[tracker] (64 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch sam/umockdev

The branch 'sam/umockdev' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  01361f4... trackertestutils: Split helpers.py into sandbox and storehe
  a844ad0... trackertestutils: Add helper function to dconf module
  9d237d4... trackertestutils: Add an optional D-Bus system bus to the s

Commits added to the branch:

  137c3a0... libtracker-sparql: Add API call to list TrackerResource pro (*)
  64c2e2a... libtracker-sparql: Fix introspection annotation and docs fo (*)
  5a013fc... Merge branch 'wip/carlosg/writeback-refactor' into 'master' (*)
  0f8e12e... libtracker-sparql: Add API to serialize and deserialize a T (*)
  c4585b6... Merge branch 'wip/carlosg/writeback-refactor' into 'master' (*)
  ef9ed04... libtracker-sparql: Add cast to fix compile warning (*)
  e5f30f7... trackertestutils: Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly on 64bit sy (*)
  1dac3e3... Update Romanian translation (*)
  082dda4... Update Polish translation (*)
  492805d... libtracker-sparql: Check length in get_value_type (*)
  6897570... Merge branch 'wip/phako/colomn-is-bound' into 'master' (*)
  87ab73e... libtracker-data: Accept statement bindings in limit/offset (*)
  463e2db... libtracker-data: Don't add select variable unless on topmos (*)
  b868d51... libtracker-data: Improve error message of BIND() variable e (*)
  96c7cb1... libtracker-data: Propagate remote error messages through th (*)
  12abe96... libtracker-data: Ensure subselects propagate the SelectClau (*)
  7297788... tests: Add tests for binding arguments in limit/offset (*)
  27b9ada... tests: Add tests for UNION of subselects with different var (*)
  2331a15... libtracker-sparql: Remove unused doc comment (*)
  179b46d... libtracker-sparql: Assert that values are bound in accessor (*)
  f794e77... trackertestutils: Add a way to run multiple commands in one (*)
  45cdd04... trackertestutils: Don't write config with --use-session-dir (*)
  ae4f1c8... trackertestutils: Improvement to option parsing (*)
  456b5b6... trackertestutils: Fix argument parsing (*)
  9797b1e... Merge branch 'sam/check-if-bound' into 'master' (*)
  6885274... Merge branch 'wip/carlosg/grilo-fixes' into 'master' (*)
  c65e02f... libtracker-data: Improve error messages (*)
  3fdb688... libtracker-data: Provide snippet of parsing failures (*)
  b0aea34... tests: Fix wrong syntax in query (*)
  d330282... Merge branch 'wip/carlosg/better-errors' into 'master' (*)
  42221c4... Merge branch 'sam/sandbox-updates' into 'master' (*)
  4988d9f... libtracker-data: Check graph existence in property function (*)
  9be82ef... tests: Add test for property function calls in non-existent (*)
  18f8564... Merge branch 'wip/carlosg/property-function-graph-check' in (*)
  eb9022c... ontologies: Add nmm:artist property for nmm:MusicPiece (*)
  4c48fa1... ontologies: Change nmm:performer to a multivalued property (*)
  6e37711... libtracker-data: Avoid revisiting already transacted parser (*)
  d9e6fb6... libtracker-sparql: Handle write errors with DBus cursors (*)
  127d7b6... libtracker-data: Release non-select statements (*)
  f5c7cc6... libtracker-data: Avoid unescaping unichar characters if unn (*)
  0a33f7c... libtracker-direct: Use the update thread for update_array o (*)
  e83b691... libtracker-sparql: Fix possible invalid writes in TrackerRe (*)
  c361fdf... libtracker-data: Plug GError leak (*)
  0af7be1... libtracker-sparql: Plug GVariantIter leak in TrackerEndpoin (*)
  955efb0... libtracker-sparql: Plug GError leak in TrackerEndpointDBus (*)
  5acaeae... nepomuk: Replace tracker:Volume with tracker:IndexedFolder (*)
  18e8fbe... Merge branch 'wip/carlosg/perf-improvements' into 'master' (*)
  a4c062e... Merge branch 'wip/carlosg/leak-fixes' into 'master' (*)
  4c21f2a... Merge branch 'wip/carlosg/indexed-folder-ontology' into 'ma (*)
  1fb487b... Update Japanese translation (*)
  b1c54a4... Update Japanese translation (*)
  2f0fdcc... libtracker-data: Use function to pretty print a IRI (*)
  4a8d6c0... libtracker-data: Use md5 to uniquify graph in-memory databa (*)
  20abf9b... libtracker-data: Fix possible critical in error paths (*)
  af97ced... libtracker-data: Rebuild TrackerSparql SQL string on graph  (*)
  74357e4... libtracker-data: Store stmt for SparqlBNODE() function (*)
  926e34a... libtracker-data: Check further the DBus name in SERVICE uri (*)
  bbae610... libtracker-sparql: Handle TrackerEndpointDBus cursor writes (*)
  bf81af0... tests: Add test for UNION of local and remote URNs (*)
  2064d9c... Merge branch 'wip/carlosg/service-fixes' into 'master' (*)
  39a32ed... Merge branch 'wip/jfelder/track-artist-ontology' into 'mast (*)
  12a23d2... trackertestutils: Split helpers.py into sandbox and storehe
  6d407e8... trackertestutils: Add helper function to dconf module
  032e7ba... trackertestutils: Add an optional D-Bus system bus to the s

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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