16
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date:   Mon Jun 22 14:12:45 2020 -0400

    entrycompletion: Drop action support
    This api has not really been kept up with current
    user experiences in popups, and we're better off
    just dropping it and letting people do their own
    popups if they need custom UI.

 gtk/gtkentrycompletion.c    | 292 ++------------------------------------------
 gtk/gtkentrycompletion.h    |  12 --
 gtk/gtkentryprivate.h       |   5 -
 tests/testentrycompletion.c |  12 --
 4 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 311 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtk/gtkentrycompletion.c b/gtk/gtkentrycompletion.c
index e2128842db..bea8f182cc 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkentrycompletion.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkentrycompletion.c
@@ -42,12 +42,6 @@
  * To add completion functionality to an entry, use gtk_entry_set_completion().
- * In addition to regular completion matches, which will be inserted into the
- * entry when they are selected, #GtkEntryCompletion also allows to display
- * “actions” in the popup window. Their appearance is similar to menuitems,
- * to differentiate them clearly from completion strings. When an action is
- * selected, the #GtkEntryCompletion::action-activated signal is emitted.
- *
  * GtkEntryCompletion uses a #GtkTreeModelFilter model to represent the
  * subset of the entire model that is currently matching. While the
  * GtkEntryCompletion signals #GtkEntryCompletion::match-selected and
@@ -103,7 +97,6 @@ enum
@@ -148,21 +141,8 @@ static void     gtk_entry_completion_list_activated      (GtkTreeView        *tr
                                                           GtkTreePath        *path,
                                                           GtkTreeViewColumn  *column,
                                                           gpointer            user_data);
-static void     gtk_entry_completion_action_activated    (GtkTreeView        *treeview,
-                                                          GtkTreePath        *path,
-                                                          GtkTreeViewColumn  *column,
-                                                          gpointer            user_data);
 static void     gtk_entry_completion_selection_changed   (GtkTreeSelection   *selection,
                                                           gpointer            data);
-static void     gtk_entry_completion_insert_action       (GtkEntryCompletion *completion,
-                                                          gint                index,
-                                                          const gchar        *string,
-                                                          gboolean            markup);
-static void     gtk_entry_completion_action_data_func    (GtkTreeViewColumn  *tree_column,
-                                                          GtkCellRenderer    *cell,
-                                                          GtkTreeModel       *model,
-                                                          GtkTreeIter        *iter,
-                                                          gpointer            data);
 static gboolean gtk_entry_completion_match_selected      (GtkEntryCompletion *completion,
                                                           GtkTreeModel       *model,
@@ -312,23 +292,6 @@ gtk_entry_completion_class_init (GtkEntryCompletionClass *klass)
                   G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-  /**
-   * GtkEntryCompletion::action-activated:
-   * @widget: the object which received the signal
-   * @index: the index of the activated action
-   *
-   * Gets emitted when an action is activated.
-   */
-  entry_completion_signals[ACTION_ACTIVATED] =
-    g_signal_new (I_("action-activated"),
-                  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass),
-                  G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-                  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkEntryCompletionClass, action_activated),
-                  NULL, NULL,
-                  NULL,
-                  G_TYPE_NONE, 1,
-                  G_TYPE_INT);
   entry_completion_props[PROP_MODEL] =
       g_param_spec_object ("model",
                            P_("Completion Model"),
@@ -553,32 +516,6 @@ gtk_entry_completion_constructed (GObject *object)
   gtk_widget_set_size_request (gtk_scrolled_window_get_vscrollbar (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW 
                                -1, 0);
-  /* actions */
-  priv->actions = gtk_list_store_new (2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
-  priv->action_view =
-    gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->actions));
-  g_object_ref_sink (priv->action_view);
-  g_signal_connect (priv->action_view, "row-activated",
-                    G_CALLBACK (gtk_entry_completion_action_activated),
-                    completion);
-  gtk_tree_view_set_enable_search (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->action_view), FALSE);
-  gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->action_view), FALSE);
-  gtk_tree_view_set_hover_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->action_view), TRUE);
-  gtk_tree_view_set_activate_on_single_click (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->action_view), TRUE);
-  sel = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->action_view));
-  gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (sel, GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE);
-  gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all (sel);
-  cell = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
-  gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data_func (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->action_view),
-                                              0, "",
-                                              cell,
-                                              gtk_entry_completion_action_data_func,
-                                              NULL,
-                                              NULL);
   /* pack it all */
   priv->popup_window = gtk_popover_new ();
   gtk_popover_set_position (GTK_POPOVER (priv->popup_window), GTK_POS_BOTTOM);
@@ -602,19 +539,11 @@ gtk_entry_completion_constructed (GObject *object)
   popup_frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL);
   gtk_popover_set_child (GTK_POPOVER (priv->popup_window), popup_frame);
-  priv->vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0);
-  gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (popup_frame), priv->vbox);
   gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (priv->scrolled_window),
   gtk_widget_set_hexpand (priv->scrolled_window, TRUE);
   gtk_widget_set_vexpand (priv->scrolled_window, TRUE);
-  gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (priv->vbox), priv->scrolled_window);
-  /* we don't want to see the action treeview when no actions have
-   * been inserted, so we pack the action treeview after the first
-   * action has been added
-   */
+  gtk_frame_set_child (GTK_FRAME (popup_frame), priv->scrolled_window);
@@ -768,8 +697,6 @@ gtk_entry_completion_dispose (GObject *object)
   if (priv->entry)
     gtk_entry_set_completion (GTK_ENTRY (priv->entry), NULL);
-  g_clear_object (&priv->actions);
-  g_clear_object (&priv->action_view);
   g_clear_object (&priv->cell_area);
   G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_entry_completion_parent_class)->dispose (object);
@@ -889,54 +816,6 @@ gtk_entry_completion_list_activated (GtkTreeView       *treeview,
   _gtk_entry_completion_popdown (completion);
-static void
-gtk_entry_completion_action_activated (GtkTreeView       *treeview,
-                                       GtkTreePath       *path,
-                                       GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
-                                       gpointer           user_data)
-  GtkEntryCompletion *completion = GTK_ENTRY_COMPLETION (user_data);
-  gtk_entry_reset_im_context (GTK_ENTRY (completion->priv->entry));
-  g_signal_emit (completion, entry_completion_signals[ACTION_ACTIVATED],
-                 0, gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path)[0]);
-  _gtk_entry_completion_popdown (completion);
-static void
-gtk_entry_completion_action_data_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,
-                                       GtkCellRenderer   *cell,
-                                       GtkTreeModel      *model,
-                                       GtkTreeIter       *iter,
-                                       gpointer           data)
-  gchar *string = NULL;
-  gboolean markup;
-  gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter,
-                      0, &string,
-                      1, &markup,
-                      -1);
-  if (!string)
-    return;
-  if (markup)
-    g_object_set (cell,
-                  "text", NULL,
-                  "markup", string,
-                  NULL);
-  else
-    g_object_set (cell,
-                  "markup", NULL,
-                  "text", string,
-                  NULL);
-  g_free (string);
 static void
 gtk_entry_completion_selection_changed (GtkTreeSelection *selection,
                                         gpointer          data)
@@ -1175,102 +1054,6 @@ gtk_entry_completion_complete (GtkEntryCompletion *completion)
     _gtk_entry_completion_resize_popup (completion);
-static void
-gtk_entry_completion_insert_action (GtkEntryCompletion *completion,
-                                    gint                index,
-                                    const gchar        *string,
-                                    gboolean            markup)
-  GtkTreeIter iter;
-  gtk_list_store_insert (completion->priv->actions, &iter, index);
-  gtk_list_store_set (completion->priv->actions, &iter,
-                      0, string,
-                      1, markup,
-                      -1);
-  if (!gtk_widget_get_parent (completion->priv->action_view))
-    {
-      GtkTreePath *path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (0, -1);
-      gtk_tree_view_set_cursor (GTK_TREE_VIEW (completion->priv->action_view),
-                                path, NULL, FALSE);
-      gtk_tree_path_free (path);
-      gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (completion->priv->vbox),
-                          completion->priv->action_view);
-      gtk_widget_show (completion->priv->action_view);
-    }
- * gtk_entry_completion_insert_action_text:
- * @completion: a #GtkEntryCompletion
- * @index_: the index of the item to insert
- * @text: text of the item to insert
- *
- * Inserts an action in @completion’s action item list at position @index_
- * with text @text. If you want the action item to have markup, use
- * gtk_entry_completion_insert_action_markup().
- *
- * Note that @index_ is a relative position in the list of actions and
- * the position of an action can change when deleting a different action.
- */
-gtk_entry_completion_insert_action_text (GtkEntryCompletion *completion,
-                                         gint                index_,
-                                         const gchar        *text)
-  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_ENTRY_COMPLETION (completion));
-  g_return_if_fail (text != NULL);
-  gtk_entry_completion_insert_action (completion, index_, text, FALSE);
- * gtk_entry_completion_insert_action_markup:
- * @completion: a #GtkEntryCompletion
- * @index_: the index of the item to insert
- * @markup: markup of the item to insert
- *
- * Inserts an action in @completion’s action item list at position @index_
- * with markup @markup.
- */
-gtk_entry_completion_insert_action_markup (GtkEntryCompletion *completion,
-                                           gint                index_,
-                                           const gchar        *markup)
-  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_ENTRY_COMPLETION (completion));
-  g_return_if_fail (markup != NULL);
-  gtk_entry_completion_insert_action (completion, index_, markup, TRUE);
- * gtk_entry_completion_delete_action:
- * @completion: a #GtkEntryCompletion
- * @index_: the index of the item to delete
- *
- * Deletes the action at @index_ from @completion’s action list.
- *
- * Note that @index_ is a relative position and the position of an
- * action may have changed since it was inserted.
- */
-gtk_entry_completion_delete_action (GtkEntryCompletion *completion,
-                                    gint                index_)
-  GtkTreeIter iter;
-  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_ENTRY_COMPLETION (completion));
-  g_return_if_fail (index_ >= 0);
-  gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child (GTK_TREE_MODEL (completion->priv->actions),
-                                 &iter, NULL, index_);
-  gtk_list_store_remove (completion->priv->actions, &iter);
  * gtk_entry_completion_set_text_column:
  * @completion: a #GtkEntryCompletion
@@ -1333,14 +1116,12 @@ void
 _gtk_entry_completion_resize_popup (GtkEntryCompletion *completion)
   GtkAllocation allocation;
-  gint matches, actions, items, height;
+  gint matches, items, height;
   GdkSurface *surface;
   GtkRequisition entry_req;
   GtkRequisition tree_req;
   GtkTreePath *path;
   gint width;
-  GtkTreeViewColumn *action_column;
-  gint action_height;
   surface = gtk_native_get_surface (gtk_widget_get_native (completion->priv->entry));
@@ -1355,8 +1136,6 @@ _gtk_entry_completion_resize_popup (GtkEntryCompletion *completion)
                                  &entry_req, NULL);
   matches = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (completion->priv->filter_model), NULL);
-  actions = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (completion->priv->actions), NULL);
-  action_column  = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (completion->priv->action_view), 0);
   /* Call get preferred size on the on the tree view to force it to validate its
    * cells before calling into the cell size functions.
@@ -1365,8 +1144,6 @@ _gtk_entry_completion_resize_popup (GtkEntryCompletion *completion)
                                  &tree_req, NULL);
   gtk_tree_view_column_cell_get_size (completion->priv->column,
                                       NULL, NULL, NULL, &height);
-  gtk_tree_view_column_cell_get_size (action_column,
-                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, &action_height);
   gtk_widget_realize (completion->priv->tree_view);
@@ -1387,11 +1164,6 @@ _gtk_entry_completion_resize_popup (GtkEntryCompletion *completion)
   gtk_widget_set_size_request (completion->priv->popup_window, width, -1);
   gtk_scrolled_window_set_min_content_height (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (completion->priv->scrolled_window), items 
* height);
-  if (actions)
-    gtk_widget_show (completion->priv->action_view);
-  else
-    gtk_widget_hide (completion->priv->action_view);
   if (matches > 0)
       path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (0, -1);
@@ -1888,7 +1660,6 @@ gtk_entry_completion_timeout (gpointer data)
       >= completion->priv->minimum_key_length)
       gint matches;
-      gint actions;
       GtkTreeSelection *s;
       gboolean popup_single;
@@ -1896,14 +1667,8 @@ gtk_entry_completion_timeout (gpointer data)
       matches = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (completion->priv->filter_model), NULL);
       gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all (gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW 
-      s = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (completion->priv->action_view));
-      gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all (s);
-      actions = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (completion->priv->actions), NULL);
       g_object_get (completion, "popup-single-match", &popup_single, NULL);
-      if ((matches > (popup_single ? 0: 1)) || actions > 0)
+      if (matches > (popup_single ? 0: 1))
           if (gtk_widget_get_visible (completion->priv->popup_window))
             _gtk_entry_completion_resize_popup (completion);
@@ -1943,7 +1708,7 @@ gtk_entry_completion_key_pressed (GtkEventControllerKey *controller,
                                   GdkModifierType        state,
                                   gpointer               user_data)
-  gint matches, actions = 0;
+  gint matches;
   GtkEntryCompletion *completion = GTK_ENTRY_COMPLETION (user_data);
   GtkWidget *widget = completion->priv->entry;
   GtkText *text = gtk_entry_get_text_widget (GTK_ENTRY (widget));
@@ -1968,9 +1733,6 @@ gtk_entry_completion_key_pressed (GtkEventControllerKey *controller,
   matches = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (completion->priv->filter_model), NULL);
-  if (completion->priv->actions)
-    actions = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (completion->priv->actions), NULL);
   if (keyval_is_cursor_move (keyval))
       GtkTreePath *path = NULL;
@@ -1978,13 +1740,13 @@ gtk_entry_completion_key_pressed (GtkEventControllerKey *controller,
       if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Up || keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Up)
           if (completion->priv->current_selected < 0)
-            completion->priv->current_selected = matches + actions - 1;
+            completion->priv->current_selected = matches - 1;
       else if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Down || keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Down)
-          if (completion->priv->current_selected < matches + actions - 1)
+          if (completion->priv->current_selected < matches - 1)
             completion->priv->current_selected = -1;
@@ -1992,7 +1754,7 @@ gtk_entry_completion_key_pressed (GtkEventControllerKey *controller,
       else if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Page_Up)
           if (completion->priv->current_selected < 0)
-            completion->priv->current_selected = matches + actions - 1;
+            completion->priv->current_selected = matches - 1;
           else if (completion->priv->current_selected == 0)
             completion->priv->current_selected = -1;
           else if (completion->priv->current_selected < matches)
@@ -2018,22 +1780,21 @@ gtk_entry_completion_key_pressed (GtkEventControllerKey *controller,
               if (completion->priv->current_selected > matches - 1)
                 completion->priv->current_selected = matches - 1;
-          else if (completion->priv->current_selected == matches + actions - 1)
+          else if (completion->priv->current_selected == matches - 1)
               completion->priv->current_selected = -1;
               completion->priv->current_selected += PAGE_STEP;
-              if (completion->priv->current_selected > matches + actions - 1)
-                completion->priv->current_selected = matches + actions - 1;
+              if (completion->priv->current_selected > matches - 1)
+                completion->priv->current_selected = matches - 1;
       if (completion->priv->current_selected < 0)
           gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all (gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW 
-          gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all (gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW 
           if (completion->priv->inline_selection &&
@@ -2045,8 +1806,6 @@ gtk_entry_completion_key_pressed (GtkEventControllerKey *controller,
       else if (completion->priv->current_selected < matches)
-          gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all (gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW 
           path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (completion->priv->current_selected, -1);
           gtk_tree_view_set_cursor (GTK_TREE_VIEW (completion->priv->tree_view),
                                     path, NULL, FALSE);
@@ -2073,22 +1832,6 @@ gtk_entry_completion_key_pressed (GtkEventControllerKey *controller,
                                      &child_iter, &entry_set);
-      else if (completion->priv->current_selected - matches >= 0)
-        {
-          gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all (gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW 
-          path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (completion->priv->current_selected - matches, -1);
-          gtk_tree_view_set_cursor (GTK_TREE_VIEW (completion->priv->action_view),
-                                    path, NULL, FALSE);
-          if (completion->priv->inline_selection &&
-              completion->priv->completion_prefix)
-            {
-              gtk_editable_set_text (GTK_EDITABLE (completion->priv->entry),
-                                     completion->priv->completion_prefix);
-              gtk_editable_set_position (GTK_EDITABLE (widget), -1);
-            }
-        }
       gtk_tree_path_free (path);
@@ -2200,21 +1943,6 @@ keypress_completion_out:
             retval = FALSE;
-      else if (completion->priv->current_selected - matches >= 0)
-        {
-          sel = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (completion->priv->action_view));
-          if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (sel, &model, &iter))
-            {
-              GtkTreePath *path;
-              path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (completion->priv->current_selected - matches, -1);
-              g_signal_emit_by_name (completion, "action-activated",
-                                     gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path)[0]);
-              gtk_tree_path_free (path);
-            }
-          else
-            retval = FALSE;
-        }
       g_free (completion->priv->completion_prefix);
       completion->priv->completion_prefix = NULL;
diff --git a/gtk/gtkentrycompletion.h b/gtk/gtkentrycompletion.h
index dfe561c474..6fd623edd9 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkentrycompletion.h
+++ b/gtk/gtkentrycompletion.h
@@ -94,18 +94,6 @@ void                gtk_entry_completion_complete               (GtkEntryComplet
 void                gtk_entry_completion_insert_prefix          (GtkEntryCompletion          *completion);
-void                gtk_entry_completion_insert_action_text     (GtkEntryCompletion          *completion,
-                                                                 gint                         index_,
-                                                                 const gchar                 *text);
-void                gtk_entry_completion_insert_action_markup   (GtkEntryCompletion          *completion,
-                                                                 gint                         index_,
-                                                                 const gchar                 *markup);
-void                gtk_entry_completion_delete_action          (GtkEntryCompletion          *completion,
-                                                                 gint                         index_);
 void                gtk_entry_completion_set_inline_completion  (GtkEntryCompletion          *completion,
diff --git a/gtk/gtkentryprivate.h b/gtk/gtkentryprivate.h
index af5e24cd8c..895fada177 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkentryprivate.h
+++ b/gtk/gtkentryprivate.h
@@ -48,8 +48,6 @@ struct _GtkEntryCompletionClass
   gboolean (* match_selected)   (GtkEntryCompletion *completion,
                                  GtkTreeModel       *model,
                                  GtkTreeIter        *iter);
-  void     (* action_activated) (GtkEntryCompletion *completion,
-                                 gint                index_);
   gboolean (* insert_prefix)    (GtkEntryCompletion *completion,
                                  const gchar        *prefix);
   gboolean (* cursor_on_match)  (GtkEntryCompletion *completion,
@@ -65,7 +63,6 @@ struct _GtkEntryCompletionPrivate
   GtkWidget *tree_view;
   GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
   GtkTreeModelFilter *filter_model;
-  GtkListStore *actions;
   GtkCellArea *cell_area;
   GtkEntryCompletionMatchFunc match_func;
@@ -82,9 +79,7 @@ struct _GtkEntryCompletionPrivate
   /* only used by GtkEntry when attached: */
   GtkWidget *popup_window;
-  GtkWidget *vbox;
   GtkWidget *scrolled_window;
-  GtkWidget *action_view;
   gulong completion_timeout;
   gulong changed_id;
diff --git a/tests/testentrycompletion.c b/tests/testentrycompletion.c
index efdc9467d6..68985d7383 100644
--- a/tests/testentrycompletion.c
+++ b/tests/testentrycompletion.c
@@ -182,14 +182,6 @@ match_func (GtkEntryCompletion *completion,
   return ret;
-static void
-activated_cb (GtkEntryCompletion *completion, 
-             gint                index,
-             gpointer            user_data)
-  g_print ("action activated: %d\n", index);
 static gint timer_count = 0;
 static const char *dynamic_completions[] = {
@@ -379,10 +371,6 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
   g_signal_connect (completion, "match-selected", 
                    G_CALLBACK (match_selected_cb), NULL);
-  gtk_entry_completion_insert_action_text (completion, 100, "action!");
-  gtk_entry_completion_insert_action_text (completion, 101, "'nother action!");
-  g_signal_connect (completion, "action_activated", G_CALLBACK (activated_cb), NULL);
   /* Create our third entry */
   entry = gtk_entry_new ();

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