[libsecret/wip/nielsdg/gir-tests] meson: Add tests for GIR-based languages

commit 8dbb72dbe32c9fae24d7857f729a9fa517ccd0ec
Author: Niels De Graef <nielsdegraef gmail com>
Date:   Mon Jun 1 08:15:20 2020 +0200

    meson: Add tests for GIR-based languages
    Also add a test suite argument to more easily distinguish them.

 libsecret/meson.build | 114 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 tool/meson.build      |   6 ++-
 2 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libsecret/meson.build b/libsecret/meson.build
index d3a577c..289bc55 100644
--- a/libsecret/meson.build
+++ b/libsecret/meson.build
@@ -187,13 +187,36 @@ test_cflags = [
-mock_service_lib = static_library('mock-service',
+mock_service_lib = library('mock-service',
   dependencies: glib_deps,
   c_args: test_cflags,
   include_directories: config_h_dir,
+if get_option('introspection')
+  mock_service_gir = gnome.generate_gir(mock_service_lib,
+    sources: files('mock-service.c', 'mock-service.h'),
+    namespace: 'MockService',
+    nsversion: '0',
+    export_packages: 'mock-service-0',
+    includes: [ 'GObject-2.0', 'Gio-2.0' ],
+    header: 'libsecret/mock-service.h',
+  )
+  if get_option('vapi')
+    mock_service_vapi = gnome.generate_vapi('mock-service-0',
+      sources: mock_service_gir[0],
+      packages: [
+        'gobject-2.0',
+        'gio-2.0',
+        libsecret_vapi,
+      ],
+    )
+  endif
+# C tests
 test_names = [
@@ -223,5 +246,92 @@ foreach _test : test_names
     c_args: test_cflags,
-  test(_test, test_bin)
+  test(_test, test_bin,
+    suite: 'libsecret',
+  )
+# Tests with introspection
+if with_gir
+  # env to be used in tests that use the typelib,
+  # to make sure they find the one for MockService
+  test_typelib_env = environment()
+  test_typelib_env.set('GI_TYPELIB_PATH', meson.current_build_dir())
+  test_typelib_env.set('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', meson.current_build_dir())
+  # Python Tests
+  pytest_names = [
+    'test-py-lookup',
+    'test-py-clear',
+    'test-py-store',
+  ]
+  pymod = import('python')
+  python3 = pymod.find_installation()
+  foreach _pytest : pytest_names
+    py_test = meson.current_source_dir() / _pytest + '.py'
+    test(_pytest, python3,
+      args: py_test,
+      depends: mock_service_gir[1],
+      env: test_typelib_env,
+      suite: 'python',
+    )
+  endforeach
+  # JS Tests
+  jstest_names = [
+    'test-js-lookup',
+    'test-js-clear',
+    'test-js-store',
+  ]
+  gjs = find_program('gjs', required: false)
+  if gjs.found()
+    foreach _jstest : jstest_names
+      js_test = meson.current_source_dir() / _jstest + '.js'
+      test(_jstest, gjs,
+        args: js_test,
+        depends: mock_service_gir[1],
+        env: test_typelib_env,
+        suite: 'javascript',
+      )
+    endforeach
+  else
+    message('GJS not found. Not running Javascript tests')
+  endif
+  # Vala tests
+  if with_vapi
+    # FIXME: the "native" kwarg should be added once we can require meson ≥0.54
+    add_languages('vala')
+    valac = meson.get_compiler('vala')
+    valatest_names = [
+      'test-vala-lang',
+      'test-vala-unstable',
+    ]
+    foreach _valatest : valatest_names
+      test_bin = executable(_valatest,
+        '@0@.vala'.format(_valatest),
+        dependencies: [
+          glib_deps,
+          valac.find_library('glib-2.0'),
+          valac.find_library('gio-2.0'),
+          libsecret_vapi,
+          mock_service_vapi,
+        ],
+        link_with: mock_service_lib,
+        include_directories: config_h_dir,
+        c_args: test_cflags,
+      )
+      test(_valatest, test_bin,
+        suite: 'vala',
+      )
+    endforeach
+  endif
diff --git a/tool/meson.build b/tool/meson.build
index 8abd247..13cb4c9 100644
--- a/tool/meson.build
+++ b/tool/meson.build
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ secret_tool = executable('secret-tool',
 if get_option('gcrypt') and host_machine.system() != 'windows'
-       find_program('test-secret-tool.sh'),
-       env: test_env)
+    find_program('test-secret-tool.sh'),
+    env: test_env,
+    suite: 'secret-tool',
+  )

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